Soca Warriors Online Discussion Forum

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: truetrini on August 25, 2012, 08:51:47 PM

Title: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: truetrini on August 25, 2012, 08:51:47 PM
Someone tell me that this s not true!  This has to be a fake, Photoshop or something

Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: truetrini on August 25, 2012, 08:53:02 PM
steups this have to be bad photoshop joke..ent?
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: truetrini on August 25, 2012, 08:59:02 PM
ok so I heard that they put up everything minus the UNC
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: just cool on August 25, 2012, 10:23:31 PM
That's what you come to, yuh talking to yuhself and answering yuh self now? maybe i should send yuh a parrot for christmas tuh keep yuh company. ;D
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: Jah Gol on August 26, 2012, 06:41:18 AM
Khan: PM's face on flag a travesty
Originally printed at

By Kim Boodram
August 25, 2012
IS it just another Independence Day decoration or is it a rising sun?

The People's National Movement (PNM) has accused the People's Partnership Government of the subtle politicising of Independence Day by interfering with the red, white and black theme traditionally seen on decorations.

Following yesterday's general council meeting at Balisier House, Port of Spain, PNM chairman Franklin Khan criticised the placement of images of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on decorations bearing the colours of the national flag and, in some instances, on the flags themselves.

This is in violation of the Constitution as it pertains to the flag, Khan said.

He also pointed out a large, fan-like decoration atop the Wrightson Road, Port of Spain, Fire Service headquarters that bears the colours red, white and gold.

The piece is similar to the half-sun used by the United National Congress (UNC) as its party symbol, referred to as the "rising sun".

Instead of black, the decoration is punctuated with streaks of gold fanning outward.

Yesterday, several members of social media site Facebook also posted images of the decoration and questioned whether it was meant to allude to the UNC's party symbol.

"It is disgusting," Khan said yesterday, speaking at a news conference following the general council meeting.

"This is obviously a rising sun."

He added that the placement of the prime minister's face on the national flag was an attempt to "personalise" the country's golden jubilee of Independence.

"This is a travesty," he said.

The PNM will hold its own celebrations at Balisier House on Independence Day, next Friday, starting with a candlelight march from Woodford Square in Port of Spain at 8 p.m. to Balisier House.

A cultural show will follow, leading up to a re-enactment of the raising of the flag as it happened on August 31, 1962 and a midnight playing of the speech delivered then by first prime minister Dr Eric Williams.

Khan said the PNM announced this celebration in May not as an attempt to usurp the role of the Government in hosting appropriate celebrations but because the party felt the Government was faltering in its duty.

The PNM has again accused the Government of failing to recognise Williams' contribution to the country's Independence and initial development.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: Jah Gol on August 26, 2012, 06:41:59 AM
( Photo
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: D.H.W on August 26, 2012, 06:48:43 AM
I didn't know we had gold in the national colours
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: Jah Gol on August 26, 2012, 06:53:17 AM
Across the country there are posters and banners Celebrating 50 years of Independence bearing Kamla's image on it. It is the  most disgusting act of publicly sponsored political publicity we've seen. There should be legislation to prevent this sort of practice. Can you imagine what would have been said in Patrick Manning did this.The words Aloof, dictator, demigod and narcissistic come to mind.

Only in communist or fascist states is it necessary to constantly aggrandise 'the great leader.' I can't wait to vote these shameless clowns out. They have no class , no concept of protocol, no morality , they hold nothing sacred and their sinister machinations are limitless.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: truetrini on August 26, 2012, 06:55:16 AM
Jack wants to buy the mirror and newsday.

Huh feel it bad now.

Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: Jah Gol on August 26, 2012, 07:12:39 AM
I didn't know we had gold in the national colours

I draw reference to the following quotes :

Recently, the discovery of a new particle with properties consistent with the Higgs boson and which has been described as the god particle, has been reported and I am quite certain that this presents another opportunity for scientific innovation which we should seize. Except for the steel pan, we have been consumers rather than innovators and we must be careful not to miss out on getting in at the ground level of this new scientific exposure and here, university education matters.
-His Excellency Professor George Maxwell Richards

"Mr Speaker, if I may respectfully agree to disagree with his Excellency the President when he said that apart from the steelpan, there has been no innovativeness in Trinidad and Tobago, I respectfully disagree. Yes, the steelpan is one symbol of innovativeness, the only musical, acoustical instrument invented in the last century, but Trinidad and Tobago is known throughout the world for innovativeness, creativity, the diversity of our people, the harmony, the unity in diversity which represents Trinidad and Tobago."
-Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar

I don't know if you were following the President's comments but the Prime Minister minimizes the importance of the steel pan and ignores a FACT of our industrial history for the sake of promoting the vague and ambiguous diversity.

It was proposed that Rudranath Caplideo should be honoured alongside Dr. Eric Williams as one of the Champions of Independence when Capildeo actually opposed Independence. Thankfully they backtracked on that one.

This government is not averse to re-configuring history and as we see in this thread national symbols in pursuit of their idea of 'unity in diversity.'
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: truetrini on August 26, 2012, 11:44:34 AM
I didn't know we had gold in the national colours

Dat eh gold dais YELLOW!
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: congo on August 26, 2012, 03:23:17 PM
Steupsss.....Subliminal advertising at its worst. It so pathetic because it so obvious. These people low but what really sticks is Therese admitting to doing it at university. That was a new low.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: asylumseeker on August 26, 2012, 04:10:05 PM
Across the country there are posters and banners Celebrating 50 years of Independence bearing Kamla's image on it. It is the  most disgusting act of publicly sponsored political publicity we've seen. There should be legislation to prevent this sort of practice. Can you imagine what would have been said in Patrick Manning did this.The words Aloof, dictator, demigod and narcissistic come to mind.

Only in communist or fascist states is it necessary to constantly aggrandise 'the great leader.' I can't wait to vote these shameless clowns out. They have no class , no concept of protocol, no morality , they hold nothing sacred and their sinister machinations are limitless.

Traditionally known as "cult of personality". However, here there is solely the promotion of imagery rather than a tangible attached mythology associated with "the leader". Should these incremental occurrences persist (i.e. more "events" like what went down here), a narrative of mythology could develop ... because they are designed to cement gradual gains.

The PP is being advised externally.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: Toppa on August 26, 2012, 09:40:49 PM
Can't help but be reminded of Animal Farm.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: Bourbon on August 26, 2012, 10:24:15 PM
Can't help but be reminded of Animal Farm.

Yuh take long to ketch de script.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: weary1969 on August 27, 2012, 01:49:15 PM
Can't help but be reminded of Animal Farm.

Yuh take long to ketch de script.

Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: Toppa on August 27, 2012, 03:17:54 PM

Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: truetrini on August 27, 2012, 03:57:55 PM
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: D.H.W on August 27, 2012, 04:54:13 PM
Oh geed
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: STEUPS!! on August 27, 2012, 08:44:10 PM

Doh fork me up!? tell me daiz photoshop!!
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: D.H.W on August 27, 2012, 09:06:01 PM
The person/company who advising this government on marketing failing badly.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: 1-868 on August 27, 2012, 09:07:33 PM

Just imagine Patrick did do this sh*t, kamliar would ah be up and down the country making ah set ah facking noise.. remember how dey get on for the baliser flower on the CAL plane

Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: D.H.W on August 27, 2012, 09:08:49 PM
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: pecan on August 28, 2012, 06:51:55 AM
dey serious with that billboard poster?  what hubris.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: de_redman on August 28, 2012, 08:26:10 AM
I drove past the fire station yesterday afternoon. The yellow strips have been removed!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: pardners on August 28, 2012, 10:47:23 AM
The person/company who advising this government on marketing failing badly.
I kinda have a different perspective on some extent.  I believe this govt won the election on their PR campaign (apart from the help they got from Manning).  For a long time afterwards they kept up the campaign...IMHO with the intent to sink the PNM to its lowest low, maybe even to mash up the party.
Everything they do now is on the backbone of PR.  Even with the firing of the ministers...PR...simply cause they were expendable.  That would never happen with Suruj, Jack or Moonilal.  To the die-hards...that is good governance.  To the in-betweeners....wellll ok.  To the PNMites...we seeing through all the bullshit Kamla.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: trinindian on August 29, 2012, 03:09:17 AM

Mandela is one of the few people alive that meets this criteria. These are not traits that any trini politican have.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: fishs on August 29, 2012, 03:44:31 AM

 I wonder what is the reaction of the general public to this? Not the PNM spokesmen like Hinds, Imbert, pardners etc.

 What does the average man on the street make of it?

 Maybe they are too fed up or caught up in their own struggles to bother about this.

My own reaction if I was at home now and  drive past it probably would be initial disgust and fret a bit but half mile down the road an 1 Al Green song later be thinking about how I paying the rent, giving mih wife money, taking out the outside ting and paying for the children school books and still have enough left over for the river lime. (not necessarily in that order)
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: Bourbon on August 29, 2012, 09:07:08 AM

'They're ignorant of the laws of T&T'
Fury over Jack, Kamla faces on flag
By Susan Mohammed

Story Created: Aug 28, 2012 at 11:01 PM ECT

Story Updated: Aug 28, 2012 at 11:01 PM ECT


A BILLBOARD erected by an auto business in Freeport, showing images of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and National Security Minister Jack Warner on the national flag, has sparked outrage on social media network Facebook.

The billboard, which carries the words "Love of Country", was placed near the shoulder of the north-bound lane of the Solomon Hochoy Highway near the Freeport overpass.

The sign is on the compound of Boodram and Sons Ltd, which deals in used cars and parts.

An employee of the company told the Express last evening that the billboard was erected last weekend by management.

However, people have commented that the flag has been defaced and the use of the images is illegal.

One person commented: "This batch is even more ignorant of the laws of T&T and are arrogant in their ignorance..."

Another commented: "Please I hope this billboard don't cause any accidents. Are we saying that these people are the founders of the national flag or are they Trinidad and Tobago or are they changing the design of the flag... Please tell what is it."

The National Emblems of Trinidad and Tobago (Regulation) Act, Chapter 19:04 states: "Any person who mutilates, cuts or tears or in any way defaces the Coat of Arms or the National Flag, whether by writing, printing or stamping thereon or otherwise without lawful authority or excuse, is liable on summary conviction to a fine of seven hundred and fifty dollars or to imprisonment for six months."

Neither Mayor of Chaguanas Orlando Nagessar and chairman of the Couva/Talparo/Tabaquite Regional Corporation (CTTRC) Dave Persad said they had seen the billboard.

Persad, in whose corporation the billboard is placed, said no permission was sought from the CTTRC to have the billboard erected.

Nagessar said he had heard of the billboard.

"There are a lot of people doing a lot of things to bring down the government and to make the government look bad. Someone mentioned to me that they saw it on Facebook."

Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: ribbit on August 29, 2012, 11:51:26 AM

Mandela is one of the few people alive that meets this criteria. These are not traits that any trini politican have.

dis ad only showing what kind of fantasy world trinis living in with respect to who running in politics.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: truetrini on August 29, 2012, 03:39:38 PM

Mandela is one of the few people alive that meets this criteria. These are not traits that any trini politican have.

dis ad only showing what kind of fantasy world trinis living in with respect to who running in politics.

steups..yuh talking shit...
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: zuluwarrior on August 29, 2012, 06:57:10 PM
I was listening to Power102fm yesterday, the talk show host Swiedath said the gold is for the 50th anniversary of independence and the fire services logo have  gold in it anyway, it do not mean the gold stand for yellow in the PEE PEE  logo .

From what i know the fire services never use that yellow or gold beside on there logo .
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: Bourbon on August 29, 2012, 08:01:16 PM

From what i know the fire services never use that yellow .

So wha go represent fire in a logo? ;D
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: Brownsugar on August 31, 2012, 11:57:57 AM
I was listening to Power102fm yesterday, the talk show host Swiedath said the gold is for the 50th anniversary of independence, and the fire services logo have yellow in it anyway, it do not mean the gold stand for yellow in the PEE PEE .

From what i know the fire services never use that yellow .

Zulu, Siewdath is a Pee Pee apologist.  Expect defence of the indefensible from him......

As for the billboard, it was apparently a business owner who put it up on his private property.  I heard it was taken down some time this week not sure if that is so.   I guess he is just a really enthusiastic Pee pee supporter.  Allowed the bad taste to get to his head.....poor fella.  *smh*
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: ribbit on August 31, 2012, 12:23:14 PM

Mandela is one of the few people alive that meets this criteria. These are not traits that any trini politican have.

dis ad only showing what kind of fantasy world trinis living in with respect to who running in politics.

steups..yuh talking shit...

seriously TT. Humility, Honesty, Integrity and Selflessness are not qualities for a Prime Minister position. be real for 4k's sake - dat eh politics. whomever write this ad playing dunce.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: gawd on pitch on August 31, 2012, 12:32:59 PM

Any body have red paint? I believe there are two posts that need to get touched up.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: elan on August 31, 2012, 09:58:12 PM
I read on twitter that the government gave out copybook with a timeline of historical events in T&T on the back and did not include Independence Day.
Title: Re: nah, nah and again Fu#@ing nah!
Post by: weary1969 on August 31, 2012, 10:33:53 PM
I read on twitter that the government gave out copybook with a timeline of historical events in T&T on the back and did not include Independence Day.

Would nt b surprise they have taken clueless 2 new heights.
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