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General => General Discussion => Topic started by: zuluwarrior on August 31, 2007, 07:31:45 PM

Post by: zuluwarrior on August 31, 2007, 07:31:45 PM
 T&T advertises abroad for COP positio

Friday, August 31st 2007
TO RETIRE: Trevor Paul

The position of Commissioner of Police of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service is being advertised outside the country.

The advertisements are being published as Police Commissioner Trevor Paul is set to retire from the job later this year.

National Security Minister Martin Joseph said yesterday that the Parliament has approved the Commissioner of Police and Deputy Commissioner of Police (Selection Process) Order 2007, that allows the advertisements for Police Commissioner post to be advertised locally, regionally and internationally.

The Order, along with the Commissioner of Police and Deputy Commissioner of Police (Qualification and Selection Criteria) Order, 2007, was tabled in the Parliament just before it went on recess last month. Joseph spoke on the issue in response to questions posed during yesterday's post-Cabinet news conference at Whitehall, Port of Spain.

"The point is is that we have now made it so that anywhere in the world the most suitable person, there is a whole system and process put in place to allow us to recruit the very best," Joseph said.

Joseph also said the person who will replace the nation's next Police Commissioner could either be a man or a woman.

"The intention is to make sure that the next Commissioner of Police is the best one that is available to Trinidad and Tobago, no matter where he or she may come from," he said.

Joseph said that even if the nation's next Police Commissioner was a foreigner, he did not expect this to affect the moral of the senior or junior police officers.

 Comments: T&T advertises abroad for COP position 

 Foreign Cop?   Posted: 2007-08-31 12:47:00 AM 
 I am glad that the search for a top cop will go byond the immediate shores of Trinidad and Tobago. This gives dual citizenship nationals abroad a chance to apply also. All too often, the small confines of our shores limits the field of possible candidates. Citizens of TnT living abroad, and 
Post by: Dutty on September 01, 2007, 06:12:38 PM
Bring back de corrupt ball head cop

Bernard Kerik
Post by: zuluwarrior on September 01, 2007, 08:45:36 PM
right now ah  man like calypsonion watchman will do very good in trinbago but manning dem might fraid to give he that wuk because he go jail them for real .
Post by: Sando prince on July 01, 2008, 08:07:02 AM

With crime at its highest ever, Trevor Paul has quit as Commissioner of Police breaking the year-long extension he had to continue to serve as head of the Police Service.
Paul advised the members of his executive of his decision during a meeting at the Police Administration Building in Port-of-Spain on Tuesday.

Sources said Paul felt he had done all that he could to lead the Police Service in its fight against crime, which has risen to unprecedented levels with murders standing at 243 for this year to date.

Paul is expected to leave on Monday and he has already begun to pack his books and personal documents and mementos from his service of over 40 years.

"Monday might be my last day in office. I have done my part and it is time to move on," he told his executive of Assistant Commissioners of Police (ACPs) on Tuesday.

When contacted yesterday, Paul would only say, "When I am leaving office you will know, I will tell you myself."

Paul had been asked to stay on for an additional year as the top cop although his official retirement date was November 9, 2007.

Sources said Paul's decision to break his extension before November is expected to put additional pressure on the Government to get debate moving in Parliament on the appointment of a new Commissioner of Police (CoP).

The Police Service Commission (PSC) has nominated Snr Supt Stephen Williams and had forwarded his name to then acting President Danny Montano more than a week ago. Montano subsequently advised the Clerk of the House of Representatives that the PSC had nominated Williams. Leader of Government Business Colm Imbert informed the House of Williams' nomination last Friday and debate on the CoP candidate is likely to begin at the next sitting assigned for government business which is July 4. Members of the police brass expect ACP James Philbert, who is currently an acting Deputy Commissioner of Police, to act as Cop when Paul leaves next week.

However sources said the PSC is not likely to appoint Philbert to act and may decide to ask ACP Gilbert Reyes, who is also acting as a Deputy Commissioner of Police, to serve as top cop until Williams is either approved by Parliament or a new nominee is selected. The PSC is yet to confirm Philbert and Reyes as Deputy Commissioners of Police.

Philbert, 59, was one of three persons short-listed to be Paul's successor along with Williams and retired New York Police Department captain Louis Vega. Philbert was edged out because he did not pass a polygraph test.

Vega turned down the PSC's offer because his nomination meant he would have to be screened by Parliament, and previous claims that he had altered the crime statistics of his department would have been raised again. Vega was cleared of those accusations.

Reyes, 59, was due to proceed on pre-retirement leave in April but was asked to stay on and is now due to retire in October. Philbert is expected to proceed on pre-retirement leave on December 11.

Sources said yesterday that the PSC will meet on Monday to decide on Paul's replacement.

Paul was asked to remain in office under Section 75 of the Constitution which was amended by the UNC administration to make it possible for a Cop to remain in office after the mandatory retirement age of 60.

Paul enlisted in the Police Service on June 1, 1966, and was appointed CoP on July 15, 2004.

He has been criticised by the Opposition, Government, business groups and the public for failing to put in place measures to deal with the spiralling crime rate.


Post by: WestCoast on July 01, 2008, 09:45:04 AM
right now ah  man like calypsonion watchman will do very good in trinbago but manning dem might fraid to give he that wuk because he go jail them for real .
good one Zulu
yeah he might ACTUALY DO his Job
Post by: TriniCana on July 01, 2008, 11:47:29 AM
Zu I wasn't aware Watchman was still a police officer. After he passed his bar exams, I assumed he began practising ??? And is he still in Trinidad or the US ???
Post by: sammy on July 01, 2008, 11:51:29 AM
I think he working for the UN now
Post by: weary1969 on July 01, 2008, 12:21:27 PM
Watchman resign from d police service bout 3 yrs ago and since bout 1999 he in some African country
Post by: zuluwarrior on July 01, 2008, 06:40:26 PM
I had a talk wid Watchman last year , met him at the Sesame Flyers mas camp Calypso tent and he said he was living in Queens NY . he even sing ah song for them .
Post by: weary1969 on July 01, 2008, 09:05:07 PM
So d gig in Africa done
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