Soca Warriors Online Discussion Forum

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: kandi_tt on March 21, 2006, 01:55:02 PM

Title: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: kandi_tt on March 21, 2006, 01:55:02 PM
Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Serious Question here...
Post by: Dutty on March 21, 2006, 02:35:35 PM
Whaay...ah tink yuh jus open de floodgates fuh answers on dis replies go reach 2/3 pages  :D

Long answer...if yuh not happy wit yuh woman, yuh lookin fuh someting better
If yuh happy wit yuh a classic case of yuh tink de 'grass greener on de odder side'

Short eh know

Yuh cyah overcome human nature....but yuh could try to fight it

Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: fari on March 21, 2006, 03:18:21 PM
from all the debate currently going on about polygamy here in the US it surprising u bring this topic up.   

i have heard several people theorize that is b/c we men are not genetically inclined to have one life partner so marriage is something that goes against our very nature.   i think that this is a fairly valid point, i will hold out for more answers from ppl tho.
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: morvant on March 21, 2006, 03:39:12 PM
 here goes

women act one way when the relationship first starts but after like a couple weeks


no more sweet perfume. no more go-go wine fuh nuttin. no more spark.

now the man would remain one way fuh the whole relationship. same old pervert and always wanna bull and lime. when ah woman with ah man fuh like ah couple weeks she feel he cyar lime with he friends again and now yuh talking to he on de phone too long and thing.

i always wanna go and sweat. but yyuh telling she yuh was sweating long b4 she come around but she doh wanna llisten so BOOM horn in yuh ass. 

Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: capodetutticapi on March 21, 2006, 04:48:23 PM
man is ah sex beast by nature.we will bull anything,she doh even have to look half as pretty as de wife or gyul.once we could get ah lil action we will bull.but as man ah will say I CYAR TAKE HORN.ah cyar imagine ah next man ridin meh wife in ah roastfowl or droppin it doggie style or even self she lickin he totee.right now meh babysitter wuh give me some ass,what is ah hot blooded trini man to do. :devil: :devil:.what the eyes doh see the heart doh grieve......allyuh woman might say...what go in de cow ass doh affect de bull.
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: kandi_tt on March 21, 2006, 07:23:35 PM
so far so good...i ask this question in ah lil rage today....

ah does only get ask out (85%) by man who married or have serious gfren....and they so friggnn persistent with no shame....
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: verb on March 21, 2006, 07:44:46 PM
Men are stupid sometimes they have to lose everything good they have sometimes, to realized that they made a mistake.  Like what is so different about the next girl.  You may say your wife talk too much or you guys argue too much so because of that you go cheat.  Then messing around with the next girl she will complain about you too.  You just gotta have patience and try to work things through.  Every has had argument in a relationships you just have to be mature enough to work it out.  If you just give up and don't try specially if in the relationship there's kids involved you have to try to work it out for the kids.  So when they grow up You could let them know how hard you tried to make the relationship work for their sake.  I know some people have maybe two or three arguments and just give they say they can't handle the arguments.  It's not that they can't handle it.  their minds are not fully developed for a real relationship.  They're still stuck on petty relationship.  I say if you know you're not ready for a relationship stay alone and leave the woman alone.  Stop Flirting around.  Just go find the easy girl who just want to give it up.  Because it hurts when you cheat and you can't tell the truth.  It's easy for a man to move on because their cold hearted, they care about only one needs.
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: verb on March 21, 2006, 08:45:40 PM
so far so good...i ask this question in ah lil rage today....

ah does only get ask out (85%) by man who married or have serious gfren....and they so friggnn persistent with no shame....

Girl, Man will never stop cheating.  It's up to us women to have each other's back.  I know if you don't mess with him there's always some other desperate chick who will even if she knows he's married.  So if he tells you he married and still wanna date you .what do you do?  Do you go ahead have fun with him or tell him to go home and take care of his wife?  Man, go mess around and flirt and do all kinds of things and expect us women to just at home and cater to their needs.  me personally I would not cheat on my until I find out he been going around.  But he besT believe that he will get it from me. Karma really do happen.
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: TriniCana on March 21, 2006, 09:21:49 PM

Kandi_tt  girl if you only know what you just do

if ya only know. <shakes her head>

Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: fari on March 21, 2006, 09:26:22 PM
about them marrid men and them...let me tell u sometihing kandi...marrid men and men in serious relationship r persistent...b/c they have nutten to lose.  if u blank them they going right back to dey gyul like nutten happen.  it have a show i listen to here in the states called the michael baisden, the man does have men who horning/ woman who getting horn/ outside woman call in and they does real break it down. i does be shaking meh in disbelief sometimes.
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: TriniCana on March 21, 2006, 09:36:59 PM
Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman??? ??? ???

Because they can, and we as women encourage it.

Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Trinitim on March 22, 2006, 01:08:07 AM

  Trinicana, Fari, Verb, Kandi_tt. I could just imagine how women feel, i could never really know because I am not a woman. I will not defend men because I know that most of them if given an opportunity behind closed door, will drop their pants. However I want ladies to know that there are still good men out there who believe in Monogamy  and believe in a loving and fulfilling relationship. I read some points earlier and yes is true men are by nature sexual beings we are aroused quicker because our genitals are on the exterior, but that does not justify any of men's actions. I have friends who have like almost perfect wives and they does still horn, I does talk to them and say listen that is not right, its not fair and it is dishonest, i warn them of the disease factor and the whole idea of being unfaithful. They say I go stop just now and all kind of jazz.

   Let me say that the decision to horn or not is based primarily on a person's value system whether male or female. If an individual has values and morals then it is much more difficult for that person to be Unfaithful. Might I say as well when you looking to marry someone or get into a serious relationship with look for person that LOVES THE  LORD and serious about keeping his commandments. Oh and there is a difference between a church going person and a serious Christian or follower of God. The truth is I hear people saying some of the worst people is church people " if you looking for a bad woman or man just start in the church" - This stigma is given to so called Church-going people who do not have a serious relationship with God.

   If a Man or a Woman is a serious follower of Almighty God then they will obey his Commandments. Jesus did say if you love me you will keep my commandments. And Being faithful to your spouse or Girlfriend is well pleasing in the sight of God, its a commandment that man should not commit adultery. If a man or woman loves the Lord then they will not sin in this area. Let me say again all is not doomed there are good men out there you just have to search for them, and when you get one hold on to him because he is unique. Good men are a scarce commodity today. I am not married as yet but I am in a very serious loving and fulfilling relationship, I have been faithful to my girlfriend. To some that might be hard to believe because you don't know me and I putting up a story about man should be faithful. I know some of you'll reading this might be thinking what the hell: Who knows the same person who write this must be Horning more than all of we, but Almighty God knows my heart and he will be my JUDGE if I am lying.

 Synopsis: 1) Men horn because is a EGO thing, they love to buss up they mouth and tell their friends " I REAL BEAT IN THAT TING BOY  I HAD SHE DOING THIS AND THAT, IF YOU HEAR HOW SHE BAWLING. MAN LIKE THAT JAZZ BECAUSE IT FEEDS THEIR EGO.

2) Men horn if their marriages or relationships are miserable, they look for a release.

3) Some MEN ARE JUST HOES. Plain talk bad manners anything pass in a skirt they will sleep with.

     A WORD TO MEN : God said Do unto others as you would have them do unto you - Thats the GOLDEN COMMANDMENT - If you know you don't like horn and unfaithfulness, then don't do it to your wife or girlfriend. Simple as that. I fail to believe that man can't control himself if we couldn't then all of us would be in jail for rape or something the truth is we could control ourselves and be faithful to our wives and girlfriends. I will say a prayer for all men and I hope that if there are men who are reading this and know in their hearts they cheat and play around consider stopping and changing your life around. God will be pleased, your wife girlfiend will be pleased, and believe it or not you yourselves will be pleased.
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: TriniCana on March 22, 2006, 01:55:26 AM
<stares at Trinitim>

Trinitim if ya married already, ya have brothers that think like you ?

Where you come out from ? what hole you was hiding in since I come in here ?

Hear nah, ah NEVER enjoy ah read like that in ah long time.

Thank You sar  :applause:

Hopefully some of the women in here would also read this and know, that just because he can do it, that doesn't mean you can do it too.

Again Trinitim well said :beermug:
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Dutty on March 22, 2006, 07:38:51 AM
<stares at Trinitim>

Trinitim if ya married already, ya have brothers that think like you ?

Where you come out from ? what hole you was hiding in since I come in here ?

Hear nah, ah NEVER enjoy ah read like that in ah long time.

Thank You sar  :applause:

Hopefully some of the women in here would also read this and know, that just because he can do it, that doesn't mean you can do it too.

Again Trinitim well said :beermug:

Lawd allyuh women eh...ah man rinse out yuh ears and eyes with speech dat allyuh want to hear,, an suddenly yuh aksin if he have brothers?  :rotfl:

Trinitim know some ah de hardest bible thumpers from de pulpit on down, does be doin dey ting undercover dem is leaders of de foc uh flock  ;)

Doh study me Tim, I eh pickin off yuh answer, especially as yuh spend dat much typing it, I applaud it
However I doh beleive bible thumpers have de market on morality and  'livin right' cornered is all

KandiTT...yuh want ah comedic  poignant answer to your question?
Go to the video store, rent  Chris Rock's 'Never Scared' and yuh will get yuh answer from at least de 2nd half of de show

Hol it dong
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: TriniCana on March 22, 2006, 07:57:26 AM
Dutty ya have ah brother ?  ;D
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Dutty on March 22, 2006, 08:06:27 AM
Dutty ya have ah brother ?  ;D

Yeah, he name 'mo'dutty' an he livin Windsor  ;)
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: TriniCana on March 22, 2006, 08:11:21 AM

Windsor eh! hmmm 1 hour drive eh hmmmm alright
Tell mo dutty, my name is Always  ;D
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Observer on March 22, 2006, 08:49:13 AM
It was't me  :devil:
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: kandi_tt on March 22, 2006, 09:40:07 AM
about them marrid men and them...let me tell u sometihing kandi...marrid men and men in serious relationship r persistent...b/c they have nutten to lose.  if u blank them they going right back to dey gyul like nutten happen.  it have a show i listen to here in the states called the michael baisden, the man does have men who horning/ woman who getting horn/ outside woman call in and they does real break it down. i does be shaking meh in disbelief sometimes.

just fuh d record...ah does seriously be blanking dem...cause

i aint giving no horn, i aint encouraging noone to horn...I AINT TAKING NO HORN....

but ah does just have to shake meh head and wonder wha d hell wrong with these people...
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: kandi_tt on March 22, 2006, 09:40:48 AM
Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman??? ??? ???

Because they can, and we as women encourage it.

yuh damn rite.....
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: kandi_tt on March 22, 2006, 09:47:26 AM

  Trinicana, Fari, Verb, Kandi_tt. I could just imagine how women feel, i could never really know because I am not a woman. I will not defend men because I know that most of them if given an opportunity behind closed door, will drop their pants. However I want ladies to know that there are still good men out there who believe in Monogamy  and believe in a loving and fulfilling relationship. I read some points earlier and yes is true men are by nature sexual beings we are aroused quicker because our genitals are on the exterior, but that does not justify any of men's actions. I have friends who have like almost perfect wives and they does still horn, I does talk to them and say listen that is not right, its not fair and it is dishonest, i warn them of the disease factor and the whole idea of being unfaithful. They say I go stop just now and all kind of jazz.

   Let me say that the decision to horn or not is based primarily on a person's value system whether male or female. If an individual has values and morals then it is much more difficult for that person to be Unfaithful. Might I say as well when you looking to marry someone or get into a serious relationship with look for person that LOVES THE  LORD and serious about keeping his commandments. Oh and there is a difference between a church going person and a serious Christian or follower of God. The truth is I hear people saying some of the worst people is church people " if you looking for a bad woman or man just start in the church" - This stigma is given to so called Church-going people who do not have a serious relationship with God.

   If a Man or a Woman is a serious follower of Almighty God then they will obey his Commandments. Jesus did say if you love me you will keep my commandments. And Being faithful to your spouse or Girlfriend is well pleasing in the sight of God, its a commandment that man should not commit adultery. If a man or woman loves the Lord then they will not sin in this area. Let me say again all is not doomed there are good men out there you just have to search for them, and when you get one hold on to him because he is unique. Good men are a scarce commodity today. I am not married as yet but I am in a very serious loving and fulfilling relationship, I have been faithful to my girlfriend. To some that might be hard to believe because you don't know me and I putting up a story about man should be faithful. I know some of you'll reading this might be thinking what the hell: Who knows the same person who write this must be Horning more than all of we, but Almighty God knows my heart and he will be my JUDGE if I am lying.

 Synopsis: 1) Men horn because is a EGO thing, they love to buss up they mouth and tell their friends " I REAL BEAT IN THAT TING BOY  I HAD SHE DOING THIS AND THAT, IF YOU HEAR HOW SHE BAWLING. MAN LIKE THAT JAZZ BECAUSE IT FEEDS THEIR EGO.

2) Men horn if their marriages or relationships are miserable, they look for a release.

3) Some MEN ARE JUST HOES. Plain talk bad manners anything pass in a skirt they will sleep with.

     A WORD TO MEN : God said Do unto others as you would have them do unto you - Thats the GOLDEN COMMANDMENT - If you know you don't like horn and unfaithfulness, then don't do it to your wife or girlfriend. Simple as that. I fail to believe that man can't control himself if we couldn't then all of us would be in jail for rape or something the truth is we could control ourselves and be faithful to our wives and girlfriends. I will say a prayer for all men and I hope that if there are men who are reading this and know in their hearts they cheat and play around consider stopping and changing your life around. God will be pleased, your wife girlfiend will be pleased, and believe it or not you yourselves will be pleased.

BEST POST FUH D YEAR  - GENERAL FORUM.... :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

and thank you for you opinion, advice and prayers....
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Trinitim on March 22, 2006, 12:51:51 PM
 Thanks Trinicana, kandi_tt for bringing up this topic it was greatly appreciated and I believe that men should have greater respect for their wives and girlfriends. I thank God for women, without them Men would be miseraable. No wonder God said it is not good for man to be alone. I appreciate the courage and the resiliance of ladies like yourselves who do not stoop to a level where men could use you but stand dignified and proud. Women like yourselves deserve a Good Man, who is loving, faithful and will atend to your every need. I hope that things work out with you and with all ladies who have self-respect and decorum. I also hope men would stand up and be counted and stop being immature and take the responsibiltiy of being a Man, that is Loving God, providing for your family, loving your family . Making sure your wife or girlfriend feel loved and cherished, and spending time with your children. Any man that does this no matter if you rich or your poor, handsome or otherwise will have my respect and I am sure many others.
   We have to much broken homes, to much lies and deceit. To much children suffering because men don't want to be mature and stand up and face their responsibility. To many men running off and leaving the mothers to perform both maternal and paternal  duties it can't work so, both parents must share the responsibility of raising kids. Oh and I don't have any brothers sorry !!!!! LOL I have one sister and let me say, you guys you know you don't want any man ill treating your sister, i mean come on if somebody does you quick to get upset and wanna fight and thing. Well if this is the case then please treat your ladies right. The same way you don't want anyone ill treating your sister don't ill treat somebody else's sister or daughter. The sooner we respect each other the better.

    I hear guys say women talk to much. Yes sometimes is true but if you listen sometimes they are not JUST BABBLING, they are expressing their needs and wants, their concerns, and if you really love them and sincerely care about them then you will listen and not look at it as a burden. I have learnt that when you listen to you wife or your girlfriend most times they are usually right. . All a woman needs is to feel loved, cherished and understood thats it. I know men want a faithful woman who will be there at his side to support him in any decision he may make. So thanks again and God bless!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: kandi_tt on March 22, 2006, 01:57:05 PM
 Thanks Trinicana, kandi_tt for bringing up this topic it was greatly appreciated and I believe that men should have greater respect for their wives and girlfriends. I thank God for women, without them Men would be miseraable. No wonder God said it is not good for man to be alone. I appreciate the courage and the resiliance of ladies like yourselves who do not stoop to a level where men could use you but stand dignified and proud. Women like yourselves deserve a Good Man, who is loving, faithful and will atend to your every need. I hope that things work out with you and with all ladies who have self-respect and decorum. I also hope men would stand up and be counted and stop being immature and take the responsibiltiy of being a Man, that is Loving God, providing for your family, loving your family . Making sure your wife or girlfriend feel loved and cherished, and spending time with your children. Any man that does this no matter if you rich or your poor, handsome or otherwise will have my respect and I am sure many others.
   We have to much broken homes, to much lies and deceit. To much children suffering because men don't want to be mature and stand up and face their responsibility. To many men running off and leaving the mothers to perform both maternal and paternal  duties it can't work so, both parents must share the responsibility of raising kids. Oh and I don't have any brothers sorry !!!!! LOL I have one sister and let me say, you guys you know you don't want any man ill treating your sister, i mean come on if somebody does you quick to get upset and wanna fight and thing. Well if this is the case then please treat your ladies right. The same way you don't want anyone ill treating your sister don't ill treat somebody else's sister or daughter. The sooner we respect each other the better.

    I hear guys say women talk to much. Yes sometimes is true but if you listen sometimes they are not JUST BABBLING, they are expressing their needs and wants, their concerns, and if you really love them and sincerely care about them then you will listen and not look at it as a burden. I have learnt that when you listen to you wife or your girlfriend most times they are usually right. . All a woman needs is to feel loved, cherished and understood thats it. I know men want a faithful woman who will be there at his side to support him in any decision he may make. So thanks again and God bless!!!!!!!!!!

no offence... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotf:

i go support ah man like that....of course if he having and minding d chirren to....  ;)
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: oconnorg on March 22, 2006, 02:20:43 PM
Oh geeeze..
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: TriniCana on March 22, 2006, 03:31:42 PM
 Thanks Trinicana, kandi_tt for bringing up this topic it was greatly appreciated and I believe that men should have greater respect for their wives and girlfriends. I thank God for women, without them Men would be miseraable. No wonder God said it is not good for man to be alone. I appreciate the courage and the resiliance of ladies like yourselves who do not stoop to a level where men could use you but stand dignified and proud. Women like yourselves deserve a Good Man, who is loving, faithful and will atend to your every need. I hope that things work out with you and with all ladies who have self-respect and decorum. I also hope men would stand up and be counted and stop being immature and take the responsibiltiy of being a Man, that is Loving God, providing for your family, loving your family . Making sure your wife or girlfriend feel loved and cherished, and spending time with your children. Any man that does this no matter if you rich or your poor, handsome or otherwise will have my respect and I am sure many others.
   We have to much broken homes, to much lies and deceit. To much children suffering because men don't want to be mature and stand up and face their responsibility. To many men running off and leaving the mothers to perform both maternal and paternal  duties it can't work so, both parents must share the responsibility of raising kids. Oh and I don't have any brothers sorry !!!!! LOL I have one sister and let me say, you guys you know you don't want any man ill treating your sister, i mean come on if somebody does you quick to get upset and wanna fight and thing. Well if this is the case then please treat your ladies right. The same way you don't want anyone ill treating your sister don't ill treat somebody else's sister or daughter. The sooner we respect each other the better.

  I hear guys say women talk to much. Yes sometimes is true   but if you listen sometimes they are not JUST BABBLING, they are expressing their needs and wants, their concerns, and if you really love them and sincerely care about them then you will listen and not look at it as a burden. I have learnt that when you listen to you wife or your girlfriend most times they are usually right. . All a woman needs is to feel loved, cherished and understood thats it. I know men want a faithful woman who will be there at his side to support him in any decision he may make. So thanks again and God bless!!!!!!!!!!

Ah just letting ya know that I took part of your statement and made a banner for my office.

"I hear guys say women talk to much. Yes sometimes is true" <----------I won't disagree, but is allyuh that does send we blood pressure high.
It don't have enough hours in dey day for me to start on WHY allyuh does make us talk so much.
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: #8 on March 22, 2006, 07:20:48 PM
so far so good...i ask this question in ah lil rage today....

ah does only get ask out (85%) by man who married or have serious gfren....and they so friggnn persistent with no shame....
somebody probably buss de mark dat yuh have a bess wine ;D
on ah serious note though..(i not speaking for all man here)but to some men is a status/ranking ting to have a wife/serious gyal and have a ting on de side to beat out or do things that they can't or won't do with the wifey/serious gyal (or that the gyal on side will do that the wifey/serious gyal can't/won't do) then again every case is your case it could just be that de fellars dat running yuh down see something in you that they wife/serious gyal do have...physical features/sense of humour/personality etc. :beermug:
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: fishs on March 23, 2006, 08:02:30 AM
Me, I have ah big problem saying NO.
This thing ent no one way street as de ladies here making it out to be.
Nuff woman does know ah man married or have ah serious ting with ah woman an still blatantly want to drop dey pants for them.
It happen tuh me on ah regular basis and ah too wellbred tuh refuse.  :devil: :devil: :devil:
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: kandi_tt on March 23, 2006, 10:29:47 AM
Me, I have ah big problem saying NO.
This thing ent no one way street as de ladies here making it out to be.
Nuff woman does know ah man married or have ah serious ting with ah woman an still blatantly want to drop dey pants for them.
It happen tuh me on ah regular basis and ah too wellbred tuh refuse.  :devil: :devil: :devil:

 :rotfl: :rotfl:

i aint saying it ah one way street atall atall, it have nuff oman that does do they shit out there and have d rest ah we gettin bad name....

works both ways...
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: AB.Trini on April 22, 2007, 10:47:38 AM
What keeps a man young?

WHAT  happens when parlour closes up at home?

When    a tried old nag closes the barn door what mn must do?

Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: TriniCana on April 22, 2007, 10:26:55 PM
What keeps a man young?

WHAT  happens when parlour closes up at home?

When    a tried old nag closes the barn door what mn must do?

ah convertible and ah tupaee

furthermore dey parlour NEVER closes, it jus doh open to bent keys

<runs like hell>
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: warmonga on April 23, 2007, 07:25:26 AM
mi jes love woman .  woman too sexy jes to have one in my books..

Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: grskywalker on April 23, 2007, 07:32:14 AM
so far so good...i ask this question in ah lil rage today....

ah does only get ask out (85%) by man who married or have serious gfren....and they so friggnn persistent with no shame....

Good to see you back on the forum KANDI but what a comeback, gees, ah feel ah marrid man horn yuh :rotfl: :rotfl:
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: cocoapanyol on April 23, 2007, 08:39:29 AM

  Trinicana, Fari, Verb, Kandi_tt. I could just imagine how women feel, i could never really know because I am not a woman. I will not defend men because I know that most of them if given an opportunity behind closed door, will drop their pants. However I want ladies to know that there are still good men out there who believe in Monogamy  and believe in a loving and fulfilling relationship. I read some points earlier and yes is true men are by nature sexual beings we are aroused quicker because our genitals are on the exterior, but that does not justify any of men's actions. I have friends who have like almost perfect wives and they does still horn, I does talk to them and say listen that is not right, its not fair and it is dishonest, i warn them of the disease factor and the whole idea of being unfaithful. They say I go stop just now and all kind of jazz.

   Let me say that the decision to horn or not is based primarily on a person's value system whether male or female. If an individual has values and morals then it is much more difficult for that person to be Unfaithful. Might I say as well when you looking to marry someone or get into a serious relationship with look for person that LOVES THE  LORD and serious about keeping his commandments. Oh and there is a difference between a church going person and a serious Christian or follower of God. The truth is I hear people saying some of the worst people is church people " if you looking for a bad woman or man just start in the church" - This stigma is given to so called Church-going people who do not have a serious relationship with God.

   If a Man or a Woman is a serious follower of Almighty God then they will obey his Commandments. Jesus did say if you love me you will keep my commandments. And Being faithful to your spouse or Girlfriend is well pleasing in the sight of God, its a commandment that man should not commit adultery. If a man or woman loves the Lord then they will not sin in this area. Let me say again all is not doomed there are good men out there you just have to search for them, and when you get one hold on to him because he is unique. Good men are a scarce commodity today. I am not married as yet but I am in a very serious loving and fulfilling relationship, I have been faithful to my girlfriend. To some that might be hard to believe because you don't know me and I putting up a story about man should be faithful. I know some of you'll reading this might be thinking what the hell: Who knows the same person who write this must be Horning more than all of we, but Almighty God knows my heart and he will be my JUDGE if I am lying.

 Synopsis: 1) Men horn because is a EGO thing, they love to buss up they mouth and tell their friends " I REAL BEAT IN THAT TING BOY  I HAD SHE DOING THIS AND THAT, IF YOU HEAR HOW SHE BAWLING. MAN LIKE THAT JAZZ BECAUSE IT FEEDS THEIR EGO.

2) Men horn if their marriages or relationships are miserable, they look for a release.

3) Some MEN ARE JUST HOES. Plain talk bad manners anything pass in a skirt they will sleep with.

     A WORD TO MEN : God said Do unto others as you would have them do unto you - Thats the GOLDEN COMMANDMENT - If you know you don't like horn and unfaithfulness, then don't do it to your wife or girlfriend. Simple as that. I fail to believe that man can't control himself if we couldn't then all of us would be in jail for rape or something the truth is we could control ourselves and be faithful to our wives and girlfriends. I will say a prayer for all men and I hope that if there are men who are reading this and know in their hearts they cheat and play around consider stopping and changing your life around. God will be pleased, your wife girlfiend will be pleased, and believe it or not you yourselves will be pleased.

Nice post...but jes as ah matter of clarification...Dat eh true eh (see bold above).  Jes cause yuh cyar "see" it, doh mean it eh happenin.  Doh get tie up.  Dat is ah common misconception.   
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: cocoapanyol on April 23, 2007, 08:41:35 AM
What keeps a man young?

WHAT  happens when parlour closes up at home?

When    a tried old nag closes the barn door what mn must do?

find de right oil tuh grease de door back open.  If de close shut, it must be didn't use tuh get open enuf in de first place and it get rusty.
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Pointman on April 25, 2007, 10:52:30 AM
Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman??? ??? ???

cause that's how we roll :devil:
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Jefferz on April 25, 2007, 05:41:30 PM
why do men who already have power seek more power.

I eh sayin it right, but it doesnt surprise me... it's human nature... I however dont give into for myself as an excuse...

oh well.

Life goes on... you just need to make sure you yourself weed out all the bad ones.
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Touches on April 26, 2007, 08:26:37 AM

Men just want to work up they appetite.

So when they come home hungry they will eat a food. Even if it ent too visually appealing, low in quality, quantity, nutritional value and the odour not too appealing.

It is quite alright to work up ones appetite, once they eat at home.

The problem occurs when the snacks down the road are a bit more tempting, delicious and easily accessible. Worse yet if the poor gentleman could get a big meal....complete with appetiser and dessert......then yuh in trouble.

Honestly is only so much cornbeef and rice a man could take.

So ladies the trick is....

1) Find a man who never eat nothing but cornbeef and rice. As yuh cyar miss what yuh never had.

2) Make sure yuh corn beef and rice is d best one out there and nobody else own could test it. Yuh know add some pimento and ting.

3) Make yuh own snacks and send him with a lunchkit, if he want a snack(s) give them to him freely. Have it right there within, touching distance, he must never ask for one again.

4) Finally, Learn to make some gourmet meal, the meats supposed to marinate and season well and the wine should get better with age. Experiment with different courses and the Main course should be something to look fwd to every night. I guarantee after perfecting these cooking techniques the poor chap will have no option but to stay home and keep quiet.

P.S.....there are some gluttons and greedy men amongst us who have an affinity for different types of cuisine, Chinese, Indian, Creole, Spanish, European etc. 
Ladies you must learn to spot them before you decide to cook for them, they can be found eating in different restaurants every night of the week.
It will be foolish to think that you can trap one of these men with discerning taste,fine taste buds, fat wallets and an array of culinary dining experience with your left hand dumplin and corned beef and doe wuk so.

Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: cocoapanyol on April 26, 2007, 08:35:06 AM

Men just want to work up they appetite.

So when they come home hungry they will eat a food. Even if it ent too visually appealing, low in quality, quantity, nutritional value and the odour not too appealing.

It is quite alright to work up ones appetite, once they eat at home.

The problem occurs when the snacks down the road are a bit more tempting, delicious and easily accessible. Worse yet if the poor gentleman could get a big meal....complete with appetiser and dessert......then yuh in trouble.

Honestly is only so much cornbeef and rice a man could take.

So ladies the trick is....

1) Find a man who never eat nothing but cornbeef and rice. As yuh cyar miss what yuh never had.

2) Make sure yuh corn beef and rice is d best one out there and nobody else own could test it. Yuh know add some pimento and ting.

3) Make yuh own snacks and send him with a lunchkit, if he want a snack(s) give them to him freely. Have it right there within, touching distance, he must never ask for one again.

4) Finally, Learn to make some gourmet meal, the meats supposed to marinate and season well and the wine should get better with age. Experiment with different courses and the Main course should be something to look fwd to every night. I guarantee after perfecting these cooking techniques the poor chap will have no option but to stay home and keep quiet.

P.S.....there are some gluttons and greedy men amongst us who have an affinity for different types of cuisine, Chinese, Indian, Creole, Spanish, European etc.  Ladies you must learn to spot them before you decide to cook for them, they can be found eating in different restaurants every night of the week.
It will be foolish to think that you can trap one of these men with discerning taste,fine taste buds, fat wallets and an array of culinary dining experience with your left hand dumplin and corned beef and doe wuk so.


 :rotfl: :rotfl:  ain't that the truth!!
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Grande on April 26, 2007, 10:55:28 AM

Men just want to work up they appetite.

So when they come home hungry they will eat a food. Even if it ent too visually appealing, low in quality, quantity, nutritional value and the odour not too appealing.

It is quite alright to work up ones appetite, once they eat at home.

The problem occurs when the snacks down the road are a bit more tempting, delicious and easily accessible. Worse yet if the poor gentleman could get a big meal....complete with appetiser and dessert......then yuh in trouble.

Honestly is only so much cornbeef and rice a man could take.

So ladies the trick is....

1) Find a man who never eat nothing but cornbeef and rice. As yuh cyar miss what yuh never had.

2) Make sure yuh corn beef and rice is d best one out there and nobody else own could test it. Yuh know add some pimento and ting.

3) Make yuh own snacks and send him with a lunchkit, if he want a snack(s) give them to him freely. Have it right there within, touching distance, he must never ask for one again.

4) Finally, Learn to make some gourmet meal, the meats supposed to marinate and season well and the wine should get better with age. Experiment with different courses and the Main course should be something to look fwd to every night. I guarantee after perfecting these cooking techniques the poor chap will have no option but to stay home and keep quiet.

P.S.....there are some gluttons and greedy men amongst us who have an affinity for different types of cuisine, Chinese, Indian, Creole, Spanish, European etc. 
Ladies you must learn to spot them before you decide to cook for them, they can be found eating in different restaurants every night of the week.
It will be foolish to think that you can trap one of these men with discerning taste,fine taste buds, fat wallets and an array of culinary dining experience with your left hand dumplin and corned beef and doe wuk so.


 :rotfl: :rotfl:  :applause:
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Dutty on April 26, 2007, 01:52:27 PM
De man like ah classic poet , a french chef and a english football commentator  all rolled into one  :notworthy:
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: lickslikefire on April 29, 2007, 08:08:39 AM

Men just want to work up they appetite.

So when they come home hungry they will eat a food. Even if it ent too visually appealing, low in quality, quantity, nutritional value and the odour not too appealing.

It is quite alright to work up ones appetite, once they eat at home.

The problem occurs when the snacks down the road are a bit more tempting, delicious and easily accessible. Worse yet if the poor gentleman could get a big meal....complete with appetiser and dessert......then yuh in trouble.

Honestly is only so much cornbeef and rice a man could take.

So ladies the trick is....

1) Find a man who never eat nothing but cornbeef and rice. As yuh cyar miss what yuh never had.

2) Make sure yuh corn beef and rice is d best one out there and nobody else own could test it. Yuh know add some pimento and ting.

3) Make yuh own snacks and send him with a lunchkit, if he want a snack(s) give them to him freely. Have it right there within, touching distance, he must never ask for one again.

4) Finally, Learn to make some gourmet meal, the meats supposed to marinate and season well and the wine should get better with age. Experiment with different courses and the Main course should be something to look fwd to every night. I guarantee after perfecting these cooking techniques the poor chap will have no option but to stay home and keep quiet.

P.S.....there are some gluttons and greedy men amongst us who have an affinity for different types of cuisine, Chinese, Indian, Creole, Spanish, European etc. 
Ladies you must learn to spot them before you decide to cook for them, they can be found eating in different restaurants every night of the week.
It will be foolish to think that you can trap one of these men with discerning taste,fine taste buds, fat wallets and an array of culinary dining experience with your left hand dumplin and corned beef and doe wuk so.


well yes  :applause: :applause:

this post sums up everyting nicely
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: kaliman2006 on April 29, 2007, 08:13:32 PM

Men just want to work up they appetite.

So when they come home hungry they will eat a food. Even if it ent too visually appealing, low in quality, quantity, nutritional value and the odour not too appealing.

It is quite alright to work up ones appetite, once they eat at home.

The problem occurs when the snacks down the road are a bit more tempting, delicious and easily accessible. Worse yet if the poor gentleman could get a big meal....complete with appetiser and dessert......then yuh in trouble.

Honestly is only so much cornbeef and rice a man could take.

So ladies the trick is....

1) Find a man who never eat nothing but cornbeef and rice. As yuh cyar miss what yuh never had.

2) Make sure yuh corn beef and rice is d best one out there and nobody else own could test it. Yuh know add some pimento and ting.

3) Make yuh own snacks and send him with a lunchkit, if he want a snack(s) give them to him freely. Have it right there within, touching distance, he must never ask for one again.

4) Finally, Learn to make some gourmet meal, the meats supposed to marinate and season well and the wine should get better with age. Experiment with different courses and the Main course should be something to look fwd to every night. I guarantee after perfecting these cooking techniques the poor chap will have no option but to stay home and keep quiet.

P.S.....there are some gluttons and greedy men amongst us who have an affinity for different types of cuisine, Chinese, Indian, Creole, Spanish, European etc.  Ladies you must learn to spot them before you decide to cook for them, they can be found eating in different restaurants every night of the week.
It will be foolish to think that you can trap one of these men with discerning taste,fine taste buds, fat wallets and an array of culinary dining experience with your left hand dumplin and corned beef and doe wuk so.


 :rotfl: :rotfl:  ain't that the truth!!

Yuh talking about food right?  ;D
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Pro-Jayz on April 30, 2007, 08:57:37 AM
Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman??? ??? ???

De same friggin reason why woman who have man does track other men!!...dont act like women are saints
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Phensic on May 10, 2007, 12:19:08 PM
man is ah sex beast by nature.we will bull anything,she doh even have to look half as pretty as de wife or gyul.once we could get ah lil action we will bull.but as man ah will say I CYAR TAKE HORN.ah cyar imagine ah next man ridin meh wife in ah roastfowl or droppin it doggie style or even self she lickin he totee.right now meh babysitter wuh give me some ass,what is ah hot blooded trini man to do. :devil: :devil:.what the eyes doh see the heart doh grieve......allyuh woman might say...what go in de cow ass doh affect de bull.

Ohhh gawwdddd....dee candor not easy here nahhh  :rotfl:  :rotfl:  :rotfl:
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: cocoapanyol on May 10, 2007, 12:20:33 PM

Men just want to work up they appetite.

So when they come home hungry they will eat a food. Even if it ent too visually appealing, low in quality, quantity, nutritional value and the odour not too appealing.

It is quite alright to work up ones appetite, once they eat at home.

The problem occurs when the snacks down the road are a bit more tempting, delicious and easily accessible. Worse yet if the poor gentleman could get a big meal....complete with appetiser and dessert......then yuh in trouble.

Honestly is only so much cornbeef and rice a man could take.

So ladies the trick is....

1) Find a man who never eat nothing but cornbeef and rice. As yuh cyar miss what yuh never had.

2) Make sure yuh corn beef and rice is d best one out there and nobody else own could test it. Yuh know add some pimento and ting.

3) Make yuh own snacks and send him with a lunchkit, if he want a snack(s) give them to him freely. Have it right there within, touching distance, he must never ask for one again.

4) Finally, Learn to make some gourmet meal, the meats supposed to marinate and season well and the wine should get better with age. Experiment with different courses and the Main course should be something to look fwd to every night. I guarantee after perfecting these cooking techniques the poor chap will have no option but to stay home and keep quiet.

P.S.....there are some gluttons and greedy men amongst us who have an affinity for different types of cuisine, Chinese, Indian, Creole, Spanish, European etc.  Ladies you must learn to spot them before you decide to cook for them, they can be found eating in different restaurants every night of the week.
It will be foolish to think that you can trap one of these men with discerning taste,fine taste buds, fat wallets and an array of culinary dining experience with your left hand dumplin and corned beef and doe wuk so.


 :rotfl: :rotfl:  ain't that the truth!!

Yuh talking about food right?  ;D

Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: cocoapanyol on May 10, 2007, 12:22:13 PM
man is ah sex beast by nature.we will bull anything,she doh even have to look half as pretty as de wife or gyul.once we could get ah lil action we will bull.but as man ah will say I CYAR TAKE HORN.ah cyar imagine ah next man ridin meh wife in ah roastfowl or droppin it doggie style or even self she lickin he totee.right now meh babysitter wuh give me some ass,what is ah hot blooded trini man to do. :devil: :devil:.what the eyes doh see the heart doh grieve......allyuh woman might say...what go in de cow ass doh affect de bull.

Ohhh gawwdddd....dee candor not easy here nahhh  :rotfl:  :rotfl:  :rotfl:

Capo mout doh have no cover. :o
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: capodetutticapi on May 10, 2007, 01:08:12 PM
man is ah sex beast by nature.we will bull anything,she doh even have to look half as pretty as de wife or gyul.once we could get ah lil action we will bull.but as man ah will say I CYAR TAKE HORN.ah cyar imagine ah next man ridin meh wife in ah roastfowl or droppin it doggie style or even self she lickin he totee.right now meh babysitter wuh give me some ass,what is ah hot blooded trini man to do. :devil: :devil:.what the eyes doh see the heart doh grieve......allyuh woman might say...what go in de cow ass doh affect de bull.

Ohhh gawwdddd....dee candor not easy here nahhh  :rotfl:  :rotfl:  :rotfl:

Capo mout doh have no cover. :o
meh wife does always tell me that...yuh know what i does tell she........but i have ah cork fuh yuh ass.
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: capodetutticapi on May 10, 2007, 01:09:44 PM
but on ah serious note it all boils dong like what they see.......women on de other hand like what they hear.
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: cocoapanyol on May 10, 2007, 01:17:02 PM
but on ah serious note it all boils dong like what they see.......women on de other hand like what they hear.

which woman tell you dat!!  Steups!!  Yuh ever see Dr. Rat?  (God res he soul...ah hear he gorn).  It eh have nuttin dat man coulda tell me dat woulda make meh knees weak.  Allyuh man is someting else oui.  woman like what dey see too.  Doh get tie up.  We like we present wrap up lil nice, not jes in some cardboard box.
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: cocoapanyol on May 10, 2007, 01:17:52 PM
man is ah sex beast by nature.we will bull anything,she doh even have to look half as pretty as de wife or gyul.once we could get ah lil action we will bull.but as man ah will say I CYAR TAKE HORN.ah cyar imagine ah next man ridin meh wife in ah roastfowl or droppin it doggie style or even self she lickin he totee.right now meh babysitter wuh give me some ass,what is ah hot blooded trini man to do. :devil: :devil:.what the eyes doh see the heart doh grieve......allyuh woman might say...what go in de cow ass doh affect de bull.

Ohhh gawwdddd....dee candor not easy here nahhh  :rotfl:  :rotfl:  :rotfl:

Capo mout doh have no cover. :o
meh wife does always tell me that...yuh know what i does tell she........but i have ah cork fuh yuh ass.

Yuh poor wife.  Ah go say two prayers fuh she.  She need it if she have tuh contend wid you!! :D
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: capodetutticapi on May 10, 2007, 01:23:06 PM
but on ah serious note it all boils dong like what they see.......women on de other hand like what they hear.

which woman tell you dat!!  Steups!!  Yuh ever see Dr. Rat?  (God res he soul...ah hear he gorn).  It eh have nuttin dat man coulda tell me dat woulda make meh knees weak.  Allyuh man is someting else oui.  woman like what dey see too.  Doh get tie up.  We like we present wrap up lil nice, not jes in some cardboard box.
so how you will explain when some pretty woman struutin around hand in hand with some men who will make dr. rat look like rock hudson.
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: socachatter on May 10, 2007, 01:29:54 PM
allyuh eh realize dis is ah entirely pointless conversation tuh have?
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Dr. Rat on May 10, 2007, 01:36:49 PM
This question suspect.  Like this person feeling guilty or wha?  If yuh want to give an "attached" man a bull, doh post ah question like this.

Yuh could start the thread " It have a man ah want to ..."

It come like them woman and them who yuh sleeping with.  One night she vex with yuh, but evertime yuh touch she in bed, she keep pushing back she bamcee on yuh.

Leh me play devil's advocate now:  How much of all yuh woman does track other women property?
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: cocoapanyol on May 10, 2007, 01:39:02 PM
but on ah serious note it all boils dong like what they see.......women on de other hand like what they hear.

which woman tell you dat!!  Steups!!  Yuh ever see Dr. Rat?  (God res he soul...ah hear he gorn).  It eh have nuttin dat man coulda tell me dat woulda make meh knees weak.  Allyuh man is someting else oui.  woman like what dey see too.  Doh get tie up.  We like we present wrap up lil nice, not jes in some cardboard box.
so how you will explain when some pretty woman struutin around hand in hand with some men who will make dr. rat look like rock hudson.

My bad. I should NOT speak fuh udder women!! So leh meh rephrase dat.  I like what ah see and what ah hear!!
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: cocoapanyol on May 10, 2007, 01:39:27 PM
allyuh eh realize dis is ah entirely pointless conversation tuh have?

wha is yuh point!!  ;)
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: cocoapanyol on May 10, 2007, 01:41:30 PM
This question suspect.  Like this person feeling guilty or wha?  If yuh want to give an "attached" man a bull, doh post ah question like this.

Yuh could start the thread " It have a man ah want to ..."

It come like them woman and them who yuh sleeping with.  One night she vex with yuh, but evertime yuh touch she in bed, she keep pushing back she bamcee on yuh.

Leh me play devil's advocate now:  How much of all yuh woman does track other women property?

Property?  Hmmmm....Yuh aksin a pointed question now and I was talkin general.  Ah not touching dat one.   :devil:
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Dutty on May 10, 2007, 02:17:07 PM
"you down with O.P.P??...yeah you know me"

*doin de cabbage patch in de office*
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: socachatter on May 10, 2007, 04:27:09 PM
"you down with O.P.P??...yeah you know me"

*doin de cabbage patch in de office*

 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:  oh fark you wotless!!!!!  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Title: Re: Why man who have wife or girlfren still look to track odder oman?
Post by: Mr Fix-it on May 11, 2007, 07:24:26 AM
"you down with O.P.P??...yeah you know me"

*doin de cabbage patch in de office*

Winner :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
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