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General => Entertainment & Culture Discussion => Topic started by: boss on March 05, 2014, 03:55:40 PM

Title: Carnival and uncaring leaders (Ralph Maraj Editorial)
Post by: boss on March 05, 2014, 03:55:40 PM
Carnival and uncaring leaders
By Ralph Maraj
Trinidad Express

Story Created: Mar 3, 2014 at 7:39 PM ECT
Story Updated: Mar 4, 2014 at 6:33 AM ECT

Clearly very disgusted with present soca and chutney music, R Ackbarali, in a letter to the editor in a Sunday paper, says “we have to contend with the utter rubbish these people call lyrics. The public is fed up of the crap. What kind of society have we become to accept these performers’ utterances as music and culture?”

Sarah Parks, in her letter headlined “Dotish, dangerous soca lyrics rotting T&T”, says many soca songs “promote tribalism, violence, immorality and foolish decision-making”, telling children that “fun as an adult is to be an alcoholic and to indulge in lewd mash up rather than build and nurture... that destroying families to fulfil sexual lust is okay.” She concludes, “it is nonsense that those who sing these nation-destroying songs get paid (by the Government) to do so.”

These are just two samples of the growing concern at the condition of our Carnival music that produces a preponderance of lyrics like these:  “And when she flip, and then bus the split, ah feel like I am in a red light district”; and  “a gyul in front ah me, ah prowling like a hunter, gyul wine on it, wine on it”; and “when soca play and dem gyul shake the bumper, every man say they activate the lumber”; and  “any woman that can play the role, vertical, horizontal, once they can handle the pole”. Behold our “soca bards”. Hear their poetry.

It is therefore not surprising that the vast majority of citizens are either at home, at the beach or abroad during the Carnival. But turning away is another example of our powerlessness. Our Carnival continues its decline, eating away at the social fabric, and all we can do is turn to the beach, Miami or cable TV whilst the swampland spreads to eventually engulf us all. Sarah Parks says, “the nation spends over four billion dollars a year of tax dollars on implementation of counter-measures to undo the damage brought on by immoral, violence-inciting soca lyrics”.

But tens of thousands, mainly young of all classes, jump, dance, prance in vacuity. This is dangerous. These thousands and their high priests of carnality are carriers of a generational cultural disease that has been corroding the society for over 25 years, producing soullessness and an epidemic of annual teenage pregnancies for example. And the parents of elite participants shouldn’t fool themselves that their children are safe from contamination in their exclusive high-priced fetes and segregated Carnival, separating the “huge constituency of the upscale, fit and attractive young people” from the lower classes. They too “wine and grind” to the same music, mouthing the debased lyrics, the women, according to a female commentator on a US$500 fete, “made to bend over like dogs in a circus, whilst a man tames them with his loins”. They then return to “decency” at home or work, the respectable routine, the utter aridity that makes them return every year for more. The disease is deep in this philistine place.

But neither the singers nor their followers bear the major blame. Performing artistes driven by monetary gain, will produce muck if it brings profit and mindless youth will always follow the crowd, always doing the “in thing” when there is no alternative. And we have had none for decades. Ackbarali bemoans in his letter that for the past 22 years we have been hearing the inanities, “‘everybody scream’, ‘put your hanna in the air’, ‘raise yuh rag’, ‘wave yuh flag’, ‘anybody from Trinidad, anybody from Jamaica, anybody from Penal, anybody from Arima, anybody from Barbados?’” He ends up pleading, “somebody, do something, our society is in a decrepit state.”

Any leader listening? No. They too are following, not the music but the path to power. None will stand up against the depravity in our soca and chutney music. None will threaten to withhold funding until lyrics improve. Instead they identify with the degeneracy to win votes. They do not care to lead us to a cultured, discerning, refined society. In our 50 years as a nation, no government has had the vision and fortitude to arrest the cultural decay of the society. Listen to Keith Rowley in the face of this decadent Carnival: “we are about to witness what has been described as the Greatest Show on Earth for what will surely be two rapturous days...when we demonstrate our creativity, fun-loving nature and of course, our ability to party like no other.” With such emptiness, will he ever develop the insight to discern the condition? Thank God Kamla was not here so we have been spared her predictable artificial rhapsodies over the Carnival.

So don’t expect any real effort from our present politicians to stop the barbarisation of our society and the trivialisation of the human condition by the present Carnival of Trinidad and Tobago, its soca, chutney, mas bands et al. Don’t expect them to see the urgent and absolute need for collaboration and a national enterprise in this diverse society, to fashion a comprehensive cultural policy and plan for Trinidad and Tobago.  Will they ever realise that such a plan will help in the fight against crime, drugs, teenage pregnancies, and all the social ills facing this country? Don’t they know it could help to diversify the economy, develop national character and help to secure the future for the children? But alas, if they can’t see the need to collaborate against crime which is on the surface before their very eyes, how will they ever act together at the deeper level. Of course they joined hands recently to increase their salaries. Our leaders really do not care.

• Ralph Maraj is a playwright, actor and former cabinet minister
Title: Re: Carnival and uncaring leaders (Ralph Maraj Editorial)
Post by: Socapro on March 05, 2014, 04:46:36 PM
Another predictable after Carnival article.

Meanwhile Soca music gets switched off or placed on go slow from Ash Wednesday until September/October only to be replaced by Dancehall and Hip-hop containing much more vulgar and immoral lyrics and our successful Soca artists for the Carnival season are all forced to go on tour abroad for the rest of the year in an effort to earn a living from their music.

I wonder if Ralph Maraj realises that the prize money earned by the select few competition winning soca and chutney artists during the carnival season is only a drop in the ocean compared to the revenue that the music and carnival brings in to the T&T economy during the carnival season.

But let them continue to blame soca music for the ills of T&T society when the music is generally merely a reflection of the society it comes from.
Title: Re: Carnival and uncaring leaders (Ralph Maraj Editorial)
Post by: elan on March 05, 2014, 05:21:56 PM

Them does forget how much stones piggy get crush on the railway. How about how much pleasure teacher Mildred get from the lizard. I guess Ralph wasn't around to get Jean and Dinah for nutten. Remember long before Sparrow took ill he was very concerned that "willie dead". Not to mention how he had to chase he pussy in town because it leave home an knocking about. And don't forget that if you cyah decide between two sister just settle for both ah dem.

I sure when Ralph was drunk and disorderly in town he cyah remember if he eat ah white meat. Maybe seeing miss mary hairy in town was not enough for him. If only he had remember that all saltfish sweet he would have understood how mr.benwood dick felt having to travel all de way from sangre grande and still have to send a message to millie. Ralph better hope he eh bounce up Melda on she way to the obeah man because bet yuh last dollar 10 to 1 is murder.
Title: Re: Carnival and uncaring leaders (Ralph Maraj Editorial)
Post by: MEP on March 05, 2014, 08:42:11 PM
 if you eat it right the hair won't stick in your teeth

Interesting Maraj chose to focus only on soca lyrics and loosely interpreted he is saying that those of African descent are responsible for the moral and social decay of TnT and chooses not to see that it is a global phenomenon of modern music. Apparently his transistor radio is tuned to one maybe two stations.

Title: Re: Carnival and uncaring leaders (Ralph Maraj Editorial)
Post by: Controversial on March 05, 2014, 09:39:30 PM
the majority of all music in T&T right now is garbage and playing contemp hip hop and dancehall is on par. that's why many have tuned out and only revel in it because it's carnival and can be tolerated for a few weeks, max a month or so and then yuh done with it...
Title: Re: Carnival and uncaring leaders (Ralph Maraj Editorial)
Post by: elan on March 05, 2014, 10:27:31 PM
Most music nowadays is disposable music. Name one artiste who not putting out disposable music. Every now and again you will get a classic, but you have to supply the demand. You think Weezy, Yeezy, Jay, Bey, is millionaire by putting out classic music every single record. Look at Taylor Swift they can't toss awards at her fast enough.
Title: Re: Carnival and uncaring leaders (Ralph Maraj Editorial)
Post by: maxg on March 06, 2014, 12:25:18 AM

Them does forget how much stones piggy get crush on the railway. How about how much pleasure teacher Mildred get from the lizard. I guess Ralph wasn't around to get Jean and Dinah for nutten. Remember long before Sparrow took ill he was very concerned that "willie dead". Not to mention how he had to chase he pussy in town because it leave home an knocking about. And don't forget that if you cyah decide between two sister just settle for both ah dem.

I sure when Ralph was drunk and disorderly in town he cyah remember if he eat ah white meat. Maybe seeing miss mary hairy in town was not enough for him. If only he had remember that all saltfish sweet he would have understood how mr.benwood dick felt having to travel all de way from sangre grande and still have to send a message to millie. Ralph better hope he eh bounce up Melda on she way to the obeah man because bet yuh last dollar 10 to 1 is murder.
I get what he and you saying, and not because NA popularize a style or dumping garbage makes a individual rich, means it's good for TT or everybody to do the same. Not because a gangster writes a book and is popular, everyone should go that route to eat a food. I agree there should be some measure of control, some measure of decency..there was a certain amount of thought, talent, put into the compositions you quoted...similar to the way you put the above piece to paper. To me, that was talented on your part. The question becomes who is to judge what is good or not. Mind you, at the time, those same pieces were considered very risqué. Not sure TTians want to live in a society where what is deemed good or bad , especially in this Information Age is determined solely by the Government, or a few ppl, or even the majority for that matter. I don't have to raise children in, or bombarded by it, so I am not sure what will be the best way to effect or disinfect our ppl. I do know however, if you are not careful with impressionable minds, the wrong info can be taken as the Truth.

Add: on a personal note, I can't fault either party for having an opinion, even if they are very different views of the same event. I try to seek the strong points of both, relative to me. I don't think he was talking about all soca or chutney. Question is, if it has a nice rhythm is it ok to put ANY lyrics ?
Title: Re: Carnival and uncaring leaders (Ralph Maraj Editorial)
Post by: Tiresais on March 08, 2014, 04:07:12 AM
From an outside perspective, whilst I typically don't like moralising statements such as those on-show, the point becomes more marked when you look at the Carnivals of 30 years ago, where Carnival seems to me a much more political statement and a more 'full' expression of thought and culture.
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