May 13, 2024, 03:24:05 PM


Who will make a good TTFA president.

Kelvin Jack
5 (11.9%)
Nigel Myers
3 (7.1%)
Flex Mohammed
12 (28.6%)
Terry Fenwick
6 (14.3%)
Somebody Else
15 (35.7%)
Brent Sancho
0 (0%)
David-John Williams
0 (0%)
Foreign Investor
1 (2.4%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Author Topic: TTFA News Thread.  (Read 121812 times)

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #480 on: February 03, 2020, 05:53:28 PM »
TTFA’s General Guide to Selection and Coaching of National Teams.
TTFA Media.

This document is a general guide to the selection and coaching of TTFA National Teams. It is to be applied throughout TTFA’s National Teams Programme and Regional Training Centre Programme. The intention is to ensure elite player development and national teams selection proceed on the basis of a uniform philosophy and practice.

It is a living document that would be reviewed periodically. This document is the property of the TTFA. It was prepared by the TTFA’s Technical Committee in conjunction with, USSF A and World Football Academy Expert, Johann Contasté.

Click Here to See Document

« Last Edit: February 04, 2020, 01:52:08 PM by asylumseeker »
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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #481 on: February 04, 2020, 01:52:22 PM »
This takes transparency at the TTFA to a whole new level. I'm appreciative.

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #482 on: February 04, 2020, 03:33:23 PM »
This takes transparency at the TTFA to a whole new level. I'm appreciative.

It does. The cliff notes version would've been better for public consumption, we giveaway our blueprint to everybody...

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Is the TTFA financially insolvent?
« Reply #483 on: February 13, 2020, 02:13:56 PM »
Is the TTFA financially insolvent?
By Keith Clement (T&T Guardian)

Since com­ing in­to of­fice with over­whelm­ing pub­lic sup­port the ‘Unit­ed TTFA’ (T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion), led by William Wal­lace, has set about to sat­is­fy the tech­ni­cal re­quire­ments that are ex­pect­ed to move T&T foot­ball in­stant­ly and even­tu­al­ly in­to the fu­ture but at what price or con­se­quences?

The ‘Unit­ed TTFA’ has to date, ap­point­ed a 35-mem­ber tech­ni­cal staff (for se­nior men’s and women’s; ju­nior teams; beach soc­cer; tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor; and ful­fil the tech­ni­cal re­quire­ments in every de­part­ment of each team), to­geth­er with new ad­min­is­tra­tive per­son­nel at a cost which the lead­er­ship of the sport is yet to pro­vide John Pub­lic with as it re­lates to an es­ti­mat­ed month­ly or an­nu­al cost of this mas­sive un­der­tak­ing for the first time in the 112-year his­to­ry of T&T foot­ball.

Five days in­to his tenure, Wal­lace told John Pub­lic that the or­gan­i­sa­tion has TT$50 mil­lion worth of prob­lems (mean­ing a debt of TT$50 mil­lion). Co­in­ci­den­tal­ly, at the end of 2018, the TTFA as­sets stood at TT$64,292 mil­lion.

There were promis­es made to John Pub­lic by the ‘Unit­ed TTFA’ dur­ing its cam­paign trail lead­ing up to the No­vem­ber 24, 2019, an­nu­al gen­er­al meet­ing (AGM) in which Wal­lace in­di­cat­ed that over $30 mil­lion in spon­sor­ship was said to be on the hori­zon from sev­er­al com­pa­nies in the likes of Amer­i­can sport­ing goods gi­ant, NIKE.

To date, noth­ing has ma­te­ri­alised to demon­strate that there’s cash flow to cov­er the new coach­ing con­tacts hand­ed out, far less those that are ex­ist­ing and the re­cent ter­mi­na­tion of for­mer na­tion­al coach Den­nis Lawrence. He was fired back on De­cem­ber 15.

Even more trou­bling about the ‘Unit­ed TTFA” fi­nan­cial po­si­tion, is the fact that of the US$1,000,000 (TT$6.76M) giv­en an­nu­al­ly by FI­FA to all its mem­bers in two tranch­es of US$500,000, the ‘New TTFA’ is like­ly to start with a deficit of US$100,000 which the FI­FA will like­ly deduct in the same fash­ion it did as in 2019, to cov­er a 2010 TTFA debt to FI­FA val­ued at US$240,000.

For the “Unit­ed TTFA” to be guar­an­teed the oth­er US$500,000 it must first spend on de­vel­op­ment pro­grammes and youth teams and then prove to the FI­FA how the mon­ey was spent in or­der to re­claim it.

Here’s the present fi­nan­cial po­si­tion of the ‘Unit­ed TTFA’.

Fol­low­ing the for­tunes of the TTFA over the past sev­er­al years but more im­por­tan­ly, the last five, dur­ing which time John Pub­lic has wit­nessed the chang­ing of two pres­i­dents or in fact, two ad­min­is­tra­tions. This ar­ti­cle was prompt­ed fol­low­ing an email sent to the tech­ni­cal staff of var­i­ous na­tion­al teams by the ‘Unit­ed TTFA’ gen­er­al sec­re­tary and for­mer FI­FA ref­er­ee Ramesh Ramd­han.

The email read:

“I feel ob­lig­at­ed to share our fi­nan­cial chal­lenges with you. There are those who feel that this should have been done soon­er, how­ev­er, I have been tire­less­ly work­ing with FI­FA and our al­lies abroad hope­ful for an ear­ly res­o­lu­tion to this is­sue. De­spite all the ef­forts over the last month, we are still not where I would like it to be.

“As ear­ly as 3 am I was send­ing off one of many let­ters to FI­FA in re­sponse to their queries about ex­or­bi­tant costs of our tech­ni­cal staff. I trust that I will be able to sat­is­fy them. In the mean­time, I ask for your pa­tience and your un­der­stand­ing with re­gard to the non-pay­ment of your salaries for the last month and for some, the last two months.

“I am hope­ful that the sit­u­a­tion will be re­solved soon as I ask you to keep the faith and con­tin­ue to work with us. To­geth­er we as­pire, to­geth­er we achieve.”

Thanks for your un­der­stand­ing


TTFA ac­cu­rals

Here is a quick sum­ma­ry of the debt of the TTFA and the in­come streams that are avail­able to the as­so­ci­a­tion at present.

In the 2018 au­dit­ed fi­nan­cial state­ments of the as­so­ci­a­tion which were ap­proved by its mem­bers showed a to­tal debt of TT$32,770,079 (US$4,891,000) which com­prised of ac­counts payable of TT$22,414,430 (US$3,345,400) and ac­cru­als and in­ter­est of TT$10,355,649 (US$1,546,000).

For the read­ers who do not know what ac­cru­als mean in a fi­nan­cial state­ment, it is a pro­vi­sion for pos­si­ble le­gal and oth­er claims against the as­so­ci­a­tion, if the as­so­ci­a­tion is un­suc­cess­ful in de­fend­ing or re­fut­ing the claims. In late 2019, for­mer head coach Stephen Hart (US$750,000) and for­mer tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor Kendell Walkes (US$800,000) won judge­ments against the FA to­talling about US$1,550,000.

These amounts would have been al­most to­tal­ly cov­ered by the pro­vi­sion made in ac­cru­als thus the debt would not have in­creased.

For­mer tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor An­ton Corneal al­so got a judge­ment against the TTFA for some US$507,000, how­ev­er, his fig­ure was al­ready in­clud­ed in the ac­counts payable of the TTFA. What will be of in­ter­est in the fu­ture is the out­come of for­mer vice pres­i­dent of FI­FA and pres­i­dent of Con­ca­caf Jack Warn­er’s claim against the TTFA for US$3.3 mil­lion which there have been no pro­vi­sions made in the TTFA ac­counts.

TTFA debt—yoke around the neck of the TTFA

For­mer pres­i­dent David John-Williams dur­ing his tenure com­plained about the large debt of the as­so­ci­a­tion which his ad­min­is­tra­tion in­her­it­ed and he said that this was like a “yoke around the neck of the TTFA”. He said on sev­er­al oc­ca­sions that the TTFA in its cur­rent state can­not af­ford to sup­port all 11 na­tion­al teams. The last ad­min­is­tra­tion had coach­es dou­bling up with teams to cut cost.

Case in point, Stu­art Charles Fevri­er and Stern John, who served as as­sis­tant coach­es with the se­nior team and were head coach­es of T&T youth teams. The for­mer ad­min­is­tra­tion was “be­ing re­al”.

The re­cent sack­ing of Lawrence and Fevri­er by the Unit­ed TTFA ad­min­is­tra­tion comes at a price. Both had at least 18 months left on their con­tracts and at an es­ti­mate of US$12,000 per month (the com­bined salary for both of them) then that’s at least US$216,000 to be paid to set­tle their con­tracts plus what­ev­er in­ter­est is ac­crued, as well as costs if ap­plic­a­ble to be paid.

Are all these ap­point­ments need­ed?

With re­gards to Unit­ed TTFA swift move to fill tech­ni­cal po­si­tions on all na­tion­al teams, John Pub­lic may agree that that is the way to go in a per­fect world but does the present fi­nan­cial po­si­tion of the Unit­ed TTFA fi­nances al­low for such ‘re­al­ness’?

Let us now ex­am­ine the pos­si­ble es­ti­mat­ed cost of these ap­point­ments. Ter­ry Fen­wick US$18,000 per month, his as­sis­tant Derek King US$5,000 per month be­cause he is al­so the head coach of the Un­der- 20 men’s team and let us add an­oth­er US$10,000 per month for the rest of the four mem­bers of the men’s se­nior team tech­ni­cal staff which is es­ti­mat­ed at a to­tal of US$396,000 per year.

Women’s U-20 and U-17 is es­ti­mat­ed at US$10,000 per month and the pro­ject­ed es­ti­mates are for on­ly five months (up to the end of the tour­na­ments) that is an­oth­er US$50,000 for the year. The Boy’s U-20 is es­ti­mat­ed at an­oth­er US$7,000 per month for the rest of the staff out­side of and this is for six months, that’s an­oth­er US$42,000 for the year.

The boy’s U-15 and U-17 is es­ti­mat­ed at US$20,000 per month for the com­plete staff and fut­sal teams and that is for six months that is adding an­oth­er US$120,000 per year.

In ad­di­tion to the above, there’s the di­rec­tor of the se­nior men’s team US$6,000 per month, the Com­pli­ance and Club Li­cenc­ing Man­ag­er and the women’s na­tion­al team di­rec­tor. This adds an­oth­er US$72,000.

As­sum­ing all are full-time ap­point­ments, the Unit­ed TTFA will have to find US$680,000 per year.

Fund­ing un­der the FI­FA For­ward 2.0 pro­gramme

The TTFA is en­ti­tled to US$1,000,000 un­der FI­FA For­ward 2.0 pro­gramme (2019 to 2022).

The TTFA wil get US$500,000 for op­er­a­tions cost per year which is nor­mal­ly re­ceived in Jan­u­ary of the new year. This is to cov­er costs like pay­ment to the gen­er­al sec­re­tary, fi­nance man­ag­er, tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor, head of ref­er­ees de­part­ment TMS man­ag­er, all oth­er of­fice and op­er­a­tional staff, phone, in­ter­net, func­tions, meet­ings, cours­es and all oth­er cost as­so­ci­at­ed with op­er­a­tions for the year. Then they are en­ti­tled to an­oth­er US$500,000 in the sec­ond part of the year but to re­ceive this amount the TTFA must achieve 10 KPIs (key per­for­mance in­di­ca­tors) each worth US$50,000.

Ba­si­cal­ly, the TTFA needs to spend to gain this sum. They are al­so en­ti­tled to US$200,000 per year to cov­er costs of over­seas trav­el and ho­tel ac­com­mo­da­tion for all na­tion­al teams. (Note in the 2018 Fi­nan­cial State­ments over­seas trav­el and ho­tel ac­com­mo­da­tion amount­ed to US$482,000 with trav­el alone be­ing US$250,000).

Ad­di­tion­al­ly, there is al­so a loan on the TTFA books of over US$600,000 for Con­ca­caf as re­port­ed in the 2018 Fi­nan­cial State­ments which was used by the for­mer ad­min­is­tra­tion to as­sist in the 2018 World Cup Qual­i­fy­ing cam­paign. This loan has ma­tured and needs to be re­paid.

Ques­tions to the TTFA are as fol­lows.

Where is the mon­ey com­ing from, to first ser­vice the deficit cre­at­ed by all these new ap­point­ments?

Where is the mon­ey com­ing from to pay sacked Lawrence and oth­ers?

Where is the mon­ey com­ing from to ser­vice the large debt of the TTFA?

The for­mer ad­min­is­tra­tion has boast­ed about In­come Gen­er­a­tion Project and the Home of Foot­ball both of which the Unit­ed TTFA closed dur­ing its first week in of­fice claim­ing that it did not meet sev­er­al reg­u­la­to­ry stan­dards.

So with all these ap­point­ments which car­ry a heavy pay­roll and with no spon­sors an­nounced to date, does this mean that the ‘Unit­ed TTFA’ ap­pears to be im­pru­dent with its ‘re­al’ fi­nan­cial po­si­tion.

What is the TTFA ac­tion plan to earn rev­enue as soon as pos­si­ble.

Ed­i­tor’ note: ‘In­sol­vent’ means — un­able to pay debts owed.
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guardian article by Keith Clement- interesting read
« Reply #484 on: February 13, 2020, 10:38:06 PM »
Since com­ing in­to of­fice with over­whelm­ing pub­lic sup­port the ‘Unit­ed TTFA’ (T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion), led by William Wal­lace, has set about to sat­is­fy the tech­ni­cal re­quire­ments that are ex­pect­ed to move T&T foot­ball in­stant­ly and even­tu­al­ly in­to the fu­ture but at what price or con­se­quences?

The ‘Unit­ed TTFA’ has to date, ap­point­ed a 35-mem­ber tech­ni­cal staff (for se­nior men’s and women’s; ju­nior teams; beach soc­cer; tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor; and ful­fil the tech­ni­cal re­quire­ments in every de­part­ment of each team), to­geth­er with new ad­min­is­tra­tive per­son­nel at a cost which the lead­er­ship of the sport is yet to pro­vide John Pub­lic with as it re­lates to an es­ti­mat­ed month­ly or an­nu­al cost of this mas­sive un­der­tak­ing for the first time in the 112-year his­to­ry of T&T foot­ball.

Five days in­to his tenure, Wal­lace told John Pub­lic that the or­gan­i­sa­tion has TT$50 mil­lion worth of prob­lems (mean­ing a debt of TT$50 mil­lion). Co­in­ci­den­tal­ly, at the end of 2018, the TTFA as­sets stood at TT$64,292 mil­lion.

There were promis­es made to John Pub­lic by the ‘Unit­ed TTFA’ dur­ing its cam­paign trail lead­ing up to the No­vem­ber 24, 2019, an­nu­al gen­er­al meet­ing (AGM) in which Wal­lace in­di­cat­ed that over $30 mil­lion in spon­sor­ship was said to be on the hori­zon from sev­er­al com­pa­nies in the likes of Amer­i­can sport­ing goods gi­ant, NIKE.

To date, noth­ing has ma­te­ri­alised to demon­strate that there’s cash flow to cov­er the new coach­ing con­tacts hand­ed out, far less those that are ex­ist­ing and the re­cent ter­mi­na­tion of for­mer na­tion­al coach Den­nis Lawrence. He was fired back on De­cem­ber 15.

Even more trou­bling about the ‘Unit­ed TTFA” fi­nan­cial po­si­tion, is the fact that of the US$1,000,000 (TT$6.76M) giv­en an­nu­al­ly by FI­FA to all its mem­bers in two tranch­es of US$500,000, the ‘New TTFA’ is like­ly to start with a deficit of US$100,000 which the FI­FA will like­ly deduct in the same fash­ion it did as in 2019, to cov­er a 2010 TTFA debt to FI­FA val­ued at US$240,000.

For the “Unit­ed TTFA” to be guar­an­teed the oth­er US$500,000 it must first spend on de­vel­op­ment pro­grammes and youth teams and then prove to the FI­FA how the mon­ey was spent in or­der to re­claim it.

Here’s the present fi­nan­cial po­si­tion of the ‘Unit­ed TTFA’.

Fol­low­ing the for­tunes of the TTFA over the past sev­er­al years but more im­por­tan­ly, the last five, dur­ing which time John Pub­lic has wit­nessed the chang­ing of two pres­i­dents or in fact, two ad­min­is­tra­tions. This ar­ti­cle was prompt­ed fol­low­ing an email sent to the tech­ni­cal staff of var­i­ous na­tion­al teams by the ‘Unit­ed TTFA’ gen­er­al sec­re­tary and for­mer FI­FA ref­er­ee Ramesh Ramd­han.

The email read:

“I feel ob­lig­at­ed to share our fi­nan­cial chal­lenges with you. There are those who feel that this should have been done soon­er, how­ev­er, I have been tire­less­ly work­ing with FI­FA and our al­lies abroad hope­ful for an ear­ly res­o­lu­tion to this is­sue. De­spite all the ef­forts over the last month, we are still not where I would like it to be.

“As ear­ly as 3 am I was send­ing off one of many let­ters to FI­FA in re­sponse to their queries about ex­or­bi­tant costs of our tech­ni­cal staff. I trust that I will be able to sat­is­fy them. In the mean­time, I ask for your pa­tience and your un­der­stand­ing with re­gard to the non-pay­ment of your salaries for the last month and for some, the last two months.

“I am hope­ful that the sit­u­a­tion will be re­solved soon as I ask you to keep the faith and con­tin­ue to work with us. To­geth­er we as­pire, to­geth­er we achieve.”

Thanks for your un­der­stand­ing


TTFA ac­cu­rals

Here is a quick sum­ma­ry of the debt of the TTFA and the in­come streams that are avail­able to the as­so­ci­a­tion at present.

In the 2018 au­dit­ed fi­nan­cial state­ments of the as­so­ci­a­tion which were ap­proved by its mem­bers showed a to­tal debt of TT$32,770,079 (US$4,891,000) which com­prised of ac­counts payable of TT$22,414,430 (US$3,345,400) and ac­cru­als and in­ter­est of TT$10,355,649 (US$1,546,000).

For the read­ers who do not know what ac­cru­als mean in a fi­nan­cial state­ment, it is a pro­vi­sion for pos­si­ble le­gal and oth­er claims against the as­so­ci­a­tion, if the as­so­ci­a­tion is un­suc­cess­ful in de­fend­ing or re­fut­ing the claims. In late 2019, for­mer head coach Stephen Hart (US$750,000) and for­mer tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor Kendell Walkes (US$800,000) won judge­ments against the FA to­talling about US$1,550,000.

These amounts would have been al­most to­tal­ly cov­ered by the pro­vi­sion made in ac­cru­als thus the debt would not have in­creased.

For­mer tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor An­ton Corneal al­so got a judge­ment against the TTFA for some US$507,000, how­ev­er, his fig­ure was al­ready in­clud­ed in the ac­counts payable of the TTFA. What will be of in­ter­est in the fu­ture is the out­come of for­mer vice pres­i­dent of FI­FA and pres­i­dent of Con­ca­caf Jack Warn­er’s claim against the TTFA for US$3.3 mil­lion which there have been no pro­vi­sions made in the TTFA ac­counts.

TTFA debt—yoke around the neck of the TTFA

For­mer pres­i­dent David John-Williams dur­ing his tenure com­plained about the large debt of the as­so­ci­a­tion which his ad­min­is­tra­tion in­her­it­ed and he said that this was like a “yoke around the neck of the TTFA”. He said on sev­er­al oc­ca­sions that the TTFA in its cur­rent state can­not af­ford to sup­port all 11 na­tion­al teams. The last ad­min­is­tra­tion had coach­es dou­bling up with teams to cut cost.

Case in point, Stu­art Charles Fevri­er and Stern John, who served as as­sis­tant coach­es with the se­nior team and were head coach­es of T&T youth teams. The for­mer ad­min­is­tra­tion was “be­ing re­al”.

The re­cent sack­ing of Lawrence and Fevri­er by the Unit­ed TTFA ad­min­is­tra­tion comes at a price. Both had at least 18 months left on their con­tracts and at an es­ti­mate of US$12,000 per month (the com­bined salary for both of them) then that’s at least US$216,000 to be paid to set­tle their con­tracts plus what­ev­er in­ter­est is ac­crued, as well as costs if ap­plic­a­ble to be paid.

Are all these
ap­point­ments need­ed?

With re­gards to Unit­ed TTFA swift move to fill tech­ni­cal po­si­tions on all na­tion­al teams, John Pub­lic may agree that that is the way to go in a per­fect world but does the present fi­nan­cial po­si­tion of the Unit­ed TTFA fi­nances al­low for such ‘re­al­ness’?

Let us now ex­am­ine the pos­si­ble es­ti­mat­ed cost of these ap­point­ments. Ter­ry Fen­wick US$18,000 per month, his as­sis­tant Derek King US$5,000 per month be­cause he is al­so the head coach of the Un­der- 20 men’s team and let us add an­oth­er US$10,000 per month for the rest of the four mem­bers of the men’s se­nior team tech­ni­cal staff which is es­ti­mat­ed at a to­tal of US$396,000 per year.

Women’s U-20 and U-17 is es­ti­mat­ed at US$10,000 per month and the pro­ject­ed es­ti­mates are for on­ly five months (up to the end of the tour­na­ments) that is an­oth­er US$50,000 for the year. The Boy’s U-20 is es­ti­mat­ed at an­oth­er US$7,000 per month for the rest of the staff out­side of and this is for six months, that’s an­oth­er US$42,000 for the year.

The boy’s U-15 and U-17 is es­ti­mat­ed at US$20,000 per month for the com­plete staff and fut­sal teams and that is for six months that is adding an­oth­er US$120,000 per year.

In ad­di­tion to the above, there’s the di­rec­tor of the se­nior men’s team US$6,000 per month, the Com­pli­ance and Club Li­cenc­ing Man­ag­er and the women’s na­tion­al team di­rec­tor. This adds an­oth­er US$72,000.

As­sum­ing all are full-time ap­point­ments, the Unit­ed TTFA will have to find US$680,000 per year.

Fund­ing un­der the FI­FA For­ward 2.0 pro­gramme

The TTFA is en­ti­tled to US$1,000,000 un­der FI­FA For­ward 2.0 pro­gramme (2019 to 2022).

The TTFA wil get US$500,000 for op­er­a­tions cost per year which is nor­mal­ly re­ceived in Jan­u­ary of the new year. This is to cov­er costs like pay­ment to the gen­er­al sec­re­tary, fi­nance man­ag­er, tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor, head of ref­er­ees de­part­ment TMS man­ag­er, all oth­er of­fice and op­er­a­tional staff, phone, in­ter­net, func­tions, meet­ings, cours­es and all oth­er cost as­so­ci­at­ed with op­er­a­tions for the year. Then they are en­ti­tled to an­oth­er US$500,000 in the sec­ond part of the year but to re­ceive this amount the TTFA must achieve 10 KPIs (key per­for­mance in­di­ca­tors) each worth US$50,000.

Ba­si­cal­ly, the TTFA needs to spend to gain this sum. They are al­so en­ti­tled to US$200,000 per year to cov­er costs of over­seas trav­el and ho­tel ac­com­mo­da­tion for all na­tion­al teams. (Note in the 2018 Fi­nan­cial State­ments over­seas trav­el and ho­tel ac­com­mo­da­tion amount­ed to US$482,000 with trav­el alone be­ing US$250,000)

Ad­di­tion­al­ly, there is al­so a loan on the TTFA books of over US$600,000 for Con­ca­caf as re­port­ed in the 2018 Fi­nan­cial State­ments which was used by the for­mer ad­min­is­tra­tion to as­sist in the 2018 World Cup Qual­i­fy­ing cam­paign. This loan has ma­tured and needs to be re­paid.

Ques­tions to the TTFA are as fol­lows.

Where is the mon­ey com­ing from, to first ser­vice the deficit cre­at­ed by all these new ap­point­ments?

Where is the mon­ey com­ing from to pay sacked Lawrence and oth­ers?

Where is the mon­ey com­ing from to ser­vice the large debt of the TTFA?

The for­mer ad­min­is­tra­tion has boast­ed about In­come Gen­er­a­tion Project and the Home of Foot­ball both of which the Unit­ed TTFA closed dur­ing its first week in of­fice claim­ing that it did not meet sev­er­al reg­u­la­to­ry stan­dards.

So with all these ap­point­ments which car­ry a heavy pay­roll and with no spon­sors an­nounced to date, does this mean that the ‘Unit­ed TTFA’ ap­pears to be im­pru­dent with its ‘re­al’ fi­nan­cial po­si­tion.

What is the TTFA ac­tion plan to earn rev­enue as soon as pos­si­ble.

Ed­i­tor’ note: ‘In­sol­vent’ means — un­able to pay debts owed.

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #485 on: February 14, 2020, 04:20:10 AM »
Scary level of debt. They'll need to arrange some profitable friendlies to break even...

Also why I was worried about sacking DL and crew, lot of money owed, and a lot of money paid out.

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TTFA accounts frozen again
« Reply #486 on: February 19, 2020, 12:04:07 PM »
TTFA accounts frozen again
By Walter Alibey (T&T Guardian)

An­oth­er gar­nishee or­der has been tak­en out against the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA), this time al­leged­ly by for­mer tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor Kendall Walkes last week due main­ly to ow­ing un­paid wages.

The or­der, for a sec­ond time, freezes the ac­counts of the em­bat­tled foot­ball as­so­ci­a­tion and could pre­vent pres­i­dent William Wal­lace from ho­n­our­ing many fi­nan­cial com­mit­ments, in­clud­ing pay­ing staff mem­bers, coach­es and oth­er em­ploy­ees.

Word of the gar­nishee or­der be­gan cir­cu­lat­ing on Tues­day via ra­dio talk show host An­dre Bap­tiste, who al­so re­vealed that FI­FA and CON­CA­CAF were well on their way with a nor­mal­i­sa­tion com­mit­tee to run the af­fairs of the sport in T&T.

TTFA Tech­ni­cal Com­mit­tee chair­man Kei­th Look Loy yes­ter­day con­firmed that the or­der had been tak­en out against the as­so­ci­a­tion, but said while it puts them in a sim­i­lar po­si­tion to the for­mer David John-Williams-led body, when a sim­i­lar or­der was tak­en out by the T&T Fut­sal team last year, the gen­e­sis of the prob­lem was dif­fer­ent.

In fact, Look Loy claimed they are pay­ing for the ac­tions of the John-Williams-led ad­min­is­tra­tion.

“Where does the is­sue of pay­ment to the tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor in­volved arise from? It arose from a case gen­er­at­ed by David John-Williams,” Look Loy told Guardian Me­dia.

“The cur­rent fi­nan­cial strug­gles of the TTFA are gen­er­at­ed from the fi­nan­cial mis­man­age­ment of the as­so­ci­a­tion of the John-Williams ad­min­is­tra­tion. These are debts that we in­her­it­ed. These are not debts that have been cre­at­ed by the new ad­min­is­tra­tion that has been in of­fice for three months.”

Look Loy, who was in­stru­men­tal in ini­ti­at­ing the change in the man­age­ment of the sport, added: “It is re­mark­able that peo­ple who sat and did noth­ing to try and get their mon­ey from David John-Williams and his ad­min­is­tra­tion for four years, with jus­ti­fi­ca­tion be­cause they were owed their mon­ey, not by the per­son but by the as­so­ci­a­tion, they are now threat­en­ing le­gal ac­tion and so forth.”

Walkes, who was hired un­der the Ray­mond Tim Kee ad­min­is­tra­tion back in 2012, was fired when John-Williams as­sumed of­fice in 2015, prompt­ing him to take le­gal ac­tion. The court ruled in his favour last year, a de­ci­sion that was set to land him $5.5 mil­lion ex­cept that the TTFA could not pay.

The or­der, which could see the TTFA taff go­ing un­paid for this month (Feb­ru­ary), as had hap­pened back in March last year, aims to re­cov­er a lien of just un­der $600,000 for the T&T fut­sal team for un­paid wages, per diem and oth­er mis­cel­la­neous ex­pens­es dur­ing a World Cup qual­i­fi­er.

Look Loy, a for­mer na­tion­al play­er and coach, told Guardian Me­dia that there are a lot of facts about fi­nan­cial mis­man­age­ment which have been pre­vent­ing the as­so­ci­a­tion from mov­ing for­ward. This in­for­ma­tion will be re­vealed af­ter the Car­ni­val pe­ri­od, he added.

He not­ed that the TTFA is be­ing de­nied mil­lions of dol­lars by the FI­FA be­cause of the fi­nan­cial is­sues be­ing faced now, al­though they (FI­FA) al­lowed the John-Williams ad­min­is­tra­tion to mis­man­aged the funds.

“I, as a board mem­ber, sev­er­al times, at least three, spoke to FI­FA of­fi­cials in front of oth­er board mem­bers and once at an of­fi­cial board meet­ing, to high­light the mis­man­age­ment that was tak­ing place at the Home of Foot­ball and the at­ti­tude by the FI­FA of­fi­cial was that it was in­ter­nal TTFA busi­ness and it had noth­ing to do with FI­FA, as every­thing was good on our (FI­FA) side,” Look Loy ex­plained.

He promised that FI­FA could face ac­tion if a nor­mal­i­sa­tion com­mit­tee is sent here, as the FI­FA had watched the pre­vi­ous TTFA put the sport in­to the mess it is in now. Look Loy al­so took of­fence with Bap­tiste, whom he said had noth­ing to say about the fi­nan­cial mis­man­age­ment of the John-Williams’ ad­min­is­tra­tion.


TTFA accounts frozen over $$ owed to ex-technical director

FOR the second time, the TT Football Association’s (TTFA) bank accounts have been frozen after former technical director Kendal Walkes secured a garnishee order against the association on Friday. This type of order legally allows part of a person’s or company’s income to be used to pay off debts.

Walkes was fired in 2015 under the leadership of former TTFA president David John-Williams, and sued the association for breach of contract.

And in a ruling delivered at the Hall of Justice, Port of Spain, on September 27, 2019, Justice Joan Charles ordered the TTFA to pay him US$783,000, saying a valid contract existed between the two parties.

The TTFA’s accounts were first frozen in March, 2019 as ordered by The High Court. This occurred after the association failed to honour a court order in December, 2018 in which they were made to pay the national futsal team approximately $500,000 with interest, as well as legal fees. The ruling followed a two-year lawsuit stemming from unpaid match fees, salaries and expenses.

Speaking with Newsday, on Wednesday morning, TTFA president William Wallace said he was surprised at Walkes’ decision and that no official communication was made to inform the association about it.

“When we took a look at the accounts online, we realised something was wrong. It was not communicated to us.

“We tried to call the bank to find out what was the problem and the bank referred us to their lawyer. They were not giving us information, they asked our lawyers to contact their lawyers.”

But he added that he is not upset with Walkes since he is simply trying to get what is rightfully his.

“I was surprised, of course, yes I was. But I have nothing against him.

“If someone has to take action to get what they were awarded by the court and they think this is the action that is necessary, I can’t be against him for that.”

Last November nearing the TTFA’s elections, Wallace and his slate United TTFA said if they won, they would do financial reconstruction. In a Newsday article published on November 20, 2019 with the headline ‘Ferguson, Wallace on TTFA court ruling: If we win, we will pay,’ Wallace was quoted as saying, “We will definitely have to sit with Kendall and Stephen (Hart) and work out a payment plan. Of course, we accept that we owe the money, we accept that we have to pay it, and we have to sit with both parties and work out a payment plan.”

Wallace told Newsday an e-mail was sent to Walkes explaining the association’s (financial) position but he received no feedback.

But he said Walkes’ lawyer, Melissa Roberts-John, told him no e-mail was received by her client even though it was through that address the two had been communicating before. “I did indicate that we have a plan that would kick in later in the year that we would use to address all the people that we owe.”

He said the association is now “reaping the results” of the previous administration.

He described the TTFA’s current debt as “staggering,” since Walkes’ is not the only former employee who sought judgement against it.

In November 2019, the association was ordered to pay former youth football team coach, men’s team assistant and technical director Anton Corneal $3,488,375. Also in November, it was ordered to pay former senior men’s coach Stephen Hart $5 million for wrongful dismissal and unpaid salaries and bonuses. Wallace said similar e-mails were sent to all of them and that feedback from the others had been positive and accommodative.

TTFA’s technical committee chairman Keith Look Loy also said the association was shocked at the decision as “amicable communication” occurred between both parties. “I know for a fact that the president had engaged in discussion with him. “These are debt that we inherited. This particular one has been outstanding four years and you just come now and want us to pay you off in three months.”

He believes the association is being “doubly victimised.”

“We are the victims of the mismanagement of David John-Williams and now were the victims of actions of people based on that mismanagement.”

Asked how he plans to address the issues with Walkes’ moving forward, Wallace said he has spoken to Roberts-John and is awaiting feedback. “I sent out an e-mail this morning to his lawyer and asked if there’s any position yet, so at least we can have a position where we can come to the table and get some part of the funding to him, and that we can get the order listed and then we plan the way forward from there.”

FIFA has also paused its funding to the association because of these ongoing financial issues. Wallace said the association was told a commission of FIFA and Concacaf representatives would meet with the FA to discuss finances.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 07:16:01 AM by Flex »
The Conquering Lion of Judah shall break every chain.

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #487 on: February 19, 2020, 04:44:11 PM »
TTFA - Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
By Colin Murray (Guardian).

There is much to dis­cuss in the world of crick­et. West In­dies are away from home to take on Sri Lan­ka in an­oth­er ODI se­ries from to­mor­row. Hav­ing beat­en Afghanistan and nar­row­ly los­ing to In­dia, this se­ries will test the re­solve of Kieron Pol­lard's men. They must do it with­out Evin Lewis and Shim­ron Het­my­er but I am sure oth­er bats­men will rel­ish the op­por­tu­ni­ty and step up; so for me, that is not of con­cern. I ex­pect the Windies to win a close se­ries.

Bowl­ing off last night in Aus­tralia is the ICC Women's T20 World Cup with 10 coun­tries com­pet­ing. We play our first game tonight against Thai­land which should be a win­ning start. How­ev­er, the host coun­try is the de­fend­ing cham­pi­on and a strong favourite to win the tour­na­ment for the fifth time.

Lo­cal­ly, what a sham­bol­ic dis­play by the Red Force against the Bar­ba­dos Pride. 77 all-out? Some­thing has to be wrong. I like the look of young Ba­jan fast bowler Keon Hard­ing, but 77? Pa­thet­ic. I see the se­lec­tors have act­ed swift­ly with 5 changes. I sup­pose a bit of dis­as­ter re­lief is al­ways wel­comed.

But what caught my eye last Sun­day morn­ing was a let­ter to Guardian News­pa­per's Ed­i­tor by Michael Awai - Foot­ball Ad­min­is­tra­tor. Hon­est­ly, with the dai­ly and seem­ing­ly per­pet­u­al doom and gloom on crime one reads, it brought me hu­mour. Mr Awai, are you se­ri­ous? The first thing you need­ed to es­tab­lish in your let­ter is that you were, and judg­ing from your let­ter, still are a sup­port­er of for­mer TTFA Pres­i­dent David John-Williams and his slate which in­clud­ed Sel­by Browne. This would have giv­en the read­ers a clear un­der­stand­ing with con­text to your opin­ions.

In­deed, one thing you are cor­rect - it is al­most 90 days since the new TTFA ad­min­is­tra­tion un­der William Wal­lace took charge; and yes at a meet­ing they laid out their cam­paign and men­tioned they would be go­ing to spon­sors which in­clud­ed Nike. Oth­er than Nike, you haven't men­tioned any oth­er spon­sors or cam­paign promis­es that have “dis­ap­pear(ed) in­to thin air”. Al­low me to ex­plain some­thing, Mr Awai. Com­pa­nies fi­nalise bud­gets by Oc­to­ber for the up­com­ing year so un­less Wal­lace and his team had ac­tu­al­ly gone to com­pa­nies be­fore the elec­tion, and fi­nalised deals with them with the loom­ing un­cer­tain­ty of suc­cess, they would still have had to start the process from scratch af­ter the elec­tion.

Christ­mas was al­so on the hori­zon but first Wal­lace may have want­ed to have a look at TTFA's books, bud­gets, etc. This process takes time es­pe­cial­ly with the mess I ex­pect they would have found.

Have you heard about the 'Home of Foot­ball' and what this new TTFA has dis­cov­ered? You say, “it made no sense to shut it down” and the re­main­ing prob­lems that ex­ist­ed could have been sort­ed out but you don't know the sever­i­ty of the prob­lems, so how could you com­ment?

I al­so note your sug­ges­tion to utilise the fa­cil­i­ty for pre and post car­ni­val fetes but you must sure­ly be re­fer­ring to 2021 be­cause 95% of fete pro­mot­ers have al­ready booked their venues for the 2020 car­ni­val sea­son long be­fore De­cem­ber 2019.

I al­so note that you have ad­vised Wal­lace to talk to John-Williams on as­sist­ing with sourc­ing friend­lies. I am sure as Pres­i­dent, Wal­lace, with the as­sis­tance of Coach Ter­ry Fen­wick, can in­tro­duce them­selves to the world and get some friend­lies. Per­haps he can go back to An­guil­la? It would be a great start for Fen­wick and the team.

In ad­di­tion to John-Williams, you al­so want Wal­lace to sit with Sel­by Browne and de­vel­op a mar­ket­ing plan to ben­e­fit the TV and the me­dia. Mr. Awai, wasn't Browne a part of the past regime? Where was their mar­ket­ing plan? How much mon­ey was brought in from tele­vi­sion and ra­dio? Like John-Williams, Browne was re­ject­ed by the clubs; wouldn't they feel as if this new ad­min­is­tra­tion has let them down by re­vert­ing to the old ad­min­is­tra­tion?

I un­der­stand they are meet­ing with the T&T Pro and Su­per League clubs so that we can have a cadre of lo­cal play­ers that would be good enough as fu­ture na­tion­al play­ers. I ex­pect this TTFA will be find­ing in­no­v­a­tive ways to bring our foot­ball back to an ac­cept­able lev­el. They have al­ready ap­point­ed coach­es to most of our na­tion­al teams. How are they fund­ing it? I ex­pect in due course we will get this in­for­ma­tion as there has been a well-pub­li­cised plea in the pub­lic do­main for trans­paren­cy with­in the TTFA, so I hope this new ad­min­is­tra­tion will hear this cry.

Peo­ple are not hurt­ing now as a re­sult of the state of foot­ball. They have been hurt­ing for the last four years. How­ev­er, I love your idea to ask every T&T na­tion­al home and abroad for $100 to­wards a fund to as­sist the TTFA. If you launch the fund, I will join you and do­nate my $100 and we can be the cus­to­di­ans of the fund and ask Bish­op Claude Berkley and Arch­bish­op Charles Gor­don to be part of the ad­min­is­tra­tion. Good idea?

It is a pity that ex-tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor Kendall Walkes has tak­en out a gar­nishee or­der on the TTFA. They ap­peared to be try­ing to agree with him (and many oth­ers) and seemed to be deal­ing in good faith but need­ed more time. Per­haps Walkes couldn't wait any longer. TTFA is quick­ly learn­ing that some­times in life you pay for the sins of oth­ers.

All T&T asks and de­serves from William Wal­lace and the TTFA is com­mu­ni­ca­tion, in­tegri­ty, hon­esty and trans­paren­cy.

To the foot­ball-lov­ing pub­lic, al­most 90 days have gone for the new TTFA. How do you feel?

Ed­i­tor's note

The views ex­pressed in this ar­ti­cle are sole­ly those of the writer and do not re­flect the views of any or­gan­i­sa­tion of which he is a stake­hold­er.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #488 on: February 20, 2020, 10:33:15 AM »
TTFA accounts frozen again
By Walter Alibey (T&T Guardian)

An­oth­er gar­nishee or­der has been tak­en out against the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA), this time al­leged­ly by for­mer tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor Kendall Walkes last week due main­ly to ow­ing un­paid wages.

The or­der, for a sec­ond time, freezes the ac­counts of the em­bat­tled foot­ball as­so­ci­a­tion and could pre­vent pres­i­dent William Wal­lace from ho­n­our­ing many fi­nan­cial com­mit­ments, in­clud­ing pay­ing staff mem­bers, coach­es and oth­er em­ploy­ees.

Word of the gar­nishee or­der be­gan cir­cu­lat­ing on Tues­day via ra­dio talk show host An­dre Bap­tiste, who al­so re­vealed that FI­FA and CON­CA­CAF were well on their way with a nor­mal­i­sa­tion com­mit­tee to run the af­fairs of the sport in T&T.

TTFA Tech­ni­cal Com­mit­tee chair­man Kei­th Look Loy yes­ter­day con­firmed that the or­der had been tak­en out against the as­so­ci­a­tion, but said while it puts them in a sim­i­lar po­si­tion to the for­mer David John-Williams-led body, when a sim­i­lar or­der was tak­en out by the T&T Fut­sal team last year, the gen­e­sis of the prob­lem was dif­fer­ent.

In fact, Look Loy claimed they are pay­ing for the ac­tions of the John-Williams-led ad­min­is­tra­tion.

“Where does the is­sue of pay­ment to the tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor in­volved arise from? It arose from a case gen­er­at­ed by David John-Williams,” Look Loy told Guardian Me­dia.

“The cur­rent fi­nan­cial strug­gles of the TTFA are gen­er­at­ed from the fi­nan­cial mis­man­age­ment of the as­so­ci­a­tion of the John-Williams ad­min­is­tra­tion. These are debts that we in­her­it­ed. These are not debts that have been cre­at­ed by the new ad­min­is­tra­tion that has been in of­fice for three months.”

Look Loy, who was in­stru­men­tal in ini­ti­at­ing the change in the man­age­ment of the sport, added: “It is re­mark­able that peo­ple who sat and did noth­ing to try and get their mon­ey from David John-Williams and his ad­min­is­tra­tion for four years, with jus­ti­fi­ca­tion be­cause they were owed their mon­ey, not by the per­son but by the as­so­ci­a­tion, they are now threat­en­ing le­gal ac­tion and so forth.”

Walkes, who was hired un­der the Ray­mond Tim Kee ad­min­is­tra­tion back in 2012, was fired when John-Williams as­sumed of­fice in 2015, prompt­ing him to take le­gal ac­tion. The court ruled in his favour last year, a de­ci­sion that was set to land him $5.5 mil­lion ex­cept that the TTFA could not pay.

The or­der, which could see the TTFA taff go­ing un­paid for this month (Feb­ru­ary), as had hap­pened back in March last year, aims to re­cov­er a lien of just un­der $600,000 for the T&T fut­sal team for un­paid wages, per diem and oth­er mis­cel­la­neous ex­pens­es dur­ing a World Cup qual­i­fi­er.

Look Loy, a for­mer na­tion­al play­er and coach, told Guardian Me­dia that there are a lot of facts about fi­nan­cial mis­man­age­ment which have been pre­vent­ing the as­so­ci­a­tion from mov­ing for­ward. This in­for­ma­tion will be re­vealed af­ter the Car­ni­val pe­ri­od, he added.

He not­ed that the TTFA is be­ing de­nied mil­lions of dol­lars by the FI­FA be­cause of the fi­nan­cial is­sues be­ing faced now, al­though they (FI­FA) al­lowed the John-Williams ad­min­is­tra­tion to mis­man­aged the funds.

“I, as a board mem­ber, sev­er­al times, at least three, spoke to FI­FA of­fi­cials in front of oth­er board mem­bers and once at an of­fi­cial board meet­ing, to high­light the mis­man­age­ment that was tak­ing place at the Home of Foot­ball and the at­ti­tude by the FI­FA of­fi­cial was that it was in­ter­nal TTFA busi­ness and it had noth­ing to do with FI­FA, as every­thing was good on our (FI­FA) side,” Look Loy ex­plained.

He promised that FI­FA could face ac­tion if a nor­mal­i­sa­tion com­mit­tee is sent here, as the FI­FA had watched the pre­vi­ous TTFA put the sport in­to the mess it is in now. Look Loy al­so took of­fence with Bap­tiste, whom he said had noth­ing to say about the fi­nan­cial mis­man­age­ment of the John-Williams’ ad­min­is­tra­tion.


TTFA accounts frozen over $$ owed to ex-technical director

FOR the second time, the TT Football Association’s (TTFA) bank accounts have been frozen after former technical director Kendal Walkes secured a garnishee order against the association on Friday. This type of order legally allows part of a person’s or company’s income to be used to pay off debts.

Walkes was fired in 2015 under the leadership of former TTFA president David John-Williams, and sued the association for breach of contract.

And in a ruling delivered at the Hall of Justice, Port of Spain, on September 27, 2019, Justice Joan Charles ordered the TTFA to pay him US$783,000, saying a valid contract existed between the two parties.

The TTFA’s accounts were first frozen in March, 2019 as ordered by The High Court. This occurred after the association failed to honour a court order in December, 2018 in which they were made to pay the national futsal team approximately $500,000 with interest, as well as legal fees. The ruling followed a two-year lawsuit stemming from unpaid match fees, salaries and expenses.

Speaking with Newsday, on Wednesday morning, TTFA president William Wallace said he was surprised at Walkes’ decision and that no official communication was made to inform the association about it.

“When we took a look at the accounts online, we realised something was wrong. It was not communicated to us.

“We tried to call the bank to find out what was the problem and the bank referred us to their lawyer. They were not giving us information, they asked our lawyers to contact their lawyers.”

But he added that he is not upset with Walkes since he is simply trying to get what is rightfully his.

“I was surprised, of course, yes I was. But I have nothing against him.

“If someone has to take action to get what they were awarded by the court and they think this is the action that is necessary, I can’t be against him for that.”

Last November nearing the TTFA’s elections, Wallace and his slate United TTFA said if they won, they would do financial reconstruction. In a Newsday article published on November 20, 2019 with the headline ‘Ferguson, Wallace on TTFA court ruling: If we win, we will pay,’ Wallace was quoted as saying, “We will definitely have to sit with Kendall and Stephen (Hart) and work out a payment plan. Of course, we accept that we owe the money, we accept that we have to pay it, and we have to sit with both parties and work out a payment plan.”

Wallace told Newsday an e-mail was sent to Walkes explaining the association’s (financial) position but he received no feedback.

But he said Walkes’ lawyer, Melissa Roberts-John, told him no e-mail was received by her client even though it was through that address the two had been communicating before. “I did indicate that we have a plan that would kick in later in the year that we would use to address all the people that we owe.”

He said the association is now “reaping the results” of the previous administration.

He described the TTFA’s current debt as “staggering,” since Walkes’ is not the only former employee who sought judgement against it.

In November 2019, the association was ordered to pay former youth football team coach, men’s team assistant and technical director Anton Corneal $3,488,375. Also in November, it was ordered to pay former senior men’s coach Stephen Hart $5 million for wrongful dismissal and unpaid salaries and bonuses. Wallace said similar e-mails were sent to all of them and that feedback from the others had been positive and accommodative.

TTFA’s technical committee chairman Keith Look Loy also said the association was shocked at the decision as “amicable communication” occurred between both parties. “I know for a fact that the president had engaged in discussion with him. “These are debt that we inherited. This particular one has been outstanding four years and you just come now and want us to pay you off in three months.”

He believes the association is being “doubly victimised.”

“We are the victims of the mismanagement of David John-Williams and now were the victims of actions of people based on that mismanagement.”

Asked how he plans to address the issues with Walkes’ moving forward, Wallace said he has spoken to Roberts-John and is awaiting feedback. “I sent out an e-mail this morning to his lawyer and asked if there’s any position yet, so at least we can have a position where we can come to the table and get some part of the funding to him, and that we can get the order listed and then we plan the way forward from there.”

FIFA has also paused its funding to the association because of these ongoing financial issues. Wallace said the association was told a commission of FIFA and Concacaf representatives would meet with the FA to discuss finances.

PLEASSEEEE tell me that contract with Walkes being able to negotiate on his own isnt true?
renewing himself to 2022??
cause i saw he's owed til that year

how that even allowed?
n i guess he exploited the gaping loophole they gave him....?

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #489 on: February 20, 2020, 11:28:59 AM »
Dude, Kendall just wants his money owed to him. He does not want any extension.

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #490 on: February 21, 2020, 09:53:49 AM »
Normalisation body could help TTFA revamp—Corneal.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

Nor­mal­i­sa­tion or no nor­mal­iza­tion com­mit­tee? These were the ques­tions be­ing asked by foot­ball ad­min­is­tra­tors, fans, coach­es and sup­port­ers as news spread that FI­FA and CON­CA­CAF planned to send such a body here to sta­bilise the Trinidad and To­ba­go Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA) amid a bleak fi­nan­cial sit­u­a­tion that has brought the sport to a vir­tu­al stand­still.

Last Fri­day, for­mer T&T tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor Kendall Walkes took out a gar­nishee or­der on the T&TFA’s ac­counts in a dis­pute over wrong­ful dis­missal, there­by pre­vent­ing any foot­ball-re­lat­ed trans­ac­tions from tak­ing place.

Last year, the em­bat­tled as­so­ci­a­tion, then led by David John-Williams, was al­so hit by a gar­nishee or­der by the T&T Fut­sal team, which was at­tempt­ing to re­cov­er just un­der $600,000.

Yes­ter­day, An­ton Corneal, an­oth­er for­mer tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor who, like Walkes, had to take the TTFA to court for un­paid wages and oth­er ex­pens­es, said he did not want to tell the TTFA how to run its af­fairs. But in giv­ing de­tails on the in­tro­duc­tion of a nor­mal­i­sa­tion com­mit­tee in­to a coun­try, Corneal said it could help sta­bilise T&T foot­ball.

“A nor­mal­iza­tion com­mit­tee is go­ing to bring some sta­bil­i­ty. It’s go­ing to try to look at things in the most ob­jec­tive way, us­ing peo­ple who don’t re­al­ly have a great his­to­ry of the pro­grammes. So it’s some­one just look­ing on to see how you can get that as­so­ci­a­tion back in line,” Corneal told Guardian Me­dia.

“In say­ing that, it takes some time. A nor­mal­i­sa­tion com­mit­tee would not come in for three months or five months. It’s gonna take a year, some­times two years, so if that’s the di­rec­tion, I don’t know what the ef­fects are go­ing to be but it should be our very last re­sort.”

Corneal, son of for­mer na­tion­al stand­out and coach Alvin Corneal, said he could not say if such a com­mit­tee was need­ed at this time, as he did not the de­tails on how much the was in debt, a sense of where mon­ey was spent and how it was spent and what bud­get it came from.

“I don’t have the facts but in say­ing that they will need guid­ance and prob­a­bly go­ing to the moth­er body, which would be the FI­FA, they would need some sort of guid­ance at least now, be­cause it is true that ac­counts are frozen, which makes it ex­treme­ly dif­fi­cult for any as­so­ci­a­tion,” the younger Corneal said.

How­ev­er, he dis­missed thoughts that a nor­mal­i­sa­tion com­mit­tee will be em­bar­rass­ing for the coun­try, say­ing it has been done in oth­er ter­ri­to­ries be­fore, in­clud­ing Guyana four years ago.

“It has hap­pened in oth­er places be­fore and again, what­ev­er is best. This is just an­oth­er mea­sure to help get some of the pro­grammes back on stream. It’s an­oth­er mea­sure, where a dif­fer­ent body that is go­ing to pri­ori­tise dif­fer­ent­ly, just to make sure that when an as­so­ci­a­tion is run­ning in a coun­try again, every­body is back on the same lev­el, be­cause right now, some peo­ple are owed some are not owed and I am sure that they do not have the fi­nan­cial ac­cess to just wipe out all the bills and mon­ey that are owed to all the peo­ple and or­gan­i­sa­tions that they owe,” Corneal said.

On Wednes­day, TTFA tech­ni­cal com­mit­tee chair­man Kei­th Look Loy blamed FI­FA for the fi­nan­cial sit­u­a­tion the TTFA has found it­self in, say­ing the world body al­lowed the mis­man­age­ment of the John-Williams-led ad­min­is­tra­tion to go on for the past four years, yet they (FI­FA) had been with­hold­ing mil­lions of dol­lars of funds for the cur­rent TTFA ex­ec­u­tive in Zurich.


TTFA accounts frozen while Fifa stalls on paying subvention, Wallace insists better days coming.
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868).

Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) president William Wallace has insisted that the current administration can competently manage the local game, even as he admitted that the TTFA’s accounts were frozen by a creditor while Fifa is hesitant to pay its annual subvention to the local football body.

Last Thursday, former TTFA technical director Kendall Walkes had the TTFA’s accounts frozen, based on their failure to satisfy its debt to him.

Walkes won a default judgment for over TT$5 million last September based on his illegal dismissal by then president David John-Williams. The burden now rests with John-Williams’ successor, Wallace, to meet that debt.

Melissa Roberts-John, who is Walkes’ attorney, confirmed their move against the TTFA.

“Yes, there is a garnishee account and [the TTFA’s] account has been frozen,” she said. “It was served on 13 February and we don’t go to court until 10 March when they will get a chance to have their say to the court.”

Wallace and general secretary Ramesh Ramdhan expressed dismay that the action was taken when they felt they were in negotiation with Walkes. However, they accept that it is the legal right of the United States-based coach.

The TTFA president claimed that he emailed Walkes on 3 February and asked for more time to service the debt.

“I wrote to Kendall [Walkes] on the third of February indicating that we accepted the judgment of the court [against the TTFA] and we are not in any position to treat with the matter at this point in time,” said Wallace. “But we have a debt reduction project that we want to start later in the year and we want him to give us consideration and hold his hand.”

However, Roberts-John said her client denied receiving that email, which was subsequently forwarded to her by the TTFA on 14 February.

“In a matter where you have attorneys on record, you should send all correspondence to the attorney and not the client directly,” said Roberts-John. “So it was not proper protocol to send that to Walkes. And my client said he could not find it in his in-box, trash or junk folder.

“The letter I received was dated the 3rd of February 2020 and they alleged it was sent to him, via email, on the third or fourth of this month. However, neither myself nor [Walkes’ advocate attorney Keston] McQuilkin had any knowledge of this prior to us filing for the garnishee order on the 4th of February.

“We got the order by the court on about the 11th and it was served on the 13th.”

Roberts-John said Wallace’s email asked Walkes not to pursue his judgment until the end of the year. She suggested that her client was unimpressed by the request.

“I won’t repeat what Mr Walkes told me [about the TTFA’s offer],” said Roberts-John, with a chuckle.

Wallace and TTFA general secretary Ramesh Ramdhan said they have been working on getting Walkes to lift the garnishee order since then. It means finding an interim figure that the former technical director would accept, even as they try to source the money to meet whatever demand he makes.

“We are asking for an advance from our foreign sponsors to get some early money,” said Ramdhan. “I have been working on this since Friday.”

Wallace admitted that neither he nor his general secretary have informed the TTFA Board. Instead, the football fraternity heard the news, partially, in an I95.5FM report.

“This situation was such a surprising one and we have been trying to work out how to resolve it,” said Wallace. “We are trying from our end to find a resolution before we make an issue of it but we will have to inform the board [and] Ramesh [Ramdhan] is trying to get an advance from overseas sponsors—we are getting some traction there.”

If Wallace hoped to resolve the matter quietly before it went public, his efforts to do so were doomed from the start. Before the TTFA even discovered which creditor garnisheed their accounts, Fifa had already contacted them about it.

“The freezing of our accounts took place on Thursday afternoon and, by Friday morning, Fifa knew—and we didn’t inform them,” said Wallace. “Fifa asked us to tell them by midday today what action we are taking to resolve the matter… We have already sent out that email.”

The TTFA is due an annual remittance of US$1.5 million (TT$10 million) from Fifa to handle its affairs. However, the governing football body, headed by president Gianni Infantino, has stalled on making the payment. Instead, Fifa allegedly expressed concern at the TTFA’s inherited debt, estimated at TT$50 million, and are insisting on a firm plan of action by the new administration, which has been in office for less than three months.

“They want to know how we will treat with the debt,” said Ramdhan. “They also want us to write to them saying we won’t use Fifa Forward money to satisfy debts, which we did. So far, they have withheld our funds.”

Wallace confirmed the impasse.

“They indicated they are sending a mission of Concacaf and Fifa personnel to discuss our general finances and our debt,” said Wallace. “They intend to send their people in before they send the Fifa Forward money. But they have not given us a date for that mission…”

In the meantime, creditors are getting impatient and current administrative and technical staff are due salaries.

“Yesterday, I went to court on a Jack Warner matter for another $15 million and there was no defence submitted by the last administration,” said Ramdhan. “We barely got through with submitting a defence in time. Under John-Williams, there were three occasions when his lawyer (Annad Misir) said he would submit a defence but never did—[Stephen] Hart, Walkes and Warner.

“[…] We asked [former general secretary] Sheldon [Phillips] not to go through the court process and those talks are ongoing. The Walkes and Phillips contracts are two of the worst contracts we have ever seen.

“They were heavily weighed against the TTFA and leave all the options open to the employee. But the fact is there is a contract and the man is owed, so we have to treat with it.”

Walkes and Phillips were both hired by late former TTFA president Raymond Tim Kee. In the case of the former technical director, Walkes, according to Wallace, had a clause which allowed him to unilaterally renew his own contract. So, Walkes told the High Court that he would enforce that right and, as a result, the football body must pay his salary from 2015 to 2022.

Ramdhan hopes that the TTFA can reach a compromise with Walkes soon.

“Our lawyer said the only way to lift the garnishee is to talk to Walkes’ lawyers and try to get some goodwill,” he said. “Freezing the accounts won’t do anyone any good, especially when we have showed our willingness to talk.”

Roberts-John suggested the TTFA brought the matter on itself.

“Why wait for us to get a garnishee order before you present us with an offer?” she asked.

Incidentally, Roberts-John also represents the 2016 National Futsal Team which has a judgment for over TT$500,000 from the local football body. And the key mover behind that suit, former team manager Ronald Brereton, has already publicly clashed with TTFA technical committee chairman Keith Look Loy over the current direction of the Futsal programme.

Ramdhan believes Wallace used his personal relationship with former Soca Warriors head coach Stephen Hart to buy the football body time to pay him off. But there still remains judgments due to another technical director, Anton Corneal, former head coach Russell Latapy and outstanding bills from contractors, hotels, travel agencies and so on.

Former National Senior Team head coach Dennis Lawrence and his assistant Stuart Charles-Fevrier—both dismissed by the current administration—are also owed settlements.

Still, Wallace, who was elected president last November after a 26-20 win over John-Williams, believes he can lead the TTFA into a brighter future, once given time.

“From where I sit and with the plans we have and the money that Fifa will send to the FA, we are in a very good position to manage football in Trinidad and Tobago,” said Wallace. “It is just a matter of getting over these hurdles. [The garnishee order] came at a very inappropriate time but I guess the claimant has the right to do what he feels he has to do to recover monies owed to him.

“It is ironic that this whole court matter was taken [by John-Williams] against the advice of Fifa, who asked him to renegotiate Walkes contract and not simply ignore it.

“[…] Based on our projections, we can run football comfortably in Trinidad and Tobago. We just have to get over these hurdles that are not of our own making.”

« Last Edit: February 21, 2020, 10:27:16 AM by Flex »
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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #491 on: February 21, 2020, 11:13:25 AM »
Dude, Kendall just wants his money owed to him. He does not want any extension.

"Walkes and Phillips were both hired by late former TTFA president Raymond Tim Kee. In the case of the former technical director, Walkes, according to Wallace, had a clause which allowed him to unilaterally renew his own contract. So, Walkes told the High Court that he would enforce that right and, as a result, the football body must pay his salary from 2015 to 2022."

TTFA accounts frozen while Fifa stalls on paying subvention, Wallace insists better days coming.
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868).

Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) president William Wallace has insisted that the current administration can competently manage the local game, even as he admitted that the TTFA’s accounts were frozen by a creditor while Fifa is hesitant to pay its annual subvention to the local football body.

Last Thursday, former TTFA technical director Kendall Walkes had the TTFA’s accounts frozen, based on their failure to satisfy its debt to him.

Walkes won a default judgment for over TT$5 million last September based on his illegal dismissal by then president David John-Williams. The burden now rests with John-Williams’ successor, Wallace, to meet that debt.

Melissa Roberts-John, who is Walkes’ attorney, confirmed their move against the TTFA.

“Yes, there is a garnishee account and [the TTFA’s] account has been frozen,” she said. “It was served on 13 February and we don’t go to court until 10 March when they will get a chance to have their say to the court.”

Wallace and general secretary Ramesh Ramdhan expressed dismay that the action was taken when they felt they were in negotiation with Walkes. However, they accept that it is the legal right of the United States-based coach.

The TTFA president claimed that he emailed Walkes on 3 February and asked for more time to service the debt.

“I wrote to Kendall [Walkes] on the third of February indicating that we accepted the judgment of the court [against the TTFA] and we are not in any position to treat with the matter at this point in time,” said Wallace. “But we have a debt reduction project that we want to start later in the year and we want him to give us consideration and hold his hand.”

However, Roberts-John said her client denied receiving that email, which was subsequently forwarded to her by the TTFA on 14 February.

“In a matter where you have attorneys on record, you should send all correspondence to the attorney and not the client directly,” said Roberts-John. “So it was not proper protocol to send that to Walkes. And my client said he could not find it in his in-box, trash or junk folder.

“The letter I received was dated the 3rd of February 2020 and they alleged it was sent to him, via email, on the third or fourth of this month. However, neither myself nor [Walkes’ advocate attorney Keston] McQuilkin had any knowledge of this prior to us filing for the garnishee order on the 4th of February.

“We got the order by the court on about the 11th and it was served on the 13th.”

Roberts-John said Wallace’s email asked Walkes not to pursue his judgment until the end of the year. She suggested that her client was unimpressed by the request.

“I won’t repeat what Mr Walkes told me [about the TTFA’s offer],” said Roberts-John, with a chuckle.

Wallace and TTFA general secretary Ramesh Ramdhan said they have been working on getting Walkes to lift the garnishee order since then. It means finding an interim figure that the former technical director would accept, even as they try to source the money to meet whatever demand he makes.

“We are asking for an advance from our foreign sponsors to get some early money,” said Ramdhan. “I have been working on this since Friday.”

Wallace admitted that neither he nor his general secretary have informed the TTFA Board. Instead, the football fraternity heard the news, partially, in an I95.5FM report.

“This situation was such a surprising one and we have been trying to work out how to resolve it,” said Wallace. “We are trying from our end to find a resolution before we make an issue of it but we will have to inform the board [and] Ramesh [Ramdhan] is trying to get an advance from overseas sponsors—we are getting some traction there.”

If Wallace hoped to resolve the matter quietly before it went public, his efforts to do so were doomed from the start. Before the TTFA even discovered which creditor garnisheed their accounts, Fifa had already contacted them about it.

“The freezing of our accounts took place on Thursday afternoon and, by Friday morning, Fifa knew—and we didn’t inform them,” said Wallace. “Fifa asked us to tell them by midday today what action we are taking to resolve the matter… We have already sent out that email.”

The TTFA is due an annual remittance of US$1.5 million (TT$10 million) from Fifa to handle its affairs. However, the governing football body, headed by president Gianni Infantino, has stalled on making the payment. Instead, Fifa allegedly expressed concern at the TTFA’s inherited debt, estimated at TT$50 million, and are insisting on a firm plan of action by the new administration, which has been in office for less than three months.

“They want to know how we will treat with the debt,” said Ramdhan. “They also want us to write to them saying we won’t use Fifa Forward money to satisfy debts, which we did. So far, they have withheld our funds.”

Wallace confirmed the impasse.

“They indicated they are sending a mission of Concacaf and Fifa personnel to discuss our general finances and our debt,” said Wallace. “They intend to send their people in before they send the Fifa Forward money. But they have not given us a date for that mission…”

In the meantime, creditors are getting impatient and current administrative and technical staff are due salaries.

“Yesterday, I went to court on a Jack Warner matter for another $15 million and there was no defence submitted by the last administration,” said Ramdhan. “We barely got through with submitting a defence in time. Under John-Williams, there were three occasions when his lawyer (Annad Misir) said he would submit a defence but never did—[Stephen] Hart, Walkes and Warner.

“[…] We asked [former general secretary] Sheldon [Phillips] not to go through the court process and those talks are ongoing. The Walkes and Phillips contracts are two of the worst contracts we have ever seen.

“They were heavily weighed against the TTFA and leave all the options open to the employee. But the fact is there is a contract and the man is owed, so we have to treat with it.”

Walkes and Phillips were both hired by late former TTFA president Raymond Tim Kee. In the case of the former technical director, Walkes, according to Wallace, had a clause which allowed him to unilaterally renew his own contract. So, Walkes told the High Court that he would enforce that right and, as a result, the football body must pay his salary from 2015 to 2022.

Ramdhan hopes that the TTFA can reach a compromise with Walkes soon.

“Our lawyer said the only way to lift the garnishee is to talk to Walkes’ lawyers and try to get some goodwill,” he said. “Freezing the accounts won’t do anyone any good, especially when we have showed our willingness to talk.”

Roberts-John suggested the TTFA brought the matter on itself.

“Why wait for us to get a garnishee order before you present us with an offer?” she asked.

Incidentally, Roberts-John also represents the 2016 National Futsal Team which has a judgment for over TT$500,000 from the local football body. And the key mover behind that suit, former team manager Ronald Brereton, has already publicly clashed with TTFA technical committee chairman Keith Look Loy over the current direction of the Futsal programme.

Ramdhan believes Wallace used his personal relationship with former Soca Warriors head coach Stephen Hart to buy the football body time to pay him off. But there still remains judgments due to another technical director, Anton Corneal, former head coach Russell Latapy and outstanding bills from contractors, hotels, travel agencies and so on.

Former National Senior Team head coach Dennis Lawrence and his assistant Stuart Charles-Fevrier—both dismissed by the current administration—are also owed settlements.

Still, Wallace, who was elected president last November after a 26-20 win over John-Williams, believes he can lead the TTFA into a brighter future, once given time.

“From where I sit and with the plans we have and the money that Fifa will send to the FA, we are in a very good position to manage football in Trinidad and Tobago,” said Wallace. “It is just a matter of getting over these hurdles. [The garnishee order] came at a very inappropriate time but I guess the claimant has the right to do what he feels he has to do to recover monies owed to him.

“It is ironic that this whole court matter was taken [by John-Williams] against the advice of Fifa, who asked him to renegotiate Walkes contract and not simply ignore it.

“[…] Based on our projections, we can run football comfortably in Trinidad and Tobago. We just have to get over these hurdles that are not of our own making.”

« Last Edit: February 21, 2020, 12:51:50 PM by Flex »

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Normalisation body could help TTFA revamp—Corneal
« Reply #492 on: February 21, 2020, 02:07:36 PM »
Normalisation body could help TTFA revamp—Corneal
By Walter Alibey (T&T Guardian)

Nor­mal­i­sa­tion or no nor­mal­iza­tion com­mit­tee? These were the ques­tions be­ing asked by foot­ball ad­min­is­tra­tors, fans, coach­es and sup­port­ers as news spread that FI­FA and CON­CA­CAF planned to send such a body here to sta­bilise the Trinidad and To­ba­go Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA) amid a bleak fi­nan­cial sit­u­a­tion that has brought the sport to a vir­tu­al stand­still.

Last Fri­day, for­mer T&T tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor Kendall Walkes took out a gar­nishee or­der on the T&TFA’s ac­counts in a dis­pute over wrong­ful dis­missal, there­by pre­vent­ing any foot­ball-re­lat­ed trans­ac­tions from tak­ing place.

Last year, the em­bat­tled as­so­ci­a­tion, then led by David John-Williams, was al­so hit by a gar­nishee or­der by the T&T Fut­sal team, which was at­tempt­ing to re­cov­er just un­der $600,000.

Yes­ter­day, An­ton Corneal, an­oth­er for­mer tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor who, like Walkes, had to take the TTFA to court for un­paid wages and oth­er ex­pens­es, said he did not want to tell the TTFA how to run its af­fairs. But in giv­ing de­tails on the in­tro­duc­tion of a nor­mal­i­sa­tion com­mit­tee in­to a coun­try, Corneal said it could help sta­bilise T&T foot­ball.

“A nor­mal­iza­tion com­mit­tee is go­ing to bring some sta­bil­i­ty. It’s go­ing to try to look at things in the most ob­jec­tive way, us­ing peo­ple who don’t re­al­ly have a great his­to­ry of the pro­grammes. So it’s some­one just look­ing on to see how you can get that as­so­ci­a­tion back in line,” Corneal told Guardian Me­dia.

“In say­ing that, it takes some time. A nor­mal­i­sa­tion com­mit­tee would not come in for three months or five months. It’s gonna take a year, some­times two years, so if that’s the di­rec­tion, I don’t know what the ef­fects are go­ing to be but it should be our very last re­sort.”

Corneal, son of for­mer na­tion­al stand­out and coach Alvin Corneal, said he could not say if such a com­mit­tee was need­ed at this time, as he did not the de­tails on how much the was in debt, a sense of where mon­ey was spent and how it was spent and what bud­get it came from.

“I don’t have the facts but in say­ing that they will need guid­ance and prob­a­bly go­ing to the moth­er body, which would be the FI­FA, they would need some sort of guid­ance at least now, be­cause it is true that ac­counts are frozen, which makes it ex­treme­ly dif­fi­cult for any as­so­ci­a­tion,” the younger Corneal said.

How­ev­er, he dis­missed thoughts that a nor­mal­i­sa­tion com­mit­tee will be em­bar­rass­ing for the coun­try, say­ing it has been done in oth­er ter­ri­to­ries be­fore, in­clud­ing Guyana four years ago.

“It has hap­pened in oth­er places be­fore and again, what­ev­er is best. This is just an­oth­er mea­sure to help get some of the pro­grammes back on stream. It’s an­oth­er mea­sure, where a dif­fer­ent body that is go­ing to pri­ori­tise dif­fer­ent­ly, just to make sure that when an as­so­ci­a­tion is run­ning in a coun­try again, every­body is back on the same lev­el, be­cause right now, some peo­ple are owed some are not owed and I am sure that they do not have the fi­nan­cial ac­cess to just wipe out all the bills and mon­ey that are owed to all the peo­ple and or­gan­i­sa­tions that they owe,” Corneal said.

On Wednes­day, TTFA tech­ni­cal com­mit­tee chair­man Kei­th Look Loy blamed FI­FA for the fi­nan­cial sit­u­a­tion the TTFA has found it­self in, say­ing the world body al­lowed the mis­man­age­ment of the John-Williams-led ad­min­is­tra­tion to go on for the past four years, yet they (FI­FA) had been with­hold­ing mil­lions of dol­lars of funds for the cur­rent TTFA ex­ec­u­tive in Zurich.
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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #493 on: February 21, 2020, 03:02:07 PM »
TTFA sets up Education sub Committee to develop key areas in football.
TTFA Media.

The first meeting of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association’s Education Sub Committee of the Technical Committee  took place on Thursday.

The members of this sub-committee  who were involved in the meeting included FIFA instructor Anton Corneal, TTFA Technical Director Dion La Foucade, Dr Marissa Nimrod who is the Chair of the TTFA Medical Committee and Vice President of the Trinidad and Tobago Medical Association; Sherlan Cabralis, UWI Sports Management Lecturer and Director UWI/FIFA/CIES Sports Management Programm; and David Benjamin, Director of Civilian Conservation Corps/and Military led Academic Training Programme ( MILAT ). The meeting was chaired by Technical Committee chairman Keith Look Loy.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a curriculum, courses and schedules for TTFA’s training and development academy which will deliver courses in four main areas – coaching, physical preparation, medicine and sports science, administration and management.

These courses will fall under FIFA, CONCACAF, TTFA or other external agencies and the sub-committee will develop a panel of instructors for each area.

Additionally, the TTFA will pursue MOUs with external agencies to enable delivery of the local courses.

TTFA President William Wallace, commenting on this latest initiative, stated, “This is another one of the committees set up with an aim towards holistic development of the various areas within the organisation that are responsible for running our football.

“In fact, it is about more than just football. It deals with Identifying guiding principles and “best practices”. Though there is no single “best model”,  there are proven methods and best practices that increase the chances of success.”

Look Loy echoed similar sentiments saying “This is an historic initiative. Never before have we seen anything like this in local football. The intention is to ensure that we expand the range of courses we offer, streamline their delivery and make their availability predictable to potential participants throughout the country. This will ensure we improve the quality of the local game, from grassroots to elite.”

Corneal who is now a FIFA lecturer on Administration as well as Technical development, endorsed the initiative, telling TTFA Media. “The TTFA has targeted the right stakeholders to form this committee. They would now plan design and implement various courses for Administrators, Management personnel, Medical staff, Physical Trainers and Coaches. Hopefully most of these programs would be implemented this year.”

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #494 on: March 03, 2020, 12:14:02 PM »
Walkes opens negotiations: TTFA asked for TT$2.5 million to lift garnishee order.
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868).

Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) president William Wallace and former technical director Kendall Walkes have opened discussions regarding a garnishee order that led to a freeze on the local body’s bank accounts. But that is where the good news starts and ends.

The TTFA’s bank accounts have been frozen since 13 February, due to an apparent breakdown in talks between the organisation and its former employee, who was hired under then president Raymond Tim Kee and unceremoniously dismissed by Wallace’s predecessor, David John-Williams.

And, on Carnival Friday, Walkes informed the TTFA of the figure he wants to be paid before he lifts the garnishee order. Wired868 was reliably informed that the former national player asked for TT$2.5 million, which represents almost half of the US$783,000 (TT$5.4 million) settlement that he was awarded by the High Court for breach of contract.

“We are trying to get a temporary something for Kendall [Walkes] to unfreeze the accounts,” Wallace told Wired868, “but the offer put on the table by his attorney is not within our grasp. So we will continue to work on that over the next week.”

Walkes’ attorney, Melissa Roberts-John, confirmed that her client gave a figure to the TTFA last week and are awaiting an official response. She blamed the current impasse on poor communication from the football body, which they are now trying to address.

“We are willing to reach an amicable decision in light of the garnishee order and we are amenable to discussion,” said Roberts-John. “It is a lack of communication that took us here but we are open to a negotiation. Since sending this correspondence, I haven’t heard anything back from them but this is the start of the negotiation.

“At least we are having direct discussion with [the TTFA officials] now.”

While the two parties try to reach an understanding, the hardship will be felt primarily by the TTFA’s office staff and coaches.

“I cannot say whether they will be paid at the end of the month at present,” said Wallace. “We would like to pay our salaries on time because we are striving not to run up any additional bills. So definitely that is an issue. We are looking for a contingency measure so it doesn’t go far beyond the end of the month and hopefully we will at least deal with the office staff.”

The local football body has enough drinking water and equipment to ensure that the national teams can continue training, regardless of the impasse. And, fortunately, the accommodation, flights and meals for the Women’s National Under-20 Team were taken care of before the garnishee order was executed.

However, the TTFA now finds itself unable to provide stipends to the coaches on duty at the Concacaf Under-20 Championship in the Dominican Republic. The Women Soca Warriors qualified for the Round of 16 on Tuesday afternoon and will try to win Group F tomorrow when they face Haiti.

“Ideally we would like to provide a stipend for our coaches and players,” said Wallace. “But they have all the basic things they need to continue, just like our teams training here.”

The TTFA is due an annual Fifa subvention of US$1.5 million (TT$10 million) but, thus far, the governing body has stalled on paying. At present, a mixed delegation from Concacaf and Fifa is in the country to examine the local body’s financial healthy, which is allegedly the first step towards releasing the aforementioned funds.

Former TTFA board member Selby Browne, who unsuccessfully contested the post of first vice-president at last November’s election, has urged Fifa to send in a normalisation committee, which would have the effect of voiding the last election and preparing the member association for fresh leadership.

In such cases, Fifa usually invokes article 14.1(a) and 8.2, which states:

‘Member associations have the following obligations: to comply fully with the Statutes, regulations, directives and decisions of Fifa bodies at any time as well as the decisions of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) passed on appeal on the basis of article 57 paragraph 1 of the FIFA Statutes’;

And, ‘Executive bodies of member associations may under exceptional circumstances
be removed from office by the Council in consultation with the relevant confederation and replaced by a normalisation committee for a specific period of time’.

Outside of unproven claims that disgraced ex-Fifa vice-president Jack Warner was involved in Wallace’s campaign—article 14.1(i) obliges FA to ‘manage their affairs independently and ensure that their own affairs are not influenced by any third parties’—it is difficult to see any legal ground for Fifa to instil a normalisation committee in Trinidad and Tobago, particularly when president Gianni Infantino was a regular visitor to Trinidad during John-Williams’ tenure even as the TTFA’s debt soared.

Wallace, who announced a TT$25 million kit deal with English sport apparel company Avec Sport today, vowed that he could erase the TTFA’s estimated TT$50 million debt within three years.

“[…] Even with the constraints, this FA is going to rise and do well,” said Wallace. “We are going to take ourselves out of the hole we are in. We didn’t come in here without a plan; and that plan is going to unfold as we go forward.

“We came in with a debt of 50 million [TT dollars]. Within three years that debt will be no longer a TTFA debt; I promise Trinidad and Tobago that.”

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #495 on: March 03, 2020, 03:48:25 PM »
Caribbean Chemicals becomes new TTFA partner.
TTFA Media.

The Trinidad & Tobago Football Association is delighted to announce Caribbean Chemicals & Agencies Ltd as its latest Official Partner with an agreement that will support in the development and improvement of playing pitches at senior, junior and school level.

The four-year agreement, worth a total of TT$1.5m, takes effect immediately and follows last week’s announcement of Avec UK as the TTFA’s technical kit and training wear Partner.

Caribbean Chemicals has made an investment in the TTFA that includes product for the improvement of playing facilities. Additionally, Chairman Joe Pires has offered his personal support and general counsel on domestic commercial matters as and when required.

Pires told TTFA Media: “Becoming the first domestic Partner of the new TTFA administration is a significant moment both for Caribbean Chemicals and for me personally. It was important to us that we were the first to show our support for a new era in T&T football as it reflects the confidence we have in this administration and in people like new Senior Men’s Coach Terry Fenwick to make the improvements that football fans across the whole of Trinidad and Tobago are desperate to see.

“I’m proud that Caribbean Chemicals has become an Official Partner and on a personal level, am looking forward providing some executive assistance which I hope can help accelerate overall development.”

Caribbean Chemicals will work with the TTFA to establish international standard pitches across the country by providing technical support through our internationally trained agronomists (technical representatives) for all pitches utilized by the TTFA.

The company will be using the most advanced techniques and products from world renowned companies like BASF, Miller Chemical, Bayer, Omex, Agafert and AgriGro which are already used on some of the top playing fields around the world. The product lines include bio-stimulants and non-toxic additives that will ensure the safety of players, and the highest standards of control.

TTFA President William Wallace said: “The confirmation of Caribbean Chemicals as a new Partner is a significant show of solidarity from a major locally based organisation. I believe this illustration of local support is a hugely meaningful moment in our overall programme and I look forward to a long and successful association.”

Video - Caribbean Chemicals becomes latest TTFA Partner

« Last Edit: March 03, 2020, 03:58:10 PM by Flex »
The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #496 on: March 03, 2020, 08:52:53 PM »

Offline Trini _2026

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #497 on: March 04, 2020, 01:49:46 PM »
we in bad shape from money owing to the home of football ...poor project managment on home of football....

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« Last Edit: March 04, 2020, 01:52:26 PM by Trini _2022 »
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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #498 on: March 04, 2020, 04:31:58 PM »
Wallace outlines the good, the bad and the ugly about the TTFA.
By Inshan Mohammed.

President William Wallace, in his first 100 days in office, has been making a positive impact since taking over the cash-strapped Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) last November and, is determined to take Trinidad and Tobago football up to where is should be oneday.

Today, at the Queens Park Oval in-front of the media and staff members. Wallace spoke to the general public through its own media director Shaun Fuentes and gave a full breakdown of the problems that is hurting the association and how poorly things have been running in the past.

However, all was not bad news as there was some good stuff the president revealed concerning T&T football despite, facing a $50million debt. He said that they've acquired a few more sponsorship deals that will be disclosed in due course. The president said that some of the sponsorship money will be geared towards bringing back the FA-Cup and the restructuring of the Super and Pro Leagues respectively.

Wallace, who seemed to be in good spirits outlined that there were a lot of rackets surrounding the TTFA including an illegal National Insurance System (NIS) loan which was taken out anonymously. Wallace also touched on the poorly constructed Home of Football hotel project that is yet to be in operation because of bad project management.

Click Here to listen his full press conference.


TTFA Presidents speaks on 100 days in office.
TTFA Media.

As reported widely by the media and in a Guardian report which stated, “Over $4 mil­lion in pay­ments for na­tion­al in­sur­ance (NIS), health sur­charge and PAYE (Pay As You Earn) re­mains un­ac­count­ed for, by the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA) under the previous administration

“On Wednes­day, new pres­i­dent William Wal­lace, in giv­ing an up­date on what his ad­min­is­tra­tion met when they as­sumed of­fice what they have done so far af­ter 100 days, said they have al­ready re­port­ed their find­ings to the rel­e­vant au­thor­i­ties and are seek­ing ways to bring the pay­ments of em­ploy­ees up to date.

On Wednes­day, new pres­i­dent William Wal­lace, in giv­ing an up­date on what his ad­min­is­tra­tion met when they as­sumed of­fice what they have done so far af­ter 100 days, said they have al­ready re­port­ed their find­ings to the rel­e­vant au­thor­i­ties and are seek­ing ways to bring the pay­ments of em­ploy­ees up to date.

The un­paid $4 mil­lion, Wal­lace said is for two years as the last pay­ment on NIS, PAYE and health sur­charge was made in No­vem­ber 2017.

This was on­ly one of many sit­u­a­tions the Wal­lace-led ad­min­is­tra­tion said it en­coun­tered on No­vem­ber 24, last year. Ac­cord­ing to Wal­lace, he was not cast­ing any as­per­sions on any­one but is stat­ing the facts, said: “In a press con­fer­ence in De­cem­ber 2016 the then pres­i­dent of the TTFA, David John-Williams, in­di­cat­ed that there was a debt of $16 mil­lion. That debt is now at $50 mil­lion and count­ing. When we got in there in No­vem­ber, there was no mon­ey to pay staff. We dis­cov­ered that NIS, PAYE and health sur­charge, the last time that was paid to the rel­e­vant au­thor­i­ties, was in No­vem­ber 2017. We have since ac­cu­mu­lat­ed a debt of $4 mil­lion. Im­por­tant here, this mon­ey was re­flect­ed as be­ing tak­en out of the salaries of the em­ploy­ees.”

In a grim de­scrip­tion of why the sport had sunken to the point it has been at for the past four years, Wal­lace said: “We have trav­el agen­cies be­ing owed over $850,000 and these agen­cies are at the verge of clos­ing down at this point; A loan tak­en from CON­CA­CAF for US$600,000. That loan was tak­en in 2017 and in­ter­est on the loan, month­ly is US$2,500. The prin­ci­pal is still out­stand­ing, plus the in­ter­est to­talling US$63,000. We were al­so faced with 29 bounced cheques to­talling $345,000, in­ci­den­tal­ly, four of those cheques were paid to clubs in the League that was formed just be­fore the elec­tions (the League of Cham­pi­ons),” Wal­lace re­vealed.

The teams re­ceiv­ing the bounced cheques were De­fence Force, Guaya Unit­ed, Youth Stars Unit­ed and Moru­ga FC.

“In an­oth­er jaw-drop­ping rev­e­la­tion to a packed me­dia gath­er­ing, Wal­lace said the TTFA last year al­so re­ceived $990,000 for the pro­posed T-League, which was de­signed to re­struc­ture top-flight lo­cal foot­ball and put it on par with some of the top Leagues world­wide. In­stead, Wal­lace said the mon­ey was used for the League of Cham­pi­ons, and de­spite be­ing in a sur­plus po­si­tion, cheques giv­en to clubs bounced,” the Guardian stated.

Wal­lace added that match agents are be­ing owed despite claims of monies being earned for international game between 2016-2019.

“Ac­tu­al­ly, one per­son went to the FI­FA and FI­FA ruled against the FA. So we have out­stand­ing for match agents $148,000. And match fees to play­ers for those game were not paid since June, to­talling just over a mil­lion dol­lars. Coach­es and tech­ni­cal staff have not been paid since June, to­talling $1.3 mil­lion.”

Mean­while, in­ten­tions to use the Home of Foot­ball as an in­come-gen­er­at­ing mea­sure has been dashed, due to struc­tur­al flaws. Wal­lace said, in ad­di­tion to huge sums of monies be­ing owed on fa­cil­i­ty to the tune of $2 mil­lion, they have had to close the Home of Foot­ball be­cause of no fire clear­ance, no alarm, no emer­gency voice com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem, no emer­gency light­ing, no portable fire ex­tin­guish­ers, no fire hose reel sys­tem, no ded­i­cat­ed wa­ter sup­ply, no fire pump, no li­a­bil­i­ty in­sur­ance, leak­ages, flood­ed steps, and poor­ly in­stalled door frames.

The Guardian also reported “Af­ter 100 days in of­fice the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA), un­der the lead­er­ship of William Wal­lace, has had a lot to brag about.

In a com­par­i­son of what Wal­lace and the TTFA met when they as­sumed of­fice last year, to what they have done to date, Wal­lace at a press con­fer­ence at the Pres­i­dent’s Box of the Queen’s Park Oval on Wednes­day said a sig­nif­i­cant step has been made to clear off the debt of the foot­ball as­so­ci­a­tion.

The lo­cal foot­ball boss said they have signed a Mem­o­ran­dum of Un­der­stand­ing (MOU) to treat with the debt sit­u­a­tion, which has now reached $50 mil­lion, and they have al­so set­tled a 15-year dis­pute with for­mer ra­dio com­men­ta­tor and jour­nal­ist Sel­wyn Melville on the right­ful own­er of the ‘So­ca War­riors’ name.

“The debt of $50 mil­lion, we have signed an MOU where that is con­cerned and we should be able to take care of that debt in two to three years, and who knows, it might prob­a­bly be be­fore that. There was a mat­ter in the court for prob­a­bly 15 years, the Sel­wyn Melville mat­ter where the is­sue of the trade­mark was in the court. And re­al­ly and tru­ly, when we looked at every­thing, the FA had ab­solute­ly no ev­i­dence to claim the trade­mark. So here we have a mat­ter in the court, we are pay­ing le­gal fees and so on and we have no ev­i­dence. We have tak­en that mat­ter out of the courts, it has been set­tled, and at this point in time we are draw­ing up an arrange­ment to move for­ward with Sel­wyn Melville, who has claimed the trade­mark, for prof­it-shar­ing from the trade­mark,” Wal­lace ex­plained.

The MOU comes at an ide­al time af­ter a team from the CON­CA­CAF and FI­FA vis­it­ed re­cent­ly and ad­vised the TTFA to not both­er to use the Home of Foot­ball in Bal­main, Cou­va as a rev­enue-gen­er­at­ing av­enue. This Wal­lace said was be­cause of the many struc­tur­al flaws that ex­ist­ed, as well as the in­abil­i­ty to se­cure prop­er emer­gency sys­tems.

Wal­lace al­so said there was no kitchen at the fa­cil­i­ty and there­fore they will at­tempt to have their youth teams, use the dorms, or try to part­ner with a com­pa­ny to see how it can be uti­lized. “The build­ing is up but we have to find a way to uti­lize it. In terms of project mon­ey that we were sup­posed to have to the tune of $2 mil­lion is now down to $109, 000 at this point in time, and we have not re­ceived our FI­FA mon­ey yet which is for op­er­a­tions. The Board is dis­cussing ways we can move for­ward, once the build­ing can be used, whether it’s a prof­it-shar­ing arrange­ment, I don’t know that we have the ex­per­tise to run a ho­tel,” Wal­lace said.

The TTFA has al­so se­cured a $25 mil­lion ap­par­el deal: set up a new web­site: se­cured a broad­cast and dig­i­tal rights part­ner: sealed its first do­mes­tic spon­sor: se­cured a spon­sor for the FA: com­mis­sioned the cre­ation of a strate­gic plan: meet­ing with cred­i­tors on an on-go­ing ba­sis: paid out $1 mil­lion to cred­i­tors: paid $227, 000 to the tech­ni­cal staff: paid $135, 000 to play­ers: ac­quired the ser­vices of a Se­nior Coun­sel pro bono: se­cured a spon­sor for elite foot­ball- new League for Pro League, Su­per League and zon­al clubs in a three-Tier sys­tem: and has set up a Sports and Sci­ence Med­ical Com­mit­tee with a man­date to de­vel­op pro­grammes, among many oth­ers.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2020, 05:52:53 AM by Flex »
The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #499 on: March 04, 2020, 11:58:10 PM »
Wallace outlines the good, the bad and the ugly about the TTFA.
By Inshan Mohammed.

President William Wallace, in his first 100 days in office, has been making a positive impact since taking over the cash-strapped Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) last November and, is determined to take Trinidad and Tobago football up to where is should be oneday.

Today, at the Queens Park Oval in-front of the media and staff members. Wallace spoke to the general public through its own media director Shaun Fuentes and gave a full breakdown of the problems that is hurting the association and how poorly things have been running in the past.

However, all was not bad news as there was some good stuff the president revealed concerning T&T football despite, facing a $50million debt. He said that they've acquired a few more sponsorship deals that will be disclosed in due course. The president said that some of the sponsorship money will be geared towards bringing back the FA-Cup and the restructuring of the Super and Pro Leagues respectively.

Wallace, who seemed to be in good spirits outlined that there were a lot of rackets surrounding the TTFA including an illegal National Insurance System (NIS) loan which was taken out anonymously. Wallace also touched on the poorly constructed Home of Football hotel project that is yet to be in operation because of bad project management.

Click Here to listen his full press conference.

:( :'( :-\ :praying:

Offline Tiresais

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #500 on: March 05, 2020, 04:15:57 AM »
DJW and his cabal are a bunch of crooks. Disgrace

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #501 on: March 05, 2020, 01:59:49 PM »
"Wal­lace al­so said there was no kitchen at the fa­cil­i­ty and there­fore they will at­tempt to have their youth teams, use the dorms, or try to part­ner with a com­pa­ny to see how it can be uti­lized. “The build­ing is up but we have to find a way to uti­lize it. In terms of project mon­ey that we were sup­posed to have to the tune of $2 mil­lion is now down to $109, 000 at this point in time, and we have not re­ceived our FI­FA mon­ey yet which is for op­er­a­tions. The Board is dis­cussing ways we can move for­ward, once the build­ing can be used, whether it’s a prof­it-shar­ing arrange­ment, I don’t know that we have the ex­per­tise to run a ho­tel,” Wal­lace said."

Hate to say ppl were warned...Yet all kinda bodies attended the farce of Grand Opening and no one saw what Wallace and staff seeing now ? Doh talk about the lack of inventory and thiefing  of equipment. And we wonder why the society in the state it in..- We have successful ppl setting crooked examples to the youths. I pray this admin- that's a lot of ppl - would not be tempted and give in, as a few previous admins obviously did. Even if we have to band our belly, skip some events and take some licks for a few years. When we surface permanently, the whole country would be proud and develop a better self esteem. Of Course, there will always be some measure of deviants. Hopefully less around the game we love.

smh.. Can barely maintain, but we can build. Spoke to the maintenance crew at CCCan last year. 4 ppl to do cleaning the whole pool building during and after events, 2 guys and 2 girls. They had to lift and carry the garbage over 500 yards away. I counted 8 administrators in the office, awaiting questions and to provide service. Build. how the Lara build going.
ps: the maintenance staff and security personnel did and wanted to say more, but asked me to keep things on the low, as they were afraid of losing their jobs. I already gave the story about the police checkpoint .

each body overseer the hotel. And all associations share the expenses, cause left to football alone, we’ll we know how that goes.. el

maxg, while you making sense, I see this hotel as DJW plaything. Another center of "excellence" scenario.
Many people like expensive playthings, very few can manage them to a profit or well. Can he keep the hotel operationally successful, can he put ppl in the rooms at their expense and not ours ? As i said swimming is going to cover 1 month. Having a nice hotel to hold our National football camps is great, but how is it going to make money to cover those National camps. This is not a Ma & PA bb we talking about, it's a thing that will require year round staffing and operations. 80% of Operations and occupancy may have nothing to do with football . Staff can't be hired by month or event...the only way this will be viable for our National programs, is if the Hotel can operate at a profit, regardless of how nice it look or wonderful location to stadia.

ps: MzTing graduating in Tourism and Hotel Management, but given how ppl does get pay, i not recommending her at all. ;)                           
« Last Edit: March 05, 2020, 02:10:31 PM by maxg »

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #502 on: March 05, 2020, 03:17:56 PM »
Yea Maxg, I remember your post from over a year ago and like it's coming to fruition.

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #503 on: March 08, 2020, 08:51:31 AM »
TTFA has eyes on coronavirus.
By Jelani Beckles (Newsday).

PRESIDENT of the TT Football Association (TTFA) William Wallace said the Soca Warriors’ two matches against Canada at the end of March are scheduled to be played, but he is willing to adjust if the threat of the coronavirus becomes more serious.

During a press conference at the Queen’s Park Oval,on Wednesday, Wallace was asked how the FA plans to manage the various national teams in the face of the coronavirus, “We have been keeping abreast of that. We have been talking to the relevant persons in the various countries. For example, in the Dominican Republic we asked about it. They seem to think that the threat level there is extremely low at this point in time.”

T&T women’s Under-20 team competed in the Dominican Republic, at the Concacaf Under-20 Championships which started on February 22 and ends, on Sunday. During the team’s time in the Dominican Republic, that country recorded its first confirmed case of the coronavirus.

Wallace added, “Concacaf was also asked and they said at this point in time they had no plans to change their schedule based on the threat levels.”

New head coach Terry Fenwick’s first assignment will be against Canada in two friendlies on March 27 and 31. “We are supposed to be playing two games with Canada at the end of March. Our director of football (Dion La Foucade) called the director of football in Canada yesterday (Tuesday) and they also said that threat levels in Canada are very low at this point in time, so the games remain on the table.”

The TTFA president said he is willing to adapt if the coronavirus forces changes to the football calendar.

“If of course things change, of course we will have to go with whatever the changes are then.”

Wallace said a committee has also been set up to monitor the coronavirus. “The medical committee has also set up a coronavirus policy for the TTFA.”

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #504 on: March 09, 2020, 03:14:00 AM »
"Wal­lace al­so said there was no kitchen at the fa­cil­i­ty and there­fore they will at­tempt to have their youth teams, use the dorms, or try to part­ner with a com­pa­ny to see how it can be uti­lized. “The build­ing is up but we have to find a way to uti­lize it. In terms of project mon­ey that we were sup­posed to have to the tune of $2 mil­lion is now down to $109, 000 at this point in time, and we have not re­ceived our FI­FA mon­ey yet which is for op­er­a­tions. The Board is dis­cussing ways we can move for­ward, once the build­ing can be used, whether it’s a prof­it-shar­ing arrange­ment, I don’t know that we have the ex­per­tise to run a ho­tel,” Wal­lace said."

Perhaps the best response is to long-term lease it out to a more competent party, with a provision of reduced rent and guaranteed access for teams? A long-term lease would give the party an incentive to invest and improve on the capital, which the TTFA clearly doesn't have the budget for.

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #505 on: March 09, 2020, 07:47:37 AM »
This article doesn't say it but he has mentioned in an interview that profit sharing by outsourcing the facility to a third party is an option that they are reviewing.
I agree with you (and him) that that's the best option.

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FIFA to decide Look Loy, La Foucade dispute
« Reply #506 on: March 09, 2020, 09:47:52 AM »
FIFA to decide Look Loy, La Foucade dispute
T&T Guardian

As the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA) con­tin­ues to limp from one fi­nan­cial shake-up to an­oth­er, with the news that fired for­mer tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor Kendall Walkes is de­mand­ing at least TT$2.5 mil­lion to lift the gar­nishee or­der over the TTFA's bank ac­count, now comes news that re­cent­ly fired na­tion­al se­nior men's head coach Den­nis Lawrence and his man­age­ment team, led by Eng­lish-based agent Mike Berry, have re­port­ed the TTFA to FI­FA for the non-pay­ment of monies owed on his con­tract and out­stand­ing salaries.

Speak­ing with host An­dre Er­rol Bap­tiste on Is­ports on i95.5fm, Sat­ur­day night on a range of top­ics and is­sues, pres­i­dent of the TTFA William Wal­lace said, "I have sent an email to Den­nis Lawrence's agent Mike Berry prob­a­bly over the last two weeks ago but he has not re­spond­ed. We have ap­prised him of the sit­u­a­tion and that we are work­ing to­wards, get­ting Den­nis his mon­ey for him."

Wal­lace said, "I would not doubt it. Den­nis' agent is an Eng­lish­man and I as­sume that he may have tak­en the mat­ter to FI­FA. It is a con­cern, it is a debt that we have to pay. If he goes to FI­FA, then we have to pay the debt, just as Car­oli­na Morace (fired women’s coach) case went to FI­FA and they de­duct­ed it from our mon­ey ac­tu­al­ly, that they were sent to us."

Busi­ness as­so­ciate paid Feb­ru­ary salaries

FI­FA gives each coun­try a grant of US$1.2 mil­lion in two tranch­es. The first one (US$600,000) is due in Jan­u­ary but de­layed and the sec­ond one lat­er in the year. This mon­ey is to be utilised to the cov­er ad­min­is­tra­tion costs pri­mar­i­ly of the TTFA of­fice, so any de­duc­tion for monies right­ful­ly owed to Lawrence will come out of that, mean­ing that the staff will suf­fer for salaries.

Wal­lace re­vealed how TTFA's salaries were paid in Feb­ru­ary, giv­en the freez­ing of the TTFA’s bank ac­count. He said: "We did, we did get a donor, a lo­cal donor, to ad­vance us the mon­ey to pay the staff so the staff was paid."

This was con­firmed by the gen­er­al sec­re­tary of the TTFA, Ramesh Ramd­han, who ad­dressed the sit­u­a­tion al­so as a guest on the pro­gramme. He said, "The donor is a busi­ness as­so­ciate of mine who I ap­proached be­cause I could not see the staff go­ing, af­ter work­ing so hard with them all through Car­ni­val and with the FI­FA peo­ple here and all of that and all of them go­ing home to their fam­i­lies and don't have mon­ey. I took it on my own. I told the pres­i­dent. The agree­ment I have is that as soon as our sit­u­a­tion is re­solved with re­spect to our bank ac­counts and mon­ey re­ceived, they will be paid."

Asked about the up­com­ing salaries for March, Ramd­han said, "I do not plan to do that."

With re­gards to pay­ments to the tech­ni­cal staff Wal­lace said, "How­ev­er, tech­ni­cal staff and coach­es have not been paid. We have made a com­mit­ment to all the staff in the var­i­ous teams, and we told them we are wait­ing for FI­FA mon­ey and al­so our ac­counts be­ing frozen."

Asked about pay­ment for the na­tion­al se­nior coach Ter­ry Fen­wick, Wal­lace said, "The na­tion­al se­nior coach has not start­ed any­thing yet but in the com­ing week. His con­tract start­ed in Jan­u­ary and he too is ap­prised of the sit­u­a­tion but the re­cep­tion for all the coach­es has been ex­treme­ly good, they are with us, they un­der­stand the sit­u­a­tions and they're await­ing the out­comes so they can be paid."

When ques­tioned as to if Kei­th Look Loy, the chair­man of the tech­ni­cal com­mit­tee is be­ing paid, Wal­lace re­spond­ed, "No he is not be­ing paid, he is do­ing this vol­un­tary, no pay­ment is be­ing made to him.

Look Loy v La Fou­cade

How­ev­er, in re­spond­ing to ques­tion about dif­fer­ences be­tween Look Loy and a mem­ber of the tech­ni­cal staff which has the po­ten­tial of al­so reach­ing as a dis­pute Wal­lace said, "Noth­ing has come to my at­ten­tion but if it comes to me, I will deal with it."

How­ev­er, Ramd­han re­vealed an is­sue of con­cern has come to his at­ten­tion. He said, "The tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor (Dion La Fou­cade) came to me with the same con­cerns, con­sis­tent with what Mr Wal­lace just said. There was this or­gan­i­sa­tion­al chart, which has the chair­man of the tech­ni­cal com­mit­tee at the top of it so he (tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor) is look­ing at the FI­FA guide­lines gov­ern­ing the tech­ni­cal di­rec­tors of any coun­try and say­ing that he is fol­low­ing that to the 'T'. That is at vari­ance with the struc­ture that was ap­proved by the board, so there are some dif­fer­ences there and he (La Fou­cade) is in­sist­ing that he should be in the po­si­tion based on what FI­FA reg­u­la­tions states."

Ramd­han con­tin­ued: "We just heard it varies from coun­try to coun­try. There's a stale­mate, how­ev­er, FI­FA tech­ni­cal com­mit­tee is send­ing some­one along with the re­gion­al head of the tech­ni­cal de­part­ment to Trinidad and all these mat­ters should be set­tled when they ar­rive."

Fur­ther dis­cus­sions are ex­pect­ed on both health and trav­el con­cerns re­gard­ing the im­pend­ing match be­tween the men’s na­tion­al se­nior team and Cana­da in light of the Coro­n­avirus.

How­ev­er, it was re­vealed that sev­er­al new faces will be join­ing the T&T squad.

"I have had meet­ings with the na­tion­al coach and we are cur­rent­ly look­ing at around nine over­seas-based play­ers, from the Unit­ed States and Eng­land, some play­ing in the Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion," Ramd­han said.

La Fou­cade was ap­point­ed Tech­ni­cal Di­rec­tor of T&T foot­ball on Jan­u­ary 17.

Wal­lace quells Avec con­cerns

Wal­lace dis­put­ed the fact, that there are claims that uni­form deal spon­sors Avec sports is too small a com­pa­ny to be able to be in­volved in a deal such as the re­port­ed TT$25 mil­lion con­tract, he said, "Their par­ent con­tract – Just Sports – is a large out­fit and the TTFA has a con­tract which to­day (Sat­ur­day), I pre­sent­ed to the board and we al­so have a con­tract for cash with Caribbean Chem­i­cals of TT$1,000,000 spread over the life of the con­tract with the oth­er $500,000 in ma­te­ri­als."
The Conquering Lion of Judah shall break every chain.

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #507 on: March 09, 2020, 10:42:02 AM »
Oh gorm La Foucade, yuh jes reach ... relax a lil bit and grow into the role?

Offline maxg

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #508 on: March 09, 2020, 12:05:05 PM »
Oh gorm La Foucade, yuh jes reach ... relax a lil bit and grow into the role?
Jeezanages, what's with the friggin egos. if is not twenty things is another twenty..

Offline Cocorite

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Re: TTFA News Thread.
« Reply #509 on: March 09, 2020, 12:21:39 PM »
I feel this is more of the "journalist" stoking fire.

I'm all for transparency. Big believer in it.  But there will be in-house conflicts and the public don't have to know everything.

Stoking fire.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2020, 02:27:30 PM by Cocorite »
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