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Messages - Conquering Lion

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 [21] 22 23


WI what/who iz dat?

You all keep missing the point I'm trying to make. I'm not disputing that this T&T team can go all the way in this tournament.

When I say "WI" I mean a FIRST CLASS team like T&T, BDOS etc. A tournament like this is a good thing for the region to be a part of on a regular basis. My question is "what is in place to guarantee that a team from the WI (like T&T now) continues to be a part of it?"

I was thinking about that the other day. No Stanford 20/20, so I wonder how T&T will be able to qualify for the tournament next year?

Defendin champs

Well said, but will how will a team from T&T or WI qualify for next tournament?

Cricket Anyone / Re: No sponsorship for TT.
« on: October 17, 2009, 07:54:51 AM »
Oh shyte,ah never thought bout that,yuh talking bout the milk arnt you? ;D

Oh shyte...ah need to check meh spelling (f-r-e-e-c-o)   :beermug:

Here is a link for the article:

"Here’s the innings in full, the two deliveries in red denoting balls where extras were scored:

    . 1 . 4 1 . 1  .w 4 4 6 6 . 6 4 1 4 6 6

The two underlined sections were deliveries bowled by Moises Henriques, who was marmalised so severely that it would be no surprise if he were never seen on a cricket field again. By the end he was bowling pies with the look of a man who was so desperate for the ground to swallow him up that he was handing out shovels." quote

I was thinking about that the other day. No Stanford 20/20, so I wonder how T&T will be able to qualify for the tournament next year?

Cricket Anyone / Re: No sponsorship for TT.
« on: October 16, 2009, 07:59:25 PM »
I realize you were talking about the express article but get slap dong in the process. You do have a point regarding sponsorship for sportsmen but I think the TTCB is beginning to see the rewards of their investment in the players.

In all seriousness.... you doh think yuh should be careful how you talk about sponsorship if yuh name "Frico"   ;D

Thanks for the link dinho  ;)

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Official Kaiso Thread
« on: October 16, 2009, 07:17:09 PM »
I notice people posting a lot of nice music, so a thread is in order

Who know about this one?  :wavetowel:

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

how come nobody else have a flag...but mr attention whore heself hadda rep he flag on he jacket?

But like he get your attention ...... ;D

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Columbus Day
« on: October 16, 2009, 06:52:14 PM »
European wealth from the 1500s onward is based in the most part on the subjugation and exploitation of the rest of the planet. Columbus heading to the "new world" is a major link in the chain that brings us to 2009 discussing this over the internet.  Maybe if he didn't sail, it would be someone else and the chain would end where we are today. But probably not. Would africans migrate? probably. Would the Aztec and Mayan empires still be here? Would they have imploded otherwise?

Anytime you go to Liverpool you must check out the slave museum. Since Liverpool was a shipbuilding town, many of the slave ships were built there, and on display in the museum you can also see how many companies profited from the business of slavery...Lloyds of London and many others included.

The book "Capitalism and Slavery" by Eric Williams is a must read, and talks about how slavery was abolished because of economics (not because of bleeding heart abolitionists)

Imagine that was just the other day. People who grow up in this, who oppose this and those who even embrace it still around today.

People conveniently forget that segregation was less than 50 years ago (1 generation).

Cricket Anyone / Re: T&T vs DC - T20 CL
« on: October 14, 2009, 07:30:08 PM »
Nice win by T&T.  :beermug: :beermug:

The way Rao was batting things looked tight coming to the end, but in this format one big over or spectacular catch can win the game.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Excellent Local Animation
« on: October 14, 2009, 06:43:47 PM »
"somebody go get chop today boy...." :rotfl: :rotfl:

Great work.....ah like de dialogue :beermug:

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Columbus Day
« on: October 12, 2009, 05:12:48 AM »
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Black Stalin
« on: October 09, 2009, 07:56:48 PM »
Hear nah, dis is dey fella I does get meh KAISOOOOO from!
Juss watch that man archives.... :beermug:

He converts all his LPs into digital and throw dem on Utube.  At one time I thought was somebody in here...but

Ya know how much chair I mash up

Like he ent upload "Doh back back" yet?  ;D :devil:


So you never hear Cazabon in patois? ;D

Quizz Time & Facts / Re: Ex boxing Champs who made it big.
« on: October 05, 2009, 11:52:53 AM »
Fitzroy "The Whip" Vanderpool?.....

General Discussion / Re: Putting humans in dey place
« on: October 04, 2009, 06:07:19 PM »
Breds @ least intellengent design not claiming that every thing came about just so just so!! the elements was always there and BOOM!! things just fall into place, that's your argument. what allyuh evolutionist have to prove is where the elements came from that caused the bang, and how such order in the universe came about in unisons without an organizer.

Who, what, where and which MODERN evolutionist claims that thing just “fell into place”? Claims by scientists pale in comparison to the nonsense that some creationists used to use,like Satan putting dinosaur bones on the ground to deceive mankind into believing evolution.

As for this organizer...both evolution and design believe an organizing principal exists. The problem remains...who organized the organizer?

i believe in the big bang, but the big bang was just an event that took place in the universe eons ago, but where the elements came from that caused the big bang ? to say the universe was always there with all it's elements, and then turn around and say nothing can't derive from nothing which is mathematically impossible, and as yuh know mathematics is ultimate logic and a universal LAW, then to turn around and advocate materialism is an oxymoron.

Science has no definitive answer for what created the universe.  Does not mean we should sit back pass it off as the pet creation of some big “Daddy-in-the-sky”. We would still be left with the same question...what/where did God come from?

If mathematics is the ultimate logic can Designer/God be reduced to mere equations? BTW Ordinate numbers are a concept in mathematics in which structure can be can be generated from 'nothing'. Very interesting implications for the creation of the universe not so? Then again I'm not a  mathematician, far be it from me to talk big and bold about shit I know nothing about. 

@ least ah believer in intellegent design could say evolution was ah process of creation, but ah materialist take the position as to negate anyother option that maybe resposible for our existance and went out on ah limb to prove that there's no other way, and eh have sensible argument to substantuate their claim, he believe that life which iz so complexed just came about through pure coincidence and anarchy and still can't produce any mamalian or plant life in the process or developmental stage of evolving from one specie into another.

Evolution does not have any sensible arguments to substantiate their claims? You must be mad. Evolution is at the heart of modern biology and medicine. You ever hear about anti-biotic resistance? You should take a stand on your principles and don't ever visit a hospital or a doctor for influenza, common cold, blood transfusion, heart problems, liver or kidney replacement, malaria, cancer treatment or any autoimmune diseases.

HIV/AIDS is a TEXTBOOK case of evolution in action. AIDS has mutation rate of 3.4X10-5 nucleotide changes per site per replication cycle. This is FACT.

The virus evades a cure precisely because it has no 'brakes' on its ability to mutate resulting in a 25% sequence divergence in HIV-1 subtypes in only 30-60 or so years.

where are your missing links? show me any life form that maybe in ah metamorphis from it's original state to a state of arrested deveopment, or any fosil records to solidify that claim. it's all uneducated guessing and imaginary sketching to imply this is what these creature may of looked like, but no concreate evidence.

Missing links? Steups. There are many INTERMEDIATE SPECIES. Did you read not read TT's post or did you just close-mindedly ignore it and blindly keep parroting your own views? Despite the almost impossible situation of going back millions and even billions of years in time to recreate species evolution, many intermediate species and traits have been uncovered.

Intermediates between dinosaurs and birds

Molecular evolution of  vertebrate lymphocyte receptors

(1)Cartiliginous fish-Independent Ig loci with significant germline joining. Short intersegmental base pair distances limit potential for recombination.

(2)Fossil record shows that Chondrostean, holostean, and teleost radiations of ray-finned fish occured after cartiliginous fish. Same exact genes but the genetic elements more closely linked, giving greater potential for recombination.

(3)Amphibians-Fossil record shows they appeared after rayfinned fish. Same genes but now we have tissue specific, heavy-chain class-switching mechanisms.

(4)Higher vertebrates- shows up much later in the fossil record than amphibians. Same genetic components, but now complete class switching mechanism, positional shifts of genetic enhancer to new introns.

in the fosill records there are no land or ocean life that showed any signs of evolution into another specie, in the fosil record they all come up as to be sudden and abropt in existance, bare the extact resemblance of the modern day specie. the same animals that exist today show no signs of extreme change, there's adaptation evidence, but no serious changes as to support evolution by natrual selection or (mutation)( which never produces anything better than the original since mutation is a defect and always produce abnormality).

Mutation is a defect that always produces abnormality?  Pure rubbish. A mutation is simply a heritable change in genetic information. Most mutations produce negligable effects. Some may produce defective traits. A few produce 'good' traits that give the organism an advantage.

A rat may have a mutation that allows it to produce an enzyme that disposes of lactic acid faster. This allows competitive advantage of outrunning other rats under chase from a predator. The faster rat survives to mate and pass that mutation onto its progeny. Simple.

Dread If you doubt the validity of the fossil record then perhaps you can make some suggestions to the board on how you would refine fossil dating methodologies.

Waaay.............allyuh make de Zandolie come out he hole!

Football / Re: Dwight Yorke Exclusive
« on: October 03, 2009, 08:41:08 PM »
Dwight get asked some hard questions there.....but he look for dat

However, I find all the questions had a slant where they were being asked in a way that would verify the prevailing stereotype of the black male.

....."so u were not faithful"
....."your dad was not necessarily a good role model"

..... etc, etc

You think she would ask Beckham dem questions?

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Black Stalin
« on: October 03, 2009, 11:52:34 AM »
 Thanks. Doh forget is kaiso so :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel:

rakim uncle use to play guitar in sparrow band in trinidad padnah, nuff said, jadakiss talk about trinidad a few times in his album already  :beermug: that is real pumkin vine

John Barnes, Tatiani Ali and Alfonso Rebiero (Fresh Prince), Nia Long

Well that i didn't know at all  Nia Long have Trini blood in she?  No wonder she sweet fuh days   ;D

Well even if she doh have.........she could get some  ;D

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Black Stalin
« on: October 02, 2009, 09:46:56 PM »
Nah man I think he like this one better.....

Check de man on stage dancing at about 1:00   :devil:

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Black Stalin
« on: October 01, 2009, 08:18:24 PM »
Real chune....  :beermug: :beermug:

How about this one?

Football / Re: The Powerhouse
« on: September 29, 2009, 08:39:14 AM »
Nice ad  :beermug:

Football / Re: Dwight Yorke Exclusive
« on: September 29, 2009, 08:33:57 AM »
Rule number one........yuh can't turn a stripper (or page 3 girl) into a housewife
Rule number two........never forget rule number 1

Plain to see the woman was only after fame and fortune. All the tit for tat is only more press....

I like the headline though......a good (but sad) example for youths to realize the importance of the choices that they make

What about Track & Field / Re: Flex & Ato.
« on: September 27, 2009, 10:46:57 AM »
Which one is Flex and which one os Ato  ;D

I think the one in the middle ;D

Other Sports / Re: V. Klitschko v Arreola
« on: September 26, 2009, 05:04:06 PM »
wit ah name like areola wonder he take up boxing

Klit fighting Arreola... well yes...

So a test to see who sucks? :devil:

General Discussion / Re: Ato and/or any other Reporters out there
« on: September 24, 2009, 05:29:49 PM »
"Mister man, leave mih alone, leave mih alone, leave mih alone"

Jack shovin man and ting too yes!

I eh know Jack is ah badjohn.


So yuh never see de cap turn sideways?  :rotfl: :devil:

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