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Author Topic: The Jack Warner Thread.  (Read 435200 times)

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2490 on: June 09, 2015, 12:06:16 PM »
Letter to the Editor: Maybe Jack is our poster-boy
Trinidad Express

I can’t understand what the preoccupation is with Jack Warner and alleged bribes. After all, this is sweet T&T.

I applied for a firearm user’s licence and the police officer asked me to give him a gift to recommend the application. My son went to apply for a driving licence and the instructor asked if I want the full package. When I inquired what the full package entails, he said my son doesn’t have to do any test and he would bring home the driving licence.

I am a developer and I develop lands and build houses. I am yet to meet an honest building inspector. Maybe I just work in the wrong areas. But every district I work in the building officer makes it clear, to fast track the application, I need to either sell him/her a lot “cheap” or I need to give them an “incentive” to speed up the application. I go to public health department and it’s the same thing. Mind you, I would be ashamed asking for an incentive, but these guys have no scruples. They just come out and ask.

No one is dealing with corrupt Government officials. So back to my first question “Why the pre-occupation with Jack Warner?” If the allegations are true, we are a nation of corrupt people. It’s just that he would have reached the pinnacle of his profession.

Elaine Peters

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2491 on: June 09, 2015, 12:10:24 PM »
Letter to the Editor: Real causes for shame and scandal
Trinidad Express

It has been said, and repeated on many occasions, since the recent indictment of Austin Jack Warner in a US court that “he is an embarrassment to Trinidad and Tobago; and that he has brought shame to this tiny nation”. I respectfully disagree with such an assessment.

I am not a fan of Mr Warner, or anyone or anything that vaguely resembles a politician in this land. But fair should be fair: Jack must be given his jacket. This debacle surrounding Mr Warner is nothing new. The writing has been on the wall for years now. Yet the same man, referred to in many circles as “Uncle Jack,” who people were lining up from 1 a.m. outside his office where he worked as a ‘La Diablesse', to accommodate their demands, has been thrown under the proverbial bus.

One of my fondest memories of Trinidad and Tobago was the pride shared amongst our people when our footballers took centrestage in a distant land, while our national flag flew on virtually every vehicle (I flew two). The memory still gives me goosebumps years later as the pride we felt, facilitated by Uncle Jack, has never been replicated in my 20 years as a repatriated citizen.

For the last five years we were reminded that FIFA's business was not T&T's business, conveniently. Mr Warner was so well loved that he resigned from Parliament and fought the incumbent Government that had all the resources of the state for the Chaguanas West seat, and retained it.

To say today that Mr Warner is an embarrassment to T&T while Ish and Steve cannot be extradited on some technicalities is hypocritical at best. What I find more embarrassing is that a year has gone by, yet no one has been charged with the murder of Dana Seetahal, despite being reminded by the Police Service that arrests are “imminent”.

Equally embarrassing is a President who admonishes our children “to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do” yet refuses to do the right thing when it comes to accepting a housing allowance from the State to the tune of $28,000 per month, while occupying luxurious State property.

Jack Warner is no more an embarrassment to this nation than Bernie Madoff was to the US. Yet I never recall anyone saying that Bernie Madoff or Monica Lewinsky were embarrassments to the US. When former AG Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj ignored the Privy Council's ruling and hanged nine persons in three days, he was not called an embarrassment to this nation.

As a matter of fact, he was “upholding the law”.

This brings me to that oft-used term: “the law”, and how it is applied in this land. Never was Abu Bakr, Dole Chadee or Lance Small ever described as “an embarrassment to this land”.

It has long been recognised that there are distinct laws operating for different people: one for those well connected and the other, well...crapaud smoke we pipe. While many of us may despise what Mr Warner allegedly did, for the many who benefitted from “Uncle Robin Hood” he continues to be a hero.

Rudy Chato Paul


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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2492 on: June 09, 2015, 12:15:47 PM »
Letter to the Editor: What Mr Warner needs to do
Trinidad Express

I recently compared the exclusion of Shivnarine Chanderpaul from the West Indies team by comparing his inability to retire with that of certain politicians in our region. To my mind one must retire with grace, something sorely lacking in our region’s politics and most recently, was evident in the Chanderpaul debacle.

Since then I have been observing the latest Jack Warner investigation and extradition request by the US. I mean, theoretically, Mr Warner can become the prime minister of this country!

It is imperative for me to state that Mr Warner is innocent until proven guilty. However, this FIFA scandal is of international proportions. The world is looking on. Whether one believes that the US Justice Department and the UK media are in cahoots because of sour grapes of some sort, one must still analyse this situation.

The fact remains that T&T will be looked at as a banana republic should Mr Warner contest our general elections. Nowhere else in the developed world would you see a man under this sort of investigation contesting general elections and/or aspiring to be the prime minister of a country.

Perhaps Mr Warner did good things for this country and football in general over the years. However, the real question is simple; what is the dignified and honourable thing to do?

Douglas C Bayley


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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2493 on: June 09, 2015, 07:08:58 PM »
John Oliver was on too short. I wanted to hear more trini talk.
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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2494 on: June 10, 2015, 01:59:14 AM »
U.S $1.2m bribe for Jack.
By Camini Marajh (Express).

Former FIFA presidential candidate paid Warner to arrange infamous Hyatt meeting for votes

Disgraced former vice-president of FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) and MP for Chaguanas West Jack Warner allegedly collected a US$1.2 million bribe from former FIFA presidential candidate and Qatari billionaire Mohamed bin Hammam for arranging the infamous May 2011 cash-for-votes meeting at the Hyatt Regency (Trinidad) hotel in Port of Spain, according to documents seen by the Express.

Warner has repeatedly denied the bribe-paying allegations of packaged US$40,000 envelope inducements handed out to Caribbean Football Union (CFU) delegates, but US investigators say he was handsomely rewarded for his role in the affair with a US$1.2 million kickback from the former president of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) and former FIFA presidential candidate.

Documents obtained by the Express show bin Hammam paid a US$1,212,000 wire transfer to a private Warner account held at Intercommercial Bank Ltd, Chaguanas branch, on July 14, 2011, some two months after the failed bribe attempt to influence the 2011 presidential vote in football's world governing body, FIFA.

According to a US Department of Justice (DOJ) document, the US$1.2 million bribe followed a failed attempt a month earlier by a bin Hammam-owned company, Khalid Electrical and Mechanical Est (Kemco), to route three wire transfer payments totalling US$1.2 million through a US bank to separate accounts controlled by Warner's indicted sons, Daryan and Daryll, and his personal assistant.

US banks raise red flags

The June 2011 scheme collapsed after the transaction was red-flagged by a US bank which requested further information relating to the “purpose of the transfers”, according to the DOJ document.

E-mail correspondence, bank records, witness testimony and other documents, said the DOJ, revealed that after the initial attempt to wire the money failed, Warner's personal assistant e-mailed bin Hammam's office with a template suggesting how Kemco should word “the purpose” for the transfer of funds.

“Kemco subsequently sent to the banks letters incorporating the suggested language,” said the DOJ document, adding “notably, each letter provided a different explanation as to the purpose of the proposed transfer. The letter to the bank where the account of Warner's assistant was held stated that the transfer, in the amount of US$412,000, was intended to offset expenses associated with meetings held in Trinidad and Tobago, Zurich, Switzerland and New York, USA of delegates and officers of the Caribbean.”

The Kemco correspondence advised that the US$412,000 payment represented costs associated with airfare, accommodation, logistics related to meetings, interpretation equipment and services, among other things.

The Kemco explanation for a US$432,000 payment to Daryll Warner's account was “to offset legal expenses incurred by legal counsel” in Trinidad in an ongoing matter.

The reason provided for the third wire transfer payment in the amount of US$368,000 to Daryan was “to offset legal expenses for foreign lawyers as well as for expenses associated with meetings of delegates and officers of the CFU in the Caribbean”.

But even after receipt of these further explanations, the recipient banks still asked more questions, said the DOJ document, adding that on June 22, 2011, Warner's assistant advised Kemco to just give the banks a new storyline.

The revised story relating to a contract between the Qatari company and Warner's two sons and personal assistant based on their so-called “relationship, understanding and history with all the players, regionally and internationally” failed to pass scrutiny and the banks refused to accept the wire transfers.

Direct payment to Warner one month later

Unable to obtain the bin Hammam money through his several intermediaries, Warner accepted a direct payment to his private Intercommercial Bank account one month later on July 14, 2011, according to the DOJ document.

The money was wired from a Kemco corporate account at a Doha Bank in Qatar through Wells Fargo Bank NA to Intercommercial Branch at 111 Wall Street, New York. The actual transfer amount flowing from the wealthy Gulf state was for US$1,211,980, but the currency adjustment saw a figure of US$1,211,000.

The DOJ document said prosecutors involved in the FIFA corruption investigation believe that: “Warner first attempted to have these funds wired through intermediaries to avoid detection. When that failed, the funds were transferred directly from Kemco to Warner.”

Investigators pointed to:

1. Warner's efforts to conceal the transfer of funds;

2. The inconsistent explanations provided for the payments;

3. The absence of any known legitimate business relationship between Kemco and Warner.

The DOJ document stated: “The funds appear to be monies paid by bin Hammam to Warner in connection with his assistance in facilitating the bribery of the CFU officials who attended the May 2011 meeting and for his continuing support thereafter when the bribery scheme was uncovered.”

US investigators found that prior to the transfer of funds to Warner's Intercommercial Bank account in Trinidad, bin Hammam attempted to transfer the funds to Warner's Cayman account at Fidelity Bank in the name of J&D International. The bank where Warner's former pal and indicted Concacaf (Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football) president Jeffrey Webb was a consultant refused to accept the Kemco wire transfer.

Prosecutors surmised that: “Warner, by means of an international wire transfer that travelled through the United States, received payments in Intercommercial Bank account 373498-0401 connected to a bribery scheme, in violation of his duties to FIFA, CONCACAF and the CFU, and thus used that account to commit and facilitate the commission of honest-services wire fraud.

“The wire transfer, as well as the attempted transfers that preceded it, also constitutes money laundering, as it and the prior transfers were designed to promote and conceal the fraud.”

US$220,000 to Daryan for 'child support'

The source of funds declaration, signed by Warner, said the bin Hammam payment was for: “professional advisory services”.

A supporting letter from bin Hammam's private company, dated July 14, 2011, said: “This is to advise that monies in the amount of US$1,2 million was wire transferred to Mr Jack Warner by Kemco to offset professional services provided over the period 2005-2010.” The address he provided for Kemco was PO Box 2642, Doha, Qatar.

At a time when a players court dispute threatened to make him a party to the proceedings, Warner is said to have used US$778,774.30 of the bribe payment from bin Hammam to settle an outstanding debt to the Soca Warriors.

The US document cited the six-figure payment made to the Registrar of the Supreme Court. He also provided a US$200,000 payment to Daryan for ''child support''.

As reported in a special Warner series published in this newspaper, bin Hammam also made a US$250,000 payment to Warner in 2008 and provided a US$363,537.98 wire transfer payment to a Republic Bank CFU account controlled by the ex-regional football jefe in April 2011 to take care of the associated costs related with arranging the infamous Hyatt meeting in Port of Spain.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2495 on: June 10, 2015, 02:07:59 AM »
Warner wanted US$7m for votes
T&T Newsday Reports.

FORMER FIFA vice-president and top football administrator Jack Warner has been accused by a former Egyptian Cabinet Minister of requesting US$7 million in exchange for seven votes to host the 2010 FIFA World Cup, according to an AFP report.

Aley Eddine Helal, former Minister of Youth and Sports, said on Sunday that Warner, who is now at the heart of a corruption scandal engulfing football’s world governing body, asked for the money in 2004.

According to the report, Helal was quoted as saying, “Warner was the one who approached us from FIFA. He said he could guarantee us seven votes. He asked for US$1 million for each vote.”

Egypt, one of African football’s most dominant countries, was a candidate to host the 2010 World Cup, but it received no votes in the 2004 FIFA ballot. South Africa was chosen to host the tournament.

Youssef el-Dahshori, who was Egyptian Football Association president at the time, was quoted as saying, “we didn’t pay any bribes. That was one of the reasons why we didn’t get any votes.”

El-Dahshori also claimed that he met Warner in the United Arab Emirates who proposed to be Egypt’s consultant in Latin America and Europe.

“He wanted to take US$7 million for seven votes, and said he wouldn’t take the money for himself but for developing the sport in Latin America,” said Dahshori, stressing that he had refused Warner’s offer.

Warner was indicted by the United States for a slew of charges, including allegedly taking a US$10 million bribe to help South Africa win the race to host the 2010 World Cup.

FIFA admitted in a statement last week that it had processed a US$10 million payment from South Africa to Warner, who is one of 14 people facing charges of involvement in more than US$150 million of bribes to soccer officials.

Yesterday, it was also revealed that Alejandro Burzaco, an Argentine businessman who was indicted by American authorities in connection to the FIFA corruption saga, surrendered to the Italian police yesterday.

Burzaco, accused of being involved in a US$110 million bribe, was placed under house arrest after a hearing in the northern Italian city of Bolzano.

The 50-year-old Burzaco, who has dual Argentine-Italian nationality, has rented a house in Bolzano.

Burzaco was one of 14 people indicted by US authorities on May 27 on bribery, vote-rigging and other corruption charges. Seven of the indicted men were arrested during dawn raids on a luxury Zurich hotel.

Burzaco was named on Interpol’s most wanted list last Wednesday, along with five other men with ties to FIFA. Burzaco and Hugo and Mariano Jinkis, also from Argentina, were named in the US indictment saying they bribed soccer officials in exchange for the media and commercial rights to international tournaments.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2496 on: June 10, 2015, 02:14:03 AM »
HBO comic in TV rant to Warner.
By Richard Charan (Express).

Everybody hates you now

“Family, watch meh for a minute, nah!”

And with that bit of local parlance, British funny man John Oliver spoke directly to the people of Trinidad Tobago in a paid address on TV6 last night, calling on accused fraudster Jack Warner to release the documents he claims to have that implicate FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) in crookedness.

Oliver titled his four-minute address The Mittens of Disapproval Are On in response to Warner's address to the nation last week titled Jack Warner: The Gloves Are Off, and called out Warner on his threat to “tell all”.

Using sarcasm and silliness, Oliver said Warner, “an absolutely terrible human being”, owed it to the world to speak up, and that for once, Warner not think of himself first.

Comedian John Oliver on TV6 (courtesy HBO/ Last Week Tonight)

Oliver, host of HBO's news satire Last Week Tonight, has been using his programme to excoriate FIFA, its disgraced president, Sepp Blatter, and the FIFA officials who found themselves arrested, indicted, fighting extradition or added to an Interpol international wanted list, Warner among them.

Oliver, an avid football supporter, suggested Warner tell all he knew since his son had already pleaded guilty and he had nothing to lose.

Read 'Comic backlash for Jack'

“It not like you not already potentially in a lot of trouble. Seriously, I have been looking through the indictment and... good luck with that. Cause apparently your sons are already co-operating with the US authorities, so if you don't it would be quite awkward,” said Oliver.

“Everybody hates you now, I mean literally, everybody. I think it has something to do with you seeming like an absolutely terrible human being. But if you turn on FIFA, do not underestimate how much people might be willing to forgive and if one day you end up in jail and you're staring up at the ceiling, wouldn't you be happy to know you took some people down with you?

“It's like they say. Snitches gets smooches. That's what they say. That's the phrase. So please release the documents, Mr Warner, and you may yet salvage your complete tattered reputation. I'm sure FIFA's goons might come for you, but like they say, 'Doh hurt yuh head',” Oliver added.

What Oliver said on TV6 last night:

"Good evening, Trinidad and Tobago.
Sorry for interrupting your regular programming which is, as I understand it, is ' Mike and Molly' starring Melissa McCarthy and a man. My name is John Oliver and I would like to talk to you for a few minutes about FIFA and more specifically Jack Warner.

Last week, he spoke to you on this very channel TV6 and promised/threatened to reveal large amounts of incriminating FIFA documents, and since his preferred mode of communications is evidently purchased time on Trinidad's TV6, I have bought this time in the hope that he is watching TV6.

Furthermore, I have actually Googled some Trinidadian slangs to help me get my message across so um um. 'Family watch me for a minute nah!' 'What's the scene?' 'I know you getting tabanca right now.'

I'd just pause for a second to allow the people of Trinidad to laugh at the whitest person who ever lived attempting to speak Trini and instead but sounding real dotish ent, but aye aye... Let's put that aside, Trinidad.

The point is Mr Warner, do not blue-ball the entire planet by promising spectacular FIFA revelations and not delivering. I am begging you. Release everything because here is my argument. Why the hell not? It's not like you not already potentially in a lot of trouble. Seriously, I have been looking through the indictment and good luck with that. Cause apparently your sons are already co-operating with the US authorities, so if you don't it would be quite awkward.
And finally, I'll be honest. This is my main reason. I'm pretty sure you have some absolutely hilarious examples of FIFA corruption. Just look at your former colleague, Chuck Blazer. Since he turned informant for the FBI, we found out that he had an apartment in Trump Tower for the use of his cats. For the use of his cats! We also discovered his love of Halloween costumes because those are real photos (showing a photo). He was mistaken thinking that these photos are more frightening to look at than this, a regular photo of Chuck Blazer. I have no doubt, Mr Warner, that you know as many delicious secrets as he does, and you owe it to the whole world to tell us.

Why should you do it? Well, put it this way, and right now Jack, everybody hates you now, I mean literally, everybody. I think it's something to do with you seeming like an absolutely terrible human being. But if you turn on FIFA do not underestimate how much people might be willing to forgive and if one day you end up in jail and you're staring up at the ceiling, wouldn't you be happy to know you took some people down with you? It's like they say. Snitches gets smooches. That's what they say. That's the phrase. So please release the documents, Mr Warner, and you may yet salvage your complete tattered reputation. I'm sure FIFA's goons might come for you, but like they say, 'Doh hurt yuh head', which I believe means don't worry about it. For once, Mr Warner, don't think about yourself, think about everyone else.
Thank you for your time, Trinidad. I'll now return you to your regular programming, Mike and Molly. I believe this week's episode is called 'Melissa McCarthy still can't get out of her CBS contract'. So I simply say this, goodbye Trinidad, and of course Tobago."

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2497 on: June 10, 2015, 06:30:02 AM »

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2498 on: June 10, 2015, 08:32:32 AM »
Didn't sound like a "rant" but I'll love to see the video.

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2499 on: June 10, 2015, 09:26:03 AM »
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/7bVrnBrgGqc" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/7bVrnBrgGqc</a>
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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2500 on: June 10, 2015, 09:29:05 AM »
From what I'm hearing, allyuh back home vex about this?

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2501 on: June 10, 2015, 09:39:48 AM »
From what I'm hearing, allyuh back home vex about this?

Yea they wasn"t vex when Jack say ask yuh mudder. How it showing that we allow somebody to come on we tv and embarrass we.
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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2502 on: June 10, 2015, 09:43:10 AM »
The other video got disabled but I found this one.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/alwba8V1csY" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/alwba8V1csY</a>

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2503 on: June 10, 2015, 11:24:40 AM »
From what I'm hearing, allyuh back home vex about this?

Yea they wasn"t vex when Jack say ask yuh mudder. How it showing that we allow somebody to come on we tv and embarrass we.
the only way that could embarrass we is if we living a reality show called "Living with the Warners" . We always know Jack and company and as a matter of fact many so called leaders & upstanding ppl was robbing we blind..cause it's a way of life with we.. and when somebody point it out we say is only Jack...Bullshit..as long as we benefitting is all ah we...but nah, we going WC..so let we party, hold up we chest..then that done.. we back to is only Jack..then we make him minister..and whatever we get, but he doing a good job.. and we complain bout the other shady thing..and did nothing..and Now other ppl doing about the bad...and we shame and vex... we have to shame & vex with we self first, and clean up our own acts..grease hand, thiefing and tryin to trickidadian-smart everybody..doh shame, come correct. no shame in that.. tell them

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2504 on: June 10, 2015, 03:52:49 PM »
From what I'm hearing, allyuh back home vex about this?

Yea they wasn"t vex when Jack say ask yuh mudder. How it showing that we allow somebody to come on we tv and embarrass we.
the only way that could embarrass we is if we living a reality show called "Living with the Warners" . We always know Jack and company and as a matter of fact many so called leaders & upstanding ppl was robbing we blind..cause it's a way of life with we.. and when somebody point it out we say is only Jack...Bullshit..as long as we benefitting is all ah we...but nah, we going WC..so let we party, hold up we chest..then that done.. we back to is only Jack..then we make him minister..and whatever we get, but he doing a good job.. and we complain bout the other shady thing..and did nothing..and Now other ppl doing about the bad...and we shame and vex... we have to shame & vex with we self first, and clean up our own acts..grease hand, thiefing and tryin to trickidadian-smart everybody..doh shame, come correct. no shame in that.. tell them

Yuh on de right track. There is hope if this kinda critique after introspection is allowed to fluorish with the necessary collective changes in societal behavior . Enough of the Harold Taylor-style " Jack is my friend" bullshit that prevents one from calling a spade a spade and discourages frowning on criminal or shady activity by associates. I wish Coop's was around so that we could talk about this important crisis in values that is destined to destroy the society if the Renraw value standard continues.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 03:57:18 PM by dreamer »
Supportin' de Warriors right tru.

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2505 on: June 10, 2015, 07:12:07 PM »

Caption that  :devil:

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2506 on: June 10, 2015, 07:19:55 PM »

Caption that  :devil:
red shirt: ppl waitin for me in the hotel, and these clowns walkin slow slow slow
renraw: Ah feel this izza harem, cause I go blaze all ah dem
Bendman: finally, a WC back home in my time
Vampllater : ppl waitin for me in the hotel, and these clowns walkin slow slow slow

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2507 on: June 10, 2015, 07:55:37 PM »
then we make him minister..and whatever we get, but he doing a good job.. and we complain bout the other shady thing..and did nothing..and Now other ppl doing about the bad...and we shame and vex... we have to shame & vex with we self first, and clean up our own acts..grease hand, thiefing and tryin to trickidadian-

We this .... We that ......!!! Who is We, here? Not me! Maybe you voted for the party who put him in them positions. So all those who voted for the coalition get what you deserve, the Trini toxic avenger. Kamla put him in position to rub it in PNM face. "We have a man with money, allyuh eh have none!". Rowley tell she, "this fifa man toxic". She say, "he is our rock!" Now he is quick sand, they trying to dump him on PNM. I eh shame. Jack was never my buddy. We on this website have been cussin him since 2006. We know what the man was made of. Coming to talk, " he make we shame". but yes,  ah friggin vex, oui!

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Jack Warner replies to John Oliver's CCN TV6 address
« Reply #2508 on: June 11, 2015, 02:44:22 PM »
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/bB7CBxfRUaw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/bB7CBxfRUaw</a>
The Conquering Lion of Judah shall break every chain.

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2509 on: June 11, 2015, 02:51:32 PM »
Jack and JO going back and forth

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2510 on: June 11, 2015, 03:28:09 PM »
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2511 on: June 11, 2015, 03:43:44 PM »
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/bB7CBxfRUaw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/bB7CBxfRUaw</a>

 :rotfl: :rotfl: allyuh hear the dramatic music score playing in the background... JW know a thing or two about theatrics

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2512 on: June 11, 2015, 06:09:38 PM »
:rotfl: :rotfl: allyuh hear the dramatic music score playing in the background... JW know a thing or two about theatrics
Ent! That was the first thing I recognized lol

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2513 on: June 11, 2015, 06:56:52 PM »
The Jack supporters on facebook killin meh boy.
Allyuh hear Errol Fabien?  Clowns all over.

I think Fabien posts here sometimes.

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2514 on: June 11, 2015, 07:21:03 PM »

Former FIFA Vice President and Trinidad and Tobago lawmaker Jack Warner reacts Thursday to being photographed as he waits to sign in at the front desk of the Arouca Police Station as required under his bail agreement. Joe Raedel, Getty Images

I like how he chose a striped shirt to make his appearance :thumbsup:

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2515 on: June 12, 2015, 09:22:43 AM »
from galvanize tv

Offline weary1969

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2516 on: June 12, 2015, 09:24:35 AM »
then we make him minister..and whatever we get, but he doing a good job.. and we complain bout the other shady thing..and did nothing..and Now other ppl doing about the bad...and we shame and vex... we have to shame & vex with we self first, and clean up our own acts..grease hand, thiefing and tryin to trickidadian-

We this .... We that ......!!! Who is We, here? Not me! Maybe you voted for the party who put him in them positions. So all those who voted for the coalition get what you deserve, the Trini toxic avenger. Kamla put him in position to rub it in PNM face. "We have a man with money, allyuh eh have none!". Rowley tell she, "this fifa man toxic". She say, "he is our rock!" Now he is quick sand, they trying to dump him on PNM. I eh shame. Jack was never my buddy. We on this website have been cussin him since 2006. We know what the man was made of. Coming to talk, " he make we shame". but yes,  ah friggin vex, oui!

Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline weary1969

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2517 on: June 12, 2015, 09:26:50 AM »
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline maxg

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2518 on: June 12, 2015, 01:51:54 PM »

We this .... We that ......!!! Who is We, here? Not me! Maybe you voted for the party who put him in them positions. .......
WE is Trinidad & Tobago. No one man is an Island.. When the warriors win (or lose) is not them alone make that accomplishment. I unfortunately do not have opportunity to vote, but as you might know/remember Deeks, I got exiled to foreign, cause I don't let the chips fall where they may, if I'm in a position to express a protest. My parents probably saved my life, by allowing me different perspectives, helping me make better choices in who, what and when to stand up.
ps: I not vex.. remember I said, and meant, I rather we don't go World Cup. Yet, I didn't wish bad on the final decision made. WE went World Cup.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2015, 01:56:16 PM by maxg »

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Re: The Jack Warner Thread.
« Reply #2519 on: June 12, 2015, 02:48:20 PM »
:rotfl: :rotfl: allyuh hear the dramatic music score playing in the background... JW know a thing or two about theatrics
Ent! That was the first thing I recognized lol

The people who own de music say Jackie eh consult them.....hear nah....the gift that keeps on giving..

"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...


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