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Author Topic: Kamla Persad-Bissessar Thread.  (Read 207475 times)

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #330 on: August 19, 2010, 08:32:35 PM »
Just saw it on tv6 news...SO I don't have a link to the story...

New Commisioner of Police to receive over 1.5 million dollars a year...!!! in other words over 172000 dollars a month...Deputy commisioner getting over 106000 dollars a month...!!!!

We have risen :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Canadian or TT

fantino, de former police chief of toronto make something like $250K/year CAD.

Offline Bourbon

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #331 on: August 20, 2010, 02:04:37 PM »
Excitement preceded Trinidad and Tobago`s first female Prime Minister, Kamla Persad-Bissessar arrival for a 10-day visit to New York City last Friday. However, that enthusiasm in the Caribbean and Trinidadian American community has quickly dissipated since the PM it seems is more interested in the Indian community than West Indians.

Ahead of the visit, a meeting of Diaspora nationals was promoted in Brooklyn by a local organization there, leaving many to assume that it was the PM`s first and only official New York meeting with her nationals and friends of the Caribbean. Imagine the surprise of many when it was also announced that the PM would be rushing off to two events in southeast Queens, NY, that same evening to meet with a different section of the Trinidad and West Indian community.

In a nutshell – the Brooklyn meeting it seemed was for Afro-Trinidadians and the southeast Queens meeting for Indo-Trinidadians/Caribbeans. In a country that is not only multi-ethnic but has a history of an ethnic voting divide, this move was disturbing.

Worst of all, with five ministers of government in tow at a $380,000 burden to the taxpayers of Trinidad and Tobago, the PM`s office and her handlers have refused to speak to the Caribbean media, blatantly ignoring the fourth estate, Caribbean or mainstream.

Infact, Garvin Nicholas, who is listed as press secretary, seems to badly need a course in public relations as he has missed a major PR opportunity in this visit for both Caribbean and mainstream media publicity. Mr. Nicholas has no photographer documenting this historic visit and seems content to take the PM`s photos with his camera phone while standing aside and seeing no need to set up any real photo ops.

Most importantly, real news photographers seeking access to cover the visit are being shut down and ignored while Nicolas complains of his email not working properly.

Really now? And where is the consulate in all this? Shouldn`t they be the one guiding Mr. Nicholas on the media in NY and the community leaders? Well last we heard the sitting counsel general was trying to wrangle a flag away from a Trinidad and Tobago national on Sunday since he had none and neither did the PM until some smart Alec handed her one on the float in the Indian Day Parade.

But let`s backtrack to the PM and her itinerary. While she has made no time to speak to Caribbean media, she certainly has taken time out to be interviewed by Indian television, which begs the question: is she the Caribbean-born PM of Trinidad and Tobago or of India? Can you imagine the PM of India visiting here and giving no media interviews to his media? Can you imagine the outrage this would cause?

For those who may think this is too harsh please note that PM Persad-Bissessar not only participated in the Indian Day Parade, an unprecedented move, but she has had two fundraisers with the Indians, one in Long Island, NY and one in New Jersey. This is in addition to her exclusive meeting with the GOPIO on Monday at the New York Marriot, where she is shelling out the big bucks to stay with her entourage; and of course that Indian TV interview.

And what about Caribbean American meetings? Nothing beyond a bunch of listings for attendance at several nondescript events in the Indo-Caribbean community in Queens.

To make matters worse and to show the obvious ineptness of her PR person and handlers, the PM`s itinerary has not been provided beyond Monday. So her meeting with New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly Wednesday was truly a surprise and it certainly went undocumented by media photographers here.

A post-release issued by Nicholas said Persad-Bissessar and Kelly `discussed many strategies for preventing detecting and prosecuting criminal activity in Trinidad and Tobago.` Really now? So can we expect to see another foreigner added to the payroll of Trinidad and Tobago in its crime fight in the near future?

The fact is that the PM`s visit here is a waste of time and money and Trinidad and Tobago nationals paying for this should take her to task on it. What exactly has she achieved? Certainly there has been no real return on investment in the form of public relations? And what about meetings with real investors and diverse groups of nationals and Caribbean Americans in power in this city?

Has she met with members of the New York City Council or other city politicians to leverage power and investment opportunities? Or was this really a visit to India New York, the same Indians who hardly believe Indo-Caribbeans have any link to India and who consider many, `nigger coolies.` Their term not ours.

These are the questions that need to be seriously asked especially as the PM gets ready to spend more mula to return here next month for the UN. A historic moment has been squandered and the PM has left many wondering if she is the head of state of the multi-ethnic twin-island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago or only of some of the people. What a shame, what a disappointment, what a lost opportunity!

The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #332 on: August 20, 2010, 04:03:43 PM »
To be honest with you I find some of the inferences of an ethnic preference to be unnecessary. The same Prime Minister was in full regalia and participated (literally marched) in the Emancipation Day parade. Whether that is perceived as superficial patronage is immaterial .The good lady was there.

The bigger issue is that this was a meeting of UNC New York and some friends at the expense of tax payers.

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #333 on: August 20, 2010, 05:00:27 PM »
Not only that emancipation day is OUR holiday..That belong to Trinidad and Tobago. What business is it of hers as our Prime Minister to go all the way to New York to attend an India Day Parade as a sitting head of state...She celebrating India gaining independence...!! Steupsssss and worst yet she appearing alongside Bollywood stars not even other sitting head of States..!!! Madnesss


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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #334 on: August 21, 2010, 07:05:02 AM »
 for better Govt teamwork

Story Created: Aug 20, 2010 at 12:53 AM ECT

Story Updated: Aug 20, 2010 at 12:53 AM ECT

Over the general election campaign, one of the barbs hurled against the People's Partnership was that, if the coalition got into government, it would be undermined by internal divisions. After three months in office, there are no signs of any such conflict, but the Partnership does appear to lack a firm centre.

As they have settled into their duties, various Government Ministers have been making statements which are apparently personal or idiosyncratic views, rather than representative of Government policy. In the latest example, Works and Transport Minister Jack Warner has written Attorney General Anand Ramlogan requesting – or instructing – the AG to take steps toward the resumption of hanging convicted murderers as soon as possible.

That Mr Warner should write an open letter to a colleague, rather than approaching him privately or raising the matter in Cabinet, is a transparent public relations ploy. Why should an issue like the death penalty so consume the attention of the Minister of Works, more than the National Security Minister, or the Legal Affairs Minister, or the Attorney General himself? Apart from populist politicking at the expense of his fellow MPs, Mr Warner is reinforcing the opinion, also hurled as a barb during the election campaign, that he is pulling the Prime Minister's strings.

Mr Warner, however, is only the most prominent example of this motor-mouth approach to policy. AG Anand Ramlogan himself has been criticised for his unnecessarily aggressive statements on crime-related matters. For her apparently confrontational approach, Health Minister Therese Baptiste-Cornelis has drawn raised eyebrows. As did Sport Minister Anil Roberts' outburst against a US Embassy official concerning visa procedures. Surges in volume and changes of tone might be acceptable if Government people seemed to be coming from a settled and uniform policy centre. Instead, they almost appear to be improvising as they go along.

This is not merely a matter of image. While Ministers spend time dealing with day-to-day problems, some critical matters seem to be left unattended. State entities, including UDeCOTT and Petrotrin, remain in holding patterns, their boards awaiting new appointees. Meanwhile, PNM appointees hang on anomalously at the NLCB. Again, statements about water taxis and the Offshore Patrol Vessels come from Ministers and other officials without apparent benefit of in-depth analysis.

The new Ministers have won kudos for their hands-on approach, responsiveness, and the undoubted energy of the Cabinet's leading people. But it is also apparent that the planned Tobago retreat, cancelled when the floods hit two weeks ago, remains a necessary exercise. Whenever it happens, the members of the Kamla Persad-Bissessar administration must emerge knowing their roles, knowing the Government's policy positions, and performing like a cohesive team.

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #335 on: August 21, 2010, 08:04:16 AM »
The Cabinet is not functioning. They don't need a retreat to know the decision making progress. Look at the people making bold public statements, Ramlogan, Roberts, Warner. They're all new to government but they've been around, as we say they big and they have sense. You have to question the Prime Minister's leadership in all this. She has been silent on these issues and the gaffes continue. This leads me to believe that these issues are not being discussed in Cabinet or Warner in particular just doesn't care.

Baptiste-Cornelis in a word , is a quack. If she lasts the full term she will be a walking highlight reel PR errors. Hers is different degree of hubris. So far though, she has actually stuck to her portfolio and her infractions have more to do with a lack of tact than any attempt to foist her personal rather government position on public policy.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 08:07:21 AM by Jah Gol »

Offline Bakes

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #336 on: August 21, 2010, 09:02:31 PM »
How hard it is when allyuh post ah article or news item, to also post a link or otherwise provide attribution for the source?  Sorry, just one of my pet peeves.


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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #337 on: August 21, 2010, 09:08:47 PM »
How hard it is when allyuh post ah article or news item, to also post a link or otherwise provide attribution for the source?  Sorry, just one of my pet peeves.

Here sorry...I know yuh eh like pets  l;ol


Offline Bakes

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #338 on: August 22, 2010, 11:42:26 AM »
How hard it is when allyuh post ah article or news item, to also post a link or otherwise provide attribution for the source?  Sorry, just one of my pet peeves.

Here sorry...I know yuh eh like pets  l;ol


Thanks... I just needed to understand the context of the article.  Particularly so since it reflects much of the very things I and others have pointed out here in the discussions viz-a-viz breaches of protocol and the haphazard free-for-all approach to public pronouncements.

Offline TdotTrini

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #339 on: August 22, 2010, 10:48:15 PM »
From Calder Hart to Minister of Everything
Story Created: Aug 21, 2010 at 12:41 AM ECT

(Story Updated: Aug 21, 2010 at 12:41 AM ECT )

Does any of this sound familiar?

• One man who was allowed to bypass conventions and structures, checks and balances, in order to get things done fast;

• One man who seemed to have a finger in every pie;

• One man who had big men and women falling down before him in awe and obsequiousness;

• One man who nobody seemed able, or willing, to bring under supervision;

• One blue-eyed boy.

In hindsight, we can see that allowing the newly-appointed Minister of Works to also keep his FIFA job was only the beginning. Now the man is on a roll: I don't want to hear about obstacles, he warns, with regard to the building of another water taxi port; I only want to hear how it can be done.

The proposed site of the port seems to be a mangrove swamp. Suppose the EMA says no to destroying yet another piece of wetland; is he going to overrule them? Or is the EMA going to be accommodating, as with the smelter plant and quarrying regulations?

In discussing bureaucratic obstacles, Mr Warner lamented "This country is bogged down in too much democracy" (First Up, August 20). Slip of the tongue? Mouth open tory jump out? Or just mouth running ahead of brain?

Calder Hart did not wish to be hampered, either, by little things like the rules of tendering, and he was accommodated. Look where that landed us.

Why is the Minister of Works and Transport instructing the Attorney General? Is that the correct line of authority? Clearly this personage has become the "Minister of Everything'' — getting into other people's portfolios.

Mr Warner has admitted that the move to resume hangings was not a collective decision: "the party has to discuss it. It has not been discussed" (Express July 21).

Reports are that it has still not been discussed, but some of his colleagues have been individually recruited into his personal project to hang at all cost, scheduling the proposed human sacrifice as a Republic Day celebration: "the best gift you can give the country — the best republican gift" (Austin Jack Warner, First Up, August 20). How obscene. And should all of these arrangements be going on while the Prime Minister is away?

It is very disturbing to see how willingly he gets people to do his bidding — grown men with brains of their own, Ministers in their own right, working just as hard as he does, but talking less, not given to blowing their own trumpets.

It seems as though every word that falls out of Mr Warner's mouth gets reported in the media. Cameras seem to follow him everywhere (at his invitation?). One night this week, almost every story on the 7 o'clock news was about him.

This week, too, a respected radio talkshow host expressed admiration for the way Mr Warner is able to circumvent structures and get things done. And this seems to be the sentiment on the ground — Mr Warner is a knight in shining armour, acclaimed by all as an action man who gets things done fast.

Calder Hart was also highly praised and put on a pedestal, then hotly defended even after we had begun to see through him and recognise the appalling breakdown of accountability that his modus operandi involved.

Let us hope that the Government retreat/workshop can be held as soon as possible after the PM's return, and that as part of this exercise Mr Warner's colleagues will get out from under his spell and confront the issues raised by his actions and utterances.

If those who are hired as facilitators of the workshop process have the skill to make this happen, then the country will owe them a great debt of gratitude.

We're on a very dangerous path, and we have too much to lose. Let us not squander the opportunity given to us on May 24 to build a humane, orderly and peaceful society. There is no short cut to that goal.

Merle Hodge

St Augustine


« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 10:53:29 PM by TdotTrini »
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Offline Bakes

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #340 on: August 22, 2010, 11:03:20 PM »
From Calder Hart to Minister of Everything
Story Created: Aug 21, 2010 at 12:41 AM ECT

Merle Hodge

St Augustine



I just read that mihself about 20 mins ago.... thanks for the vid.

EDIT: gawd... I juss try watching that thing... ah whole 2 hurs and yuh cyah even scroll thru.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 11:07:43 PM by Bake n Shark »

Offline Brownsugar

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #341 on: August 23, 2010, 10:32:33 AM »
More on the VISA issue....


Getting a US visa...
Officials don’t have to look at supporting papers
Published: 23 Aug 2010

The United States Embassy in Trinidad and Tobago is not duty-bound to look at supporting documents when reviewing an application for a non-immigrant visa. Well-placed US diplomatic sources said consular officers are not required to look at an applicant’s supporting documents. It was further explained that the information on the application form and the information stated by the applicant during the interview are usually all that are necessary to determine an applicant’s eligibility under the law.

The sources said that all applicants must qualify on their own merits and must not rely on the assurances of third parties, relatives or otherwise. It was further explained that Section 214 (b) of the US Immigration and Nationality Act, commonly called INA, presumes that every applicant for a non-immigrant visa is an intending immigrant to the United States. That is, unless he or she can provide credible evidence of strong family, social, professional and economic ties that would compel him or her to leave the United States after a short stay.

Visa applicants must demonstrate that they do not plan to abandon their residence in Trinidad and Tobago, it was explained. All applicants must overcome that presumption, regardless of their reason for travel, the US sources said. Further, applicants must qualify on their own merits.
At the interview, you do not overcome the presumption of an intending immigrant, said the sources. Previous applicants for visas are free to reapply, it was stated. But his or her circumstances must have changed to warrant a visa, the sources further said.

"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #342 on: August 23, 2010, 11:00:57 AM »
More on the VISA issue....


Getting a US visa...
Officials don’t have to look at supporting papers
Published: 23 Aug 2010

The United States Embassy in Trinidad and Tobago is not duty-bound to look at supporting documents when reviewing an application for a non-immigrant visa. Well-placed US diplomatic sources said consular officers are not required to look at an applicant’s supporting documents. It was further explained that the information on the application form and the information stated by the applicant during the interview are usually all that are necessary to determine an applicant’s eligibility under the law.

The sources said that all applicants must qualify on their own merits and must not rely on the assurances of third parties, relatives or otherwise. It was further explained that Section 214 (b) of the US Immigration and Nationality Act, commonly called INA, presumes that every applicant for a non-immigrant visa is an intending immigrant to the United States. That is, unless he or she can provide credible evidence of strong family, social, professional and economic ties that would compel him or her to leave the United States after a short stay.

Visa applicants must demonstrate that they do not plan to abandon their residence in Trinidad and Tobago, it was explained. All applicants must overcome that presumption, regardless of their reason for travel, the US sources said. Further, applicants must qualify on their own merits.
At the interview, you do not overcome the presumption of an intending immigrant, said the sources. Previous applicants for visas are free to reapply, it was stated. But his or her circumstances must have changed to warrant a visa, the sources further said.

Dey talking level nonsense there,

I had a police bredrin who had to get a VISA to go to New York for an interview with the UN. He got denied the first time even though he had all the documentation from the UN to support. So he went and applied again, and got through the second time. There was no change in any of the circumstances of his travel. He just end up spending double the money. At least he got a ten year VISA.
Soca Warriors, the pride of a nation

Offline Bakes

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #343 on: August 23, 2010, 11:34:20 AM »
Dey talking level nonsense there,

I had a police bredrin who had to get a VISA to go to New York for an interview with the UN. He got denied the first time even though he had all the documentation from the UN to support. So he went and applied again, and got through the second time. There was no change in any of the circumstances of his travel. He just end up spending double the money. At least he got a ten year VISA.

How does that counter what brownsugar posted though?


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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #344 on: August 23, 2010, 12:47:01 PM »
Dookeran say the new Comish salary will put starin on the economy. Jack say dat is nonsense...lol

Offline Brownsugar

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #345 on: August 23, 2010, 01:25:12 PM »

Dey talking level nonsense there,

I had a police bredrin who had to get a VISA to go to New York for an interview with the UN. He got denied the first time even though he had all the documentation from the UN to support. So he went and applied again, and got through the second time. There was no change in any of the circumstances of his travel. He just end up spending double the money. At least he got a ten year VISA.

When did he reapply??  Right away or years after??  How long was he in the Police Service before he applied??  He had any relatives that went and never came back??  How about Police Officers who may have gone to the US on a similar jaunt and never came back??  How about Police Officers who does be on 6 months leave and going and work and come back??  (Police does still do that??)

The message I get from listening and reading what the Embassy people have to say, is that they does know things that you eh know but dey doh have to tell yuh why yuh getting turn down. 
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...

Offline weary1969

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #346 on: August 23, 2010, 01:52:41 PM »
I have a gfriend who daughter get blank d aunt she was goin by write d foreign dept askin 4 a reason she was told 2 reapply and she get d 1 entry. She went and come back.
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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #347 on: August 23, 2010, 03:23:14 PM »

Top 10 Female Leaders

Trinidad Elects Its First Female Prime Minister
By: MADISON GRAY (90 days ago)

Trinidad & Tobago Prime Minister-elect Kamla Persad-Bissessar

The twin island nation of Trinidad and Tobago, known for warm beaches and its wild annual Carnival celebration, could now be known for breaking glass ceilings because of its election of its first female prime minister.

Voters elected United National Congress candidate Kamla Persad-Bissessar, 58, to the position after Patrick Manning of the People's National Movement conceded defeat. in Manning called this round of elections a month ago in response to a "no-confidence" motion against him for what has been seen as flagrant government spending. The PNM has had a stronghold on Trinidadian politics for nearly 50 years, and kept Manning in power for 13 of them.

Kamla Persad-Bissessar's UNC galvanized a multi-ethnic coalition of parties in order to seize a majority 29 of 41 parliamentary seats, giving them control of the oil and natural gas-rich nation's government. The country's resources have made it an economic leader in the Caribbean region and its ties to the United States are not expected to change. Coalition leaders have said they will pursue more strategic ties with Brazil once the new administration is in place.

Still the prime minister-elect will have to contend with the problems Manning is leaving behind. Last year, the nation became the murder capital of the Caribbean, with homicides up 38%. She will also have to quickly address corruption issues in government projects that have dogged her predecessor for years.

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2010/05/25/trinidad-elects-its-first-female-prime-minister/#ixzz0xSz8818r

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #348 on: August 23, 2010, 03:34:21 PM »
From Calder Hart to Minister of Everything
Story Created: Aug 21, 2010 at 12:41 AM ECT

Merle Hodge

St Augustine



I just read that mihself about 20 mins ago.... thanks for the vid.

EDIT: gawd... I juss try watching that thing... ah whole 2 hurs and yuh cyah even scroll thru.

Jack say Trinidadians have too much Democracy  :o

He have to take short cuts to get things done. mamayo.
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Offline weary1969

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #349 on: August 23, 2010, 03:42:35 PM »
From Calder Hart to Minister of Everything
Story Created: Aug 21, 2010 at 12:41 AM ECT

Merle Hodge

St Augustine



I just read that mihself about 20 mins ago.... thanks for the vid.

EDIT: gawd... I juss try watching that thing... ah whole 2 hurs and yuh cyah even scroll thru.

Jack say Trinidadians have too much Democracy  :o

He have to take short cuts to get things done. mamayo.

U 4get dem peeps use money from TIDCO 2 pave road. Not 2 mention dey pave d savannah.
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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #350 on: August 23, 2010, 03:45:24 PM »
From Calder Hart to Minister of Everything
Story Created: Aug 21, 2010 at 12:41 AM ECT

Merle Hodge

St Augustine



I just read that mihself about 20 mins ago.... thanks for the vid.

EDIT: gawd... I juss try watching that thing... ah whole 2 hurs and yuh cyah even scroll thru.

Jack say Trinidadians have too much Democracy  :o

He have to take short cuts to get things done. mamayo.

U 4get dem peeps use money from TIDCO 2 pave road. Not 2 mention dey pave d savannah.

who is dem peeps?

Offline weary1969

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #351 on: August 23, 2010, 03:51:13 PM »
From Calder Hart to Minister of Everything
Story Created: Aug 21, 2010 at 12:41 AM ECT

Merle Hodge

St Augustine



I just read that mihself about 20 mins ago.... thanks for the vid.

EDIT: gawd... I juss try watching that thing... ah whole 2 hurs and yuh cyah even scroll thru.

Jack say Trinidadians have too much Democracy  :o

He have to take short cuts to get things done. mamayo.

U 4get dem peeps use money from TIDCO 2 pave road. Not 2 mention dey pave d savannah.

who is dem peeps?

UNC is dem peeps. Dey pave d savannah and use TIDCO money 2 pave road. Who u tink it was?
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #352 on: August 23, 2010, 05:02:36 PM »

Dey talking level nonsense there,

I had a police bredrin who had to get a VISA to go to New York for an interview with the UN. He got denied the first time even though he had all the documentation from the UN to support. So he went and applied again, and got through the second time. There was no change in any of the circumstances of his travel. He just end up spending double the money. At least he got a ten year VISA.

When did he reapply??  Right away or years after??  How long was he in the Police Service before he applied??  He had any relatives that went and never came back??  How about Police Officers who may have gone to the US on a similar jaunt and never came back??  How about Police Officers who does be on 6 months leave and going and work and come back??  (Police does still do that??)

The message I get from listening and reading what the Embassy people have to say, is that they does know things that you eh know but dey doh have to tell yuh why yuh getting turn down. 

He reapplied immediately after he was declined, he is relatively young under 30 but in d service for 10 years. He has relatives up there. Not to mention he had been granted visas previously and has travelled before.

My point of contention was the statement from the embassy that your circumstances have to change for their decision to change. There was absolutely no difference in his application between the first and second application.
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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #353 on: August 23, 2010, 05:09:38 PM »

Dey talking level nonsense there,

I had a police bredrin who had to get a VISA to go to New York for an interview with the UN. He got denied the first time even though he had all the documentation from the UN to support. So he went and applied again, and got through the second time. There was no change in any of the circumstances of his travel. He just end up spending double the money. At least he got a ten year VISA.

When did he reapply??  Right away or years after??  How long was he in the Police Service before he applied??  He had any relatives that went and never came back??  How about Police Officers who may have gone to the US on a similar jaunt and never came back??  How about Police Officers who does be on 6 months leave and going and work and come back??  (Police does still do that??)

The message I get from listening and reading what the Embassy people have to say, is that they does know things that you eh know but dey doh have to tell yuh why yuh getting turn down. 

He reapplied immediately after he was declined, he is relatively young under 30 but in d service for 10 years. He has relatives up there. Not to mention he had been granted visas previously and has travelled before.

My point of contention was the statement from the embassy that your circumstances have to change for their decision to change. There was absolutely no difference in his application between the first and second application.

Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline Brownsugar

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #354 on: August 23, 2010, 05:36:20 PM »

He reapplied immediately after he was declined, he is relatively young under 30 but in d service for 10 years. He has relatives up there. Not to mention he had been granted visas previously and has travelled before.

My point of contention was the statement from the embassy that your circumstances have to change for their decision to change. There was absolutely no difference in his application between the first and second application.

 :thinking: :thinking:
Well boy I eh know nah....I guess it must be come down to if the Embassy official get up on the wrong side of the bed that particular morning......btw when did this happen?  I remember the OIG report discussed earlier in this thread commenting on the circumstances or reasons for which some people were declined VISA's didn't make sense.  Cyar remember off hand which period the OIG had concerns with though....

Any who, my turn coming next year...Weary girl, doh forget we have to co-ordinate we visit.... ;D
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...

Offline weary1969

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #355 on: August 23, 2010, 07:10:36 PM »

He reapplied immediately after he was declined, he is relatively young under 30 but in d service for 10 years. He has relatives up there. Not to mention he had been granted visas previously and has travelled before.

My point of contention was the statement from the embassy that your circumstances have to change for their decision to change. There was absolutely no difference in his application between the first and second application.

 :thinking: :thinking:
Well boy I eh know nah....I guess it must be come down to if the Embassy official get up on the wrong side of the bed that particular morning......btw when did this happen?  I remember the OIG report discussed earlier in this thread commenting on the circumstances or reasons for which some people were declined VISA's didn't make sense.  Cyar remember off hand which period the OIG had concerns with though....

Any who, my turn coming next year...Weary girl, doh forget we have to co-ordinate we visit.... ;D

Yes we have a date
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline Bourbon

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #356 on: August 26, 2010, 09:11:05 AM »
All pensioners will benefit from increase

SENIOR citizens were yesterday assured that they will all benefit from pension increases come September 1.

Speaking at a Ministry of the People Public Forum in Palo Seco, June Ramsey-Ross, social welfare advisor III, told senior citizens that although not all of them qualified for the $3,000 pension they would all benefit from the pension increase.

"Some of you are going to be receiving $3,000 but not all of you are going to be receiving that. We have several different bands of payments, some of you are getting $800, some of you are getting $1,550, some of you are getting $2,100. Those of you who are getting $2,500 now you are going to be getting $3,000. Those of you who are getting $2,100 now you will be getting a little extra—$2,500."

Ramsey-Ross said the pensions will now range from $1,000 to $3,000, because there are people who have incomes that range between $2,800 and $3,000.

"So that if your income is between $2,800 and $3,000 you will get a $1,000. So the pensions will now range from $1,000 a month to $3,000," she said.

She said posters will be placed at the various social welfare offices indicating what pension increases people will be getting.

"It will state clearly the various amounts of pensions."

National Insurance Scheme (NIS) recipients, pensioners from Caroni Ltd, as well as those seniors doing gardening will also receive a pension, she said.

"Even people who may have applied previously for pensions and were rejected because of excess income may now be eligible for the pension if they have an income of anything less than $3,000," Ramsey-Ross said.

"They may now qualify for a smaller pension and that may include some of you here today."

She also assured public service retirees who now receive a pension of $1,950 that they too will eventually get an increase in their pensions which will take them up to the $3,000 mark.

"I can't say when because it is in the hands of the Comptroller of Accounts and the Ministry of Finance, but I know that it is being looked into," she said.

Honour pension promise

Opposition Leader Keith Rowley yesterday called on Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to honour the $3,000 pension her party promised the country during its election campaign.

In a press release last evening, Rowley said, "During the general election campaign, it was a documented and recorded fact that the UNC (United National Congress)-led Coalition committed to paying a $3,000-per-month old-age pension to all beneficiaries, and to lower the pensionable age to 60 years, without consideration of any other qualifying terms."

He said after the Government "attempted to escape its contract with the people during the Parliamentary debates on the issue, the PNM (People's National Movement) finds it wholly objectionable that Mr Garvin Nicholas, the Press Secretary of the Prime Minister, could now post on the Internet that the paid advertisements on this subject, in which the promises were outlined, were in fact a "misprint".

Rowley said the unacceptable position of the Government now was also cemented by Sports Minister Anil Roberts, whom he said also told a television journalist yesterday that "the Government had absolutely no intention of reducing the pensionable age to 60 years, and that the paid advertisement that so stated was a "misprint".

Saying that it was the PNM's position that "this patent deceit on the part of the UNC-led coalition only serves to discredit and undermine the Office of the Prime Minister", Rowley said, "Today, on behalf of those who have been deceived, we call on the Prime Minster to honour her Government's commitment to the citizens of this country, and to restrain her Press Secretary and Ministers from making a travesty of our electoral system, and to cease from further attempts at insulting the senior citizens on Trinidad and Tobago."

I went and check the manifesto....page 8 of the 39 page pdf where it specifically addresses the pension issue.

The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #357 on: August 26, 2010, 09:15:18 AM »
And...as expected....tanties toting and uncles taking umbrage.....

Pensioners angry

SCORES of senior citizens yesterday expressed displeasure at how the $3,000 pension the People's Partnership promised during the general election campaign will be paid out in September.

At a well-attended Open Public Forum for Older Persons at the St Joseph's Community Centre yesterday, Anthony Alexander, 69, of St Joseph, was one of many pensioners who turned up to voice their discontent with how much will be disbursed to senior citizens as a pension.

Alexander said, "I expected to be paid an Old Age Pension of $3,000 from the State in addition to my National Insurance Scheme (NIS) entitlement. When I voted in the general election, I voted for a $3,000 pension. I did not vote for my NIS to be topped up to be called my pension."

He added, "I feel cheated."

Pensioners nearby, some sitting others standing, hummed in agreement, some noting that the $3,000 pension was one of the major promises made by the People's Partnership during election campaigning.

Many of the senior citizens then carried on their own discussions while they were being briefed on the subject by Ministry of the People and Social Development Welfare Officer Zelpha Phillips. The senior citizens were so loud in their discussions that at one stage they drowned out the voice of the speaker. At the intervention of another senior citizen, who could not hear what Phillips was saying, the moderator asked them to listen.

The senior citizens also questioned the main criteria for eligibility for the pension. The criteria includes being age 65 and over, residency and income.

Phillips said in addition to the pension, senior citizens could benefit from a number of other measures in place to help alleviate their status, but would need to qualify to benefit from these measures.

The measures include a maximum $10,000 housing assistance grant; $4,500 for household articles; $1,600 assistance for domestic help during illness for a three-month period; $500 clothing grant; $3,500 funeral expenses grant; an education grant for a grandchild where the grandparent is the legal guardian; a dietary grant for special cases, such as for diabetics; and a house rent for up to three months at a cost of $2,500.

In delivering the feature address, Minister in the Ministry of the People and Social Development, Dr Lincoln Douglas, said the ministry will be embarking on a national policy on aging. Views will be taken from the public forums and in collaboration with the private sector, civil society organisations and trade unions among others, he said.

Noting that Trinidad and Tobago's aging population was 11 per cent, Douglas said the population was expected to grow to 20 per cent by 2020, which means there would be additional challenges. He announced, too, that in addition to centres for the elderly currently in place, six more will be built in Trinidad next year and two will be built in Tobago.
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #358 on: August 26, 2010, 10:53:34 AM »

Dey talking level nonsense there,

I had a police bredrin who had to get a VISA to go to New York for an interview with the UN. He got denied the first time even though he had all the documentation from the UN to support. So he went and applied again, and got through the second time. There was no change in any of the circumstances of his travel. He just end up spending double the money. At least he got a ten year VISA.

When did he reapply??  Right away or years after??  How long was he in the Police Service before he applied??  He had any relatives that went and never came back??  How about Police Officers who may have gone to the US on a similar jaunt and never came back??  How about Police Officers who does be on 6 months leave and going and work and come back??  (Police does still do that??)

The message I get from listening and reading what the Embassy people have to say, is that they does know things that you eh know but dey doh have to tell yuh why yuh getting turn down. 

He reapplied immediately after he was declined, he is relatively young under 30 but in d service for 10 years. He has relatives up there. Not to mention he had been granted visas previously and has travelled before.

My point of contention was the statement from the embassy that your circumstances have to change for their decision to change. There was absolutely no difference in his application between the first and second application.

The first time I went to get my F1 it started out shaky. I went to the window and the lady started of witha series of questions, The name of the college? My course of study? Why I wanted to study that particular course? Now that last question kinda piss me off. As I started answering her, someone in the back called out to her and she placed me in the next line, closed her window and left. At the next window was a guy. His line of questioning went, where do you work? How long? Which facility? Then he just relaxed and started chatting with me, asking about how it was to work in my job? The he ask what position I played? That he had a nephew that played that position. Then he asked me why it took so long to get a scholarship? When he started asking these last set of questions he had already made his mind up about me getting the VISA or not. He did not look at my bank statement, or my job letter. He did look at my Work ID though. He then said enjoy your trip.

If that woman had stayed I truly believe she would have turned me down.
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Re: Kamla Persad-Bissessar first 100-days.
« Reply #359 on: August 26, 2010, 01:22:34 PM »
heard on d news that cabinet approved the renumeration packages for CoP Gibbs and his Deputy. lets see how this goes
Doh f**k wit MY warriors!!!


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