Soca Warriors Online Discussion Forum

Sports => Football => Topic started by: ZURITRESS on August 21, 2006, 08:17:30 PM

Title: A generation lost and disrepected because of no video tape
Post by: ZURITRESS on August 21, 2006, 08:17:30 PM
there seems to be some sort of effort by the younger generation to discredit a man(russell latapy) who anyone who is anyone over the age of 25 in this country both in and out of football will humble with great respect and admiration for an icon's legacy. george best never played in a world cup and yet is still considered one of the best to ever play the game. i know ignorance is bliss with the youth of today, but you dont need a master's to understand the respect afforded among his peers.trinidad and tobago  football has a long history of great players that i, you and many of us has not seen and surely not in their prime should we say because they never played in the epl or la liga they were just ok players. we live in a world of technolgy today we did not have back then, most of the past greats just have the memories of thier generation and if that can live on into other generations ,there had to be something special about thoses players.( VIDEO TAPE OR NOT ). TO THOSE I HAVE AND HAVE NOT SEEN  :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:   
Title: Re: A generation lost and disrepected because of no video tape
Post by: Midknight on August 22, 2006, 06:02:16 AM
there seems to be some sort of effort by the younger generation to discredit a man(russell latapy) who anyone who is anyone over the age of 25 in this country both in and out of football will humble with great respect and admiration for an icon's legacy. george best never played in a world cup and yet is still considered one of the best to ever play the game. i know ignorance is bliss with the youth of today, but you dont need a master's to understand the respect afforded among his peers.trinidad and tobago  football has a long history of great players that i, you and many of us has not seen and surely not in their prime should we say because they never played in the epl or la liga they were just ok players. we live in a world of technolgy today we did not have back then, most of the past greats just have the memories of thier generation and if that can live on into other generations ,there had to be something special about thoses players.( VIDEO TAPE OR NOT ). TO THOSE I HAVE AND HAVE NOT SEEN  :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:   

I am assuming this post is principally directed towards me. If it isn't so then I withdraw the following statement.

1) I have never, I repeat, never attempted to discredit Russell Latapy's genius in his prime or even nowadays at 35 + years.
2) I have never, I repeat never, claimed that he was an average player because he didn't play in one of the bigger european leagues.
3) My post was intended as a kickstarter for some kind of initiative to make an archive of video and print evidence (which exists because he didn't play in Portugal in pre historic times) In no way was I calling into question the memories of those who have had the occassion to see him play.

Memory is a funny thing. It tends to get distorted and disappear with time. When in 50 years, few if any Trinidadians know who Russell Latapy, people like yourself will be the first ones to criticise the 'younger ones' for not having preserved his legacy. I am moving to avoid such a situation.

Now imagine this. You go to some small country with relatively little footballing pedigree. The older natives spend their time reminiscing about the greatest player they have ever seen. You've never heard of the man, and apparently, he, for some reason or the other, wasn't able to get picked up in the elite competition of the sport. You're going to be sceptical right? What are you going to ask the natives for if you want proof of his worth?

Today's generation refuses to accept anything on anyone else's say so, its that simple. Thats why we are branded as having problems with authority and why generally we have difficulty accepting religious dogma. Call me a doubting Thomas (which i'm not, by the way). When the legacy disappears it won't be my loss. It'll be all Trinidad and Tobago's...
Title: Re: A generation lost and disrepected because of no video tape
Post by: Dutty on August 22, 2006, 06:16:16 AM
Yeah Yeah!!!!  :devil:

Dis have de makings of a good thread

Protacted & Retracted statements
Religious Dogma

Easy 3 page potential

Ah have a report to collate dis mornin

LETS GO PEOPLE!!!   :duel:
Title: Re: A generation lost and disrepected because of no video tape
Post by: ZURITRESS on August 22, 2006, 08:43:55 AM
no my friend not at you, just a general statement in response to comments made and some may have come from you. i'm not hear to disrespect anyone. like everyone else commenting on a topic i have some knolleage of. your point is taken though and as for mine setve david, gally,leon carpet, buggy haynes etc , still live on in football histroy through more than one generation with little video or print, and as to stories being twisted from then to now. an average player is just that forgotten, a special player is elevated to greatness because of what he has left in your mind. unlike today the media can make you into the greatest thing since slice bread just because you look a certain way,( beckham) good but not great. if a nation remembers you as great by mostly what they have seen, i think you could take that to the bank
Title: Re: A generation lost and disrepected because of no video tape
Post by: Mango Chow! on August 22, 2006, 09:14:16 AM
Yeah Yeah!!!! :devil:

Dis have de makings of a good thread

Protacted & Retracted statements
Religious Dogma

Easy 3 page potential

Ah have a report to collate dis mornin

LETS GO PEOPLE!!! :duel:
                   :rotfl:  BOY!! If MY PEOPLE ain't de funniest people that walk this earth, I have no idea who are!!

        "ZURI" boy, the point you make is so true, but unfortunately, it is something that permiates our entire culture and does not just affect our football.  Ours is not a culture that seems to hold our historic icons dear to our society.  We name a plane after them, give them some house and land possibly, throw out a chaconia medal or two, and think that our job is done.  Never mind that we have generations upon generations of boys and girls and young men and women to inspire.  We have no true "Centre of Excellence" that keeps arcchives of our cultural history and national accomplishments.  Who can remember what "Woman on de Bass" sounded like the night that "Catelli" played it for Panorama Finals? Unless I happen to catch it on tv the "once-ever-so seldom" they show it on tv to kill time, I couln't possibly take my yankee-boy son home and take him anywhere to experince it!!  What records do we as a nation  have accessible to us, to teach our children and SHOW  them who the likes of Jean Pierre and Janet Bailey REALLY WERE, and show them what they REALLY DID in 1979?   
   We are all a product of a society that widens generational gaps instead of forming generational links, but I will do MY part to make sure MY son, knows who Warren Archibald, Gally, Shaka, Ian Clauzelle, Kenwyn Nancoo, Burt Neptune, Earl Carter, Richard Hood, Roger and Robert Lespierre and RUSSELL LATAPY are.  The rest of you have to do your part too.  Some have to teach, others have to be willing to learn.     
Title: Re: A generation lost and disrepected because of no video tape
Post by: ZURITRESS on August 22, 2006, 09:49:56 AM
"LESSONS OF LIFE LEARNED BECUASE WE SEEK TO PROSPER IN LIFE,  RESPECT AND GIUDANCE TO ALL"   and mango i have the same problem with my kids and it was dishartening, but you know what i raise my kids then i can teach my kids and in the end even though they are not trini's they will know why thier father was till the day he died a trini.
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