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Messages - gb8702

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Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2016 Thread.
« on: June 22, 2016, 05:32:03 PM »
Hotting up now, I'm off back to France on Friday ready to watch the wales and Northern Ireland game and then stayin for England and Iceland on Monday. Been very surprised by the smaller nations and fair play to them, less impressed with England, Belgium and Portugal so far.

Football / Re: Coaching
« on: May 26, 2016, 08:16:28 AM »
Player development and career pathways are key in football development, Football taught the correct way teaches players life skills. Some days you lose but its how you bounce back from a knock back.

TnT has some of the best raw talent around but, some need proper coaching and guidance to achieve greater things. I am a firm believer of coaching correct methods from an early age. Combine those ingredients and in 20 years time you have a successful national team, pro league and players playing in the best leagues in the world on a mass scale. 

Football / Re: Coaching
« on: May 25, 2016, 03:44:07 PM »
I take it No coaches are required?

Football / Re: Coaching
« on: May 24, 2016, 12:58:18 PM »
What is the standard of coaches like?

Football / Coaching
« on: May 24, 2016, 08:51:58 AM »
Hi All,

I hope all is well in TnT. Are there any clubs looking for a coach for the new season?

Many thanks

Resume Hot-Line / Re: Coaching Jobs
« on: May 22, 2016, 12:54:38 PM »
Hi sorry guys I've been working in China for Manchester city coaching, so only just looked back on here

Football / Thanks
« on: August 19, 2015, 04:54:46 PM »
Good afternoon ladies and gents,
Firstly I'd like to say thanks for allow me to post on this forum over the past year or so.
I would like to apologise to any poster on this site in which I have offended, this was un profesional and totally un acceptable.
I will refrain from posting  on the public forum but will check my pms from time to time.
All the best

It's a lot better now mate still not 100% but I'd say we are trying to combat the situation. The ones that are racist are brain dead morons that will abuse the local shop owner then have a curry at the shop owners brothers restaurant

The kick racism out of football campaign as well as well as government and fa support  have helped the uk stamp out racism but there is still a lot more to be done not just here in the uk but world wide.

FS for me the worst place was the den / new den.

As well as the tests and regulations you have to have a  professional indemnity insurance, it used to be £50,000 bond to protect yourself from  claims from third parties

I for one respect the men for trying to progress, but on the other hand it seems like fake agent Sosa has only made money from peoples dreams.
When I heard of the situation I offered to put the lads up at my house in if it was needed as I felt they deserve better.


Football / Re: Sancho says no more funding for TTFA...unless.
« on: July 14, 2015, 03:27:21 PM »
Afraid not mate are you Bakes? Lol I'm an outsider looking in and it seems like the only one trying to ruin football is Tim kee and his side kicks. It's all about scoring points instead of putting the nation on the footballing map. I can guarantee a new man in charge with transparently and corporate TNT will be back on board sponsoring and helping the national teams

Football / Re: Sancho says no more funding for TTFA...unless.
« on: July 14, 2015, 03:18:19 PM »
Did Tim kee speak to flex?? Or was it an email Written by someone else?

Football / Re: Sancho says no more funding for TTFA...unless.
« on: July 14, 2015, 03:06:56 PM »
Lol I do apologise but anyone can talk the talk now it's time for Tim kee to walk the walk and produce the books

I know what your saying contro I was just interested in people's opinions on representing the nation. I'd give my left ball to play for mine

I know a lot of posters on here would love to turn out for the nation, but how many would pay for free?? Just curious. I know players have families and bills but to represent your nation is the highest honour

Football / Re: Sancho says no more funding for TTFA...unless.
« on: July 14, 2015, 01:33:11 PM »
Very interesting read from mr sancho. Now mr Tim kee it's time to show the books! Talk is cheap, show the books and prove everyone wrong............ I won't hold my breath as he is as transparent as a house brick.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Cuba Game (12-Jul-2015)
« on: July 12, 2015, 05:30:48 PM »
Still plenty more to come the team isn't out of 2nd gear yet. Hoping they hit 5th gear and score a few more as it's half past midnight here and I'm tired but don't want to miss the second half

Some of the players will play higher, but this could kill off some of the dreams if they don't make the grade. I have seen players turn their backs on the game because they haven't made it first time round. I just hope the lads know what they are doing, maybe a chat with their current clubs or even national team manager might persuade them to re think even if it's for a year to work on weaknesses etc

Resume Hot-Line / Coaching Jobs
« on: July 08, 2015, 08:45:35 AM »
Hi Guys are there any teams in TnT looking for a coach? PM me for my CV if interested

im guessing some will still be contracted, I apologise if im wrong

I agree players want to play as high as possible, but if your under contract you cant just up and leave on the off chance

Bakes that is real low!! As for the trials, I genuinely don't think this is the right way to go about it. Players should respect the contract with the club they are signed to and use their brains, why trust a FAKE agent to help them?? Respectable European clubs would laugh this guy out of town.

Once again Bakes grow up and stop slingin insults when things get heated

What is Sosa gaining from this?  Unregistered agent yet he has clients??

Debt Reduction - In just over two years, he took $6 million USD in debt and reduced it to $2 million.

I agree government should help sports but only if the sport is self sufficient and not running up debts etc. All that happens in this organisation is the government money pays off debts, is that fair to the taxpayer? if you run up debts will the PM clear them for you?

Im not taking sides but the blame game needs to stop for the future of the game in T&T

So Tim Kee is lying?

Didn't he inherit the debt Jack Warner left?

Maybe you know more, why not enlighten us?

Have you seen the books to back up the claim about the debt reduction?

I agree government should help sports but only if the sport is self sufficient and not running up debts etc. All that happens in this organisation is the government money pays off debts, is that fair to the taxpayer? if you run up debts will the PM clear them for you?

Im not taking sides but the blame game needs to stop for the future of the game in T&T

He is blaming MoS for the monies etc, but any business shouldn't be reliant on government handouts because of incompetent management. The buck stops with the man at the top and if he cant get his house in order why should the tax payer help him? 

im far from bitter, I just think that in 3 years he could of turned the ship around rather than play the blame game. if my business is failing will the government bail me out??

Doubt the bloke can run a bath properly if im honest!! In 3 years he could of turned the ship around!! ive known guys take over failing companies with millions of debts and within a few years the debts cleared and making money again. How much time does he need??

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