Soca Warriors Online Discussion Forum

Sports => Football => Topic started by: Mr Mc on June 14, 2007, 08:33:59 AM

Title: What if?
Post by: Mr Mc on June 14, 2007, 08:33:59 AM
Somebody mentioned this in another thread, and I have been thinking the same,
What if the current team were to also join the strike and make themselve unavailable for the senior team? Let me make myself clear,by strike I mean refuse to play football. I know the WC06 players have not refused they have not been selected, Im asking what if they refused.

Would this help or hurt the negotiations process?

If you were one of the WC06 players would you stike?

If you were one of the current squad, would you strike?

Since I am asking the question I will give my own thoughts first.  I see it like this, I think if all the ballers stike it would force the negotiations to happen right now and tip the balance of power away from the TTFF(jack).  Right now he is just too powerful, so the only way to weaken him is to threaten his power and the source of his greed money.
Its like you are the owner of a factory, you have a day shift and a night shift of skilled trained workers.  If your day shift guys deceide to strike, you go be like cool, allyuh go so.  Night shift, allyuh working all the hours now, my factory doh stop running. But...
if both and night and day shift on stirke, all work stop.  The owner has no choice but to meet and negotiate, cause his source of income is in jeapordy and he cant run his factory with the unskilled workers he may try to hire.
I think this fight while it may be about past monies owed, I think it is also about the future, and me I was striking.
easier said than done I know.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: truetrini on June 14, 2007, 08:37:22 AM
all jack will do is suspend all football.

he eh care.

he go still make money.

he have enough money anyway.

he doh give ah f**k.

he go jes get odder federations to send him money ala de Koreans.


what if he jes fade to f**k away?
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: duscam on June 14, 2007, 08:39:18 AM
one thing- jack doh make he income fron the TTFF...he gets a salary from FIFA. so what would he care...and the money he make from Trinidad he could put a "c" squad and still make that money...
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: WestCoast on June 14, 2007, 08:40:31 AM
when dem fellas did not get their "Pocket Money" for the East Coast part of their trip they were probably wondering what the future held for them with TTFF.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: Mr Mc on June 14, 2007, 08:42:47 AM
maybe the suspension of football will speed up the process of Jack fading away, he might see ok i have sqeezed all the blood from this stone i can get, i gone.
nobody playing no Trini C team, it aint have no money there.
also i think the suspension of football would force others to lean on Jack a lil bit
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: football king on June 14, 2007, 10:17:13 AM
Boss yuhright-ideally all players pfl,foreign and local to spark negotiations . But doh see it happening, i could say that easy now cause I ain't looking for no contract in england(too unfit-unless they want a man avg 15 mins/game gimme a call) and ah believe ah could find something else to fall back on.
I actually wouldn't blame men for an all out no scabs allowed strike.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: saga pinto on June 14, 2007, 11:11:40 AM
But if it happens,how long would this impasse last,2years maybe 10years ,what happens to our football during that duration.

Let me make one thing clear about jack warner,he does'nt care about anyone but himself and of course his family,the reality should have sunk in a long time ago that if anything has to be resolved,it will be on his terms,whether we believe or the evidence is there that he stole or held back funds to our warriors,will not change a thing,but going forward there should be a paper trail with legal implications......         
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: Baygo Boy on June 14, 2007, 11:12:00 AM
Mr. Mc - JW may not be hurt by this fanacially, but Camps and Groden will. At the end of the day the idea is to get rid of the current TTFF executive. An all out strike will do some serious damage.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: Baygo Boy on June 14, 2007, 11:14:02 AM
Saga, good point, but a strike will only affect our national teams not our pro league. Players will still have the opportunity to play overseas etc etc.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: kicker on June 14, 2007, 11:43:27 AM
I don't think the local players are willing enough to put their jobs & paychecks on the line...(financially/economically, they are probably not able to either) the non-striking players, believe it or not are viewing this more as a chance to get some exposure & experience so their focus is more likely to be to squeeze the positive out of the negative, and let the directly affected fight their own battle.......On principle, it would be great if everyone got behind the cause, but I think the outcome is too uncertain, and the individual short-term effects vary too widely for it to pan out in reality....maybe
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: Baygo Boy on June 14, 2007, 11:52:26 AM
Ah hear yuh Kicker, but them boys doh get that much for national duty, and if yuh look at how our players get overseas contract - it's when their local clubs send them etc, very rare do they get contracts after international duty.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: E-man on June 14, 2007, 12:12:47 PM
All further action should definitely come under the auspices of the FPATT so the players themselves are not facing the TTFF directly.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: Swima on June 14, 2007, 12:37:04 PM
Somebody mentioned this in another thread, and I have been thinking the same,
What if the current team were to also join the strike and make themselve unavailable for the senior team? Let me make myself clear,by strike I mean refuse to play football. I know the WC06 players have not refused they have not been selected, Im asking what if they refused.

Would this help or hurt the negotiations process?

If you were one of the WC06 players would you stike?

If you were one of the current squad, would you strike?

Since I am asking the question I will give my own thoughts first.  I see it like this, I think if all the ballers stike it would force the negotiations to happen right now and tip the balance of power away from the TTFF(jack).  Right now he is just too powerful, so the only way to weaken him is to threaten his power and the source of his greed money.
Its like you are the owner of a factory, you have a day shift and a night shift of skilled trained workers.  If your day shift guys deceide to strike, you go be like cool, allyuh go so.  Night shift, allyuh working all the hours now, my factory doh stop running. But...
if both and night and day shift on stirke, all work stop.  The owner has no choice but to meet and negotiate, cause his source of income is in jeapordy and he cant run his factory with the unskilled workers he may try to hire.
I think this fight while it may be about past monies owed, I think it is also about the future, and me I was striking.
easier said than done I know.

D man have every base convered. If the national players resign it go be Joe Public first XI in TnT colours the next time it have a match in d stadium. D man is a criminal genius and there is little or nothing that can stop him from further eroding our football. It come like politics, there are many with power who can put a stop to a lot of the ills of the country, but there is money to be made when people suffer so let the suffering continue. Same shit all over this world. Similarly, Jack could put a stop to all of shit too... but his stance is that he will maintain his position no matter who it hurts or how it looks, simply because he cannot stop himself from exploiting someone to make money. Fellas like dat doh sleep well when the night come.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: TrinInfinite on June 14, 2007, 05:21:15 PM
the ttff will take an olympic team and use dem to qualify, diz all dey will do, i said a long time ago that if all the players strike it would make a diff but there will always be players 2 play for trinidad...
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: kounty on June 14, 2007, 05:34:54 PM
I know men always on yuh case eh TI, but check yuh posts when certain stars were lining up when other men was suggesting this logic...then yuh go see why dog fightin for scraps keep jack in power forever.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: Football supporter on June 15, 2007, 02:55:51 AM
The time is fast approaching for negotiations for contract negotiations for 2010 qualifiers. TTFF have still not recognised FPATT. How will these contracts be negotiated?

Once FPATT sit around the table, if TTFF refuse to negotiate fair contracts, the players should withdraw their labour, as is their right.

If football is disrupted in T&T it will be immensly embarrassing for Warner. Every concacaf and FIFA member who is against Jack, will continually question him in open forum. The requested contracts will be similar to nations such as Australia. Therefore, the issue will become one of TTFF not willing to provide their players with contracts standard to theb rest of the world. FIFA would have to appoint mediators and they will ensure the contracts are on a par with other countries. The TTFF will look pathetic and Warner will be embarrassed.

However, this will only happen if the local players stand strong. Don't forget, Theobald effectively crossed a picket line when he put himself ahead of principle and played for Warner, not Trinidad & Tobago.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: WestCoast on June 15, 2007, 03:49:41 AM
D man have every base convered. If the national players resign it go be Joe Public first XI in TnT colours the next time it have a match in d stadium. D man is a criminal genius and there is little or nothing that can stop him from further eroding our football. It come like politics, there are many with power who can put a stop to a lot of the ills of the country, but there is money to be made when people suffer so let the suffering continue. Same shit all over this world. Similarly, Jack could put a stop to all of shit too... but his stance is that he will maintain his position no matter who it hurts or how it looks, simply because he cannot stop himself from exploiting someone to make money. Fellas like dat doh sleep well when the night come.

this post by Swima, in my opinion, truly opens a small window into the mind of our good friend and the JACKlisted players have to be prepared for this eventuality...... :-\

The TTFF will look pathetic and Warner will be embarrassed.
Well, our "Special Advisor" has the backing of FIFA, therfore that statement does not compute with reference to anything he does.
He is an UnTouchable.

I am of the opinion that FIFA has to change from head to foot for anything there to change concerning Mr Warner.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: g on June 15, 2007, 06:35:15 AM
The only way to ensure that the best available players can put on the national shirt

1. TTFF have to recognize FPATT as the negotiating arm of ALL players for ALL matters

2. WC players have to pretty much let go of the bonus issue and start fresh. We need to get out of the retroactive mentality which causes all these things. Iron clad pre agreed and pre signed contracts hold the most currency in dealing with these matters. I know that there was an agreement with the WC players but we do things in such a haphazard manner with no structure that when you dealing with the coons at the TTFF dey will always try to shaft the players.

There pretty much has to be a clean slate moving forward. Its the only way i can see any of those WC players playing again. A fixed playment structure including match and bonus fees for friendlies, international tourmanents etc revised over specific time periods.

The heartening showing by the local squad will only add to Jackula and the TTFF croonies resolve that they can develop a whole new squad and continue as per usual. Only in full solidary can the players achieve change.

Every Trinidad national player that signs with a Professional contract local or abroad at any age level should be a registered member of FPATT. FPATT has the responsibility to ensure their wholesale solidarity, in reality it is the only way it can survive as a players association.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: spideybuff on June 15, 2007, 06:42:10 AM
Mr. Mc - JW may not be hurt by this fanacially, but Camps and Groden will. At the end of the day the idea is to get rid of the current TTFF executive. An all out strike will do some serious damage.

Not even them will feel it cause when Burrell lose he wuk in Jamaica and another one of Jack supporters get overthrown in one of the other small islands, he get them jobs in Concacaf and FIFA. The man is the most ruthless and powerful criminal this country has known. He is really d godfather. We need real drastic measures...real sacrifice to get rid of this demon. Lilke the total shutdown of football and let it be known the world over that we, TRINIDAD, is ready to quit football until Jack is gone. Maybe we could get some other countries to support us, most notably the Brits who just didn't want to support that guy accused of racism for fear of the backlash, and have a rebel World Cup outside of FIFA statutes.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: Mr Mc on June 15, 2007, 03:00:23 PM
Not only would all the players in the country have to refuse to play for the senior team, thats the only way to ensure its not just a B, C or Joe Pulic team to runs out, but it may take a very dramatic act to really shine some international light on this thing.
Imagine if you will, and International friendly, say against the USA or even Mexico, so its getting to some TV coverage around the world, even if only on spanish stations. As the ref blows the game to start all the players remove their jerseys and leave the field.
They head back to the locker room, all the media in a frenzy.  One player emerges and states the situation and that no player will play any games until the situation is resolved.

That must bring some pressure on Jack and Camps, the noise and the coverage that will generate they will have to sit down, even for the appearance that they are trying to resolve things.

I know that is very far fetched but sometimes it takes civil unrest to get things done.  Unfortuneately we Trinis not really known for that.
Title: Re: What if?
Post by: weary1969 on June 15, 2007, 06:36:18 PM
Everybody from the baby who have a football in he crib have to decide dey eh playin for something to happen But that eh happening so Jack will continue to win
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