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Messages - FF

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Football / Re: 2022 SSFL Thread
« on: October 28, 2022, 12:11:52 AM »
Big 5 is to determine the promoted teams to the premier division.

The zones continue to run like long time, is just that they create the national premier league to run at the apex of the pyramid.
The premier division teams do not participate in Big 5 anymore.

And @Deeks, intercol will run at the end of the league season and Big 5.

Football / Re: Matthew Woo Ling Thread
« on: October 10, 2022, 10:25:40 PM »

Football / Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« on: March 15, 2022, 06:26:35 AM »
Asked whether he knows if he will be in charge again against Hull on Wednesday night, Lawrence said: “What I would like to do today is enjoy some Nandos and think about Wednesday when it comes.

Haha. DL feeling de call of a peri peri sauce.   ;D Last time ah recall Nandos getting trumpeted on this forum was ... FF? Probably 8 to 10 years ago?

Game, set, match oui. DL for a Nandos advert soon.  :rotfl:

Wayyy. Good memory. It mighta be longer than that.
I should be going over in May. Will reacquaint myself with Nandos.

Well done Dennis.

Football / Re: Jesse Williams Thread
« on: January 18, 2022, 03:18:20 PM »
Where GG3??   :thinking: :-X

Football / Re: Scouting for Talent Thread
« on: December 07, 2021, 02:54:37 PM »
Is this yute related to Ken and Victor "Sharkey" Henry ?

Yes Deeks. Ken is Kobi Grandfather. I am in touch with Kobi's father Wayne.
Ken is based down in Orlando. Hoping to move back to T&T at some point.
Unfortunately Victor passed away some years back.

Football / Re: Coaching Football in America Thread
« on: November 25, 2021, 01:04:08 PM »

How did the season work out?

Happy Thanksgiving to all

Football / Re: Coaching Football in America Thread
« on: October 01, 2021, 06:02:34 AM »
Good morning Preacher,

High school ball can be unforgiving, especially with the schedule. Several games a week and they train everyday. Is that the case with you?
Have you put any consideration into managing the girls physical and cognitive load.
In theory, the high school season leaves only time for recovery and preparative sessions between games. Especially if your team is dominated by vertical runners.

As asylum said you want to have an idea as to your game model and what can be realistically achieved in the short season. Maybe it is that you are setting a bedrock with the younger girls in preparation for the next season. Again balancing the expectations of the players and parents with results.

Football / Re: Coaching Football in America Thread
« on: September 28, 2021, 09:18:53 AM »
Hey all,

I recently started coaching football in the USA. Started with an assistant role and this year I took a leadership role with a girls team. I felt I would start a thread like this for other coaches to share their experiences, philosophies, and method. The biggest issue I'm dealing with is kids not willing to take instruction and their attitude of learning. They play for these summer/traveling "clubs" but they can't trap, have no positional awareness, very little skill, only speed and strength, very low technical ability. What do you do in these situations, do you use the Insideout coaching method or do you use the prescription where the coach shows/tells you them to do?


Welcome to the coaching ranks Preacher.

Kudos to you for stepping up and looking to make a difference and also having an open mind to solicit advice.
Can you give some more detail on the team and environment? What age group? Level of competition, commitment, how often they train etc

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs St Kitts & Nevis Games (8-Jun-2021)
« on: June 08, 2021, 09:28:44 AM »
No manager could motivate such a bunch of idiots,most clueless, like it was the first time they ever stepped on a football pitch.The first thing I saw as everybody else,was the line of defenders Bahamas employed.We didn't even try to attack from the flanks,try and pull them out,we just tried once or twice,every attack was from the middle which suited Bahamas down to the ground,it just went on and on.We try the attack from the middle and they just tighten up their defence,didn't we have wingers,seems like it.
This match against St.Kitts should where our rebuilding starts,drop every man who was incapable of beating the 2nd or 3rd worst team in the world,all dem can do is pose and pretend to be footballers,most ah dem too big fuh dem boots,drop them all and start again.
I saw dwain Muckette fouled in the box and instead of falling on his face he continued the attack, straight penalty had he only went down, this is why i constantly cry my guts out that these guys have no quality, neymar, christiano, pulisic, mbappe, even molino was going down sprawled out and a penalty would be given, it seem like the only attackers that we have who knows how to dive is molino and telfer, had it been telfer we wouldn’t be having this conversation. our team lack quality from back to front.

This you?  ???

all I’m saying is that we don’t need to exceed expectations by out scoring the other three teams in the group, a win would be fine in both games. but if we manage to drub bimini then fine, I’ll take it, but there are people like ffisback who’s gonna come after the game crying on the lads just because we kept a modest score line and didn’t out do everyone’s goal tally, this is the nonsense that can be a demotivating factor. and BTW there are quite a few players who browse the website from time to time.

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs Bahamas Game (5-Jun-2021)
« on: June 05, 2021, 05:01:53 PM »
Sell we soul and take normalization committee for this  :rotfl:

God don't like ugly


Football / Re: Levi Garcia Thread
« on: October 02, 2020, 10:39:22 AM »
He came out in the 81 min.

How hard is it to get the facts?

Football / Re: Greg Ranjitsingh Thread
« on: September 29, 2020, 01:14:22 PM »
i see  minnesota aquired another keepr as  back up for st clair ...

It look like they give Greg three games and that was it. Harsh!

He injured his knee and requires surgery

Football / Re: Nigel Grosvenor Thread
« on: September 25, 2020, 09:56:26 AM »
RIP Grovey

Never played for him but competed against his teams several times.
He was a classy fella and well respected by his players and peers.
He will be missed

New deadline to drop the case on the 23rd.

More bluff? More bark than bite?

Not enough time for TTFA members to call an EGM
So what is the play here? Bureau council secrecy?


#FIFACongress confirms that no member associations are suspended. All 211 member associations are present and eligible to vote at the 70th FIFA Congress.


Let me hear Sancho and dem now

FIFA President declares the 70th #FIFACongress CLOSED.

The 71st #FIFACongress is scheduled to take place in 2021 in Tokyo, Japan .

No evidence so far that the bureau council decided anything on T&T today. Read into that what you may

On to the full congress  ::)


Scroll down and open the Agenda for tomorrow's congress. The fourth matter on the agenda is
" Suspension or expulsion of a member".

Maybe this is something that is always part of it.

If we are suspended, and DJW is charged, this case will be going in front of the CAS.

Anything FIFA does to TT at this point, is going to look as a retaliatory. Especially when the time comes for the handcuffs to be slapped on to DJW.

Yes indeed that is a standing item

No evidence so far that the bureau council decided anything on T&T today. Read into that what you may

On to the full congress  ::)

What about FIFA making a decision without any consultation :cursing:
What about the democratic election held in November? What about those rights? Eh Sancho?


Football / Re: David John Williams Thread.
« on: September 11, 2020, 05:43:25 PM »
Burkie dead?!!!

Football / Re: Home of Football Thread
« on: September 11, 2020, 03:58:23 PM »
Seems like the technical quality of the golf stroke declined as the questioning evolved. That last one was more weed-wacking and escapist than finesse.

In terms of imagery, a golf course is probably one of the last places yuh would want to be fielding questions about hidden money yuh supposedly know nothing about.

It sends such an encouraging message to those players who are starving or on unpaid starvation wages or unpaid match $.
yow! I swore that his strength left his body on that last shot, that’s how guilt ridden the man was. I’m sure when he went home he had to change his draws because of the stains after that encounter  :rotfl:, what a fat wanker he is.  :busshead:

Football / Re: Home of Football Thread
« on: September 11, 2020, 02:25:00 PM »
Seems like the technical quality of the golf stroke declined as the questioning evolved. That last one was more weed-wacking and escapist than finesse.

In terms of imagery, a golf course is probably one of the last places yuh would want to be fielding questions about hidden money yuh supposedly know nothing about.

It sends such an encouraging message to those players who are starving or on unpaid starvation wages or unpaid match $.
yow! I swore that his strength left his body on that last shot, that’s how guilt ridden the man was. I’m sure when he went home he had to change his draws because of the stains after that encounter  :rotfl:, what a fat wanker he is.  :busshead:

If the police was doing their jobs they would have been on this already and had a wire tap waiting for him after this. Because I can imagine the frantic calls and texts he would have made on the car ride home

Football / Re: Home of Football Thread
« on: September 11, 2020, 12:15:21 PM »
The imagery surely will not escape many... Also the strangely false arrogant laughter

Football / Re: Home of Football Thread
« on: September 10, 2020, 10:09:27 PM »
Mark Bassant doing God work. I couldn't believe nobody wasn't following the money. Thought Liburd would have been on it.

We now seeing light. The normalization committee is just the corrupt covering corruption. I hope this whole thing bring down FIFA.... Once again :banginghead: sigh

Yeah. Is not as if she dress up like that for Lollapalooza or some shit like that.

She LITERALLY participating in the cultural event lol.

What killing me is we was basically on a ban the last five years

What kinda football we play at any level?
What kinda development was done at any level?

Look at all these louses now.

We might has well have been banned these past five years under DJW. There was no women's program. We did not compete in Olympic qualifying, we did not compete in Concacaf champions league because of licensing failures by DJW. We barely compete in youth competition.

But these jackasses braying now. Sancho and them only care about their own self interest. f**king shameful

Slapped back by Justice Gobin, FIFA's tactic is now fearmongering. Where are the people and their Nelson Mandela backbone? 

All this pressure on Wallace but not a sound during the reign of King David? 


Exactly! I shame of my people but they only showing who they really were all along

f**king shameful.

I really feel I done with this country

How shamfa reach in this now? She wanted no part all along.

One man smiling in truth.  :cursing:

I have learned from all this that 95% Trinis looking at this issue are low information or selfish cowards that will stand for nothing beyond personal interest

 :applause: :applause:

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