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Topics - Ray Agostini

Pages: [1]
Other Sports / Fighters Rated.
« on: May 04, 2012, 06:47:31 PM »
Just popping in to post a link to my son's website Fighters Rated, for those who may be interested.

Hope that's okay with the mods.

General Discussion / British Historians and the West Indies.
« on: July 18, 2011, 11:48:53 PM »
I'm just curious how many here have read Eric Williams' British Historians and the West Indies, and if so, your opinion of it.

I realise that members of this forum are probably sick and tired of being bombarded with questions about crime in T&T.  I’m not even going to bother to quote the crime statistics.

What I’d like to know, in a nutshell (or a coconut shell if you prefer), why has this nation gone from being the paradise of the Caribbean, to the murder capital of the Caribbean (unless Jamaica is ahead).

My Australian friends often ask me why I left a paradise like Trinidad to migrate to a “boring” place like Australia, and my response is, yes, it was a paradise, and geographically and weather-wise, it still is, but it now has some “serious problems”.

My aim in this post is not to judge, nor condemn, but to seriously wonder why Trinidad became a “Paradise Lost”. Was it because of racial inequality? Is it because of current economic inequality?

What is the root of so much violence in this formerly peaceful Caribbean nation?

An inquiring mind wants to understand.

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