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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #390 on: July 23, 2019, 06:48:14 PM »
Zandolie, JW, DJW!!! We have to live with them. Right now is DJW. You have to deal with him. In a fractured society like ours, football at this juncture is not important. Life is!  In the Afro-TT community where 99% of the footballers originate, there is an unbelievable belief in self destruction. How these youths come out and participate, and in some cases produce international performances, is mind boggling. Then the lack resources from that sector of the society that has it,  and stand by the side (in many cases, quite rightly) is utterly painful. Imagine, Venezuela is in dire straits, There are Vens. coming to TT on boats to escape their version of hell. Yet their youths came and destroy our youths. Their "failed govt" found the resources for their sports program. Our govt is already straddled with the failed pro-league. Other sport organizations needs just as much attention. The money for the failed pro-league could have gone to these youths for longer preps. and competitive international friendlies.

I agree, more or less. Impoverished mindset (TTFA) + great talent (footballers) = poor performance. Bad admin produces sub-par results no matter the talent of the athletes. The 'resources' argument is a joke. 

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #391 on: July 24, 2019, 04:01:40 AM »
Dear TTFA, please post the missing Match Highlights of the T&T vs Venezuela game. You have provided the other two matches and even post-match reaction/comments of the Venezuela match but no match footage.

Also, video of the second encounter versus Venezuela would be appreciated, once it's packaged separately from the first match.

Thank you kindly.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2019, 04:03:24 AM by asylumseeker »

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #392 on: July 25, 2019, 12:35:17 AM »
Roberts impressed with quality of U-15 football.
T&T Guardian Reports.

CON­CA­CAF'S Di­rec­tor of De­vel­op­ment Ja­son Roberts has said he was left im­pressed with the lev­el dis­played by the four com­pet­ing teams at the just con­clud­ed T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion Youth In­vi­ta­tion­al Tour­na­ment.

Roberts, ac­com­pa­nied by FI­FA De­vel­op­ment of­fi­cer for the Caribbean Mar­lon Glean, wit­nessed the last four match­es in the Un­der 15 boys com­pe­ti­tion, in­clud­ing the clos­ing dou­ble­head­er and the Awards Cer­e­mo­ny at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va, on Sun­day last.

The tour­na­ment was a dress re­hearsal for the teams- Mex­i­co, Pana­ma and T&T ahead of the CON­CA­CAF U-15 Cham­pi­onship in Flori­da, USA next month, Roberts, an ex-Black­burn Rovers and Grena­da for­ward said on Tues­day.

“The TTFA youth in­vi­ta­tion­al was a fan­tas­tic op­por­tu­ni­ty to see some of the top tal­ents in the re­gion put to­geth­er by the TTFA in prepa­ra­tion for the CON­CA­CAF U-15 tour­na­ment. This was a won­der­ful chance to see well-drilled teams per­form­ing at an ex­treme­ly high lev­el, some re­al tal­ent across all of the sides, and I have to com­mend the TTFA for see­ing that prepa­ra­tion and bring­ing the teams to­geth­er. It is a unique op­por­tu­ni­ty to en­sure these play­ers are well pre­pared, get­ting used to elite tour­na­ments and used to the at­mos­phere of hav­ing a big crowd," Roberts said.

He added, “In­di­vid­u­al­ly I thought there were some stand­out per­for­mances. The T&T num­ber 8 (Mo­lik Khan) who was ex­treme­ly tal­ent­ed with the num­ber 10 (Nathaniel James) as well. You look across for the num­ber 10 strik­er for Pana­ma- Rey­mun­do Arauz, Venezuela num­ber 7 (Klins­mann Gomez and the strik­er Je­sus Anuel), were al­so good. Mex­i­co, as ex­pect­ed, al­so played at a very high lev­el for young play­ers."

“I would like to say how ex­cit­ing it was to see foot­ball in our re­gion at such a high lev­el in prepa­ra­tion for the CON­CA­CAF U-15, where I would be spend­ing a lot of time view­ing games of sim­i­lar qual­i­ty,” Roberts added.

Mean­while, Car­los Subero's 59th-minute strike earned Venezuela a 1-0 vic­to­ry over T&T on Tues­day at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in an­oth­er prac­tice match be­tween the teams.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #393 on: July 25, 2019, 04:57:42 AM »
Match Highlights - T&T vs Venezuela U-15s

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« Last Edit: July 25, 2019, 05:00:22 AM by asylumseeker »


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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #394 on: July 25, 2019, 07:07:54 AM »
"Mean­while, Car­los Subero's 59th-minute strike earned Venezuela a 1-0 vic­to­ry over T&T on Tues­day at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in an­oth­er prac­tice match be­tween the teams."

good work, much better result.
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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #395 on: July 25, 2019, 08:23:31 AM »

This looks horrible. It's been in this condition for a long time. Is no one inclined to fix it?

Are you talking about the athletics track? If so, I agree!
Under utilized so it may be a matter of economics, but it should be replaced with a surface that is aesthetically pleasing.

Funny, It under utilized but in bad shape. Are there track clubs in central ? What is being done to locate talented athletes in central?
Even though under utilized, its in bad shape due to normal deterioration over the years being exposed to the elements, without any form of maintenance. Btw, this is the same ground that was transformed into a 'sea' when the US last visited to play a WC qualifying game. What does that tell you? Not even the drainage system is properly maintained. Is anything in TTO properly maintained?

Offline Deeks

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #396 on: July 25, 2019, 05:22:46 PM »
Nobody eh answer meh question yet. Are there track clubs in central. If not why? central has a big population by TT standards. Why the people not doing grass-roots sports. Apart from football and cricket, probably table tennis and badminton. No basketball, no netball, no rugby, no hockey, no cycling, no swimming. What is happening?

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #397 on: July 26, 2019, 01:00:16 PM »
We had a player based in the US that eligible for this team who was recommended since March.... Up to now, nobody ent reach out to his father. The father reach all in Trinidad trying to link up with people and still salt.

Now I get the news that two of this youth teammates made the final roster for the USA team for the tournament next month in Florida...  :frustrated: Watch them tear up....

Meanwhile there is another youth with the same organization a year below who is also eligible. His father tell me NO THANK YOU! Not with this administration.  :banginghead: These two parents talk with each other all the time. It is no wonder father #2 wants no part of representing T&T.



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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #398 on: July 26, 2019, 04:02:45 PM »
We had a player based in the US that eligible for this team who was recommended since March.... Up to now, nobody ent reach out to his father. The father reach all in Trinidad trying to link up with people and still salt.

Now I get the news that two of this youth teammates made the final roster for the USA team for the tournament next month in Florida...  :frustrated: Watch them tear up....

Meanwhile there is another youth with the same organization a year below who is also eligible. His father tell me NO THANK YOU! Not with this administration.  :banginghead: These two parents talk with each other all the time. It is no wonder father #2 wants no part of representing T&T.


That is what I have been saying all along. Do these players want to go thru salt to play for TT?

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #399 on: July 27, 2019, 05:57:22 AM »
Although I agree that the genesis of the U15 tournament had political considerations after the Gold Cup tragedy, the U15 tournament has attracted notice from a considerable distance. Progress can be made.

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #400 on: August 01, 2019, 01:58:21 AM »
T&T U-15s to face Mexico, Panama
By Nigel Simon (Guardian).

T&T's Un­der-15 boys' foot­ballers will face a tough as­sign­ment af­ter be­ing grouped with Mex­i­co, Pana­ma and Cu­ra­cao in Pool A of Di­vi­sion One for the 2019 Con­ca­caf Un­der-15 Cham­pi­onship from Au­gust 4-11 at the IMG Acad­e­my cam­pus in Braden­ton, Flori­da, USA.

The de­vel­op­men­tal tour­na­ment will fea­ture the 39 teams from North, Cen­tral Amer­i­ca and the Caribbean and three guest teams from UE­FA. The tour­na­ment, which will pro­vide ac­cess to in­ter­na­tion­al foot­ball for over 750 boys from across the CON­CA­CAF re­gion, will be con­test­ed in two rounds.

For the first-round group phase, the 42 par­tic­i­pat­ing teams have been di­vid­ed in­to three di­vi­sions ac­cord­ing to the CON­CA­CAF Un­der-17 rank­ing as of 2019, en­sur­ing sport­ing bal­ance and a min­i­mum num­ber of four match­es for each team.

Di­vi­sion One fea­tures the top 14 ranked CON­CA­CAF teams, as well as Slove­nia and Por­tu­gal. These 16 teams have been di­vid­ed in­to four groups of four teams each (Groups A-D). Af­ter round-robin play, the four group win­ners and the four sec­ond-placed fin­ish­ers will ad­vance to the quar­ter­fi­nals to play for the cham­pi­onship. The third and fourth place fin­ish­ers will play an ad­di­tion­al match to de­ter­mine their fi­nal po­si­tions in the di­vi­sion.

Di­vi­sion Two will fea­ture the next 15 best ranked CON­CA­CAF teams and Is­rael. These 16 teams have been di­vid­ed in­to four groups of four each (Groups E-H). Af­ter round-robin play, the four group win­ners will ad­vance to the semi­fi­nals to play for the cham­pi­onship. The sec­ond, third and fourth place fin­ish­ers will play an ad­di­tion­al match to de­ter­mine their fi­nal po­si­tions in the di­vi­sion

Di­vi­sion Three will be made up by the low­est 10 ranked CON­CA­CAF teams. The teams have been di­vid­ed in­to two groups of five teams each (Groups I & J). Af­ter round-robin play, the group win­ners will ad­vance to the di­vi­sion­al fi­nal, while the re­main­ing teams will play an ad­di­tion­al match to de­ter­mine their fi­nal po­si­tion in the di­vi­sion.

Con­ca­caf Un­der-15 Groups

Di­vi­sion One:

Group A: Mex­i­co, Pana­ma, T&T, Cu­ra­cao

Group B: USA, Haiti, Guatemala, Suri­name

Group C: Cana­da, El Sal­vador, Slove­nia, Guade­loupe

Group D: Cos­ta Ri­ca, Ja­maica, Por­tu­gal, Bar­ba­dos

Di­vi­sion Two

Group E: Nicaragua, Guyana, Cay­man Is­lands, Ba­hamas

Group F: Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic, Puer­to Ri­co, Grena­da, Mar­tinique

Group G: St Lu­cia, St Kitts/Nevis, Is­rael, Be­lize

Group H: Bermu­da, An­tigua & Bar­bu­da, Aru­ba, Saint Vin­cent & The Grenadines

Di­vi­sion Three

Group I: Bonaire, US Vir­gin Is­lands, An­guil­la, French Guiana, St Maarten

Group J: St Mar­tin, Do­mini­ca, British Vir­gin Is­lands, Montser­rat, Turks & Caicos Is­lands


What next for T&T’s Elite U-15s? Fenwick, Grayson, La Forest and Look Loy have their say.
By Jovan Ravello (Wired868).

After a disappointing debut at the recently concluded TTFA Youth International Invitational where the National Under-15 Team lost 5-4, 4-0 and 4-1 to Panama, Venezuela and Mexico respectively, TTFA board member and FC Santa Rosa owner, Keith Look Loy, is one of several voices laying the blame on head coach Stuart Charles-Fevrier and the NLCB Elite Youth Programme administrators.

“The boys tried but the weaknesses in their coaching—after two years and millions of dollars being spent—were amply exposed,” Look Loy said. “Lack of team structure, low intensity play, poor physical conditioning, really poor defending. All of that, after two years of being together, rests squarely on the shoulders of the staff and programme administrators.”

Look Loy, who is a TTFA board member, claimed the TTFA Invitational was not approved by the TTFA board and said it was another instance of mismanagement by the administration led by local football president David John-Williams.

“It was not planned. It was an arbitrary, desperate, knee jerk response by the TTFA hierarchy to the firestorm of criticism provoked by the country’s dismal performance in the Gold Cup,” Look Loy said.

“The hope was that the boys would play well and save the hierarchy’s collective face. It was all about politics—not football—and it failed. Do not forget that the U15 girls were also supposed to play. That failed.”

Look Loy, who piloted an unsuccessful no-confidence motion against the TTFA president last year, aimed a jab at football’s local governing body.

“In the immediate aftermath of yet another poor performance by one of the other national teams, the Under-15,” Look Loy said, “it is clear, at least to me, that TTFA’s national teams’ programme, it’s coaching appointments, its coaching performance are a complete debacle. This is so in all of our teams, in both genders and in all age groups.

“The evidence is not opinion, it is there to be seen in poor performances and last-place finishes that the football-loving public has now grown accustomed to.”

Former San Juan Jabloteh head coach and Football Factory principal, Terry Fenwick also lay the blame on the bench.

“The team has to be motivated and that comes from the coach,” Fenwick said. “After these poor results and performances, I can’t see the team progressing as the president had suggested.”

“This is not the future,” Fenwick continued in derision of the TTFA Invitational tagline ‘The Future is Now’. “These kids have lots to learn and clearly the existing coaching staff fall short on team structure and motivation. After two years of training, this group are miles behind where they should be.

“Time, attention, budget—all afforded this group to the detriment of other National teams, boys and girls— and they simply have not performed.”

Trinity College East coach Michael Grayson’s critique rang a touch gentler. Grayson, a former national youth team coach and a Secondary Schools Football League (SSFL) icon for his work for Arima Senior Comprehensive and St Augustine Senior Secondary, said the team’s first outing was good enough, given the quality of their competition.

“To score four goals is an achievement,” he said, “however, poor ball possession and lack of cohesion in defence led to [the result]. The game versus Venezuela caused many questions to be asked. Maybe the rule of players having to play at least 60 minutes led to the poor performance.”

Despite the tournament structure, Grayson spotted glaring flaws. “In this game [the team had] no possession, no energy and [there was] a total collapse in the second half.”

The Davis and Elkins College Hall of Famer lauded the team’s fighting spirit against tremendous odds but said there was a lot of work to do. “If 13 goals are conceded in three games, well, it’s not difficult to figure out our weaknesses and positives.”

Still others, like Ron La Forest, a former National Senior assistant coach and stand-out player, was not ready to make sweeping indictments of the youngest of the national teams.

“As the coach mentioned, [he has] a good bunch of players, you could see they’re lacking experience, but with time they will grow,” he said.

La Forest said the invitational was the ideal platform to stimulate that growth. “We need that kind of opposition going forward,” he said. “[They’ve had] one tournament, it was a good experience for them, now we have to keep them together and look around for added talent.”

The TTFA president, John-Williams, admitted that team depth was a factor in the team’s bottom of the table finish after the closing ceremony of the TTFA invitational saw Mexico lift the inaugural title.

John-Williams mentioned plans to conduct screening sessions in the United States in the coming weeks while leaving the doors open for prospective local players.

All the coaches we spoke to had their own fix for the young squad. Grayson agreed with the recruitment drive and called for critics to stop blaming the SSFL.

Look Loy had three different suggestions: reopen the closed squad and search for new talent, appoint new staff and replace the current programme administrators.

Fenwick, a former Senior National Men’s team head coach candidate, suggested the players be made to study videos of the best international teams and for the coaches to train them for pace and game structure based on the videos. “We cannot and should not relate success to games against local opposition,” he said.

Meanwhile, La Forest urged patience. “Let the coach do his thing,” he said. “[He is] a very experienced man and it is not a quick fix. Give him more time and you will see a difference.”

In the Concacaf Under-15 Championship scheduled to run from 4-12 August at the IMG Academy in Bradenton, Florida, T&T is grouped with TTFA Invitational Tournament winners Mexico, Panama (who won 5-4 in the opening match) and Curacao. The team is currently encamped and will travel to Florida next Friday.

Asked about T&T’s chances of eventually qualifying for the FIFA Under-17 World Cup, Loo Loy dug into his optimism. “It’s football,” he said. “You always have a chance.”

It remains to be seen what the T&T Under-15s will do with that chance.

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #401 on: August 01, 2019, 02:02:22 AM »
I hope they look at a few players based in the US, UK and Canada..

Dante Sealy (FC Dallas), Lakyle Samuel (Manchester City) and Joshua Virgil (NY Red Bulls) might be a good start.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2019, 02:06:35 AM by Flex »
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Offline Trini _2026

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #402 on: August 01, 2019, 10:47:01 AM »
I hope they look at a few players based in the US, UK and Canada..

Dante Sealy (FC Dallas), Lakyle Samuel (Manchester City) and Joshua Virgil (NY Red Bulls) might be a good start.

Dante sealy is a year to old (2003) Lakyle Samuel is to young  only Joshua Virgil ......
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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #403 on: August 02, 2019, 12:21:48 AM »
I hope they look at a few players based in the US, UK and Canada..

Dante Sealy (FC Dallas), Lakyle Samuel (Manchester City) and Joshua Virgil (NY Red Bulls) might be a good start.

Dante sealy is a year to old (2003) Lakyle Samuel is to young only Joshua Virgil ......
He is either 14 or 15 now

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #404 on: August 04, 2019, 02:12:18 AM »
T&T to face Costa Rica in CONCACAF U-15 opener tomorrow.
TTFA Media.

Trinidad and Tobago’s Under 15 Boys team will face Costa Rica in their opening match at the CONCACAF Under 15 boys Championship at IMG Academy on Sunday. The match is scheduled for a 9am kick off.  T&T have been shifted to Group D of the championship alongside Costa Rica, Portugal and Barbados. This resulted after Jamaica made a late withdrawal from the tournament.

The T&T team arrived at IMG on Friday night. T&T faces Barbados at 11am on Monday and Portugal on Wednesday at 9am.

T&T set to face European powerhouse

Trinidad and Tobago received an interesting offer on the team’s arrival at the IMG Academy in Florida for the Concacaf Boys U15 Championship. With the non-arrival of Jamaica, T&T Coach Stuart Charles-Fevrier was approached to fill their spot in Group ‘D’ as the organisers recognized that his squad recently faced Mexico and Panama in the TTFA Youth Invitational Tournament in late July and with this being a development tournament, fresh opposition seemed ideal. Fevrier accepted the offer without hesitation, “I welcome the challenge because we must play top teams from all over and those three teams are formidable in their respective regions”. Said the coach when he spoke to TTFA media.

The new opponents in group ‘D’ will be Costa Rica, Barbados and Portugal with the opening match being against the Central Americans on Sunday at 9 am.

Portugal is ranked in the top five in Europe and the T&T Coach is eager to face a topflight team. “We have to play the top teams ahead of the competition which matters, which is the qualification tournament for the 2021 FIFA Under 17 World Cup, this is my focus for this team, so leading up to that if we get opportunities to face these highly respected team we will grab at the chance”

When asked about the unflattering recent results Fevrier was confident in his reply, “Although result matter, we can’t only focus on that, this is about development and we played some unfamiliar opposition who came highly rated and we saw why in the tournament. In order for us to improve this must continue that is why I am so delighted for this new grouping.”

On Monday the under 15s will battle Caribbean neighbour Barbados who has Trinbagonian Russel Latapy in their camp. The Magician was recently appointed Head Coach of the Barbados Senior Men’s Team and is eager to see the clash of the development squads. First up for them on Sunday will be the Portuguese.

With Jamaica unfortunately failing to reach the tournament on schedule due to US Visa issues, some adjustments had to be made to the First Division fixtures, with T&T moving to its new group, Israel has been elevated from the second tier to fill our spot in group ‘A’. Also having issues with USA travel requirements are the Guatemalans who were unbale to secure Visas for some key players.

T&T had no such issues this time around and the coach indicated that all is well in the camp with the players enthusiastic about hitting the field.

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #405 on: August 04, 2019, 05:24:41 AM »
The decision to switch groups was made how? By consultation through an appropriate hierarchy of decision-making or on the coach's off the cuff instinct on the spur of the moment?

Was the offer made to Panama? Was the offer made to Mexico?

Proposing a nexus between this U15 tournament and U17 WC qualifying is a noble one but it is ah sort of "bridge too far" for all sorts of reasons.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2019, 05:34:36 AM by asylumseeker »

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #406 on: August 04, 2019, 05:58:18 AM »
I think is time to move these tournament from the US. The visa requirements are srewing up the rest of Concacaf. Our officials are guilty of some incompetence, but the visas requirement are weakening the already weak smaller countries.

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #407 on: August 04, 2019, 06:11:35 AM »
I think is time to move these tournament from the US. The visa requirements are srewing up the rest of Concacaf. Our officials are guilty of some incompetence, but the visas requirement are weakening the already weak smaller countries.

Yuh done know.

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #408 on: August 04, 2019, 06:53:30 AM »
The more I think about the decision to change groups, the more it's subject to challenge.

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #409 on: August 04, 2019, 06:58:24 AM »
The Conquering Lion of Judah shall break every chain.

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #410 on: August 04, 2019, 07:19:17 AM »
3-0 CR already. 19th min.
Trinidad and Tobago 1st
Everyone else is 2nd

Offline Trini _2026

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #411 on: August 04, 2019, 07:31:16 AM »
My gosh ....
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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #412 on: August 04, 2019, 08:03:56 AM »
3-0 CR already. 19th min.
no muscle, no tactical adjustments, slow, ponderous, why we have ah person dat mostly past it his sell by date and always get slaughtered at concacaf level coachin this program....oh yes right nepotism, frenism and corruption. steups
I pity the fool....

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #413 on: August 04, 2019, 08:23:20 AM »
3-0 final score. Missed penalty and a few chances as well.
Trinidad and Tobago 1st
Everyone else is 2nd

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #414 on: August 04, 2019, 11:06:48 AM »
I think is time to move these tournament from the US. The visa requirements are srewing up the rest of Concacaf. Our officials are guilty of some incompetence, but the visas requirement are weakening the already weak smaller countries.

I never understood FIFA allowing countries who deny players visa to host events.
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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #415 on: August 04, 2019, 07:41:25 PM »
We conceded a couple of silly goals. Where is the evidence of an improving decision-making?

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #416 on: August 04, 2019, 08:19:18 PM »
I think is time to move these tournament from the US. The visa requirements are srewing up the rest of Concacaf. Our officials are guilty of some incompetence, but the visas requirement are weakening the already weak smaller countries.

I never understood FIFA allowing countries who deny players visa to host events.
It seems reasonable that countries which host events should have the right to say who comes into their country or not. Aren't there cases of athletes who have absconded after arriving in the USA? It is a case of 'Peter paying for Paul'? No?

Moving these tournaments from the US is a valid thought but........move to where?


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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #417 on: August 04, 2019, 11:54:49 PM »
Interesting decision by Fevrier to switch groups. Might have been beneficial to coaching staff and players to review the recent games against Mexico and Panama, then put strategies into place with a view to improving individual and team performance. That way a coach can put themselves to the test, and really drill down into how well each player can follow instruction, learn, and adapt under pressure.  But what do I know.

Portugal deal with the Bajans rough. We good to hold a 4+
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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #418 on: August 05, 2019, 12:32:37 AM »
T&T U-15s miss out against Costa Rica.
TTFA Media.

It was a tale of two halves for Trinidad and Tobago, both of which the National Under 15 team will have to put behind them as the competition is continuing at a rapid pace in the Concacaf Boys U15 Championship. The youngsters were down 3-0 in the first 20 minutes of their 70 minute encounter with Costa Rica as action in the tournament got underway at the IMG Academy in Bradenton FL.

They never recovered from the early onslaught despite a spirited second half effort. The Central Americans got on the board as early as the 5th minute through Creichel Perez who capitalized on a flat-footed T&T defence to put the ball well out of the reach of goalkeeper Triston Edwards. Ten minutes later it was Josimar Alcoceri who made it 2-0 for Costa Rica with Perez making it 3 in the 19th.

T&T had some good looks at goal in this period and even had a Nathanial James effort questionably disallowed for offside but their love affair with uprights also continued in this match with Jahiem Faustin disturbing the right post with a well struck attempt and as the half time whistle beckoned, Captain Jahiem Marshall hit the right post following a fine run from deep.

Stuart Charles Fevrier’s team was a much-improved unit in the second half when it came to keeping Costa Rica at bay but many-a-chances went abegging in their efforts to get something out of the match. James in particular caused a lot of problems with some penetrating runs into the penalty area one of which result in a penalty for Trinidad and Tobago but once again the post was found when Josiah Wilson powerfully blasted the spot kick into the woodwork.

The loss was a difficult one for the coach especially after witnessing his players quality play in the second half.

“Personally, I thought the first fifteen minutes we were very sluggish in terms of coping with the intensity of Costa Rica. I thought when the game settled, we definitely matched them and created goal scoring opportunities but unfortunately we did not capitalise on them.” The Coach also pointed out a major area of concern, “In terms of the defence, we definitely have to recruit to create some more competition, because most of the defenders I have at present were midfield players I transformed” Fevrier added.

This recruitment is expected to be conducted at home and overseas as the focus on World Cup qualification intensifies.

Recovery is the key for the U15s as they go into action again on Monday to face Barbados with just over 24 hours between games. The Bajans also had a tough opening match when they went down 6-0 to European guest-team Portugal, which makes the all-Caribbean clash all the more interesting.


Trinidad and Tobago: Triston Edwards (GK), 2. Christian Bailey, 3. Dawn St. Rose (7. Abdul Quddoos Hypolite 51’), 4. Jeron Pascall, 5. Tyrik Sampson (14. Deshawn Brown 61’), 6. Jaheim Marshall (Captain)(12. Tristan Stafford 61’), 8. Molik Khan, 9. Ja-Shawn Thomas (16. Isaiah Thompson 51’), 10. Nathanial James, 11. Josiah Wilson, 17. Jaheim Faustin (13. Kassidy Davidson 51’).

Unused Substitutes: 1. Kanye Lazarus, 15. Dantaye Gilbert

Costa Rica: Abraham Madriz (GK), 4. Julian Gonzalez, 5. Brandon Calderon (Joseth Peraza 42’) 6. Ricardo Pena (16. Kenneth Gonzalez 52’), 7. Josimar Alcocer (3. John Ruiz 52’), 8. Creichel Perez (17. Marcos Escoe 36’), 9. Kishurn Gouldbourne (Andrey Salmeron 36’), 11. Jewison Bennette, 13. Sabastian Rodriguez (12. Steven Cerdas 53’), 14. Santiago Van Der Putte (Captain), 15. Sabastian Salas.

Unused Substitute: 18. Dylan Carvajal (GK).

Post Match Comments from Fevrier following defeat to Costa Rica

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Re: U-15 Men's Football Team Thread
« Reply #419 on: August 05, 2019, 10:00:57 AM »
T&T 1 (Wilson, 35th min) vs BAR 0 HT
Trinidad and Tobago 1st
Everyone else is 2nd


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