Soca Warriors Online Discussion Forum

Sports => Football => Topic started by: royal on May 27, 2010, 08:59:50 PM

Title: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: royal on May 27, 2010, 08:59:50 PM
Heard on CNC3 late night news
Anil - Sports Minister and Jack a position dat really suit him -  Minister Extraordinaire

So you'll know dats the end of dem footballers and dey money.

Update : Jack is Works and Transport  ( plenty money ministry )
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Small Magician aka Wazza on May 27, 2010, 09:58:29 PM
hopefully they use available funds correctly and improve the sports in Trinidad and Tobago...upgrade the stadia and get constant friendlies for all levels of TnT football...

Latapy better prove himself over two years because funds available for a big coach now....

Forza People's Parliament
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: spideybuff on May 28, 2010, 06:24:21 AM
Anybody else hear that Jack getting Minister of Works and Transport within whose ambit UDECOTT alone controlled 40% of our national budget, before we even count NIPDEC projects and NIDCO with the Rapid Rail, Highways and Water Taxis...

Jack was campaigning for this position behind the scenes apparently and there was tremendous resistance(or competition) but if it is true, he probably going to be responsible for 50% of the treaury.

Whoop de dooo...
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: mukumsplau on May 28, 2010, 06:33:46 AM
i heard that on news this what does this mean? does he have to resign from FIFA?...i cud jus imagine the amount of multi purpose companies that 'he' probably set up to jus dish out contracts...
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: spideybuff on May 28, 2010, 06:49:40 AM
Nah. A foreign report said since Monday he was set to be named in the new cabinet but it would not affect his position in FIFA. He went and make sure of that first.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Trini _2026 on May 28, 2010, 08:08:41 AM
I guess FPATT is dead !!!!WITH ANIL DEY
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: weary1969 on May 28, 2010, 09:29:00 AM
I guess FPATT is dead !!!!WITH ANIL DEY

Cyah blame Anil 4 dat 1 dey barely on life support now.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: vb on May 28, 2010, 09:39:20 AM
I guess FPATT is dead !!!!WITH ANIL DEY

Cyah blame Anil 4 dat 1 dey barely on life support now.

I find Dwight and Latas coulda speak up for dem.

Good luck to them.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: weary1969 on May 28, 2010, 09:49:12 AM
I guess FPATT is dead !!!!WITH ANIL DEY

Cyah blame Anil 4 dat 1 dey barely on life support now.

I find Dwight and Latas coulda speak up for dem.

Good luck to them.

How dey go speak up and dey want wuk from JACK?
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Brownsugar on May 28, 2010, 10:24:35 AM
Nah. A foreign report said since Monday he was set to be named in the new cabinet but it would not affect his position in FIFA. He went and make sure of that first.

Ok ah need to understand something, Gov't cyar interfere in FIFA business but FIFA officials could take up Gov't positions??   ??? :-\
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: spideybuff on May 28, 2010, 10:26:17 AM
Nah. A foreign report said since Monday he was set to be named in the new cabinet but it would not affect his position in FIFA. He went and make sure of that first.

Ok ah need to understand something, Gov't cyar interfere in FIFA business but FIFA officials could take up Gov't positions??   ??? :-\

It not hard to understand. Once FIFA involved, the rules are adjusted to suit them. Just accept that and the world would be a much easier place to understand.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: D.H.W on May 28, 2010, 10:44:10 AM
Nah. A foreign report said since Monday he was set to be named in the new cabinet but it would not affect his position in FIFA. He went and make sure of that first.

Ok ah need to understand something, Gov't cyar interfere in FIFA business but FIFA officials could take up Gov't positions??   ??? :-\

It not hard to understand. Once FIFA involved, the rules are adjusted to suit them. Just accept that and the world would be a much easier place to understand.

lol  :D
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: vb on May 28, 2010, 11:02:42 AM
Say what you want about Hunt, he kept Jack honest.

Dem days gone.

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Bakes on May 28, 2010, 11:10:23 AM
Ok ah need to understand something, Gov't cyar interfere in FIFA business but FIFA officials could take up Gov't positions??   ??? :-\

I think people jus misinterpret FIFA stance... FIFA want no government involvement in football to the extent that government can't come in and tell the local FA's what to do and how to do things.  There must be no government oversight (which is what used to make Jack blaming government for not "supporting" the TTFF so funny... government eh go hand you money and not have you account for it- some form of oversight viz spending).

FIFA not concerned with the (legal) non-FIFA activities of its members, so Jack could take up a government post as long as the TTFF running its own affairs and not the government running it.  Of course that leaves to be resolved how Jack could wear both hats... but as Fido famously put it, maybe he could "pose" as Special Advisor every now and den.


vb... correct!
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Coop's on May 28, 2010, 11:13:40 AM
Nah. A foreign report said since Monday he was set to be named in the new cabinet but it would not affect his position in FIFA. He went and make sure of that first.

Ok ah need to understand something, Gov't cyar interfere in FIFA business but FIFA officials could take up Gov't positions??   ??? :-\

It not hard to understand. Once FIFA involved, the rules are adjusted to suit them. Just accept that and the world would be a much easier place to understand.
        You know i does read some of these posts on here and wonder what is it people does be talking about,is attack after attack on JW,nothing the guy do,say or try satisfies you all,if you all don't know FIFA's policy why are we guessing,it's a set ifs,buts,may be,i not sure if it's the truth,he lying etc etc i don't think we understand FIFA,it eh have no rules to adjust to suit anything,their rules are set in stone that's why they are so powerfull.
         Look how long JW in T&T politics you don't think he would know if Gov't cyar interfere in FIFA business etc?if he play a role in politics and a role in FIFA at the same time?this is why he is so confident because he takes care of business before things happen.  
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Flex on May 29, 2010, 04:53:37 AM
Warner to resign Fifa committees.
T&T Guardian Reports.

Fifa vice-president Austin Jack Warner was sworn in as minister of Works and Transport in the new People’s Partnership government in T&T yesterday. Warner, who is chairman of the United National Congress (UNC), the major part of the Coalition, said he would continue on as Fifa vice-president and president of Concacaf despite taking up the minister of works portfolio.

Warner polled 18,767 votes to win the Chaguanas East seat for the UNC. He had served as member of parliament for the same constituency for the past two and a half years. In commenting after being sworn in Warner said he is up for the task: “I am up for the task, we have a lot of work to do and everyone is ready and keen to deliver.” He said that he foresees no problems in serving both Fifa and the T&T people, citing that a Fifa vice-president is the minister of Sport in Germany. He however, said that he would resign from some committees at Fifa, in order to cut down his work load.

Meanwhile, former talk show host Anil Roberts has been appointed minister of Sports and Youth Affairs. Commenting on his appointment and vision in his new role, Roberts said: “We must have a multi-pronged approach first and foremost. We are going to look at the all the projects and we will keep what we think can work and discard the others.”
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: E-man on May 29, 2010, 11:12:28 PM
How much will the public find out:

Who Should File

The persons in public life who are required to file annual declarations of income, assets and liabilities with the Integrity Commission are:
1. Members of the House of Representatives
2. Ministers of Government

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Brownsugar on May 30, 2010, 05:58:36 AM
Nah. A foreign report said since Monday he was set to be named in the new cabinet but it would not affect his position in FIFA. He went and make sure of that first.

Ok ah need to understand something, Gov't cyar interfere in FIFA business but FIFA officials could take up Gov't positions??   ??? :-\

It not hard to understand. Once FIFA involved, the rules are adjusted to suit them. Just accept that and the world would be a much easier place to understand.
        You know i does read some of these posts on here and wonder what is it people does be talking about,is attack after attack on JW,nothing the guy do,say or try satisfies you all,if you all don't know FIFA's policy why are we guessing,it's a set ifs,buts,may be,i not sure if it's the truth,he lying etc etc i don't think we understand FIFA,it eh have no rules to adjust to suit anything,their rules are set in stone that's why they are so powerfull.
         Look how long JW in T&T politics you don't think he would know if Gov't cyar interfere in FIFA business etc?if he play a role in politics and a role in FIFA at the same time?this is why he is so confident because he takes care of business before things happen.  


Ah man who openly lied on national radio and TV about the status of the payment to the players desrves every bit of cynicsm and criticism he gets.  What I doh understand is why every time his name is mentioned you appear to defend him....what's up with that??
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Brownsugar on May 30, 2010, 06:00:08 AM
How much will the public find out:

Who Should File

The persons in public life who are required to file annual declarations of income, assets and liabilities with the Integrity Commission are:
1. Members of the House of Representatives
2. Ministers of Government

To me all Jack have to do is pull a Kennedy Sawatsingh (ah think that spell wrong) and put everything he own in his sons and wife's name and any other willing participants in his household......
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Flex on May 30, 2010, 06:38:11 AM
Football body hails Warner, Roberts.
T&T Newsday Reports.

Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation President Oliver Camps has issued a statement wishing newly appointed Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Anil Roberts well in his tenure over the next five years.

He said that the TTFF was looking forward to a cordial and healthy working relationship with the Sports Ministry.

Camps also extended congratulations to FIFA Vice President Jack Warner on his appointment as Minister of Works and Transport.

“I never doubted the capabilities of Mr Warner at the polls and I think it is quite fitting that he has been given the opportunity to serve as a Minister. We all know his excellent track record in every field that he has been involved and without a doubt I think this pattern will definitely continue in his new ministerial post,” Camps said.

Camps said that it was quite clear that Roberts held all the qualities of taking on the role given to him because of his experience as a coach and official both at home and abroad and for his understanding of what is required for success across the board.

“Anil has a lot of experience in the sporting world from coach to official to the man on the street and talk show host. I think he has the fullest understanding of what is required to run a successful ministry and to assist the various sporting bodies in the country towards higher heights as they ought to be,” Camps said yesterday.

The former national team manager and avid hunter said his early request was for the Ministry of Sport to offer assistance to local clubs and the regional associations.

“Without the proper development of our local clubs and the regional associations throughout the country, our football will be non-existent and therefore we must place more emphasis on their development and my first appeal to Mr Roberts and his association would be to pay some attention to these areas.

“In the meantime, on behalf of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation, I take this opportunity to wish Mr Roberts, Parliamentary Secretary Miss Stacey Roopnarine and the Ministry the very best in their endeavours,” Camps added.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: royal on May 30, 2010, 07:41:47 AM
ah wonder how de other sporting bodies will feel other than football and swimming?Didn't Anil have a lawsuit against him brought by Brian Manning President of the basketball federation? 
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Brownsugar on May 30, 2010, 10:10:40 AM
ah wonder how de other sporting bodies will feel other than football and swimming?Didn't Anil have a lawsuit against him brought by Brian Manning President of the basketball federation? 

That was settled....
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: weary1969 on May 30, 2010, 07:05:52 PM
ah wonder how de other sporting bodies will feel other than football and swimming?Didn't Anil have a lawsuit against him brought by Brian Manning President of the basketball federation? 

That was settled....

Really Anil pay 4 he mouth? Update ah sista
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: STEUPS!! on May 30, 2010, 07:21:45 PM
anil will no longer be d host of spalk. gayelle will be takin applications for a new host, so all who interested, send een allyuh applications

he just had what i believed was his last show, where marcia henville interviewed him under his new portfolio as minister of sports. all in all, he have some real good ideas an he is a man passionate and knowledgeable bout sports (more dan d last 3 sports ministers combined)

i for one waiting to see what he comin wid. hope all his ideas will come to fruition.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: weary1969 on May 30, 2010, 07:28:51 PM
anil will no longer be d host of spalk. gayelle will be takin applications for a new host, so all who interested, send een allyuh applications

he just had what i believed was his last show, where marcia henville interviewed him under his new portfolio as minister of sports. all in all, he have some real good ideas an he is a man passionate and knowledgeable bout sports (more dan d last 3 sports ministers combined)

i for one waiting to see what he comin wid. hope all his ideas will come to fruition.

D fella does talk a good talk. I waitin 2 c d auto racing issue address because he say Manning and co did nutten because is a sport supported mainly by Indian. So I waitin plus since he have d yute portfolio I waitin 2 hear what he could tell young people.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: D.H.W on May 30, 2010, 07:41:50 PM
better to have a man that know about sports than nothing at all, i hope its not all talk in the end
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Midknight on May 30, 2010, 07:46:03 PM
Football body hails Warner, Roberts.
T&T Newsday Reports.

Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation President Oliver Camps has issued a statement wishing newly appointed Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Anil Roberts well in his tenure over the next five years.

He said that the TTFF was looking forward to a cordial and healthy working relationship with the Sports Ministry.

Camps also extended congratulations to FIFA Vice President Jack Warner on his appointment as Minister of Works and Transport.

“I never doubted the capabilities of Mr Warner at the polls and I think it is quite fitting that he has been given the opportunity to serve as a Minister. We all know his excellent track record in every field that he has been involved and without a doubt I think this pattern will definitely continue in his new ministerial post,” Camps said.

Camps said that it was quite clear that Roberts held all the qualities of taking on the role given to him because of his experience as a coach and official both at home and abroad and for his understanding of what is required for success across the board.

“Anil has a lot of experience in the sporting world from coach to official to the man on the street and talk show host. I think he has the fullest understanding of what is required to run a successful ministry and to assist the various sporting bodies in the country towards higher heights as they ought to be,” Camps said yesterday.

The former national team manager and avid hunter said his early request was for the Ministry of Sport to offer assistance to local clubs and the regional associations.

“Without the proper development of our local clubs and the regional associations throughout the country, our football will be non-existent and therefore we must place more emphasis on their development and my first appeal to Mr Roberts and his association would be to pay some attention to these areas.

“In the meantime, on behalf of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation, I take this opportunity to wish Mr Roberts, Parliamentary Secretary Miss Stacey Roopnarine and the Ministry the very best in their endeavours,” Camps added.

it speaks!
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Fyzoman on May 30, 2010, 09:52:48 PM
So Jacke pardner was with Jacke when Jacke carry some documents for Scamps to sign..Scamps sign on the dotted line and hand dem back to Jacke, he pardner ask him how come Scamps around so long? Jacke say, (words to de effect) "wha yuh talking bout why i wouldn't want him around? anybody else woulda read the documents before dey sign it."

dem could worry effing me. Go USA, go Brazil!!!!
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: weary1969 on May 30, 2010, 10:14:08 PM
better to have a man that know about sports than nothing at all, i hope its not all talk in the end

D fella know bout sports he was a swimmer. He just LOUDDDD. 2 b an effective Minister u need a good PS and d ability 2 listen Anil have d ability 2 talk.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Deeks on May 31, 2010, 09:49:26 AM
better to have a man that know about sports than nothing at all, i hope its not all talk in the end

D fella know bout sports he was a swimmer. He just LOUDDDD. 2 b an effective Minister u need a good PS and d ability 2 listen Anil have d ability 2 talk.

Oh Gorsh,
            Leh we give the man ah honeymoon.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: weary1969 on May 31, 2010, 03:50:06 PM
better to have a man that know about sports than nothing at all, i hope its not all talk in the end

D fella know bout sports he was a swimmer. He just LOUDDDD. 2 b an effective Minister u need a good PS and d ability 2 listen Anil have d ability 2 talk.

Oh Gorsh,
            Leh we give the man ah honeymoon.

Y dem have all d answers so from 2mor he should hit d road runnin. I have my peeps so I go know what he doin and not doin
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: vb on June 01, 2010, 01:27:59 AM
The reality is Anil is an articulate, intelligent fella.
He has a solid sports background, was on the national youth football team back in 1988 (I think he got cut at the very end due to a lack of funds) Make me laugh when he say he was a striker for Fatima, show up for youth trials and see Dwight Yorke and Sheldon Bennete "I knew I wasn't making that team as a striker" LOL.
Played University football in the US and his qualifications in swimming are well well known.

The fact that he has stated that sport can be used to generate funds for the GNP showed the man is on the right track.

The problem that I and others have with Anil is that on national TV the man make a U turn regarding JW and just to lick he booty clean.

There was no bigger critic of JW than Anil Roberts. I am not saying you should have a vendetta but you get a trip to Bahrain and then BAM JW can do no wrong. He showed for all to see that he could compromise himself and he did it live on national TV.

The man with the biggest mouth and all these principles just boil down like bhajee. Doh be surprised if one day Anil build some swimming facility and get a nice cheque from JW.

If Anil could be taken once. Why not again.

This is someone we have to TRUST with our sports future.

I believe he'll do a good job, but regarding Jack Warner, Anil Roberts compromised and contradicted himself a long time ago.

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: rotatopoti3 on June 01, 2010, 02:09:29 AM
I believe he'll do a good job, but regarding Jack Warner, Anil Roberts compromised and contradicted himself a long time ago.

Point noted VB...but Anil isnt the first...look at Hillary and Barack...didnt she and her husband goe along racial lines during the elections..use all forms of adjectives to alienate him..

But where is she now? The Secretary of State....seems to me they are love love now....

My point being at the end of the a politician or if u are leading down that line...there are times one must
sacrifice their beliefs if u want to play mas....
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: vb on June 01, 2010, 02:17:50 AM
I believe he'll do a good job, but regarding Jack Warner, Anil Roberts compromised and contradicted himself a long time ago.

Point noted VB...but Anil isnt the first...look at Hillary and Barack...didnt she and her husband goe along racial lines during the elections..use all forms of adjectives to alienate him..

But where is she now? The Secretary of State....seems to me they are love love now....

My point being at the end of the a politician or if u are leading down that line...there are times one must
sacrifice their beliefs if u want to play mas....

You have a point and I guess that is why Panday always looked like an ass to me.

You must pick and choose your battle wisely. At the end of the day who is Anil Roberts to throw stones?

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Brownsugar on June 01, 2010, 05:11:29 AM
ah wonder how de other sporting bodies will feel other than football and swimming?Didn't Anil have a lawsuit against him brought by Brian Manning President of the basketball federation? 

That was settled....

Really Anil pay 4 he mouth? Update ah sista

Nah.  Actually, Manning paid him....I'll try to find an article about it somewhere....
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: weary1969 on June 01, 2010, 07:58:44 AM
ah wonder how de other sporting bodies will feel other than football and swimming?Didn't Anil have a lawsuit against him brought by Brian Manning President of the basketball federation? 

That was settled....

Really Anil pay 4 he mouth? Update ah sista

Nah.  Actually, Manning paid him....I'll try to find an article about it somewhere....

Thxs lookin forward 2 readin dat. As 4 whether he go do a good job if u can be bought u done sign yuh death warrant wit me.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: jai john on June 01, 2010, 09:29:12 AM
Wonder WHAT DE SpORTS MINISTER's view is on de matter with de football players ? We already know dat Jack say he eh payin ..not a cent above what dem udders settle for already . Most painful thing for me in that whole affair is the comment from Kelvin Jack .... "Yorke ( captain ) and Latapy deserted us in our time of need " ...something to that effect if not word for word .
Fellas who did not need money ..take ah wuk and sent the soca boat sailing without a captain. History will be harsh on dem fellas I am certain.
I am being positive here when I say that I expect the sports Minister to be as vocal against wrong doing in sport as he has been in all other areas , if not I will realy have to ask WHATTTT !!!
Since Jack is dead set on not losing to anyone ,his  skills as a Works mInister might well be called into play to smooth the rough road ahead as this matter is not blowing away.
I done spalk !
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: spideybuff on June 01, 2010, 10:10:36 AM
Wonder WHAT DE SpORTS MINISTER's view is on de matter with de football players ?
He was being interviewed on Spalk sunday night. He said " That is their business. The ministry cannot tell the TTFF how to run their business. The TTFF and all sport organisations are autonmous bodies." He went on to say that it would be like if the minister tell the TTFF who to pick on the football team, that is not the ministry's business and they can't interfere with those things. The minsitry's job is policy and implementation and funding.

So, now you know his view on the football players. Doh mind before he get d wuk he jump out of himself and call them greedy. Now he trying to sound lil more impartial and wash his hands of it. Like VB say, he compromised when it come to Jack.

Anil in for some pong though, cause he used to criticise people so much that he better be on point now. I see his partner Brian Lewis real big him up in the papers today, but he put pressure on him to deliver now.

Basketball will be in trouble though cause he firmly in the camp against Brian Manning and accused him of thiefing the election so we will see if he will mend bridges or try to force him out now that he have the power...doh mind it is an "autonomous" body.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: spideybuff on June 01, 2010, 10:14:49 AM
Since Jack is dead set on not losing to anyone ,his  skills as a Works mInister might well be called into play to smooth the rough road ahead as this matter is not blowing away.
D matter blowing away. Jack win already. How many of the men against him still playin? By the time Brazil come around is only Kenwyne Jones we will care about of the men who there and if he doh back down, you will see Jack paint him as a traitor somewhere along the way like he did with Latas and Yorke when they end up retiring the first time, under Simoes.

He will offer them somethign again soon to keep them quiet or this thing will just drag out in court for years unless we and FPATT could get the public to put pressure on the Minister of Works and Transport and the Minister of Sport.

However, right now them men at the top of their popularity so a campaign against them (regardless of it being the truth) not going to be effective right now.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: vb on June 01, 2010, 10:48:13 AM
Wonder WHAT DE SpORTS MINISTER's view is on de matter with de football players ?
He was being interviewed on Spalk sunday night. He said " That is their business. The ministry cannot tell the TTFF how to run their business. The TTFF and all sport organisations are autonmous bodies." He went on to say that it would be like if the minister tell the TTFF who to pick on the football team, that is not the ministry's business and they can't interfere with those things. The minsitry's job is policy and implementation and funding.

He have a point there. Once he doh bad talk Sancho et al and keep he ass out of it, I guess that's ok.
Is when Jack and he family start to make mas, is den I go watch him. I want to see what he will say then. Remember when he was just an Advisor ten years ago, he used to put Jack in his place all the time. He used to run he mouth so much, I thought for a moment he was a Minister or Deputy Minister.

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: asylumseeker on June 01, 2010, 11:42:51 AM
I believe he'll do a good job, but regarding Jack Warner, Anil Roberts compromised and contradicted himself a long time ago.

Point noted VB...but Anil isnt the first...look at Hillary and Barack...didnt she and her husband goe along racial lines during the elections..use all forms of adjectives to alienate him..

But where is she now? The Secretary of State....seems to me they are love love now....

My point being at the end of the a politician or if u are leading down that line...there are times one must
sacrifice their beliefs if u want to play mas....

You have a point and I guess that is why Panday always looked like an ass to me.

You must pick and choose your battle wisely. At the end of the day who is Anil Roberts to throw stones?


VB, you accept that easy easy so? The Clinton situation is DIFFERENT, although it seems seductively similar.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: vb on June 01, 2010, 01:39:55 PM

it was the last two sentences that I accepted.

It's true in politics that you must sometimes make concessions. Jack has to allow certain entities in the CFU to get away with shit in their homeland so he can get their votes. It's a reality.

However, when you make a public ass out of yourself on national TV for years, you can't really expect people to take you seriously.

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Bakes on June 01, 2010, 05:25:28 PM
He was being interviewed on Spalk sunday night. He said " That is their business. The ministry cannot tell the TTFF how to run their business. The TTFF and all sport organisations are autonmous bodies." He went on to say that it would be like if the minister tell the TTFF who to pick on the football team, that is not the ministry's business and they can't interfere with those things. The minsitry's job is policy and implementation and funding.

So, now you know his view on the football players. Doh mind before he get d wuk he jump out of himself and call them greedy. Now he trying to sound lil more impartial and wash his hands of it. Like VB say, he compromised when it come to Jack.

Anil in for some pong though, cause he used to criticise people so much that he better be on point now. I see his partner Brian Lewis real big him up in the papers today, but he put pressure on him to deliver now.

Basketball will be in trouble though cause he firmly in the camp against Brian Manning and accused him of thiefing the election so we will see if he will mend bridges or try to force him out now that he have the power...doh mind it is an "autonomous" body.

Fuh all de pong man pong Hunt, at least he had the integrity to insist that there be public accounting for the Government monies spent by the TTFF.  This c**t bawling bout how TTFF is an "autonomous" body... so that alone telling we what to expect.  I watching this administration like ah hawk.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: weary1969 on June 01, 2010, 05:41:27 PM
Wonder WHAT DE SpORTS MINISTER's view is on de matter with de football players ? We already know dat Jack say he eh payin ..not a cent above what dem udders settle for already . Most painful thing for me in that whole affair is the comment from Kelvin Jack .... "Yorke ( captain ) and Latapy deserted us in our time of need " ...something to that effect if not word for word .
Fellas who did not need money ..take ah wuk and sent the soca boat sailing without a captain. History will be harsh on dem fellas I am certain.
I am being positive here when I say that I expect the sports Minister to be as vocal against wrong doing in sport as he has been in all other areas , if not I will realy have to ask WHATTTT !!!
Since Jack is dead set on not losing to anyone ,his  skills as a Works mInister might well be called into play to smooth the rough road ahead as this matter is not blowing away.
I done spalk !

What rock u livin under friend d man say in Aranjuez d fellas was only 2 get d money if dey reach d 2nd round and dey eh even score a goal.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: just cool on June 02, 2010, 05:07:40 AM
@ the end of the day, who on here helpin this fella tuh further his career?? allyuh go big him up like lasana, not saying lasana was wrong or foolish for speaking out against unethical conduct on behalf of the TTFF, but look where it got him!

ah lot of yuhs SO-CALLED diehard fans are nothing but rabble rousers!! and i have proof. on june 1st 2008, every soca warrior was set to launch ah protest against JW's TTFF, according to yuhs jokers, everyone was supposed tuh wear black in solidarity to the blacklist players.

come game day, less than 100 ppl was wearing black, even the commentators was talking about it, but funny thing, all yuhs BIG TALKERS bailed leaving kandi TT and brown sugar wid the heavy ass flag tuh jump up and wallow in the glory of seeing becks and gerrard live and in livin color!!

i even heard some ppl say" boy!! why we have tuh wear black, it go be hot as all hell and that black Tshirt will make we sweat like hogs", so what allyuh SO CALLED  hard core warriors did? allyuh abandoned the protest!

now allyuh have the fackin gall tuh stand up and lambass anil roberts for abandoning the campaign against jack when allyuh didn't even had the fortitude tuh suffer AH LITTLE discomfort and wear ah fackin black juzzy for allyuh "SO CALLED" BELOVED WARRIORS!!

for the 4 yrs that the warriors was in the wilderness, how many of yuh local based ever held ah protest out side the TTFF office?? one of the easier ways tuh show allyuh support and displeasure wid the football administration.

i see ppl protest against the summit, against the crime in the country, against lack of water supply, roads, even communities against their MPs, but not one single protest against jack warner and his hench men!!  which reminds me, yuh know what allyuh really want??

allyuh want ah forkin sacrificial LAMB!! AH MESSIAH, IF YOU WILL!! some body tuh do all the work and allyuh shower praises on the dumb ass!! so when jack destroy them, allyuh could say, " boy, jack real wicked eh boy? look what he did to we messiah". :'(

anil, if i was you i woulda do the same thing!! after all, yuh payed yuh dues, plus when yuh chiren and dem want ah sneakers or ah college tuition money, these fella would be no where in the equation tuh say HERE! my philosophy? yuh could do more as an insider than an outsider.

the things that really really vexed with jack warner , is the way in which he refuse tuh acknowledge  FPATT/ PFATT, and the black list, to me , that will be the one thing he will look back on and say "ah really forked up big time!"

he shoulda just reach out to the players and keep the momentum instead ah killin the vibes and the progress we made after the WC tourney. but for fellas like anil and lasana tuh bare that burden, especially when them men have tuh eat! and in ah place like TNT??!! come on ppl, be real.

allyuh can't put this one on anil! so please allyuh, shut it OK!!!!

lewwe see what good could come of this my fellow grinches! it to early tuh mud sling.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: spideybuff on June 02, 2010, 07:28:19 AM
Sooooo....what y really saying? We should shut it and leave Anil alone and let he and Jack do whatever they want and not say anything on the board because we didn't go and stand up outside TTFF and say it?
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: sammy on June 02, 2010, 10:47:26 AM
what exactly was the agreement with the players and the TTFF?
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Brownsugar on June 02, 2010, 10:57:08 AM
what exactly was the agreement with the players and the TTFF?

Aye, aye...NOW yuh want to know??!!.....Boss, just do a search on here for any of the following...

Mike Townley
Lasana Liburd
World Cup 2006 players....

and on and on......have fun....
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: vb on June 02, 2010, 11:17:16 AM
what exactly was the agreement with the players and the TTFF?

Well first of all I not taking Anil word for it.
Who is he?
Was he in de room when it happened?

If it such a logical argument then WHY did JW not say this four years ago.
WHY did a court arbitrate in favour of the Warriors and TELL the TTFF to pay.

Dat make sense to anybody here.

Anil I will be watching you and JW every step of the way. And I will pong your ass every time you and he allow bobol to continue in TT football.

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: dinho on June 02, 2010, 11:22:52 AM
@ the end of the day, who on here helpin this fella tuh further his career?? allyuh go big him up like lasana, not saying lasana was wrong or foolish for speaking out against unethical conduct on behalf of the TTFF, but look where it got him!

ah lot of yuhs SO-CALLED diehard fans are nothing but rabble rousers!! and i have proof. on june 1st 2008, every soca warrior was set to launch ah protest against JW's TTFF, according to yuhs jokers, everyone was supposed tuh wear black in solidarity to the blacklist players.

come game day, less than 100 ppl was wearing black, even the commentators was talking about it, but funny thing, all yuhs BIG TALKERS bailed leaving kandi TT and brown sugar wid the heavy ass flag tuh jump up and wallow in the glory of seeing becks and gerrard live and in livin color!!

i even heard some ppl say" boy!! why we have tuh wear black, it go be hot as all hell and that black Tshirt will make we sweat like hogs", so what allyuh SO CALLED  hard core warriors did? allyuh abandoned the protest!

now allyuh have the fackin gall tuh stand up and lambass anil roberts for abandoning the campaign against jack when allyuh didn't even had the fortitude tuh suffer AH LITTLE discomfort and wear ah fackin black juzzy for allyuh "SO CALLED" BELOVED WARRIORS!!

for the 4 yrs that the warriors was in the wilderness, how many of yuh local based ever held ah protest out side the TTFF office?? one of the easier ways tuh show allyuh support and displeasure wid the football administration.

i see ppl protest against the summit, against the crime in the country, against lack of water supply, roads, even communities against their MPs, but not one single protest against jack warner and his hench men!!  which reminds me, yuh know what allyuh really want??

allyuh want ah forkin sacrificial LAMB!! AH MESSIAH, IF YOU WILL!! some body tuh do all the work and allyuh shower praises on the dumb ass!! so when jack destroy them, allyuh could say, " boy, jack real wicked eh boy? look what he did to we messiah". :'(

anil, if i was you i woulda do the same thing!! after all, yuh payed yuh dues, plus when yuh chiren and dem want ah sneakers or ah college tuition money, these fella would be no where in the equation tuh say HERE! my philosophy? yuh could do more as an insider than an outsider.

the things that really really vexed with jack warner , is the way in which he refuse tuh acknowledge  FPATT/ PFATT, and the black list, to me , that will be the one thing he will look back on and say "ah really forked up big time!"

he shoulda just reach out to the players and keep the momentum instead ah killin the vibes and the progress we made after the WC tourney. but for fellas like anil and lasana tuh bare that burden, especially when them men have tuh eat! and in ah place like TNT??!! come on ppl, be real.

allyuh can't put this one on anil! so please allyuh, shut it OK!!!!

lewwe see what good could come of this my fellow grinches! it to early tuh mud sling.

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: sammy on June 02, 2010, 11:44:18 AM
what exactly was the agreement with the players and the TTFF?

Aye, aye...NOW yuh want to know??!!.....Boss, just do a search on here for any of the following...

Mike Townley
Lasana Liburd
World Cup 2006 players....

and on and on......have fun....

I want to know if anyone knows for fact the details of the agreement or is it down to hear say. Thanks.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: FF on June 02, 2010, 11:52:33 AM
what exactly was the agreement with the players and the TTFF?

Aye, aye...NOW yuh want to know??!!.....Boss, just do a search on here for any of the following...

Mike Townley
Lasana Liburd
World Cup 2006 players....

and on and on......have fun....

I want to know if anyone knows for fact the details of the agreement or is it down to hear say. Thanks.

The FACT is that the players, TTFF and Jack all agreed to go to an independent arbitrator.

The FACT is that the independent arbitrator found in favour of the players.

The agreement could have been for a pack of chilli bibi and 2 dinner mint each. It DOES NOT MATTER.

The FACT is that the TTFF and Jack have been delaying paying the players or opening their books to show total world cup revenues in 2006.

The FACT is that the TTFF and Jack have been offering individual players incrementally increasing settlements since 2006 to drop out of the lawsuit.

Draw your own conclusions.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: E-man on June 02, 2010, 11:53:04 AM
what exactly was the agreement with the players and the TTFF?

Aye, aye...NOW yuh want to know??!!.....Boss, just do a search on here for any of the following...

Mike Townley
Lasana Liburd
World Cup 2006 players....

and on and on......have fun....

I want to know if anyone knows for fact the details of the agreement or is it down to hear say. Thanks.

The facts were established in the court of arbitration. In fact Warner never disputed the agreement was made to 50% of commercial profits and said such in the press even before the arbitration.

What was in dispute was what the amount of revenue - the books were never opened. A spreadsheet that the TTFF did put out clearly didn't list all the revenue as reported in press releases and media reports prior to the World Cup.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Dutty on June 02, 2010, 12:10:53 PM
so whey allyuh sayin? Latas and Yorke doh like de taste of chilibibi?
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: sammy on June 02, 2010, 12:25:54 PM
what exactly was the agreement with the players and the TTFF?

Aye, aye...NOW yuh want to know??!!.....Boss, just do a search on here for any of the following...

Mike Townley
Lasana Liburd
World Cup 2006 players....

and on and on......have fun....

I want to know if anyone knows for fact the details of the agreement or is it down to hear say. Thanks.

The facts were established in the court of arbitration. In fact Warner never disputed the agreement was made to 50% of commercial profits and said such in the press even before the arbitration.

What was in dispute was what the amount of revenue - the books were never opened. A spreadsheet that the TTFF did put out clearly didn't list all the revenue as reported in press releases and media reports prior to the World Cup.

and this 50% is the same "bonuses" or that is a separate issue?
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Tallman on June 02, 2010, 12:48:05 PM
what exactly was the agreement with the players and the TTFF?

Here is a summary of the events:
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Brownsugar on June 02, 2010, 01:46:56 PM
what exactly was the agreement with the players and the TTFF?

Aye, aye...NOW yuh want to know??!!.....Boss, just do a search on here for any of the following...

Mike Townley
Lasana Liburd
World Cup 2006 players....

and on and on......have fun....

I want to know if anyone knows for fact the details of the agreement or is it down to hear say. Thanks.

Nah, nah, nah Sammy.....yuh looking to get ban from this site....all dem thing de PNM dig up on the campaign trail about Jack and the fight with the players, is stale news on this forum....if yuh really wanted to know what going on with the players and Jack this forum full ah details.  To come and ask if we know de details is blasphemy!!....

I realise yuh loyalty to the People's Partnership does give yuh temporary blindness...but dais alright, ah see Tallman and FF trying to help yuh find a cure....steups....
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: sammy on June 02, 2010, 02:32:43 PM
what exactly was the agreement with the players and the TTFF?

Here is a summary of the events:

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: sammy on June 02, 2010, 02:40:56 PM
what exactly was the agreement with the players and the TTFF?

Aye, aye...NOW yuh want to know??!!.....Boss, just do a search on here for any of the following...

Mike Townley
Lasana Liburd
World Cup 2006 players....

and on and on......have fun....

I want to know if anyone knows for fact the details of the agreement or is it down to hear say. Thanks.

Nah, nah, nah Sammy.....yuh looking to get ban from this site....all dem thing de PNM dig up on the campaign trail about Jack and the fight with the players, is stale news on this forum....if yuh really wanted to know what going on with the players and Jack this forum full ah details.  To come and ask if we know de details is blasphemy!!....

I realise yuh loyalty to the People's Partnership does give yuh temporary blindness...but dais alright, ah see Tallman and FF trying to help yuh find a cure....steups....

I not saying warner is clean, however i not willing to see out one eye only, esp regarding posts from ppl who are/ were against warner from years/decades due to varying reasons and who are so against him that they wont admit that T&T benefited from his "dealings" one way or the other.

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Deeks on June 02, 2010, 02:48:10 PM
what exactly was the agreement with the players and the TTFF?

Aye, aye...NOW yuh want to know??!!.....Boss, just do a search on here for any of the following...

Mike Townley
Lasana Liburd
World Cup 2006 players....

and on and on......have fun....

I want to know if anyone knows for fact the details of the agreement or is it down to hear say. Thanks.

The facts were established in the court of arbitration. In fact Warner never disputed the agreement was made to 50% of commercial profits and said such in the press even before the arbitration.

What was in dispute was what the amount of revenue - the books were never opened. A spreadsheet that the TTFF did put out clearly didn't list all the revenue as reported in press releases and media reports prior to the World Cup.

and this 50% is the same "bonuses" or that is a separate issue?

Sammy, how long yuh on this site. All of a sudden you having amnesia when it comes to the dispute between Jack and the Soca Warriors. This thing been going on for 4 yrs. We not against Jack for Fifa connection or political affiliation. We have issues with his management of TT football. He thinks that he must not be call into account for the manner in whick he has f--k up TT football.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: sammy on June 02, 2010, 03:05:49 PM
what exactly was the agreement with the players and the TTFF?

Aye, aye...NOW yuh want to know??!!.....Boss, just do a search on here for any of the following...

Mike Townley
Lasana Liburd
World Cup 2006 players....

and on and on......have fun....

I want to know if anyone knows for fact the details of the agreement or is it down to hear say. Thanks.

The facts were established in the court of arbitration. In fact Warner never disputed the agreement was made to 50% of commercial profits and said such in the press even before the arbitration.

What was in dispute was what the amount of revenue - the books were never opened. A spreadsheet that the TTFF did put out clearly didn't list all the revenue as reported in press releases and media reports prior to the World Cup.

and this 50% is the same "bonuses" or that is a separate issue?

Sammy, how long yuh on this site. All of a sudden you having amnesia when it comes to the dispute between Jack and the Soca Warriors. This thing been going on for 4 yrs. We not against Jack for Fifa connection or political affiliation. We have issues with his management of TT football. He thinks that he must not be call into account for the manner in whick he has f--k up TT football.

see above post.

Noticed i never took part of those discussions, cause i not around long enough to know the history of jack warner or about his ways . I only became aware of these things since i joined the site. However, since i joined, it seemed that almost everyone was against jack and that was b4 the world cup fiasco. So my point is, how much ppl willing to take anything anti-jack and run with it automatically without having all the facts?

Did anil make up what he said on the platform or was it based on some form of truth?
Did the players give a statement refuting his uttering ? if not y? they were very vociferous a few days before election.
Do we have a copy of the contract with the details or was it an oral one?
Y nobody hating latas and yorke for siding with jack ? or is it hate for him alone?
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Bakes on June 02, 2010, 04:25:14 PM
@ the end of the day, who on here helpin this fella tuh further his career?? allyuh go big him up like lasana, not saying lasana was wrong or foolish for speaking out against unethical conduct on behalf of the TTFF, but look where it got him!

ah lot of yuhs SO-CALLED diehard fans are nothing but rabble rousers!! and i have proof. on june 1st 2008, every soca warrior was set to launch ah protest against JW's TTFF, according to yuhs jokers, everyone was supposed tuh wear black in solidarity to the blacklist players.

come game day, less than 100 ppl was wearing black, even the commentators was talking about it, but funny thing, all yuhs BIG TALKERS bailed leaving kandi TT and brown sugar wid the heavy ass flag tuh jump up and wallow in the glory of seeing becks and gerrard live and in livin color!!

i even heard some ppl say" boy!! why we have tuh wear black, it go be hot as all hell and that black Tshirt will make we sweat like hogs", so what allyuh SO CALLED  hard core warriors did? allyuh abandoned the protest!

now allyuh have the fackin gall tuh stand up and lambass anil roberts for abandoning the campaign against jack when allyuh didn't even had the fortitude tuh suffer AH LITTLE discomfort and wear ah fackin black juzzy for allyuh "SO CALLED" BELOVED WARRIORS!!

for the 4 yrs that the warriors was in the wilderness, how many of yuh local based ever held ah protest out side the TTFF office?? one of the easier ways tuh show allyuh support and displeasure wid the football administration.

i see ppl protest against the summit, against the crime in the country, against lack of water supply, roads, even communities against their MPs, but not one single protest against jack warner and his hench men!!  which reminds me, yuh know what allyuh really want??

allyuh want ah forkin sacrificial LAMB!! AH MESSIAH, IF YOU WILL!! some body tuh do all the work and allyuh shower praises on the dumb ass!! so when jack destroy them, allyuh could say, " boy, jack real wicked eh boy? look what he did to we messiah". :'(

anil, if i was you i woulda do the same thing!! after all, yuh payed yuh dues, plus when yuh chiren and dem want ah sneakers or ah college tuition money, these fella would be no where in the equation tuh say HERE! my philosophy? yuh could do more as an insider than an outsider.

the things that really really vexed with jack warner , is the way in which he refuse tuh acknowledge  FPATT/ PFATT, and the black list, to me , that will be the one thing he will look back on and say "ah really forked up big time!"

he shoulda just reach out to the players and keep the momentum instead ah killin the vibes and the progress we made after the WC tourney. but for fellas like anil and lasana tuh bare that burden, especially when them men have tuh eat! and in ah place like TNT??!! come on ppl, be real.

allyuh can't put this one on anil! so please allyuh, shut it OK!!!!

lewwe see what good could come of this my fellow grinches! it to early tuh mud sling.

You does take een or what fella?  So because SOME people decide they not boycotting or protesting by wearing black... that mean that NOBODY could criticize that f**king turncoat Anil?

Since foreign-based couldn't attend de game (and protest) anyways... does that mean that foreign-based alone could criticize him?

What of the local-based who wear dey black... they should send you ah PM tuh get clearance before they post they criticism?
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Bakes on June 02, 2010, 04:30:34 PM
see above post.

Noticed i never took part of those discussions, cause i not around long enough to know the history of jack warner or about his ways . I only became aware of these things since i joined the site. However, since i joined, it seemed that almost everyone was against jack and that was b4 the world cup fiasco. So my point is, how much ppl willing to take anything anti-jack and run with it automatically without having all the facts?

Did anil make up what he said on the platform or was it based on some form of truth?
Did the players give a statement refuting his uttering ? if not y? they were very vociferous a few days before election.
Do we have a copy of the contract with the details or was it an oral one?
Y nobody hating latas and yorke for siding with jack ? or is it hate for him alone?

The answers to all dem shit questions out there... stop being lazy, or better yet... BLIND and find them yuhself.  Nobody owe you any duty to explain to you what is obvious and what has been already established.  Imagine you asking what was the agreement and that done settled in arbitration long time.  Yuh eh see you juss playing de ass.

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: diamondtrim on June 02, 2010, 06:50:46 PM
Amazing how common folk purposely confuse hearsay with fact. Even more amazing, but in no way surprising, are the sycophantic elements just sailing in the breeze of anti Jack Warner sentiment.

Look deeper folks.........
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Deeks on June 02, 2010, 07:31:16 PM
Amazing how common folk purposely confuse hearsay with fact. Even more amazing, but in no way surprising, are the sycophantic elements just sailing in the breeze of anti Jack Warner sentiment.

Look deeper folks.........

Break that down some more, nah!!!!!
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: just cool on June 02, 2010, 07:52:02 PM
Sharks, doh missunderstand meh please! all i'm saying is, ppl on here doh consider extenuating circumstances WHATSOEVER!!! they just deal wid things cut and dry.

sometimes ppl have tuh compromise, or as we say sell out tuh achieve some kinda goal in the life. the real hardliners does always suffer ah life long stint in the wilderness, example, alton madox, stokley carmicheal, malcolm X, sammy nwellyn, patrick ewing, david nakid, sancho , K jack, jimmy carter, harry truman. is not every body could be ah hardliner my friend, that calls for real hard gut conviction and putting yuh money where yuh mouth iz!

if yuh don't believe me then just ask fellas like LATAS AND YORKE!  jack warner put panday and manning out tuh pasture, so who is some lil shock jock!

my point was, OK anil sell guns, but so did yorke, latas and half of the warriors, to me that's worst than what anil did!!! sometimes yuh does have tuh stoop tuh conquer, and i feel it's too early tuh jump on dude's case, lets see what positives could come of this relationship before we begin tuh throw blame already!

after all, if we really want tuh talk principle, who the fack stood wid david nakid? and what he did IMO was about real principles. some ppl here are too eager tuh judge and criticize when they themselves don't have one single drop of fight in them!

MO, lets wait and see what good could come of this BC i'm tired of the feuding wid jack already, jack won't budge, so i say lets move on, this shyte is getting stale!!
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Bakes on June 02, 2010, 08:04:11 PM
Sharks, doh missunderstand meh please! all i'm saying is, ppl on here doh consider extenuating circumstances WHATSOEVER!!! they just deal wid things cut and dry.

sometimes ppl have tuh compromise, or as we say sell out tuh achieve some kinda goal in the life. the real hardliners does always suffer ah life long stint in the wilderness, example, alton madox, stokley carmicheal, malcolm X, sammy nwellyn, patrick ewing, david nakid, sancho , K jack, jimmy carter, harry truman. is not every body could be ah hardliner my friend, that calls for real hard gut conviction and putting yuh money where yuh mouth iz!

if yuh don't believe me then just ask fellas like LATAS AND YORKE!  jack warner put panday and manning out tuh pasture, so who is some lil shock jock!

my point was, OK anil sell guns, but so did yorke, latas and half of the warriors, to me that's worst than what anil did!!! sometimes yuh does have tuh stoop tuh conquer, and i feel it's too early tuh jump on dude's case, lets see what positives could come of this relationship before we begin tuh throw blame already!

after all, if we really want tuh talk principle, who the fack stood wid david nakid? and what he did IMO was about real principles. some ppl here are too eager tuh judge and criticize when they themselves don't have one single drop of fight in them!

MO, lets wait and see what good could come of this BC i'm tired of the feuding wid jack already, jack won't budge, so i say lets move on, this shyte is getting stale!!

Yorke and Latas ketch real flak fuh what they do... so I not sure I following yuh dey.  Even Kelvin Jack come out and blast them for their selfishness and betrayal... who de fack is Anil Roberts?  Too early??  De man gone on the record lying about what was promised and what was to be delivered.  De man straight up LIE and you and others want we to what... give him de benefit of the doubt?

This next Grade-A jackass diamondtrim talking about "hearsay"... he even know what dat mean?  The arbitrator's ruling is no matter of "hearsay" or conjecture.  Warner and the TTFF did NOT contest the arbitrators findings... which meant that YES there was an agreement as spelled out in the Guardian "leak".
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: just cool on June 03, 2010, 04:33:00 AM
Sharks! ah man doh have tuh be all that! especially when he doh see things eye tuh eye wid you. tuh call ah man out his name BC he may have ah different/ absurd point of view is ah bit hostile and arrogant bro.

so OK, you see anil as ah traitor, fine, others don't see it quite that way. for all it's worth, every body can't be right 100% of the time, maybe in time i will see the error of my judgment, but for now i say we bury the hatchet and start afresh.

sometimes in order tuh achieve ah goal, we may have tuh take ah pay cut. i know it's hard , but i really want tuh see TNT football move forward, BC i really fed up wid the feuding. lets move on i say! regardless of who's right wrong or righton.                               positive.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Dutty on June 03, 2010, 06:12:32 AM
Amazing how common folk purposely confuse hearsay with fact. Even more amazing, but in no way surprising, are the sycophantic elements just sailing in the breeze of anti Jack Warner sentiment.

Look deeper folks.........

aaah boy,,yuh reach back :applause:

Test match in full swing today
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: diamondtrim on June 03, 2010, 07:40:55 AM
Mr Shark....I would just as easily chew you up, swallow you and excrete you out as your pseudonym allows, had not the majority of your rantings so eloquently defined and highlighted your sycophancy. How you so gleefully clothe yourself in the garments of idiocy escape me, but never fails to entertain the limited faculties of my pet rooster.

Granted that a verbal agreement was made, granted that the courts did side with the players, but does anyone know the details of this agreement, especially seeing that Anil Roberts may have shed a different light on its supposed contents?

Why was the details of the court decreed settlement not disclosed? Could it have been that what the players claimed was fact may not have been? If I claim that I am owed 1 dollar and the courts agree that i am indeed owed 1 dollar, why the secrecy?

Why wait four years and counting for resolution when its literally millions of dollars the players are claiming? Do they not regard their 'rightful' monies higher than that?

Something is amiss may be on Jack's side or the players' side, but there is certainly more here than meets the eye or ear.

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Mad Scorpion a/k/a Big Bo$$ on June 03, 2010, 08:35:48 AM
Mr Shark....I would just as easily chew you up, swallow you and excrete you out as your pseudonym allows, had not the majority of your rantings so eloquently defined and highlighted your sycophancy. How you so gleefully clothe yourself in the garments of idiocy escape me, but never fails to entertain the limited faculties of my pet rooster.

Granted that a verbal agreement was made, granted that the courts did side with the players, but does anyone know the details of this agreement, especially seeing that Anil Roberts may have shed a different light on its supposed contents?

Why was the details of the court decreed settlement not disclosed? Could it have been that what the players claimed was fact may not have been? If I claim that I am owed 1 dollar and the courts agree that i am indeed owed 1 dollar, why the secrecy?

Why wait four years and counting for resolution when its literally millions of dollars the players are claiming? Do they not regard their 'rightful' monies higher than that?

Something is amiss may be on Jack's side or the players' side, but there is certainly more here than meets the eye or ear.

So are you suggesting that the players are only now seeking their bonuses?  This board is littered with the chronology of events as they've unfolded so not sure how you could utter this "Why wait four years and counting for resolution when its literally millions of dollars the players are claiming? Do they not regard their 'rightful' monies higher than that?"  The players have been fighting to get their bonuses through what legal means they have.  The arbitration was first, then came all the wrangling over the supposed players breach of it's terms.  Then the World Cup campaign. Then it landed in court in T&T. Since then nothing.  Until Jack while on the campaign trail lied and said all the players have been paid.  You make it seem as if the players just say "oh gawd Jack gih we de money nah" and been waiting ever since.  Don't try to disguise garbage in fancy eloquent speech because is still de same bullshit guy.  Yuh could put ah pig in ah castle but is still ah pig!
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: diamondtrim on June 03, 2010, 09:04:05 AM
Bullshit it maybe....but it still remains that the players have been and are still waiting four years and counting for RESOLUTION.

I see your point however, that in this period they did all that they thought perhaps was legally and socially possible to get their monies, and I accept that. My point however, is, as yours, though more brightly lit by the grammar of kings, that 'since then, nothing'. Is that how one claims what one is rightfully owed?
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Mad Scorpion a/k/a Big Bo$$ on June 03, 2010, 09:18:02 AM
Bullshit it maybe....but it still remains that the players have been and are still waiting four years and counting for RESOLUTION.

I see your point however, that in this period they did all that they thought perhaps was legally and socially possible to get their monies, and I accept that. My point however, is, as yours, though more brightly lit by the grammar of kings, that 'since then, nothing'. Is that how one claims what one is rightfully owed?

Well Considering they won the arbitration I think they have proven what they were owed.  And with no legal challenge from Jack except for his claimed breach of the non disclosure order I would say it's not in dispute.  Waiting is the only legal remedy available, so apart from continuing to be vocal about it not much else they can truly do. Unless they make an about turn and settle for whatever pittance (by comparison) Jack offers.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: diamondtrim on June 03, 2010, 09:19:42 AM
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Coop's on June 03, 2010, 09:28:44 AM
see above post.

Noticed i never took part of those discussions, cause i not around long enough to know the history of jack warner or about his ways . I only became aware of these things since i joined the site. However, since i joined, it seemed that almost everyone was against jack and that was b4 the world cup fiasco. So my point is, how much ppl willing to take anything anti-jack and run with it automatically without having all the facts?

Did anil make up what he said on the platform or was it based on some form of truth?
Did the players give a statement refuting his uttering ? if not y? they were very vociferous a few days before election.
Do we have a copy of the contract with the details or was it an oral one?
Y nobody hating latas and yorke for siding with jack ? or is it hate for him alone?

The answers to all dem shit questions out there... stop being lazy, or better yet... BLIND and find them yuhself.  Nobody owe you any duty to explain to you what is obvious and what has been already established.  Imagine you asking what was the agreement and that done settled in arbitration long time.  Yuh eh see you juss playing de ass.

         :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Brownsugar on June 03, 2010, 01:46:30 PM
Amazing how common folk purposely confuse hearsay with fact. Even more amazing, but in no way surprising, are the sycophantic elements just sailing in the breeze of anti Jack Warner sentiment.

Look deeper folks.........

Aye, aye....yuh resurface??....yuh boy in charge now so Palance yuh self......and yuh have a fairly new willing accomplice in Sammy.....steups!!..... ::) ::)
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Bakes on June 03, 2010, 06:17:48 PM
Sharks! ah man doh have tuh be all that! especially when he doh see things eye tuh eye wid you. tuh call ah man out his name BC he may have ah different/ absurd point of view is ah bit hostile and arrogant bro.

With all due respect, you'd have to know the nature of the subject and the history of the interaction to fully appreciate the tenor of my response to him.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: sammy on June 03, 2010, 06:36:52 PM
Amazing how common folk purposely confuse hearsay with fact. Even more amazing, but in no way surprising, are the sycophantic elements just sailing in the breeze of anti Jack Warner sentiment.

Look deeper folks.........

Aye, aye....yuh resurface??....yuh boy in charge now so Palance yuh self......and yuh have a fairly new willing accomplice in Sammy.....steups!!..... ::) ::)

lol....i not nobody accomplice nah.  :angel:
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: just cool on June 03, 2010, 06:37:09 PM
Sharks! ah man doh have tuh be all that! especially when he doh see things eye tuh eye wid you. tuh call ah man out his name BC he may have ah different/ absurd point of view is ah bit hostile and arrogant bro.

With all due respect, you'd have to know the nature of the subject and the history of the interaction to fully appreciate the tenor of my response to him.
OK sharks, cool. BTW i believe anil deserve ah shot moreso than latas.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Bakes on June 03, 2010, 07:35:40 PM
Mr Shark....I would just as easily chew you up, swallow you and excrete you out as your pseudonym allows, had not the majority of your rantings so eloquently defined and highlighted your sycophancy.

First your ill-founded characterization of the players' claim as "hearsay", now your malapropriation of "sycophancy".  Your grandiloquent posturing flatters to deceive and proves only that any halfwit can cram his mouth full of words and yet fail in their wielding.  The Americans once trained a monkey how to fly a space craft, but failed in their self-congratulatory delirium to consider its in/ability to land on its own.  You similarly crash with your empty falsiloquent rambling.  To Jack's many titles we should add "ventriloquist" because I'm sure right now is he who have he hand up yuh ass moving yuh lips.

How you so gleefully clothe yourself in the garments of idiocy escape me, but never fails to entertain the limited faculties of my pet rooster.

Granted that a verbal agreement was made, granted that the courts did side with the players, but does anyone know the details of this agreement, especially seeing that Anil Roberts may have shed a different light on its supposed contents?

Amazing to me you haven't poisoned yourself with the amount of shit you does talk.  First yuh question the existence of an agreement, labelling it "hearsay"; now you come back "[g]ranted that a verbal agreement... granted the courts sided.... does anyone know the details?"  Yes, Jack's ass we know the details... yuh fuhget the Guardian "leaked" it to the press or what?  If the Guardian's report of the agreement wasn't accurate there wouldn't be a challenge made in the TnT courts.  But you have to be excused, like the monkey on the spacecraft yuh was never too good at thinking fuh yuhself.

Why was the details of the court decreed settlement not disclosed? Could it have been that what the players claimed was fact may not have been? If I claim that I am owed 1 dollar and the courts agree that i am indeed owed 1 dollar, why the secrecy?

Because that was one of the terms of the ruling yuh nimrod... if you had even a fool's understanding of the issue you'd know that a gag order was issued, which in itself was unrelated to the merits of the issue in controversy.  If yuh still having a hard time wrapping that around your tiny head then feel free to contact Ian Mills, QC ( to complain.

Why wait four years and counting for resolution when its literally millions of dollars the players are claiming? Do they not regard their 'rightful' monies higher than that?

Something is amiss may be on Jack's side or the players' side, but there is certainly more here than meets the eye or ear.

The only thing that's "amiss" is your grasp of simple concepts, the players might be claiming millions but only a fraction of that is being offered in settlement.  It is precisely because they "regard their 'rightful' monies higher than that" that they've declined to accept less than they're owed.  What's so hard to understand??
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: diamondtrim on June 04, 2010, 05:39:41 AM
Mr Bake, my response to your post is tempered by not only by a strong sense of melancholy brought on by your failed and poorly disguised attempt to mirror my lingusitic fortitude, but also by your overly obvious talent to completely miss the point when so confronted. You will be served in good stead, prior to the next time your courage misinforms your suffering intellect and emboldens you to question my impeccable grammar, that 'malapropriation' is not a word. Perhaps Ian Mills, QC should have informed you of such. Nevertheless Mr Shark, I am here to comfort you in your times of grammatical may use 'misappropriation'.

If a Guardian report is what you premise your argument on, then more woe be unto you. The Guardian recently reported that Jack Warner would have been Minister of Foreign Affairs. Point being, Mr Bake, that all of this, including Anil's utterance is hearsay, hence my asking if anyone had the details. Had you even vaguely made aquaintance with literary licence, you would have understood the purposeful uses of the word 'granted' in my post. Fear not Mr Shark, you are forgiven for your benightedness, science has not yet advanced enough for some of us to benefit from comprehension.

My question regarding the judgement was why the secrecy? Not that a gag order was issued, but why was it so? Or perhaps Ian Mills, QC not only failed to instruct you on the simplicity of my question, but also on the ill advised repetitive usage of identical words in the same sentence, which serve to illustrate a lack of grammatical grasp usually attributed to bovine simpletons. Perhaps you may have issue with the merits of that issue seeing that you cannot understand what was issued.

My question regarding the waiting period was relating to the length of time.....not the value of the amount owed. Surely, even you, notwithstanding your supreme gifts of stupidity, can gather that. Or perhaps, Ian Mills, QC can owe you one hundred dollars, offer you twenty and you wait four years and counting......

Mr Bake, you would do well to learn that grammar, perfectly understood, enables us not only to express our meaning fully and clearly, but so to express it as to enable us to defy the ingenuity of man to give to our words any other meaning than that which we ourselves intend them to express.

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: mukumsplau on June 04, 2010, 06:20:31 AM
this forum does wonders for my vocabulary
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Dutty on June 04, 2010, 07:38:01 AM
this forum does wonders for my vocabulary

mines too....I does talk like ah have good breedings because ah what dem fellahs learn mih

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: dinho on June 04, 2010, 08:04:06 AM
Anil's utterance is hearsay??

ah man say he was listening to the speech and washing he car and nearly fall off ah fence when he hear Anil say that with his own hears.

yuh feel people chupit or wha?
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: diamondtrim on June 04, 2010, 08:27:42 AM

ah man say he was listening to the speech and washing he car and nearly fall off ah fence when he hear Anil say that with his own hears.

This, my friend is a great example of hearsay. In layman terms...u hear that ah man hear ah nex man say......

Allow me to explain in websterian terms:

unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge.

I do not ascribe such adjectives to people, rather I allow them to earn it.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Mad Scorpion a/k/a Big Bo$$ on June 04, 2010, 08:48:36 AM
This shit rell funny in troot oui!!  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: dinho on June 04, 2010, 09:10:07 AM

ah man say he was listening to the speech and washing he car and nearly fall off ah fence when he hear Anil say that with his own hears.

This, my friend is a great example of hearsay. In layman terms...u hear that ah man hear ah nex man say......

Allow me to explain in websterian terms:

unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge.

I do not ascribe such adjectives to people, rather I allow them to earn it.

allow me to ask in laventillian terms...

eh you'z ah kina cont ah wah?!

Multiple people came on here to say what they heard within seconds of it being said. Many thousands of people was in the crowd when the man said it on the platform? If you feel its hearsay, then go and look for a tape of the speech, you feel people have time to indulge you?

u just tell me dey all i need to know bout u yes.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Mad Scorpion a/k/a Big Bo$$ on June 04, 2010, 10:21:41 AM

ah man say he was listening to the speech and washing he car and nearly fall off ah fence when he hear Anil say that with his own hears.

This, my friend is a great example of hearsay. In layman terms...u hear that ah man hear ah nex man say......

Allow me to explain in websterian terms:

unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge.

I do not ascribe such adjectives to people, rather I allow them to earn it.

allow me to ask in laventillian terms...

eh you'z ah kina cont ah wah?!

Multiple people came on here to say what they heard within seconds of it being said. Many thousands of people was in the crowd when the man said it on the platform? If you feel its hearsay, then go and look for a tape of the speech, you feel people have time to indulge you?

u just tell me dey all i need to know bout u yes.

If yuh plant cassava yuh cah geh fig
Yuh could put ah pig in ah castle buh is still ah pig.

I deadin @ de laventillian terms :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: diamondtrim on June 04, 2010, 11:05:09 AM

ah man say he was listening to the speech and washing he car and nearly fall off ah fence when he hear Anil say that with his own hears.

This, my friend is a great example of hearsay. In layman terms...u hear that ah man hear ah nex man say......

Allow me to explain in websterian terms:

unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge.

I do not ascribe such adjectives to people, rather I allow them to earn it.

allow me to ask in laventillian terms...

eh you'z ah kina cont ah wah?!

Multiple people came on here to say what they heard within seconds of it being said. Many thousands of people was in the crowd when the man said it on the platform? If you feel its hearsay, then go and look for a tape of the speech, you feel people have time to indulge you?

u just tell me dey all i need to know bout u yes.

And indeed your response has spoken volumes of you, kind sir.

Either you intellectually are unable to embrace the meaning of hearsay, or your laventillian terms has proven itself to be the looking glass in whose reflection you find abhorrence.

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: spideybuff on June 04, 2010, 12:34:13 PM
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

Physician, heal thyself
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: FF on June 04, 2010, 12:47:05 PM
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

Physician, heal thyself


plenty more intelligence in just three words
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Controversial on June 04, 2010, 12:55:23 PM
people take ole talk to a whole new level on woodford square online, it has become a thesis presentation or maybe a phd program. :D
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: WestCoast on June 04, 2010, 03:04:23 PM
that is dialect, fadda :rotfl:

picoplatically speaking, allya is de best :rotfl:
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: STEUPS!! on June 04, 2010, 03:57:51 PM
ah yes! after 5 years on dis board, i still cant get enough.
allyuh is d best oui  :cheers:
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Bakes on June 04, 2010, 08:21:45 PM
Mr Bake, my response to your post is tempered by not only by a strong sense of melancholy brought on by your failed and poorly disguised attempt to mirror my lingusitic fortitude, but also by your overly obvious talent to completely miss the point when so confronted. You will be served in good stead, prior to the next time your courage misinforms your suffering intellect and emboldens you to question my impeccable grammar, that 'malapropriation' is not a word. Perhaps Ian Mills, QC should have informed you of such. Nevertheless Mr Shark, I am here to comfort you in your times of grammatical may use 'misappropriation'.

You pontificating, pretentious, phallus... it is clear that your google search didn't yield you any results leading you to triumphantly yet foolishly conclude that " 'malapropriation' is not a word".  Malapropriation is the nominalization (changing a verb into a noun by the addition of the suffix "tion") of the word malapropriate, itself derivative of the latin word 'malapropos' meaning "to use inappropriately".  To help get you started on your next Google search, I suggest you enter the word "malapropism" and "Mrs. Malaprop" and see down which happy rabbit-hole your quest then leads you.

"Misappropriate" means to take by illegitimate means, aka 'to steal'... you know, like what Jack Warner is famous for??  So no Jack's Ass... I had no intention of accusing you of stealing anything.

If a Guardian report is what you premise your argument on, then more woe be unto you. The Guardian recently reported that Jack Warner would have been Minister of Foreign Affairs. Point being, Mr Bake, that all of this, including Anil's utterance is hearsay, hence my asking if anyone had the details. Had you even vaguely made aquaintance with literary licence, you would have understood the purposeful uses of the word 'granted' in my post. Fear not Mr Shark, you are forgiven for your benightedness, science has not yet advanced enough for some of us to benefit from comprehension.

The players stated from day one what the promise was, the details were laid out in the press... and all over this site, prior to the players filing suit.  Individuals who were present when the promise was made reported on the nature of the promise.  The player's suit laid out in great detail what their claim was.  The players then reported that the arbiter/arbitrator ruled in their favor (indicating that their claim, as previously disclosed, was upheld).  The Guardian then reported the details of the ruling.  So no, you high-class tun tun... my argument isn't premised on the Guardian report... that was mentioned in faint hopes that it would point you towards an answer but not surprisingly, that flew beyond your grasp.

My question regarding the judgement was why the secrecy? Not that a gag order was issued, but why was it so? Or perhaps Ian Mills, QC not only failed to instruct you on the simplicity of my question, but also on the ill advised repetitive usage of identical words in the same sentence, which serve to illustrate a lack of grammatical grasp usually attributed to bovine simpletons. Perhaps you may have issue with the merits of that issue seeing that you cannot understand what was issued.

The gag order was issued (1), you incorrigible dunce... because that is the procedure.  The parties didn't bring their "issue"(2) directly to Ian Mill, but rather it was referred to him by The Council for the Arbitration of Sport (CAS).  CAS was Mills' client, and he needed to "issue" (3) a report to his client, CAS reporting his findings on the "issue" (4) presented, before any public findings were "issued" (5).  You seem to be gifted with mimicry, you can mouth big words but even the simple ones defy your understanding.  For the benefit of you and the rest of your kindergarten class:

(1) "issued" = "mandated"
(2) "issue" = 'legal question'
(3) "issue" = "remit"
(4) "issue"= see (2) above
(5) "issued"= "published"

I understand that despite your unwieldly use of multisyllabic words, your actual comprehension is quite slim... so hopefully this little lesson gives you more insight as to the wondrous dexterity of the English language.

My question regarding the waiting period was relating to the length of time.....not the value of the amount owed. Surely, even you, notwithstanding your supreme gifts of stupidity, can gather that. Or perhaps, Ian Mills, QC can owe you one hundred dollars, offer you twenty and you wait four years and counting......

And my response to you,  isn't about the amount owed you prevaricating monkey (and I offend monkeys to even call you such), but that when an individual/s is wronged s/he will go to the end of the earth to see that justice is done... even if that notion happens to be lost on an insipid simian as yourself.

Mr Bake, you would do well to learn that grammar, perfectly understood, enables us not only to express our meaning fully and clearly, but so to express it as to enable us to defy the ingenuity of man to give to our words any other meaning than that which we ourselves intend them to express.

Mr. Nannytrim... I do well to understand that semantics and sophistry are the preferred rhetorical implements of nescient pretenders such as yourself who vainly try to pass off their knowledge of words as actual mastery of the same.  You run in the thread maligning the claim of the players and when that is laid bare you then try to cloak your naked argument with a mantle of multiloquent gravitas, confirming for us once again that despite your highbrow pretentions you remain nothing more than a mellifluous parrot.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: YoursTruly on June 04, 2010, 09:50:31 PM
Diamond Trim, you are LIVING proof that GOD DOH SLEEP

In the blog "Press Conference Re 2006 Soca Warriors players Dispute...UPDATE as at Friday 21s", a certain Bake n Shark, with support from Babalawo (a name which you can chant when you're constipating or try to bring up a lump of cold in your chest) - he described me as "doh study he YoursTruly probably=Shaun Fuentes.  Another of Warner's puppets" and, btw, Bake and Shark noted "Wheyyyy... all ah dat fella/lady?  Like yuh need familiarization with Shango/Orisha/Yoruba as well?  And yuh say yuh's ah journalist too?  Ah hope yuh not 'posing' as we intrepid "Media Officer" so memorably put it" - he studying my sexuality when he could not reply when I stressed that MEN EAT BAKE AND SHARK, therefore MEN MUST BE EATING HIM, while REAL MEN EAT SALTFISH (with FF also trying to get involved in by saying my intellect is as vast as the ocean is wide).

They have NOTHING to say to me because I'm posting the Pro League results - in full, they have no validation towards attacking my knowledge of football (AS A PRACTISING JOURNALIST AND, YES, THEY ALL PAY MY SALARY, WHEN THEY BUY TT NEWSPAPERS) but they can't get and post the Pro League results until they see what scores and scorers I can highlight.

Therefore Diamond Trim, those folks are really idle (like the PNM) and I guess they may spend too much of their time counting the proliferation of pubic hairs they have produced instead of getting their craniums kick-started. You continue to post what you have to post and, who don't like it - like Bake n Shark, who have NOTHING to tell me since I getting the Pro League results accurately, before him (which suggests he stop inserting a dildo up his rectum and attend the League games) - they can simply plait the hairs up their buttom!
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Bakes on June 04, 2010, 11:59:11 PM
^^^^^ fella I stop responding to you because yuh's ah festering c**t.  I reading that convoluted shit yuh type above there and scratching my head that somebody actually paying you tuh call yuhself ah 'journalist'.  And no, I doh live in Trinidad fella... and even if I did, 'papers' free on de internet so I not paying yuh paltry salary.

You feel somebody really give two f**ks about you and yuh Pro League score reports?  You fixated on ah bullerman vibes.  I never question yuh sexuality that is your own confusion manifesting itself, I can't tell yuh gender from a name like "Yours Truly", so I have tuh address both genders... me eh know is dat have you toting arung feelings like ah fukkin li'l bitch so.  Next yuh talking about man does eat Bake and Shark...okay?  And about who have dildo up dey ass and who "buttom" have hair.... trolling thread calling man name like is friend or father yuh looking for.  But yeah... yuh Pro League scores really shut mih up boy.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: YoursTruly on June 05, 2010, 05:07:44 AM
I am proud to be a festering count, I already said you can't match up to anyone who will put you in your place so you resort to big words and nonsensical forkeries.
By the way, people give two forks about me and the Pro League score updates (not reports you jenny-ass, reports are stories) since it is on time and to the point.
Seems you just like the PNM - only thriving on rambling and regurgitating a lot of 'gobar' (do you know what is that Mr Bake n Shark - with no claim to fame).
So, know who you are dealing with, I am not Diamond Trim (seems when he put u in your place you want to use a dictionary and a lot of BIG WORDS to justify your parents' failure to abort you as a feotus).

BTW - the word is around, not arung, go and take a piss and get ur diaper changed, you educated rectum!

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: just cool on June 05, 2010, 05:25:12 AM
Tam Tam!!! and weh the MDFCKN popcorn?? present sir! front row ticket please.  :duel:  :devil: :devil:             :wavetowel:
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: diamondtrim on June 05, 2010, 05:32:25 AM
I read your posts Mr Shark and am always amazed at how weak and prone to error your mind is.

My grammar is royal in its execution, certain in its syntax and perfect in its construction. I need neither google nor the ramblings of an intellectual peasant to confirm the dearth of grammatical knowledge you so proudly display. Perhaps you may impress my pet rooster with your attempts at alliteration, but surely not one who is as intimate with the english language as I. The words you are now learning I have already romanced, made love to and disposed and replaced with others. I impregnate my vocabulary with every interlude, encounter and rendezvous I have with grammar. My literary promiscuity knows no limits as my intellectual hormones rage and seek satisfaction in the vaginal cavities of linguistics.

Since you chose to venture down the boulevard of word growth and construction, an area in which you obviously were either poorly taught or failed to grasp comprehensively, I will have no choice but to educate you in the meanings, or lack thereof, of the word you so gallantly defend.

Again, for the benefit of your obtuse mind, malapropriation is NOT a word. If in fact you wanted to use the word malapropism, which, if my extensive memory serves correctly, means unintentionally misusing a word by confusing it with another, you should have engaged the services of a more cultured author, rather than blurt out such inaccuracies. I applaud your nominalization endeavour regardless of the lack of contextual correctness. Score one for you Mr Shark.

Misappropriation, however, means to use wrongly and not necessarily to steal. Stealing is a word too strong in its connotation to align with misappropriation. Embezzle would be better suited. You would now know that it is indeed this term you should have used.

I maintain that your ability to completely miss points presented is unparalleled.

You again rely heavily on hearsay as you piggy back the words of others (true or not), you define the word issue without realising the complaint was not against its varying definitions but rather the word's repeated use, you claim points made previously when they were not, and finally, and perhaps the most grave of sins, you attempt to duplicate my literary style.

Mr Bake, you are a sorrowful person. I will pray to the Gods of Language that you are freed from your intellectual bondage. Be well Mr Bake, I am rooting for you.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: spideybuff on June 05, 2010, 07:55:06 AM
you see the kinda infighting and bachanaal Jack and Anil cause as ministers already !!??!!  :devil:
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: sammy on June 05, 2010, 09:11:08 AM
you see the kinda infighting and bachanaal Jack and Anil cause as ministers already !!??!!  :devil:
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Brownsugar on June 05, 2010, 09:12:38 AM
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

Physician, heal thyself

 SIX UMPIRE!!.... :beermug: :beermug:

Oh lord ah love it!!...
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Bakes on June 05, 2010, 09:59:23 AM
I am proud to be a festering count, I already said you can't match up to anyone who will put you in your place so you resort to big words and nonsensical forkeries.
By the way, people give two forks about me and the Pro League score updates (not reports you jenny-ass, reports are stories) since it is on time and to the point.
Seems you just like the PNM - only thriving on rambling and regurgitating a lot of 'gobar' (do you know what is that Mr Bake n Shark - with no claim to fame).
So, know who you are dealing with, I am not Diamond Trim (seems when he put u in your place you want to use a dictionary and a lot of BIG WORDS to justify your parents' failure to abort you as a feotus).

BTW - the word is around, not arung, go and take a piss and get ur diaper changed, you educated rectum!

Report:  an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, etc.

So tell me again how my use of 'report' was wrong yuh man tracing assclown. 

I read your posts Mr Shark and am always amazed at how weak and prone to error your mind is.

My grammar is royal in its execution, certain in its syntax and perfect in its construction. I need neither google nor the ramblings of an intellectual peasant to confirm the dearth of grammatical knowledge you so proudly display. Perhaps you may impress my pet rooster with your attempts at alliteration, but surely not one who is as intimate with the english language as I. The words you are now learning I have already romanced, made love to and disposed and replaced with others. I impregnate my vocabulary with every interlude, encounter and rendezvous I have with grammar. My literary promiscuity knows no limits as my intellectual hormones rage and seek satisfaction in the vaginal cavities of linguistics.

Since you chose to venture down the boulevard of word growth and construction, an area in which you obviously were either poorly taught or failed to grasp comprehensively, I will have no choice but to educate you in the meanings, or lack thereof, of the word you so gallantly defend.

Again, for the benefit of your obtuse mind, malapropriation is NOT a word. If in fact you wanted to use the word malapropism, which, if my extensive memory serves correctly, means unintentionally misusing a word by confusing it with another, you should have engaged the services of a more cultured author, rather than blurt out such inaccuracies. I applaud your nominalization endeavour regardless of the lack of contextual correctness. Score one for you Mr Shark.

Misappropriation, however, means to use wrongly and not necessarily to steal. Stealing is a word too strong in its connotation to align with misappropriation. Embezzle would be better suited. You would now know that it is indeed this term you should have used.

I maintain that your ability to completely miss points presented is unparalleled.

You again rely heavily on hearsay as you piggy back the words of others (true or not), you define the word issue without realising the complaint was not against its varying definitions but rather the word's repeated use, you claim points made previously when they were not, and finally, and perhaps the most grave of sins, you attempt to duplicate my literary style.

Mr Bake, you are a sorrowful person. I will pray to the Gods of Language that you are freed from your intellectual bondage. Be well Mr Bake, I am rooting for you.

For all your verbal meanderings you continue to demonstrate that it is mere pretext to conceal a more fundamental deficiency.  You fool no one with your continued posturing... except maybe your pet chicken.  I don't need to waste any further time arguing etymology with you, not after your arguments have been thoroughly refuted and turned on its head.  Your fall back position is to make incrementally silly arguments about a subject of which you clearly have only a superficial understanding.  That you would suggest the use of the noun 'malapropism', as a verb ("unintentionally misusing a word...") reveals your artifice.  I could go on responding to de rest ah de shit yuh typing but I don't need to belabor the point because I'm sure it's obvious to all.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: diamondtrim on June 05, 2010, 10:31:03 AM
again you substantiate all that was written......a pity really.

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: vb on June 05, 2010, 10:36:55 AM
you see the kinda infighting and bachanaal Jack and Anil cause as ministers already !!??!!  :devil:

And this is just the first week  ;D
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: weary1969 on June 05, 2010, 10:48:01 AM
you see the kinda infighting and bachanaal Jack and Anil cause as ministers already !!??!!  :devil:

And this is just the first week  ;D

Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: YoursTruly on June 05, 2010, 10:51:15 AM
Punanny, this is an update....
June 4 at Hasely Crawford Stadium -
Jabloteh and St Ann's Rangers - goalless

Ma Pau beat Caledonia 2-0 - Anthony Wolfe 4th minute penalty and Shandel Samuel 90th

Punanny, this is a report....
San Juan Jabloteh registers first win.
By: Randy Bando (ttproleague).

Police FC were victims of a 4-1 defeat against San Juan Jabloteh on Tuesday afternoon at the Ato Boldon Stadium.

An early Cyrano Glen double and late items by substitute Johan Peltier and Jason Marcano awarded the Terry Fenwick coached side its first victory after four 2010 Digicel Pro League Championship matches.

The victory pushed the San Juan club three spots up the standings from ninth into sixth position with four points, and ahead of Caledonia AIA by goal difference, but still a long way from leaders Defence Force(12 points).

In the meantime, Police FC dropped a spot into cellar position behind Tobago United, both with just one point.

Glen pumped Jabloteh ahead finding the back of the net in the 4th and 6th minutes from identical items guiding crosses from Jason Marcano past Adisa Noel after poor marking by the Police defence for a 2-0 cushion.

But Police forward Keon Quow pulled a goal back for the lawmen controlling a forward pass between central defenders Karlon Murray and Joel Russell to guide a shot past goalkeeper Cleon John to reduce the deficit 2-1.

Minutes before the break Police conceded another item when goalkeeper Noel pushed Karlon Murray’s on target header onto the crossbar and back into play from Marcano’s left sided corner.

In the 51st minute Jabloteh’s Jerrel Britto spilled high from just inside the area after collecting a neat pass from Marcano, and in the 75th Elijah Manners was just high after unleashing a shot from distance when he picked up a loose ball.

Seconds later, Brazilian Ronaldo Viana also spilled wide as Jabloteh held an edge on fitness against the Anthony Marshall coached side.

Jabloteh again failed to hit the target in the 71st minute when Britto was sent forward by Viana’s long pass but after turning one defender, the teenager fired high.

Police then suffered a blow when second half introduction Ricardo Peltier, who was expected to add depth to the team, received a direct red card for an off the ball violent play in the 73rd minute.

Police then had a decent opportunity to level the scores in the 77th minute, but Kenwin Matthews who had only goalkeeper John to beat after outrunning the defence fired off-target. He was replaced soon afterwards by Akeem Marshall but that didn’t help the lawmen’s chances of a comeback.

Jabloteh found the back of the net a third time when substitute Johan Peltier guided Britto’s cross into Noel’s far netting for a 3-1 score eight minutes from time.

Jabloteh then sealed their first victory for the season 4-1 in the 90th minute when Marcano was given a clear opening when substitute Willis Plaza lifted a cheeky pass over the defence while goalkeeper Noel’s challenge for the ball was a helpless one.

Police FC 1—4 San Juan Jabloteh
Keon Quow 30’ ; Cyrano Glen 4’, 6’, Johan Peltier 82’

Police FC—Adisa Noel, Randy Harris (capt), Kyle Andrews, Keron Archie, Anton Elliot, Neil Marcano, Keston Pierre, Kenwin Matthews (Akeem Marshall 79th), Todd Ryan, Keron Clarke (Ricardo Peltier 56th) (Red), Keon Quow.

Coach—Anthony Marshall.

San Juan Jabloteh—Cleon John, Marvin Oliver (capt), Karlon Murray, Elijah Manners (Yellow), Ronaldo Viana (Mikeil Awai 75th), Jason Marcano, Cyrano Glen (Johan Peltier 60th), Joel Russell (Yellow), Jamal Jack, Sheldon Bateau, Jerrel Britto (Willis Plaza 83rd).

Coach—Terry Fenwick.

Punanny, you said - Report:  an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, etc.

What wat inserted secondly is a report, which is an account or statement describing in MUDDA FORKING DETAIL.

I am proud to be a festering count, I already said you can't match up to anyone who will put you in your place so you resort to big words and nonsensical forkeries.
By the way, people give two forks about me and the Pro League score updates (not reports you jenny-ass, reports are stories) since it is on time and to the point.
Seems you just like the PNM - only thriving on rambling and regurgitating a lot of 'gobar' (do you know what is that Mr Bake n Shark - with no claim to fame).
So, know who you are dealing with, I am not Diamond Trim (seems when he put u in your place you want to use a dictionary and a lot of BIG WORDS to justify your parents' failure to abort you as a feotus).

BTW - the word is around, not arung, go and take a piss and get ur diaper changed, you educated rectum!

Report:  an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, etc.

So tell me again how my use of 'report' was wrong yuh man tracing assclown. 

I read your posts Mr Shark and am always amazed at how weak and prone to error your mind is.

My grammar is royal in its execution, certain in its syntax and perfect in its construction. I need neither google nor the ramblings of an intellectual peasant to confirm the dearth of grammatical knowledge you so proudly display. Perhaps you may impress my pet rooster with your attempts at alliteration, but surely not one who is as intimate with the english language as I. The words you are now learning I have already romanced, made love to and disposed and replaced with others. I impregnate my vocabulary with every interlude, encounter and rendezvous I have with grammar. My literary promiscuity knows no limits as my intellectual hormones rage and seek satisfaction in the vaginal cavities of linguistics.

Since you chose to venture down the boulevard of word growth and construction, an area in which you obviously were either poorly taught or failed to grasp comprehensively, I will have no choice but to educate you in the meanings, or lack thereof, of the word you so gallantly defend.

Again, for the benefit of your obtuse mind, malapropriation is NOT a word. If in fact you wanted to use the word malapropism, which, if my extensive memory serves correctly, means unintentionally misusing a word by confusing it with another, you should have engaged the services of a more cultured author, rather than blurt out such inaccuracies. I applaud your nominalization endeavour regardless of the lack of contextual correctness. Score one for you Mr Shark.

Misappropriation, however, means to use wrongly and not necessarily to steal. Stealing is a word too strong in its connotation to align with misappropriation. Embezzle would be better suited. You would now know that it is indeed this term you should have used.

I maintain that your ability to completely miss points presented is unparalleled.

You again rely heavily on hearsay as you piggy back the words of others (true or not), you define the word issue without realising the complaint was not against its varying definitions but rather the word's repeated use, you claim points made previously when they were not, and finally, and perhaps the most grave of sins, you attempt to duplicate my literary style.

Mr Bake, you are a sorrowful person. I will pray to the Gods of Language that you are freed from your intellectual bondage. Be well Mr Bake, I am rooting for you.

For all your verbal meanderings you continue to demonstrate that it is mere pretext to conceal a more fundamental deficiency.  You fool no one with your continued posturing... except maybe your pet chicken.  I don't need to waste any further time arguing etymology with you, not after your arguments have been thoroughly refuted and turned on its head.  Your fall back position is to make incrementally silly arguments about a subject of which you clearly have only a superficial understanding.  That you would suggest the use of the noun 'malapropism', as a verb ("unintentionally misusing a word...") reveals your artifice.  I could go on responding to de rest ah de shit yuh typing but I don't need to belabor the point because I'm sure it's obvious to all.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: Midknight on June 05, 2010, 12:51:21 PM
English class, robber talk, entertainment and football all in the same site. Somebody need to give TM and Flex a damn humming bird medal!
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: weary1969 on June 05, 2010, 01:21:19 PM
English class, robber talk, entertainment and football all in the same site. Somebody need to give TM and Flex a damn humming bird medal!

Cyah c it happenin under this admin but when d forms come out u could fill it out. I try 4 Flex couple yrs ago but dey eh take meh on.
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: maxg on June 05, 2010, 06:30:50 PM
Well, maybe you can try submiting Yours Truly and diamondtrim names for the C-unt-tree top comedy awards for their unparallel love of theyself, and total lack of professionalism, ...they certainly get my vote...every contribution they make leave me muzzled and totally clueless, yes diamond, that not to hard    ::)....them is the best,not considering their lack of maturity, and total disregard for their average fellow trinis, well everybody just average to them, so that doh really count as they have contributed so much to this forums entertainment and what's more, they letting everybody know it ... :applause: :applause: :applause:

well done guys

ps: I particularly like how they encouraged audience participation in their acts..
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: D.H.W on June 05, 2010, 06:49:46 PM
people take ole talk to a whole new level on woodford square online, it has become a thesis presentation or maybe a phd program. :D

HAHAHAHA oh gord  :rotfl:
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: YoursTruly on June 05, 2010, 08:33:19 PM
Well, I love clits, so the C-unt award will be acceptable to me, thanks.
If people don't love themselves, who will, may I inquire?
Lack of professionalism, can you prove that? You didn't, so I guess that's just your opinion, which I respect.
Lack of maturity, can you prove that?
Disregard for their average fellow trinis? Didn't Patrick Manning disregard the average fellow Trinis, with his dictatorship style? Pose that statement to him please.
I am just giving my views, who want to take it as entertainment, they are free to do so.
Thanks for letting me know your opinion so I simply responded (as I am free to do in a democratic Trinidad and Tobago society).

Well, maybe you can try submiting Yours Truly and diamondtrim names for the C-unt-tree top comedy awards for their unparallel love of theyself, and total lack of professionalism, ...they certainly get my vote...every contribution they make leave me muzzled and totally clueless, yes diamond, that not to hard    ::)....them is the best,not considering their lack of maturity, and total disregard for their average fellow trinis, well everybody just average to them, so that doh really count as they have contributed so much to this forums entertainment and what's more, they letting everybody know it ... :applause: :applause: :applause:

well done guys

ps: I particularly like how they encouraged audience participation in their acts..
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: maxg on June 06, 2010, 09:54:55 AM
I would like to respond further, but unfortunately I'm not a professional, and could therefore be of no certainity to be able to help you, or provide absolutely correct proof or answers,  thus I will be wasting both your and my time..Sorry..I have overstepped my boundries.
ps: You can express your opinion anywhere in the world (even real bad places, they doh just cut off ppl head). (TT society is not end of your freedom, rights, liberties or limits)...buh again dat is juss my opinion

add: back to the topic: yuh have anything to add, without actually reporting confedential information ? I don't !

Well, I love clits, so the C-unt award will be acceptable to me, thanks.
If people don't love themselves, who will, may I inquire?
Lack of professionalism, can you prove that? You didn't, so I guess that's just your opinion, which I respect.
Lack of maturity, can you prove that?Disregard for their average fellow trinis? Didn't Patrick Manning disregard the average fellow Trinis, with his dictatorship style? Pose that statement to him please.
I am just giving my views, who want to take it as entertainment, they are free to do so.
Thanks for letting me know your opinion so I simply responded (as I am free to do in a democratic Trinidad and Tobago society).
Well, maybe you can try submiting Yours Truly and diamondtrim names for the C-unt-tree top comedy awards for their unparallel love of theyself, and total lack of professionalism, ...they certainly get my vote...every contribution they make leave me muzzled and totally clueless, yes diamond, that not to hard    ::)....them is the best,not considering their lack of maturity, and total disregard for their average fellow trinis, well everybody just average to them, so that doh really count as they have contributed so much to this forums entertainment and what's more, they letting everybody know it ... :applause: :applause: :applause:

well done guys

ps: I particularly like how they encouraged audience participation in their acts..
Title: Re: Jack and Anil Ministers
Post by: YoursTruly on June 06, 2010, 05:48:50 PM
Thanks for being honest, may the Lord bless you
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