Soca Warriors Online Discussion Forum

Sports => Football => Topic started by: christiano on November 29, 2005, 06:52:58 PM

Title: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: christiano on November 29, 2005, 06:52:58 PM
I know that this is a contentious one but my gut feeling is that Latas will be at the world cup but will give offer to give up his place as a player !

Latas has matured alot and along the lines of establishing himself as a Coach , I think he will offer the playing spot to a youthfulll player to shine at the highest level !

I know alot of you guys will disagree with this  !
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: Tallman on November 29, 2005, 06:59:22 PM
On de flight back from Bahrain, ah was standing right next tuh him when he was talking tuh Sancho. He said dat he would only play if his body could handle it and he would not stand in de way of any of de youths. Of course, it coulda be de Belvedere talking, but those were the words dat came out his mout. Sancho's retort was "Yuh mad or wha?".
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: Disgruntled_Trini on November 29, 2005, 07:06:23 PM
at least the man know he mimitations

he know what he could of done at 27 he cyah do at 37

he boy cyah recover from games and injuries as fast

even if he play ah bit part role in the squad his leadership and experience would be an asset

what we have to hope for is that the man eh get injured in Scotland and he get enough time to rest and recover from that league

Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: skins on November 29, 2005, 07:07:10 PM
Out of all the players, the player i would really want to see on the field in the world cup is Russell Latapy even if it was for one second. I know he old but he shouldn't rob himself of a dream he sweat and die on the field for 16 years. I would respect his decision if he give up his spot for a youth in the starting lineup but not on the roster.
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: FireBrand on November 29, 2005, 07:16:24 PM
I still eh see anybody who could replace Latas and Yorke in their twilight years. Just their presence alone on de field is a source of inspiration and security to de other Warroirs.

Nah Latas yuh ha to stay fit dred...
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: Ponnoxx on November 29, 2005, 07:22:27 PM
 Is only one number 10 and that is Latapy for now....He have to be with the team...Just his presence alone does put a new dimension on things...Latapy is the man that brought CONFIDENCE to the team(Although Whitley doing his thing)...He have to take care of himself and appear in the world cup....Tell me this, Am i right for saying that "The players that could replace him(Theobald, Spann, Birchall) need him to be there to give them confidence and pass on know-how"
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: warmonga on November 29, 2005, 07:28:20 PM
I know that this is a contentious one but my gut feeling is that Latas will be at the world cup but will give offer to give up his place as a player !

Latas has matured alot and along the lines of establishing himself as a Coach , I think he will offer the playing spot to a youthfulll player to shine at the highest level !

I know alot of you guys will disagree with this  !
wah happen to allyuh boi(I have tuh draw fi mi TRINI tounge dey!!!!).. Latas not playing wrl cup?.. Allyuh maddy!!!!!!!!!!!! Latas na miss dat!!! is dawg eating dawg cum wrl cup time bredda !!!!! not dawg eat bone but dawg eat dawg cum wrl cup time.. Latas na sit dung unless "de blight don" (dat is mi new name for Benhakker).. sey so...Even if latas sit dung which one of dem wutless yute go fill his position.. Latas starting cum a wrl cup trus mi!!!!! LIKE YUH WAH BM GET heart attack!!!! watch yu mouth dey bredda!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: Trini on November 29, 2005, 07:29:15 PM
Once he keep his body in order, pray a lot and avoid any injury, he will play a part.
I could see him coming on for 30 mins easy in every game (depending on the game situation of course).

Once he play a game ,his dream and destiny will have been fulfilled.
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: JDB on November 29, 2005, 07:30:49 PM
Yorke is not going to let Latas miss that trip next summer.
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: truetrini on November 29, 2005, 07:31:38 PM
latas not letting latas miss dat experience!
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: Mr Mc on November 29, 2005, 08:15:55 PM
On de flight back from Bahrain, ah was standing right next tuh him when he was talking tuh Sancho. He said dat he would only play if his body could handle it and he would not stand in de way of any of de youths. Of course, it coulda be de Belvedere talking, but those were the words dat came out his mout. Sancho's retort was "Yuh mad or wha?".

If I did not read it from Tallman, that he heard it from Latas mouth, I would never belive that he would even consider not playing in the WC matches!!!
To take this long, to get this far, to have worked so hard and then to possibly limit your playing time because you recognize that your body may not be fully up to it and its for the best of the team, well I tell yuh he better than me yes!!
Becuase I would be like, "listen I am Mr Mc and I playing broke foot and all!!"

I hope that he gets to start each game and shines brightly!!!
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: SUPA on November 29, 2005, 08:20:22 PM
In de worst situation, I see Lattas playing de type ah minutes he played in de last game vs Bahrain. But no Lattas at all, he wud not rob himself of dat dream, or his close friends (Yorke and Lara), would not allow dat tuh happen. Like Sancho said, "yuh mad or wha?".
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: rastafari on November 29, 2005, 08:25:59 PM
Personally i think that he has to play in the world cup whether he starts or comes on as a substitute but it depends on the condition he is in at the end of the season.
We need him as he is still our most creative player on the field and he has a big influence on the players around him.
Dwight did not call him out of retirement to scrub the bench so he and beenie go have some words about that, trust me.


Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: pioneertrini on November 29, 2005, 08:26:53 PM
of course he will play, no player that fight to reach world cup would give up his place aspecially if u are right at the end of your career and have never played in a world cup before. is just talk he talkin, he will make sure he is fit and prepared. after the world cup then he will do the coach ting full time i feel. like 1 of u said, even if latas on the squad and only play last 20 mins of each game just having him in the team will help, i dont tink theres any player who can take his place also. im all for youths goin to wc but theres a big differnce between us and a team like brazil who can afford to do it.
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: Feliziano on November 29, 2005, 08:55:14 PM

Nah Latas yuh ha to stay fit dred...
easing up on the smoking might be a good start for the better.
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: kicker on November 29, 2005, 09:05:11 PM
I think he can and probably should play the same role that he played in the return leg in Bahrain.....coming on when the game has opened up and the midfield is not as compact....

He looked good against Guatemala and Mexico (at home)......most likely because he is still skilled and wasn't closed down very quickly.........On the big stage, I doubt that he'd be given alot of room to play........especially not in the early runnings in the game.........when everyone is fresh and the game isn't opened up.

The role that he played against Bahrain I think is well suited to him.

Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: Marcos on November 29, 2005, 09:09:23 PM
look at the side in d goldcup without latas then look at it in the wcq with him
talk doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: Grande on November 29, 2005, 09:12:03 PM
I think he will play. He was the most creative influence through the last set of qualifers. When I see de man break down in tears in Bahrain when we qualify - I say he is de one who deserve it the most. That was the best moment of the game for me. He will play, mightn't start a match, but he will play.  :beermug:
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: benedicts bwoy on November 29, 2005, 09:37:44 PM
Ah see every body talkin an addin dey two cents, an de ting dat impress me de most, is dat he showed MATURITY in knowing his limitations at his age. I personally would like to see Latas on de field but ah tink it go depend on de situation an de opponent.
"With age, brings wisdom", dat ent no lie!!

Az ah wise man once said..................VIBES IT UP!!
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: 100% Barataria on November 29, 2005, 09:53:15 PM
Yeah, not much to add to what has already been said, but Russell, if you are reading these threads (which I know the players do from time to time), you playing in the WC would have been your dream come true and the very least reward you can take for yourself for the gift that you gave TT, the Carbbbean, Concacaf, and the world, i.e. your true football genius, bless..
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: Touches on November 29, 2005, 09:53:44 PM
Latas will step on the field and embarrass some big name defender with a piece of magic.

He will then score a big goal past some big name keeper and TT will then qualify for the second rounds with one win, a draw and a loss. Coming second in our group tied on points but with a better goal difference.

Bet yuh we scruffle a draw and a win and upset a big side.
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: whayuhsay on November 29, 2005, 10:12:48 PM
Sorry to be rude but this is the dumbest question I have seen raised here. 

Here is a player who completely turned this team around with his on the field presence.  Maybe Beenieman played his cards right to not play Latapy in the last game as prior to that move, there were many crediting Latapy's presence on the field for our success and not Beenieman.  Not starting Latapy in the last game now gives Beenieman all the credit. 

Do you guys really feel we would have beaten Mexico without Latapy on the field?  Yes, he did not have his best game in the first Bahrain playoff, but the whole team did not play to its level (except maybe Edwards) and if it was not for a brilliant goal from God via Birchal, we would have lost that game.  The final game was not a good game to watch either.  The bottom line is the team goes up 10 notches when Latapy is on his game.  Asking whether he will play in Germany is both arsenine and an insult to the greatest player to ever come out of TnT.
Title: Latapy vs Beenieman
Post by: whayuhsay on November 29, 2005, 10:19:48 PM
Fyah bun all dem posters who questioning whether Latapy should play in de WC.

Here is a player who completely turned this team around with his on the field presence, skill and magic.  Beenieman played his cards right to not play Latapy in the last game as prior to that move, there were many crediting Latapy's presence on the field for our success and not Beenieman.  Not starting Latapy in the last game now gives Beenieman all the credit. 

Do you guys really feel we would have beaten Mexico without Latapy on the field?  Yes, he did not have his best game in the first Bahrain playoff, but the team did not play to its level and if it was not for a brilliant goal from God via Birchal, we would have lost that game.  I still maintain that Latapy should not have been subbed in that game, as he was still contributing.  The final game was not a good game to watch either.  The bottom line is the team goes up 10 notches when Latapy is on his game.  Asking whether he will play in Germany is both arsenine and an insult to the greatest player to ever come out of TnT.

We will not be in Germany if Latapy did not join this team, and those who doubt that put dat in yuh pipe and smoke it!  Big respect to Beenieman for giving this team confidence but he is no magician, we only have one magician in TnT.
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: naparimaoldboy on November 29, 2005, 10:21:29 PM
latas deserve to go to germany, but he should be a reserve.

Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: TrinInfinite on November 29, 2005, 10:52:16 PM
well as soon as latas came back he talk about jemmot should b runnin de team, he 4 de youth, but we need him, i cant see we without him on de team, it would leave a sour taste in my mouth not seein he dey, he have some magic left in him 2 show de world
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: TriniCana on November 29, 2005, 11:03:10 PM
I think Latas will do exactly what he did for the Barhrain match.....dey same thing
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: whayuhsay on November 29, 2005, 11:09:22 PM
Latapy would be the Roger Miller of the 2K6 WC, what de phu*ue allyuh torking about "if he playin"...

Title: Re: Latapy vs Beenieman
Post by: raj on November 29, 2005, 11:59:23 PM
Fyah bun all dem posters who questioning whether Latapy should play in de WC.

Here is a player who completely turned this team around with his on the field presence, skill and magic.  Beenieman played his cards right to not play Latapy in the last game as prior to that move, there were many crediting Latapy's presence on the field for our success and not Beenieman.  Not starting Latapy in the last game now gives Beenieman all the credit. 

Do you guys really feel we would have beaten Mexico without Latapy on the field?  Yes, he did not have his best game in the first Bahrain playoff, but the team did not play to its level and if it was not for a brilliant goal from God via Birchal, we would have lost that game.  I still maintain that Latapy should not have been subbed in that game, as he was still contributing.  The final game was not a good game to watch either.  The bottom line is the team goes up 10 notches when Latapy is on his game.  Asking whether he will play in Germany is both arsenine and an insult to the greatest player to ever come out of TnT.

We will not be in Germany if Latapy did not join this team, and those who doubt that put dat in yuh pipe and smoke it!  Big respect to Beenieman for giving this team confidence but he is no magician, we only have one magician in TnT.

Ah could not say it better!
Trust me Latapy is very competitive and he will be increasing his fitness to be a major contributor for the World Cup. Strategically he does not match up well against fast teams such as Bahrain.  Without his participation Stern may have not realized his form~~~
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: grskywalker on November 30, 2005, 12:32:48 AM
Aye I back after catching up on the work ah miss during the World cup Euphoria.
Well I feel Latas ain't missing that for the World. Look they partner Lara break another record yuh really think Latas go miss the chance to be our Roger Miller
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: Ned on November 30, 2005, 03:40:42 AM
what we have to hope for is that the man eh get injured in Scotland and he get enough time to rest and recover from that league

er , excuse me  >:(

Latas is 37 , he needs to play regularly to keep himself in contention for Germany - an injury at this stage in his career would be disasterous .

Latas will travel to Germany even if not selected in the squad , he has a lot to offer and I'm sure he would still take part and organise training sessions . He would also be a good ambassador for T&T he has many contacts and is well respected in Europe .

let me ask you this though - if things are going wrong on the field of play who would you guys be looking for on the bench  ;)

check de danger (
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: fishs on November 30, 2005, 04:55:25 AM
Over seven months before the first game , anything could happen.
If everything remains the same as it is now , Latas definitely playing.
Probably start the first game and subs for the next two.
However 71/2 mths is a long time for a 37 yr old, Falkirk depend a lot on him and he plays hard for them.
So all we could do is keep hoping that the little magician keeps fit and healthy.

Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: jusme on November 30, 2005, 05:04:06 AM
I think latas will be a sub in germany.  his return was a great boost psychologically and he provided a spark to the play that we didn't have at the time.  However, I feel with Whitley coming into his own, Latas role will be diminished and that the 11 that start the 2nd Bahrain game have the inside track on starting the first game. 
Latas will be a situational sub that Beenie could use to exploit certain things that he seeing going on in a game. 
He will obviously still merit a place on the squad, but maybe he might value the qualification more than the actual playing at the world cup.
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: Falkirk man on November 30, 2005, 06:02:42 AM
Just found this brilliant site.  I was one of the three Falkirk guys who travelled to Trinidad and to Bahrain to support Russell  (not scouts as reported on the Bahrain travellogue but just friends of Russell).  Aboslutely fantastic trip.  We certainly hope Russell gets his game in Germany and we know he wants to.  He still has the ability to tuirn a game - he does so for Falkirk on many occassions - came on as sub against Hibernian and created the winner 10 days ago.  At that game we had 1,200 away fans singing "we're going to Germany" - so if Russell is in the squad you can expect several hundred new Trini fans.  (No Scotlalnd to suippport.)  At our home match against Aberdeen on Saturday, Russell (sub again) was applauded onto the pitch by both teams and 6,000 fans for his achievements with T&T.  Providing he is picked, he will be the first Falkirk player ever to appear in a World Cup finals. 
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: fishs on November 30, 2005, 06:13:45 AM
Hail Falkirkman,
Give Theobald ah contract an he go be de second.

Ah have frens here who also from Falkirk lol one even have season tickets., leh mih see how small de world is, does Doug Bell ring any bell (pardon the pun)
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: christiano on November 30, 2005, 06:22:23 AM
Sorry to be rude but this is the dumbest question I have seen raised here. 

Here is a player who completely turned this team around with his on the field presence.  Maybe Beenieman played his cards right to not play Latapy in the last game as prior to that move, there were many crediting Latapy's presence on the field for our success and not Beenieman.  Not starting Latapy in the last game now gives Beenieman all the credit. 

Do you guys really feel we would have beaten Mexico without Latapy on the field?  Yes, he did not have his best game in the first Bahrain playoff, but the whole team did not play to its level (except maybe Edwards) and if it was not for a brilliant goal from God via Birchal, we would have lost that game.  The final game was not a good game to watch either.  The bottom line is the team goes up 10 notches when Latapy is on his game.  Asking whether he will play in Germany is both arsenine and an insult to the greatest player to ever come out of TnT.

I think you missed my point. If you read  Tallman First Reply, he said similar words came out of Latas mouth . We all wish and want Latas to play . My main point was that he Latas may offer his spot on the squad as a player ,to a younger player ! And play a different role in the team rather than a player !! The guy will be 37years and with a career in Managment .
Title: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: TrinInfinite on December 13, 2005, 01:27:13 PM
dis question has been through my mind 1000 times after we qualify, god willing hardest get pick on the squad, what will the combo be?

do we rest latas in the 1st half, or bring him on in the 2nd half, remember latas say we will make way for a youth, in all honesty i feel iz hardest he referring to here, or do we start hardest, whitley, and latas, with yorke and either birchall/edwards, i have a feeling birchall may also come off the bench, it presents alot of problems for us, bc we have whitley, hardest and latas, i still thinkin of ways to deal with this, with 3 of dem on, we will maintain possession for longer periods of time, our mid will be solid, but do we save latas for the 2nd half attack?

allyuh comments
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: Grande on December 13, 2005, 01:36:38 PM
Is funny, I does be thinking about the same thing fuh midfield. That is ah challenging question breds. Hardest will be excellent fuh creativity and setting plays, same with Latapy and Whitley who bit more attack-minded, esp Whitley.
I would save Latas fuh de second half though. If we in de lead, he will help keep possession. If we down, he will give the attack more spark with fresh legs. He will be ah added inspiration fuh de team at that point in de game.
Dis eh meh final answer though, just meh present thoughts. Ah still contemplatin... :beermug:
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: grskywalker on December 13, 2005, 01:39:48 PM
I like him for the second half too. The less they know about our players the better. Let him come on and roam the midfield, holding the ball when needed and attacking when needed
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: Big Magician on December 13, 2005, 01:41:13 PM
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: oconnorg on December 13, 2005, 01:42:39 PM
Latas should come on in the 2nd Half with 35 mins tuh go..!
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: Big Magician on December 13, 2005, 01:51:52 PM
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: KND2 on December 13, 2005, 01:57:28 PM
We have a selection headache and it will depend on who else is making the squad.

Yorke will play in the midfield maybe on the left.

Latapy may have to be the forward

Birchald and Whitley will probably have to start to provide the defensive running in the middle.

We have balance problems with our team cause we have excess central midfielders but no left sided balance

We come just like england ;D ;D
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: spideybuff on December 13, 2005, 02:14:32 PM
It depends on who we playing and what is the gameplan...
First game against Sweden...most likely Beenie goign to want him on the field to calm the younger players who bound to be nervous.But..he may also want to keep him as an ace up he sleeve cause the first game is always a tentative, feel out affair for the 2 teams. After that...anything goes. He might come off the bench against England, where we will most likely play a 4-5-1. But Latas say , he teach Falkirk a trick : that they must keep the ball when they playing against sides like rangers and if that is the plan, to keep the ball away from England rather than chase after it with younger players...he might start.

In the end, it depends on what approach the coach goin with on the day against the opposition.
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: grskywalker on December 13, 2005, 02:16:58 PM
All yuh doh think now is the right time to throw Cornell Glenn in the mix
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: TrinInfinite on December 13, 2005, 02:38:28 PM
personally, against ah team like sweden, we should play with latas, hardest and whitley in the mid, yorke and edwards, bring brichall off de bench with jones in the second half,  then switch to a 442, if this not workin, unleash glenn
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: elan on December 13, 2005, 03:01:32 PM
We have to start latas against England and Sweden, Along side Birchall. Latas is the one to give us our rhythm and Birchall will win the ball. Wre need someone who can work really hard in the middle and I believe that the person is Birchall. Latas can play off him to distribute, and play the second ball from the forwards so that we can play in behind.
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: TrinInfinite on December 13, 2005, 03:14:27 PM
we shouldnt be winning de ball but possessin it most of de time, think of dat one, tell meh wat yuh think, we need to hold possession and play well, ball winning should b secondary
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: elan on December 13, 2005, 03:17:23 PM
Yeah possesing the ball should be first. I agree. So then who's most comfortable on the ball in all our mids? Who would be most patient? Any ideas besides Latas?
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: MickeyRat on December 13, 2005, 03:19:24 PM
I honestly believe Latas should come on as a super sub in ALL games.  Second half with 35 mins to go.  He cah make a full game anymore.
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: TrinInfinite on December 13, 2005, 03:23:10 PM
if u want possession u go wit latas, whitley, yorke, hardest and birchall, edwards will have to come off the bench, but its a fight between birchall and edwards, in terms of ball possession
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: DeSoWa on December 13, 2005, 03:25:35 PM
I think he should come on 10 mins before the halftime..this might be unconventional..but it would change the opposition game and he is a good play maker and it would be nice if we get a goal going in the half.
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: duscam on December 13, 2005, 03:26:07 PM
 :rotfl: :rotfl:edwards will have to come off the bench :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: you ar every disillusioned my friend ...THERE IS NO WAY HARDEST STARTING BEFORE EDWARDS..(unless he injured knock on wood)
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: MickeyRat on December 13, 2005, 03:26:43 PM
All yuh honestly feel Latas fit enough to play a strong game vs. England or Sweden?
We keep talking about possesion, but I really cah see him doing all that running, especially vs. England.  I personally like Yorke in the middle as the general.  If Latas have to start, put him up front.
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: duscam on December 13, 2005, 03:30:58 PM
dont forget latas playing every game week in week out..he playing more football than most of them other fellas and running good 90 mins...When you reach to that pinnacle the three most important games of your career..there is no way latas not starting...NO WAY.
Title: Re: Do we start Latas in the 1st or 2nd half?
Post by: MickeyRat on December 13, 2005, 03:36:10 PM
dont forget latas playing every game week in week out..he playing more football than most of them other fellas and running good 90 mins...When you reach to that pinnacle the three most important games of your career..there is no way latas not starting...NO WAY.

Padna, I hear you.  But when I look at the Scottish game it seems much slower and less competitive.  So when I evaluate Latas now, I can only equate his performance from what I see on television.  I see the other Trinidad midfielder with the exception of Whitley playing a stronger game, ie. Yorke, Birchie, Spann.

My 2 cents.
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: Jefferz on December 13, 2005, 04:39:42 PM
Start him... ESPECIALLY if he an hardest dey together. They would be a great combination to set the ice-breaking tone of the match as "WE ARE GOING TO DOMINATE" by take it to the opposition immediately. They are both great penetrators on the feild.
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: cm103 on December 13, 2005, 04:46:36 PM
I ent seeing him starting, is no surprise he loss a step as he get older but he more than make up for it with he skill and creativity.

Bring him on second half when d defence a lil bun. Let our younger players put pressure on their back line right through and then bring in Latas to create opportunities...he go be more effective then.
Title: Re: Will Latapy play in the World Cup ?
Post by: TrinInfinite on December 13, 2005, 05:12:04 PM
ah take dat back dey, edwards, latas, whitley, hardest, yorke, i got caught up wit fellahs sayin ball winner and automatically thought of birchall
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