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Offline nobody_s angel

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How could they forget Spann
« on: June 25, 2006, 09:21:29 AM »
It was really sad to see that Spann was not included in the 24 players that were called up on stage to collect their Chaconia medal Gold.

It was even more disheartening to see that they left the poor fella sitting by himself only to be called up after the crowd behind him started shouting his name.

Okay I haven't been on the board for some time but I was trying to avoid negative vibes and what not associated with the team so I do not know if anyone posted anything about the fact that direct TV had to sponsor Spann to stay in Germany.

What did Atiba Charles and Anthony Wolfe do to deserve those medals?????? Note this is a genuine question, I really want to know.

How could you leave out the poor guy just because he got injured right before the tournament and after he did so much to help in qualifiers

Are you to tell me Honorable Prime Minister that you could not find it in your heart to give the man a Chaconia medal Bronze even.

I am not talking about the money here my beef is recognition and a simple thankyou for all the hard work that the guy put in.

It was in poor  taste that they wanted to send him home, I applaud the fact that they included him in the motorcade on Saturday but it was a disgrace to see that they for got him on the chairs.

Only to be called up after the crowd started chanting.

Is it that the Government could not give another award for a guy who did not play in the tournament due to the fact that he was injured.

Or are we dealing with a bunch of waggonists who just received a bunch of names from TTFF saying these were the ppl who went to Germany.

Can Mr. Manning pick Ian Cox or Anthony Wolfe out of a crowd.

Mr. Manning neede to step up, Roger Boynes needed to step up even his Captain needed to step up. Spann you have enough class not to defend yourself or fight for something that might be rightfully yours but who will fight for you ?

Besides I could name  a few players that did not give 100% that have my tax money and my national medal. Let me make it perfectly clear I have no problem with the gifts, my point is having given them after the Bahrain game, like he was supposed to, would they have gotten National medals??????

And would Spann have gotten one?????

Nobody_s angel
President of Recognition for Spann Committee

Spann for Chaconia Medal Bronze


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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2006, 09:35:45 AM »
That's the way the cookie crumbles in TNT my friend, Spann should be given equal respect as every other soca warrior.

Offline Strip

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2006, 09:38:41 AM »
I feel it for the man too yes, when my Mom call me yesterday to tell me that the warriors were getting the chaconia medal.. the first thing i ask her was if they giving Spann one.

I'm all for him getting an award too but I dont know if the powers that be will entertain that now.

I hope Spann keep the faith and come out hard again for 2010, we will need him in the midfield.

Offline palos

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2006, 09:44:24 AM »
Steupes.  A setta flikkin sentimental people on dis board.  Why not give Scott Sealey a flikkin medal too?  He was on de squad before.  How bout Rougier?  Ent he was trainin wit de squad?  If was allyuh money allyuh was givin out....matter of fact..come to tink bout IS alyuh money dat givin out....when budget time come and yuh have to pay extra fuh dis and dat....remember who yuh call for to get more money and medal.

People askin wha Wolfe and Atiba Charles do?  Dem was on de flikkin squad.  Because dey eh play a minute doh mean nutting.

Yes...I find Spann should get some recognition but to try and tear down others like Wolfe and Atiba to big up Spann is assness of de highest order.

Why stop dey?  Might as well give Derek flikkin King a medal too.  Ent he was on de squad too at a time?

Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2006, 09:55:02 AM »
It was sad to see Span left back by him lonesome self.. but wha yuh gh do..

I personallly dont think it was intentionally done.. And there were set guidelines on how they were giving awards.

Should he also get a medal?.. I dunno. What about Rogier ?

Should he also recieve 1 mil? I dunno. What about Rogier?

Should he have been better recognized?. Well, what about Rogier? ...  Allyuh getting mih drift ?

As a side note.. I think as citizens of this country, we MUST insist that we maintain the Validity of our highest awards, and not give them out "willy nilly ".. I am just saying we have to be careful...

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Offline nobody_s angel

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2006, 09:57:28 AM »
Steupes.  A setta flikkin sentimental people on dis board.  Why not give Scott Sealey a flikkin medal too?  He was on de squad before.  How bout Rougier?  Ent he was trainin wit de squad?  If was allyuh money allyuh was givin out....matter of fact..come to tink bout IS alyuh money dat givin out....when budget time come and yuh have to pay extra fuh dis and dat....remember who yuh call for to get more money and medal.

People askin wha Wolfe and Atiba Charles do?  Dem was on de flikkin squad.  Because dey eh play a minute doh mean nutting.

Yes...I find Spann should get some recognition but to try and tear down others like Wolfe and Atiba to big up Spann is assness of de highest order.

Why stop dey?  Might as well give Derek flikkin King a medal too.  Ent he was on de squad too at a time?


Okay so no way am I asking for more money for the man.

Read the post properly.

I am asking for a simple thankyou from the Government cause in MY OPINION i think that he deserves a medal.

WHO am I to think that he deserves a medal??

I am a tax paying Citizen of this Country and I have the right to say that the man was over looked.

In no way shape or form am I being sentimental or bringing down the efforts made by Atiba Charles or Anthony Wolfe. I play sports too and know how important a bench is.

I was simply making a refrennce and trying to draw a comparisson.

However to compare Sealy with Spann is totally diferrent the guy was picked for the side, he was in Germany and got injured while training for the tournament.

My point is I THINK that we as a nation sometimes forget the ppl that do us proud.  And to see a good young man being forgotten and left out is really sad.

I am setimental? Sometimes ppl could be forgetful and heartless .

Lets show the youths, cause Spann is one of the youngest players chosen to be on the team, that their National service does not go in vain. Not just because they got injured.

Note Rougier was shortlisted and eventually cut.  Get my point nah ppl. I am not trying to belittle other ppls achievements. My post is about one player and one alone whose situatiuon is different from the rest. Spann noone else. Just him.

nobody_s angel
President of Spann for Recognition Committee

Spann for Chaconia Medal Bronze. Not more money.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2006, 10:05:15 AM by nobody_s angel »

Offline palos

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2006, 10:15:14 AM »
What did Atiba Charles and Anthony Wolfe do to deserve those medals?????? Note this is a genuine question, I really want to know.

From de time you say what you posted cyah come now and back track and say

In no way shape or form am I bringing down the efforts made by Atiba Charles or Anthony Wolfe. I play sports too and know how important a bench is.

I was simply making a refrennce and trying to draw a comparisson.

Buh say wha....yuh heart in de right place.  As I say...I have no problem wit Spann gettin recognition...but to say wha you say bout Wolfe and Atiba "by comparison" was outta order in my opinion.

Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

Offline Trini _2026

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2006, 10:24:29 AM »

What they will all get:

The 24 players to receive $1 million, made up of $750,000 in

units from the Unit Trust Corporation and $250,000 cash.

- Chaconia Medal (Gold), the nation's highest award, bestowed

during a special ceremony at Hasely Crawford Stadium


Captain Dwight Yorke, who came out of retirement to lead

the team, to receive an additional $1,250,000, made up of

$1 million in units from the Unit Trust Corporation and

$250,000 cash, and be made Sports Ambassador for

Trinidad and Tobago.

- The 16 players who were part of the squad, but who were not

selected for Germany, shall receive an award of $250,000

consisting of $200,000 in units from the Unit Trust

Corporation and $50,000 in cash.

- Three assistants to coach Leo Beenhakker to receive


- Beenhakker to also receive the Chaconia Medal (Gold)

and $1 million cash.

 Spann  getting he  meadal  nobody_s angel   and it eh bronze  ;D
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Offline nobody_s angel

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2006, 10:25:18 AM »
What did Atiba Charles and Anthony Wolfe do to deserve those medals?????? Note this is a genuine question, I really want to know.

From de time you say what you posted cyah come now and back track and say

In no way shape or form am I bringing down the efforts made by Atiba Charles or Anthony Wolfe. I play sports too and know how important a bench is.

I was simply making a refrennce and trying to draw a comparisson.

Buh say wha....yuh heart in de right place. As I say...I have no problem wit Spann gettin recognition...but to say wha you say bout Wolfe and Atiba "by comparison" was outta order in my opinion.

Okay so I get your point but get mine. I was not trying to bring down those guys I was just trying to draw a comparisson so that ppl could see how unfair the guy is being treated.

Maybe it was a comparisson I should not have done but it was not originall done out of malice and ill will.

Besides you took it a whole other way and I undertsand now that caution must be give to how we express ourselves. Because we could be misunderstood sometimes. And misunderstood I was. Just please doh try to make a post about one thing out to be a bashing for the author about another.

I explained myself after concerns were raised and I hope that that was enough.

Offline nobody_s angel

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2006, 10:28:21 AM »

What they will all get:

The 24 players to receive $1 million, made up of $750,000 in

units from the Unit Trust Corporation and $250,000 cash.

- Chaconia Medal (Gold), the nation's highest award, bestowed

during a special ceremony at Hasely Crawford Stadium


Captain Dwight Yorke, who came out of retirement to lead

the team, to receive an additional $1,250,000, made up of

$1 million in units from the Unit Trust Corporation and

$250,000 cash, and be made Sports Ambassador for

Trinidad and Tobago.

- The 16 players who were part of the squad, but who were not

selected for Germany, shall receive an award of $250,000

consisting of $200,000 in units from the Unit Trust

Corporation and $50,000 in cash.

- Three assistants to coach Leo Beenhakker to receive


- Beenhakker to also receive the Chaconia Medal (Gold)

and $1 million cash.

 Spann  getting he  meadal  nobody_s angel   and it eh bronze  ;D

Are you sure was he called in the 24???? Cause no medal was pinned on him on Saturday.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2006, 10:36:32 AM by nobody_s angel »

Offline Brej

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2006, 10:36:16 AM »
well is a 23 man squad and dere is one extra who else it go be

Offline palos

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2006, 10:36:42 AM »
Okay so I get your point but get mine. I was not trying to bring down those guys I was just trying to draw a comparisson so that ppl could see how unfair the guy is being treated.

Maybe it was a comparisson I should not have done but it was not originall done out of malice and ill will.

Besides you took it a whole other way and I undertsand now that caution must be give to how we express ourselves. Because we could be misunderstood sometimes. And misunderstood I was. Just please doh try to make a post about one thing out to be a bashing for the author about another.

I explained myself after concerns were raised and I hope that that was enough.

Mos def.  Respeck.
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

Offline Trini _2026

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2006, 10:42:59 AM »

What they will all get:

The 24 players to receive $1 million, made up of $750,000 in

units from the Unit Trust Corporation and $250,000 cash.

- Chaconia Medal (Gold), the nation's highest award, bestowed

during a special ceremony at Hasely Crawford Stadium


Captain Dwight Yorke, who came out of retirement to lead

the team, to receive an additional $1,250,000, made up of

$1 million in units from the Unit Trust Corporation and

$250,000 cash, and be made Sports Ambassador for

Trinidad and Tobago.

- The 16 players who were part of the squad, but who were not

selected for Germany, shall receive an award of $250,000

consisting of $200,000 in units from the Unit Trust

Corporation and $50,000 in cash.

- Three assistants to coach Leo Beenhakker to receive


- Beenhakker to also receive the Chaconia Medal (Gold)

and $1 million cash.

 Spann  getting he  meadal  nobody_s angel   and it eh bronze  ;D

Are you sure was he called in the 24???? Cause no medal was pinned on him on Saturday.

 Well the world cup squad consisted of  23 players so spann has to be the 24th player . I did not hear the ceremony but  on i-sports last night Andre said spann got  the chaconia and the 750,000 units and 250,000 cash.
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Offline FATZ

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2006, 10:46:29 AM »
Reports say that there were not enough medals to go around that's why he wasn't presented with one then and there but i say they should have given the one Wise got to Spann instead and share up Wise money to a few other players.  :rotfl: :rotfl: Stern should donate half of his money to charity for his half effort and Theobald should get 20k for his goal line clearance and donate the rest.

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Offline nobody_s angel

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2006, 10:50:22 AM »

What they will all get:

The 24 players to receive $1 million, made up of $750,000 in

units from the Unit Trust Corporation and $250,000 cash.

- Chaconia Medal (Gold), the nation's highest award, bestowed

during a special ceremony at Hasely Crawford Stadium


Captain Dwight Yorke, who came out of retirement to lead

the team, to receive an additional $1,250,000, made up of

$1 million in units from the Unit Trust Corporation and

$250,000 cash, and be made Sports Ambassador for

Trinidad and Tobago.

- The 16 players who were part of the squad, but who were not

selected for Germany, shall receive an award of $250,000

consisting of $200,000 in units from the Unit Trust

Corporation and $50,000 in cash.

- Three assistants to coach Leo Beenhakker to receive


- Beenhakker to also receive the Chaconia Medal (Gold)

and $1 million cash.

 Spann  getting he  meadal  nobody_s angel   and it eh bronze  ;D

Are you sure was he called in the 24???? Cause no medal was pinned on him on Saturday.

 Well the world cup squad consisted of 23 players so spann has to be the 24th player . I did not hear the ceremony but on i-sports last night Andre said spann got the chaconia and the 750,000 units and 250,000 cash.

Okay I get that but no medal was pinned on Spann at the ceremony on Saturday. His name wasn't even called.

If the medal was given to him I am glad. I knew that the squad was 23 men but no medal was pinned on him. If it was a last minute decision to include him I am still happy and my campaigning is over. I just hope that he really did get the medal. Just sorry he could not receive it the same way the others did.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2006, 10:52:10 AM by nobody_s angel »

Offline FATZ

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2006, 11:11:51 AM »

What they will all get:

The 24 players to receive $1 million, made up of $750,000 in

units from the Unit Trust Corporation and $250,000 cash.

- Chaconia Medal (Gold), the nation's highest award, bestowed

during a special ceremony at Hasely Crawford Stadium


Captain Dwight Yorke, who came out of retirement to lead

the team, to receive an additional $1,250,000, made up of

$1 million in units from the Unit Trust Corporation and

$250,000 cash, and be made Sports Ambassador for

Trinidad and Tobago.

- The 16 players who were part of the squad, but who were not

selected for Germany, shall receive an award of $250,000

consisting of $200,000 in units from the Unit Trust

Corporation and $50,000 in cash.

- Three assistants to coach Leo Beenhakker to receive


- Beenhakker to also receive the Chaconia Medal (Gold)

and $1 million cash.

 Spann  getting he  meadal  nobody_s angel   and it eh bronze  ;D

Are you sure was he called in the 24???? Cause no medal was pinned on him on Saturday.

 Well the world cup squad consisted of 23 players so spann has to be the 24th player . I did not hear the ceremony but on i-sports last night Andre said spann got the chaconia and the 750,000 units and 250,000 cash.

Okay I get that but no medal was pinned on Spann at the ceremony on Saturday. His name wasn't even called.

If the medal was given to him I am glad. I knew that the squad was 23 men but no medal was pinned on him. If it was a last minute decision to include him I am still happy and my campaigning is over. I just hope that he really did get the medal. Just sorry he could not receive it the same way the others did.

There were not enough to go around yesterday hence the reason for Spann not getting one.

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2006, 11:23:21 AM »
Spann was only left out cuz he picked up an injury

Offline FATZ

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2006, 11:26:41 AM »
Allyuh deaf or what, the express said there were not enough for everybody.

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2006, 11:42:51 AM »

What they will all get:

Captain Dwight Yorke, who came out of retirement to lead

the team, to receive an additional $1,250,000, made up of

$1 million in units from the Unit Trust Corporation and

$250,000 cash, and be made Sports Ambassador for

Trinidad and Tobago.

 Spann  getting he  meadal  nobody_s angel   and it eh bronze  ;D

it seems like Yorke got the bit extra for being captain/coming out of retirement...what about Latas? Did he get a bit more than the usual as well?

It is unfortunate about Spann...I he played in the qualifiers and playoffs to GET us to German

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Offline saga pinto

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2006, 12:54:26 PM »
Steupes.  A setta flikkin sentimental people on dis board.  Why not give Scott Sealey a flikkin medal too?  He was on de squad before.  How bout Rougier?  Ent he was trainin wit de squad?  If was allyuh money allyuh was givin out....matter of fact..come to tink bout IS alyuh money dat givin out....when budget time come and yuh have to pay extra fuh dis and dat....remember who yuh call for to get more money and medal.

People askin wha Wolfe and Atiba Charles do?  Dem was on de flikkin squad.  Because dey eh play a minute doh mean nutting.

Yes...I find Spann should get some recognition but to try and tear down others like Wolfe and Atiba to big up Spann is assness of de highest order.

Why stop dey?  Might as well give Derek flikkin King a medal too.  Ent he was on de squad too at a time?


Yuh no I have respect for you,but that's the biggest piece ah shit ah hear yuh say in ah long time.............

Offline marcus

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2006, 12:56:02 PM »
Steupes.  A setta flikkin sentimental people on dis board.  Why not give Scott Sealey a flikkin medal too?  He was on de squad before.  How bout Rougier?  Ent he was trainin wit de squad?  If was allyuh money allyuh was givin out....matter of fact..come to tink bout IS alyuh money dat givin out....when budget time come and yuh have to pay extra fuh dis and dat....remember who yuh call for to get more money and medal.

People askin wha Wolfe and Atiba Charles do?  Dem was on de flikkin squad.  Because dey eh play a minute doh mean nutting.

Yes...I find Spann should get some recognition but to try and tear down others like Wolfe and Atiba to big up Spann is assness of de highest order.

Why stop dey?  Might as well give Derek flikkin King a medal too.  Ent he was on de squad too at a time?


Palos yuh out of order!

Offline berris

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2006, 07:28:24 PM »
Steupes.  A setta flikkin sentimental people on dis board.  Why not give Scott Sealey a flikkin medal too?  He was on de squad before.  How bout Rougier?  Ent he was trainin wit de squad?  If was allyuh money allyuh was givin out....matter of fact..come to tink bout IS alyuh money dat givin out....when budget time come and yuh have to pay extra fuh dis and dat....remember who yuh call for to get more money and medal.

People askin wha Wolfe and Atiba Charles do?  Dem was on de flikkin squad.  Because dey eh play a minute doh mean nutting.

Yes...I find Spann should get some recognition but to try and tear down others like Wolfe and Atiba to big up Spann is assness of de highest order.

Why stop dey?  Might as well give Derek flikkin King a medal too.  Ent he was on de squad too at a time?


Yuh no I have respect for you,but that's the biggest piece ah shit ah hear yuh say in ah long time.............

Saga pinto yuh right dat tu tu palos write, stinking up de board....
« Last Edit: June 25, 2006, 07:32:49 PM by berris »



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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2006, 08:00:27 PM »
nobody's angel

I hear the point you making...but I can't agree with you on everything. For getting vex with the wrong people. Let's say Spann did not get a medal. The PLAYERS and coaching staff should be the ones to stand up and say they not accepting any medal unless Spann is included and give reasons...some may disagree, but if they want to stand up for what is right, then they should be the ones to make sure it happens. Doh expect politicians to have a clue, even if they try their best. is no disgrace that Spann was sent home when injured. Just about every injured player you will ever read of gets sent home. Brazil flew Edmilson home, France flew Cisse home...etc. It is usually to help with their recovery and to help the rest of the team push forward mentally without a constant reminder of a fallen friend. It can also be psychologically tough for the player who is replacing the injured player to be in constant contact with each other, as well as their could be bitterness between the injured player and the player who casued the injury, or the coaching/medical staff who made the decision to cut the player. It is in evryone's best interest to set the policy that injured players are removed from camp. If the TTFF decides they want to sponsor an injured player...that is one thing..but this is not the duty of the coaching staff. There duty is to send the player home and continue their job with no distractions.

Otherwise..I with you...I really hope Spann got the recognition he deserved

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2006, 08:23:08 PM »

ACTING President Dr Linda Baboolal hugs Silvio Spann who was a member of the squad sent to Germany but who never got to play because of a hamstring injury. Yesterday the crowd had to loudly remind officials who seemed to forget Spann, who was duly awarded his Chaconia Gold Medal.

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2006, 08:38:09 PM »
nobody's angel

I hear the point you making...but I can't agree with you on everything. For getting vex with the wrong people. Let's say Spann did not get a medal. The PLAYERS and coaching staff should be the ones to stand up and say they not accepting any medal unless Spann is included and give reasons...some may disagree, but if they want to stand up for what is right, then they should be the ones to make sure it happens. Doh expect politicians to have a clue, even if they try their best. is no disgrace that Spann was sent home when injured. Just about every injured player you will ever read of gets sent home. Brazil flew Edmilson home, France flew Cisse home...etc. It is usually to help with their recovery and to help the rest of the team push forward mentally without a constant reminder of a fallen friend. It can also be psychologically tough for the player who is replacing the injured player to be in constant contact with each other, as well as their could be bitterness between the injured player and the player who casued the injury, or the coaching/medical staff who made the decision to cut the player. It is in evryone's best interest to set the policy that injured players are removed from camp. If the TTFF decides they want to sponsor an injured player...that is one thing..but this is not the duty of the coaching staff. There duty is to send the player home and continue their job with no distractions.

Otherwise..I with you...I really hope Spann got the recognition he deserved

Filho, you right on target!  FIFA rules indicate that injured players noy on the team have to leave the camp.  Every team with injuries send home their injured players.  So, what make us so different or unfeelimng.  My question thoug is this: I did not hear whether Bertille St. Claire get any recognition which he deserves as much as all the guys who played but were dropped along the way. And don't forget, if it was not for BSC, we would never have Dwight Yorke joining the squad.
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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2006, 09:24:10 PM »
nobody's angel

I hear the point you making...but I can't agree with you on everything. For getting vex with the wrong people. Let's say Spann did not get a medal. The PLAYERS and coaching staff should be the ones to stand up and say they not accepting any medal unless Spann is included and give reasons...some may disagree, but if they want to stand up for what is right, then they should be the ones to make sure it happens. Doh expect politicians to have a clue, even if they try their best. is no disgrace that Spann was sent home when injured. Just about every injured player you will ever read of gets sent home. Brazil flew Edmilson home, France flew Cisse home...etc. It is usually to help with their recovery and to help the rest of the team push forward mentally without a constant reminder of a fallen friend. It can also be psychologically tough for the player who is replacing the injured player to be in constant contact with each other, as well as their could be bitterness between the injured player and the player who casued the injury, or the coaching/medical staff who made the decision to cut the player. It is in evryone's best interest to set the policy that injured players are removed from camp. If the TTFF decides they want to sponsor an injured player...that is one thing..but this is not the duty of the coaching staff. There duty is to send the player home and continue their job with no distractions.

Otherwise..I with you...I really hope Spann got the recognition he deserved

Filho, you right on target!  FIFA rules indicate that injured players noy on the team have to leave the camp.  Every team with injuries send home their injured players.  So, what make us so different or unfeelimng.  My question thoug is this: I did not hear whether Bertille St. Claire get any recognition which he deserves as much as all the guys who played but were dropped along the way. And don't forget, if it was not for BSC, we would never have Dwight Yorke joining the squad.

Well I was there & I do seem to remember Bertille St. Claire's name mentioned atleast once during the thank you speech. I can't remember whether or not he was included in the prize giving, but, when they forgot Spann, I remember seeing the rest of the team who were on the stage & who had accepted their medals, converge on the acting president & prime minister (well the acting President & the Prime Minister kinda had to intervene) when they realised Silvio had been forgotten in the stands. Then as soon as they'd talked to the President & Prime Minister they interrupted the rest of the ceremony to call up Silvio to give him his medal. That's what the team did about it.
Luv Kat

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #26 on: June 25, 2006, 09:51:39 PM »
Is Anton on the coaching staff?

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #27 on: June 25, 2006, 10:57:55 PM »
I do not want to get into this debate much since I hate the political side of these events. Anyway, they mentioned rewards for the 24 man squad, the coach ect, ect. How could you forget to call out Spann's name and you are mentioning rewards for a 24 man squad???

Even if you did not want to give him the medal, at least call him up on stage as a sign or respect.

Imagine, the crowd had to shout his name in order to remind the officials that Spann was there sitting by himself. Even if this was a mistake, it was a very stupid one to make in a public event. This was an embarassment to him and to our people.

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2006, 12:09:56 AM »
Yuh could never please flickin Trinis yes...

This is such a wasted thread...Of course Spann get a medal. dah! everyone makes a lil mistake, so he name wasnt called out. That mistake easy to make. It was 23 on the squad and obviously someone jes take the names of the 23 but he wasnt forgotton because 24 getting $m and medal and the rest getting what really is the problem? Laud Farder ::)
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Offline kandi_tt

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Re: How could they forget Spann
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2006, 07:16:08 AM »
Allyuh deaf or what, the express said there were not enough for everybody.

so what u mean...they couldn't use ah dummy medal like they so with diplomas...spann and the government woulda know...

de crowd and media wouldna be able to tell d embassement or feeling of being left out...shcupsssssssssss...............
iNnOcEnT aNd UnInFoRmEd...


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