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Topics - general's daughter

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / By the people for the people.....
« on: October 30, 2006, 11:11:39 PM »

hello all,

Long time, i saw this, thought it was funny, if it is a repost i apologise.....enjoy!


the lyrics or the tune:

To The Ceiling by: Isaac Blackman? I really really like this tune......

General Discussion / $225.50 <---- Proud as hell!!!
« on: August 22, 2006, 06:51:16 PM »
I hope this is not a repost, if so don't be harsh....forgive me....all $225.50 of me.... :rotfl: :beermug:

Okay so here's the deal. you look it over and see how many of these things you have done, BUT you have to add up the money amount along the way, then post the amount that you are like "$15" or "im worth $78" or something like that.
Smoked pot-- $10
Got drunk, passed and dont remember the night before-- $20
Went skinny dipping-- $5
Had sex in a pool-- $20
Kissed someone of the same sex-- $10
Had sex with someone of the same sex $20
Cheated on your g/f or b/f -- $10
Cheated on your g/f or b/f with their relative or close friend--$20
done oral-- $5
got oral-- $5
done / got oral in a car while it was moving --$25
prank called the cops-- $5
Stole something-- $10
Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars--$20
Had sex with someone 10 years older-- $20
Had sex with someone under 21 nd you are over 27--$25
Cried yourself to sleep-- $5
Cried during sex--$20
Been in love-- $25
Been in love with two ppl or more at the same time --$50
Said you love someone but didnt mean it-- $25
Went streaking-- $5
Went streaking in broad daylight --$15
Been arrested-- $5
Spent time in jail --$15
Peed in the pool-- $0.50
Played spin the bottle-- $5
Done something you regret-- $20
Had a crush on your best friend--$5
Had sex with your best friend --$20
Had a crush on someone at work--$5
Had sex with someone you work with at work --$25
Lied to your mate --$5
Lied to your mate about the sex being good --$25

General Discussion / Why are rich men
« on: August 17, 2006, 05:55:28 PM »
Hello all,

i am the general's daughter and kandi_tt's bestest fren, i have rejoined the forum and it feels good to be back.

i want to know:

why are all rich men jerks?


why are all beautiful women B!tch@s?

Pages: [1]
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