

Warrior Nation's Joann Charles makes the presentation to one of the house mothers

Started by Albertina Phillip over 20 years ago in her own home on Market St. in Couva, Phillip's Children Home provides a safe haven for abandoned kids. The home was moved to Camden Road about 11 years ago when a new structure was built by the National Gas Company of Trinidad & Tobago (NGC). Olympic gold medalist Hasely Crawford was instrumental in getting NGC involved. The Home does not receive any assistance from the Government and relies on NGC employees and the general public for support.

This year the Warrior Nation decided to donate the proceeds of our 2008 Holiday Food Drive to the children of Phillip's Home, and we feel good that we have been able to assist in putting smiles on the little ones faces. The home currently houses 21 children, but has a capacity for 26.

We would like to thank the following individuals for their contributions:
Juma Bridgewater
Arlene Caton
Joann Charles
Anne De Silva
Paul Date
Kwame Delandro
Duane Gonzalez
Damian Joseph
Peter Khan
Flex Mohammed
Nigel Myers
Patricia Smart
Roderick Spence
Brian Springer
Clive Valley
Tyron Waterman
Nkosi Wiley
Staff of Maple Leaf International School




400 gms Lentils 3 pkts
2kg Rice 5 pkts
1 kg Rice 1 pkt
Vienna Sausage 16 tins
400 gms Spaghetti 4 pkts
Corn Beef 4 tins
Green Pigeon Peas 3 tins
Red Kidney Beans 6 tins
45 gms juice 8 pkts
800 gm Macaroni 2 pkts
Baked Beans 3 tins
Peas and Carrots 2 tins
300 gms Elbows 2 pkts
Ovaltine 400 gm 1 bottle
Ovaltine 800 gm 1 bottle
255 gm Heinz mustard 1 bottle
567 gm Heinz ketchup 1 bottle
Whole corn 2 tins
1 lt Orchard Sorrel 2 boxes
1 lt Orange 1 box
Black Eyed Peas 1 tin
Tuna 6 tins
Fresh Pick Orange Juice 1 tin
Trinidad Fruit Punch 1 tin
Sardines 3 tins
Butter Cookies 1 tin
2 kg whole wheat flour 1 pkt
2 kg flour 1 pkt
Bath soap 44 blocks
Evaporated milk 1 tin
1800 gm Kerrygold full cream milk 1pk
1.5 lt oil 1 bottle
500 ml oil 1 bottle
Chick Peas 1 tin
120 gm lasco food drink 1 pkt
2 kg sugar 1 pkt
Dishwashing Liquid 2 bottles
Body Lotion 2 bottles
Bathroom Cleaner 2 tin
Toothpaste 181 gms 2 tubes
80 gm Pringles 1 tin


A set of tea cups, saucers, and coffee cups were donated.


  • 1 case cheddar cheese
  • 2 cases of chicken. Since on average 3 chickens are used for dinner, this would provide at least 8 meals for the 21 children.
  • 2 cases of 1800 gms full cream milk
  • 2 cases of toothpaste



1  Flying Disc
1 Doll
1 Horse path car series
1 Motorcycle
1 Super car


One of the Home's greatest needs is for psychological support as well as the implementation of a big brother/big sister programme. The contact information is provided below for anyone who is interested in assisting with this effort.

Phillip's Children Home
Camden Road

Phone: 868-796-2582
Contact: Joanne George