Soca Warriors Online Discussion Forum

Sports => Football => Topic started by: Tallman on October 29, 2007, 07:41:03 AM

Title: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Tallman on October 29, 2007, 07:41:03 AM
Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Sunderland star?

Striker Kenwyne Jones has reportedly made a big impression on Reds boss Rafael Benitez. The former Southampton man has adapted instantly to life in the Premiership following a £6m move to Sunderland in August. Jones has netted four times in seven league games to date and that has alerted Benitez to a possible £10m deal involving Peter Crouch moving to Wearside.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Themanfriday on October 29, 2007, 07:44:43 AM
And here we go Let ther GAMES BEGIN
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Storeboy on October 29, 2007, 08:44:20 AM
Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Sunderland star?

Striker Kenwyne Jones has reportedly made a big impression on Reds boss Rafael Benitez. The former Southampton man has adapted instantly to life in the Premiership following a £6m move to Sunderland in August. Jones has netted four times in seven league games to date and that has alerted Benitez to a possible £10m deal involving Peter Crouch moving to Wearside.

Ah don't want to hear that dog Crouch mentioned on th esame page with KJ.  KJ aint going no way.  You think Keane ent know what he have?  If he want to build that tem to stayin the Prem, he start with Carlos
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Trinitim on October 29, 2007, 08:52:23 AM

 I tell allyuh that managers taking notes. Allyuh stop dey and feel managers and I quote " DOES FORGET PLAYERS BY THE END OF THE MATCH" you'll know yourselves who made that statement. Managers always on the constant prowl for new talent and this is just the beginning.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: lil damo on October 29, 2007, 09:55:33 AM
That would be a great deal for Kenwyne, Liverpool and Sunderland. Sunderland get an England striker that is regularly on the National team so in other words he is quality (although I personally was never impressed with his game) plus a cool 10Mil which can buy much needed depth. Liverpool get the next big star striker in the premiership who will compliment Torres; giving them a lethal combination of a target man in Kenwyne and a clinical striker in Torres and Kenwyne gets to play at a big club that is always competing for the title or in Europe. Similarly to Dwight in his prime, Kenwyne will train and compete with some of the best players in Europe which is probably a dream come through for him.

If this move were to actually materialize in January I don’t think anyone could complain because Sunderland may very well be on their way back down unless they start getting results. Having said all of this, maybe he should finish the season with Sunderland, score nuff goals, look good on a crap team and if they do go back down then entertain a transfer to a bigger club. No matter what, as long a she keeps scoring he is in a total win win situation.     
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: freakazoid on October 29, 2007, 10:10:42 AM

 I tell allyuh that managers taking notes. Allyuh stop dey and feel managers and I quote " DOES FORGET PLAYERS BY THE END OF THE MATCH" you'll know yourselves who made that statement. Managers always on the constant prowl for new talent and this is just the beginning.

who said that dread? is this ah pop corn moment in the making?

jones should stay though ah hope the 3 teams rule is correct . let d yute jus focus on playing ball

cant wait to hear yorke  2 edward , edward 2 jones ...........gooooaaaaaalllll
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: SOBRIQUET on October 29, 2007, 10:11:30 AM
this will be a massive move for kenwyne. just imagine, Champions league football and league contention instantly, in the upcoming years. will allow him to be seen on a more global scale regularly and could do wonders for his career. just think.....where did yorke do the most damage? aston villa or man u? big side=big players=better service=more goals  ;D
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Mose on October 29, 2007, 10:44:54 AM
Under FIFA rules, a footballer cannot play competitively for more than two different clubs between 1 July and 30 June the following year.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Peong on October 29, 2007, 10:55:54 AM
If anyting he could only move after this season so we could put this talk off for about 7 months.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: black chinee on October 29, 2007, 11:47:51 AM
Did't Liverpool get away wid that 3 teams in one year thing with Javier Mascherano last year????
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: spideybuff on October 29, 2007, 11:52:01 AM
Kenwyne better stay put. Benitez ever had a regular striker for more than one season? He will rotate Kenwyne too much and stall his progress.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: WestCoast on October 29, 2007, 11:56:28 AM
Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Sunderland star?

Striker Kenwyne Jones has reportedly made a big impression on Reds boss Rafael Benitez. The former Southampton man has adapted instantly to life in the Premiership following a £6m move to Sunderland in August. Jones has netted four times in seven league games to date and that has alerted Benitez to a possible £10m deal involving Peter Crouch moving to Wearside.
Ah don't want to hear that dog Crouch mentioned on th esame page with KJ. 
KJ aint going no way.  You think Keane ent know what he have?  If he want to build that tem to stayin the Prem, he start with Carlos
let Sunderland keep him and they could move up the table to be alongside the Big Boys ;)
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Ngozi on October 29, 2007, 12:42:39 PM
I wouldnt prefer him moving to liverpool ...I see too many good players level stall in liverpool....prefer arsenal they movement and possession will imporve his touch and movement as a player...but if he move i wouldnt be angry  but just doh feel that would be a good move for him.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Mose on October 29, 2007, 12:52:39 PM
Did't Liverpool get away wid that 3 teams in one year thing with Javier Mascherano last year????

They got special dispensation from FIFA because the South American and European seasons overlap. Check the links below:

mose u mind telling me where i caan find these league rules
Couldn't tell you. Just remember that it was an issue when Mascherano wanted to move to liverpool last season. In the end he was allowed an exception because the south american season has a different timetable.
Did a quick search. My bad, apparently is FIFA rules not league rules. You can check the story with Mascherano here:
Fifa granted dispensation for Mascherano to make the move at the start of the month, despite the fact he has already played for two clubs since 1 July last year - Corinthians and West Ham.

Under Fifa rules, a footballer cannot play competitively for more than two different clubs between 1 July and 30 June the following year.

However, dispensation was granted after Fifa took into consideration the fact that the South American and European seasons overlap.

Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Warlord on October 29, 2007, 01:10:55 PM
Kenwyne Jones has adapted well so far in the premiership which is why he will attract interest from other teams if he continues to play well and score goals.

A move to a massive club llike Liverpool or Arsenal would stall his development. Both clubs have riches in the striking dept which means he would sit on the bench and become the forgotten man just like Sean Wright Phillips at Chelsea.

He is better off at Sunderland for the next 2-3 years and if I'm Sunderland, I would build around this guy. The 6 million pounds seems like a bargain already for a player of his calibre and he's still quite young.

Thiink about this. Darren Bent was bought by Tottenham for 16 million pounds and what is he doing at this time. When Sunderland bought KJ many thought that 6 million pounds was too much for an unproven non english player in the EPL back then but I think KJ is worth about 10million today. Let his development continue. The warriors will need him to steer the team to South Africa in 2010.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: SUPA on October 29, 2007, 03:13:58 PM
Greetings members,

You all probably saw my posts on another thread, on dis particular subject topic, so ah will not go and type it over again. If yuh want, check out meh other posts on another thread, you will get a more detailed explanation on my thoughts. I must say dat I love most of de posts so far on dis thread, dey make a lot of sense, for example playing wid and against de best in Europe, I like de idea a member said about him playing at Arsenal, cuz dey does play some nice entertaining ball, and dat style will only develop KJ even better.

Ok wid dat said, let us sit and think for a minute and understand dat what KJ is doing at Sunderland is ah job, just like when you and me go to our jobs. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for KJ or for us, KJ have tuh take de chance, and don't even think about Liverpool might spoil his career by de rotation, 2 much bench, he might be sold after ah season, etc. KJ have to and must treat dis as ah business decision, take de 10, 11, 12 million and leave Sunderland and thank Keane and Yorke. KJ have ah family, today or tomorrow he get a career ending injury (I hope dis never happen, lord protect de yute) which one of us here would be sending money to help support KJ and his family? Although ah know we have nuff love fuh KJ, ah cud safely say dat we will not be sending him money. So meh point is, leave Sunderland, but when you do so show dem much love and respect for giving you a chance in de big dance. Sign on de dotted line, take yuh money, set yuh self and yuh family right fuh now and de future, go and accept de challenges at Liverpool and show de world dat de red, white and black are for real, and in ah timing more yutes form T&T, will be coming to Europe.

 People KJ, is not Dinho, Kaka or Maraadona, but KJ is KJ, de tools (strong, tall and quick) dat he have, you cannot find dat package in de world right now, don't worry, he will be alright at any big club. Of course he is young and is not complete yet, as far as learning his trade, he will learn a lot at any big club, for the next year or may be more. What Kj have, dem bois in de world right now doh have dat, so KJ is ah whole different package, de man strong, tall and extremely quick. Hear meh argument nah, which striker in de world have dat package? Supporters of Sunderland dat are members on de forum and any other supporters of de club, de people of T&T are very thankful , for giving our yute ah chance to show his talent in de EPL, but soccer is very much a job and business, so we have tuh encourage KJ tuh move on tuh bigger and better things. Wid due respect, Keane's and Yorke's family, dey future already secured ah long time ago, so KJ  have tuh secure his, cuz none of us wouldn't do it for. I cud speak for Supa & De Enterprise, and I sure most of de members here might feel de same way. If dis deal go through or any other big club bump Liverpool and take him from Sunderland, is still much love and respect still for Sunderland. Ah was suppose tuh drop ah short post, but ah does get so emotional at times like dis, ah just cah cut meh post short. HIGHLY BLESSED. 
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: dinho on October 29, 2007, 03:50:25 PM
Greetings members,

You all probably saw my posts on another thread, on dis particular subject topic, so ah will not go and type it over again. If yuh want, check out meh other posts on another thread, you will get a more detailed explanation on my thoughts. I must say dat I love most of de posts so far on dis thread, dey make a lot of sense, for example playing wid and against de best in Europe, I like de idea a member said about him playing at Arsenal, cuz dey does play some nice entertaining ball, and dat style will only develop KJ even better.

Ok wid dat said, let us sit and think for a minute and understand dat what KJ is doing at Sunderland is ah job, just like when you and me go to our jobs. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for KJ or for us, KJ have tuh take de chance, and don't even think about Liverpool might spoil his career by de rotation, 2 much bench, he might be sold after ah season, etc. KJ have to and must treat dis as ah business decision, take de 10, 11, 12 million and leave Sunderland and thank Keane and Yorke. KJ have ah family, today or tomorrow he get a career ending injury (I hope dis never happen, lord protect de yute) which one of us here would be sending money to help support KJ and his family? Although ah know we have nuff love fuh KJ, ah cud safely say dat we will not be sending him money. So meh point is, leave Sunderland, but when you do so show dem much love and respect for giving you a chance in de big dance. Sign on de dotted line, take yuh money, set yuh self and yuh family right fuh now and de future, go and accept de challenges at Liverpool and show de world dat de red, white and black are for real, and in ah timing more yutes form T&T, will be coming to Europe.

 People KJ, is not Dinho, Kaka or Maraadona, but KJ is KJ, de tools (strong, tall and quick) dat he have, you cannot find dat package in de world right now, don't worry, he will be alright at any big club. Of course he is young and is not complete yet, as far as learning his trade, he will learn a lot at any big club, for the next year or may be more. What Kj have, dem bois in de world right now doh have dat, so KJ is ah whole different package, de man strong, tall and extremely quick. Hear meh argument nah, which striker in de world have dat package? Supporters of Sunderland dat are members on de forum and any other supporters of de club, de people of T&T are very thankful , for giving our yute ah chance to show his talent in de EPL, but soccer is very much a job and business, so we have tuh encourage KJ tuh move on tuh bigger and better things. Wid due respect, Keane's and Yorke's family, dey future already secured ah long time ago, so KJ  have tuh secure his, cuz none of us wouldn't do it for. I cud speak for Supa & De Enterprise, and I sure most of de members here might feel de same way. If dis deal go through or any other big club bump Liverpool and take him from Sunderland, is still much love and respect still for Sunderland. Ah was suppose tuh drop ah short post, but ah does get so emotional at times like dis, ah just cah cut meh post short. HIGHLY BLESSED. 

Supa, i hearing where u coming from, but you do realize that God forbid, if he does go to Liverpool under Rafa the rotator, his playing time would be slashed by about 3/4.. we would probably have to hustle up to watch carling cup games to see him get a sweat, beggin men on here for a video feed, or hoping he come on in de 80something minute..  that is unless one of torres, voronin or kuyt get injured.. 

benitez is a striker killer, because he does not give forwards a chance to get an extended run in the side, gain form and consistency and develop partnerships.. as a result, forwards cycle needlessly between the bench and the playing field worrying from week to week whether they getting a sweat.. it was the same thing when he was at valencia, when morientes, angulo, carew and rufete used to be fighting up for one spot, and none really had no kinda exceptional seasons... the power of benitez' systems is in the defence and midfield, forwards is by de liverpool all of cisse, fowler, morientes, kuyt, crouch, sinama-pongolle, le tallec all ah dem got no chance to really thrive with a good run in de side..

look at torres, de man start up hot and sweaty, scoring a nice goal against chelsea, and that just earned him a place on the bench the next week against birmingham and portsmouth.. now he injured, so what is the point of that dumb rotation policy? to have a fit squad of players in january when yuh done out of all competitions ???

as a fan, my selfish desire is for KJ to stay at Sunderland for a while.. Let him be the big fish in a small bowl for, and let me get to see de man play every weekend and wine low when he buss de net.. he is under a good coach and organization, with supportive people around him, and he can make sunderland into his own team.. If that side can show progress, why not set up his stall there for a while, until he becomes more of the finished product..

as for KJ, the choice is up to him and i'll support him whatever choice he makes.. if the paper tall, yuh cyah begrudge the man if he want to move on to secure his life and future, as football is a short career and yuh hadda make as much as possible while yuh in de game..

but if de man have professional ambition, my opinion is that liverpool is not the place for him.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: SUPA on October 29, 2007, 04:40:09 PM
Omar, yuh cud be absolutely right, cuz yuh have examples tuh support yuh post, so which means yuh really know de coach style of running his teams. However, KJ must take dat money and continue tuh work hard, and hope de boss change his known style of rotating de strikers, just take care ah businees on ah regular basis when he on de field. Ah believe KJ have 3 kids, yuh think when ah man look at he 3 kids, and think about dey future, he go turn down 10 ,11 ,12 million dollars. I have ah good wife and ah love meh wife, but yuh see meh son, when ah make ah decision is he ah does make it 4 most ah de time, fuh example some times when ah man violate, and ah think about doing him ah thing, de first thing ah does think about is being in prison and leaving meh yute out here. De rest of thoughts come after dat. If ah not wid meh wife any more fuh some reason or de other, she cud always get ah next man tuh take care ah she, but yuh have tuh look out fuh yuh kid or kids and their future.

 Ah side track ah bit, just tuh show why I'm convinced dat KJ have tuh move on. If I was KJ, ah taking dat money in ah heart beat, cuz meh kids education and future will be set up real nice, and secondly, de wife and I and we parents will be set up nicely 2. De day ah put on de Liverpool jersey and get introduce tuh de media and Liverpool supporters, ah will den think about doing de extra things tuh convince de coach of having me out there for every game. If ah another big club jump in de miz tuh get him, well wid your observations about de coach rotating players, ah will den switch meh support tuh another club. If no other club in de picture, sign on de dotted line, accept yuh money and doh even look back when yuh walk out ah dat room  :beermug:. HIGHLY BLESSED.   
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Fyzoman on October 29, 2007, 04:42:14 PM

 I tell allyuh that managers taking notes. Allyuh stop dey and feel managers and I quote " DOES FORGET PLAYERS BY THE END OF THE MATCH" you'll know yourselves who made that statement. Managers always on the constant prowl for new talent and this is just the beginning.

who said that dread? is this ah pop corn moment in the making?

jones should stay though ah hope the 3 teams rule is correct . let d yute jus focus on playing ball

cant wait to hear yorke  2 edward , edward 2 jones ...........gooooaaaaaalllll

scroll through this earler thread and see what men had to say a few weeks ago, bless.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: dinho on October 29, 2007, 04:49:20 PM
Omar, yuh cud be absolutely right, cuz yuh have examples tuh support yuh post, so which means yuh really know de coach style of running his teams. However, KJ must take dat money and continue tuh work hard, and hope de boss change his known style of rotating de strikers, taking care ah businees on ah regular basis when he on de field. Ah believe KJ have 3 kids, yuh think when ah man look at he 3 kids, and think about dey future, he go turn down 10 ,11 ,12 million dollars. I have ah good wife and ah love meh wife, but yuh see meh son, when ah make ah decision is he ah does make it 4 most ah de time, fuh example some times when ah man violate, and ah think about doing him ah thing, de first thing ah does think about is being in prison and leaving meh yute out here. De rest of thoughts come after dat. If ah not wid meh wife any more fuh some reason or de other, she cud always get ah next man tuh take care ah she, but yuh have tuh look out fuh yuh kid or kids and their future.

 Ah side track ah bit, just tuh show why I'm convinced dat KJ have tuh move on. If I was KJ, ah taking dat money in ah heart beat, cuz meh kids education and future will be set up real nice, and secondly, de wife and I and we parents will be set up nicely 2. De day ah put on de Liverpool jersey and get introduce tuh de media and Liverpool supporters, ah will den think about doing de extra things tuh convince de coach of having me out there for every game. If ah another big club jump in de miz tuh get him, well wid your observations about de coach rotating players, ah will den switch meh support tuh another club. If no other club in de picture, sign on de dotted line, accept yuh money and doh even look back when yuh walk out ah dat room  :beermug:. HIGHLY BLESSED.   

true, like ah say, ah cyah begrudge de man for having his eye on the prize..

keep in mind though that them 10,11,12 mil figures being thrown about is the transfer fee so that is what sunderland will get..

as a guesstimate, kj himself might be on anywhere around 50-80k pounds a week, if he make a move like dat.. that might be about a 20k increase on what he already getting, so i guess all that would figure in de maths...

 :beermug: :beermug:
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Trinitim on October 29, 2007, 04:50:29 PM
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: JDB on October 29, 2007, 04:54:31 PM
Ultimately SUPA, if the offer comes and Sunderland accepts it the man has no choice but to go. I don't think that anybody suggesting that he turns down a move.

I think that what people feeling is that he shouldn't take on this speculation or even start thinking about that money, not as an immediate goal.

At Southampton, when the interest was there, he made it known that he was interested and helped the move happen. All well and good.

I think that this rounds tho, being just 7 games into a new contract, he needs to buckle down and not even think about them moves in the immediate future or express interest.

Just focus on scoring goals and winning games for Sunderland. Can't study career threatening injuries because (heaven forbid) that could happen anywhere and at anytime, b4 or after he make a move.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: dumpalewie on October 29, 2007, 05:05:04 PM
Kenwyne Jones has adapted well so far in the premiership which is why he will attract interest from other teams if he continues to play well and score goals.

A move to a massive club llike Liverpool or Arsenal would stall his development. Both clubs have riches in the striking dept which means he would sit on the bench and become the forgotten man just like Sean Wright Phillips at Chelsea.

He is better off at Sunderland for the next 2-3 years and if I'm Sunderland, I would build around this guy. The 6 million pounds seems like a bargain already for a player of his calibre and he's still quite young.

Thiink about this. Darren Bent was bought by Tottenham for 16 million pounds and what is he doing at this time. When Sunderland bought KJ many thought that 6 million pounds was too much for an unproven non english player in the EPL back then but I think KJ is worth about 10million today. Let his development continue. The warriors will need him to steer the team to South Africa in 2010.
I completely disagree.

If he went to Arsenal I believe he moves above Bentender and competes with Adebayor. Adebayor has a better touch but KJ is more clinical as a finisher. I their system they have a target man (Adebayor) and a runoff man (VP, Eduardo). 

At Liverpool he would only be behind Torres. Kuyt, Voronin are hustlers, nothing special.

Either way, he will get a lot of playing time. He would be better off at Arsenal where they make stars rather than Liverpool where stars are extinguished.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: D.H.W on October 29, 2007, 05:16:21 PM
stueps he need to go to a big team like man utd  ;D
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: SUPA on October 29, 2007, 05:22:38 PM
Ultimately SUPA, if the offer comes and Sunderland accepts it the man has no choice but to go. I don't think that anybody suggesting that he turns down a move.

I think that what people feeling is that he shouldn't take on this speculation or even start thinking about that money, not as an immediate goal.

At Southampton, when the interest was there, he made it known that he was interested and helped the move happen. All well and good.

I think that this rounds tho, being just 7 games into a new contract, he needs to buckle down and not even think about them moves in the immediate future or express interest.

Just focus on scoring goals and winning games for Sunderland. Can't study career threatening injuries because (heaven forbid) that could happen anywhere and at anytime, b4 or after he make a move.

JDB, yuh point understood and well taken, but it is not about thinking of an injury, it is about understanding dat it is part of a footbaler's life(threatening injuries) and being proactive, is always de wise thing tuh do in life  :beermug:. HIGHLY BLESSED.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Warlord on October 29, 2007, 06:11:54 PM
Kenwyne Jones has adapted well so far in the premiership which is why he will attract interest from other teams if he continues to play well and score goals.

A move to a massive club llike Liverpool or Arsenal would stall his development. Both clubs have riches in the striking dept which means he would sit on the bench and become the forgotten man just like Sean Wright Phillips at Chelsea.

He is better off at Sunderland for the next 2-3 years and if I'm Sunderland, I would build around this guy. The 6 million pounds seems like a bargain already for a player of his calibre and he's still quite young.

Thiink about this. Darren Bent was bought by Tottenham for 16 million pounds and what is he doing at this time. When Sunderland bought KJ many thought that 6 million pounds was too much for an unproven non english player in the EPL back then but I think KJ is worth about 10million today. Let his development continue. The warriors will need him to steer the team to South Africa in 2010.
I completely disagree.

If he went to Arsenal I believe he moves above Bentender and competes with Adebayor. Adebayor has a better touch but KJ is more clinical as a finisher. I their system they have a target man (Adebayor) and a runoff man (VP, Eduardo). 

At Liverpool he would only be behind Torres. Kuyt, Voronin are hustlers, nothing special.

Either way, he will get a lot of playing time. He would be better off at Arsenal where they make stars rather than Liverpool where stars are extinguished.

No disrespect to Adebayor but he isn't light years ahead of Kenwyne Jones. His misses too many easy chances to be considered clinical. If you made the comparison about Drogba I would agree wit you but Adebayor?? I think not.

Arsenal has a much better midfield when you factor in the likes of Fabregas, Hleb and others who can create alot of scoring opportunities for Adebayor. Now take Adebayor out of there and insert kenwyne Jones in their and he will get the same scoring chances and will have a better goal ratio than Adebayor.

Sunderland is new to the premiership and they're not as big a club as the gunners who obviously has a much superior midfield like most bigger clubs do. Arsenal does produce good players but they have other viable options in the striking department. KJ wouldn't have as much playing time unless they sell some of their players and well at Liverpool he would be dead in the pecking order. The best option is to stay at sunderland for the next 2-3 seasons. I think sunderland will invest in their midfield at some point in the off season.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: rotatopoti3 on October 29, 2007, 07:10:39 PM
Kenwyne not ready for Liverpool.  He should NOT even been mentioned in the same breath as Crouch.... >:(

Kenwyne need at least 3 seasons in the Premiership and score at least 15  Premiership goals a season  to even warm a KOP Bench
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: WestCoast on October 29, 2007, 07:19:56 PM
stueps he need to go to a big team like man utd  ;D
I feel Keane is going to be one heck of a Manager
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: SUPA on October 29, 2007, 09:10:32 PM
Kenwyne not ready for Liverpool.  He should NOT even been mentioned in the same breath as Crouch.... >:(

Kenwyne need at least 3 seasons in the Premiership and score at least 15  Premiership goals a season  to even warm a KOP Bench

Thank de system dat we have ah freedom ah speech yes, you is God tuh know if he go be fit, ready and still shining after 3 seasons? In one year do you know how much lil 17,18,19 and 20 year old does be coming out on de market wid real talent? Not tuh mention de talents dat does come from Brazil and Argentina, ah feel dem 2 countries does produce young stars every month. Meh friend dis thing is not ah game, dat is ah job and ah business investment fuh de clubs, their staff and players . Ah doh know if yuh from T&T, but meh faddah have ah lil line he does always use, it goes like dis, "Yuh have tuh beat de iron while it is hot". In other words, while all eyes are on KJ, he need tuh take de best offer, secure ah very nice pay day and haul ass, then he have tuh continue tuh give defenders trouble and score goals, den what yuh think next, de bigger sharks go him from Liverpool, or which ever club he go and then ah even bigger pay day. Do feel no way and run and hide from Supa yuh know, like some members does do, cuz ah not mad at yuh, we jus reasoning here, regular forum exchanging of ideas nah  ;)  :beermug:. HIGHLY BLESSED.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Warlord on October 29, 2007, 09:47:41 PM
Kenwyne not ready for Liverpool.  He should NOT even been mentioned in the same breath as Crouch.... >:(

Kenwyne need at least 3 seasons in the Premiership and score at least 15  Premiership goals a season  to even warm a KOP Bench

Thank de system dat we have ah freedom ah speech yes, you is God tuh know if he go be fit, ready and still shining after 3 seasons? In one year do you know how much lil 17,18,19 and 20 year old does be coming out on de market wid real talent? Not tuh mention de talents dat does come from Brazil and Argentina, ah feel dem 2 countries does produce young stars every month. Meh friend dis thing is not ah game, dat is ah job and ah business investment fuh de clubs, their staff and players . Ah doh know if yuh from T&T, but meh faddah have ah lil line he does always use, it goes like dis, "Yuh have tuh beat de iron while it is hot". In other words, while all eyes are on KJ, he need tuh take de best offer, secure ah very nice pay day and haul ass, then he have tuh continue tuh give defenders trouble and score goals, den what yuh think next, de bigger sharks go him from Liverpool, or which ever club he go and then ah even bigger pay day. Do feel no way and run and hide from Supa yuh know, like some members does do, cuz ah not mad at yuh, we jus reasoning here, regular forum exchanging of ideas nah  ;)  :beermug:. HIGHLY BLESSED.

Chat sitten wid sense nuh man. KJ nuh ready fi Liverpool Massa. Liverpool have di talent and it means more pressure on him to score if he goes there. At Sunderland he doesn't have that much pressure. He even said the 6 million pound price tag nuh faze him and that he's going out there and enjoy his football and score goals which he is currently doing.

Its not always about securing your future. He isn't 30 and looking for a last big payday. If he goes to a big club and doesn't produce he will rot away on the bench or in the reserves. What good is that to Soca warriors if he becomes stagnated?

KJ will get him money nuh matter wha. Right now him a mek round at least 40,000 pounds a week plus him contract guaranteed fi di next 3 years after dis suh nuh watch nutten.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: SUPA on October 30, 2007, 12:25:00 AM
Kenwyne not ready for Liverpool.  He should NOT even been mentioned in the same breath as Crouch.... >:(

Kenwyne need at least 3 seasons in the Premiership and score at least 15  Premiership goals a season  to even warm a KOP Bench

Thank de system dat we have ah freedom ah speech yes, you is God tuh know if he go be fit, ready and still shining after 3 seasons? In one year do you know how much lil 17,18,19 and 20 year old does be coming out on de market wid real talent? Not tuh mention de talents dat does come from Brazil and Argentina, ah feel dem 2 countries does produce young stars every month. Meh friend dis thing is not ah game, dat is ah job and ah business investment fuh de clubs, their staff and players . Ah doh know if yuh from T&T, but meh faddah have ah lil line he does always use, it goes like dis, "Yuh have tuh beat de iron while it is hot". In other words, while all eyes are on KJ, he need tuh take de best offer, secure ah very nice pay day and haul ass, then he have tuh continue tuh give defenders trouble and score goals, den what yuh think next, de bigger sharks go him from Liverpool, or which ever club he go and then ah even bigger pay day. Do feel no way and run and hide from Supa yuh know, like some members does do, cuz ah not mad at yuh, we jus reasoning here, regular forum exchanging of ideas nah  ;)  :beermug:. HIGHLY BLESSED.

Chat sitten wid sense nuh man. KJ nuh ready fi Liverpool Massa. Liverpool have di talent and it means more pressure on him to score if he goes there. At Sunderland he doesn't have that much pressure. He even said the 6 million pound price tag nuh faze him and that he's going out there and enjoy his football and score goals which he is currently doing.

Its not always about securing your future. He isn't 30 and looking for a last big payday. If he goes to a big club and doesn't produce he will rot away on the bench or in the reserves. What good is that to Soca warriors if he becomes stagnated?

KJ will get him money nuh matter wha. Right now him a mek round at least 40,000 pounds a week plus him contract guaranteed fi di next 3 years after dis suh nuh watch nutten.

"Chat sitten wid sense nah man" what facking language is dat, is not T&T or Jamaica dialogue, so yuh loose meh dey. Well ah think ah get yuh drift wid yuh what ever language, and it like yuh want tuh take Supa dat route, well leh we ride nah, cuz ah glad fuh de lil scene wid yuh, cuz ah getting ah lil rusty nobody tuh beat up on nah. Fassy hole ah must tell yuh thanks , fuh opposing meh like dat, ah really need de practice on ah lil punk like you, so leh we ride now. In ah nut shell if yuh so facking stupid, de man need tuh take what offers come now, cuz like ah said, tomorrow is not guaranteed. Now tell meh what de fack yuh doh understand. Yuh need tuh change yuh name doh, cuz de real war lord wud fack yuh up fuh carrying he name and being so facking dotish. So now go and drop ah sleep and doh facking wake up. HIGHLY BLESSED.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: WestCoast on October 30, 2007, 03:34:09 AM
oh lard
SUPA ya killin meh here today ;D
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Themanfriday on October 30, 2007, 05:17:41 AM
we have a new TI vs TT here in the making.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: SUPA on November 01, 2007, 10:52:42 AM
we have a new TI vs TT here in the making.

 ;D No comparison nah, cuz TI vs TT was competitive, but War Girl cah even clean de nozzle ah meh nyne. Yuh eh see ah give she 2 days tuh respond and she run and hide under de bed. All yuh let people wid dey bad man and gangster name trick all yuh, most ah dem soff, soff, soff. HIGHLY BLESSED.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: SUPA on November 01, 2007, 01:03:25 PM
oh lard
SUPA ya killin meh here today ;D

Wahappen faddah? Imagine ah top class coach/manager like Benitez want KJ and dis lil ass come on de forum and say KJ not ready fuh Liverpool. Who de fack is War Girl, tuh say dat KJ not ready fuh Liverpool? Like she smell de mad man coming round de corner, so she back up. Ah cud reason wid members dat have dey opinion on whether KJ might not get enough playing time, dat is ah sensible argument, but doh come here and dis we boi KJ, yuh mad, man ah will live up in yuh like yuh heart beat. If yuh know how facking mad dat facker get meh eh. Yuh know what, is people like dem does go foreign and bad talk T&T and de people.

I is ah US citizen, and ah holding meh US passport fuh many years, so ah love and appreciate de US fuh giving meh de opportunity tuh live in dey country, further meh education and making ah better life fuh meh self and meh family. However, wid dat said, ah still love meh country and meh people. If a person approach meh about T&T, ah does tell dem dat T&T is ah beautiful place, take ah visit you wud have ah great time, just be careful, cuz de crime went up ah bit lately. Dat is it right dey, ah does represent sah, ah doh play. Ah still wish ah cud avoid telling anyone about de crime and thing, cuz crime is not something good tuh tell someone dat want tuh visit yuh country. But people lives are at stake her, so it is only fare dat ah let dem know de truth. So when an individual appear like he want tuh dis T&T or an individual dat flying we flag fuh de world tuh see, ah does feel tuh just hit dem ah hard monkey slap and ah facking **n butt tuh face. HIGHLY BLESSED.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: giggsy11 on November 01, 2007, 05:42:11 PM
stueps he need to go to a big team like man utd  ;D

Truedat and a manager who knows how manage his players to get the best out of them!
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: ZionYouth on November 01, 2007, 07:08:51 PM
stueps he need to go to a big team like man utd  ;D

Truedat and a manager who knows how manage his players to get the best out of them!
Tuh hell wit dat,kj good right way he is....
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: dumpalewie on November 01, 2007, 09:48:15 PM
Kenwyne Jones has adapted well so far in the premiership which is why he will attract interest from other teams if he continues to play well and score goals.

A move to a massive club llike Liverpool or Arsenal would stall his development. Both clubs have riches in the striking dept which means he would sit on the bench and become the forgotten man just like Sean Wright Phillips at Chelsea.

He is better off at Sunderland for the next 2-3 years and if I'm Sunderland, I would build around this guy. The 6 million pounds seems like a bargain already for a player of his calibre and he's still quite young.

Thiink about this. Darren Bent was bought by Tottenham for 16 million pounds and what is he doing at this time. When Sunderland bought KJ many thought that 6 million pounds was too much for an unproven non english player in the EPL back then but I think KJ is worth about 10million today. Let his development continue. The warriors will need him to steer the team to South Africa in 2010.
I completely disagree.

If he went to Arsenal I believe he moves above Bentender and competes with Adebayor. Adebayor has a better touch but KJ is more clinical as a finisher. I their system they have a target man (Adebayor) and a runoff man (VP, Eduardo). 

At Liverpool he would only be behind Torres. Kuyt, Voronin are hustlers, nothing special.

Either way, he will get a lot of playing time. He would be better off at Arsenal where they make stars rather than Liverpool where stars are extinguished.

No disrespect to Adebayor but he isn't light years ahead of Kenwyne Jones. His misses too many easy chances to be considered clinical. If you made the comparison about Drogba I would agree wit you but Adebayor?? I think not.

Arsenal has a much better midfield when you factor in the likes of Fabregas, Hleb and others who can create alot of scoring opportunities for Adebayor. Now take Adebayor out of there and insert kenwyne Jones in their and he will get the same scoring chances and will have a better goal ratio than Adebayor.

Sunderland is new to the premiership and they're not as big a club as the gunners who obviously has a much superior midfield like most bigger clubs do. Arsenal does produce good players but they have other viable options in the striking department. KJ wouldn't have as much playing time unless they sell some of their players and well at Liverpool he would be dead in the pecking order. The best option is to stay at sunderland for the next 2-3 seasons. I think sunderland will invest in their midfield at some point in the off season.
Maybe you misread my post.
I did say that he will compete with Adebayor, the incumbent for the target striker position. I also did say that I think he is a more clinical finisher than Adebayor.

He would get playing time at Liverpool as I believe he can make a bigger contribution than Voronin or Kuyt. Matter of opinion I guess!
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: andre samuel on November 02, 2007, 04:24:57 AM
All this talk for some

My two cents is that Kenwyne doing well, but i ent feel liverpool is the right place for him.  That rotational policy that Benitez have might not be the best thing right now.

He is now gettting his feet wet in the league so the best thing for him might be a consistent run in the side.

He should stay at least two seasons a Sunderland.  I know everyone is excited about the potential that this youth man have, but we have to remember that he is just a youth and he needs to take things one day at a time.

SUPA, i know that nothing in life is guaranteed, but that doesnt mean that someone should not exercise patience.  Kenwyne still has to improve many aspects of his game to be considered a top class striker.

His power in the air is world class, but his first touch and passing is good, but not quite there yet.  A consistent run in competitive matches against world class defenses would change that.

The sky is Kenwyne's limit, but his journey has just begun.

Kenwyne might score every week, because i feel that there just isnt anyone in the league that can jump with de man!!

ah love it!!

Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: WestCoast on November 02, 2007, 04:54:25 AM
oh lard
SUPA ya killin meh here today ;D

Wahappen faddah? Imagine ah top class coach/manager like Benitez want KJ and dis lil ass come on de forum and say KJ not ready fuh Liverpool. Who de fack is War Girl, tuh say dat KJ not ready fuh Liverpool? Like she smell de mad man coming round de corner, so she back up. Ah cud reason wid members dat have dey opinion on whether KJ might not get enough playing time, dat is ah sensible argument, but doh come here and dis we boi KJ, yuh mad, man ah will live up in yuh like yuh heart beat. If yuh know how facking mad dat facker get meh eh. Yuh know what, is people like dem does go foreign and bad talk T&T and de people.

I is ah US citizen, and ah holding meh US passport fuh many years, so ah love and appreciate de US fuh giving meh de opportunity tuh live in dey country, further meh education and making ah better life fuh meh self and meh family. However, wid dat said, ah still love meh country and meh people. If a person approach meh about T&T, ah does tell dem dat T&T is ah beautiful place, take ah visit you wud have ah great time, just be careful, cuz de crime went up ah bit lately. Dat is it right dey, ah does represent sah, ah doh play. Ah still wish ah cud avoid telling anyone about de crime and thing, cuz crime is not something good tuh tell someone dat want tuh visit yuh country. But people lives are at stake her, so it is only fare dat ah let dem know de truth. So when an individual appear like he want tuh dis T&T or an individual dat flying we flag fuh de world tuh see, ah does feel tuh just hit dem ah hard monkey slap and ah facking **n butt tuh face. HIGHLY BLESSED.
all dat you say is very right my friend
is just the way you does say it makes me laugh sometimes ;D
I personally would like to see how Keane's managerial career pans out and if KJ could stick around as Sunderland slowly move up the table well dais ok with me also
If he did get some feed back from a big club I would imagine that he would go as everyone would prefer to make More money, rather than less ;)
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: Peong on November 02, 2007, 06:44:32 AM
Forget Liverpool, who is dem??? He should hold out for Real Madrid, Barcelona or Milan.
Van Nistelrooj need a good backup, Henry gettin old, Eto'o causin unrest, and Milan doh have no target man.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: SUPA on November 02, 2007, 05:30:51 PM
Forget Liverpool, who is dem??? He should hold out for Real Madrid, Barcelona or Milan.
Van Nistelrooj need a good backup, Henry gettin old, Eto'o causin unrest, and Milan doh have no target man.

I agree wid yuh totally, but as de older folks does say, one baby step at ah time. Wid dat ah mean, looking at de clubs dat showing interest, Liverpool is de biggest club so far and it will be ah much bigger pay day. Go Liverpool tear down de place, and like I said before de bigger sharks will eventually come fuh yuh. If he happen not tuh tear it down, guess what, money already signed, sealed and will be delivered. If all yuh realise something, Barcelona is meh team and ah didn't mention KJ going tuh dat club, cuz so far there is no offer from dem. We cud come on de forum and call all kind ah big teams, but is who interested in KJ, dat where he make his choice from. So Peong, wid no dis, ah doh know why yuh call out dem teams for, cuz so far dey didn't make an offer tuh KJ. Doh get meh wrong sah, Barca, Milan, Real Madrid, Man U, it doh get bigger dan dat, but dat is dreaming on right now, let us deal wid reality. Right now Liverpool is de best reality, if dem big guns come along well den we cud say forget Liverpool. Remember, 1/2 ah bread is better dan none, ah said 1/2 cuz tuh dem bigger teams (Barca, Man U, Real, etc) Liverpool tuh me is 1/2 ah bread, but dey are a big club doh. For example look at Zidane, Ronaldo, dey played for ah couple big teams, so going tuh Liverpool doh say dat KJ will be stuck dey fuh life, de ball will be in his court, so long as he take care ah business on the pitch, de bigger clubs will be at his feet. People dis is ah simple matter, de key in it is fuh KJ tuh keep performing at Liverpool, if his form drop, of course de bigger teams will turn their attention to another player.  :beermug:. HIGHLY BLESSED.
Title: Re: Crouch the bait as Liverpool chase Kenwyne Jones?
Post by: SUPA on November 02, 2007, 05:41:04 PM
All this talk for some

My two cents is that Kenwyne doing well, but i ent feel liverpool is the right place for him.  That rotational policy that Benitez have might not be the best thing right now.

He is now gettting his feet wet in the league so the best thing for him might be a consistent run in the side.

He should stay at least two seasons a Sunderland.  I know everyone is excited about the potential that this youth man have, but we have to remember that he is just a youth and he needs to take things one day at a time.

SUPA, i know that nothing in life is guaranteed, but that doesnt mean that someone should not exercise patience.  Kenwyne still has to improve many aspects of his game to be considered a top class striker.

His power in the air is world class, but his first touch and passing is good, but not quite there yet.  A consistent run in competitive matches against world class defenses would change that.

The sky is Kenwyne's limit, but his journey has just begun.

Kenwyne might score every week, because i feel that there just isnt anyone in the league that can jump with de man!!

ah love it!!

I is ah man tuh meh word, ah return just tuh quickly reply tuh yuh post and den go and beat meh Friday night juice. Andre ah doh know if ah should respond tuh yuh post, cuz ah certain reasons, ah doh hold back tuh say anything and ah sure deep in yuh heart yuh know wey ah coming from. Anyway, I do have ah big heart, so ah go still reply tuh yuh post. Ah must say dat I do agree wid every single line in your post, de only thing is dat I wud say 1 season and not 2, tuh me 2 will be pushing his luck 2 far. Don't think because I didn't post dat type of suggestion, ah don't think it is ah great move tuh make, but it is not safe in my book, so I still stand by my original suggestion.

Think back fuh ah minute, tuh when KJ wanted tuh leave Southampton. Well ah doh remember de player or de league, ah think is ah Spanish player or he was in de Spanish league, well dis particular individual ah believe died on de pitch or in hospital (correct meh if ah wrong please) which ever it was he was a soccer player, well when dat player died, KJ said dat it immediately raised a red flag for him, dat was one of his main reason for not wanting tuh miss de opportunity tuh play wid Sunderland in de EPL. KJ said dat when you miss out on opportunities dat come your way, you never know if it it will come back again, and you may live all de days of your life in regret or like dat  player, you cud die. So even KJ is of dat opinion of taking things as dey come along, if he will want tuh move now, well dat is ah different question, cuz he is already playing in de EPL, so he may think differently and want tuh stay and be de star boi at Sunderland.

However, at de end of de day, is if Sunderland want de cash being offered, de club have de final say, at least I thnk so. If de man above cud come and guarantee meh dat he will be fit, alive, still dominant for another season and free of any carerr ending injury, etc. I wud change my post instantly, people remember dat is ah big chance he wud be taking tuh say no and wait. De talent is there, there is no doubt about it, I'm concerned about something happening and spoiling ah piece ah money and status he may live tuh regret de rest of his life. There are some things you cud be patient wid, like going tuh school and doing ah lil part time job on de side fuh $7.00 /hr, until yuh graduate and get yuh big job and start tuh make $60,000.00, $70,000.00, etc per year. But in soccer dat is ah big risk, there are 2 many things, dat cud ruin yuh dreams. A hope yuh get meh drift boss, ah tried tuh break it down de beast ah cud, ah wouldn't say de best, not really de best doh, cuz meh mind really on meh Friday night lime and de juice.  HIGHLY BLESSED.
Title: Reds on trail of Cats hitman
Post by: Tallman on November 25, 2007, 07:52:12 AM
Reds on trail of Cats hitman
By James Hunter (Sunday Sun)

LIVERPOOL are continuing to keep tabs on Sunderland hitman Kenwyne Jones.

A Reds scout watched the in-form striker yesterday for the fourth Black Cats game in a row.

Although he drew a blank in Sunderland’s horror show at Everton, Trinidad & Tobago international Jones has netted four goals in 10 appearances for the Wearsiders and his displays against the likes of Arsenal and West Ham have caught the attention of a number of admirers in the Premier League.

Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez is known to rate Jones highly and is weighing up a bid for the former Southampton man in the January transfer window.

But Sunderland chief Roy Keane, who brought Jones to Wearside in a £6 million deal this summer, is under no pressure to sell.
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