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Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Whomst Among Us Let the Dogs Out?
« on: March 06, 2020, 08:25:02 PM »
Whomst Among Us Let the Dogs Out?

Episode 389 of the 99% Invisible Podcast, takes a deep dive to establish the origins of Baha Men's year 2000 smash hit 'Who Let the Dogs Out':

Enlisting the help of Ben Sisto, whose decade long search to uncover the song's origins resulted in a 2019 documentary of the same name, the show traces the DNA of the hit song, shining a light on various songs to have included the iconic phrase. Watch a trailer for Sisto's film below:


What about Track & Field / Usain Bolt loses an Olympic gold medal
« on: June 01, 2018, 11:25:10 AM »
Usain Bolt loses an Olympic gold medal as Jamaica teammate ruled to have been doping
by Des Bieler (The Washington Post)

May 31, 2018

Usain Bolt is no longer perfect in his three trips to the Olympics, and he'll have to settle for a haul of just eight gold medals. The sprinting superstar, who retired in August, lost a piece of glory from the Games when an international sports tribunal upheld a ruling Thursday that a Jamaica teammate was doping during the men's 4×100 relay race at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

Nesta Carter had run the first leg of that race, with Bolt going third in an effort that not only got Jamaica a gold medal but set a world record. However, in an effort to prevent dopers from competing at the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro, the International Olympic Committee had dozens of athletes' samples from the 2008 and 2012 Games retested, using improved methods, and Carter was found to have had traces of a banned stimulant in his system.

The Court of Arbitration for Sport, based in Lausanne, Switzerland, dismissed Carter's appeal Thursday, which disqualifies the entire 2008 Jamaican relay team, including Asafa Powell and Michael Frater. In a statement, the CAS said that a three-member panel, composed of officials from Israel, Italy and the United Kingdom, "concluded that the reanalysis of Nesta Carter's sample collected following the race at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games confirmed the presence of methylhexaneamine."

The panel "could not accept any of the arguments raised by Nesta Carter contending that the test results should be ignored or the IOC DP decision should otherwise be overturned for certain alleged failures," the CAS said.

"The rules are the rules but at the end of the day the joy of winning that relay gold Medal in Beijing 2008 with my teammates will last forever," Bolt wrote on social media Thursday, posting a photo of himself with the other three.

Thus the Olympic record books will not show that Bolt went nine for nine in the 100 meters, 200 meters and 4×100 relay over the 2008, 2012 and 2016 Games. That, of course, won't do much to sully his reputation as the greatest sprinter, and arguably the greatest track and field athlete, of all time, particularly given his dominance in the individual events.

Bolt holds world records in all three of those events, setting the marks in the 100 (9.58) and 200 (19.19) in 2009, while his Jamaican squad - including Carter - posted a time of 36.84 at the 2012 Olympics. The 31-year-old also holds the record in the 150 meters (14.35), although that distance is not formally recognized by track's governing body, International Association of Athletics Federations.

In addition to offering an upbeat comment Thursday on the lost gold medal, Bolt took to social media to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first time he set the record in the 100. He would go on to better that mark 10 weeks later with a time of 9.69 at the 2008 Olympics before running his 9.58 the following year at the world championships in Berlin.

With the disqualification of Bolt's Jamaica team, 2008 Olympic gold medals in the men's 4×100 will go to Trinidad and Tobago, which finished second on the track in Beijing, with Japan getting silver medals and Brazil moving up to bronze.

TT relay to get Olympic gold after JA’s Carter loses appeal
by Andrew Gioanetti (T&T Newsday)

TT’s 4x100m team will receive gold medals a decade after the Beijing Olympics after the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) yesterday dismissed Nesta Carter’s appeal against the ruling to strip Jamaica of its relay title.

Carter appealed the CAS decision in February after testing positive for methylhexaneamine, a banned stimulant, in 2016, eight years after the sample was collected.

Marc Burns, Keston Bledman, Richard Thompson, Emmanuel Callender and Aaron Armstrong were on the TT relay team that was initially awarded silver after clocking 38.06 seconds. With the ruling, Japan and Brazil were confirmed as the silver and bronze medal winners, respectively.

The result of the decision also meant Michael Frater and Asafa Powell lost their gold medals along with Bolt, who can no longer lay claim to a historic gold medal three-peat (100, 200 and 4x100m) at three consecutive Olympic games (2008-2016).

The CAS judgment noted: “We (do) not accept any of the arguments raised by Nesta Carter contending that the test results should be ignored or that the decision should otherwise be overturned for certain alleged failures.”

It continued: “Accordingly, the CAS panel dismissed the appeal and the decision is confirmed.”

Carter was also part of the Jamaica 4x100m team that beat TT for gold at the 2012 London Olympics, as well as the 4x100 relay teams that won gold at the World Championships in 2011, 2013 and 2015.

The news was both expected and welcomed by the TT team.

Speaking with Newsday yesterday, Burns said while receiving the gold medals in 2008 would have been more impactive, he and his team-mates can celebrate their positions among the world’s elite runners.

“At that time Trinidad and Tobago’s achievement would have been more monumental with the medal haul… and (my) team-mates could have benefited financially with the gold medal,” the 35-year-old said.

“But, the fact still remains with this confirmation, the team will be part of an elite fraternity of Olympic gold medallists, and that title cannot be taken from us.” Burns sympathised with Bolt and the other Jamaican athletes who were penalised for Carter’s actions. “(However) it is still disheartening for clean athletes to lose out when we try do things the right way,” he said.

“Bolt’s legacy has already been cemented as one of the greatest athletes to ever grace the sport of track and field and his achievements will remain for generations to come.”

Newsday also spoke with TT Olympic Committee (TTOC) president Brian Lewis who said the local governing body will wait until it receives official correspondence from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) before making a full statement. Pending this communication, Lewis said “it’s (still) one of those moments where it’s not an overwhelming sense of jubilation or triumph” given the time lapse and the repercussions for the Jamaican athletes.

“It will always be a bitter sweet scenario because we are one Caribbean people,” he said. Lewis lauded the IOC for its “determination to address the issue of doping in sport.”

“The T&T Olympic Committee, which is in fact the de facto national anti-doping organisation at this point in time, remains firmly committed to clean sport and clean athletes,” said Lewis.

General Discussion / Nazi/Jew separated twins born in Port of Spain
« on: November 12, 2015, 10:33:04 PM »

Jack Yufe dies at 82; he was raised Jewish, his identical twin as a Nazi
LA Times

It sounded like a tabloid headline: Identical twins separated after birth. One grew up Jewish, the other a Nazi.

But the story of Jack Yufe and his brother was not just about their stark differences.

After decades and oceans apart, the men came together as adults to learn they dressed alike, walked alike, and had the same hot temper and quirks, including a fondness for scaring others with an explosively loud sneeze.

They both read books from back to front, loved butter and spicy food and flushed the toilet before they used it.

“They were a great example of how twins, despite different environments, ended up being very much alike,” said Cal State Fullerton psychology professor Nancy Segal, who studied the brothers as part of a well-known Minnesota research project on separated twins.

Yufe, a San Ysidro businessman, died Monday in a San Diego hospital from stomach cancer, his family said. He was 82.

Of 137 pairs of separated twins in the two-decade University of Minnesota study, 56 were fraternal and 81 were identical. Yufe and his brother, Oskar Stohr, stood out because of their dramatically dissimilar backgrounds.

Born in Port of Spain, Trinidad, on Jan. 16, 1933, they were 6 months old when their parents split up.

Oskar went to Germany with his Catholic mother, Elizabeth, and grew up as the Nazis rose to power. Like his fellow students, he greeted the school principal with “Heil, Hitler,” and was warned by his grandmother to never let on that his father, Joseph, was Jewish. As an act of survival, Oskar joined the Hitler Youth movement.

Years later, he confessed that he had dreamed that he shot down his twin in an aerial dogfight. Jack had a similar nightmare about killing Oskar with a bayonet.

For Jack, however, the war was a distant threat, experienced mainly through newsreels he saw growing up in Trinidad with their father. His childhood was difficult in other ways.

“As a white, red-headed boy in a predominantly black and Indian culture, he stood out a lot and was beat up a lot,” said his son, Kenneth. “He was constantly having to prove himself.” Luckily, he was highly competitive and and excelled athletically.

Jack knew he was Jewish but didn’t feel the weight of that identity until he was 15 and was sent to Venezuela to live with an aunt who had been in Dachau and was the only European relative on his father’s side to survive the Holocaust.

She urged Jack to move to Israel and his father agreed that it would be good for him. Jack reluctantly emigrated at 16 and served a stint in the Israeli navy.

In 1954, before heading to the United States where his father had settled, he decided to stop in Germany to look up his brother. They were 21 when they met for the first time as adults.

The reunion did not go well. Because of the language barrier, “there was a lot of smiling but not much to say,” Yufe recalled in The Times in 1979. He also remembered that his brother, worried about anti-Semitic family members, insisted he not mention his Jewish heritage and hid the luggage tags that showed Yufe had been in Israel.

But there was something more upsetting than their differences.

When they met at the train station, Jack and Oskar were chagrined to find that not only did they have the same neat mustaches and receding hairlines, they were wearing similar wire-rimmed glasses and matching, light-colored sports jackets.

“We had identical clothes. I got mine in Israel and he got his in Germany. Exactly the same color, with two buttons,” Yufe recalled in a 1999 BBC documentary. “I said, ‘Oskar, you are wearing the same shirt and same glasses. Why?’ He said to me, ‘Why are you wearing same thing that I am?’

“We didn’t like the fact we looked so identical.”

They went 25 years without seeing each other again.

In early 1979, Yufe’s then-wife, Ona, showed him a magazine article about the “Jim Twins,” a pair of long-separated Ohio twins who were each named Jim by their respective adoptive parents. Like Yufe and his brother, Jim Springer and Jim Lewis found each other as adults and were astounded by the parallels in their lives, including similar jobs in law enforcement and ex-wives with the same first name.

The two Jims had become the first subjects of the Minnesota twins study. Yufe was intrigued and thought he and Oskar should also participate.

“I thought it perhaps would be a good idea...to meet in neutral territory to hash out all this, all the hidden feelings,” he recalled in an interview with The Times in 1979.

The researchers jumped at the chance and invited them to Minnesota for a week. Yufe and Stohr became the seventh set of twins to enter the study.

“Jack and his brother clearly have the greatest differences in background I’ve ever seen among identical twins reared apart,” Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., the University of Minnesota psychologist who headed the study, told The Times in 1979.

Bouchard found that, despite their radically opposite upbringings, they were strikingly similar in temperament, rate of speech and other characteristics.

“I always thought I picked up my nervous habits from my father – like fidgeting with other people’s rubber bands and pads and paper clips—until I saw [Oskar],” Yufe said in The Times. “He’s the same way.”

Although the brothers got to know one another much better through the study and subsequent visits, their relationship never lost its prickly edge. Oskar had the same competitive nature, and the rivalry between them “was just nonstop,” Kenneth Yufe said Tuesday, recalling the time the two men even battled to see who had the best technique for cleaning a dirty car window.

“They had an extraordinary love-hate relationship,” said Segal, who wrote about the brothers in her 2005 book “Indivisible by Two: Lives of Extraordinary Twins.”

“They were repelled and fascinated by each other. They could not let go of the twinship,” she said.

Stohr, who spent many years working in mines, died from lung cancer in 1997. Yufe did not attend the funeral, in part because he worried that he would only be a painful reminder of his twin’s death.

In San Ysidro, Yufe built a successful business selling blue jeans and work boots to farmworkers from the back of his van. He eventually opened a store, El Progreso, and went to work every day until he was 80.

He and his brother were included in a number of films about twins, including a 1999 German documentary, “Oskar and Jack.”

Yufe, whose first marriage ended in divorce, is survived by his wife, Ruth; their children, Kenneth and Ani; two children from his first marriage, Hobi Reader and Devra Gregory; two stepsons, Renee and Enrique Vega; sisters Natasha and Sonja; a half-brother, Peter; and four grandchildren.

Segal once asked Yufe if he loved his brother. Noting that they spent no more than a month together as adults, he replied: “Love each other? We don’t even know if we liked each other.”

What he did know was that he could not blame his brother for the circumstances that put them on opposite sides of World War II.

“Children have no say in what they are taught,” he told Segal. “If we had been switched, I would have taken Oskar’s place for sure.

“It doesn’t bother me, but I’m glad I was not on the other side.”

Football / Why Baseball Is Losing Its Grip on Cuba
« on: June 09, 2015, 03:37:07 PM »
Why Baseball Is Losing Its Grip on Cuba
By Brian Costa (Wall Street Journal)

Baseball has long been a national Cuban passion, but young people are increasingly more interested in soccer; ‘It’s a generational thing’


For seven decades, Cubans have streamed through the gates of Estadio Latinoamericano to watch baseball. Nestled in a neighborhood of narrow streets and pastel homes, it is the country’s largest stadium, with room for 55,000 fans. But these days, one of the gates behind home plate serves another purpose: makeshift soccer goal.

On most weekday evenings, when the ballpark is idle, children gather on the street beside the closed entrance for a half-field, pickup soccer game. Most play in sneakers, others in sandals or bare feet. All take aim at the rectangular gate, scoring only when the tattered ball hits the metal bars.

“You can start a soccer game anywhere,” said Xavier Toledo, 24, during a quick break in play.

On an island where baseball is as embedded in the culture as rumba and cigars, soccer is more than just banging on the gate. It is emerging as the sport of choice for young people, a generational shift that highlights the global nature of the threat to baseball’s future.

While baseball remains a national passion here, the game’s ubiquity in public spaces and on television is giving way to soccer to a degree that was unimaginable even five years ago. Throughout Havana, casual soccer games occupy streets, sidewalks and parks that have long been the near-exclusive domain of informal variations of baseball. FC Barcelona and other European club stickers adorn the backs of cars and pedicabs.

“Cuban people are, by default, baseball fans,” said Joel Chacon, a 38-year-old sommelier at a cigar shop in Old Havana. “But there is a generation under 30 that doesn’t care about baseball.”

Even at the city’s Parque Central, where men famously gather daily to engage in high-decibel debates about baseball, soccer is creeping into the conversation. On a recent afternoon, a few dozen men split into two huddles. While one group talked baseball, the other shouted about soccer topics ranging from the Champions League final to the poor quality of fields in Cuba.

Standing off to the side between the two groups, 37-year-old Michel Hernandez said, “The old people prefer baseball because it’s a tradition, but the young people prefer soccer.”

The extent of the change is difficult to quantify. Officials from the Cuban government ministry that oversees sports and recreation declined to comment. But even Cuban baseball aficionados don’t deny that the sport has lost some of its traditional grip on young people. And it isn’t strictly a Cuban issue any more than it is an American one.

In Japan, another traditional hotbed of the sport, the number of boys playing baseball for their junior high school teams—a primary outlet for casual participation there—fell by 28% between 2009 and 2014, according to official figures. Japanese amateur baseball officials say the game is losing the casual young player to soccer. And with its audience skewing increasingly older, the Japanese professional league is making a bigger push to promote the game among young people.

From the outside looking in, this would seem like a boom time for baseball in Cuba. Since 2012, Major League Baseball teams have spent more than $400 million on Cuban free agents. Last year’s All-Star Game featured five Cuban-born players, the most in 40 years, including Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Yasiel Puig and Chicago White Sox slugger Jose Abreu. Eighteen Cuban-born players appeared on MLB rosters at the start of this season, the third-highest total among countries outside the U.S. As the U.S. and Cuban governments work to reestablish diplomatic ties, MLB is hoping to play a spring training game on the island in 2016.

By contrast, the island has produced few notable soccer players. Its national team hasn’t appeared in the World Cup since 1938.

But in a country where most people don’t have Internet access—according to the White House, Cuba has an Internet penetration of about 5%—television is the primary means by which they connect to the world. In that regard, Cuban-born MLB stars might as well be playing on Pluto.

Cuba’s state-run television network shows a recording of one MLB game every Sunday, typically a few days after it is played. But before the recent thaw in relations with the U.S., games involving so-called defectors were never shown. A game last month featuring Cuban-born Kansas City Royals slugger Kendrys Morales was the first such game broadcast on state TV.

Meanwhile, the network shows several European soccer matches a week. The difference in exposure has given soccer stars such as Lionel Messi, the iconic Barcelona forward, more cachet than any Cuban MLB player.

“There are T-shirts and banners and everything for soccer,” said Leonardo Arias, a 50-year-old Havana restaurant manager. “You don’t see anything for baseball.”

Baseball in Cuba dates to the 1860s, when it was introduced by visiting American sailors. Fidel Castro, the retired Cuban leader, is an avid fan of the sport. And for most of the past century, young Cubans have played it by any means they could devise. Outside the network of state-run academies geared toward more serious players, it has taken on various forms as a neighborhood game.

One is called four corners, which requires neither bats nor gloves. Players smack the ball into play with their bare hands. In another version, batters swing at a bottle cap with a stick. These informal games make baseball accessible far beyond the boundaries of actual baseball fields.

But such traditions are increasingly being eclipsed by makeshift soccer games, some of which use a pair of rocks to mark imaginary goal posts. And organized baseball is suffering from a shortage of equipment.

Ihosvany Gallego, an 81-year-old former pitcher in the Cuban winter league who has been coaching youth baseball for nearly 50 years, said bats, gloves and other gear traditionally provided by the government have become scarce.

“Nowadays, for kids to be involved in baseball, their parents need to have some money or work somewhere where they have access to equipment,” he said. “It’s easier and less expensive to play soccer.”

Even without competition from other sports, Gallego said the children he coaches are quicker to lose patience with the slower pace of baseball than past generations. To keep them engaged, he is increasingly working other sports into their training, such as volleyball and swimming.

“They get bored,” he said.

Like many older Cubans, Gallego believes baseball will forever remain the island’s premier sport. He dismissed the soccer fixation as a cult of celebrity, in which children wear the jerseys of European players whose field positions they can’t even name.

But for some younger Cubans, the nuances of the sport are beside the point. To them, baseball is an emblem of a fading era of Cuban nationalism. Soccer is a vehicle for them to feel more a part of the wider world. “It’s a generational thing,” said Humberto Garcia, 24, standing on the sideline of an evening soccer game at Ciudad Deportiva, Havana’s sprawling recreational sports park.

Garcia recalled his childhood. Back then, the area of the park where he stood was used for baseball. His favorite sports team was the Seattle Mariners. His idol was Ken Griffey Jr. He played the game until he was 13. Then, he started watching soccer on television. It has since replaced baseball as his primary sports fixation.

“When I have a son,” he said, “I’m going to buy him a Messi shirt.”

—George Nishiyama contributed to this article.

Quizz Time & Facts / 2 medals in 1958 commonwealth games
« on: April 09, 2015, 03:56:11 PM »
What where the 2 bronze medals for in the '58 games

This patch is currently available on ebay

General Discussion / King Abdullah dies at 90
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:55:26 PM »
King Abdullah, Who Nudged Saudi Arabia
Forward, Dies at 90
NY Times

JAN. 22, 2015

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who came to the throne in old age and earned a
reputation as a cautious reformer even as the Arab Spring revolts toppled
heads of state and Islamic State militants threatened the Muslim
establishment that he represented, died on Friday, Saudi officials said. He was

The cause was unknown. He had been in a hospital since December and
placed on a respirator.

Succession was swift. Abdullah’s brother and crown prince, Salman, in a
statement attributed to him on Saudi state television, announced the king’s
death and that he had assumed the throne.

The royal court, quoted by the official Saudi Press Agency, said the king
had a lung infection when he was admitted on Dec. 31 to the Riyadh hospital
named for his father, Abdul Aziz, who through conquest and multiple
marriages forged the desert kingdom in the years after the destruction of the
Ottoman Empire.

Accidents of birth and geology made Abdullah one of the world’s
wealthiest and most powerful men. In control of a fifth of the world’s known
petroleum reserves, he traveled to medical appointments abroad in a fleet of
jumbo jets, and the changes he wrought in Saudi society were fueled by
gushers of oil money.


Football / Thread for the T&T WNT vs Mexico WNT Game (26-Oct-2014)
« on: October 25, 2014, 07:33:31 PM »

As usual, any updates/scores, shout-outs, reports, predictions, views, etc, on the Mexico WNT vs T&T WNT 2014 CONCACAF Women's Championship 3rd place match/2015 World Cup Qualifiers game at PPL Park, Chester, PA 3:00 PM EDT on the 26th of October 2014 will be posted here, this way, we can maintain the message board and not make it look too scrappy with un-necessary or related headlines and postings on game day.

Ticket Info for PPL Park

For the internet users, you can follow the game at:

Possible Online Streams.




Possible TV Station.

FOX Sports 1

Trinidad & Tobago Squad


Kimika Forbes, Tinesha Palmer.


Ayanna Russell, Rhea Belgrave, Arin King, Liana Hinds, Brianna Ryce, Khadisha Debessette, Lauren Hutchinson, Patrice Superville.


Khadidra Debessette, Maylee Attin Johnson, Janine Francois, Karyn Forbes, Anique Walker.


Mariah Shade, Dernelle Mascall, Tasha St Louis, Ahkeela Mollon, Kennya Cordner.

Coach - Randy Waldrum.

Mexico Squad


Cecilia Santiago, Pamela Tajonar


Arianna Romero, Bianca Sierra, Alina Garciamendez, Paulina Solís, Kenti Robles, Mónica Alvarado, Christina Murillo


Liliana Mercado, Nayeli Rangel, Teresa Noyola, Karla Nieto, Dinora Garza

Charlyn Corral, Stephany Mayor, Mónica Ocampo, Veronica Perez, Tanya Samarzich, Luz Duarte

COACH - Leonardo Cuéllar

Updates to follow as we get more info, so keep checking back.

Football / Thread for the Costa Rica WNT vs T&T WNT Game (24-Oct-2014)
« on: October 22, 2014, 09:38:38 AM »
As usual, any updates/scores, shout-outs, reports, predictions, views, etc, on the Costa Rica WNT vs T&T WNT 2014 CONCACAF Women's Championship semi-final/2015 World Cup Qualifiers game at PPL Park, Chester, PA 4:30 PM EDT on the 24th of October 2014 will be posted here, this way, we can maintain the message board and not make it look too scrappy with un-necessary or related headlines and postings on game day.

For the internet users, you can follow the game at:

Ticket Info for PPL Park

Possible Online Streams.



Possible TV Station.

FOX Sports 2

Trinidad & Tobago Squad


Kimika Forbes, Tinesha Palmer.


Ayanna Russell, Rhea Belgrave, Arin King, Liana Hinds, Brianna Ryce, Khadisha Debessette, Lauren Hutchinson, Patrice Superville.


Khadidra Debessette, Maylee Attin Johnson, Janine Francois, Karyn Forbes, Anique Walker.


Mariah Shade, Dernelle Mascall, Tasha St Louis, Ahkeela Mollon, Kennya Cordner.

Coach - Randy Waldrum.

Costa Rica Squad


Dinnia Díaz, Yirlania Arroyo   


Gabriela Guillén, Mariam Ugalde, Diana Sáenz, Carol Sánchez, Daniela Cruz, Noelia Bermúdez, Yesmi Rodríguez, Fabiola Sánchez


Mariana Benavides, Gloriana Villalobos, Shirley Cruz Traña, Lixy Rodríguez, Cristin Granados, Katherine Alvarado

Carolina Venegas, Raquel Rodríguez, Daphnne Herrera, Wendy Acosta

COACH - Carlos Avedissian

Updates to follow as we get more info, so keep checking back.

General Discussion / Nazi 'perfect Aryan' poster child was Jewish
« on: July 02, 2014, 06:34:49 PM »
ha ha, outfoxed

Nazi 'perfect Aryan' poster child was Jewish
By Justin Huggler, Berlin (UK Telegraph)

When Hessy Taft was six months old, she was a poster child for the Nazis. Her photograph was chosen as the image of the ideal Aryan baby, and distributed in party propaganda. But what the Nazis didn’t know was that their perfect baby was really Jewish.

“I can laugh about it now,” the 80-year-old Professor Taft told Germany’s Bild newspaper in an interview. “But if the Nazis had known who I really was, I wouldn’t be alive.”

Prof Taft recently presented the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Israel with a Nazi magazine featuring her baby photograph on the front cover, and told the story of how she became an unlikely poster child for the Third Reich.

Her parents, Jacob and Pauline Levinsons, both talented singers, moved to Berlin from Latvia to pursue careers in classical music in 1928, only to find themselves caught up in the Nazis’ rise to power.

Her father lost his job at an opera company because he was Jewish, and had to find work as a door-to-door salesman.

In 1935, with the city rife with anti-semitic attacks, Pauline Levinsons took her six-month-old daughter Hessy to a well-known Berlin photographer to have her baby photograph taken.

A few months later, she was horrified to find her daughter’s picture on the front cover of Sonne ins Hause, a major Nazi family magazine.

Terrified the family would be exposed as Jews, she rushed to the photographer, Hans Ballin. He told her he knew the family was Jewish, and had deliberately submitted the photograph to a contest to find the most beautiful Aryan baby.

“I wanted to make the Nazis ridiculous,” the photographer told her.

He succeeded: the picture won the contest, and was believed to have been chosen personally by the Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

Frightened she would be recognised on the streets and questions asked about her identity, Prof Taft’s parents kept her at home.

Her photograph appeared on widely available Nazi postcards, where she was recognised by an aunt in distant Memel, now part of Lithuania. But the Nazis never discovered Prof Taft’s true identity.

In 1938, her father was arrested by the Gestapo on a trumped up tax charge, but released when his accountant, a Nazi party member, came to his defence.

After that, the family fled Germany. They moved first to Latvia, before settling in Paris only for the city to fall to the Nazis.

With the help of the French resistance, they escaped again, this time to Cuba, and in 1949 the family moved to the United States.

Today the Jewish woman who was once a Nazi poster child is a professor of chemistry in New York.

“I feel a little revenge,” she said of presenting her photograph to Yad Vashem. “Something like satisfaction.”

USA Today's 10 best Caribbean Celebrations


Junkanoo is way too far ahead. Trini is at 5 at the moment.

Football / US Soccer boss impressed by TT Warriors
« on: June 18, 2014, 09:04:28 AM »
US Soccer boss impressed by TT Warriors
(T&T Newsday)

Monday, June 16 2014

TRINIDAD AND Tobago gained a few mentions during the FIFA and Concacaf Congress’ held at the Sheraton Hotel in Sao Paulo, Brazil last week.

Following its displays against Argentina and Iran earlier this week, the twin-island republic has gained valuable recognition and much good has been said about the team’s efforts.

Among those sending commendation TT’s way was Sunil Gulati, president of the United States Soccer Federation and member of the FIFA Executive Committee.

Gulati met with Trinidad and Tobago Football Association’s general secretary Sheldon Phillips at the Concacaf Congress.

“I think it’s an exciting time obviously as the confederation is moving forward in a number of different ways. We have had a long history with Trinidad and Tobago dating back to a long time.” Gulati continued, “I’ve known Sheldon Phillips for a long time and I met Raymond Tim Kee a couple years ago. I think the Association is in good hands and it’s exciting time for Concacaf and the relationship between Trinidad and Tobago and the US. “We’re moving forward in a lot of way.”

“It’s not just about the World Cup. The world is focussed right now on this tournament. But we have growth in MLS, in player registrations, coaches, referees, television audiences and it’s on all those fronts and hopefully we can continue that trend,” Gulati added.

Commenting on the TT team’s recent outings, he added, “They (Trinidad and Tobago) are making progress I think that the organisation and the team is going to get better over time. And clearly with Raymond and Sheldon there I think you will see a lot of positive changes.

On the field they’ve always had some very good players and now with the organisation’s support I think they’ll be a lot stronger.”

Tim Kee, the TTFA president who was in Sao Paulo for the Congress, said he was quite pleased with the run of events, noting the emphasis on development by Concacaf.

“The news that is of interest to me and should of course be the same to the TTFA is the decision by Concacaf to introduce these development programmes.

Football / A Fairer World Cup Draw
« on: June 05, 2014, 03:15:38 PM »
What do you think of this?


"FIFA seeded eight top teams and drew them to separate groups, but after that, geography, not skill, dictated the rest: teams from the same continent cannot be drawn into the same group, with the exception of European teams – a maximum of two of them per group is allowed.

For instance, Brazil, given automatic elite status as the host country, had an equal chance of drawing the United States (ranked No. 13 at the time) as drawing Honduras (ranked No. 34) simply because both teams are from North America. Or Spain could just as likely have drawn Ghana as Cameroon (No. 59 at the time, lowest in the tournament). Ultimately, this method produces groups with a huge variance in strength, and this year’s tournament is no different.

What if there were a better way?

Julien Guyon, a French mathematician, has come up with a method of drawing World Cup teams that produces more balanced groups. In the table above, we’ve made an interactive version of his method along with FIFA‘s so you can see for yourself. The Guyon method isn’t better every single time, but on average, the groups are much more balanced.

The Guyon method differs from FIFA’s in a very simple way: All the teams are seeded, according to their world ranking, 1 through 32. The teams are then assigned groups in a manner similar to any other large tournament, like the N.C.A.A. basketball tournaments, with an attempt to group higher-rated teams with lower-rated ones."

Football / Guinness International Cup 2014
« on: May 09, 2014, 01:19:51 PM »

NEW YORK - CITI FIELD - JULY 24, 2014 @ 8:00 PM

DENVER, CO - SA FIELD - JULY 26, 2014 @ 2:10 PM





DALLAS, TX - COTTON BOWL - JULY 29, 2014 @ 8:15 PM


PHILADELPHIA, PA - LFF - AUGUST 02, 2014 @ 1:00 PM


MICHIGAN - ANN ARBOR - AUGUST 02, 2014 @ 4:06 PM



Football / 1977 Cosmos vs Caribbean All Stars
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:14:10 AM »
This match was on Sept 1, 1977 at the Oval and included 4 T&T players - DeLeon, Llewellyn (who scored one of the goals), Spann, and Russell Teixeira.

Back Row Standing - From Left: Ernst Jean Joseph (Haiti), Giorgio Chinaglia (9), Hugh Bell (Jamaica), Franz Beckenbauer (6), Leroy Spann (T&T), Erol Yasin (19), Sir Ellis Clarke, Ken Galt (TTFA president), Eric Alleyne (Barbados), Bobby Smith (12), Edmund Leilis (Suriname), Carlos Alberto (25), Wilfred Jacobs (Curacao), Rildo (23), Arsene Auguste (Haiti).

Front Row Stooping - From Left: Leroy DeLeon (T&T), Jadranko Topic (18), Russell Teixeira (T&T), Ramon Mifflin (15), Orville Edwards (Jamaica), Jose Sabin (Martinique), Pele (10), Ricky Goddard (Barbados), Tony Field (7), Sammy Llewellyn (T&T), Werner Roth (4), Arnold Zebeda (Suriname), Remi Olmberg (Suriname)-Capt.

Football / Cordell Cato vs Jamaica, 1:0
« on: March 01, 2014, 07:47:10 PM »
Recap: Quakes 1, Portmore United 0

Quakes wrap up their preseason trip with a dominating performance over Portmore

Goal at 54:10 in the video in the 40' of the match.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/cxgyh5LnDaM" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/cxgyh5LnDaM</a>

Portland, Ore. – The San Jose Earthquakes wrapped up their appearance at the Rose City Invitational with a 1-0 win against Portmore United at Providence Park on Saturday.

Cordell Cato’s goal in the 39th minute was the difference as San Jose finished the tournament 2-1-0 with a pair of 1-0 wins. The Earthquakes dominated the run of play, out-shooting the Jamaican squad 20-10.

Clarence Goodson nearly opened the scoring in the 25th minute. Shea Salinas whipped a corner kick into the mix where Goodson leapt for a powerful header that Portmore United goalkeeper Kemar Foster dove to save.

Jean-Baptiste Pierazzi was the next player to force a save from Foster. Cordell Cato created the chance with a nifty move near the edge of the area, crossing to the near post where Pierazzi pounded a diving header that would have found the net if not for another diving effort from Foster.

Minutes later, Victor Bernardez continued San Jose’s assault on Portmore United’s goal. This time, Bernardez rose to win a header off a Salinas free kick, directing his shot on target, but right at Foster.

Cato broke the stalemate in the 39th minute with a tap-in from close range. Bernardez played a corner short to Salinas, who then beat his man with a touch to his right and sent a cross to the far post. Adam Jahn went up for the header for San Jose, but his attempt at goal deflected off a Portmore United defender and to the feat of Cato.

The Earthquakes had their first golden chance of the second half in the 72nd minute as Sam Cronin found Chris Wondolowski free on the right side of the box. Wondolowski took a touch and then unleashed from 15 yards out, but the shot was straight at Foster.

The Earthquakes close their preseason against Sacramento Republic FC on Wednesday, March 5 at CSU Stanislaus’ Warrior Stadium. Kickoff is 7 p.m. PT with tickets available at the gate on matchday.

Football / old TTFA pin
« on: January 22, 2014, 06:37:31 PM »
Any of the old timers remember when this pin was in use? (or if it was officially used)


Jokes / poor pussy
« on: September 03, 2013, 04:31:44 PM »
from an American school book 1956

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / All for $10 including VAT
« on: July 03, 2013, 08:04:26 AM »

Football / In other CONCACAF news-Gulati elected to ExCo
« on: April 20, 2013, 09:42:33 AM »
Sunil Gulati elected to FIFA executive committee
Richard Drew/AP

PANAMA CITY -- U.S. Soccer Federation President Sunil Gulati was elected Friday to FIFA's executive committee, edging Mexican Football President Justino Compean by one vote.
"We welcome the new committee member,'' FIFA President Joseph Blatter said.
Gulati won 18-17 in a balloting at the congress of North and Central American and Caribbean Football in Panama City, USSF spokesman Neil Buethe said.
Gulati was elected to a four-year term and will join soccer's 25-member ruling body at the FIFA Congress on May 30-31 in Mauritius. He will take the seat of fellow American Chuck Blazer, who had held it since 1997.
Compean received a resounding endorsement of his colleagues in Central America and a group of islands in the Caribbean, including Cuba and Dominican Republic, but it was not enough.
Blazer was elected 5-2 then by the CONCACAF executive committee following the death of Mexico's Guillermo Canedo.
The 53-year-old Gulati, a teacher in the economics department at Columbia University, has been the USSF president since 2006. He was instrumental in building the U.S. national team that qualified for the 1990 World Cup after a 40-year absence and is now vying for its seventh straight berth in football's showcase.
Gulati was an executive with the U.S. organizers of the 1994 World Cup, Major League Soccer, and the parent company of MLS's New England Revolution, and he served on the boards of the 1999 and 2003 Women's World Cups. He also helped run the failed bid to host the 2022 World Cup.
"The game is growing tremendously in our region both on and off the field, and I hope to do my part to continue to expand the development of the game for both CONCACAF and FIFA,'' he said in a statement.
Blazer, the former secretary general of CONCACAF, decided not to run for re-election. Two years ago, Blazer accused then-CONCACAF President Jack Warner of corruption. Warner and Blazer resigned later in December 2011 and a report from a CONCACAF committee Friday accused both of enriching themselves through fraud.

Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/soccer/news/20130419/sunil-gulati-fifa-executive-committee/#ixzz2R1DZs3Ih

Found this on dloc.com and created a pdf of the whole thing.
Detailed maps for insurance purposes of both POS and SANDO from 1895


Here's a sample


Football / a best corner
« on: March 07, 2013, 06:56:21 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/YURR0PJN9uc" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/YURR0PJN9uc</a>

Football / Pfister returning to Trinidad
« on: November 24, 2012, 06:39:29 PM »
Not sure for what - the article doesn't give details - is it another crack at the national team or a youth team or a club?
He plans on writing a book. Most of this is about him turning 75 and his coaching career overall, but there are a few bits:


"nun hofft er auf einen weiteren Job in Trinidad und Tobago." - 'now he hopes to find further work in T&T'

"Auch nachdem er im vergangenen Jahr mit Trinidad und Tobago in der Qualifikation zur WM 2014 gescheitert ist, denkt er nicht an Ruhestand. Stattdessen hofft er auf einen neuen Vertrag in dem Karibik-Staat. - "Last year he failed to qualify T&T for the 2014 World Cup, but he isn't thinking of retirement. Instead he hopes to get a new contract in that Caribbean country."

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Trinidad gets plug in Discover Card ad
« on: November 21, 2012, 08:43:13 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/5tjn8UDCtgA" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/5tjn8UDCtgA</a>

3 seconds in

Jokes / Sports Cheat Sheet
« on: September 24, 2012, 01:51:07 PM »

Football / TTFF Kickstarts National Teams Development Programs
« on: April 05, 2012, 03:39:23 PM »
TTFF Kickstarts National Teams Development Programs
Shaun Fuentes, TTFF Media

The Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation will host screening sessions in the coming weeks for players that will represent this country at the qualifying phase for the 2015 FIFA Under 17 Men’s World Cup.

This was one of the initiatives to begin shortly according to technical director Anton Corneal as he explained that players at the Under 14 level will be selected from the screening sessions to start training as a National Under 14 team which will see them in place to contest the qualifiers for the Under 17 tournament by the time 2015 comes around.

And according to Corneal, talks have already been held with former National Team player Leroy De Leon to have him on the panel of coaches that will work with the Under 14 players. Among the other names mentioned to work with the Under 14 team includes Dion La Foucade and Kevin Jeffrey, These are among others will be interim positions in the first instance.

The TTFF has already started screening for Under 16 players to join an existing pool of players that will contest the upcoming Caribbean Football Union qualifiers towards the FIFA Under 17 Men’s World Cup in 2013. Over 110 players showed up for screening at the Ato Boldon Stadium last weekend.

These players were selected from their respective regional associations and a group will be selected to join the existing pool of 35 players which will be overlooked by an interim staff comprising of past Under 17 head coach Sean Cooper, ex-national forward Leonson Lewis and Terrence Marcelle.

Caribbean qualifying for the Under 17s will be played from July 3-10th with Trinidad hosting one of the groups which will see them come up against Suriname, British Virgin Islands and Guyana. The group winner of the five groups and the best second placed team will advance to the final CFU round in August.

Similar screening will take place for Under 20 players at the Ato Boldon Stadium on Tuesday 10th and Thursday 12th April 2012 at 8:30 am ahead of the 9am start.

Only players born in 1993 will be allowed to be part of the screening. Corneal mentioned that ex-National Under 20 World Cup team coach Bertille St Clair will be invited to work with the team in a mentor capacity.

T&T will enter the Caribbean leg of qualification from July 23-31 in a group hosted by St Vincent/Grenadines along with Suriname and Guyana. The winner of the four preliminary groups and the best second placed team will advance to the final CFU round in Jamaica from November 3-11, 2012.

The T&T Senior team will also resume preparations shortly ahead of the preliminary stage of the 2012 Caribbean Cup. Efforts are being made for the Senior Team to play against an African Nation in Port of Spain as part of the 50th Independence Anniversary and talks are also being held with the likes of Panama for upcoming friendly internationals.

T&T will face Anguilla, St Martin and hosts St Kitts/Nevis in the opening group phase from September 24th-28th.

The six group winners and runner ups will join Cuba, Grenada (host) and Guadeloupe (host) in the second round from October 20th-24th.  The 2012 Caribbean Cups Finals will be played in Antigua and Barbuda with the hosts and defending champions Jamaica already through to that tournament from December 1-16th.

“It’s a lot of football coming up and already we are putting measures in place especially for the youth teams as we prepare for these competitions,” Corneal told TTFF Media.

“Talks are ongoing with some of our very distinguished past players who we believe can serve as mentors and bring their wealth of experience to the development of our players particularly at the youth level. We are particularly keen to begin work with the Under 14 age group which will be the team that will take us into qualification for the 2015 Under 17 World Cup. This is being done even prior to the next Under 17 World Cup in 2013,” Corneal added.

“Of course some of our positions will be on an interim basis in the first instance with the aim towards longer terms of appointments.”

The T&T Women’s programs are also ongoing with the Under 17 Women’s Team scheduled for training camps in Costa Rica and Fort Lauderdale ahead of the CONCACAF qualifiers in Guatemala City in May.

The T&T Senior and Under 20 Women’s Team will also play matches against the visiting College of Charleston Women’s Team  during a ten-day visit in May.

Football / New Youtube Soccer channel
« on: April 05, 2012, 11:21:35 AM »
MLS created this, but it also has some non US based videos on it.


Pop musik: the sound of the charts in … Trinidad and Tobago
UK Guardian

Calypso offers social comment, soca soundtracks carnival season, but what about chutney? That's music to drink to

For a country of little more than a million people to have created one thriving pop style would be impressive. For Trinidad and Tobago to have spawned three – calypso, soca and chutney – is remarkable. Trinidad's musical heritage is built on two solid foundations – its cultural diversity and its fundamental belief that nothing should get in the way of a party. Gang violence may have led to the imposition of a state of emergency and rolling curfews for much of 2011, but little short of Armageddon could have stopped February's carnival from going ahead.

As with the other great national obsession, the West Indies cricket team, the days of calypso being a major international force are long behind it but the genre remains capable of brilliance. Traditionally a vehicle for satire and cutting social commentary, it's still used by sharp-tongued lyricists such as Duane O'Connor and Karene Asche to hold the elite to account. Cabinet minister Jack Warner, who in the national government has somehow managed to find an employer with lower ethical standards than Fifa – he's frequently been accused of corruption in his guise as head of Caribbean football – comes in for particular scorn.

Calypso's faster cousin soca dominates the carnival season today, however. Soca-influenced songs have proved lucrative for foreign acts such as Sweden's Mohombi and France's Bob Sinclar in recent years but, at the international level, Trinidadian performers have largely been relegated to supporting roles. Machel Montano might only be known to overseas audiences via guest verses on Pitbull and Shaggy singles but there's no disputing his star status at home. Winner of the intensely competitive Soca Monarch crown two years in a row, the veteran's Pump Yuh Flag and Mr Fete may not have seen him at his most inspired but proved enough for a clean sweep of the awards.

A safer bet for a song to soundtrack the awkward jiggling of sunburnt policemen at Notting Hill this summer may be Kerwin Du Bois' irresistible Bacchanalist. Based around the laid-back Antilles Riddim, it's Caribbean party music at its most blissful and a welcome change of pace from the frenetic energy of the season's "power soca" anthems.

One of the year's most divisive hits has been Shurwayne Winchester's Wining Addiction, with opinion split on both the Europop influence of the single and the skin-tight pedal-pushers he wears in the video. Europe may have suffered a deluge of questionable novelty dance records grafting flimsy beats on to crackly retro samples following Yolanda Be Cool's We No Speak Americano but the Tobagonian's effort, while not far removed, is tremendous fun.

In comparison to Jamaica, whose fearsome dancehall queens are an exception to an overwhelmingly macho rule, the gender balance of Trinidadian pop feels much more even, with stars such as Fay-Ann Lyons and Destra Garcia consistently challenging Montano for pole position. Carnival 2012 saw both outshone by the magnificent Nadia Batson. Her Shiver and No Pressure had a vivacity and self-possession nobody else could touch.

While calypso and soca have found a market in other countries, chutney, the music of Trinidad's Indian community, remains largely unknown outside of the island. Chutney takes the soca template, itself a hybrid of African and Asian rhythms, and adds layers of traditional instrumentation and bilingual lyrics, often with a focus on the country's complicated relationship with cane spirits. From Adesh Samaroo's maudlin Rum Til I Die to the bullish swagger of Ravi B's Ah Drinka, there's a song about raging alcoholism to suit every mood and occasion.

More interesting is the light chutney casts on the mores of young Trinidadians blending laissez-faire social liberalism with the customs of the old country. The mix is perhaps most evident in the video for Rikki Jai's classic Mor Tor, featuring sari-clad ladies at an Indian wedding grinding in a decidedly Caribbean manner. Whether being offered rum in lieu of a dowry by a prospective father-in-law or consulting his wife's parents when he can't keep up with her sexual demands, Jai's chutney hits provide a fascinating window on the culture.

With roots in folk music made by and for women, chutney has always been a medium for strong female singers to take feckless men to task. Few do it better than Sassy Ramoutar whose Something Harder was one of the biggest songs of 2011. Rival Artie Butkoon, self-styled Goddess of Chutney, brings an equal fire to her Hindi smashes.

Trinidad's local stars might struggle to match the international profile of its most famous daughter, Nicki Minaj, but with all the bounce and humour of dancehall, and none of the problematic political baggage, the island's music has enormous potential for further crossover success.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Best Roti Shops
« on: April 05, 2012, 09:25:53 AM »
What's your take. These are according to Maco Caribbean


1. Wings, Sawmill Trace, Pasea, Macoya

 ‘The best of the best’.  Even Machel Montano can’t resist the pull of the roti! Though everything is good, the curry duck can actually be described as bliss. The approach here is simple and fundamental, but well done. The buss-up-shot (paratha) is almost transparent when held up to light - thin, silky, heavenly.  No beef, no boneless chicken available – boneless is for girls anyway. The homemade “mother in law” is the perfect pepper compliment, but go easy if it’s your first time. The place has character, beer and rum available, service is good but parking can be tricky.
2. Shianne’s, Cipriani Blvd

Variety for days! If you can’t find something you like here, chances are you are in the mood for KFC, not curry. The chicken is awesome, the goat is wonderful (and I’ve heard the shrimp is pretty good!) Three different types of pepper sauces are available - red, green and yellow. There are sides a-plenty to choose from, so don’t miss out on the pumpkin and bodi (long green beans).  If you need some advice ask Shianne herself as she is often there and on hand to tell you all about her favourite cricket stars. Good character, great food, no alcohol, and terrible parking.
  3. Don’s Roti, Morne Coco Rd, Petit Valley

This one is probably one of the more unassuming locations for a truly great roti shop - hidden amongst a strip of dive bars in the midst of Petit Valley and is referred to as one of the finest roti’s in the country. Don’t be afraid to wind your way through the drunks and homeless folk that sometimes decorate the front - this is a true roti hot spot. Once inside you may have a wait, but it’s worth it!

4. Highway Roti Shoppe, Uriah Buttler Highway, Freeport

To get to this place you must first park illegally on the side of the highway, make your way across a small bridge. No wrapped roti, they serve all buss up shot and meat, which means you get to sop up all that ‘nirvana of curry goodness’. All meats are top class. You also have the unique option of “dougla” (a curry/stew blend). Service is fast, no alcohol, a slight crisp on the buss up shot.

5. No Name, Yellow building, Behind Royal Castle Maraval

The roti may look small but it packs pleeeenty goodness, and you are almost guaranteed that the gravy will run down your arm! Must drink a red solo with this roti for old time’s sake. Its a brilliant tribute to long time roti shops. Fast, inexpensive and straight to the delicious point!
6. Patraj, Backchain Street, El Soccorro

It’s impossible to talk about roti without mentioning The Original Patraj on Backchain Street in San Juan. Possibly the most famous roti shop in the country, it was established in the 1970s. A great roti shop in a legendary location, but be wary of the crowd. The line can stretch from the front to the parking lot. 

7. Sylvie’s, Backchain Street, El Soccorro

Directly opposite Patraj is Sylvie’s. A bustling roti shop that some say surpasses the most famous roti shop of all. Possibly it’s because their batches are smaller and the roti just as soft and silky as it’s meant to be, this place is good! Try the shrimp roti with their home made pepper sauce and you’ll find out exactly why people opt for her instead.

8. Ali’s, Backchain Street, El Sccorro

Great curry! Completely worth the long line and the inevitable traffic. Inside you can expect some sketchy patrons, but sit tight, the boss lady has it all under control. Take it to go.
9. Rena’s Roti Shop, Old Milford Rd, Scarbrough, Tobago

It’s a little harder, but you also find very decent roti in Tobago! Rena is friendly Trini that makes a delicious roti with all the fixings, guaranteeing a filling meal. Delicious, rich curry but expect a wait.

10. Blue Hut, Mt Irvine Beach, Tobago

Possibly the most beautiful place in the world to eat a roti. Overlooking the world famous Mt Irvine waves, the lovely lady will make the whole roti right in front of you. She won’t make too many, so get there early and ask her to tell you about life in Tobago. Make sure to walk with something to drink while you wait. The roti will not disappoint, and the view is breathtaking.

Football / Eve Names Final 20 For CONCACAF Olympic Qualifiers.
« on: March 20, 2012, 11:31:16 AM »
Eve names final 20 for CONCACAF Olympic qualifiers.
Shaun Fuentes (TTFF)

Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Men’s team head coach Angus Eve announced his final 20-man squad on Tuesday morning to contest the final round of CONCACAF qualifiers for the 2012 Olympics in Carson, California from this weekend.

Eve addressed the team following a training session at the Lockhart Stadium training pitch, disclosing that St Ann’s Rangers forward Cameron Roget, Caledonia AIA defender Nuru Abdullah Muhammad, DirecTV North East Stars midfielder Kaydion Gabriel, Jean Luc Rochford (North East Stars), Marcus Joseph (T&TEC) and Caledonia AIA defender Aquil Selby would not be traveling on to California with the rest of the squad on Wednesday morning.

Eve thanked the players for the efforts and other members of the team offered words of encouragement and thanked those for their contributions in the qualifying campaign up to this stage which will see T&T face Mexico on Friday followed by Panama (March 25th) and defending champions Honduras (March 27th). The two finalists from the eight team tournaments will advance to the 2012 Olympics.

Defender Sheldon Bateau of Adam’s Construction San Juan Jabloteh will captain the team which includes seven defenders, seven midfielders, four forwards and two goalkeepers.

Columbus Crew midfielder Kevan George and Cordell Cato of Seattle Sounders who both joined the team in Fort Lauderdale did sufficiently well to maintain their spots in the team for the tournament while Polish-based defender Mekeil Williams and Orlando City midfielder Kevin Molino will both join the team from Wednesday.

In-form Caledonia AIA striker Jamal Gay is expected to spearhead the team’s attack with support from Shahdon Winchester, Sean De Silva, Trevin Caesar, Molino and Micah Lewis who turned 22 today (Tuesday).

W Connection midfielder Jomal Williams at age 17 is the youngest member of the squad. Defender Selby was hampered by a niggling injury and as such had to be omitted from the final squad.

“It was a difficult decision because all of the guys have been fantastic. There wasn’t difference in the players in the squad. I think we have a very strong unit going forward,” Eve told TTFF Media.

“We picked 20 players with two goalkeepers, seven midfielders and defenders with four out and out strikers who can also play on the flanks as well as a couple defensive midfielders.”

“The difficult thing for me is that when we look back at the Pan American Games we did really well and here we have players who came in to strengthen the squad and that made the selection decisions a bit harder.

We didn’t have players like Daneil Cyrus, Sean De Silva and Kevan George and young Cato in the Pan Am Games. I must give credit to the players who helped to bring us this far and will still be part of the overall 35-man roster,” Eve added.

Reflecting on the training camp in Fort Lauderdale, he said: “It turned out very well. I got the chance to experiment with the guys and incorporating new guys into the set up. I think we finally have the right blend going into the tournament.”

Team skipper Bateau, during the team talk following the announcement of the squad told the players who will travel to Port of Spain on Wednesday to keep on aspiring to make the team again for the 2012 Olympics.

“We are one team and every player deserves credit. I want to tell the guys who are not going to LA with us to keep their heads up and keep on working hard to make the team again at a later stage.”

Cyrus and Gay also reiterated that the final squad of players will try to ensure that there is another opportunity for the omitted players to be back in the fray in London.

Final Squad:

Andre Marchan (W Connection), Sheldon Clarke (Defence Force).

Sheldon Bateau (capt) (San Juan Jabloteh), Leslie Russell (W Connection), Kareem Moses (St Ann’s Rangers), Mekeil Williams (Pogon Szczecin/POL), Curtis Gonzales (Defence Force), Daneil Cyrus (FC 1st Santa Rosa), Joevin Jones (W Connection).

Sean De Silva (College of Charleston/USA), Jeromie Williams (North East Stars), Kevin Molino (Orlando City/USA), Kevan George (Columbus Crew/USA) Micah Lewis (Caledonia AIA), Jayson Joseph (T&TEC), Jomal Williams (W Connection).

Jamal Gay (Caledonia AIA), Trevin Caesar (Caledonia AIA), Cordell Cato (Seattle Sounders/USA), Shahdon Winchester (W Connection).

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