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Author Topic: U.S. U-17 women beat Haiti 9-0, then offer hugs  (Read 13019 times)

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U.S. U-17 women beat Haiti 9-0, then offer hugs
« on: March 12, 2010, 03:03:47 PM »


On Wednesday, the U.S. women's under-17 team defeated Haiti 9-0 in their first qualifying match for the CONCACAF U-17 Women's Championships in Costa Rica. Once the final whistle blew, Haitian goalkeeper Alexandra Coby was so overwhelmed with emotion that she dropped to the pitch, weeping. It was all just too much for her and understandably so -- losing by such a harsh margin, even to a much better team, is always difficult to take, but given that Haiti is in the midst of trying to recover from the devastating earthquake that ravaged the Caribbean nation's capital two months ago and left hundreds of thousands of people dead, there was much more saddling these girls than just a lost game.

And the U.S. team saw that. As Haiti's coach helped the crying goalkeeper to her feet, U.S. goalie Bryane Heaberlin walked the length of the pitch, gave Coby a hug and didn't let go. The rest of the U.S. team soon joined her, circling around the two goalkeepers for a long group hug that left the entire squad in tears.

Said Heaberlin to USsoccer.com:

    “I saw her crying and that was pretty hard for me to see. She’s a 'keeper and we have that bond. I knew that she had probably lost people close to her, and when she goes home she might not have anywhere to go. I gave her a big hug and told her she did great. She came to compete in this tournament despite all that she’s been through and I have tremendous respect for her.”

Haiti's participation in the tournament despite all that's going on back home for them has been the talk of the competition and the team's determination and bravery hasn't been lost on their opponents. Added U.S. defender Olivia Brannon:

    “It just put everything into perspective. It makes you realize what is truly important, your family, having a roof over your head, and having food on the table. We take all those things for granted. I had my mom in the stands cheering for me tonight. Some of these girls might never have that again.”

So while the match itself may have seemed like piling on, it should be pointed out that the U.S. team didn't pander to their Haitian counterparts, instead showing them the respect of playing hard the whole game before sharing their true feelings and consolations after the final whistle. And these young Haitian girls will hopefully go back knowing that they're not alone. 

Phenomenal, lovely atmosphere.

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Re: U.S. U-17 women beat Haiti 9-0, then offer hugs
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2010, 03:41:12 PM »
Nice story

It easy fuh a conqueror to be honourable doh.
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

Offline triplethreat33

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Re: U.S. U-17 women beat Haiti 9-0, then offer hugs
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2010, 03:49:23 PM »
If they showed no respect your post would have called the American Girls non-caring, they show respect and the post says "so what". The world has grown so cynical. I am not sure what the proper response should have been, but unlike you sir I will choose not to make ugly what on the surface appears to be simply and act of respect and compassion, and when such an act come from a child it behooves us to embrace, when we some many of our young women making babies while themselvves still babies our young men gunning each other down in the streets. Sir I choose to view this as a "good thing".

Offline Andre DosSantos

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US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2010, 07:39:18 PM »
Thus far , i have to say this game is a slaughter. Its aleady 5-0 in favour of the US girls at the 32nd min. Cayman is playing a very high defense and the us is just tearing them apart. I feel so sorry for them because they haven't made it out their own half properly as yet and I expecting this game to hit double digits.

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2010, 07:46:18 PM »
its 7-0 now at the 39th minute wait as i am typing they just made that number 8 for the US U-17. IF you think Haiti game was a blow out i dont know what to call this one

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2010, 08:14:47 PM »
10 - nil
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Offline Andre DosSantos

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2010, 08:17:24 PM »
11-0 now

Offline Andre DosSantos

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2010, 08:24:36 PM »
i honestly cannon call this a game, with all that Haiti had going on and they have alot going on i still thing they did quite well all things considered. 12-0 is kinda sad yes

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Re: U.S. U-17 women beat Haiti 9-0, then offer hugs
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2010, 09:25:08 PM »
Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh boy............ If ah wasn't liking Bryane Heaberlin before because she's a 'keeper, a liking she now because she have a compassionate heart. :applause:

Not because a man ears long and he teet' long dat it make him a Jackass!

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Re: U.S. U-17 women beat Haiti 9-0, then offer hugs
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2010, 09:32:07 PM »
There really isn't too much respectful about this story.

If this game was played in Europe I could NEVER see ah team like England doing that (even though they not meh favorite team).

Ah country in so much turmoil and yuh beat them 9-0 and you think yuh being nice and respectful because yuh hug them at the end.

Even though T&T wasn't in turmoil and it was ah friendly I couldn't see England playing in T&T and hitting we fuh 9-0 at home even if  they could.

Ah understand they in ah competition but to demoralize them and then say it was respectful is crap.

Don't really blame them then but there really isn't much to call respectful in this instance.

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Re: U.S. U-17 women beat Haiti 9-0, then offer hugs
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2010, 12:13:54 AM »
Trini massive I could not disagree with you more. Let me give you some insight into our philosophy with our teams that I don't expect you to agree with. It truly begins with a certain level of respect. We prepare for each opponent and try to play hard every minute of the game because we respect our opponents. We don't take our opponents lightly. These girls and our staff would have been disrespecting the Haitians if we played a man down or tried to score off of a headed a cross or volley or some other dumb situation I often see. Even if they tried to keep the ball in our half of the field or their half half of the field making them chase would have been very been disrespectful. So to deal with it knowing what Haiti just wen through we still had to play the game.We still prepared the players in the best way we could have to compete in the game. Then when it was ll said and done, the kids were able to let down their guard and show their emotions. I see nothing wrong with this. If we had a chance to do it all over again, we would do it the same way

Offline triplethreat33

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2010, 05:39:59 AM »
I said it before I will say it again, It is time to take the USA out of  concacaf, I dont care about the circumstances of geography.  NOBODY benefits from these qualifying rounds not even the USA. I am on this site seeing TT looking for a U-15 Goalie, yet the USA U-15 age group probley has 400 to 500 goalies who would show up to an open tryout. 100 of them would be presentable, 50 would be good, 25 of them would be great, and 7 of them would be amazing,and we can't find 1 (0ne) no not 1. Do not talk to me about Mexico, the truth of the matter is that the proximity of Mexico to the USA as well as the large influx of Mexicans into America and thus their kids benefiting from the American system and then going back and playing for Mexico has made them nothing more than America's other team. The number of girls on the Mexico starting team from California and the Soutwest of America who start and or play at least half the game is 8 that's right 8. TT and the other islands cannot ever compete on any level with the natural resources of USA the migrating dynamics of Mexico. The idea that the gap is closing is foolish, every so often TT will acquire a few girls to make it competive, but then it will only revert back to the normal course of things such as the TT  U-15 looking for a goalie. Any one who thinks that a National Class goalie can be found, created, or manufactureds in 18 month or two years is fooling themselves. Even if we found a serviceable goalie she will be trained in a system that it is itself  not at a National level so how can the goalie ever reach that level. Do I believe we should ever give up NO ,but we should admit what everyone knows That "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity". Change how, where and when we train our girls. , Training in Trinidad against other Trinidad girls will NEVER work, to small a pool to little talent. Take every dime we have allocated for Womens soccer in TT use to start a league for four and five year old  TT girls, form more than one league if possible, these leagues should depend on some federation sponsorship and some parent payments. The leagues should have as their core values; teaching skills and an agreed upon playing style, be it possession, kick in run, it does not matter as long as it is consistant and uniformed across the island, from these leagues National Coaches, through recommendations and observations, should began to identify possible canidates for our National Teams these girls from about 9 years of age and on should began to work together as a team attending tournaments in the USA and other places where the competition prepares one for playing at the National level. I dont necessarily agree with the Chinese method of training nor do I believe we could afford it, or that a TT parent would allow for their daughter from about age 6 or 7 to go to a National school away from their parents where besides education the focus of that school is a particular sport, but something less than that may work. For those of you who wish to come on here and disagree I welcome your responses, it is after all the purpose of this site, but NOTHING you will say will change my mind about the USA being in our league for qualifiers, getting beat up by the same person every day does not build character, and while running from that person does not build character either, I want to find out what that person does and do the same thing, only better. I apologize for rambling but every time I see an island of barely a million people get dismantled by a country of 300  plus million I ask myself would the powers that be allow such a disparity if the losing side was of a lighter complexion, I hope that I am wrong about my assumptions. 

Offline elan

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2010, 08:27:57 AM »
I said it before I will say it again, It is time to take the USA out of  concacaf, I dont care about the circumstances of geography.  NOBODY benefits from these qualifying rounds not even the USA. I am on this site seeing TT looking for a U-15 Goalie, yet the USA U-15 age group probley has 400 to 500 goalies who would show up to an open tryout. 100 of them would be presentable, 50 would be good, 25 of them would be great, and 7 of them would be amazing,and we can't find 1 (0ne) no not 1. Do not talk to me about Mexico, the truth of the matter is that the proximity of Mexico to the USA as well as the large influx of Mexicans into America and thus their kids benefiting from the American system and then going back and playing for Mexico has made them nothing more than America's other team. The number of girls on the Mexico starting team from California and the Soutwest of America who start and or play at least half the game is 8 that's right 8. TT and the other islands cannot ever compete on any level with the natural resources of USA the migrating dynamics of Mexico. The idea that the gap is closing is foolish, every so often TT will acquire a few girls to make it competive, but then it will only revert back to the normal course of things such as the TT  U-15 looking for a goalie. Any one who thinks that a National Class goalie can be found, created, or manufactureds in 18 month or two years is fooling themselves. Even if we found a serviceable goalie she will be trained in a system that it is itself  not at a National level so how can the goalie ever reach that level. Do I believe we should ever give up NO ,but we should admit what everyone knows That "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity". Change how, where and when we train our girls. , Training in Trinidad against other Trinidad girls will NEVER work, to small a pool to little talent. Take every dime we have allocated for Womens soccer in TT use to start a league for four and five year old  TT girls, form more than one league if possible, these leagues should depend on some federation sponsorship and some parent payments. The leagues should have as their core values; teaching skills and an agreed upon playing style, be it possession, kick in run, it does not matter as long as it is consistant and uniformed across the island, from these leagues National Coaches, through recommendations and observations, should began to identify possible canidates for our National Teams these girls from about 9 years of age and on should began to work together as a team attending tournaments in the USA and other places where the competition prepares one for playing at the National level. I dont necessarily agree with the Chinese method of training nor do I believe we could afford it, or that a TT parent would allow for their daughter from about age 6 or 7 to go to a National school away from their parents where besides education the focus of that school is a particular sport, but something less than that may work. For those of you who wish to come on here and disagree I welcome your responses, it is after all the purpose of this site, but NOTHING you will say will change my mind about the USA being in our league for qualifiers, getting beat up by the same person every day does not build character, and while running from that person does not build character either, I want to find out what that person does and do the same thing, only better. I apologize for rambling but every time I see an island of barely a million people get dismantled by a country of 300  plus million I ask myself would the powers that be allow such a disparity if the losing side was of a lighter complexion, I hope that I am wrong about my assumptions. 

That is a real loser statement. I hope you don't coach kids.

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Offline elan

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Re: U.S. U-17 women beat Haiti 9-0, then offer hugs
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2010, 08:42:20 AM »
Trini massive I could not disagree with you more. Let me give you some insight into our philosophy with our teams that I don't expect you to agree with. It truly begins with a certain level of respect. We prepare for each opponent and try to play hard every minute of the game because we respect our opponents. We don't take our opponents lightly. These girls and our staff would have been disrespecting the Haitians if we played a man down or tried to score off of a headed a cross or volley or some other dumb situation I often see. Even if they tried to keep the ball in our half of the field or their half half of the field making them chase would have been very been disrespectful. So to deal with it knowing what Haiti just wen through we still had to play the game.We still prepared the players in the best way we could have to compete in the game. Then when it was ll said and done, the kids were able to let down their guard and show their emotions. I see nothing wrong with this. If we had a chance to do it all over again, we would do it the same way

Men just don't understand. We in Trini will always struggle. When yo step on that pitch you play as you are playing the best tea i the world. Remember the "Art of War" tells you that one of the biggest mistake to make in war is to underestimate your opponent. As Trinibagonians we does break this rule all the time.
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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2010, 08:43:16 AM »
well am sure that Canada and USA would have something to say about the USA not having to qualify.
Thats like saying to the TnT mens hey are you okay if Italy and France and Portugal are given a spot in the final 64 as they are so good that they don;t have to qualify.
On the womens side the USA is so far ahead of the rest of the pack something needs looking at however it needs to be fair and eaquitable for all involved. There has been talk that all three (canada Mexico and the USA will have to qualify for Concacaf) as the Concacaf countries are now saying why should they get a free ride and we have to qualify. Anways.... thoughts ? comments !!!!!!!!


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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2010, 08:44:16 AM »
12-0    9-0  that my friend were the scores . Today you will see more carnage. And while you seek to call me a loser with low expectations. I will only respond with what I said previously INSANITY IS DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND EXPECTING A DIFFERNT OUTCOME. FUNNY HOW THE DEFINITIOIN FOR INSANITY HAS THE WORD EXPECTATIONS IN IT

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2010, 08:50:02 AM »
The score was actually 13 nil?
should there be mercey rules in womens youth soccer in the opening rounds ?
whether it be concacaf , Caf , Uefa , Conmbeol??
we dont see these types of high scoring results in any other part of the world in womens youth qualifying except in Concacaf ?


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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2010, 08:58:40 AM »
I think taking  the us out of the concacaf is a loser statement ..... these teams losing to the us is not an indication of how well prepared the us is but rather how unprepared the other teams are ...... improvement wont come about by removing competition but rather by stepping up their own preparations!

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2010, 09:07:33 AM »
12-0 and 9-0 etc is definitely a slaughter, but I must disagree with some of your other comments.   Although regional teams are getting beat down by the US, I think it is still a learning experience that will aid in the continued development of both teams.  Teams that actively work at becoming better and are continuously exposed to higher levels of competition will eventually rise to the occasion. If cayman Islands continues to play against better teams, they will eventually improve.  Most teams in the world better than cayman islands anyway, but if you at the bottom the only direction to go is up.  Also, from the point of view of the US, playing teams like Cayman Islands might be a good opportunity to build player confidence and sharpen finishing skills.  Also it may be a good opportunity to give some bench players full game match practice.  

« Last Edit: March 13, 2010, 09:15:33 AM by fatimarima »

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2010, 09:38:56 AM »

Please read this article it states in 2002 8 years ago 15000000 15 million kids were playing soccer in the USA

The population of Trinidad in 2009 is 1,229,953 (July 2009 est.)

if you took the children in America who play soccer and bought them to our tiny island it would swell the population by a factor of 15.
List of countries by wealth places USA at # 7  tRINIDAD AT #41 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)_per_capita


Definition of SPORT

A sport is commonly defined as an organized, competitive, and skillful physical activity requiring commitment and fair play. It is governed by a set of rules or customs. In a sport the key factors are the physical capabilities and skills of the competitor when determining the outcome (winning or losing).

We seek to blame our coaches and our players preparations and this makes sense because it is two  things we can control so to focus on these factors gives us hope.  Hope sounds like an aspiring aspect it is the stuff we see in movies it is the stuff of legends it is great locker room talk, what it is not is 15 million children playing some organized level of youth soccer, what it is not is an economy multiple times bigger than ours. We will speak of playing with heart, we will speak of playing with strenght, and this will overcome the toughest of adversaries we will tell stories of how david slew Goliath, and all the time the scores come in 12-0 9-0  what you must remember is your opponent even the big ones have a heart and desire to win. I say beat your enemy and his own game, go into his own backyard and use his strenghts against him The US soccer program has showed us how to create a sucessful program starting at the youth level. We bring these Trini/Americans to Trinidad  to train for a few weeks out of the year, WRONG bring the Trini girls to USA and let them compete in the USA system. The system has proven sucessful, it is already in place. It is okay to disagree with me I respect that but please remember our goal is the same a sucessful National program. PS if you look at the Canadian and Mexico National womens team they are all scheduled to play against American colleges in the next 6 to 8 weeks during the American colleges spring season. IF I AM WRONG THEN WHY ARE OUR COMPETITION DOING EXCATLY WHAT I SUGGEST HERE

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2010, 09:56:47 AM »
Great suggestion TT33 ... Well the U17's would get killed playing the college teams IMHO, they would fair better versus top Super Y club teams in the states. As soon as school is done for the 17's in TnT it would be smart for the TTFF Womens program to arrange a two to three week or even a one month tour of playing top Super Y club teams in say Florida as Florida has very good competition. This tour would help the team in its WC competition for September. The costs could be augmented by having the team stay at University dorms. They could also play USA U17's towards the end of the tour and or at least the top Florida region players in the USA player pool. This would give pellerud a good chance to really see where the squad is in terms of its overall development.


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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2010, 10:25:12 AM »
I said it before I will say it again, It is time to take the USA out of  concacaf, I dont care about the circumstances of geography.  NOBODY benefits from these qualifying rounds not even the USA. I am on this site seeing TT looking for a U-15 Goalie, yet the USA U-15 age group probley has 400 to 500 goalies who would show up to an open tryout. 100 of them would be presentable, 50 would be good, 25 of them would be great, and 7 of them would be amazing,and we can't find 1 (0ne) no not 1. Do not talk to me about Mexico, the truth of the matter is that the proximity of Mexico to the USA as well as the large influx of Mexicans into America and thus their kids benefiting from the American system and then going back and playing for Mexico has made them nothing more than America's other team. The number of girls on the Mexico starting team from California and the Soutwest of America who start and or play at least half the game is 8 that's right 8. TT and the other islands cannot ever compete on any level with the natural resources of USA the migrating dynamics of Mexico. The idea that the gap is closing is foolish, every so often TT will acquire a few girls to make it competive, but then it will only revert back to the normal course of things such as the TT  U-15 looking for a goalie. Any one who thinks that a National Class goalie can be found, created, or manufactureds in 18 month or two years is fooling themselves. Even if we found a serviceable goalie she will be trained in a system that it is itself  not at a National level so how can the goalie ever reach that level. Do I believe we should ever give up NO ,but we should admit what everyone knows That "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity". Change how, where and when we train our girls. , Training in Trinidad against other Trinidad girls will NEVER work, to small a pool to little talent. Take every dime we have allocated for Womens soccer in TT use to start a league for four and five year old  TT girls, form more than one league if possible, these leagues should depend on some federation sponsorship and some parent payments. The leagues should have as their core values; teaching skills and an agreed upon playing style, be it possession, kick in run, it does not matter as long as it is consistant and uniformed across the island, from these leagues National Coaches, through recommendations and observations, should began to identify possible canidates for our National Teams these girls from about 9 years of age and on should began to work together as a team attending tournaments in the USA and other places where the competition prepares one for playing at the National level. I dont necessarily agree with the Chinese method of training nor do I believe we could afford it, or that a TT parent would allow for their daughter from about age 6 or 7 to go to a National school away from their parents where besides education the focus of that school is a particular sport, but something less than that may work. For those of you who wish to come on here and disagree I welcome your responses, it is after all the purpose of this site, but NOTHING you will say will change my mind about the USA being in our league for qualifiers, getting beat up by the same person every day does not build character, and while running from that person does not build character either, I want to find out what that person does and do the same thing, only better. I apologize for rambling but every time I see an island of barely a million people get dismantled by a country of 300  plus million I ask myself would the powers that be allow such a disparity if the losing side was of a lighter complexion, I hope that I am wrong about my assumptions. 

That is a real loser statement. I hope you don't coach kids.


To my friend elan the Jamaica womens U-20 team no longer exist, the constant losing has caused this country to abandon (for now) their womens u-20 program with the u-17 program soon to follow I am sure. These girls had I am sure high expectations as did their fellow countryman and friends and family. What they did not have is the resources of the USA. I would have rather seen the rules changes somehow ( and yes I dont now how) but in some way that would have fostered a more level playing field or at least a real chance for these young ladies to achieve some success.

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2010, 01:09:14 PM »
The Jamaican senior women's national team is also on hold for the foreseeable future due to funding issues  :o

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2010, 01:13:47 PM »
12-0    9-0  that my friend were the scores . Today you will see more carnage. And while you seek to call me a loser with low expectations. I will only respond with what I said previously INSANITY IS DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND EXPECTING A DIFFERNT OUTCOME. FUNNY HOW THE DEFINITIOIN FOR INSANITY HAS THE WORD EXPECTATIONS IN IT

Hey first off, I never call you a loser with low expectations.

Why not say all the other teams should work harder? What about that? The US is good not only because of their resources and their player pool, but mainly because of their mentally. They think that they are the best and then they seek to prove such. While we out here thinking that they to strong and we should be given a break.

We should be working to equal them by putting things in place to reach that next level. Women soccer in T&T has been stagmant since it's inception. We have had a couple decent palyers, but that's it. Look how long we have the same head coaches doing the same thing and expecting different results. Look at how many coaches the US women's teams have had over the years. It is a constant evolving process. We have no process muchless for it to evolve.

If we don't think that we can hack it with the likes of the US and others why enter the tournaments? Don't we have a choice? To use the US success against them is a cop out and weak minded of us. Let us step up and do better.
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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2010, 02:28:25 PM »
elan, if I have 15 milliion kids to choose from I will choose the 18 with the best mental attitude since my pool consist of 15 million kids a pool 15 times bigger than the entire population of Trinidad. The 18 will be the most skilled the most mentally tough. If my TT pool consist of a few thousand players by simple math alone I may not get the same quality of player. to put it in perspective every time you walk around Trinidad just imagine Every time you see a man woman or child, standing next to each of them would be 15 US kids with soccer balls in their hands. I have saw over the years that TT has focused on fitness, the theory being that if we can't out skill our oppenents we will out fitness them. The problem is that the US teams depth only requires a girl to play hard for 1/2 a game the girl coming off the bench is just as good. You also call of going to USA to practice and compete  a cop out, well the Mexican national teams and the canadian national teams are also copping out they will be in the USA over the next several weeks playing several nationall ranked college teams. 

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2010, 02:32:40 PM »
12-0    9-0  that my friend were the scores . Today you will see more carnage. And while you seek to call me a loser with low expectations. I will only respond with what I said previously INSANITY IS DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND EXPECTING A DIFFERNT OUTCOME. FUNNY HOW THE DEFINITIOIN FOR INSANITY HAS THE WORD EXPECTATIONS IN IT

Hey first off, I never call you a loser with low expectations.

Why not say all the other teams should work harder? What about that? The US is good not only because of their resources and their player pool, but mainly because of their mentally. They think that they are the best and then they seek to prove such. While we out here thinking that they to strong and we should be given a break.

We should be working to equal them by putting things in place to reach that next level. Women soccer in T&T has been stagmant since it's inception. We have had a couple decent palyers, but that's it. Look how long we have the same head coaches doing the same thing and expecting different results. Look at how many coaches the US women's teams have had over the years. It is a constant evolving process. We have no process muchless for it to evolve.

If we don't think that we can hack it with the likes of the US and others why enter the tournaments? Don't we have a choice? To use the US success against them is a cop out and weak minded of us. Let us step up and do better.

As for putting things in place we have not the resources or talent Elan we cant even find a single girl to play goalie for our u-15 team (wake up man) We do not need to put resources in place we need only to utilize the resources available to us just a 5 hour airplane ride away. Our people go to the US to better themselves financially and then return, why can we not do the same for our National teams.

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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2010, 02:44:02 PM »
Great suggestion TT33 ... Well the U17's would get killed playing the college teams IMHO, they would fair better versus top Super Y club teams in the states. As soon as school is done for the 17's in TnT it would be smart for the TTFF Womens program to arrange a two to three week or even a one month tour of playing top Super Y club teams in say Florida as Florida has very good competition. This tour would help the team in its WC competition for September. The costs could be augmented by having the team stay at University dorms. They could also play USA U17's towards the end of the tour and or at least the top Florida region players in the USA player pool. This would give pellerud a good chance to really see where the squad is in terms of its overall development.

This idea has been suggested and offered T&T many times over, but to no avail. I know people who have offered alot of resources that could support the women from here in the US...but the people in T&T who run football don't believe that the US system is good enough for developing their players, that's why they continue to do things the same way. It seems that the idea of just relying on one experienced European coach is the answer. This is an easy job for Pellerud and the previous US staff...a few months in the sun with good pay and your team is hosting the WC...why not? Why do anything more? The US men and women at every age group dominate Concacaf...apart from the numbers and resources, they have a system and mind set that has allowed them to be consistantly successful in the region and world stage, there must be something that we could learn from them. Furthermore, there are many trinis contributing to the US system of success.
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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2010, 02:58:35 PM »
On a different note: I painfully watched this trashing last night and I could not help but notice a few things with CI squad. I don't understand how in modern football you can play low pressure; with a high restraining line trying to create an off side trap and the gk plays in the penalty area all at the same time. It is not tactically sound nor does it replicate the principles of the game. Secondly, every time the US had a corner kick, they had 2 players on the ball and CI had 1...I don't recall ever seing them send another player to make the situation a 2v2.
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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #28 on: March 13, 2010, 08:54:08 PM »
12-0    9-0  that my friend were the scores . Today you will see more carnage. And while you seek to call me a loser with low expectations. I will only respond with what I said previously INSANITY IS DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND EXPECTING A DIFFERNT OUTCOME. FUNNY HOW THE DEFINITIOIN FOR INSANITY HAS THE WORD EXPECTATIONS IN IT

Hey first off, I never call you a loser with low expectations.

Why not say all the other teams should work harder? What about that? The US is good not only because of their resources and their player pool, but mainly because of their mentally. They think that they are the best and then they seek to prove such. While we out here thinking that they to strong and we should be given a break.

We should be working to equal them by putting things in place to reach that next level. Women soccer in T&T has been stagmant since it's inception. We have had a couple decent palyers, but that's it. Look how long we have the same head coaches doing the same thing and expecting different results. Look at how many coaches the US women's teams have had over the years. It is a constant evolving process. We have no process muchless for it to evolve.

If we don't think that we can hack it with the likes of the US and others why enter the tournaments? Don't we have a choice? To use the US success against them is a cop out and weak minded of us. Let us step up and do better.

As for putting things in place we have not the resources or talent Elan we cant even find a single girl to play goalie for our u-15 team (wake up man) We do not need to put resources in place we need only to utilize the resources available to us just a 5 hour airplane ride away. Our people go to the US to better themselves financially and then return, why can we not do the same for our National teams.

So you honestly believe that if our player pool were to increase over night the manner in which we do things will bring us some form of success?  How many times has China won anything? Arguably the most indutrious people in the world, no?

Great suggestion TT33 ... Well the U17's would get killed playing the college teams IMHO, they would fair better versus top Super Y club teams in the states. As soon as school is done for the 17's in TnT it would be smart for the TTFF Womens program to arrange a two to three week or even a one month tour of playing top Super Y club teams in say Florida as Florida has very good competition. This tour would help the team in its WC competition for September. The costs could be augmented by having the team stay at University dorms. They could also play USA U17's towards the end of the tour and or at least the top Florida region players in the USA player pool. This would give pellerud a good chance to really see where the squad is in terms of its overall development.

This idea has been suggested and offered T&T many times over, but to no avail. I know people who have offered alot of resources that could support the women from here in the US...but the people in T&T who run football don't believe that the US system is good enough for developing their players, that's why they continue to do things the same way. It seems that the idea of just relying on one experienced European coach is the answer. This is an easy job for Pellerud and the previous US staff...a few months in the sun with good pay and your team is hosting the WC...why not? Why do anything more? The US men and women at every age group dominate Concacaf...apart from the numbers and resources, they have a system and mind set that has allowed them to be consistantly successful in the region and world stage, there must be something that we could learn from them. Furthermore, there are many trinis contributing to the US system of success.

Shabazz is the Head Coach and he cannot get into the US or has limited access to the US, why would he want to send his teams to the US where he cannot go? These are the things that killing us. People in charge who are very limited in many aspects of proper organization of the teams.

I remember talking to a Trini college coach here in the US and he was telling me how he offer his facilities to the Women's Tea and they never ever took up the offer. All they had to do was get there. So is a lot more than just resources.
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Re: US U-17 Women Vs Cayman Islands U=17 on FSC
« Reply #29 on: March 13, 2010, 09:02:30 PM »
Prior to the 1990s, sport in China, as in some other countries, was completely government-funded. Some top athletes had quit at the height of their careers because they were uncertain about life post retirement. The situation began to change in 1994 when Chinese football became the first sport to take the professionalization road and in its wake similar reforms were carried out in basketball, volleyball, ping pong and weing. The process brought with it commercialization; sport associations became profit-making entities and a club system came into being; professional leagues formed, improving China's sports environment; and commercial management systems took shape. The professionalization of sports has encouraged the emergence of a sports management market and business-structured systems. Sports club operations now cover ticket sales, advertising, club transfers, commercial matches, television broadcasting and other commercial activities. Another aspect of the reform is that some Chinese athletes have joined foreign professional leagues. For instance, basketball star Yao Ming entered the NBA in the 2002 draft[1].

China led the gold medal count (51) at the last Olympic Games which were held in Beijing from 8 August to 24 August 2008.[2]

 :-\  here is my answer


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