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Messages - Jah Gol

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Distasteful in the extreme.

Power was recognized, but dignity was allowed to no one . Every person of eminence was held to be crooked and contemptible. We lived in a society that denied itself heroes.

Petrotrin chairman Wilfred Espinet, in response, said it was “twice as much as it should be,” stating the Petrotrin cannot exist in its present form with its high operational costs.

This reality gives support to the idea of privatization of the company. Something most of us really don't want, at least not in whole anyway. It is highly unlikely that shareholders in a private entity would abide those conditions for long.

The corrective action is plain for us to see. The truth is austerity really isn't necessary if you were practicing good corporate governance in the first place.  The adjustment will be very difficult but what is the alternative ?

Interestingly, tourism is a rapidly growing sector in Colombia.

General Discussion / Re: 110,000 illegals in T&T.
« on: October 16, 2014, 11:50:02 AM »

It is very easy to say send them back. The costs involved in 'sending them back' will run into the hundreds of millions for the CARICOM citizens alone.

“When these people are here illegally, they are sometimes unemployed and they turn to a life of crime and this could play a very big part in criminal activities in a country. “These individuals also consume our health facilities, education, because there is free access to all, as well as housing and employment opportunities.

This is a function of the weaknesses in our institutions and should be a crucial part of the tackling the issue, if even from the standpoint of assisting with surveillance.

That foreigners are able access public housing is a complete indictment on our authorities and is an effect of the endemic corruption in our housing system.

Football / Re: 2014 Lucozade Sport Goal Shield Thread.
« on: April 26, 2014, 08:17:38 PM »

“We just came out to work hard, motivated by our coach … the best coach in the league, Terry Fenwick,” Central FC’s 20-year-old Tobagonian attacker Rundell Winchester told reporters following his team’s 2-1 win in the Final of the 2014 Lucozade Sport Goal Shield on Friday night.

read more


Football / Re: 2014 Lucozade Sport Goal Shield Thread.
« on: April 26, 2014, 08:15:14 PM »

Willis Plaza of Central FC and Alvin Jones of W Connection challenge for the ball

Rundell Winchester of Central FC was named the Most Valuable Player of the Final

Rundell Winchester, Hashim Arcia and Willis Plaza finished the tournament with 2 goals apiece

Central FC Captain Marvin Oliver and his teammates celebrate victory in Lucoade Sport Goal Shield Final

Football / Re: 2014 Lucozade Sport Goal Shield Thread.
« on: April 26, 2014, 08:11:28 PM »

This is your interpretation of what I said and it is wrong. The data actually showed that marriage rates increased after slavery continuously to the extent that, and I will repeat nonsense as you put it , "As late as 1950, black women were more likely to be married than white women, and only 9% of black families with children were headed by a single parent."

Something else has to be the cause of fatherlessness. I didn't say slavery was the cause at all. The culture I was referring to is associated with the institutional dependency on social programmes that actually incentivizes irresponsibility and the lack of parenting that produces dysfunctional children who can't compete in the real world.

I suggest you read what I wrote closer, because the misinterpretation is all yours.  You didn't say slavery was the cause, I did.  I said you can't blame the lack of progress on "black culture" while disingenously failing to recognize that symptoms you describe as "cultural" are really vestigial remnants of slavery.  That is what I meant by you can't have it both ways.

I am further stunned... say nothing of insulted by your insistance that there is some sort of "institutional dependency on social programmes."  You speak from a position of ignorance and my initial exhortation didn't sufficiently apprise you of that, apparently.  Yours is the often-repeated misrepresentation of reality that blacks have this special affinity for social programs.  "Institutional dependency" is the word you used... when the reality states just the opposite:

Another finding of the study is that the distribution of benefits no longer aligns with the demography of poverty. African-Americans, who make up 22 percent of the poor, receive 14 percent of government benefits, close to their 12 percent population share.

White non-Hispanics, who make up 42 percent of the poor, receive 69 percent of government benefits – again, much closer to their 64 percent population share.


The same study you're citing points to Social Security as having the highest share of 'government benefits'. Social Security is of course a form retirement insurance that you pay into over a number of years.  69% of its beneficiaries are white whereas 14 % are black.   

I was shocked by the 14% statistic so much that I did some research. Multiple sources come up a breakdown more like this than what you're pointing to. 

Percent of recipients who are white   38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black   39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic   15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian   2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other   3.3 %

-Source: US Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute
Research Date: 1.1.2014
Some others too but I didn't want to use ask.com and yahoo answers

The basic conclusion is that the birth rate for unmarried black women is--and has been--declining. In 1970 the birth rate for unmarried black women was 96 per 1,000. In 1980, it was 87.9. In 2005 it was 60.6. There is a huge spike in the late 1980s, but the overal trend is clear--the birth rate for unmarried black women has been declining for almost 40 years.


However, the number of babies born to married blacks has also dropped precipitously... far steeper than the out-of-wedlock births.  If you understand statistics you'll understand why then the RATE of out-of-wedlock births has risen, even though the actual INCIDENCE of out-of-wedlock births has fallen.  You can only compare out-of-wedlock births to births to married couples, and if the latter is falling faster than the former, then you end up with a statistically skewed perspective which fuels the misinformation that you are now repeating.

The overall birthrate among all groups declined. This is likely due to greater female participation in the workforce, innovation of and and access to birth control and abortion. The relevant statistic though is 70% of all black children are born to unmarried women.

I will ignore the insults and answer the one question you had.

For one the rate of fatherlessness has a direct impact on household income, criminality, behavioural problems, teenage pregnancy ,scholarship and long term achievement. This is true across all groups but the problem is particularly pronounced in the black population.

I am yet to insult you, I expressed surprise someone presumably as intelligent as you would repeat the nonsense you did.  What you repeated was nonsense... it's no insult to call it what it is.  As for your 'answer'... nothing you describe is a part of black (or even African American "culture") and to the extent that you're tempted to argue that it is, the genesis of poverty and fatherlessness can directly be attributed to vestiges of slavery.  You can't have it both ways.  A lot of the other maladies, such as teenage pregnancy, behavioral problems and the disconnect with academics flow directly from the lack of involvement of black fathers, lack of proper parentage and poverty.  As a consequence, they too are indirect vestiges of slavery.
This is your interpretation of what I said and it is wrong. The data actually showed that marriage rates increased after slavery continuously to the extent that, and I will repeat nonsense as you put it , "As late as 1950, black women were more likely to be married than white women, and only 9% of black families with children were headed by a single parent."

Something else has to be the cause of fatherlessness. I didn't say slavery was the cause at all. The culture I was referring to is associated with the institutional dependency on social programmes that actually incentivizes irresponsibility and the lack of parenting that produces dysfunctional children who can't compete in the real world.

I agree with Sowell that to attribute the progress of blacks to the contribution of the civil rights movement is an incomplete evaluation in my view.Since black people made significant progress without it and mentioned using marriage rates as a metric made social progress before that era. Conversely to attribute the current inequities many blacks experience to racism and the oppression of slavery is also flawed as it doesn't consider culture as a factor or the inhibitive properties the welfare system has on all groups , not just blacks. This is not to say that the establishment of voting rights and the desegregation of school didn't have an impact on improving opportunities.   

With respect to economic growth he posits that a group's access to political power does not inherently improve their incomes, using immigrant populations such German American and Japanese Americans as examples. It is rather the proclivity to save and invest and the development of skills within groups that cause their income and the welfare to rise. Further to this, groups have different skills because they come from different places and have different histories. He actually acknowledges that slavery was a tremendous disadvantage to blacks in this regard.

I can't believe supposedly intelligent people still believing this racist canard about black people and welfare.  Jah Gol I suggest you do more research on the representative numbers of black people on welfare before you repeat this nonsense about the welfare state inhibiting black progress.  Also, exactly what aspect of black "culture" is holding us back as a people?  Yuh sounding just like them ignorant Republican and Tea Bagger apologists with this shit.
I will ignore the insults and answer the one question you had.

For one the rate of fatherlessness has a direct impact on household income, criminality, behavioural problems, teenage pregnancy ,scholarship and long term achievement. This is true across all groups but the problem is particularly pronounced in the black population.

What do you make of Sowell?
I agree with him on most issues except foreign policy/national security where he doesn't apply the same scrutiny he applies to social programmes. He favours a large military and a pre-emptive strike on Iran. 

Fair enough.

Any problematics regarding his overriding of the vestiges of enslavement?
I suppose you might referring to a statement such this one.

"The calamitous breakdown of the black family is a comparatively recent phenomenon, coinciding precisely with the rise of the welfare state. Throughout the epoch of slavery and into the early decades of the twentieth century, most black children grew up in two-parent households Post-Civil War studies revealed that most black couples in their forties had been together for at least twenty years. In southern urban areas around 1880, nearly three-fourths of black households were husband-or father-present; in southern rural settings, the figure approached 86%. As of 1940, the illegitimacy rate among blacks nationwide was approximately 15%—scarcely one-fifth of the current figure.As late as 1950, black women were more likely to be married than white women, and only 9% of black families with children were headed by a single parent." - Uncle Tom  ;D Sowell 

I agree with Sowell that to attribute the progress of blacks to the contribution of the civil rights movement is an incomplete evaluation in my view.Since black people made significant progress without it and mentioned using marriage rates as a metric made social progress before that era. Conversely to attribute the current inequities many blacks experience to racism and the oppression of slavery is also flawed as it doesn't consider culture as a factor or the inhibitive properties the welfare system has on all groups , not just blacks. This is not to say that the establishment of voting rights and the desegregation of school didn't have an impact on improving opportunities.   

With respect to economic growth he posits that a group's access to political power does not inherently improve their incomes, using immigrant populations such German American and Japanese Americans as examples. It is rather the proclivity to save and invest and the development of skills within groups that cause their income and the welfare to rise. Further to this, groups have different skills because they come from different places and have different histories. He actually acknowledges that slavery was a tremendous disadvantage to blacks in this regard.

What do you make of Sowell?
I agree with him on most issues except foreign policy/national security where he doesn't apply the same scrutiny he applies to social programmes. He favours a large military and a pre-emptive strike on Iran. 


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/_DUyOg49gHw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/_DUyOg49gHw</a>

General Discussion / Re: Hart and UDeCOTT
« on: April 13, 2014, 08:59:51 AM »
Ramlogan said when the trial starts, should Hart evade the jurisdiction of the court, “we will invoke the procedures to compel him to present himself before the court, including asking for his arrest if necessary, but that is academic because thus far he has been communicating through his legal team.”
When the matter comes up on the next occasion, Ramlogan said, the judge will give directions for filing of witness statements, following which he will give a date for trial. Hart will then have to appear in court to testify and be cross-examined. The AG said he is confident of the State’s chances of success in this matter.
Yep, because we have really good relations with the US Government.

How was this seed even created and how did it find fertile soil to germinate elsewhere ?

General Discussion / Re: Will you return home to live ?
« on: April 07, 2014, 04:30:41 PM »
Just an addition to a previous point

John and Mary have a baby on the way. They currently rent an apartment in western Trinidad for close to $4,000 a month. They have been living there for the past two years. They have been married for 4, but have been together for closer to 10. Both are educated professionals in their early 30s with a combined montly income of above $20,000, have good credit and a track record of repaying their loans. But Mary says it seems this is not enough to qualify for financing for a home of their own.


Patricia remaining silent for 2 years however and going back a second time make the sexual assault thing questionable for me.

Where did she accuse him of sexual assault?

I was referring to the opinion held by some on basis of the content of her declaration.

While I was in the office he closed his door and he hugged me. I thought it was a friendly hug and I started to talk and said I wanted a picture with him and took out my camera and put it on his desk so I wouldn’t forget. He said “just now”, then hugged me again and this time he kissed me first on the cheek and then on my lips. His hands then began sliding under my clothes and he started to fondle my breasts.
I became very angry because I didn’t expect this from him but I didn’t say anything because I was lost for words.
He then told me to take off my clothes and I saw him pull down his pants and underwear and he sat in the chair. I told him I was wearing a bodysuit and he said to come and (sex act specified).
I again went to his office on a Monday six weeks ago and when he saw me he told me to come into an office which we didn’t go in before. He sat at a desk and I said I wanted to ask something upfront, that if every time I come to his office if I had to give him sex or...I told him he made me feel stink. He said he was still helping me, and then pointed to another room.  I said:  “Ain’t I now ask you about that.”   
He didn’t answer but he continued to point to the room. He got up and walked to the room and I followed him.
When we got into the room he told me to undress and he pulled down his pants. I began to ask him why and I did not want to take off my clothes. He told me not to make noise and I stopped talking. He pushed his hands down my top and said he wanted to see my breast...”

Ah hear yuh Jah G, but here is de ting ... Building on your point ... doh matter how many times she went back, and doh matter how many times he geh on bad ... on each successive occasion he had a duty to act appropriately. And, arguably, after a period of 2 years or however long it was ... she reasonably could have expected him to cool his ass.

I'm not willing to discount the calculus of need and desperation, but even within that there is no satisfactory free pass that justifies the alleged misconduct. Ppl react to situations in different ways. Personally I think it's harsh to rationalize whether she has acted morally or not.

It's the victim's prerogative to respond with silence. And when to break that silence. Frankly, I find everything she has said to be plausible ... she sought advice from others (this by itself is not silence). People told her doh bother to bring a case ... happens frequently when the scales of injustice seem to tip against the victim. That she has now sought to bring the matter to light shouldn't be used against her.

I considered this as well and yes her story is plausible because the character involved is a certifiable tustyman. I also considered that if Glen put his hands down the woman clothes and feel her up she had a case on him since 2011. Glen should have been charged and kams would have given her an hdc house.

So a grown woman gone looking for ah house and the minister say well run ah lil punks and  she run de punks. He eh live up to he end and now she was taken advantage of? She was in a vulnerable state? Where was her morals to say no and walk away and expose the minister? Poor people so poor they cannot afford scruples? If she had gotten the house in the soon to be gated community would we have heard of this? Would she have been vulnerable then?

I am not saying what the minister did is right eh, but she ah grown woman making a conscious decision to do what she do.

We did not have an appointment. We left Central determined to see the minister to get some assistance.  I considered the (former) minister to be an action man who helped people. From the moment I saw him walking in I boldly approached him and asked if he could spare me a minute.

“(He) said okay; come quickly. As soon as the door was closed he gave me a hug and kissed me on my cheek and then on my lips. I was shocked. The minister then pushed his hands down my body suit and began touching my breast. I was trying to tell him that I needed help to get a HDC house and a food card.  The minister then told me to (sex act specified). I am not going to lie. I did it. When I left the office I could not even speak to my mother. When I went back outside I stayed quiet until I got home.”
Singh said Ramadharsingh gave her his cellular number to contact him for an update on the housing application.

Why did she not walk out the first time he kissed her? They don't know each other and just so he go all in for the hog? Them fellas rel entitled.

This is the problem in T&T, no responsibility for one's actions. It is always someone else's fault, someone made me do it. You're grown, when does someone become responsible for their actions.

This topic really deserved another thread. The only common feature is these guys lost their jobs because of vice.

In this case Glen has to take full blame. I agree with you that Patricia didn't have any scruples for herself but a Minister behaving in that way  is scandalous. As a Minister part of your job is to deal with countless people willing to do anything to obtain your favour. She could have offered it to him willingly it was his job to reject it and its even worse for him to make the approach. If the allegation is true then this is misbehaviour in public office, clearly.

Patricia remaining silent for 2 years however and going back a second time make the sexual assault thing questionable for me.

There are nudes as well. I'm not a fan of posting pics of exes.

Agreed he is an imps, he should have left and gone to his car the moment he saw it was a trap. That still doesn't make this an issue of Sharma physically abusing 2 women as it is being portrayed.

It's either self-defense or assault... and he doesn't have a very good self-defense claim.
I am unfamiliar with what constitutes those legal distinctions. What I read from Sacha Singh's own account confirmed that the other woman initiated the altercation and Sharma slapped her. Singh then jumped in pulling his tie and Sharma pushed her away. Let the police decide what if any charges must be laid.

My reading of it as a regular person is that is not abuse.

All reports said that Sacha was an ex. 

Even if that's the case, and she set up a confrontation... Sharma is an imps for getting into an physical altercation with them two women.  If they start attacking yuh, leave and walk away.  You don't (allegedly) slap a woman and push her so forcefully that she loses her balance, falls and strikes her head against an object and loses consciousness.  People does get charge over things like that... isn't that how the fella died in the Brad Boyce case?

Agreed he is an imps, he should have left and gone to his car the moment he saw it was a trap. That still doesn't make this an issue of Sharma physically abusing 2 women as it is being portrayed.

I hold no brief for Sharma, this is the kind of thing that happens when you are ruled by your vice, it comes back to haunt you. But this Sacha Singh claim of abuse is dubious and the purported moral stand she took against violence is an excuse of a jilted lover.

How is she jilted?  I don't know the story, but weren't they together when this incident occurred?
All reports said that Sacha was an ex. 

I hold no brief for Sharma, this is the kind of thing that happens when you are ruled by your vice, it comes back to haunt you. But this Sacha Singh claim of abuse is dubious and the purported moral stand she took against violence is an excuse of a jilted lover.

Second minister’s appointment revoked in less than a week

By Anna Ramdass anna.ramdass@trinidadexpress.com
Story Created: Mar 31, 2014 at 10:02 PM ECT
Story Updated: Apr 1, 2014 at 12:38 AM ECT
In less than a week, a second Cabinet minister has been removed from the People’s Partnership Government.
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday accepted the resignation of Tourism Minister Chandresh Sharma and has asked President Anthony Carmona to revoke his appointment.
Communications Minister Gerry Hadeed is now the new Tourism Minister and Trade Minister Vasant Bharath will head the Ministry of Trade, Investments and Communications.
Last Tuesday, the Prime Minister fired Dr Glenn Ramadharsingh as minister of the People and Social Development and took control of the Ministry.
Ramadharsingh was dismissed following reports of his disorderly conduct aboard a Caribbean Airlines (CAL) flight.
Sharma, 54, resigned in the wake of a police probe into reports against him by his ex-girlfriend Sacha Singh, 30, who alleged that the former minister assaulted her at Grand Bazaar car park on March 12.
Singh alleged that she confronted Sharma with a woman with whom he allegedly had an affair and a 12-year-old child from that relationship, whom he refused to maintain, and when she did this he became violent.
Congress of the People (COP) political leader Prakash Ramadhar had issued a call for Persad-Bissessar to fire Sharma should he not tender his resignation.
The Prime Minister issued a statement yesterday in which she emphasised that wrongdoing will not be tolerated in her Government.
“There is no privileged escape, no allowance for arrogance, no forgiveness for indiscretion. Those days are gone, such compromise has expired. The responsible leadership which we promised to usher in a dawn of a new era is the new political currency,” stated the Prime Minister.
Persad-Bissessar noted that there was discussion on the number of time changes were made to her Cabinet.
“I say that is a measurement of my commitment to maintaining the high ideals upon which we were elected. I am not swayed by any other consideration other than that which is right and honourable. Each member of my administration must be mindful that we are held to different, higher standards than ever before, even by those who are our most bitter critics,” she said.
“My leadership isn’t formed in the mould of loud and angry politicians who feel that shouting and attacking everything is the best way to be heard. But my decisions and policies speak even louder of who I am and what I expect of those around me in government,” she said.
The People’s Partnership Government, said Persad-Bissessar, was stronger than ever because of the tough decisions taken “and the population can breathe easier today, confident in the knowledge that value-based leadership will never be compromised”.
The Prime Minister took the opportunity to recognise Sharma’s contributions and service to the Government and people of Trinidad and Tobago.
Contacted by phone, Singh commended both Sharma and Persad-Bissessar for their actions.
“I believe that is probably the only honourable thing he (Sharma) has done since I met him a year ago. I am very impressed with our Prime Minister, her being a woman and understanding that this type of abuse or any abuse for that matter must not be tolerated,” said Singh.
Singh said she has no regrets about having a relationship with Sharma even though he was a married man.

“It was a learning experience and every experience happens for a reason. I have no regrets if this makes me stronger,” she said.
While she commended the Prime Minister for accepting Sharma’s resignation, Singh called on Persad-Bissessar to stop the malicious attack on her character by United National Congress (UNC) supporters who have taken to social media to defame her by posting private photographs of her online.
“I commend her (Persad-Bissessar) and still continue to have the utmost respect for her, but I still plead for her to help me, these UNC supporters must stop spreading my pictures all over,” said Singh.
Earlier yesterday, Singh called a news conference at her Piarco office to speak on the issue.
She said a few years ago she took photos of herself which she sent via WhatsApp to her ex-boyfriend Cliff Paray and had saved them to an e-mail.
Singh said last June, her former IT staff, whom she fired, hacked into her system and took the photographs and spread them on a local pornography website.
“Today these pictures are being circulated from the UNC supporters in a plot to show the country I am everything negative that can come from having these pictures,” she said.
Paray was present at the news conference to confirm that Singh did in fact send the private photographs to him four years ago.
“It has absolutely nothing to do with what’s going on now with the potential assault charges and she (Singh) is a very very good person as far as I know and I do support her all the way,” he said.
“This is not the focus of the matter, it is not okay to be victimised like this when I am simply standing up for all women who don’t have the strength nor the courage to stand up against being assaulted by a man,” she said.
Singh added that she knew that coming forward and pressing charges against Sharma would bring repercussions.
However, she made it clear she has no intent in bringing down Persad-Bissessar’s Government.
“I am sorry to all UNC and Chandresh supporters, but this isn’t about hurting your Government, it’s about a woman taking a stance for what is right. No man shall hit or abuse a woman. Whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, no type of abuse should be done to a woman by a man,” said Singh.
The Prime Minister took the decision to accept Sharma’s resignation before leaving for Panama yesterday evening to attend the World Economic Forum and is scheduled to return on Thursday.
Labour Minister Errol McLeod will act as Prime Minister in her absence.

Police were told that Singh met Sharma in the car park of Grand Bazaar, near Toppers around 7.45 pm on March 12. Sharma had agreed to meet Singh at the mall. In the back seat of Singh’s car was a 12-year-old girl and her mother, a schoolteacher. Sharma entered her Mercedes Benz car and sat in the front passenger seat, where questions about the child arose. The child eventually moved and Sharma spotted her. The child called out to Sharma who acknowledged her. Singh began to ask Sharma about maintaining the child. Sharma and the girl’s mother came out of the vehicle arguing. Shortly after, there was a scuffle between Sharma and the woman.During the melee, Sharma urged the woman to stop hitting a Brahmin boy. Singh came out of the car and held on to Sharma’s tie, but was slapped across the face.

Sharma, the police were told, pushed Singh who fell back and hit her head on her car and blacked out for several minutes. After gaining consciousness, Singh said they were checking her pulse. She said she was told that Sharma was putting water on face, forehead and head to revive her. Singh said Sharma kept saying she was fine and told her not to go to the hospital, but instead she should go home and take a shower.

I read this and my presumptions of the situation changed. I realise it might be unpopular but here is goes.

I don't like Sharma , I think he's a snake and is part of the worst government in our country's history. That said if this is Sacha's account of things it confirms a few things. She lured him to this meeting with the woman and both of them eventually assaulted him first and he retaliated. Sacha got hurt and Sharma get frighten when he realised she hit her head.

I'm just following what I read. Violence against women is seen as truly deplorable, regardless of facts surrounding said violence.

I can't believe I just defended Sharma. I'm not a lawyer or a police officer so I can't comment on what charges may be in store for him, if any, but trying to process the incident as a human in my mind its hard  to logically attribute blame to the person who wasn't the aggressor in an altercation.

He Should Still Be Fired

This is a situation where his past indiscretions are blowing up in his face and causing turbulence in his personal life and embarrassment to the government.It is also likely that there are others in the woodwork. Under those circumstances how can a person carry out the duties of a Minister and MP effectively ? On that note it goes back to question of what type of people we select for public office in the first place.

Apart from that the allegation about him not supporting a child is the most embarrassing issue. If so there are legal means to bring Sharma into compliance.

Football / Re: Pro League Double Header Tomorrow
« on: March 27, 2014, 01:09:07 PM »
Admission $30.

Not sure what he smoked before doing this video but it must be some seriously good stuff!  :mackdaddy:
He says don't believe anything they say from hereon because its a dry run by the New World Order!

New World Order Highjacked Flight 370
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/HuRlTQ99kiA" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/HuRlTQ99kiA</a>

Dr. James David Manning explains what happened on Flight 370.
This guy's great btw.

Football / Pro League Double Header Tomorrow
« on: March 27, 2014, 09:50:08 AM »

W. Connection v Point Fortin Civic FC

Central vs Police

follow on twitter @ttprolague  and tweet #ttproleague at the game .

Like the TT Pro League page on Facebook too

From the beginning of this incident, Malaysia has handled the victim's families differently from the Chinese gov't's handling of the families in Beijing. Malaysia cast a tighter net around the families in KL. In China there was greater accessibility to the families.

The Malaysian authorities were faced with a situation in which they had to be more tolerant of media scrutiny than they are normally comfortable with ... although the Chinese are not cozy with non-state media, in this instance they were not the ones with anything to hide/negative interests to protect ... so the media access factor resulted in divergent situations in both locations.

The Malaysian PM initially commented through interlocutors, but as the international attention ramped up ... he eventually faced the cameras himself. They are never comfortable with domestic public criticism ... that's the reality of their polity ... International criticism bristled (and to be fair the US media are on a feeding frenzy, as they are when there's any involvement of non-"developed country" ball-dropping).

It's a rare PM that would want to be in a room with family members finding out for the first time ... not the wise course of political action ... However, the Malaysians should have structured their staging and planning of the release of the crash in the Indian ocean info ... that way, they would have had time to properly apprise all parties.

It seems they were happy to finally (from their perspective) have the matter done with ... an expedient decision ... one that would not have had full unilaterality from Malaysian Airlines.

This is spot on.

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