Soca Warriors Online Discussion Forum

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: truetrini on February 02, 2009, 12:14:56 PM

Title: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 02, 2009, 12:14:56 PM
December 30th 2008, I stepped out of the shower and took a look at myself naked in front of the mirror and I looked liked I was about to make a baby....possibly twins.

I decided to do something about my weight gain and that infernal big belly.

I got on a scale and I weighed 219 lbs.  9.5 oz.  BMI was 31.6   BMI Categories:

    * Underweight = <18.5
    * Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
    * Overweight = 25-29.9
    * Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

I searched the best diets and decided that dieting is shit!  Too hard and too any restrictions.  I made the decision to walk off the weight.

I found several websites on walking your way to health and combined with a better dietary regimen, I am proud to say that at weigh in today I am down to 192 lbs 0.6 oz!   27 f**king pounds already!  hahahahahahahahahahaha!  BMI  27.5   My ultimate goal is to reach 170 lbs come August 19th..just a random date I specific reason at all.

I am motivated to keep this up as I eat foods I like just smaller portions and have cut out fat and sugar from my diet.  I use around 16 grams of fat ONLY a day! I have also reduced the amount of sodium in my diet significantly...this was the hardest part of the diet as the food was at first very if there is a high salt content I can't eat the damn

No more sweet drinks, no more juices, water and if I make lemonade or orange juice I squeezing fresh fruit and using Stevia as a sweetner.  NO SUGAR!

I have been walking 4-8 miles a day on average at around 4-6.5 minutes a mile.  and keeping my calorie intake to about 2000 a day, by eating 4 meals of 500 calories.

I have found that many times when I have an urge to eat I am really thirsty and I drink water.  For snacks I eat apples, grapes, 100 calorie bags of pop corn, pears, oranges etc.  Sometime a handful of nuts....all kinds.

SO now I am feeling fitter, went from a waist 38 to a waist 34, have to get new pants....lost plenty inches and looking MUCH better ....!  I walk about 20,000 steps a day now not too shabby up from 3000 when I first started!

Some stuff I discovered about food, exercise and plates...yes plates.    A VERY SURPRISING STUDY!

Twenty years ago, according to the NHLBI, a typical cheeseburger had 330 calories; today, it’s 590. The French fries you ordered on the side 20 years ago were a 2.4-ounce handful totaling 210 calories; today the standard order is a heaping 6.9 ounces, packing 610 calories.

The portion explosion has “supersized” foods beyond burger joints. A blueberry muffin that weighed 1.5 ounces, 210 calories, two decades ago now tips the scales at 5 ounces, 500 calories. We’re washing it down with a cup of coffee that used to be 8 ounces, 45 calories with milk and sugar, but now averages 16 ounces and 350 calories, with milk and “mocha” syrup. Bagels have grown from three inches in diameter, 140 calories, to six-inch behemoths with 350 calories.

Platers today are 22% larger than they were 40 years ago.  Imagine putting small portions on plates today you go feel yuh eh getting enough!  Check this out:

The Size of Your Dinner Plate

It's a good idea to keep an eye on the size of your dinner plate. Why? Because we know that we eat most of what is on our plate, no matter what size plate we use.

Take control of your portion sizes by downsizing your plate size. It's an easy change you can make today, and it can make weight loss easier. Switch from a dinner plate to a salad plate, or buy a smaller plate to use just for your own meals.

It sounds too good to be true, but using smaller dishes can also help you feel full when eating less. Studies have shown that people feel more satisfied with less food when they are served on 8-inch salad plates in place of 12-inch dinner plates.

At home, use smaller plates and bowls to serve your food. This will help to keep the portions smaller, and it will help you feel full eating less, too. When eating out, share an entree or ask for a lunch-size portion.

Healthy regards,
Megan Porter, RD

Anyway just wanted to share with the forum.......maybe motivate others who looked like I did 60 days ago..........I still have a long way to go, but I am going to reach my goal....thanks

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Tallman on February 02, 2009, 12:32:03 PM
December 30th 2008, I stepped out of the shower and took a look at myself naked in front of the mirror
Keep dat shit tuh yuhself nah man, I eh too long finish eating  :devil:.

I am motivated to keep this up as I eat foods I like just smaller portions and have cut out fat and sugar from my diet.  I use around 16 grams of fat ONLY a day! I have also reduced the amount of sodium in my diet significantly...this was the hardest part of the diet as the food was at first very if there is a high salt content I can't eat the damn

No more sweet drinks, no more juices, water and if I make lemonade or orange juice I squeezing fresh fruit and using Stevia as a sweetner.  NO SUGAR!

I have found that many times when I have an urge to eat I am really thirsty and I drink water.  For snacks I eat apples, grapes, 100 calorie bags of pop corn, pears, oranges etc.  Sometime a handful of nuts....all kinds.

Steups. All yuh had tuh do was PM meh and ask meh about meh eating habits. Ital is vital! ;D
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: kounty on February 02, 2009, 01:17:38 PM
I especially identify with this line
I have found that many times when I have an urge to eat I am really thirsty and I drink water.  For snacks I eat apples, grapes, 100 calorie bags of pop corn, pears, oranges etc.  Sometime a handful of nuts....all kinds.
this help me move from maybe 275, who knows 280? down to 230 ("The Rock" is 230 but a lil taller than me :) ).  My goal is 200 cuz that was when I felt the fittest in my life (big enough to knock down any bigger person but mobile enough to scale wall, kick ball etc). 
I don't have the time  to walk 6 miles, but since I only had 1 hr / day I picked up swimming - I do about 1 mile in the hr, but stuck at 230 for a while and don't have no more time for at least the rest of this year.
I like the smaller plate idea and could vouch for the snacking on apples and pop corn idea to anybody who starting off (even though I gettin to overdo the popcorn ting).
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Disgruntled_Trini on February 02, 2009, 01:24:45 PM
Ital eh vital at all.

I read an article some time ago in which they did a study and it showed that Vegetarians do not necessarily live longer lives or are even disease free.

What the article was trying to convey was simple, everything in moderation.

After Xmas I really take in meh self and realise that carnival was fast approaching and all dem dinner specials was catching up, but I only had a 10 pounds to lose.

I cut out all soft drinks and juice, tuna in the morning straight out the can with some crackers, salad for lunch no sauce and a protein shake in the night. Might have a granola bar during the day. No starch, which mean, nothing white - no white sugar, no white race matter of fact no white girls.

For exercise, is real spinning, running hard like I running from the law, heavy sweat and I stop sucking c__t all bout d place.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Tallman on February 02, 2009, 01:34:22 PM
Ital eh vital at all.

I read an article some time ago in which they did a study and it showed that Vegetarians do not necessarily live longer lives or are even disease free.

What the article was trying to convey was simple, everything in moderation.

As with most topics, yuh could get all kinda articles and studies that support either point of view. But you are correct when you say the key is moderation. Plus, not everything is fuh everybody. And eating right is only one part of de equation.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Jumbie on February 02, 2009, 02:22:54 PM
Well done fat man! maybe now you can see your facking keyboard and answer my message.

BTW... I'm up to 3 miles
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 02, 2009, 02:26:22 PM
Tallman, I really cut back on de meat ting a whole lot.  I eat a little fish and a little chicken now, but more fish. eating much decrease a whole lot too.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 02, 2009, 02:31:54 PM
I especially identify with this line
I have found that many times when I have an urge to eat I am really thirsty and I drink water.  For snacks I eat apples, grapes, 100 calorie bags of pop corn, pears, oranges etc.  Sometime a handful of nuts....all kinds.
this help me move from maybe 275, who knows 280? down to 230 ("The Rock" is 230 but a lil taller than me :) ).  My goal is 200 cuz that was when I felt the fittest in my life (big enough to knock down any bigger person but mobile enough to scale wall, kick ball etc). 
I don't have the time  to walk 6 miles, but since I only had 1 hr / day I picked up swimming - I do about 1 mile in the hr, but stuck at 230 for a while and don't have no more time for at least the rest of this year.
I like the smaller plate idea and could vouch for the snacking on apples and pop corn idea to anybody who starting off (even though I gettin to overdo the popcorn ting).

walking for one hour better than swimming for one hour according to my research, what is even better, if you walk 3 days and swim 2 days yuh go lose even more.
the stalling comes when yuh body start to adjust to the level of exercise you do, and the food you eat...

here is what I did...

eat more often
cross train

I ride too...try riding and walking and swimming...change it up.

By the way, you will be surprised how far you can walk in one hour...very surprised

disgruntled, eating nanny is a good diet, no carbs.  you went on ah kinda atkins dey...dat too hard to maintain for long.

Water, no sugar and plenty ital really helpful in truth

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: ZANDOLIE on February 02, 2009, 02:36:17 PM
Nice wuk TT. 
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Touches on February 02, 2009, 02:37:56 PM
Well done breds!

Yuh cut out alcohol and beer?

That is the devil right dey.

Also doh underestimate the power of a good purge.  :devil:

That could get yuh guts down easy easy, a good dose of flu/sickness or a tabanca could get yuh dry in a matter of days.

Personally I ent find a routine yet to handle me properly...Since I run my 5k I drop from a 34 to a 33 pants and meh size 16 shirts...I could wear a 15 now. But meh guts still lappin.

I getting skinny, arms and legs, face and chest everywhere getting smaller and my guts staying same way.

Before I had a solid I find things grim.

But if I ent run or do what I doing...I woulda be worse I say thanks for small mercies.

no carb diet does work but yuh does get constipated and as yuh eat a lil potato or any kinda carb is lightheadedness/headache and I find yuh does put on more after.

I drinking a lil apple cider vinegar and some wheatgrass and I sweating more and feeling healthy.

I am 177...trying to get to 170 by Carnival.

160-165 go be the Ultimate but I know I ent able with that.

But in TT it real expensive and hard to eat healthy...Junk is the easiest thing if yuh on a budget.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Cantona007 on February 02, 2009, 03:06:47 PM
I real liking this thread...  :beermug: :beermug:
What killing me is my "addiction" to beer and other alco (whisky/rum is meh lover).
Great thread... keep the tips coming, and big ups to those who succeeding...
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: dinho on February 02, 2009, 04:13:03 PM
i am a social drinker but dis beer paunch is pressure to lose.. i know beers is de killer, so i trying to substitute beers with drinking straight scotch instead when i liming..

is that advisable?

can i keep up my alcohol habit and still lose weight and be healthy?

any studies for or against?
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: NYtriniwhiteboy.. on February 02, 2009, 04:32:08 PM
the beers is de real killer...amen for being back in school now i only drinking once a weekend and attempting to take a 2-3mile run every afternoon...being slack today tho and eh make de run.
To get the gut down do a lil core workout as well..if yuh do a lil bit everyday along with the run, yuh go see some results...won't be joe sixpack but gut will go down.
If yuh still want to drink vodka and tonic/soda low in calories..or gin...personally i cant do either as i eh go remember nuttin the next day
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: 100% Barataria on February 02, 2009, 04:44:46 PM
TT, yuh culd do it, truss meh.  When ah started wukkin in NY de pace was so intense ah had cut out football fuh about 18 months, when ah started back ah was about 210 (was 180 easily in HS and College and I am 5-11 in ht).  Anyway, strupid me did not realize ah was puttin meh knees in jeoprady by playin overweight, bamn!  Ah stretch meh ACL, anyway, serious physically therapy on de bad knee to strengthen de muscles, so therapy done, ah start back ball, now I was 225, ask FF, Strip, Papasmurf and odders, anyway, now ah back to 185/190, ball on a regular, good diet and nuff vitamins, A through S  ;D  So yuh culd do it, jus keep pace
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: capodetutticapi on February 02, 2009, 04:48:23 PM
TT glad fuh yuh brodda,it only hard de 1st week or so then yuh body get use to it and b4 yuh realize yuh body rejectin all shit (sweets,too much salt,red meat).i still need to lose meh baby fat. :rotfl: no weights only cardio.but de diet (what yuh eat) is de most important.fuh my height i have to be 160.30 lbs ha to go fuh de birthday.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: lefty on February 02, 2009, 05:23:44 PM
wha wrong wit allyuh at all boy

the Cataclysmic winters of epic proportions will come and that fat will serve as a vital source of energy when food sources are low >:(

maintaining a spherically, symmetrical, circumference can indeed be considered stayin in shape >:(

and besides........................ALL GOOD TOOL NEED A SHED!! >:(

ingrates >:(

seriously though apart from the other stuff, take touches word for it, d purge will help   

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: ZANDOLIE on February 02, 2009, 05:47:31 PM
i am a social drinker but dis beer paunch is pressure to lose.. i know beers is de killer, so i trying to substitute beers with drinking straight scotch instead when i liming..

is that advisable?

can i keep up my alcohol habit and still lose weight and be healthy?

any studies for or against?

Plenty studies...but both for and against. Beer is calorie dense, but in moderation can be neutral or even beneficial. No one knows why.

No such thing as a beer belly, if you drinking plenty beer you probably not eating properly anyway, and that causing  a paunch.

For all the fellas and ladies that trying to loose weight two simple tips come to mind.

 (1) Try not to eat or eat only small amounts before a workout.  That way your circulating nutrient level (blood sugar) will be low and used up quickly. Then your body will switch to using stored fat. Fat is far more energy rich than carbohydrate but does not "burn" as fast and you will feel tired quicker, but that means it is working

(2) Don't eat 3-4 hours before sleeping. Same principle applies, your blood sugar will be low and your body will turn to burning stored fat very efficiently while you sleep.

These have worked well for me in the past, if you not already doing it maybe it will be helpful to you

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: asylumseeker on February 02, 2009, 06:20:51 PM
I have been walking 4-8 miles a day on average at around 4-6.5 minutes a mile.  and keeping my calorie intake to about 2000 a day, by eating 4 meals of 500 calories.

Cut Calories For A Younger Heart
Study: Low-Calorie Diet Helps Heart Age More Slowly

(AP) A very low calorie diet can help the heart age more slowly, according to researchers who released what they call the first-ever human study on the subject.

The findings confirmed earlier studies on mice and rats that demonstrate the cardiac benefits of a restricted calorie diet.

The study looked at the heart function of 25 members of the Caloric Restriction Society, ages 41 to 64, who consume 1,400 to 2,000 nutritionally balanced calories per day. They were compared with 25 people who eat a typical Western diet, consuming 2,000 to 3,000 daily calories on average.

The result: Those limiting caloric intake had the heart functions of much younger people, typically about 15 years younger than their age.
Ultrasound exams showed group members had hearts that appeared more elastic than most people their age; their hearts were also able to relax between beats in a way similar to hearts in younger people.

"This is the first study to demonstrate that long-term calorie restriction with optimal nutrition has cardiac-specific effects that (delay or reverse) age-associated declines in heart function," said Luigi Fontana, lead author and assistant professor of medicine at Washington University in St. Louis.

The study will be published Tuesday in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Fontana said simply consuming less food is not the answer. Members of the study group eat food resembling a traditional Mediterranean diet, focusing on vegetables, olive oil, beans, whole grains, fish and fruit. They avoid refined and processed foods, soft drinks, desserts, white bread and other sources of "empty" calories.

For the general public, the researchers recommend a moderate reduction in calories, combined with moderate, regular exercise.

Research on mice and rats indicated that life span can be stretched by about 30 percent with stringent and consistent caloric restriction. That research also suggested that restricting calories can help prevent cancer.

Heart attacks and strokes cause about 40 percent of deaths in Western countries, researchers said. Cancer causes another 30 percent. Fontana said those deaths are attributable to "secondary aging" from high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure and other often-preventable conditions.

While it has long been known that a healthy diet and exercise can reduce risks, the study suggests that caloric restriction combined with optimal nutrition can do even more.

Fontana said most participants in the study had immediate relatives who suffered heart attacks or strokes, so it was unlikely their genetic makeup was a contributing factor to their unusually healthy hearts.

"We don't know how long each individual will end up living, but they certainly have a longer life expectancy than average because they're most likely not going to die from a heart attack, stroke or diabetes," said professor John O. Holloszy, who worked on the study. "And if, in fact, their hearts are aging more slowly, it's conceivable they'll live for a very long time."
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Jumbie on February 02, 2009, 06:27:14 PM
Tallman, I really cut back on de meat ting a whole lot.  I eat a little fish and a little chicken now, but more fish. eating much decrease a whole lot too.

boy ah trying.. but is midnight or close I does get hungry..then followed immediately by ritis.

Last week I went and did full blood work and all results came back within where they should be col, blood sugars etc.

ever since we boy (TC) leff we so sudden I eh joking with blood work and doc visit etc.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 02, 2009, 07:06:39 PM
Tallman, I really cut back on de meat ting a whole lot.  I eat a little fish and a little chicken now, but more fish. eating much decrease a whole lot too.

boy ah trying.. but is midnight or close I does get hungry..then followed immediately by ritis.

Last week I went and did full blood work and all results came back within where they should be col, blood sugars etc.

ever since we boy (TC) leff we so sudden I eh joking with blood work and doc visit etc.

hear nah TC was a real sad case, and dat man was fit and not carrying diet is important.

Eat an apple...and Jumbie I does get them urges late too, so my solution?  Save a meal for later.

Remember I eating so fat, meals and following de food pyramid.  I eating 4-5 meals a day but not exceeding 2000 calories, some days is 1600!  Snack on a small apple and a 100 calorie bag of popcorn
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Disgruntled_Trini on February 02, 2009, 08:41:06 PM
MYTH: Muscle turns into fat
REALITY: Muscle and fat are two completely different tissues that have different functions, so it's physiologically impossible to turn one into the other. If you stop exercising, your muscles atrophy, so you lose the tone you worked so hard to create. And if you eat more calories than you burn, you'll gain fat.

MYTH: You need to exercise 30 minutes straight to get fit.
REALITY: Three 10-minute cardio stints offer the same healthy payback as a single 30-minute one. If you are trying to peel off pounds, of course, the more you do, the faster you'll succeed. But don't feel guilty if all you can squeeze in is a few minutes here and a few minutes there—it all adds up.

Short on time? Ratchet up the intensity of your workout: Go hard for 30 seconds on the elliptical or jog for a minute in the middle of your walk to maintain your fitness level and your habit. And remember, anything you do—whether it's a brisk 5-minute walk or carrying heavy groceries to your car—for any period of time, provides some benefit.

MYTH: Overweight people have a sluggish metabolism.
REALITY: Though some folks do have metabolic disorders that slow their metabolism, fewer than 10 percent of overweight people suffer from them. In fact, the more you weigh, the more calories you'll burn during exercise at the same relative workload as a slimmer person. If you notice the scale climbing higher, worry about your activity level, not your metabolism. Try this fat-burning workout to really see results.

MYTH: Lifting heavy weights make women bulk up.
REALITY: Women don’t have enough of the muscle-building hormone testosterone to get bulky, even using heavy weights. The truth is, some people will gain muscle faster than they lose fat, so they may look bigger until they shed some of the flab and reveal the slim, toned muscles underneath. Shape sleek muscles with this workout from The Biggest Loser's Jillian Michaels.

MYTH: You can’t lose any weight by swimming.
REALITY: OK, it’s true that long-distance swimmers who navigate colder waters tend to retain body fat for insulation. But ask anyone who laps it up while training for a triathlon: You will sizzle off pounds in the pool, since swimming burns 450 to 700 calories an hour! One reason you might not shed flab doing freestyle? If you throw in the towel and cut your workout short. Keep it going with this full-body water workout from gold medalist Amanda Beard.

MYTH: Stretching before exercise prevents injuries and enhances performance.
REALITY: Researchers are still scratching their head over this one, since studies have yet to show conclusively that limbering up has any effect on staving off strains and other injuries. But they do know that stretching regularly can make bending, reaching, twisting and lifting easier. Best move: Save your stretching for post-exercise, when muscles are warm.

MYTH: You burn more calories exercising in chilly weather.
REALITY: If you shiver through a long run in the frigid winter air simply to experience the extra calorie burn, you might want to come in from the cold: You do torch a few extra calories during the first few minutes, but once you get warmed up, the caloric expenditure is the same whether you’re exercising in Siberia or the Sahara. Try a treadmill circuit workout with a great playlist to keep you going!

MYTH: When your body gets used to an exercise, you'll burn fewer calories doing it.
REALITY: Unless you've adjusted the intensity, you'll burn as much jogging or cycling today as you did last week, last month, even last year. Experts say that this principle only applies to exercises that we're naturally inefficient at, such as using the elliptical machine: After five to six sessions, you'll be smoother in your movements and expend fewer calories—but the difference is only about 2 to 5 percent.

MYTH: The calorie readout on machines is accurate.
REALITY: If only! Research has shown that some types of machines can be off by as much as 70 percent. The culprit? Contraptions such as the elliptical machine haven’t been around long enough for exercise scientists to develop the appropriate calorie-burn equations. On the upside, stationary bikes and treadmills, the grandfathers of the gym, generally give a fairly precise reading, particularly if you enter your age and weight.

Rather than swearing by what the machine says, use the calorie readout to monitor your progress. If the tally climbs during the same workout for the same duration, you’re working harder and getting fitter. An online calorie calculator can give you a sense of which activities burn the most.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 02, 2009, 08:59:31 PM
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Preacher on February 03, 2009, 02:05:05 AM
Trinity try not to eat after 7:30pm if yuh could help it.  It helps older metabos.  And doh mind Tallman and he diet.  That does only work for he.  I eh know how he does do it.  :)    Man turning down Pelau, turning down burger.  :)
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Blue on February 03, 2009, 02:28:51 AM
i am a social drinker but dis beer paunch is pressure to lose.. i know beers is de killer, so i trying to substitute beers with drinking straight scotch instead when i liming..

is that advisable?

can i keep up my alcohol habit and still lose weight and be healthy?

any studies for or against?

Plenty studies...but both for and against. Beer is calorie dense, but in moderation can be neutral or even beneficial. No one knows why.

No such thing as a beer belly, if you drinking plenty beer you probably not eating properly anyway, and that causing  a paunch.

For all the fellas and ladies that trying to loose weight two simple tips come to mind.

 (1) Try not to eat or eat only small amounts before a workout.  That way your circulating nutrient level (blood sugar) will be low and used up quickly. Then your body will switch to using stored fat. Fat is far more energy rich than carbohydrate but does not "burn" as fast and you will feel tired quicker, but that means it is working

(2) Don't eat 3-4 hours before sleeping. Same principle applies, your blood sugar will be low and your body will turn to burning stored fat very efficiently while you sleep.

These have worked well for me in the past, if you not already doing it maybe it will be helpful to you

Best way to a six-pack is loads of sit-ups (50-100 daily) and run as much as possible (running is for definition). The hardest part is d first few days, after that, yuh get used to it. I find dat, once yuh doing situps, anyting else yuh do dat makes yuh sweat (eg running, football) usually has some kinda positive impact on yuh abs.

Next stage is changin yuh diet - nothing radical, jus consider portion sizes and make sure yuh get a decent spread of protein/carbs/veg. Regardless of what yuh put on yuh plate, stop eating when yuh full (unless ur one of those people who doh ever feel full lol). When yuh lookin for extra definitiion, over a short period, switch to proteins only (daz jus what works for me tho, not sure whether there's anything scientific to that).

Given how much liquid yuh drinkin wid beer, yuh probably best off switchin to rum & cokes (or johnnie). alcohol has never been a problem for me, although obviously give yuhself enuf time 2 recover b4 d next workout.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Feliziano on February 03, 2009, 06:03:34 AM
Trinity try not to eat after 7:30pm if yuh could help it.  It helps older metabos.  And doh mind Tallman and he diet.  That does only work for he.  I eh know how he does do it.  :)    Man turning down Pelau, turning down burger.  :)
and like the alcohol doh do he nothing too big belly and no drunken behaviour  ;D
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Feliziano on February 03, 2009, 06:12:21 AM
good going TT..that is inspiring  :beermug:

i need to get off my ass and start exercising
i was doing ok for 2months or so with my cardiac rehab, then when that was done and they say everything back to normal, i gone back to old habits like meh 18oz steaks lol
but this new year ah actually eating less now and de diabetes under control, now meh father in law joking and telling me that nice cause he doh want me interrupting he Alaska trip coming up with another heart attack  ;D
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 03, 2009, 06:32:48 AM
good going TT..that is inspiring  :beermug:

i need to get off my ass and start exercising
i was doing ok for 2months or so with my cardiac rehab, then when that was done and they say everything back to normal, i gone back to old habits like meh 18oz steaks lol
but this new year ah actually eating less now and de diabetes under control, now meh father in law joking and telling me that nice cause he doh want me interrupting he Alaska trip coming up with another heart attack  ;D

forget running....walking burns nearly as much calories and is much less stressful.
Cut out dem steaks.

A little fish and chicken breasts and not fry ting eh Feliz.

Water, and exercise. Walk yuh way to health
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: fishs on February 03, 2009, 07:01:28 AM
good going TT..that is inspiring  :beermug:

i need to get off my ass and start exercising
i was doing ok for 2months or so with my cardiac rehab, then when that was done and they say everything back to normal, i gone back to old habits like meh 18oz steaks lol
but this new year ah actually eating less now and de diabetes under control, now meh father in law joking and telling me that nice cause he doh want me interrupting he Alaska trip coming up with another heart attack  ;D

forget running....walking burns nearly as much calories and is much less stressful.
Cut out dem steaks.

A little fish and chicken breasts and not fry ting eh Feliz.

Water, and exercise. Walk yuh way to health

I smoking , eating an drinking what I want , doh take mihself dat seriously to scope out de big gut.

But I'm 5' 11" and 175 lbs so that ent bad.

When I divorce this  wife ah will probably go on ah health kick in anticipation of the next 23 yr old.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Disgruntled_Trini on February 03, 2009, 09:57:07 AM

When I divorce this  wife ah will probably go on ah health kick in anticipation of the next 23 yr old.

yuh sad boy!!
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Bakes on February 03, 2009, 10:21:57 AM
good going TT..that is inspiring  :beermug:

i need to get off my ass and start exercising
i was doing ok for 2months or so with my cardiac rehab, then when that was done and they say everything back to normal, i gone back to old habits like meh 18oz steaks lol
but this new year ah actually eating less now and de diabetes under control, now meh father in law joking and telling me that nice cause he doh want me interrupting he Alaska trip coming up with another heart attack  ;D

forget running....walking burns nearly as much calories and is much less stressful.
Cut out dem steaks.

A little fish and chicken breasts and not fry ting eh Feliz.

Water, and exercise. Walk yuh way to health

Walking gives you nowhere near the cardiovascular workout that running gives... running burns much more calories and boosts the metabolism.  Higher metabolic rate= higher calorie burn.

... I tort de self-disclosure was you finally coming out de closet

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: ZANDOLIE on February 03, 2009, 08:58:24 PM

Walking gives you nowhere near the cardiovascular workout that running gives... running burns much more calories and boosts the metabolism.  Higher metabolic rate= higher calorie burn.

Very true, and running can give a nice mix of aerobic and anaerobic excercise, if you do wind sprints or start your workout with a series of 50-100 sprints.

  "... I tort de self-disclosure was you finally coming out de closet"

Sounds like he can't even fit in the closet....  8). Must be all that American pie :P
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: pecan on February 03, 2009, 09:20:57 PM
good going TT..that is inspiring  :beermug:

i need to get off my ass and start exercising
i was doing ok for 2months or so with my cardiac rehab, then when that was done and they say everything back to normal, i gone back to old habits like meh 18oz steaks lol
but this new year ah actually eating less now and de diabetes under control, now meh father in law joking and telling me that nice cause he doh want me interrupting he Alaska trip coming up with another heart attack  ;D

... I tort de self-disclosure was you finally coming out de closet


that plus he believes in God and that America is not on the top of the pile . :devil: :devil:
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Bakes on February 04, 2009, 01:21:15 AM
Sounds like he can't even fit in the closet....  8). Must be all that American pie :P

Maybe he get stuck inside... why we ent hear de real announcement yet.

TT/TC yuh know yuh's mih hoss, lol

Congrats on de weight loss :beermug:

I eh losing no weight, but thanks tuh Iron GymTM ah getting back mih definition.

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 04, 2009, 08:01:36 AM
good going TT..that is inspiring  :beermug:

i need to get off my ass and start exercising
i was doing ok for 2months or so with my cardiac rehab, then when that was done and they say everything back to normal, i gone back to old habits like meh 18oz steaks lol
but this new year ah actually eating less now and de diabetes under control, now meh father in law joking and telling me that nice cause he doh want me interrupting he Alaska trip coming up with another heart attack  ;D

forget running....walking burns nearly as much calories and is much less stressful.
Cut out dem steaks.

A little fish and chicken breasts and not fry ting eh Feliz.

Water, and exercise. Walk yuh way to health

Walking gives you nowhere near the cardiovascular workout that running gives... running burns much more calories and boosts the metabolism.  Higher metabolic rate= higher calorie burn.

... I tort de self-disclosure was you finally coming out de closet


Running is more vigorous than walking. It will produce a faster heart rate and will produce training effects in less time. Those wanting a maximum aerobic conditioning effect, either for overall health or for another athletic activity, should select a running exercise program.

Brisk walking burns about the same number of calories per mile as running, but it will take longer to walk the miles than run them. Those wanting to lose weight and having limited time for exercise can burn calories in less time by running.

That is ah fact!

additionally  Running is very hard on knees, ankles, and other joints. Hard impacts repeated about 1000 times per mile produce extreme stress on these joints. Good shoes can help, but many people can not run because of this stress on their joints. Walking produces far less stress, so people with knee or other joint problems should walk rather than run.

Walking is also good for runners who are recovering from a stress related injury. Those whose legs and joints are excessively stressed even by walking should consider swimming. Swimming is an excellent aerobic activity but is not weight bearing.

Brisk walking burns about as many calories per mile as running. Those who don't mind taking the extra time needed to walk the miles can lose weight with sensible eating and a walking exercise program.

Walking is less conspicuous than running. Beginners who are shy about being seen exercising can walk without standing out as much as someone who is running. Walking can also provide a quick workout in a setting where running or changing into running clothing would not be possible. Waiting for a flight at an airport is an example.

Walking is less vigorous than running. Beginners who have been previously sedentary or those with health problems should start exercise programs by walking. Those who wish to can slowly build up to running. Those who do not wish to run can continue to reap the same health and fitness benefits by walking.

and for yuh hard head edification if yuh notice I was responding directly to a man who had a heart attack!

Fack running..walk your way to health....

As for the closet and the American piye..I does eat poontang pie....and me eh no buller, ah know bullers doh  bakes and de lizard...allyuh quick to talk about closet...steups allyuh too nasty, allyuh love de oysin cold up dey wey allyuh is, so allyuh playing eskimo bonding games with man....

back to de real topic instead ah trying to hijack my thread..

Walk, Don't Run

    * Fewer Injuries: Two out of three joggers are affected by injuries each year, most commonly of the knees. Walking produces far fewer injuries, the least injuries of any aerobic exercise.
    * Lower Impact: Runners impact with 3 times their body weight each step, walking only produces an impact of 1.5 times your body weight. Walking is far lower in impact yet still is a weight-bearing exercise that will prevent bone loss.
    * Burn Fat: It is easier to set a "fat burning" pace when walking as opposed to jogging. A fat burning pace is one where you are breathing noticeably but able to carry on a conversation.
    * Less Sweat:In many climates, you can walk during lunch without needing to shower afterwards.
    * Become a Champion:Learn to racewalk and have a great chance at winning trophies at races, whereas a duffer runner has no chance at all. As a master you can often win your age group even as a beginner.
    * Stop and Smell the Roses: Walkers can slow down, enjoy a view, explore a trail, duck into a shop or stop for a snack. Runners just jog on by, intent on getting in their time.
    * Wear Normal Clothes:Runners have to put on their jogging suits, while walkers can often walk in whatever they happen to be wearing, perhaps with just a switch to comfy shoes. I walked 2 miles each way in New York to a Broadway play wearing my slinky dress and sandals - in perfect comfort.
    * Never Hit the Wall: Marathon runners face hitting the wall as they burn out all available fuel. Walkers generally do not hit the wall on a marathon because they use fully aerobic, fat-burning energy sources.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 04, 2009, 08:02:36 AM
Please settle a discussion between an acquaintance and me.  I walk 9.2
miles frequently for exercise – I do this in about two and a half
hours.  I contend that this is roughly equivalent to running the same
distance as far as calories expended and exercise benefit - it just
takes longer than running the same distance.  He disagrees and says
that there would be more exercise benefit to running a mile than
walking a mile in such aspects as better endurance, toning,
cardio-vascular benefit, etc.  I say the two are equivalent and that
walking is better on the joints anyway.

What is your expert answer and how can I determine the calories I
expend on my 9.2 miles walks?

Here's the answer from Dr. Dean Ornish, a clinical professor of
medicine at UC San Francisco:

"All things being equal, you will burn more calories by running an
hour than walking an hour. It is true that walking a mile will burn
more calories than running a mile
-- although it takes longer to do
so. When you run a mile, you're burning mostly sugar, or
carbohydrates, which is how your body gives you fast energy in bursts.
When you walk a mile, it gives your metabolism time to switch from
burning carbohydrates to burning fat."

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 04, 2009, 08:03:04 AM
How many times have you heard that walking at a certain speed is more conducive to fat burning? I am assuming that if you have ever tried to lose weight or if you are into fitness, that you have heard
this many times over. And you know what? This statement is exactly true. Walking at a certain heart rate burns about 1 to 5 percent more fat than when you are running. Here is the caveat though. You burn many more calories from running than you do from walking. It is just common sense. The harder something is to do, the more calories you will burn.

For example, let's say you burn 50 calories walking for 45 minutes at the optimum fat burning speed and 150 calories running for 45 minutes. Therefore, you burn 55 percent of your calories from fat and the rest from carbohydrates or muscle tissue. 55 percent of 50 would equal to roughly 28 calories burned from fat. Now, let's look at running. So, instead of walking for 45 minutes and barely breaking a sweat, you run at a good pace for 45 minutes breaking into a good sweat. Therefore, you burn 150 calories. If you only burn 50 percent of your calories from fat, that would be 75 calories of fat you burned in 45 minutes.

Now, let's compare our results. If you walked at the optimum heart rate for fat burning, you burned 50 calories total and 28 calories from fat. If you ran, you burned 150 calories total and 75 calories from fat. To illustrate my point, let's look at marathon runners in comparison to sprinters. Which body would you prefer? Marathon runners all seem to have slim but soft buddies. It is rare to see any marathon runners with distinct stomach muscles. However, when you look at Olympic sprinters in the 100 yard dash, they all seem to be cut and ripped with distinctive stomach muscles. Why? Because long distance runners try to preserve their energy for the long haul, whereas sprinters give all their effort in around 10 seconds.

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: pecan on February 04, 2009, 02:14:24 PM
Interest stuff  :beermug:
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Themanfriday on February 04, 2009, 02:23:27 PM
December 30th 2008, I stepped out of the shower and took a look at myself naked in front of the mirror and I looked liked I was about to make a baby....possibly twins.

I decided to do something about my weight gain and that infernal big belly.

I got on a scale and I weighed 219 lbs.  9.5 oz.  BMI was 31.6   BMI Categories:

    * Underweight = <18.5
    * Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
    * Overweight = 25-29.9
    * Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

I searched the best diets and decided that dieting is shit!  Too hard and too any restrictions.  I made the decision to walk off the weight.

I found several websites on walking your way to health and combined with a better dietary regimen, I am proud to say that at weigh in today I am down to 192 lbs 0.6 oz!   27 f**king pounds already!  hahahahahahahahahahaha!  BMI  27.5   My ultimate goal is to reach 170 lbs come August 19th..just a random date I specific reason at all.

I am motivated to keep this up as I eat foods I like just smaller portions and have cut out fat and sugar from my diet.  I use around 16 grams of fat ONLY a day! I have also reduced the amount of sodium in my diet significantly...this was the hardest part of the diet as the food was at first very if there is a high salt content I can't eat the damn

No more sweet drinks, no more juices, water and if I make lemonade or orange juice I squeezing fresh fruit and using Stevia as a sweetner.  NO SUGAR!

I have been walking 4-8 miles a day on average at around 4-6.5 minutes a mile.  and keeping my calorie intake to about 2000 a day, by eating 4 meals of 500 calories.

I have found that many times when I have an urge to eat I am really thirsty and I drink water.  For snacks I eat apples, grapes, 100 calorie bags of pop corn, pears, oranges etc.  Sometime a handful of nuts....all kinds.

SO now I am feeling fitter, went from a waist 38 to a waist 34, have to get new pants....lost plenty inches and looking MUCH better ....!  I walk about 20,000 steps a day now not too shabby up from 3000 when I first started!

Some stuff I discovered about food, exercise and plates...yes plates.    A VERY SURPRISING STUDY!

Twenty years ago, according to the NHLBI, a typical cheeseburger had 330 calories; today, it’s 590. The French fries you ordered on the side 20 years ago were a 2.4-ounce handful totaling 210 calories; today the standard order is a heaping 6.9 ounces, packing 610 calories.

The portion explosion has “supersized” foods beyond burger joints. A blueberry muffin that weighed 1.5 ounces, 210 calories, two decades ago now tips the scales at 5 ounces, 500 calories. We’re washing it down with a cup of coffee that used to be 8 ounces, 45 calories with milk and sugar, but now averages 16 ounces and 350 calories, with milk and “mocha” syrup. Bagels have grown from three inches in diameter, 140 calories, to six-inch behemoths with 350 calories.

Platers today are 22% larger than they were 40 years ago.  Imagine putting small portions on plates today you go feel yuh eh getting enough!  Check this out:

The Size of Your Dinner Plate

It's a good idea to keep an eye on the size of your dinner plate. Why? Because we know that we eat most of what is on our plate, no matter what size plate we use.

Take control of your portion sizes by downsizing your plate size. It's an easy change you can make today, and it can make weight loss easier. Switch from a dinner plate to a salad plate, or buy a smaller plate to use just for your own meals.

It sounds too good to be true, but using smaller dishes can also help you feel full when eating less. Studies have shown that people feel more satisfied with less food when they are served on 8-inch salad plates in place of 12-inch dinner plates.

At home, use smaller plates and bowls to serve your food. This will help to keep the portions smaller, and it will help you feel full eating less, too. When eating out, share an entree or ask for a lunch-size portion.

Healthy regards,
Megan Porter, RD

Anyway just wanted to share with the forum.......maybe motivate others who looked like I did 60 days ago..........I still have a long way to go, but I am going to reach my goal....thanks

Tooth Pick

DamnI am 6'2" and 238lbs.  I do not remember the last time I weight that little. TT how taall are you?
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Bakes on February 04, 2009, 02:31:57 PM
Fella me ent here to argue with you... is not my fat at issue.  For every article you copy, paste and bold up... I could find 3 or 4 times as many that tout running as a better cardiovascular, aerobic, and metabolic workout.  Everyone knows that a higher metabolic rate means higher calorie consumption... but if walking works for you then stick to walking. 

All the other stuff about pressure on joints and all ah dat is peripheral as to which form of exercise helps you burn more calories.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: capodetutticapi on February 04, 2009, 02:38:17 PM
Fella me ent here to argue with you... is not my fat at issue.  For every article you copy, paste and bold up... I could find 3 or 4 times as many that tout running as a better cardiovascular, aerobic, and metabolic workout.  Everyone knows that a higher metabolic rate means higher calorie consumption... but if walking works for you then stick to walking. 

All the other stuff about pressure on joints and all ah dat is peripheral as to which form of exercise helps you burn more calories.
wuh bakes yuh start pumpin iron,them gyul leg gettin too heavy to lift ah wuh.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Bakes on February 04, 2009, 04:21:38 PM
wuh bakes yuh start pumpin iron,them gyul leg gettin too heavy to lift ah wuh.

I does work more muscle dan juss mih mouth enuh... besides no need to lift leg when dey kneeling dong  :D
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: capodetutticapi on February 04, 2009, 05:30:27 PM
wuh bakes yuh start pumpin iron,them gyul leg gettin too heavy to lift ah wuh.

I does work more muscle dan juss mih mouth enuh... besides no need to lift leg when dey kneeling dong  :D
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: ah really ha to de like TT and start ah workout program.time to get off de xmas weight.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: WestCoast on February 04, 2009, 05:30:43 PM

Walking gives you nowhere near the cardiovascular workout that running gives... running burns much more calories and boosts the metabolism.  Higher metabolic rate= higher calorie burn.

Very true, and running can give a nice mix of aerobic and anaerobic excercise, if you do wind sprints or start your workout with a series of 50-100 sprints.

  "... I tort de self-disclosure was you finally coming out de closet"

Sounds like he can't even fit in the closet....  8). Must be all that American pie :P
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 04, 2009, 10:31:08 PM
Fella me ent here to argue with you... is not my fat at issue.  For every article you copy, paste and bold up... I could find 3 or 4 times as many that tout running as a better cardiovascular, aerobic, and metabolic workout.  Everyone knows that a higher metabolic rate means higher calorie consumption... but if walking works for you then stick to walking. 

All the other stuff about pressure on joints and all ah dat is peripheral as to which form of exercise helps you burn more calories.

fella yuh talkin tata...and if yuh he want to ARGUE MIND YUH BEESWAX.  I was telling a man who had a heart attack to forget running and walk.

My post dealt with fat burning anyway....and walking burns ore fat calories than running PERIOD!

Talk done!
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Bakes on February 04, 2009, 10:48:11 PM
fella yuh talkin tata...and if yuh he want to ARGUE MIND YUH BEESWAX.  I was telling a man who had a heart attack to forget running and walk.

My post dealt with fat burning anyway....and walking burns ore fat calories than running PERIOD!

Talk done!

Period being the operative word because yuh acting real shemotional like yuh on the facking rag... 'bout "MIND YUH BEESWAX."  Is ah public forum and anything posted is fair game... if yuh want private uninterrupted talk with next man yuh free to take it to PMs.  Note ah didn't say "PMS" eh Mr. Midol.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 04, 2009, 10:57:41 PM
fella yuh talkin tata...and if yuh he want to ARGUE MIND YUH BEESWAX.  I was telling a man who had a heart attack to forget running and walk.

My post dealt with fat burning anyway....and walking burns ore fat calories than running PERIOD!

Talk done!

Period being the operative word because yuh acting real shemotional like yuh on the facking rag... 'bout "MIND YUH BEESWAX."  Is ah public forum and anything posted is fair game... if yuh want private uninterrupted talk with next man yuh free to take it to PMs.  Note ah didn't say "PMS" eh Mr. Midol.

you and zandolie play in allyuh closet today nah?

I agree anything posted is fair game, but ah was responding tuh ah man who had an heart attach and yuh jumo eeen with yuh runnings..take it to de dame clinic!
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Bakes on February 04, 2009, 11:17:05 PM
you and zandolie play in allyuh closet today nah?

I agree anything posted is fair game, but ah was responding tuh ah man who had an heart attach and yuh jumo eeen with yuh runnings..take it to de dame clinic!

To be honest me di'n even read Feliziano post nah, lol... I was skimming and respond.  Besides, doh try dat... yuh di'n say "forget running, dat bad fuh yuh heart...  try walking".... yuh just posit dat walking better. 

Talking about "runnings"... de nurse at de clinic wid de runny nose now aks fuh yuh.   :rotfl:
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: WestCoast on February 04, 2009, 11:22:26 PM
I have been on and off the "Body for LIFE (" program since september
lost 18 lbs in the first three months and then had back probs at the start of December which has now passed
not dun yet as I need to lorse at least 20 mo'
tryin to get to 6'2" 190lbs
"Tool shed" is way too big

the program alternates between weights and aerobic exercising and encourages better eating habits
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 04, 2009, 11:40:24 PM
I have been on and off the "Body for LIFE (" program since september
lost 18 lbs in the first three months and then had back probs at the start of December which has now passed
not dun yet as I need to lorse at least 20 mo'
tryin to get to 6'2" 190lbs
"Tool shed" is way too big

the program alternates between weights and aerobic exercising and encourages better eating habits

if every post used to make yuh burn calories...yuh woulda be down to 111 now
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 04, 2009, 11:41:32 PM
runny nose nurse?  whappen wha is dat? me eh know runny nose woman.

Nah I was referring to feliz in truth.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Strip on February 04, 2009, 11:56:39 PM
TT, yuh culd do it, truss meh.  When ah started wukkin in NY de pace was so intense ah had cut out football fuh about 18 months, when ah started back ah was about 210 (was 180 easily in HS and College and I am 5-11 in ht).  Anyway, strupid me did not realize ah was puttin meh knees in jeoprady by playin overweight, bamn!  Ah stretch meh ACL, anyway, serious physically therapy on de bad knee to strengthen de muscles, so therapy done, ah start back ball, now I was 225, ask FF, Strip, Papasmurf and odders, anyway, now ah back to 185/190, ball on a regular, good diet and nuff vitamins, A through S  ;D  So yuh culd do it, jus keep pace

Yeah I remember yuh shrink after we start sweating in rockefeller
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Aviator on February 05, 2009, 12:55:44 AM
Sounds like he can't even fit in the closet....  8). Must be all that American pie :P

Maybe he get stuck inside... why we ent hear de real announcement yet.

TT/TC yuh know yuh's mih hoss, lol

Congrats on de weight loss :beermug:

I eh losing no weight, but thanks tuh Iron GymTM ah getting back mih definition.


Does this hold/fit well in your door frame? I thought about buying it a few months ago, but my fear is that I reach the apex of my pull-up/chin-up and it give way on mih. Ah done have ah bad back and I ain't tryin to add to it.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Bakes on February 05, 2009, 01:52:08 AM
Does this hold/fit well in your door frame? I thought about buying it a few months ago, but my fear is that I reach the apex of my pull-up/chin-up and it give way on mih. Ah done have ah bad back and I ain't tryin to add to it.

aye, hear nah dat was my biggest fear cause I does be going hard den.  I'z ah man like tuh do reverse hanging pike and thing similar to this...

( but with legs going all the way back over so that you end up hanging as though yuh arms are pulled back and upwards.  Used primarily to stretch mih labrum and other shoulder muscles, but also to work the core.  So I was concerned at first but the frame offers good support.  The Iron Gym supposed to support up to 300 lbs, and I safely within that at 165.

You would think that all the stress is focused down in the direction of where your feet hang, but I believe (in looking at it) that b/c of the design much or it is actually deflected to not just the top of the frame, but the sides as well.. the side frames 'facing' you.  Many knockoff products out there from Perfect Pullup (which may be the original) for something like $50-$60 and cheaper, but this works fine for me.  $29.99 at any sporting goods (Modell's, Dick's, Sports Authority) store.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: pecan on February 05, 2009, 06:11:44 AM


I find that moderately active sexual activity for 20-30 minutes,  five times a week is burn enuf calories (including calories from fat).

My goal is to get to seven times a week.

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 05, 2009, 06:15:18 AM


I find that moderately active sexual activity for 20-30 minutes,  five times a week is burn enuf calories (including calories from fat).

My goal is to get to seven times a week.

Pecan that is true, I use dat as a weight loss on de odder hand cyar loss weight so...yuh see fella yuh need a pardner for that to work....all that jocking eh go help...yuh arms must be real toned doh!
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: pecan on February 05, 2009, 07:04:27 AM

Pecan that is true, I use dat as a weight loss on de odder hand cyar loss weight so...yuh see fella yuh need a pardner for that to work....all that jocking eh go help...yuh arms must be real toned doh!

oh ho. Thanks for de tip.  But yuh should see my wrists - de strong no arse
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 05, 2009, 07:07:56 AM

Pecan that is true, I use dat as a weight loss on de odder hand cyar loss weight so...yuh see fella yuh need a pardner for that to work....all that jocking eh go help...yuh arms must be real toned doh!

oh ho. Thanks for de tip.  But yuh should see my wrists - de strong no arse

guy relax, doh get tizic...I eh knocking yuh masturbatory habits at all...jocking is sex with someone yuh love....yuh must have tremendous self esteem...even for a Canuck!
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Jumbie on February 05, 2009, 07:52:51 AM
mamey cepote
re: I have been walking 4-8 miles a day on average at around 4-6.5 minutes a mile.  and keeping my calorie intake to about 2000 a day, by eating 4 meals of 500 calories.

I reading correct there? is 4-6 minutes you making ah mile? you sure you eh running?

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Dutty on February 05, 2009, 08:03:12 AM
aah boy TT yuh could finally look down and see yuh taliban and yuh toes eh?

Good for you breds, congrats on your the rate you goin pretty soon you will be able to enter some bikini contests an ting
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 05, 2009, 08:25:49 AM
mamey cepote
re: I have been walking 4-8 miles a day on average at around 4-6.5 minutes a mile.  and keeping my calorie intake to about 2000 a day, by eating 4 meals of 500 calories.

I reading correct there? is 4-6 minutes you making ah mile? you sure you eh running?

yes breds is walk ah not dat hard once yuh get fitter and accustomed to the walking
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 05, 2009, 08:29:06 AM
aah boy TT yuh could finally look down and see yuh taliban and yuh toes eh?

Good for you breds, congrats on your the rate you goin pretty soon you will be able to enter some bikini contests an ting

Yes I am sure I can beat most Canadian women in ah bikini contest.  My taliban as you put it nor my toes have never been occluded.  I am American we doh carry small packages like some other north americans...try judging me by superior standards..not yuh feeble, and finite Canuck standards.

I doh have toti I carry ah fifty or sixty!

And I not on no curry diet either!  ;)
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Dutty on February 05, 2009, 08:42:25 AM
dais ah optical illusion
It does only look like ah sixty because yuh insist on wearing dem star spangled thongs

ah yankee tell mih ah time when allyuh paint yuh flagpole red white and blue, and shake it in de mirror... sparks does shoot out like de fourth of july...yuh should try dat

ah didnt have de heart to tell him is because ah all dem yankee woman full ah VD
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 05, 2009, 09:11:35 AM
dais ah optical illusion
It does only look like ah sixty because yuh insist on wearing dem star spangled thongs

ah yankee tell mih ah time when allyuh paint yuh flagpole red white and blue, and shake it in de mirror... sparks does shoot out like de fourth of july...yuh should try dat

ah didnt have de heart to tell him is because ah all dem yankee woman full ah VD

sparks?  nah breds yuh buller man pardner tell yuh wrong.

I feel yuh right it could be an optical illusion only 2 inches....2 inches from she lips!

I stop wearing dem tongs, dey does chaff meh bad bad...and I doh paint meh pole, I does push it into canucks of all sizes..ALL SIZES! If yuh feel that is paint yuh mistaken, is pure MAPLE SYRUP!

As for yankee woman full ah VD yuh must be get yuh dose, I doh know dat I only f**king canadian hos...!
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Disgruntled_Trini on February 05, 2009, 09:17:15 AM

I stop wearing dem tongs, dey does chaff meh bad bad...

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: pecan on February 05, 2009, 09:21:00 AM

ah didnt have de heart to tell him is because ah all dem yankee woman full ah VD

Dutty, you forget to put a 0 after de 2
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: JDB on February 05, 2009, 09:21:47 AM
mamey cepote
re: I have been walking 4-8 miles a day on average at around 4-6.5 minutes a mile.  and keeping my calorie intake to about 2000 a day, by eating 4 meals of 500 calories.

I reading correct there? is 4-6 minutes you making ah mile? you sure you eh running?

yes breds is walk ah not dat hard once yuh get fitter and accustomed to the walking

A 4 minute mile is sprint pace, 6 minutes is marathon pace. The only way yuh doing that is if yuh have a real long stride and doing competitive speed-walking. Yuh probably meant 4 - 6 miles in an hour.

Congrats on the weight loss though. I been fighting a battle for a while to and have adjusted my diet somewhat but I ent go the whole hog yet. Need to step up the excercise component.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 05, 2009, 09:41:15 AM
yes 4-6 miles an hour sorry for the misconception
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Jumbie on February 05, 2009, 09:54:39 AM
yes 4-6 miles an hour sorry for the misconception

move to Canada you just may learn about time and distance.

the time it takes a yank to get smart - Never been done so no measuring stick.
The distance to perfection - Just cross the Niagara River heading North from Buffalo.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 05, 2009, 10:03:02 AM
yes 4-6 miles an hour sorry for the misconception

move to Canada you just may learn about time and distance.

the time it takes a yank to get smart - Never been done so no measuring stick.
The distance to perfection - Just cross the Niagara River heading North from Buffalo.

hahaha  yuh funny today, now go dip into yuh prozac now.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Jumbie on February 05, 2009, 10:14:57 AM
yes 4-6 miles an hour sorry for the misconception

move to Canada you just may learn about time and distance.

the time it takes a yank to get smart - Never been done so no measuring stick.
The distance to perfection - Just cross the Niagara River heading North from Buffalo.

hahaha  yuh funny today, now go dip into yuh prozac now.

is the last time I tell you meh stories oui.

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Aviator on February 05, 2009, 10:35:30 AM
Does this hold/fit well in your door frame? I thought about buying it a few months ago, but my fear is that I reach the apex of my pull-up/chin-up and it give way on mih. Ah done have ah bad back and I ain't tryin to add to it.

aye, hear nah dat was my biggest fear cause I does be going hard den.  I'z ah man like tuh do reverse hanging pike and thing similar to this...

( but with legs going all the way back over so that you end up hanging as though yuh arms are pulled back and upwards.  Used primarily to stretch mih labrum and other shoulder muscles, but also to work the core.  So I was concerned at first but the frame offers good support.  The Iron Gym supposed to support up to 300 lbs, and I safely within that at 165.

You would think that all the stress is focused down in the direction of where your feet hang, but I believe (in looking at it) that b/c of the design much or it is actually deflected to not just the top of the frame, but the sides as well.. the side frames 'facing' you.  Many knockoff products out there from Perfect Pullup (which may be the original) for something like $50-$60 and cheaper, but this works fine for me.  $29.99 at any sporting goods (Modell's, Dick's, Sports Authority) store.
Seen, seen. Because I really need something at home that I can get a good workout with. Pull-ups is arguable the best upper body workout, so along with that and my dumbbells, I am good to go.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Bakes on February 05, 2009, 10:44:07 AM
Seen, seen. Because I really need something at home that I can get a good workout with. Pull-ups is arguable the best upper body workout, so along with that and my dumbbells, I am good to go.

Yuh could also do push-ups and dips (triceps) with it on the ground.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 05, 2009, 10:52:31 AM
yes 4-6 miles an hour sorry for the misconception

move to Canada you just may learn about time and distance.

the time it takes a yank to get smart - Never been done so no measuring stick.
The distance to perfection - Just cross the Niagara River heading North from Buffalo.

hahaha  yuh funny today, now go dip into yuh prozac now.

is the last time I tell you meh stories oui.

doh leh meh sook Bake and Shark on yuh arse nah....
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Jumbie on February 05, 2009, 01:10:02 PM
yes 4-6 miles an hour sorry for the misconception

move to Canada you just may learn about time and distance.

the time it takes a yank to get smart - Never been done so no measuring stick.
The distance to perfection - Just cross the Niagara River heading North from Buffalo.

hahaha  yuh funny today, now go dip into yuh prozac now.

is the last time I tell you meh stories oui.

doh leh meh sook Bake and Shark on yuh arse nah....

boss this is cyber ting. Me eh have no grudge or fear of she or anyone else in this lime.

you know I doh back out.. remember the days on Al site with he, Kieth and Vinc on meh case  :rotfl:

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 15, 2009, 12:15:22 AM
Well for a while now ah did stick on dat 192....but I read somewhere that it is possible that I was gaining muscle, which is heavier than fat.  That may account for the plateau...and lack of continued weight loss.

Weighed jes now 187lbs.

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: pecan on February 15, 2009, 08:24:20 PM
Well for a while now ah did stick on dat 192....but I read somewhere that it is possible that I was gaining muscle, which is heavier than fat.  That may account for the plateau...and lack of continued weight loss.

Weighed jes now 187lbs.

so Bakes wrong den when he say you sitting on yuh fat ass.   :devil:
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Bakes on February 15, 2009, 08:34:57 PM
Well for a while now ah did stick on dat 192....but I read somewhere that it is possible that I was gaining muscle, which is heavier than fat.  That may account for the plateau...and lack of continued weight loss.

Weighed jes now 187lbs.

so Bakes wrong den when he say you sitting on yuh fat ass.   :devil:

Doh study he... he only had one foot on de scale.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: pecan on February 15, 2009, 08:44:34 PM
Well for a while now ah did stick on dat 192....but I read somewhere that it is possible that I was gaining muscle, which is heavier than fat.  That may account for the plateau...and lack of continued weight loss.

Weighed jes now 187lbs.

so Bakes wrong den when he say you sitting on yuh fat ass.   :devil:

oh ho  ....

Doh study he... he only had one foot on de scale.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: WestCoast on February 15, 2009, 08:52:37 PM
Well for a while now ah did stick on dat 192....but I read somewhere that it is possible that I was gaining muscle, which is heavier than fat.  That may account for the plateau...and lack of continued weight loss.
Weighed jes now 187lbs.
so Bakes wrong den when he say you sitting on yuh fat ass.   :devil:
Doh study he... he only had one foot on de scale.
oh ho  ....
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
allya doh get tired ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 15, 2009, 09:14:16 PM
Well for a while now ah did stick on dat 192....but I read somewhere that it is possible that I was gaining muscle, which is heavier than fat.  That may account for the plateau...and lack of continued weight loss.

Weighed jes now 187lbs.

so Bakes wrong den when he say you sitting on yuh fat ass.   :devil:

Doh study he... he only had one foot on de scale.
that is because de odder foot up your ass!  And my third foot....up west coast girl!
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Bakes on February 15, 2009, 09:29:35 PM
that is because de odder foot up your ass!  And my third foot....up west coast girl!

doh try dat... you ent put nutten up my ass yuh bulla.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on February 15, 2009, 09:35:50 PM
that is because de odder foot up your ass!  And my third foot....up west coast girl!

doh try dat... you ent put nutten up my ass yuh bulla.
why yuh think yuh have some thing furry in yuh throat?  Is yuh bamsee....yuh go have to swallow real hard to get it back in its rightful place
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: capodetutticapi on February 15, 2009, 09:36:47 PM
that is because de odder foot up your ass!  And my third foot....up west coast girl!

doh try dat... you ent put nutten up my ass yuh bulla.
de 2 ah allyuh does remind of statler and waldorf.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Quags on February 15, 2009, 10:09:16 PM
Well for a while now ah did stick on dat 192....but I read somewhere that it is possible that I was gaining muscle, which is heavier than fat.  That may account for the plateau...and lack of continued weight loss.

Weighed jes now 187lbs.

so Bakes wrong den when he say you sitting on yuh fat ass.   :devil:

Doh study he... he only had one foot on de scale.
that is because de odder foot up your ass!  And my third foot....up west coast girl!
What kinda kinky arse shit alyah men getting into boi , and what West Coast was doing ,jah me I went Cuba for a few days and this going orn.
standing on one foot on a scale with the other foot in Bake and shark arse ,with yah next foot in WC girl ,no wonder you want to lose weight ,you need to be fit .
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Bakes on February 15, 2009, 11:06:53 PM
that is because de odder foot up your ass!  And my third foot....up west coast girl!

doh try dat... you ent put nutten up my ass yuh bulla.
de 2 ah allyuh does remind of statler and waldorf.

Lol@ "stadtler and waldorf"... dem was de greatest.

Q how was Cuba?
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: Quags on February 16, 2009, 12:00:58 AM
Good ,check my travel map I use in the babes tread .It was sweet.
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: pecan on March 12, 2009, 07:54:21 PM
"The Importance of Walking"

Walking 20 minutes a day can add to your life. This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $7000 per month.
My grandpa started walking five miles a day when he was 60. Now he's 97 years old and we don't know where he is.

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.

The only reason I would take up walking is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.

I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing.

I joined a health club last year, spent about 400 bucks. Haven't lost a pound. Apparently you have to go there.

Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise', I wash my mouth out with chocolate.

I do have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them.

The advantage of exercising every day is so when you die, they'll say, 'Well, he looks good doesn't he?'

If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country.

I know I got a lot of exercise the last few years...just getting over the hill.

We all get heavier as we get older, because there's a lot more information in our heads. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Every time I start thinking too much about how I look, I just find a Happy Hour and by the time I leave, I look just fine.


Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: capodetutticapi on March 13, 2009, 07:37:01 AM
Eating a Bit Less Salt Can Be a Big Health BoonOver the years, Americans have become inured to salt. Most people have no idea how much salt they consume - on average, about 9 to 12 g (or 3,600 to 4,800 mg of sodium) per person per day, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). That's twice the amount recommended by the government.

In the past four decades, Americans' salt consumption has risen 50%, mostly as a result of eating more processed foods and more food prepared in restaurants. "Over time, we have adapted our taste buds and adapted our bodies to crave much, much higher levels of salt than we require to function," says Dr. Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, an epidemiologist at the University of California, San Francisco. (See the top 10 food trends of 2008.)

Some salt is crucial for good health, of course - to regulate blood pressure and assist with muscle and nerve function - but too much (that is, at the levels we currently consume) can lead to hypertension, heart disease and stroke. If Americans halved their salt intake, as many as 150,000 premature deaths could be prevented each year, according to the American Medical Association. And new research presented March 11 by Bibbins-Domingo at the AHA's annual conference shows that even small reductions - as little as 1 g of salt per day - could have dramatic effects, saving 200,000 lives over the course of a decade.

Using a sophisticated computer model to analyze trends in heart disease over time among U.S. adults, Bibbins-Domingo and colleagues discovered that incremental population-wide reductions could drastically improve public health. Cutting out just 1 g of salt (or 40 mg of sodium) per person per day could prevent 30,000 cases of coronary heart disease across the U.S. population by 2019. Reducing consumption by half - a more sizable 6 grams - could prevent 1.4 million cases of heart disease during that same period. (See the top 10 medical breakthroughs of 2008.)

While eating less salt would improve the health of the population across the board, researchers found that the benefits would be greatest for African Americans and women. As a group, African Americans tend to have higher blood pressure than the general population, and "many studies suggest that they may be more sensitive to salt," Bibbins-Domingo says. Her analysis found that a reduction of 3 g of salt per day would reduce heart attacks 8% on average; among African Americans, that rate would drop 10%. A similar result was found in women, whose stroke risk dropped 8% with a 3-g reduction in salt intake; in men, the risk fell 5%.

The numbers certainly offer compelling incentives to cut salt consumption, but that's no easy task. You can put down the salt shaker and cut back on obviously salty snacks, but there's still so much sodium packed into processed foods that trying to extract it from your diet is a tricky business. "It's so pervasive in an average U.S. diet that it's really hard to tell people, 'You have to avoid salt,' " says Bibbins-Domingo.

And there is salt hiding in places you wouldn't think to look. According to a sodium chart from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a single slice of commercially made whole-wheat bread has 148 mg of sodium; white bread has 170 mg. Cheerios contains 213 mg of sodium per cup; Total Raisin Bran, 239 mg. And then there are the big offenders: processed soups and sauces. Chicken noodle soup, for example, even after it has been diluted with water during preparation, has a whopping 1,106 mg of sodium per cup. "I think people don't have a clue," says Bibbins-Domingo. "The recommended daily amount of salt is about a teaspoon," she says. "It's easy to add that much if you're just adding salt," let alone all of the salt that's in food before we break out the shaker. (See pictures of what makes you eat more food.)

If you're dining out, all bets are off. According to the British organization Consensus Action on Salt in Health, a three-course meal in a restaurant can contain more than 15 g of salt, almost three times the recommended daily amount.

Bibbins-Domingo says it's especially tough for families with limited income, who tend to rely more on processed or packaged foods and canned fruits and vegetables rather than fresh foods. Patients tell her they've cut salted nuts, potato chips and pretzels from their diet and started eating more soup instead. "You realize that they're actually consuming more salt in their attempt to make healthy choices," she says.

Any large-scale success in salt-intake reduction would have to involve policymakers and the food industry, say public-health experts. "If you could reduce blood pressure by just a few points, you could reduce hundreds of thousands of deaths," says Dr. Thomas Frieden, commissioner of New York City's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, who recently announced a national campaign to diminish salt intake 20% in the next five years and 40% in the next decade. Frieden, who has in the past targeted trans fats and led the charge to require chain restaurants to list calorie content on menus, has evoked less animosity from the food and restaurant industries with his desalinization efforts than with his previous initiatives.

"[Frieden] is looking for voluntary guidelines. It's a national movement, and he's working closely with the industry on developing these re-education guidelines," says Rob Bookman, an attorney for the New York State Restaurant Association, but he adds wryly, "I don't know if it's one big happy family." (See nine kid foods to avoid.)

Frieden points to a successful salt-reduction campaign in the U.K. as a kind of proof of principle. Several years after the British government launched an aggressive national campaign, which included voluntary reductions in salt content by food manufacturers, British citizens had reduced their annual sodium consumption roughly 10%. "If you look at what happened in the U.K., at first the industry was very concerned," Frieden says. "But after a few years, they saw that they could drop their salt content 20% to 30% [without losing customers]."

For Bibbins-Domingo, the issue is less about mandating food production or proscribing salt consumption than enabling people to make better choices. "This is actually something that we can achieve with very little cost to our personal liberties," she says.

But Frieden adheres to a harder line. When asked whether the government should be allowed to influence how or what we eat, he responded with a pointed rhetorical question: "Should industry be allowed to serve us food that makes us sick and kills us?"

Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: truetrini on March 17, 2009, 08:52:31 PM
Heavy? You may live three to 10 years less
Extra pounds as bad for health as lifetime of smoking, large study says
LONDON - Being obese can take years off your life and in some cases may be as dangerous as smoking, a new study says.

British researchers at the University of Oxford analyzed 57 studies mostly in Europe and North America, following nearly one million people for an average of 10 to 15 years. During that time, about 100,000 of those people died.

The studies used Body Mass Index (BMI), a measurement that divides a person's weight in kilograms by their height squared in meters to determine obesity. Researchers found that death rates were lowest in people who had a BMI of 23 to 24, on the high side of the normal range.

Health officials generally define overweight people as those with a BMI from 25 to 29, and obese people as those with a BMI above 30.

The study was published online Wednesday in the medical journal, Lancet. It was paid for by Britain's Medical Research Council, the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK and others.

"If you are heading towards obesity, it may be a good idea to lose weight," said Sir Richard Peto, the study's main statistician and a professor at Oxford University.

Peto and colleagues found that people who were moderately fat, with a BMI from 30 to 35, lost about three years of life. People who were morbidly fat — those with a BMI above 40 — lost about 10 years off their expected lifespan, similar to the effect of lifelong smoking.

Moderately obese people were 50 percent more likely to die prematurely than normal-weight people, said Gary Whitlock, the Oxford University epidemiologist who led the study.

He said that obese people were also two thirds more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke, and up to four times more likely to die of diabetes, kidney or liver problems. They were one sixth more likely to die of cancer.

"This really emphasizes the importance of weight gain," said Dr. Arne Astrup, a professor of nutrition at the University of Copenhagen who was not linked to the Lancet study. "Even a small increase in your BMI is enough to increase your risks for cardiovascular disease and cancer."

Previous studies have found that death rates increase both above and below a normal BMI score, and that people who are moderately overweight live longer than underweight or normal-weight people.

Other experts said that because the papers used in the study mostly started between 1975 and 1985, their conclusions were not as relevant today.

Astrup worried that rising obesity rates may reverse the steep drops in heart disease seen in the West.

"Obesity is the new dark horse for public health officials," he said. "People need to be aware of the risks they're taking when they gain weight."
Title: Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
Post by: kounty on January 05, 2010, 12:40:09 PM
new years resolution time again, especially after the Christmas gluttony (and the closed pool).  anybody read anything more interesting over the last 1/2 yr.  i notice that obama and dem ( dept of something...maybe health and human services) had a pretty good site with some good advice.
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