Soca Warriors Online Discussion Forum

Sports => Football => Topic started by: ndookie on May 14, 2006, 11:19:58 AM

Title: Offside Question
Post by: ndookie on May 14, 2006, 11:19:58 AM
After i watched the highlights from the FA Cup final , i wondered..

If a man crosses a ball , and the man who inside the box offside and the linesman raises his flag for offside , but a defender scores an own goal..what will it be ? You know how refs like to call offsides before the man get the ball an thing..
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: E-man on May 14, 2006, 11:31:26 AM
If the flag is raised and the call is made - no goal - doesn't matter how the ball got in there.
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: Bourbon on May 14, 2006, 04:54:24 PM
A next ting i find with this offside rule. One instance of when this happened was in confed cup with brazil. Now check the suituation eh......
Player offside....but the player who have the ball take a shot....which cannons off the cross bar. Now the player who was offside...was offside...but not active in play. When the ball rebounds off the crossbar...he gets to it...and scores. At the time he became active in play....the ball was in front of him....thus he shouldnt be offside ent?? This happened with adriano being the offside player and robinho taking the shot. The goal was disallowed for offside. In my opinion.....this active in play still has some grey areas that need to be rehashed.
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: big dawg on May 14, 2006, 05:05:16 PM
If the flag is raised and the call is made - no goal - doesn't matter how the ball got in there.

Yup.. Correct... The minute the flag is raised... Its a dead ball...
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: dcs on May 14, 2006, 06:52:34 PM
Yup.. Correct... The minute the flag is raised... Its a dead ball...

Correction, the minute the whistle is blown it is a dead ball.
The ref can ignore the linesman if he determines the "offside" player was not interfering with play.

Of course some people say "offside" players ALWAYS interfering with play but that is another issue with the rule. (I don't agree with that argument)

As for that situation with the ball coming off the post.  The player is still offside.  If it came off the goalie or the post he was in an offside position when the ball was last played forward by a teammate and the flag is only kept down as long as he is not interfering.
If the ball comes to him off the post or goalie then the ref will blow.  So they kinda keeping an eye on him once the ball played forward to judge whether he tries to capitalize on the unfair advantage of being behind the last defender when the ball was played forward.

I hope I get that right.  Sure about the post and almost sure about the goalie ting too.

How about this one I never really see happen.
The goalie gone up to try and score from a corner so he end up somewhere upfield and the ball get cleared into the other half from the corner so the goalie stranded and the other team attacking.

So it have 2 attackers heading toward the goal with only the stopper behind them both.  The ball is played forward from one attacker to the next with the stopper still much closer to the goal than them both.
Anybody see this situation before?  What did the ref and linesman do?  Fete match included   ;D

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Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: Grande on May 14, 2006, 06:57:29 PM
A next ting i find with this offside rule. One instance of when this happened was in confed cup with brazil. Now check the suituation eh......
Player offside....but the player who have the ball take a shot....which cannons off the cross bar. Now the player who was offside...was offside...but not active in play. When the ball rebounds off the crossbar...he gets to it...and scores. At the time he became active in play....the ball was in front of him....thus he shouldnt be offside ent?? This happened with adriano being the offside player and robinho taking the shot. The goal was disallowed for offside. In my opinion.....this active in play still has some grey areas that need to be rehashed.

I remember the build-up to that "goal", that was the sweetest, sweetest piece of team football I see in ah long could almost make yuh cry...Brazil get on bad
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: E-man on May 14, 2006, 07:01:16 PM
So it have 2 attackers heading toward the goal with only the stopper behind them both.  The ball is played forward from one attacker to the next with the stopper still much closer to the goal than them both.
Anybody see this situation before?  What did the ref and linesman do?  Fete match included   ;D
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off side ;D

Yeah, goalie or no, is beside the point. The law says any two men of the opposing team must be between the attacker and the goal.
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: pioneertrini on May 14, 2006, 07:08:50 PM
A next ting i find with this offside rule. One instance of when this happened was in confed cup with brazil. Now check the suituation eh......
Player offside....but the player who have the ball take a shot....which cannons off the cross bar. Now the player who was offside...was offside...but not active in play. When the ball rebounds off the crossbar...he gets to it...and scores. At the time he became active in play....the ball was in front of him....thus he shouldnt be offside ent?? This happened with adriano being the offside player and robinho taking the shot. The goal was disallowed for offside. In my opinion.....this active in play still has some grey areas that need to be rehashed.

na thats 100% offside bro. always has been even b4 the rule change. because once the shot is taken and hits off the bar and goes to the offside player it almost becomes like a pass if u see what im sayin.
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: Bourbon on May 14, 2006, 07:22:40 PM
Yeh i understand all that...i just realised it could be a technicality with the "not interfering with play" idea. If the only time he not interfering with play is when the ball in front of him....then technically according to that rule...he onside...cuz when he was offside...he wasnt interfering. :devil: see wha i saying?? It still have some loopholes in it...and while i support it cause it keeping play eh infallible.
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: Coop's on May 14, 2006, 09:56:52 PM
My understanding of the Off-side rule is that it have nothing to do with anyone interfering with play,is who the ball was last played too and that person must touch the ball before it becomes Off-sides,a player can be in an Off-side position he is not Off-side until he touches the ball,linesmen are there to assist Referees they can indicate that an Off-side has occurred but it can be over-ruled by the referee.

That incident ndookie brought up is what causes problems when ppl don't understand the Off-side rule,the linesman had no right to wave his Flag because the attacking player was only in an Off-side position but was not Off-side he did not touch that ball,if this ball came of a defender and scored it's a goal not Off-side.
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: oconnorg on May 15, 2006, 04:48:22 AM
My understanding of the Off-side rule is that it have nothing to do with anyone interfering with play,is who the ball was last played too and that person must touch the ball before it becomes Off-sides,a player can be in an Off-side position he is not Off-side until he touches the ball,lines are there to assist Referees they can indicate that an Off-side has occurred but it can be over-ruled by the referee.

That incident ndookie brought up is what causes problems when ppl don't understand the Off-side rule,the linesman had no right to wave his Flag because the attacking player was only in an Off-side position but was not Off-side he did not touch that ball,if this ball came of a defender and scored it's a goal not Off-side.

I thought I was the only one wondering what the hell going on here.. The Ref assistants still reffing using the old Offside standard.. As far as i understand the new rule, the player MUST touch the ball first before it becomes offside
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: jose on May 15, 2006, 05:26:56 AM
The thing with the off side rule, is that even though the payer may not be deemed to be interfering with the play according to where the he is positioned some lines men wave their flag saying that the player  is obscuring the goal keepers vision or distracting him.
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: Benjie on May 15, 2006, 05:53:59 AM
You all forgetting that the positioning of the attacking player is also relevant if the player is in front of the Goal and the ball is played to him/her then an offside must be called regardless of whether he touches the ball because he is interfering with play. The variance occurs when there are more than one player in front of goal and those that are offside either make no attempt to touch or are leaving an offside position then none will be called because of the ammendment. The rationale being that teams should be keying on the ball not the players.

The assistant has to wave when he thinks an offside has occured however the referee is supposed to be in position to assesss whether this is true or not. Of couse they can both be blinded on the pass and from there it is guess work!
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: Touches on May 15, 2006, 06:28:47 AM
Here you go fellas

We discussed this previously here is a refresher

Offside explained with pictures (
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: Coop's on May 15, 2006, 11:22:04 AM
You all forgetting that the positioning of the attacking player is also relevant if the player is in front of the Goal and the ball is played to him/her then an offside must be called regardless of whether he touches the ball because he is interfering with play. The variance occurs when there are more than one player in front of goal and those that are offside either make no attempt to touch or are leaving an offside position then none will be called because of the ammendment. The rationale being that teams should be keying on the ball not the players.

The assistant has to wave when he thinks an offside has occured however the referee is supposed to be in position to assesss whether this is true or not. Of couse they can both be blinded on the pass and from there it is guess work!
       Bengie all what you said here in reality is good,but if you look at the Off-side rule it's very straight forward,i know there can be a lot of if's and i know both Linesmen and Referees are guessing most of the times because they have to make spur of the moment decisions,this is what causes the problems with this rule,the Off-side rule is contraversal because ppl don't quite understand it.(even officials)
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: kicker on May 15, 2006, 11:31:26 AM
After i watched the highlights from the FA Cup final , i wondered..

If a man crosses a ball , and the man who inside the box offside and the linesman raises his flag for offside , but a defender scores an own goal..what will it be ? You know how refs like to call offsides before the man get the ball an thing..

For those wondering why there was no flag....could be the case that the cross was deemed a square pass. You cannot be offside on a square pass, it has to be a forward pass....
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: FF on May 15, 2006, 11:33:17 AM
After i watched the highlights from the FA Cup final , i wondered..

If a man crosses a ball , and the man who inside the box offside and the linesman raises his flag for offside , but a defender scores an own goal..what will it be ? You know how refs like to call offsides before the man get the ball an thing..

For those wondering why there was no flag....could be the case that the cross was deemed a square pass. You cannot be offside on a square pass, it has to be a forward pass....


i think yuh could..... if you offside and de ball pass square and you come back for de ball.... yuh offside still

Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: kicker on May 15, 2006, 11:36:33 AM
So it have 2 attackers heading toward the goal with only the stopper behind them both.  The ball is played forward from one attacker to the next with the stopper still much closer to the goal than them both.
Anybody see this situation before?  What did the ref and linesman do?  Fete match included   ;D
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off side ;D

Yeah, goalie or no, is beside the point. The law says any two men of the opposing team must be between the attacker and the goal.

The goalie is more or less always the second opposing team player between the attacker and the goal, which is why people always just pay attention to the last outfield defender...

I wonder if when a goalie comes forward for a corner kick, if the forwards time their runs off the second to last defender for the potential break-away...something tells me they don't....
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: kicker on May 15, 2006, 11:54:00 AM
After i watched the highlights from the FA Cup final , i wondered..

If a man crosses a ball , and the man who inside the box offside and the linesman raises his flag for offside , but a defender scores an own goal..what will it be ? You know how refs like to call offsides before the man get the ball an thing..

For those wondering why there was no flag....could be the case that the cross was deemed a square pass. You cannot be offside on a square pass, it has to be a forward pass....


i think yuh could..... if you offside and de ball pass square and you come back for de ball.... yuh offside still

I'm just callin' it as the linesman may have seen it.

I'm not saying that the guy wasn't in an offside position......and yeah, he can't come from an offside position to receive the ball......but the call is more likely to be made if the ball was played forward to him......technically a square or a back pass would not result in an offside play because the recipient is usually someone coming in from behind the line of the ball/passer....

so in a break away to goal, in that split second that the crosser, plays the ball square across the goal, the linesman is hardly likely to raise his flag.....If he had played it forward, in the direction of the other attacker, the flag woulda probably been raised.....
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: Coop's on May 15, 2006, 12:12:06 PM
Alright guys i'm only trying to be a mediator here but this is from FIFA Laws Book for 2006.
          A player in an Off-side position is only penalized if,at the moment the ball touches or is played by one of his teamates,he,in the opinion of the referee,involved in active play by:Interfering with play or interfering with an opponent or gaining an advantage by being in that position.
          This is what people don't understand "it's the opinion of the Referee" so you will always find this rule contraversal,it have a lot of grey areas too many if's and buts all i can say we at the mercy of all Referees.
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: Coop's on May 15, 2006, 12:44:54 PM
you see that wording Coop's
it HAS to be CHANGED
and bring in video replay
so that all this $#!T about Riggin Matches we heard about recently in Germany and more so in Nigeria where they said that REFs can accept bribe as long as it does NOT interfere with their decisions
 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
THE HUMAN FACTOR HAS TO BE REMOVED.....just my humble opinion
       Football is such a game where it's hard to get rid of the Human Factor,if will take away the excitement that the game has,decisions have to be made spur of the moment,it's continuous play/action,no other game is like that,is only one stop and that is half-time,if there is a game of Football where there is not some controversy you tell me,i feel it's an unwritten part of the game,i'm a director of Coaching here and i can tell you the problems i does have and it's not the WC,it's every day every game something goes on in this game,but i love it .
Title: Offside Trap
Post by: whayuhsay on June 12, 2006, 11:37:17 PM
Is our defense playing the offside trap?  I didn't see much of an attempt at it against Sweden.
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: jose on June 13, 2006, 04:57:25 AM
kicker basically got in right but in my opinion once some one is off side they will are interfering with the play cause the goalkeeper will be distracted by the offside player,goalkeepers keep and eye on all attacking players.
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: sprog on June 13, 2006, 08:26:58 AM
kicker basically got in right but in my opinion once some one is off side they will are interfering with the play cause the goalkeeper will be distracted by the offside player,goalkeepers keep and eye on all attacking players.

true they will distract keepers as well as defenders
Title: Re: Offside Question
Post by: takenoprisoners on June 14, 2006, 03:55:41 PM
If an offensive player is in an Offside position and the ball is played towards him
it goes between his legs, i.e he dummies it, another Onside player runs up and scores.
Is the first player offside? Was he active or passive?
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