Soca Warriors Online Discussion Forum

Sports => Football => Topic started by: Football supporter on November 23, 2011, 09:03:50 AM

Title: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Football supporter on November 23, 2011, 09:03:50 AM
I have left this subject alone for the last week, hoping that somebody (maybe a journalist, or the sharp eyed amogst us on the forum) would question the so called financial statement issued by TTFF/Allsport.

I may be completely wrong, but there are certain inconsistancies with the balance sheet.

I'm seeing a long list of expenses.....but aside from $978,097.20 in gate receipts, I see no income. At the recent national team games I saw around 40 perimeter advertising boards. Were these provided free of charge by All Sport? I saw T shirts on sale in HC stadium. Did they sell none? I understand the stadium was provided free of charge, so maybe the concessions fees went to the stadium, fair enough, but we still should have been told.

Now I see a management fee of $206,375. Is this All Sports fee?

And heres the next problem. Lets say Tallman & Flex appoint a promotion company to promote this site. The promotion company oversees a huge decline in the popularity of the site. The promotions company reports a loss of $5,611,933, and sells advertising space, but declares no income. Would Tallman & Flex seriously even consider carrying on with the relationship?

Not being funny, but TTFF were doing a great job on their own of destroying supporter confidence and devaluing the T&T football brand, and I'm sure they were equally capable of losing over $5 million.

Now, I'm not being entirely fair here because much of the expenses were legitimate and have to be incurred to host international games.

My questions concern the following:

security  $186,849  For such small crowds? Was this contract tendered?
salaries (players, coaches etc) $2,579,920.94  did this include Pfisters salary?
Printing of tickets $74,985.74  Why print tickets? The matches were never going to sell out.
Team & Staff clothing $24,574.35. We couldn't get a kit sponsor?
Advertising Promotions and Video Production $329,400.03  Money well spent? What was the point?
Legal Fees $11,500.00 What for?
Management fees $206,375.00 paid to whom, for what?
Bank charges $29,897.05  How the hell can you incur nearly $30k in charges in 3 months?

If you're a struggling business, you bring in consultants to save unneccesary expenses. You look at where you can save and where you can boost income. If KFC were struggling they would launch special offers such as reducing the price of a meal for a limited period. What did All Sport do? Sell tickets at 10 times the cost of a ProLeague match. Against India, during a period of apathy with supporters.

That game should have been a special offer. $30 uncovered, $50 covered. If they had attracted 10-15,000 the next game would have been busy also, and maybe they could charge $50 uncovered and $100 covered. Big crowds mean more shirt sales, higher advertising charges. Simple.

And, as mentioned, what happened to the income from advertising? Surely they must have achieved at least $10,000 per advertiser?

Questions need to be asked about the performance of AllSport. They have lost $millions of taxpayers money. Everything may be above board, but we have the right to ask questions so that we can accurately  determine the effectiveness of AllSports involvement.
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Sam on November 23, 2011, 09:27:45 AM
Why are you surprised ?

Anil have to show where de money going, not that all is going into the TTFF, but them fellas keep de change so they could continue drinking they scotch and coconut water.

If we government is ah asshole and not really borthering how excatly de money is being spent, then what can we do ?


Jack, Camps, Roberts, Gorden, All Sport etc etc.... different people, same shit.
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Controversial on November 23, 2011, 09:41:00 AM
so when i questioned all sport and some idiots came out and bashed me, it was personal and had nothing to do with valid points about all sport and their failure?

i am glad many of you can now come out and basically reiterate what i already said a while back that many on here lambasted me for. for example video costs and expenses on the whole that should not cost anywhere near what is shown.

it shows how ignorant many posters are and how little they know, but on the other hand if it comes from someone else they will listen, jealousy is a terrible thing.
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Controversial on November 23, 2011, 09:48:53 AM
I have left this subject alone for the last week, hoping that somebody (maybe a journalist, or the sharp eyed amogst us on the forum) would question the so called financial statement issued by TTFF/Allsport.

I may be completely wrong, but there are certain inconsistancies with the balance sheet.

I'm seeing a long list of expenses.....but aside from $978,097.20 in gate receipts, I see no income. At the recent national team games I saw around 40 perimeter advertising boards. Were these provided free of charge by All Sport? I saw T shirts on sale in HC stadium. Did they sell none? I understand the stadium was provided free of charge, so maybe the concessions fees went to the stadium, fair enough, but we still should have been told.

Now I see a management fee of $206,375. Is this All Sports fee?

And heres the next problem. Lets say Tallman & Flex appoint a promotion company to promote this site. The promotion company oversees a huge decline in the popularity of the site. The promotions company reports a loss of $5,611,933, and sells advertising space, but declares no income. Would Tallman & Flex seriously even consider carrying on with the relationship?

Not being funny, but TTFF were doing a great job on their own of destroying supporter confidence and devaluing the T&T football brand, and I'm sure they were equally capable of losing over $5 million.

Now, I'm not being entirely fair here because much of the expenses were legitimate and have to be incurred to host international games.

My questions concern the following:

security  $186,849  For such small crowds? Was this contract tendered?
salaries (players, coaches etc) $2,579,920.94  did this include Pfisters salary?
Printing of tickets $74,985.74  Why print tickets? The matches were never going to sell out.
Team & Staff clothing $24,574.35. We couldn't get a kit sponsor?
Advertising Promotions and Video Production $329,400.03  Money well spent? What was the point?
Legal Fees $11,500.00 What for?
Management fees $206,375.00 paid to whom, for what?
Bank charges $29,897.05  How the hell can you incur nearly $30k in charges in 3 months?

If you're a struggling business, you bring in consultants to save unneccesary expenses. You look at where you can save and where you can boost income. If KFC were struggling they would launch special offers such as reducing the price of a meal for a limited period. What did All Sport do? Sell tickets at 10 times the cost of a ProLeague match. Against India, during a period of apathy with supporters.

That game should have been a special offer. $30 uncovered, $50 covered. If they had attracted 10-15,000 the next game would have been busy also, and maybe they could charge $50 uncovered and $100 covered. Big crowds mean more shirt sales, higher advertising charges. Simple.

And, as mentioned, what happened to the income from advertising? Surely they must have achieved at least $10,000 per advertiser?

Questions need to be asked about the performance of AllSport. They have lost $millions of taxpayers money. Everything may be above board, but we have the right to ask questions so that we can accurately  determine the effectiveness of AllSports involvement.

breds, no offense but don't talk rubbish

when i asked the pertinent questions about all sport, every clown on the site jumped on my thread and spoil a intelligent debate

so don't come with, why nobody asking questions, they are afraid to respond to your thread because its exactly what i said a while back and their egos and false pride won't allow them to agree with what i said before you posted this thread, hypocrites bro, watch and learn
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: weary1969 on November 23, 2011, 11:09:01 AM
I have left this subject alone for the last week, hoping that somebody (maybe a journalist, or the sharp eyed amogst us on the forum) would question the so called financial statement issued by TTFF/Allsport.

I may be completely wrong, but there are certain inconsistancies with the balance sheet.

I'm seeing a long list of expenses.....but aside from $978,097.20 in gate receipts, I see no income. At the recent national team games I saw around 40 perimeter advertising boards. Were these provided free of charge by All Sport? I saw T shirts on sale in HC stadium. Did they sell none? I understand the stadium was provided free of charge, so maybe the concessions fees went to the stadium, fair enough, but we still should have been told.

Now I see a management fee of $206,375. Is this All Sports fee?

And heres the next problem. Lets say Tallman & Flex appoint a promotion company to promote this site. The promotion company oversees a huge decline in the popularity of the site. The promotions company reports a loss of $5,611,933, and sells advertising space, but declares no income. Would Tallman & Flex seriously even consider carrying on with the relationship?

Not being funny, but TTFF were doing a great job on their own of destroying supporter confidence and devaluing the T&T football brand, and I'm sure they were equally capable of losing over $5 million.

Now, I'm not being entirely fair here because much of the expenses were legitimate and have to be incurred to host international games.

My questions concern the following:

security  $186,849  For such small crowds? Was this contract tendered?
salaries (players, coaches etc) $2,579,920.94  did this include Pfisters salary?
Printing of tickets $74,985.74  Why print tickets? The matches were never going to sell out.
Team & Staff clothing $24,574.35. We couldn't get a kit sponsor?
Advertising Promotions and Video Production $329,400.03  Money well spent? What was the point?
Legal Fees $11,500.00 What for?
Management fees $206,375.00 paid to whom, for what?
Bank charges $29,897.05  How the hell can you incur nearly $30k in charges in 3 months?

If you're a struggling business, you bring in consultants to save unneccesary expenses. You look at where you can save and where you can boost income. If KFC were struggling they would launch special offers such as reducing the price of a meal for a limited period. What did All Sport do? Sell tickets at 10 times the cost of a ProLeague match. Against India, during a period of apathy with supporters.

That game should have been a special offer. $30 uncovered, $50 covered. If they had attracted 10-15,000 the next game would have been busy also, and maybe they could charge $50 uncovered and $100 covered. Big crowds mean more shirt sales, higher advertising charges. Simple.

And, as mentioned, what happened to the income from advertising? Surely they must have achieved at least $10,000 per advertiser?

Questions need to be asked about the performance of AllSport. They have lost $millions of taxpayers money. Everything may be above board, but we have the right to ask questions so that we can accurately  determine the effectiveness of AllSports involvement.

breds, no offense but don't talk rubbish

when i asked the pertinent questions about all sport, every clown on the site jumped on my thread and spoil a intelligent debate

so don't come with, why nobody asking questions, they are afraid to respond to your thread because its exactly what i said a while back and their egos and false pride won't allow them to agree with what i said before you posted this thread, hypocrites bro, watch and learn

No we had an issue wit yuh usual cryin.
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Bakes on November 23, 2011, 11:27:14 AM
How long has All Sport been overseeing the MARKETING of the TTFF??  Note I stress "MARKETING", not management or administration.  Given the limited time the company has been working with the TTFF, and the limited scope of its mandate, how can anyone reasonably try and fault the company for anything at this point?

This kinda nitpicking and bellyaching is the reason why I can't take some ah allyuh seriously.
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Football supporter on November 23, 2011, 02:59:24 PM
How long has All Sport been overseeing the MARKETING of the TTFF??  Note I stress "MARKETING", not management or administration.  Given the limited time the company has been working with the TTFF, and the limited scope of its mandate, how can anyone reasonably try and fault the company for anything at this point?

This kinda nitpicking and bellyaching is the reason why I can't take some ah allyuh seriously.

I think we can reasonably expect the company to produce a more transparent account. Fair enough, you call it nitpicking, but rather than just shoot the messenger, why not give an example of the positive side to their marketing? I won't wait for the reply to this, because there hasn't been one. OK, so you can say they haven't had much time, but they gladly took on the task knowing that they had a minimal timeframe. Of course, if this contract had been correctly tendered, a viable plan would have been in place, but it appears that they were appointed willingly.

I'm sorry, but any fool could have forecast that $200 and $100 tickets would not fill the stadium for matches versus India, Bermuda, Barbados and Guyana (unless the last match gave us a chance of qualifying).

Spending in excess of $300,000 was crass and unwarrented. Maybe in the future, exotic marketing tools like this are needed, but at the moment TTFF is leaking money and throwing good after bad is not the answer. 

And, short term or not, why have they not declared the income from advertising, sponsorship and shirt sales?
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Bakes on November 23, 2011, 06:00:54 PM
I think we can reasonably expect the company to produce a more transparent account. Fair enough, you call it nitpicking, but rather than just shoot the messenger, why not give an example of the positive side to their marketing? I won't wait for the reply to this, because there hasn't been one. OK, so you can say they haven't had much time, but they gladly took on the task knowing that they had a minimal timeframe. Of course, if this contract had been correctly tendered, a viable plan would have been in place, but it appears that they were appointed willingly.

I'm sorry, but any fool could have forecast that $200 and $100 tickets would not fill the stadium for matches versus India, Bermuda, Barbados and Guyana (unless the last match gave us a chance of qualifying).

Spending in excess of $300,000 was crass and unwarrented. Maybe in the future, exotic marketing tools like this are needed, but at the moment TTFF is leaking money and throwing good after bad is not the answer. 

And, short term or not, why have they not declared the income from advertising, sponsorship and shirt sales?

1. "... a more transparent account".

What makes you think that the account isn't transparent?  Other than your usual guesses and suppositions?  Again I ask, when did All Sport take over the marketing?  I ask because I can't remember and not about to go searching.  From my recollection it would seem they came aboard in July/August?  So, what period is this "accounting" for?  Is it just that period... or for the past fiscal or calendar year?  If the period includes the time from before they were involved... how are they anywhere at fault?

2. "a positive side of their marketing"

I don't know any because by choice I haven't been keeping up with the TTFF or anything involving them.  That said, assuming my timeline is correct, 4 months is entirely too unreasonable a timeframe to expect any sort of tangible marketing results, when the team hasn't been playing games... home games that... and playing poorly in the games they did play in.  Yes they gladly took on the task... but the task wasn't to produce results by the end of November, so how about we unplug from the matrix and get back to reality here?

3. "Spending in excess of $300,000 was crass and unwarrented"

Who spent it?  what did they spend it on?  What period does the spending cover?  I think we at least need to address the last two questions before we jump to premature conclusions about what is unwarranted.

4. "why have they not declared the income from advertising, sponsorship and shirt sales?"

Is there income to declare?  If there were in fact marketing and sponsorship deals in place and money generated from such, is the lack of accounting for those funds the fault of All Sport... particularly knowing what we do about the TTFF administration?

I'm not at all "shoot[ing] the messenger"... as always I'm just trying to reign you in from planet Far Out and ground the conversation in a bit of reality.
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Sam on November 23, 2011, 07:28:19 PM
so when i questioned all sport and some idiots came out and bashed me, it was personal and had nothing to do with valid points about all sport and their failure?

i am glad many of you can now come out and basically reiterate what i already said a while back that many on here lambasted me for. for example video costs and expenses on the whole that should not cost anywhere near what is shown.

it shows how ignorant many posters are and how little they know, but on the other hand if it comes from someone else they will listen, jealousy is a terrible thing.

You is de biggest c0nt on this forum....

I never question All Sport,,,,,,, I question YOU,,,,,, I said yuh mouth big and all you do is talk and never backing up anything you say..... I ask yuh why you dont take yuh money and pay millions for we to see game because yuh always yapping with nothing behind it.

It was about you, nothing to do with All Sport....

Stop de braying !!!!! and put yuh money where yuh mouth is.
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Football supporter on November 23, 2011, 08:03:40 PM
Bakes, at times I believe you argue just for the sake of arguing. I won't respond to your taunts, coz as you have pointed out before I have to be more robust when dealing with insults, I assume this is the way civilised lawyers address each other in your planet, which, of course, is always correct. But hey, let me just respond, politely of course, to your points.

1. "... a more transparent account".

What makes you think that the account isn't transparent?  Other than your usual guesses and suppositions?  Again I ask, when did All Sport take over the marketing?  I ask because I can't remember and not about to go searching.  From my recollection it would seem they came aboard in July/August?  So, what period is this "accounting" for?  Is it just that period... or for the past fiscal or calendar year?  If the period includes the time from before they were involved... how are they anywhere at fault?

DID YOU ACTUALLY LOOK AT THE ACCOUNTS? Where is the income, other than gate receipts? Now it could be part of the $675,000 paid to TTFF. All I'm asking for is clear book keeping. Whether they have been there a week or a decade, it is very easy to produce tangible accounts with notes. I know you haven't been keeping up to date, but the "accounts" shown are for the period they have been marketing on behalf of TTFF.

2. "a positive side of their marketing"

I don't know any because by choice I haven't been keeping up with the TTFF or anything involving them.  That said, assuming my timeline is correct, 4 months is entirely too unreasonable a timeframe to expect any sort of tangible marketing results, when the team hasn't been playing games... home games that... and playing poorly in the games they did play in.  Yes they gladly took on the task... but the task wasn't to produce results by the end of November, so how about we unplug from the matrix and get back to reality here?

Erm, given that AllSport took over at least in part to oversee the WC campaign, theres not much point saving all of your marketing strategies for later in the year. When you are approached for this manner of contract I feel it is acceptable to expect at least a modicum of improvement. Many, many marketing companies will be contracted for as little as 3 months for a specific campaign, and in that time they will produce results. I'm fairly sure that even you, given a national stadium, a national team and a marketing budget could attract more than 4,000 to a World Cup qualifying match. Also, exactly how many matches organised by All sport did you attend? Coz I went to them all, and given my interest in the marketing of football matches to a much smaller supporter base, I feel I am not only justified, but also qualyfied to criticise the marketing put in place

3. "Spending in excess of $300,000 was crass and unwarrented"

Who spent it?  what did they spend it on?  What period does the spending cover?  I think we at least need to address the last two questions before we jump to premature conclusions about what is unwarranted. you're understanding my concerns. Who did spend it, why did they spend it, what were the results? Premature conclusions? Let me explain in clear language: These accounts were produced by AllSport for the period they have been marketing on behalf of TTFF. We don't know what they spent it on because they don't say and this is specifically my point!

4. "why have they not declared the income from advertising, sponsorship and shirt sales?"

Is there income to declare?  If there were in fact marketing and sponsorship deals in place and money generated from such, is the lack of accounting for those funds the fault of All Sport... particularly knowing what we do about the TTFF administration?

Again, you're not making sense. If AllSport conducted the marketing and are responsible for income and expenditure surrounding the national games, then obviously its the fault of AllSport. Even if deals were already completed with TTFF before they came on board, what was preventing them from attracting new sponsors? How can there not be income to declare? Are you saying they didn't sell a single shirt? If not, why were they paying people to sell them at every game? And the TTFF administration were specifically prohibited by Anil Roberts from having any involvement in the handling of money surrounding this campaign.

I'm not at all "shoot[ing] the messenger"... as always I'm just trying to reign you in from planet Far Out and ground the conversation in a bit of reality.

I don't think reality has anything to do with your response.
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Bakes on November 23, 2011, 08:46:00 PM
Bakes, at times I believe you argue just for the sake of arguing. I won't respond to your taunts, coz as you have pointed out before I have to be more robust when dealing with insults, I assume this is the way civilised lawyers address each other in your planet, which, of course, is always correct. But hey, let me just respond, politely of course, to your points.

First off, no one is "taunting you" if yuh talking shit then yuh talking shit, end of story.  That is not a taunt.  The fact is that you  tend to come with wild fanciful scenarios extrapolating situations to the most ridiculous conclusions to make some point that's sensible to only yourself.  If you need examples it shouldn't be too difficult for me to find a couple for you.  So how that is a "taunt" I haven't a clue.  And if you're not going to respond to these perceived taunts then don't respond... save the "civilised lawyer" and "reality" talk... or just bring the talk and stop the pretense about responding politely.

DID YOU ACTUALLY LOOK AT THE ACCOUNTS? Where is the income, other than gate receipts? Now it could be part of the $675,000 paid to TTFF. All I'm asking for is clear book keeping. Whether they have been there a week or a decade, it is very easy to produce tangible accounts with notes. I know you haven't been keeping up to date, but the "accounts" shown are for the period they have been marketing on behalf of TTFF.

Of course I looked at the accounts... you think I'm just here talking out my ass like you?  (Hope that's not too 'taunting' fuh yuh).  Where does it state that the accounting is for the 4-5 month period that All Sport has been involved?  Because I searched for that information and couldn't find it.  That is the first question that needs to be addressed.  If it IS for that period then your questions are fair... but you haven't offered proof of that.  If it is NOT just for that period then you and Controversial need to shut the f**k up and give All Sport a chance to try and do something without the constant bitching at every turn.

Erm, given that AllSport took over at least in part to oversee the WC campaign, theres not much point saving all of your marketing strategies for later in the year. When you are approached for this manner of contract I feel it is acceptable to expect at least a modicum of improvement. Many, many marketing companies will be contracted for as little as 3 months for a specific campaign, and in that time they will produce results. I'm fairly sure that even you, given a national stadium, a national team and a marketing budget could attract more than 4,000 to a World Cup qualifying match. Also, exactly how many matches organised by All sport did you attend? Coz I went to them all, and given my interest in the marketing of football matches to a much smaller supporter base, I feel I am not only justified, but also qualyfied to criticise the marketing put in place

I could give a f**k how many games you went to, your attending X number of games has nothing to do with the scope or duration of All Sport's mandate.  You don't know what the deliverables or milestones (that is project management talk, something I know inside out) on the contract is and you don't know the timeline that All Sport was given.  Because you looking for shit to bitch about you might think somebody owes you something in 3 months but All Sport doesn't answer to you, as much as that pains you.  I am certain A/S wasn't given a three, five or 10 month mandate, and it is downright delusional for you to expect them to fix something as perennially broken as the TTFF in so short a period of time. you're understanding my concerns. Who did spend it, why did they spend it, what were the results? Premature conclusions? Let me explain in clear language: These accounts were produced by AllSport for the period they have been marketing on behalf of TTFF. We don't know what they spent it on because they don't say and this is specifically my point!

Actually, no I'm not understanding your concerns.  You insist that this accounting is for the period that A/S has been involved... where's the proof of this?  Explain the proof "in clear language".  Until that is produced then you're holding them to an unreasonable expectation.

Again, you're not making sense. If AllSport conducted the marketing and are responsible for income and expenditure surrounding the national games, then obviously its the fault of AllSport. Even if deals were already completed with TTFF before they came on board, what was preventing them from attracting new sponsors? How can there not be income to declare? Are you saying they didn't sell a single shirt? If not, why were they paying people to sell them at every game? And the TTFF administration were specifically prohibited by Anil Roberts from having any involvement in the handling of money surrounding this campaign.

Again, IF this is for the period limited to A/S involvement then yes you can fault them for not giving clearer accounting.  If not, then they are just working with what they were given and presenting it to the public.  The concept really isn't that difficult to understand.  We all know that accounting wasn't clear under the old administration, so if this account includes overlap to that period then it would only make sense that there would be holes in it, and not at all the fault of All Sport.  If that concept still doesn't make any sense to you then have the five-year old next you in class explain it.

I'm not at all "shoot[ing] the messenger"... as always I'm just trying to reign you in from planet Far Out and ground the conversation in a bit of reality.

I don't think reality has anything to do with your response.

You could have stopped at "I don't think"...
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Football supporter on November 23, 2011, 09:32:19 PM
Bakes, at times I believe you argue just for the sake of arguing. I won't respond to your taunts, coz as you have pointed out before I have to be more robust when dealing with insults, I assume this is the way civilised lawyers address each other in your planet, which, of course, is always correct. But hey, let me just respond, politely of course, to your points.

First off, no one is "taunting you" if yuh talking shit then yuh talking shit, end of story.  That is not a taunt.  The fact is that you  tend to come with wild fanciful scenarios extrapolating situations to the most ridiculous conclusions to make some point that's sensible to only yourself.  If you need examples it shouldn't be too difficult for me to find a couple for you.  So how that is a "taunt" I haven't a clue.  And if you're not going to respond to these perceived taunts then don't respond... save the "civilised lawyer" and "reality" talk... or just bring the talk and stop the pretense about responding politely.

DID YOU ACTUALLY LOOK AT THE ACCOUNTS? Where is the income, other than gate receipts? Now it could be part of the $675,000 paid to TTFF. All I'm asking for is clear book keeping. Whether they have been there a week or a decade, it is very easy to produce tangible accounts with notes. I know you haven't been keeping up to date, but the "accounts" shown are for the period they have been marketing on behalf of TTFF.

Of course I looked at the accounts... you think I'm just here talking out my ass like you?  (Hope that's not too 'taunting' fuh yuh).  Where does it state that the accounting is for the 4-5 month period that All Sport has been involved?  Because I searched for that information and couldn't find it.  That is the first question that needs to be addressed.  If it IS for that period then your questions are fair... but you haven't offered proof of that.  If it is NOT just for that period then you and Controversial need to shut the f**k up and give All Sport a chance to try and do something without the constant bitching at every turn.

Erm, given that AllSport took over at least in part to oversee the WC campaign, theres not much point saving all of your marketing strategies for later in the year. When you are approached for this manner of contract I feel it is acceptable to expect at least a modicum of improvement. Many, many marketing companies will be contracted for as little as 3 months for a specific campaign, and in that time they will produce results. I'm fairly sure that even you, given a national stadium, a national team and a marketing budget could attract more than 4,000 to a World Cup qualifying match. Also, exactly how many matches organised by All sport did you attend? Coz I went to them all, and given my interest in the marketing of football matches to a much smaller supporter base, I feel I am not only justified, but also qualyfied to criticise the marketing put in place

I could give a f**k how many games you went to, your attending X number of games has nothing to do with the scope or duration of All Sport's mandate.  You don't know what the deliverables or milestones (that is project management talk, something I know inside out) on the contract is and you don't know the timeline that All Sport was given.  Because you looking for shit to bitch about you might think somebody owes you something in 3 months but All Sport doesn't answer to you, as much as that pains you.  I am certain A/S wasn't given a three, five or 10 month mandate, and it is downright delusional for you to expect them to fix something as perennially broken as the TTFF in so short a period of time. you're understanding my concerns. Who did spend it, why did they spend it, what were the results? Premature conclusions? Let me explain in clear language: These accounts were produced by AllSport for the period they have been marketing on behalf of TTFF. We don't know what they spent it on because they don't say and this is specifically my point!

Actually, no I'm not understanding your concerns.  You insist that this accounting is for the period that A/S has been involved... where's the proof of this?  Explain the proof "in clear language".  Until that is produced then you're holding them to an unreasonable expectation.

Again, you're not making sense. If AllSport conducted the marketing and are responsible for income and expenditure surrounding the national games, then obviously its the fault of AllSport. Even if deals were already completed with TTFF before they came on board, what was preventing them from attracting new sponsors? How can there not be income to declare? Are you saying they didn't sell a single shirt? If not, why were they paying people to sell them at every game? And the TTFF administration were specifically prohibited by Anil Roberts from having any involvement in the handling of money surrounding this campaign.

Again, IF this is for the period limited to A/S involvement then yes you can fault them for not giving clearer accounting.  If not, then they are just working with what they were given and presenting it to the public.  The concept really isn't that difficult to understand.  We all know that accounting wasn't clear under the old administration, so if this account includes overlap to that period then it would only make sense that there would be holes in it, and not at all the fault of All Sport.  If that concept still doesn't make any sense to you then have the five-year old next you in class explain it.

I'm not at all "shoot[ing] the messenger"... as always I'm just trying to reign you in from planet Far Out and ground the conversation in a bit of reality.

I don't think reality has anything to do with your response.

You could have stopped at "I don't think"...

Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Socapro on November 23, 2011, 10:25:13 PM
I have left this subject alone for the last week, hoping that somebody (maybe a journalist, or the sharp eyed amogst us on the forum) would question the so called financial statement issued by TTFF/Allsport.

I may be completely wrong, but there are certain inconsistancies with the balance sheet.

I pointed out those jokey accounts in this post:

These people running the TTFF are total clowns!!

Now that we've been knocked out of World Cup qualifying they decide to arrange a decent friendly!  ::)
Ah doh know who they trying to fool yes! Is this an effort by Watson and that lot to pretend they organised and care about our football so that they can be officially elected into office once elections are called?

Plus I won't be surprised if that friendly doesn't even come off like most of our decent friendlies that have been arranged in the recent past! I note this friendly is yet to be confirmed so all this could be just another PR exercise (red-herring) for damage control and to try to make them look professional!

Another thing that TTFF Financial Statement is a real joke!! CLICK HERE to view TTFF financial statement (
I could make up something more convincing than that within 10mins.
Is that an attempt by the TTFF to pretend that they are now transparent and accountable for money coming in to them from government etc and money being spent?  ???

I think that does not even get the pass mark as a Financial Summary much less as a Financial Statement!

They need to show clearly what is coming in and what is going out with dates and all itemised if that is meant to be a Financial Statement!
Also I don't see any payments towards the 2006 World Cup players as ordered by the court on that so-called Financial Statement! Has Jack or Oliver paid the players so far from their own personal accounts?

At any rate these people are real jokers and I can no longer take them seriously on any matter regards the development of our football!!
They have FAILED once again and trying desperately to look acceptable so they can carry on in office!!

My T&T people if we love ourselves then we can no longer endure these folks who have been blood-sucking our football! The Regional Clubs need to wake up and kick these people out as you are the main ones responsible for putting them there!!

If these people continue at the helm of the TTFF much longer then T&T football will soon be completely dead and we will be struggling to beat the likes of Montserrat!

And yes someone did correct me in pointing out that the accounts were from All Sports and not the TTFF but apart from that error I made on who produce the accounts my observations on the accounts still stand.
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Socapro on November 23, 2011, 10:38:58 PM
so when i questioned all sport and some idiots came out and bashed me, it was personal and had nothing to do with valid points about all sport and their failure?

i am glad many of you can now come out and basically reiterate what i already said a while back that many on here lambasted me for. for example video costs and expenses on the whole that should not cost anywhere near what is shown.

it shows how ignorant many posters are and how little they know, but on the other hand if it comes from someone else they will listen, jealousy is a terrible thing.

You is de biggest c0nt on this forum....

I never question All Sport,,,,,,, I question YOU,,,,,, I said yuh mouth big and all you do is talk and never backing up anything you say..... I ask yuh why you dont take yuh money and pay millions for we to see game because yuh always yapping with nothing behind it.

It was about you, nothing to do with All Sport....

Stop de braying !!!!! and put yuh money where yuh mouth is.

Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Bakes on November 23, 2011, 10:58:35 PM
I pointed out those jokey accounts in this post:

The difference between you and Football Shittalker is that at least you smart enough to realize that it is the TTFF to blame for any inconsistencies and not All Sport.  Shittalker starting to get like Cun.troversial... both ah dem have a pole up their ass for All Sport for some reason.
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: sjahrain on November 24, 2011, 04:11:07 AM
This shit is just ROTTEN the core.... :devil:
Title: Re: Continuing lack of financial transparency.....why is nobody asking questions?
Post by: Football supporter on November 24, 2011, 06:57:17 AM
I pointed out those jokey accounts in this post:

The difference between you and Football Shittalker is that at least you smart enough to realize that it is the TTFF to blame for any inconsistencies and not All Sport.  Shittalker starting to get like Cun.troversial... both ah dem have a pole up their ass for All Sport for some reason.

Mate, I don't know what your problem is...maybe you've missed your period or something, but if you want to bad mouth me, do it via pm or I'll give you my number and you can call me and speak man to man (a new concept for a shit talking wannabe lawyer). I don't give a toss if you don't agree with my opinions, but you seem to live your life in the gutter. Please conduct yourself with some respect for yourself and for those you are talking about. I am disapointed as at one time your posts were interesting and had substance, now you just shit talk as you no longer have an opinion. I wish I had realised earlier that you were up the ass of TTFF and All Sport.

My problem with All Sport is simple. Why pay a company to do the work of TTFF and accomplish the same if not worse results. And if they don't want to be criticised post correct accounts. Ain't that hard is it? Other than that, All Sport seem like a decent enough business with a respectable track record. 
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