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General => Entertainment & Culture Discussion => Topic started by: zuluwarrior on March 02, 2008, 10:41:19 AM

Title: Sparrow sing song for Barrack Obama
Post by: zuluwarrior on March 02, 2008, 10:41:19 AM

Slinger Francisco, The Mighty Sparrow, has made a calypso in support of US presidential hopeful Barack Obama.

The song titled Barack De Magnificent is one of the more popular songs on the YouTube Web site.

Speaking from his New York home on Friday, Sparrow said he first fell in love with Obama when he heard him speak at the 2004 Democratic convention in support of then presidential hopeful John Kerry.

“I heard Obama speak and I was impressed,” said Francisco.

“When his time came and he became a campaigner (for the presidency), I said, ‘why don’t I do something.’ He sounded so blessed and I said ‘why not?’”

Sparrow said he went and did research and then came up with the song about four months ago.

And he said about three months ago, he performed the song for Obama when he spoke at the Marriott Hotel in Brooklyn.

Saying that he was not eligible to vote for a US president, Sparrow said he wanted to show his support in another form. He said when he met Obama, “It was like we were buddies. He is a great guy, easy to get along with.”

Obama is the son of a Kenyan man and a white American woman from Kansas. He first shot to prominence with a speech that stirred the 2004 Democratic National Convention, according to the BBC.

“Through hard work and perseverance, my father got a scholarship to study in a magical place, America, which stood as a beacon of freedom and opportunity to so many who had come before,” he had said.

Obama was born on August 4, 1961, in Hawaii, and studied law at Harvard. When he was a toddler, his father got a chance to study at Harvard but there was no money for the family to go with him. He later returned to Kenya alone, where he worked as a government economist, and the couple divorced.

According to the BBC, when Obama was six, his mother, Ann, married an Indonesian man and the family moved to Jakarta.

Although his father and step-father were Muslim, Obama is a Christian and attended secular and Catholic schools rather than a madrassa for the four years he lived in Indonesia, a predominantly Muslim country, the BBC reported.

Currently, Obama has a slight lead over Hillary Rodham Clinton in the race to get the nomination of the Democratic party for the presidential election scheduled for November.

by The Mighty Sparrow

The respect of the world that we now lack,

If you want it back then, vote Barack!

Because this time we come out to vote!

Stop the war!

Stop genocide in Darfur!

No matter what,

Get healthcare for who have not!

The Foreign Relations Committee

Can attest to his tenacity

For homeland and job security.

He stood his ground

When the war was a conception,

Said it was wrong,

So he didn’t go along.

Jim Baker and Lee Hamilton,

They said of Barack’s opinion,

“He’s a man of resplendent vision!”

I know the warmongers are anxious, ready and set.

Saddam is who posing to us our really main threat.

They magnified Saddam’s offences,

Now we’re paying the consequences,

Everyday our soldiers joining the trenches!

Barack! Barack!

He’s fighting for openness and honest government!


He’s doggedly defiant,

Phenomenal strength and wisdom beyond comment!

After you put we in a quagmire!

Not this time!

We come out to vote!

What’s at stake?

Clean up Washington overall!

In the wake

Of the Jack Abramoff scandal.

The middle class done elect a man,

It’s without representation,

This regime has too much corruption!

He wants to see

A whole energy policy,


Extent? Comprehensively:

Renewable fuels to clean coal,

There’ll be no price gouging at all,

These things are Barack Obama’s goal.

Entrenched in the crooked regime, we must all take note.

They’ll be kicking and screaming at me, so we, all, must vote!

By not exercising these rights,

It’s refusing to see the light,

Democrats! Rise up! Stand up and fight!

Barack! Barack!

On the Senate Affairs Committee he’s a giant!


Dignifiedly resilient,

And with rock star status he’s Barack The Magnificent!

You talk about how you won’t cut and run,

Rumsfeld and Rove, that’s what they’ve done!

But not this time!

We come out to vote!

Not so government work!

As a grad

From both Columbia and Harvard,

This GI lad

Want all others to study hard.

We’re the wealthiest in less respects,

Without proper health insurance,

Walter Reed Hospital, for instance.

Quality check!

Every wounded soldier should get,

Not abject neglect,

All providers must give a heck!

Healthcare must be affordable

And easily accessible,

Make existentialism enjoyable!

Without that we could be living in pure misery,

Psychological, mental, even insanity.

Loving husband, father of two,

That is Obama’s point of view,

Religiously-urged family value.

Barack! Barack!

Civil rights lawyer who taught constitutional law.

Barack! Super terrific, I quote,

“Candidate of note!”

So, make sure he gets your vote!

Subpoenaing them gets you no answer!

The attorney general can’t remember!

Not this time!

We come out to vote!

We know he’s young,

But with the Wisdom of Solomon,

Not like that one!

He has experience, look what he’s done!

Insurgents have just one focus:

That’s to put a hurting on us.

Worldwide security must be enforced!


Could even get further outta hand,

The border plan,

He’ll protect in legal fashion,

Undocumenteds would get time,

They’ll have to atone for their crime,

Criminals would be kicked out, behind!

Employers who hire illegals and who outsource

Know it’s unconstitutional and time to change course,

Special interests ain’t facing facts,

Illiteracy and slavery could last,

Disenfranchisement gone, the time has passed!

Barack! Barack!

The first black President to lead this mighty nation!


We’ll regain worldwide respect with Obama’s vision and excellent comprehension!

The respect of the world we now lack,

If you want it back, then vote Barack!

Not this time!

We come out to vote!

With you there’s no hope!

Title: Re: Sparrow sing song for Barrack Obama
Post by: TrinInfinite on March 02, 2008, 09:23:06 PM
where the link to hear de tune breddah??
Title: Re: Sparrow sing song for Barrack Obama
Post by: E-man on March 03, 2008, 02:17:46 PM
where the link to hear de tune breddah??

Check the "take that hillary" thread in general (
Title: Re: Sparrow sing song for Barrack Obama
Post by: Sando prince on March 04, 2008, 07:48:19 PM
where the link to hear de tune breddah??
Title: Re: Sparrow sing song for Barrack Obama
Post by: Socaman on March 06, 2008, 07:43:06 AM
where the link to hear de tune breddah??

Here's de link
Title: Re: Sparrow sing song for Barrack Obama
Post by: daryn on July 11, 2008, 07:46:32 AM
CNN do a story featuring this song

video here:
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