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Messages - just cool

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« on: July 04, 2019, 03:38:18 PM »
Dennis should walk away, you tried but for whatever reason you couldn't get it done, so juss fork off nah man!!

as a man who played against the USMNT for decades he shoulda known that this team could only musta up the bulldozer brand of football (run directly at your goal, and wing to wing passes and cross waiting for someone to bulldoze the ball in goal) and shoulda been prepared to stop them shitsnakes in their tracks, dais all they know and the only thing that they're good at, take that away from them and they will fail!

him and whitmore allowed their most dangerous players to have free rein when they should have been doubled and triple teaming them arrogant white boys, what a forkane shame!! last night shoulda been a wrestling match and a dog fight, no pretty football, just pure charge.

that's how you play the USMNT, a butcher brand like the italians, pure hacking, no time on the ball, and double up on their dangerous players, take a page from the ueropeans and south americans. it's high time allyuh learn! too much playing business, throw the kicksin ting out de window, it's time to get forkane serious!!

Football / Re: 2019 CONCACAF Gold Cup Thread
« on: July 04, 2019, 03:24:44 PM »
When the hell will we learn??

Last night i watch jamaica do the same ting we and guyana did, give too much possession, time and space on the ball to the USMNT, and just like clock work they made them pay once again. when in da fork will we realize dat you don't allow dangerous players to roam free to make plays and set up mediocre players to score goals.

This USMNT will never dog a team with pedigree bc they woulda put two bodies on christian pulisic and lock dat down!! another one who wouldn't have that freedom to make plays would be mc kinney, just watch on sunday how the mexicans will put two players on those two shit hounds and leave the scoring up to one of the fringe players.

It's only against caribbean opposition that pulisic is allowed to shine, lets see how he fears against real opposition, i bet he will put down pure shit cakes, and will become a non entity come sunday.

just look how they never took any chances with KJ, it was onyewo, bocanegra and bradly that would lock on to KJ and stern not giving them the slightest opportunity to get a sniff on goal and last night was no different.

They stuck to leon baily like glue not giving him an inch, and every time he touched the ball there was a double and triple team on him in effect.

I say it's high time these dunce mdafckers running our football make an exit, and allow people with ideas to run the football or else we bun down dey forkane house and run dem outa town. we as a people need to get serious and get violent with these clowns, fork dat! it's the only way!!

Football / Re: Best ever T&T XI
« on: August 28, 2017, 08:26:57 PM »
i agree with every thing except phillips.

i think earl spiderman carter was our best keeper ever!! better than lovell who was boss, better than murice and better than the flying dutchman who was a legend in the semi pro league who never got a look at by the national selectors.

and wham tuh sammy Llewellyn man? that bredda was poison in his time. sammy is ah must.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Honduras Game (1-Sept-2017)
« on: August 28, 2017, 07:38:51 PM »
Greetings all.

as yuhs know i does fall een before and after the game to say how ah feel, and tuh wish de team all the best, but ah seeing things dat bothering meh ahready, like man bawlin for levi garcia and K jones and putting down dey head like we done lorse ahready.

for dem man who crying down the yutes dem, is like allyuh ent watch the game we play against CR in dey own back yard or what?? and without KJ and levi and had dem under pressure too!!

for de fuss time in my years ah watching we play CR in CR and we looked like we coulda come away wid something from the game.

the bredda boatswain IMO look more dangerous than KJ offensively and had three clear chances on goal, but was unlucky not tuh score BC of navas, the only ting he have tuh learn is tuh check the constant offside, and he could be the next stern bound tuh score john.

another very bright spot was the lewis fella who put in a proper shift. dat man worked like a quarry donkey dat day, he run forward an he run backward to defend, and the fella better than guerra and corn curls going forward not over dribbling or giving away de ball unnecessarily.

KJ used tuh be meh boy but it seem like the man give up on being one for the record books, an is like he just brezzin through his last days as a pro baller collecting an easy pay check, and callin it george.

i've seen KJ got soft over the years falling down with the slightest touch and complaining to the ref constantly, and not trying to poison the opposing team. so i think it's time some yuteman put KJ on the bench to pasture.

allyuh please put allyuh support behind the next generation regardless of the federation's f**k ups and  short comings, and please support tallest the man good for the team, and stop bitching over small ting!!

in reality i don't expect us to qualify for the WC, but it have some on here who feel we are entitled to that which in reality is flawed thinking.

the point is that we will have a better chance to qualify come 2022 providing things remain the same in terms of sticking to this coach and creating cohesion between the players, and that ugly boy david john williams stop acting like he head eh good.

PS: our main concern right now should be to win another caribbean cup, make a gold cup final like JA and then to lift that big obzockey cup finally.

this should be our main goals, to be dominant in the region, and in order to do that mr prezident need to stop meddling and be a good administrator like the US and mex, and keep his muggly arse quiet. only after we accomplish dat we should be studying to make a WC again, no sooner than.

peace and blessings. positive.

Football / Re: Happy Birthday Weary.
« on: August 28, 2017, 06:50:20 PM »
funny yes, night before I was watching the TKR match and my mind ran on her with a smile, no surprise now why.

RIP sistren, board not the same w/o you  :beermug:
WAIT NAH!! WEARY DED???  :o oh jeezanages wow!!how dat happen? RIP warrior. damn!

Football / Re: Have a SSFL game ever sold out in de Stadium.
« on: July 01, 2017, 08:59:14 PM »
Not showing all the angles but would not doubt this was well over 20,000 ppl

that tallman who ridin the john D player's shoulders i sure that is garnet craig, that fker was good boy!

Football / sweet in the mouth and bitter in the belly
« on: June 14, 2017, 02:30:40 PM »
Well guys i could have told you way before last night or even last week what would have been the out come of these two matches, for the matter the whole hexagonal.

as usual i made no attempts to follow these games including yesterday because i already knew that we would find a way to lose or the other team would find a way to win, and that's how it has always been.

i remember the days when nakid, el cock, angus eve and dwarika would travel to mexico, CR,HON, canada and put in a heartical effort only to fall short due to some lapse in concentration by the way of a defensive error and all that hard work and pretty football was rendered useless.

looking back on those days it seem to me that absolutely nothing has changed!! we go to these places and play our hearts out (at least the strike squad and the guys that follow them), only to get edged out by a silly nonsensical basic error by players who should know better.

now 28 years later the US could implement the same exact formula they explored to beat us in 1989 to the present, that's because we insist on the same lazy tactics by depending on foreign leagues to develop our players.

after 1989 we should have rearranged our football development programs to insist that 1989 never happened to us again. of course we had AJ warner to ensure that proper developmental programs never came to fruition because he was busy being an ole nayger stuffing his face with FIFA money and too busy stealing to worry about anything else,

but what i can't get is why for the life of me did the private sector and other football stalwarts stood idly by and allow this carnage to take place?

today there are one or two private coaching schools in our nation, but nothing like a live in full scale developmental academy the like of what we have in spain italy and england. it's very hard to take but remember CR, US, MEX and HUN, have these schools in place and they are spending big big bucks on football through the private sector while we kicksin and liming.

another thing that is glaringly obvious is how this new crop of footballers lack heart and determination, and it clearly shows in their body language. this morning i decided to sit down and watch a recording of the game with my pops and from the first goal i got up and walked away.

imagine conceding a set piece in the first minute, but even more shockingly is how no one cared to mark the goal scorer who just took his sweet time walked up and headed the ball past a stationary goal tender who made no effort to come for the ball but instead stay on the line, and i could say with certainty had that been tim howard, or navas they would have at least distracted the player and he would have had to really produce some magic to get on the score board

i said then and i'll say it now that our main concern should not begging to a world cup, but concentrating on producing capable players for the next generation who would make our nation prod, players who care, real sportsmen and women, instead of a bunch of mercenaries who makes bacchanal for money every time an important game/tournament comes around.

as for dennis lawrence, i say keep this guy!! he was very impressive in the results he got thus far. i would like to see him at the helm for another two years, it seem like he has the ear of the players.

as for those who felt good about another close game, aren't you guys tired of losing, what about playing bad but winning instead of competing well and getting nothing for all that effort? not even a point was accomplished in five games.

at this stage i don't give a phat monkey's arse if we qualify for the WC or not, i would like to see this problem fixed permanently the we are not so doggone predictable especially after 28 years, and that we have a continuum of metal developed players who could dominate CFU and concacaf before we step out and try to qualify against countries who has done their home work. until some body who has the power to change that obvious flaw recognizes that and did something about it, we will always go to places like CR, the US, and MEX and come away with nothing.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs USA Game (8-Jun-2017)
« on: June 07, 2017, 03:19:16 PM »
play de fitball..come on tnt...
you still on those silly one liner cliches, what about play de football right and win with dignity?

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs USA Game (8-Jun-2017)
« on: June 07, 2017, 03:04:59 PM »
Ah see allyuh setting allyuh self up again like so many other times before, when would yuhs learn, allyuh keep forgetting the ole cliche, when yuh fail to prepare then prepare to fail. we can't even beat grenada in grenada is the yankess we go beat in dey back yard??

all this false optimism about beating the US in the US has never happenned, and by the looks of it would never happen anytime soon!! and if it does this time around (which i seriously doubt) then i will be more than willing to eat that crow, stew or curried with a lots of scotch bonnet for flavoring.

all this rhetoric about beating the US is nonsensical!! especially when this USMNT have all the amenities available to produce good performances. they have infrastructure, adequate funding, a solid following whether they winnin or losing, not a bunch of limers for fans only when things going good, a federation that means business!! not some rag tag federation who scrunting and behind on payments where we run into they "srike" siuations ever so often when a big game comes around.

imagine we going into battle with one of the stalwarts in the region and the players bikkering over monies owed when our oponents solely focused on putting a thumping on us, when would we learn??

we did this same bullsh!t against haiti both in the copa and the caribbean cup AND WE SEE HOW THAT FORKRY worked out for us, AND YES I DOES STILL FOOLOW THE TEAM WHEN I HAVE TIME TOO.

as for lawrence, well boy i rate the soldier, seems like he have more know how that harty, and BC of his playing experience against these teams, he might just have an inside view on how to conteract these teams in the region to his advantage.

win lose or draw i will support the team, but i know better than to go out believing that we beating the US in the US, and woss yet, costa rica in san pedro which is another fortess. i am kinda of the opinion that we already blew this campaign, and should be looking towards the next gold cup and WQC for 2022, but then again, what do i know.

all the same, not me though, i not in that hail mary nonsense of us beating the US or any other team in their own backyard especially when we going with talent and talent alone, i've been there and i don't like the aftermath. for that matter, i don't even think we could beat them in our own yard as in time gone by has already proven me right. good luck to the team though, what i am hoping for though is an injury free game.   god bless. positive.

what we need to be focusing on now is infrastructure and player development, BC it's glaringly obvious that we are blessed with talent, but as we continue to learn that talent alone can't cut it, we need schools and academies for not only physical and skill development, but also mental and aptitude toughness. until then, these bull daggering yankess and sneaky skullduggery loving mexicans would continue to run through us. hope somebody figures it out soon enough to do something about it.   peace.

Football / Re: Fire David John Williams Thread
« on: January 21, 2017, 06:26:10 PM »
allyuh fellas still holding on to false hope wid these monkeys who call dey self professional footballers and  football admnistrators??   :rotfl: :rotfl:

didn't yuhs ppl learn by now dat TRINBAGOGIANS have no fackin pride and every ting dey do is based on friendship ting and nepotism, dis is why every time we go up against ppl who really serious bout football/anything we get we asre buss well and proper?

this williams fella is just another jacklyn warner in ah diofferent form, he want his friend the st lucian to coach the team, dias weh he pushin fuh, just watch the ride when the mark buss, if DAT LUCIAN DON'T GET DE WOK IS bc shame take him and he back down bc it would be too obvious.

wii would be lucky if we get 4 points from dat whoile hex, is nuff cuttail wii getting for wii stupidity, and i only hope dat curacao and french guyana show up every cvartibbean cup and make wii sweat for a place. is right back to fackin guava season for we dumb black asses.

wii deserve pure licks fuh wii bullshyte effort, i glad i ease off T&T football, and though i still love the T&T MST i not supporting these doltish ppl no fackin more fork dem dey too forkup!!!!!!!

allyuh eh see how fast the white man run out ah trinidad? yuh tink he doltish like allyuh tuh see ah ded end and still holding out hope??  :yellowcard: :yellowcard:  :rotfl: :rotfl:

the bully football is back, and that's what works best for them. these boys could not play klinsman system, it was too high for their little minds to comprehend, it's like feeding sponge cake to hogs.

now watch those hogs roll over every body, hard luck T&T, qatar here we come???  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Football / the more things change the more it remains the same!!
« on: November 23, 2016, 07:38:21 PM »
yeh thought i was gone too, but i can't stay gone when these kind of monkey man situations keep popping up further derailing the progress that was made when we FINALLY!! got rid of king chimp jack bastard warner!

what is really wrong with trinidadians boy??!! we have oil and gas, we have natural talent, we have infrastructure, and we finally got football back on track on a senior level, the question is, why are we sooo forkane disruptive??!!

not going to go on a rant here, but coach hart if yuh listening, cut your loses and run very far from these baboons if yuh have any sense eh, BC these monkeys don't like progress, it scares the living day lights out of them!!

you was here on the site chilling with us, then all of a sudden you gone and tie yuh foot with these ungrateful destructive regressive ppl. your fuss mistake was to take this job, i'm sure any MLS teams would have been happy to acquire your services and pay you handsomely, now here you are taking slander from these cave ppl all BC yuh want tuh help magga doggy.

your second mistake was to insist using danial cyrus and caryle mitchell. have you noticed that since mitchell came back from injury you haven't won a single game?? this boy is a walking mistake, he makes too may mistake in the defensive third despite his athletic ability.

if you insist on keeping this job i suggest that you either relegate cyrus to the bench as an emergency sub, because he's not in any way a proper defender, this dude should only come in a game when we're protecting a lead and our right back may have picked up an injury or exhausted. he often overlaps and is slow in transition, that is how honduras score all their goals and all their close chances to score, it all came from the left attacking flank where cyrus was late recovering every single time, and the same goes for mitchell, he makes too many errors, you're better off with abu bakar the turtle than this incompetent hare.

aubrey david is also playing out of position and i'll tell you why, just go back to the caribbean cup final vs jamaica when david played as a central defender and didn't put a foot wrong against the speedy jamaicans. your whole back line needs to reconfigure, and i mean the whole back line.

you need to play with three defenders and two defensive mids, in a 3-2-2-3 formation especially vs very attack minded teams like USA and mexico, and hold your defensive shape, stop over lapping, let the wingers do what they're p[aid to do, because from the years of watching T&T, we always lose shape when our defense is congested and it only takes a little bit of ball movement and our lock gets picked.

stop wasting your time with old goal keepers who may not be able progress beyond this point and is stuck on arrested development mode. go out there and find yourself a proper goalie BC all the goals scored on those guys were somehow their fault an quite soft and text book in nature.

 bottom line with these keepers is this, JM williams don't trust his back line hence the reason he's always running out to help his defenders even when they are on to the danger and dealing with it, and in the process wind up conceding, and M phillip does not read the game well, even dem goats in the pro leagues does buss his net regularly, what a clueless custodian.

you really need to watch your players coach, you have three players who should not be playing in your back line, at least two and the other is playing out of position. please take the advice of a fool in this regard if you decide to keep this wanton gig.  change your back line and change your formation.

Football / there's never a dull moment in anything trinidad
« on: October 15, 2016, 07:59:35 PM »
i look at trinidad week in review on sundays when ever i have the time, and there's always a strange pattern to behold even after 10 years of watching this show. i notice that no matter who's in charge there's always a level of disturbance and mele.

in politics, sports, social issues, even leisure, it's pure bachannal and comess with these people, how is it that they can't agree on nothing for the betterment and uplistment of the nation??

 a few days after what should have been a celebratory mood in the football camp for the players and the fans alike because we should have clinched a spot in the gold cup and the caribbean cup semi final, we find ourselves embroiled in another football bachannal and debacle over the players and coach, and if that wasn't enough we have finally put some of our financial woes and administrative defaults behind us only to have this f@ckry glaring in our face. am i missing something here, is there commitment in our constitution that states that we must always be in a state of gloom and instability in every facet of our living??

BTW this bunch of player IMO not serious, i say so to say that i've been watching this team behind the scenes and these men can't even play a basic fundamentally sound game without all the shenanegens and school boy mistakes.

i can't believe that we had four wingers who can't put in a decent ball in the box for our target man #9 even to draw a foul or to win a penalty?? we have cato running into traffic and losing the ball more than putting in a single cross worth mentioning, same with this garcia kid who wants to dribble past three defenders every time he gets the ball.

i can't believe that in this day and age of technical football we have defenders lobbing the ball back to the opposing defender and men trying splitting passes when their target is marked by two players, what is the coach doing about this bullshyt??

Football / a message to NASHY
« on: October 15, 2016, 07:14:51 PM »
kevin i know yuhs ah man who used to post here under the handle NASHY, and i know that you still browse the site now and then, so i hope this message would reach you in a timely fashion.

but anyway, between you and me yute that is a real kakahole move yuh about to make and the one that would suffer the most is you and i'll tell you why.

as much as you don't rate coach hart and wants to teach him a lesson, coach hart bread done butter on both sides, and david john williams business done fix well good and would never want for anything as long as he remains alive, while you on the other hand just began to experience the taste of success and have a lot of grounds to cover before you could exclaim that yuh reach where yuh goin.

you must remember that you are no spring chicken, and while 26 is still considered quite young in a footballer's career and in most footballing circles some would even go as far as to claim that you're in your prime at 27, but what they fail to contemplate is that it only applies to ppl who have already played on the highest level and is winding down their career.

at 26 ballers are renewing their contracts with their old clubs or moving on to a better situation to ensure regular playing time for the next three to four years, not for men who's just getting their feet wet.

the move you are about to make is for men like messi, kaka, saurez, di maria,neymar even your team mate KJ, men who stamp their seal on football and could look back and say that they played on the highest level , have been to a world cup and a club cup final and they did it all at a very young age and have the finances to back up the accolades,you on the other hand has done absolutely nothing and is starting off your career in a league where old inconsequential players go to retire.

right now you're about to miss out on one of the biggest tournament in concacaf where tons of scouts and big name agents attend to shop for the next best talent and you want to blow it over your pride??? man you really need to reconsider your decision, i don;t know who the hell is counseling you but you need to get far away from that person.

breddren you still haven't played on the highest level, you still haven't won a regional championship, in reality the only thing you have done was to win a USL cup and no one who's anyone cares bout that, so in reality you still have a lot to achieve before you could make them kind of moves, and it's these kind of tournaments where players who have spend most their careers in bush leagues long for to be seen by the right people who can prop and elevate their careers.

i hope you mr williams and the coaching staff could come to an understanding and let cooler heads prevail, bc i fear that if you pull that move this coach here would never trust you ever again, let alone look on you as a viable option just like he turn his back on keon daniel, i know if i was in his position i wouldn't if my best player turned his back on me on the eve of a big tournament, how could coach recover from that to have confidence in such a player.

you remember how hard it was for you to sit out the gold cup (your words), and how much you wanted to contribute but was impeded by injury? meh boy imagine if by some miracle your team mates pulled a rabbit out ah hat and qualify for the world cup, think of how hard it would be for you to miss out on that, and you would if you sit out a year, bc hart would not look on you again if you did that, i guarantee it!!

in closing, go ask yorke and latas how hard it was to be banished from football, and for the same kind of behavior that you exhibit. them kinda moves is for fellas like levi garcia, he could probably get away with that bc he's a spring chicken with plenty football to play and he's already playing on a very high level in europe and probably doesn't need international appearances to be scouted, nor for work permits.

i implore you nashy to rethink your decision and don't make something that simple and easy to work out snowball into an unnecessary debacle. i know bigger players who would swim an ocean just to represnt their country, just ask carlito tevez or your team mate kaka.

Football / Re: T&T go down in Fort-de-France.
« on: October 12, 2016, 10:03:48 AM »
soccerman dem fellas is the worst boy!! the most talented team we ever had in years but full to the brim with cry babies pleading to the reffs. ask yuh self this, when was the last time we force a penalty? when people playing yuh hard take dem in den box and draw the foul! it's that simple.

Football / Re: T&T go down in Fort-de-France.
« on: October 12, 2016, 10:00:46 AM »
barataria i tried to stay away and was watching most the games on TV and maybe one or two on line, and when i see dem lost to haiti struggle to beat SVG in st vincent and concede three to china i knew then and there that it would be a miracle to beat guatemala at home, and it was.

i'll tell you what, it's not dat these men cyar ball, is jus dat they soft and can't handle rough house football, and dat is what  bermuda, guyana grenada panama and haiti did, they rough dem up and took dem out the game and teef dey head. dem fellas don't have the temperament like yorke latas, stern and whitley. it would be an absolute miracle if they win one single game in that whole hex. that is unless they change their head game, this is the softest T&T team ever.

as for molino, they should bannish him jus like skilla, no need for mavricks in the locker room f@ck he and his hattrick!

Football / Re: T&T go down in Fort-de-France.
« on: October 12, 2016, 09:51:47 AM »
scorpion breddren these fellas is de worst i've ever seen!! with the exception of meh boy KJ dem fellas ent psychologically ready for this level ah ball. dem still playing ah 1975 brand, kick and hope. steupppsssss!!

Football / Re: T&T go down in Fort-de-France.
« on: October 12, 2016, 09:33:13 AM »
ah promise to leff allyuh wid allyuh football business but i was compelled to say something especially about this lack luster bunch of new "warriors"!

hear nah!! allyuh men can't see that these fackin men done play football and is now baskin in the little glory they get from playing in a few mediocre leagues around the globe. imagine none of these jokers ent play no kinda top flight football on a top four team but they carrying on like they won every thing that there is to win and some.

 i watching football since i was old enough to know and understand what a football was, i see from bunny fish eye to franklin oliverer play football in the temarie laden savanah to the lush greenery of PSA grounds, i also took in national greats like de loen, laforest, span, sedley joseph and la foucade all the way down to latas and dwarika, and i could tell allyuh one thing, them fellas fought to the death and they never gave up until the last whistle.

after watching these fellas here i could only draw on a few bad conclusions, they feel that they reach because they had a few good results vs mexico and saw two gold cups back tuh back and made it to the hex so now is time to lay off. every thing the coach labor to teach them went in one ear and out the next and yuh could see it in they body language on the field, dem men reach weh dey goin.
after watching the panama game in the gold cup and that haiti game in panama i realize them men ent have no fight in dem, not to mention they are as soft as duck sh!t, their new title should be the soul boyz, because they takin licks from haiti, guyana, grenada, bermuda, not to mention SVG almost beat them in st vincent, thank god for his grace and intervention through levi garcia or else that woulda been it fuh we.

this new bunch of soca whatever yuh want tuh call dem, needs to take stock of men like saurez and mesi who have way more bank than dem, yet the way they show pride and passion for their national team is nothing short of mind boggling, and with all the money dem men have @ their disposal it's an absolute honor for them to put on their national colors and bleed for their team if needs be. those are the men who really reach, yet they don't come on the field and act like they can't afford to break a finger nail.

so in conclusion, unless these men are prepared to bleed for their team and take no prisoners, then i will keep my black ass home and to fack away with their nancies who wouldn't even break a sweat for their country and the many ppl who come out to support these jokey premadonnas.

Football / Re: 2013/14 CONCACAF Champions League Thread
« on: August 07, 2013, 11:49:18 AM »
When allyuh go learn boy??

it will take years of hard work and dedication for us as a ppl to compete efficiently on the world stage, whether it's sport, politic, economics, business, infrastructure, or technology, we are way behind when we should be keeping strides with the pack, that's bc the ppl who have the say in T&T are lazy greedy complaisant deluded thieves!

they are void of ideas and know how, they take every thing for granted and have no kind of vision for the future, it's too bad a country like haiti, cuba or even dominican rep eh have the kinda wealth we have, it almost hurts my heart to see good money go to waste on such a stagnant care free ppl.

..............ah wonder how come non of these mutts never figure out that this is the reason for underachieving all these decades?  :thinking:

it's ah crying shame i say. >:(

Yet T&T has the g an 3rd highest standard of livind per-capita income in the Western Hemisphere...3rd behind the USA and Canada.

Just some food for thought, breda.   :)
Third highest GDP/GNP which ever term you fancy.

and yeh, most that income is only distributed to a small section of the population, in other words the rich getting richer while trickle down economics is totally ignored and out of the question.

 in addition to that, we also have a very high poverty rate for our GDP per capita. could you imagine one million and a little less than a half population with extremely high revenues yet still livin under 3rd world status with very little infrastructural upgrades??

listen hero, there's no one on this earth who could sell me trinidad as a progressive nation, not even jesus christ who happens to be one of my favorite ppl to have walked the earth.

Football / Re: 2013/14 CONCACAF Champions League Thread
« on: August 06, 2013, 11:44:52 PM »
When allyuh go learn boy??

it will take years of hard work and dedication for us as a ppl to compete efficiently on the world stage, whether it's sport, politic, economics, business, infrastructure, or technology, we are way behind when we should be keeping strides with the pack, that's bc the ppl who have the say in T&T are lazy greedy complaisant deluded thieves!

they are void of ideas and know how, they take every thing for granted and have no kind of vision for the future, it's too bad a country like haiti, cuba or even dominican rep eh have the kinda wealth we have, it almost hurts my heart to see good money go to waste on such a stagnant care free ppl.

and yeh, for the last time, we would never beat no mexican club out of a place in the 2nd round, THAT'S BC THESE PPL ARE SERIOUS BOUT FOOTBALL, AND THEY SPEND MONEY AND DEDICATE THEIR TIME TO BEING FORMIDABLE.

T&T on the other hand has a piss poor league, they have no youth development programs or academies, they depend on a high school league to bleed our future crop of players, while these mexicans americans and central americans are following the world format for youth development.

ah wonder how come non of these mutts never figure out that this is the reason for underachieving all these decades?  :thinking:

it's ah crying shame i say. >:(

Look de list here Palas.

And it need to be updated, because Cali still signing Guyanese players.

Good point Palas.

Local coach is not good enough, even if they get all de support.

What ah ting......... PALASS    :heehee:

SAM ALLYUH GOOD OUI!   :whistling:

I refuse to consider a Caricom national a foreign player. Yes we have we have seperate govts etc, but there is, I guess, an emotional attachment thru West Indies cricket that makes us a "NATION". That is my feelings.

Yuh should go live in Jamaica and see how fast they kick yuh caricom ass out of they country.

See how much foreign players they have in they league, same with de other leagues in de caribbean.

Sad but true. 

Besides Shabazz and ALVIN Corneal...which other local coaches in T&T have voiced similar negative opinions about hiring foreign coaches for the national team?
Noooooo :shameonyou:

angus eve, clayton morris, brian williams, dexter skeene, david williams (connection chairman), feezer mohamed (journalist), and i think andre baptiste was another one, not 100% sure bout him though.

Football / Re: Hart starts talent search in Guayaguayare.
« on: August 01, 2013, 07:53:54 AM »
Way more than 200 people at the game

You will not find the finished product in the league

The idea is to find youth who have some ability and get them into an environment where they can then be  in a position help the team
Dais joke , back in the days intercol games in the savannah used to attract way more than that, never mind games @ PSA, in the oval and on the college grounds like fatima, CIC and QRC grounds, those games attracted thousands......... in the rain even.

football in T&T ded and stinkin.   :'(

Football / Re: RIP Rudy Roberts
« on: August 01, 2013, 07:49:12 AM »
Is he in anyway related to darryl roberts??

anyway RIP old soldier.

Football / Re: Keon Daniel in Kaka type midfield role.
« on: July 29, 2013, 06:19:49 PM »
Keon daniel is ah big player who knows how to score which is the main thing that our football lacks.

on another note, allyuh really rolled out the welcome mat for that peter fella.  :puking:

wow those were the good ole days of SWO hazing sessions, glad they are gone and way behind us, there were too many intolerant mdfkrs on the site.

Football / Re: Birchall set to consider his future with T&T
« on: July 29, 2013, 04:21:52 PM »
I have no problem with the fella taking a back seat (retiring), that's all well and good, but don't come later when we are in contention foranother WC or gold cup and express his desire to play once more, this is my point.

listen to the words the man used as to why he may consider retirement, "we're out of the world cup qualifiers now, so for a couple yrs their wont be much to play for".

this sound like to me this guy is not interested in playing "insignificant" football (friendlies), just tournament football. so the other players could work toward rebuilding a cohesive unit, while other players take a back seat until tournament time?? this i would have to say is quint essential birchall mentality.

just go back and see how many friendlies and caribbean tourneys did birchall participated in,  even when his season was over in MLS and was available to participate refused the call up.

as for the ppl who talking bout he busted a gut for us and was down for the cause, well why not! it's not every day a league 2 player gets the opportunity to play in a world cup. matter of fact it's ah fackin dream come through.

Football / Re: Birchall set to consider his future with T&T
« on: July 28, 2013, 06:12:58 PM »
Men talking about him not offering much to the national squad, yet it was goals from him that kept us in the hunt for our first World Cup. When last Bleeder score a goal/assist a goal/ prevent a goal??
So wait!!  ah man like stern who have 100 caps with 69 goals get to be ridiculed, even going through WCQ in 2005 which he netted 8 fackin goals, but birchall who score one goal for the cause is untouchable, and if anyone remotely throw a critical comment his way, it brings so much uproar?? man allyuh must like the taste of white poo!!

lemme ask yuh this though, when last he scored for us?? every time i criticize birchall i have to hear bout his great hussle and that one goal that helped took us to a WC, a WC that evidently took our football down to bare board bc of the impasse and the WC money that jack had a plan for in the first place.

i eh hate the bredder, but what is all the hype about, the guy eh all dat, he 's very ordinary. i could understand if the man was ah goal machine or an assist king, but what the guy brings to the team we could get that from one of the many midfielders that i specified earlier.

So d football finally look like it getting back on track and allyuh pissing on a man who eh sell like many others out and give blood, sweat and tears from d moment he realize he was a son of d soil........he still young and should not be physically burnt out so I hope to see him continue being a shining image of hard work and discipline for our young athletes to follow........or allyuh know something from behind d scenes?
So bleeder don't give his all, in that last tourney hyland didn't give his all, roberts didn't give his all?? but yet allyuh pound them!

right through the game man was bawlin for roberts to come off while he was bustin ah gut for the team, same with hyland, and doh talk for bleeder, that man never turn down ah call up, and is one of our very faithful players, but allyuh treat this boy worst than mud froth.  stueeppsss!

man talking bout "allyuh must know something behind the scenes", anybody have to know what's goin to give their opinion on a players. sttiuueeepppsssss! allyuh does kill me sore yes!!  since when golden boy is beyond reproach.

PS: and it have nuff members who feel the same as i do but scared sh!tless to stand up and back ah mdfkr!! real soft pussy sh!t!

Football / Re: Birchall set to consider his future with T&T
« on: July 28, 2013, 07:48:00 AM »
JC, you really hate Bleeder ahead of Chris throughout their int'l career? Hard to measure/quantify Bleeder's impact nationally IMO versus Chris and there are many contributions from Chris that changed the course of int'l games, several readily come to mind. Just hope is really footballing skills you are looking at when you critique the man and not phenotype or other passports etc. You could cuss me if u want, but it comes across more like the latter
Barataria i believe you smarter than that.

tell me this, if i hating on CB only bc he's white, then explain me why i rate and lobby for ppl like pfister and beehakker, why am i one of the few who calls our own ppl xenophobic if i adhere to the same principles??  that would make me the hypocrite of the decade if your speculative assertions were true, now wouldn't it?

despite my out spoken ways on white supremacy (this western white governmental system, not to be mistaken with the ayrian nation) i have nothing against white individuals like many of the baboons on here may like to think, as ah matter of fact i have half white kids believe it or not, and many white colleagues whom i get on very well with.

in ah nut shell, i think CB is very average and nothing to lose sleep over. as ah matter of fact i would be more worried if last leg carlos says he's contemplating retirement, than one trick pony CB.

BTW, my favorite player for a long time was steven gerard, and no i'm not a pool fan. another player who fascinates me id chritiano ronaldo, so white boy eh have sh!t to do with this, bottom line is, the man is ah lame duck!! end of fackin story!

Football / Re: Birchall set to consider his future with T&T
« on: July 28, 2013, 07:32:42 AM »
Here's a list of players who IMO, could replace birchall any day of the week.

jovin jones
darryl roberts
mekeil williams
kedell jagdoesingh

we don't need him if he wants to be treated special, and don't want to put in the work and earn his playing time. IMO the only reason he bitchin is bc he got very little playing time on hart's squad, and he figure's it would be a waste of his time to train and not get any playing time in these insignificant friendlies, just like the insignificant degicel cup.

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