Soca Warriors Online Discussion Forum

Sports => Football => Topic started by: Flex on June 25, 2008, 12:07:42 PM

Title: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Flex on June 25, 2008, 12:07:42 PM
Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
By: Hannibal Najjar.

Below are some thoughts on Alvin Corneal’s take on the match that we lost to Bermuda on Sunday June 15th, 2008, and on his overall role in T&T‘s Football!

In the end, I am suggesting that Alvin seeks to recluse himself from all direct involvement in football in T&T altogether.

My Predictions for this T&T Football Team as it now Exists

Before I go into presenting a few bits of food for thought, I want to make the prediction that, despite my feeling that this T&T team is not a 2010 contender, we will overcome the prevailing obstacle in the territorially treacherous triangle (I guess, Bermuda’s, ttt), that Bermuda belongs to. Despite Alvin Corneal’s statement that this is the best T&T team that he has seen for a long time, an insipid and incongruent statement altogether, this team, if kept as is, will be scrambling for air, game after game, at the next round of Qualification play, after bypassing Bermuda. This team, at best, is a team for 2014!

Alvin Corneal’s Comments and Advice

In the Arena section of the Trinidad Guardian, on Wednesday June 18th, Alvin Corneal released an analysis of our June 15th encounter against Bermuda, fought at the Marvin Lee Stadium. In his release he supplied counsel to the entire team with a remedy and set recommendations for survival and qualification to South Africa. Both, the analysis and the recommendations are still keeping me awake, taunting, days after my return to Missouri. Why is he allowed to occupy so much time addressing the nation when his comments resonate with so many contradictions and incongruent statements. It is clear to me that, his continued association with football, at the desk level, have not been sufficient to keep his thoughts congruent and, accurate. He is clearly not fit anymore to command the time, space, and attention of forward-thinking people – Alvin Corneal belongs to the past, especially with regards to inspiring, advising, developing the young talents, and the whole person.

My candid assessment is that, Alvin is not embracing the true truths of global football as they have emerged today, this despite his FIFA desk work. As well, he has not sincerely submerged himself into the true psyche of our youth as they operate today. His calculations have a sense of distance from these two important operatives, and also, a kind of archive perspective altogether.

Furthermore, what I am about to say, in one sense troubles me, and yet in another, it has become necessary. Just like so many direct aides and close government officials have withdrawn their allegiances from the Clintons in this recently concluded Democratic campaign, and thenceforth, endorsing Obama, I have to slip away from my childhood admiration for Alvin, while as my coach through several years with St. Mary’s College and Maple. I have known Alvin for many years and there is a special liking that I have for him, save and except that he is an October 13th born, and I, October 15th, and that he and I have known each other for a period longer than most of his children, including Anton, have been alive. The truth is, Alvin cuddles his family and friends more than he cares to cuddle the truth and that which is right. He exhibits tremendous loyalty to those close to him, but can turn on a dime if it suits him. I am 54 years old and I am known to be somewhat outspoken, and I have withheld my thoughts over the years while I gather greater knowledge and wisdom, truth, and accuracy about my feelings of Alvin’s future place in our football development. Now, despite my admiration for him as a cricketer, footballer (I watched many a game), coach, father, and friend, I have chosen to voice my feelings because the wheel keeps spinning the same way.

Reaction to Alvin’s Analysis and Recommendations

Basically, Alvin excused the players and team for the disastrous performance and failed result. He used his, and Sedley Joseph’s 41-year old experience in Winnipeg, Canada, at the Pan Am Games, to justify that such performances and losses, as ours against Bermuda was understandable, this, even when on home soil. Speaking out, he scolded the supporters for having “too much penchant for victory” and subtly suggested that the crowd should not be “criticizing the team’s failings, and levying personal attacks on players and coaches, most of which are reactionary and often attempts to hurt the feelings of the team”. Has Alvin Corneal found a new heart? No one has ever escaped his ridicule, cynicism, and judgment, even when performances and results are much better than what Maturana and Anton Corneal’s men displayed on June 15th.

Next, Alvin Corneal went on to insist that the entire team should follow a four-prong rehabilitation package that he outlined in his game summary. This package included, increasing “commitment, genuine sacrifice, the process of preparation, and psychological gauging and advantage seeking” (he gave greater details about these). Strangely, I see this as an oxymoronic proposition.

In fact, Alvin’s entire plea for reprieve of the national team and staff, is an indictment on the entire team and staff itself. He even went further to advise that the team could achieve all that he propositioned, within the one week between games. Ironically, Anton has been a continuous partner of this team, dating back some four years, to Leo Beenhakker and our Germany 2006 run, and thereafter, he went to and through the U-17 Youth World Cup in Korea. Now, he is in the arms of the Columbian and the Maturana “cartel” that has seen two World Cups himself. In addition, Anton has also been around a long time before Beenakkher, and certainly not without his father’s counsel, so how come this is the new-found revelation and recipe for improving our performance and ensuring victory, all within one week?

“Dunga-ried” Brasil and Change

As motivational speaker, Steven Covey, would say, effective leaders know when the fit between them and the situation is not a good or functional one - they climb the tree-top, survey the situation, and when they see the truth, they would shout, “Wrong Jungle”. However, I would contend that, when the jungle is agitated by the situation and its leader, the jungle would then shout, “Wrong Tarzan” signifying, a need for a change in T&T’s team leadership.

I do not believe however that the current staff is not capable for better things, it is just that they are not positioning themselves for a qualification bid in Mandela’s homestead. I say, keep this effort going in some secondary sense, and we will certainly be making a serious impact in CONCACAF for the next six years and beyond. “Wrong Tarzan” is the call for this 2010 effort! This is my spurt. Need any further convincing? Look at the situation with Brasil and the “Dunga-ried” squad where they are showing less than acceptable results. My contention is that Brasil is playing less finesse-type and more rugged, Dunga-like football throughout their play, and as a consequence, Dunga’s “neck” is being sought, following their last three paltry performances - a marginal and rather fortunate 3-2 victory over Canada, and two mesmerizing 0-2 losses to Venezuela in a friendly, and more recently, to front-running, CONMEBOL’s Paraguay in their qualifying group play. Most recently, they tied with world’s #1.

What have we to show, besides two ties with struggling Jamaica, a scrambling 2-0 win against Barbados, and a sickly performance that resulted in a 1-2 loss to upstart Bermuda? Barbados were just mauled by the US 8-0, while Grenada beat Jamaica 2-1, then they went on to tied and lose to Costa Rica 2-2 and lost 0-3, at home and away respectively, in their WC Qualifiers.

The truth is, Alvin has called for many a neck even when other coaches hadn’t even incurred a loss, or may have, but in more understandable situations. Nothing here Alvin? Personally, I can and have easily embraced Anton, as he is definitely one of the better personalities around. He possesses a sense of order, has kept pace with the game, attended courses, and clearly is garnering invaluable experience. But, the Alvin-Anton slate? Please! This is just as, the head-holding, Hillary-Bill slate, and who wants that!

Passing the Baton

The future and its occupants can stand on their own, and it is good for them to find their way, with some assistance from you and us, of course, the past and present. Alvin, I accuse you of standing in the way of progress, and it is a huge and ludicrous sin for us to sit in the way of the youth, as if nothing can be achieved without your direct and constant intrusions and involvement. Pass the baton Mr. Corneal; pass it over entirely to your son Anton and to others. Do not hold on to the baton, clenched tightly, you and you’re the few pre-sixties “ghosts”, for the race will never be completed, and more precisely, we will, run dead last every time.

Our football is not better because of you Alvin, and maybe, in many real senses, it is worse. Learn the Bill Clinton lesson of the just-concluded Democratic campaign. Let self go, and adopt the path of the Kennedy family – they knew when to let go and give their support to new blood.


1. Jack Hunts Gary[/b]

Nice move Jack, turning the public on the Government, by unleashing them on a “Hunt” for the Minister, Gary. This is one subtle, politically-savvy way to ensure that our home games stay home, and not be, NAFTA-ed away. You seem set to win this immediate battle as you Hunt down Gary with you “sooking” de public dog on him. There seems to be one thing that you left out, and for which the general public may know little about, and that is, the T&T Government can declare the T&TFF Football Team ineligible, almost in the same way, as you have many times in the past declared Alvin Corneal, persona non grata. By so doing, the government can bar further involvement of the team without infringing any of FIFA “outlaw” acts.

2. Jack’s Legacy

By the way Mr. Warner, I have one question of you – what is the legacy that you are anticipating leaving behind, when you are gone? Who is your planned successor? Who is your groom? What is the script for football? You know that no one can replace you in the conglomerate way that you have become, are - business magnate, MP for Chaguanas, UNC Big Wig, Owner of Joe Public, Vice President of FIFA, President of CONCACAF, President of CFU, Special Advisor of T&TT, and ??. You own every building, office, and equipment that T&TFF functions with. You pay everyone’s salary. You own football in T&T; you are the sole proprietor.

So what are we left with when you are gone…wherever? Younger Warner for Joe Public and all of your building and business affairs? Who, for the multitude of others? Who and what for football? You won’t be around forever? Your legacy will be based on this Jack! We will fall back “umpteen” years before we are restored to even half of the status that we currently enjoy. I do believe however, that freedom to fail, crawl, and get back on one’s feet, is the freedom to succeed, and succeed we will. Lesser nations are doing more with much less.

3. Scolari’s makes “Big” Portuguese Blunder

Why couldn’t “Big” Phil Scolari wait until EURO 2008 was completed? Didn’t he believe that he would have sent a destabilizing signal to the Portuguese team - one of betrayal? Surely, not only were the players responding to him in this EURO 2008, they obviously would also be blending even more as they set their sights on South Africa 2010. Scolari blundered miserably with his untimely decision to openly accept Chelsea’s and Abramovic’s offer to be at the helm. He missed out on a legitimate chance to go out as an achieving Portuguese coach. I go further to that Scolari will be replaced very early is his time with the Frank Lampard and John Terry engineered team. He will not successfully impact the Russian Tycoon’s outfit in the English Premier League.

4. Outrageous Referring in EURO’s

FIFA should really do something about the game that they run. I have a great deal respect for the depth of consideration that FIFA has given the game and its evolutionary development over he last two decades. However, I believe that the game has gotten too sophisticated, high speed, and mesmerisingly suspenseful, for FIFA to be adding more delicate components to the referees’ slate of duties without the provision of some additional assistance.

The yellow card situation, in the EURO’s 2008 is, horrendous! With the technological applications that we see taking place in the game today, thanks to my insertion of Ref-Aid to Jack and FIFA back in the 90‘s (which I never heard of thereafter, c’est la vie) a separate off-the-field official(s) could work in conjunction with the referee to make regularly correct calls. By that I mean, referees are failing to make accurate calls, both ways - in the yellow card situation, sometimes no cards are needed, and sometimes, they are. Also, I believe, if only by virtue of human nature, referees get emotionally involved in a game, and with the players, and this skews their judgement, which impacts the result of the game, and future games’ planning.

I suggest either, that FIFA consider including another official in a specially designed and elevated box, to assist with calls via the aid of the voice-activated, Ref-Aid technology that is in play today - help the referees to help the game, the players, the spectators, and all else. Also, maybe FIFA can include another pair of linesmen, one each alongside both goals, to help make correct calls from that vantage point. And, just as the referee consults with the two sideline officials, he can with these as well.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: dinho on June 25, 2008, 12:23:17 PM
Despite this being a poorly written article, I must applaud the honest and rational message behind it.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: kounty on June 25, 2008, 12:27:58 PM
glad he separate alvin and anton.  alvin is the biggest hypocrite alive.  hope anton move from strength to strength
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: oconnorg on June 25, 2008, 12:28:31 PM
Despite this being a poorly written article, I must applaud the honest and rational message behind it.

yuh wicked bad boy.. But yea it honest. Poor fellah had enough of Alvin and he bulshit.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: oconnorg on June 25, 2008, 12:29:59 PM
glad he separate alvin and anton.  alvin is the biggest hypocrite alive.  hope anton move from strength to strength

NAH.. Deh is de same thing..

Ent Bush Jr contuine the Works of Bush Snr..

RUN Dem both I say..  :beermug:
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: D.H.W on June 25, 2008, 12:31:33 PM
fack d corneals
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Themanfriday on June 25, 2008, 12:34:29 PM
I am also working on a piece like this. I am 100% in agreement.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Touches on June 25, 2008, 12:37:38 PM
That man write a whole book to vent he frustrations on Alvin oui.

A simple Fack You Alvin woulda suffice! fact it mighta been more effective.

Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: ZANDOLIE on June 25, 2008, 12:47:30 PM

1. Jack Hunts Gary

Nice move Jack, turning the public on the Government, by unleashing them on a “Hunt” for the Minister, Gary. This is one subtle, politically-savvy way to ensure that our home games stay home, and not be, NAFTA-ed away. You seem set to win this immediate battle as you Hunt down Gary with you “sooking” de public dog on him. There seems to be one thing that you left out, and for which the general public may know little about, and that is, the T&T Government can declare the T&TFF Football Team ineligible, almost in the same way, as you have many times in the past declared Alvin Corneal, persona non grata. By so doing, the government can bar further involvement of the team without infringing any of FIFA “outlaw” acts.

Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Bakes on June 25, 2008, 01:54:02 PM

1. Jack Hunts Gary

Nice move Jack, turning the public on the Government, by unleashing them on a “Hunt” for the Minister, Gary. This is one subtle, politically-savvy way to ensure that our home games stay home, and not be, NAFTA-ed away. You seem set to win this immediate battle as you Hunt down Gary with you “sooking” de public dog on him. There seems to be one thing that you left out, and for which the general public may know little about, and that is, the T&T Government can declare the T&TFF Football Team ineligible, almost in the same way, as you have many times in the past declared Alvin Corneal, persona non grata. By so doing, the government can bar further involvement of the team without infringing any of FIFA “outlaw” acts.


I just coming to question that.

I dunno... I agree with the central gist of the article but for the most part it kinda smacks of personal betrayal of the Corneals...especially Alvin.  If you that close to him as you claim...closer than family in some instances, these are the kinda things you'd say about him publicly?  Why not save that for a private face-to-face?  Good thing dey'z friends, lol.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Lower St. John on June 25, 2008, 02:19:29 PM
Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
By: Hannibal Najjar.

Passing the Baton
Our football is not better because of you Alvin, and maybe, in many real senses, it is worse.

Nuff said.

Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: WestCoast on June 25, 2008, 02:55:58 PM
"Alvin Corneal – Time for Change."
start with BOTH of allya HAULING allya armen away from TnT Football
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: sub1 on June 25, 2008, 03:52:57 PM

1. Jack Hunts Gary

Nice move Jack, turning the public on the Government, by unleashing them on a “Hunt” for the Minister, Gary. This is one subtle, politically-savvy way to ensure that our home games stay home, and not be, NAFTA-ed away. You seem set to win this immediate battle as you Hunt down Gary with you “sooking” de public dog on him. There seems to be one thing that you left out, and for which the general public may know little about, and that is, the T&T Government can declare the T&TFF Football Team ineligible, almost in the same way, as you have many times in the past declared Alvin Corneal, persona non grata. By so doing, the government can bar further involvement of the team without infringing any of FIFA “outlaw” acts.


I just coming to question that.

I dunno... I agree with the central gist of the article but for the most part it kinda smacks of personal betrayal of the Corneals...especially Alvin.  If you that close to him as you claim...closer than family in some instances, these are the kinda things you'd say about him publicly?  Why not save that for a private face-to-face?  Good thing dey'z friends, lol.

I have to question Hannibal's ability to choose his friends. When Hanni got the job to coach the national team he personnaly ripped hannibal to shreds. I was too ashamed to convey this to Hannibal. If he reads this site then only now he will know how the dastardly Alvin was frothing at the mouth hoping for Hannibal to fail. HAnnibal if you are reading know this...Alvin has no friends but his immediate family. Everybody else is just canon fodder.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: MEP on June 25, 2008, 04:58:04 PM
Despite this being a poorly written article, I must applaud the honest and rational message behind it.
Poorly written could be misconstrued. Pedantic and meandering would be a better description as his writing displays a prohibitive lucidity of thought. Perhaps he wants to insult Alvin nicely or maybe it is his intention to encourage some sort of  national dialogue on football.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: weary1969 on June 25, 2008, 05:16:10 PM
He clock real slow because d time longgggggggggggg gone
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Deeks on June 25, 2008, 05:39:24 PM
Whether it was  a long and meandering piece, everybody know what is trying to say. Speak your mind, Hanni!!!!!
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: palos on June 25, 2008, 06:03:01 PM
There seems to be one thing that you left out, and for which the general public may know little about, and that is, the T&T Government can declare the T&TFF Football Team ineligible, almost in the same way, as you have many times in the past declared Alvin Corneal, persona non grata. By so doing, the government can bar further involvement of the team without infringing any of FIFA “outlaw” acts.


Didn't know dat.  Very interesting if accurate.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: weary1969 on June 25, 2008, 06:06:00 PM
If dat was d truth what he say who go bell d cat
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Arimaman on June 25, 2008, 06:08:44 PM
I am no Hannibal Najjar fan but he right on in his analysis or rather rants about the Corneal clan.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: palos on June 25, 2008, 06:09:46 PM
I have to question Hannibal's ability to choose his friends. When Hanni got the job to coach the national team he personnaly ripped hannibal to shreds. I was too ashamed to convey this to Hannibal. If he reads this site then only now he will know how the dastardly Alvin was frothing at the mouth hoping for Hannibal to fail. HAnnibal if you are reading know this...Alvin has no friends but his immediate family. Everybody else is just canon fodder.

Maybe he jes find out dat Alvin was slaggin he at de time, hence dis article...
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Storeboy on June 25, 2008, 09:19:45 PM
He take a long time to say it but every point is correct.  BTW, how old is Alvin Corneal now?  Either time  passing him by or he so biased he can't see beyond his nose bridge.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: ZANDOLIE on June 25, 2008, 10:25:14 PM this talk about loophole to intervene in TTFF affairs without incurring the wrath of FIFA ol' talk or what. Because allyuh know the possibble implications of that course of action....

Anybody here know what he talking about???
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Savannah boy on June 26, 2008, 12:33:55 AM
Doh study semantics.  We didn't expect Shakespeare from Hannibal.  Ah glad he say wha he say.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Bakes on June 26, 2008, 01:47:28 AM
Doh study semantics.  We didn't expect Shakespeare from Hannibal.  Ah glad he say wha he say.

lmao  :D

Nah man... Hannibal actually did a good job with the article... like MEP say, it meanders a little bit but I think he tried to touch on many different things, not all of them central to the discussion.  For instance, at several points he adds the disclaimer that he's friendly with Alvin...and by extension, Anton.  That could have been dealth with in three or four lines near the start.  But I won't get into that too much, it's only stylistic.  From a substantive standpoint their is plenty here to work with.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Observer on June 26, 2008, 08:20:38 AM
Najjar for his part should be  :applause: Why! because he said what needed to be said and quite frankly most football peoples in T&T would share this opinion. Alvin never seems to want T&T to be successful unless he has a hand in it. Look at how he has been critical of all National coaches (Anton excused) and his obvious distaste for Beenie. Even after the team qualified, he continued with the criticism before & after the WC. I would not be surprised if he even had a hand in the manipulation of Nakid. I feel for Anton in a way, because he will always be suspect, due to his obvious ties. Anton I believe will grow leaps and bounds as a coach if he could just find a way to take a different path and eventually say "thanks, but let me do it my way."
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: palos on June 26, 2008, 08:34:48 AM
Anton I believe will grow leaps and bounds as a coach if he could just find a way to take a different path and eventually say "thanks, but let me do it my way."

A Factin Men!!

Actually, not "Let Me do it my way" but more appropriately.... "AH DOIN IT MY WAY!"
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Sam on June 26, 2008, 09:04:25 AM
Article makes sence, Alvin is an ass, Jack’s Legacy will live on forever, from Jamaal to Darryl from Jack, and Anton cannot operate without Alvin.

Why did Hannibal leave out, Francisco Maturana, Richard Gorden and Oliver Camps.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Observer on June 26, 2008, 09:07:23 AM
Article makes sence, Alvin is an ass, Jack’s Legacy will live on forever, from Jamaal to Darryl from Jack, and Anton cannot operate without Alvin.

Why did Hannibal leave out, Francisco Maturana, Richard Gorden and Oliver Camps.

Sam I eh read one of your post in a year. Everytime I click i steering at dam picture  ;D
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: Sam on June 26, 2008, 09:18:50 AM
Article makes sence, Alvin is an ass, Jack’s Legacy will live on forever, from Jamaal to Darryl from Jack, and Anton cannot operate without Alvin.

Why did Hannibal leave out, Francisco Maturana, Richard Gorden and Oliver Camps.

Sam I eh read one of your post in a year. Everytime I click i steering at dam picture  ;D

 :devil: :devil:, I beat that picture nuff time.... meh hand huting.....
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: ttcom on June 26, 2008, 10:59:43 AM
Yes, it is time for a change. You and your ass kissing son to JW, need to stay the Fack away from T&T football.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: MATADOR on June 30, 2008, 07:13:48 AM
Everybody is an expert in the affairs of TT football. None without given the chance will prove to be successful but then again that is determined by your measure of success. Here is probably one of the least favorite former National team coaches of all time feeding his bait to those who are not behind the scenes to bite at and pick up the fight. Well all I have to ask Mr. Najjar and I hope he reads this post and visit the site is this:

Our first Gold Cup in LA..Mr. Najjar do you remember making a phone call  begging to be on the Trinidad staff? If I remember clearly you offered to even carry water to the players... Know this Najjar, not all fourmities here are easily baited into your foolishness, and some of us here do have experiences with you to know you are up to your usual antics.

Your stint as National coach was a ploy to try and get the Syrian businesses to sponsor and invest in the TTFF..but it backfired, half fled after the COOP and the other just don't care to support you.
Your termination was self inflicted Alvin had nothing to do with that. Players whom I spoke to under your coaching said quite frankly, you couldn't coach a monkey to peel bananas. Remember when one points a finger there are 3 more pointing right back at you. You speak of Alvin and you just like most on here have no understanding as to the man's role, job, experience, knowledge and above all that how much he cares for his country. Here is a man who represented the country in both cricket and football and while part of his job as a commentator is to be critical at times you seem to feed only off the negatives...No wonder we as a people cannot get anywhere unless it is an individual sport...and supposedly coached by Foreigner, for we can't collectively handle the local critics. Or can we?

I at times are not in agreement with some of the things Alvin says but he is intitled to his opinions and I mine, yet it makes no sense calling for his head when you can even fill the shoes he walking in. That comes like me blaming Manning for losing my job..yet I am the one who never fully performed at my job...stop looking for excuses and loopholes Najjar and just look into the failed at your helm.

Keep up the mud slinging I have many more to write on you.

Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: weary1969 on June 30, 2008, 08:45:54 AM
Yeah d chimp entitled 2 he opinion but when it is dat we have 2 look mars 4 players it tells me that he should lead d search on mars 4 d players.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: fatimarima on June 30, 2008, 01:50:49 PM
As much as people may dislike the Corneals, their positive contribution to local football has been significant.  Both as players and as coaches for trinidad they have made huge contributions.    Anton Corneal coached the u-17 national team to youth world cup qualification and he was involved in the senior world cup qualification as part of the technical staff if I am not mistaken.  Besides that, both Alvin and Anton have provided hundreds of players with the opportunity to get scholarships to US universities, as well as professional and semi-pro contracts abroad.  They have done this through their club ALCONS.  Training with Alcons was free and open to all players at all skill levels. Players like Mickey Trotman and Stern John were once a part of Alcons.  Belive it or not but The corneals have done a lot for local football.  I think they have made far far far greater contributions than Hanibal Najjar ever made.
I understand that many people may have ligitimate reasons for not liking the corneals.  Maybe personal reasons or maybe something else. However I think alot of the hate is from simply not knowing what the Corneals are really about.  Are they incompetent and only in local football for greed and Power or are they fully capable and  in it for the improvement and development of national football?  I think that they are involved in local football for the right reasons - improvement and development.  Thats just my opinion.   It will be a time for change if it is proven that they are not fully capable or are not the best options for their respective jobs.  Until then, I have no problems with the corneals.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: doc on June 30, 2008, 01:55:51 PM
As much as people may dislike the Corneals, their positive contribution to local football has been significant.  Both as players and as coaches for trinidad they have made huge contributions.    Anton Corneal coached the u-17 national team to youth world cup qualification and he was involved in the senior world cup qualification as part of the technical staff if I am not mistaken.  Besides that, both Alvin and Anton have provided hundreds of players with the opportunity to get scholarships to US universities, as well as professional and semi-pro contracts abroad.  They have done this through their club ALCONS.  Training with Alcons was free and open to all players at all skill levels. Players like Mickey Trotman and Stern John were once a part of Alcons.  Belive it or not but The corneals have done a lot for local football.  I think tey have made far far far greater contributions than Hanibal Najjar ever made.
I understand that many people may have ligitimate reasons for not liking the corneals.  Maybe personal reasons or maybe something else. However I think alot of t hate is from simply not knowing what the Corneals are really about.  Are they in local football for greed and Power or are they in it for the improvement and development of national football?  I think that they are involved in local football for the right reasons - improvement and development.  Thats just my opinion.   
So Alvin why did we lose to Bermuda in 1967? And why did your second division club Maple have the most players on the national team in the early eighties? Just to see how forthcoming you are :devil: :beermug:
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: sub1 on June 30, 2008, 03:37:24 PM
As much as people may dislike the Corneals, their positive contribution to local football has been significant.  Both as players and as coaches for trinidad they have made huge contributions.    Anton Corneal coached the u-17 national team to youth world cup qualification and he was involved in the senior world cup qualification as part of the technical staff if I am not mistaken.  Besides that, both Alvin and Anton have provided hundreds of players with the opportunity to get scholarships to US universities, as well as professional and semi-pro contracts abroad.  They have done this through their club ALCONS.  Training with Alcons was free and open to all players at all skill levels. Players like Mickey Trotman and Stern John were once a part of Alcons.  Belive it or not but The corneals have done a lot for local football.  I think they have made far far far greater contributions than Hanibal Najjar ever made.
I understand that many people may have ligitimate reasons for not liking the corneals.  Maybe personal reasons or maybe something else. However I think alot of the hate is from simply not knowing what the Corneals are really about.  Are they incompetent and only in local football for greed and Power or are they fully capable and  in it for the improvement and development of national football?  I think that they are involved in local football for the right reasons - improvement and development.  Thats just my opinion.   It will be a time for change if it is proven that they are not fully capable or are not the best options for their respective jobs.  Until then, I have no problems with the corneals.

First off Alvin,Anton was coach in name only. WiM Risjbergen coachedthis team to the WC. LEft to you and Anton we would not have made it.

Secondly yes we do feel and believe that you are only after power and as such you are very incompetent. How can you praise this team of incompetent players losing to Bermuda. BIAS!! which is your hallmark when it comes to picking or promoting players to a national team. No Alvin you dont love this country. You love yourself and your family which, in away is what is lacking in T&T among the african community, but not at the expense of the progress of the nation. YOu could care less if we qualify once Anton gets the necessary promotion and you get to put your grimy hands in the mixture that is the T&T national team. So please Alvin follow Hannibal's suggestion and leave our football alone.We as a country would be better off without you and your family.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: fatimarima on June 30, 2008, 03:55:32 PM
As much as people may dislike the Corneals, their positive contribution to local football has been significant.  Both as players and as coaches for trinidad they have made huge contributions.    Anton Corneal coached the u-17 national team to youth world cup qualification and he was involved in the senior world cup qualification as part of the technical staff if I am not mistaken.  Besides that, both Alvin and Anton have provided hundreds of players with the opportunity to get scholarships to US universities, as well as professional and semi-pro contracts abroad.  They have done this through their club ALCONS.  Training with Alcons was free and open to all players at all skill levels. Players like Mickey Trotman and Stern John were once a part of Alcons.  Belive it or not but The corneals have done a lot for local football.  I think they have made far far far greater contributions than Hanibal Najjar ever made.
I understand that many people may have ligitimate reasons for not liking the corneals.  Maybe personal reasons or maybe something else. However I think alot of the hate is from simply not knowing what the Corneals are really about.  Are they incompetent and only in local football for greed and Power or are they fully capable and  in it for the improvement and development of national football?  I think that they are involved in local football for the right reasons - improvement and development.  Thats just my opinion.   It will be a time for change if it is proven that they are not fully capable or are not the best options for their respective jobs.  Until then, I have no problems with the corneals.

First off Alvin,Anton was coach in name only. WiM Risjbergen coachedthis team to the WC. LEft to you and Anton we would not have made it.

Secondly yes we do feel and believe that you are only after power and as such you are very incompetent. How can you praise this team of incompetent players losing to Bermuda. BIAS!! which is your hallmark when it comes to picking or promoting players to a national team. No Alvin you dont love this country. You love yourself and your family which, in away is what is lacking in T&T among the african community, but not at the expense of the progress of the nation. YOu could care less if we qualify once Anton gets the necessary promotion and you get to put your grimy hands in the mixture that is the T&T national team. So please Alvin follow Hannibal's suggestion and leave our football alone.We as a country would be better off without you and your family.
why people responding to my post as if my name is Alvin?  ???   No body named Alvin post anything here!
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: weary1969 on June 30, 2008, 04:04:52 PM
Ok Anton or Mrs. Corneal u get d pt lawd fadder
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: fatimarima on June 30, 2008, 04:16:11 PM
lol, allyuh makin dis a joke now.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: sub1 on June 30, 2008, 04:19:24 PM

why people responding to my post as if my name is Alvin?  ???   No body named Alvin post anything here!

MAybe because the fatimarima/Corneals ring a bell.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: fatimarima on June 30, 2008, 04:28:48 PM
went fatima for o-levels then went Arima sr comp for A-levels.  hence the name fatimarima.  Played for arima in 92 for mike Grayson.  where does corneal ring a bell in that?
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: sub1 on June 30, 2008, 05:03:12 PM
went fatima for o-levels then went Arima sr comp for A-levels.  hence the name fatimarima.  Played for arima in 92 for mike Grayson.  where does corneal ring a bell in that?

Mike is my personal friend, also if you went to fatima you should be able to figure out the fatimarima/corneal connection.  Despite your attempt at an explanation there are few people in football who know the corneals that would defend them...especially Alvin as you attempted to do. Unless of course you were one of his "picks".
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: elan on June 30, 2008, 05:23:08 PM
Another Trini player and I went to play at the same college. we entered as Freshmen. He was an Alcons prdouct. The man give me some stories about his experience with that club. One that stand out was them (the players) paying a lot of money to come to the USA to travel and play. They pay money for 4 players to a room and when they get over to the states is 8 ah them in a room for the entire trip. All kind of fast food they eating. To top it of the players who get scholarship was not even the best players or students. They were from certain schools and communities.
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: fatimarima on June 30, 2008, 06:56:24 PM
went fatima for o-levels then went Arima sr comp for A-levels.  hence the name fatimarima.  Played for arima in 92 for mike Grayson.  where does corneal ring a bell in that?

Mike is my personal friend, also if you went to fatima you should be able to figure out the fatimarima/corneal connection.  Despite your attempt at an explanation there are few people in football who know the corneals that would defend them...especially Alvin as you attempted to do. Unless of course you were one of his "picks".
Sub1, Thats cool that coach Grayson is your personal friend.  He is a great coach.  It would be really good to see him involved in the national set up, especially at the youth level.   I have a lot of respect for all of the coaches I have played for including both of the Corneals but especially for mike Grayson.
 When I post my opinions about the corneals it is based on my experiences.  Honestly, from my experiences I think that they care a lot for the development of football in Trinidad.  Nobody is perfect, everybody has their faults, but these guys have made a significant contribution to local football and they should be given some credit.  I just find that they are getting bashed excessively and people are acting like they never did anything good.  By the way I was definitly NOT one of the corneal's "picks".
Title: Re: Alvin Corneal – Time for Change.
Post by: weary1969 on June 30, 2008, 07:21:39 PM
We agree on 1 ting Grayson is a good coach he get caught up in d nonesense at Arima Snr and now Gustine benefitting from his expertise.
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