Soca Warriors Online Discussion Forum

Sports => Football => Topic started by: Flex on January 31, 2012, 05:21:14 AM

Title: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Flex on January 31, 2012, 05:21:14 AM
Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
W Connection Release.

W Connection Center Back and National Senior and Under 23 team player Mekeil Williams has peaked the interests of Polish first division club Pogon Szczecin FC as W Connection continues to seek opportunities for their players in the non-traditional overseas markets.

Williams, who made his Trinidad and Tobago Senior Team debut against Finland in the recent International Friendly, departed the Piarco International Airport today, after spending the weekend in Venezuela where he secured his travel visa for Poland.

Sitting atop the Polish First Division table, Pogon Szczecin is currently in line for promotion to the Polish Premier League and should he secure a contract, it will represent a major opportunity for Williams to play football at the highest level in Europe.

Williams has been an outstanding player for W Connection thus far and has been a regular member of the National Under 23 Squad. He will arrive in Poland on Tuesday 31st at 8:05 pm Polish time.
Title: Re: Mikeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Flex on January 31, 2012, 05:43:54 AM
Does anyone know the real spelling of this player name...

W Connection is saying Mikeil Williams, and the TTFF Media saying Mekeil Williams ?

Can anyone get come confirmation ?
Title: Re: Mikeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Sam on January 31, 2012, 06:27:24 AM
W Connection mean business this round boy.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Flex on January 31, 2012, 06:29:59 AM
Ok, got some confirmation, its Mekeil Williams....
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Bakes on January 31, 2012, 06:36:43 AM
"piqued"  ::)

Good luck to the yute.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Tallman on January 31, 2012, 07:13:20 AM
Treat dem like animal!
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Bakes on January 31, 2012, 09:05:46 AM
Treat dem like animal!

Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Dinner Mints on January 31, 2012, 09:16:37 AM
On a more cautious note, Poland ain't no easy place for a black footballer to be. They're very close to the top when it comes to harsh racism.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: andre samuel on January 31, 2012, 09:34:13 AM
Treat dem like animal!

Doh worry, he have million dollar in the leg
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Big Magician on January 31, 2012, 10:54:30 AM
play de polish fittball
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Flex on February 02, 2012, 07:11:49 PM
Reprezentant Trynidadu i Tobago zaskoczył wszystkich - poradził sobie w ekstremalnych dla niego warunkach. Teraz trenerzy sprawdzą umiejętności środkowego obrońcy podczas treningów.

Mekeil Williams do Polski przyjechał wczoraj. Dzisiaj rano wyjechał z drużyną na obóz do Pogorzelicy i rozegrał 90 minut w sparingowym meczu z Torgelower SV Greif (Pogoń wygrała 4:1). – Pierwszy raz na oczy zobaczył śnieg, pierwszy raz grał na sztucznej nawierzchni i w nowym zespole – wylicza szkoleniowiec Marcin Sasal.

Warunki do gry ekstremalne! Gęsto padający śnieg, temperatura poniżej zera. Na Karaibach w tym czasie 30 stopni Celsjusza. 20-latek zaskoczył wszystkich, bo odnalazł się w srogim, zimowym klimacie.

- Wygląda na to, że jest lepszy niż poprzednicy [Lucas da Silva i vincent Bikana – red.]. Jego gra wygląda dobrze. Musimy jeszcze zrobić na nim operację, zobaczyć go „od środka” i z powrotem zaszyć – mówi z uśmiechem trener Sasal. Szkoleniowiec w następnym zdaniu wyjaśnia: - Chcę zobaczyć go na treningu. Szczegółowo poznać jak radzi sobie z koordynacją, ćwiczeniami, jak jest z jego wydolnością, siłą.

Mekeil Williams zostanie w Pogorzelicy. - Mieliśmy po spotkaniu zadecydować, w którą stronę iść. Zagrał poprawnie. Nie miał problemu z ustawianiem się na boisku. Nawet chłopacy [piłkarze – red.] mówią, że coś w nim jest. Chcemy go zostawić – podkreśla opiekun zespołu.


Title: Martin Sasal: Mekeil Williams is better than his predecessors
Post by: Tallman on February 02, 2012, 07:19:29 PM
Martin Sasal: Mekeil Williams is better than his predecessors

The representative of Trinidad and Tobago surprised everyone - able to cope in extreme circumstances for him. Now the coaches will test the skills central defender during training.

Polish Mekeil Williams arrived yesterday. This morning we went to camp with the team to Pogorzelica and played 90 minutes in the match with Torgelower SV Grief (Chase won 4:1). - The first time he saw snow on the eyes, the first time he played on artificial turf and a new team - says Marcin Sasal coach.

Conditions for extreme play! Densely falling snow, temperatures below zero. In the Caribbean at this time 30 degrees Celsius. 20-year-old surprised everyone, he found himself in the stern, the winter climate.

- Looks like he's better than their predecessors [Lucas da Silva and Vincent Bikan - ed]. His game looks good. We have yet to do surgery on it, see it "from inside" and back stitch - says with a smile Sasal coach. Trainer in the next sentence says: - I want to see him in training. Know in detail how to deal with coordination, exercise, as it is with his endurance, strength.

Mekeil Williams will be in Pogorzelica. - We had a meeting to decide on which way to go. He played correctly. He had no problem with setting the pitch. Even the guys [players - ed] are saying that something is in it. We want to leave it - emphasizes the caregiver team.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Flex on February 04, 2012, 03:47:33 AM
Mekeil Williams: Na śniegu grałem pierwszy raz w życiu!
Mekeil Williams: I played in the snow for the first time in my life!
Fot. Fig. Wiola Borzym Viola Borzym

Upon arrival, I could not wear socks and it was very cold - says tested defender from Trinidad and Tobago Mekeil Williams. Z reprezentantem tego kraju rozmawiał Artur Bańko . The representative of the country spoke to Arthur Bańko.

Jesteś w Polsce od dwóch dni. You are in Poland for two days. Jakie są twoje pierwsze wrażenia? What are your first impressions?

- Jest naprawdę miła atmosfera. - It's a really nice atmosphere. Śmieję się, że o wiele milsza od pogody… Próbuję zaadaptować się do panujących warunków. I laugh that much nicer the weather ... I'm trying to adapt to prevailing conditions. Jest zimno, ale starałem się grać jak najlepiej, by nie zmarnować swojej szansy. It's cold, but I tried to play their best not to waste your chance.

Śnieg i podobne warunki są dla ciebie czymś nowym? Snow and similar terms are to you with something new?

- Grałem w śniegu pierwszy raz w życiu. - I played in the snow for the first time in my life. To naprawdę bardzo trudne warunki. It's really very difficult conditions. Było nie tylko strasznie zimno. It was not only very cold. Śnieg spowodował, że z mojej perspektywy widziałem niewiele. Snow meant that from my perspective, I saw very little. To niekomfortowa sytuacja i łatwo o błąd. This uncomfortable situation and it's easy to mistake. Ale nie miałem wyboru, musiałem dać z siebie wszystko i mam nadzieję, że było to widać. But I had no choice but to give everything and I hope that it was visible.

Jak grało ci się z nowymi kolegami? How do you like playing with my new colleagues?

- Już na początku meczu zauważyłem, że każdy z zawodników Pogoni prezentuje naprawdę wysoki poziom. - Already at the beginning of the match, I noticed that each player Chase presents a very high level. Wszyscy wiedzą, co należy do ich zadań. Everyone knows what belongs to their tasks. To bardzo ułatwia współpracę i pozwoliło mi dopasować się do drużyny. It's very easy work and allowed me to fit into the team.

W defensywie ważną rolę odgrywa komunikacja. The defensive communication plays an important role. Jak zamierzasz sobie z tym radzić? How are you going to deal with it?

- Podstaw, potrzebnych do komunikacji na boisku, już się uczę. - Fundamentals needed to communicate on the pitch, I'm learning. Język w piłce nożnej jest dość uniwersalny. Language in football is pretty universal. Oczywiście, jeżeli zostanę na dłużej w Pogoni, będę się chciał nauczyć trochę polskiego. Of course if you stay longer in pursuit, I will want to learn some Polish.

Wiedziałeś coś o Polsce, zanim tu przyjechałeś? Did you know anything about Poland, before you come here?

- Nie wiedziałem w zasadzie nic. - I did not know basically nothing. Poza tym, że może tu być zimno. Besides, it can be cold here. Nie jestem osobą, która lubi niskie temperatury, więc przygotowałem się i wziąłem dużo ciepłych ubrań. I am not one who likes cold weather, so I prepared myself and took a lot of warm clothing. Tak naprawdę wszystko jest dla mnie nowe. In fact, everything is new for me.

Wiedziałeś o tym, że możesz być pierwszym obywatelem Trynidadu i Tobago grającym Polsce? Did you know that you can be the first citizen of Trinidad and Tobago playing Poland?

- Naprawdę? - Really? Nie miałem pojęcia! I had no idea! To bardzo ciekawe i wręcz ekscytujące. This is a very interesting and even exciting. To duża szansa by zostać zauważonym. It's a good chance to be noticed. Dobrze wiedzieć, że mam szansę zapisać się w historii tutejszej ligi. Good to know that I have a chance to go down in the history of the local league.

Słyszałem o pewnej sytuacji związanej z zimnem, która zdążyła cię spotkać zaraz po przybyciu do klubu… I've heard of a situation related to cold, which she could meet you upon arrival at the club ...

- Tak, tak! - Yes, yes! (śmiech). (Laughs). To było dość zabawne. It was pretty funny. Przyjechałem do klubu prosto z lotniska i nie wiedziałem gdzie są moje rzeczy. I came to the club straight from the airport and did not know where my stuff. Bardzo ich potrzebowałem, bo nie zdążyłem założyć skarpetek. It needed help, because I could not wear socks. Zrobiło mi się zimno, ale na szczęście mój kłopot udało się rozwiązać. I felt cold, but fortunately my problem were solved.
- Po przylocie nie zdążyłem założyć skarpetek i było mi bardzo zimno - mówi testowany obrońca z Trynidadu i Tobago Mekeil Williams. -
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Dynamite Warrior on February 12, 2012, 07:48:29 PM

- Williams is a young and promising player. If the coaching staff to deliver an opinion of his positive person, I hope that it will join the team - says the representative of Trinidad and Tobago Vice President Gregory Smolny.

Mekeil Williams came to the Polish 1 February. A day later, a 10 boarded the bus and went to camp the quest to Pogorzelica. About 16.30 sparring has already played with the German team from Torgelower. Heavy snow was falling, the temperature - below zero. At the same time, the Caribbean, 30 in the black. In rough weather, coped brilliantly. The coaching staff was impressed by the rapid adaptation. Coach Martin Sasal after sparring said it will stop a defender from Trinidad and Tobago for a few days to see how a player is doing in training.

He looked so well that on Saturday he played 90 minutes against even Gryfów Wejherowo. We asked the coach about the situation of Williams. - This weekend will give us significant. It turns out that we have to strengthen the defense and whether Williams will be with us for a long time - said Sasal.

The left middle defender was also speaking positively Chase vice president in charge of transfers, Gregory Smolny. Watched the representative of Trinidad in two friendlies. - Williams is a young and promising player. If the coaching staff to deliver an opinion of his positive person, I hope that it will join the team - he says.

- Evaluation of Szczecin Chase Williams to not depend on the acquisition Hernani - Smolny Gregory explains it. - As of today it is difficult to say whether Williams will be our player or not. We have upwards of weeks to close all file transfer - he adds.

The search for the exit time for aggregation in Turkey wants to have settled the issues of all players.

Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Tallman on February 21, 2012, 12:30:26 PM
Don't know the details yet, but Williams signed a contract today with Pogon Szczecin.

Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: theworm2345 on February 21, 2012, 01:07:17 PM
Don't know the details yet, but Williams signed a contract today with Pogon Szczecin.
This team is on top of the Polish second tier so they have a great chance to go up to the top division.  Would be a good move if he can play there regularly.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: ZANDOLIE on February 21, 2012, 04:33:27 PM
great stuff, play your game, and keep yourself safe over there.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Cocorite on February 21, 2012, 08:40:52 PM
Congratulations. Eat a food breds. Play D fitball.

A taking a borrow from Big Mag ;)
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Dynamite Warrior on February 21, 2012, 08:44:23 PM
Don't know the details yet, but Williams signed a contract today with Pogon Szczecin.
This team is on top of the Polish second tier so they have a great chance to go up to the top division.  Would be a good move if he can play there regularly.

Seems like thats the way to go nowadays. Peltier did the same move (moving to a team getting promoted) and now hes in demand, hopefully things go well for Williams too.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Flex on February 22, 2012, 05:19:58 AM
Williams signs with Polish 1st division team Pogon Szczecin.
W Connection Press Release.

W Connection Center back Mekeil Williams has signed a 5 month loan deal with Polish First Division Club Pogon Szczecin FC with an option to sign a 3 year deal should the club be promoted to the Polish Premier Division.

They currently sit atop their First Division table four points clear of the second and third placed teams with 14 games left in the season. Eight of those games are at home for them. Two teams will be promoted.

Mekeil is extremely elated at the opportunity to play in Europe and is looking forward to making his debut in Pogon Szczecin’s first game after their winter break on March 17th wearing the number 26 jersey.

He will travel to Turkey tomorrow with his new teammates where they will round off their winter break preparations. Mekeil recently made his full senior team debut for Trinidad & Tobago against Finland in January, scoring his first international goal at the same time. He is currently also a member of the Trinidad and Tobago U-23 squad.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Big Magician on February 22, 2012, 09:26:16 AM
nice...well done kid

play de polish fitball
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: maxg on February 22, 2012, 09:56:56 AM
Good luck to the young man...besides the Polish weather...the Poles can be very cold to foreigners...but once yuh in, they can warm up a bit...hang in there
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Tallman on February 22, 2012, 10:46:17 AM
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams goes on trial at Polish club.
Post by: Mose on February 22, 2012, 12:38:26 PM
Williams signs with Polish 1st division team Pogon Szczecin.
W Connection Press Release.

W Connection Center back Mekeil Williams has signed a 5 month loan deal with Polish First Division Club Pogon Szczecin FC with an option to sign a 3 year deal should the club be promoted to the Polish Premier Division.

They currently sit atop their First Division table four points clear of the second and third placed teams with 14 games left in the season. Eight of those games are at home for them. Two teams will be promoted.

Mekeil is extremely elated at the opportunity to play in Europe and is looking forward to making his debut in Pogon Szczecin’s first game after their winter break on March 17th wearing the number 26 jersey.

He will travel to Turkey tomorrow with his new teammates where they will round off their winter break preparations. Mekeil recently made his full senior team debut for Trinidad & Tobago against Finland in January, scoring his first international goal at the same time. He is currently also a member of the Trinidad and Tobago U-23 squad.

Is that a club or player option?
Title: Mekeil Williams new team reads
Post by: Dynamite Warrior on March 01, 2012, 05:30:32 PM
Worm was mentioned in particular. I guess i wont say anything negative about the players anymore because potential suitors might be reading this site. Tallman or Flex can you post the picture because i dont know how to post them.



Defence Support U-23 team of his country and was vice league player of Trinidad and Tobago. Here is the latest player Pogon Szczecin - Mekeil Williams.

Mekeil Williams (24/07/1990) Chase moved to Szczecin from the club Vibe CT 105 Williams Connection, league vice Digicel Pro League, the top division in Trinidad and Tobago. It is the left foot central defender. Previously the club played in San Juan Jabloteh with whom he won the national cup. This is the first player from the Caribbean, which will be played in Poland.

It has an interesting CV. In 2009 he appeared at the World Championships for 20s He played a few minutes in zremisowanym 0-0 win over Paraguay. There are multiple kadrowiczem and defensive mainstay of Trinidad and Tobago team for years 23rd He had a senior team debut in the Soca Warriors [so called fans of his representation of Trinidad and Tobago - ed]. In the match against Finland (January 2012), Williams played the full 90 minutes and scored the only goal in the defeat meeting (1:3). Below a video of the goal (56 seconds).

He was praised after the meeting. - Mekeil is a great player and as the rookie showed great calm on the pitch. It is very consistent and proved that he understands the tactical aspects, although he stayed with the team for only four days - said after the match with Finland second coach of Trinidad and Tobago, Angus Eve.

Eve also found that Williams plays an important role in the way of representation of Trinidad and Tobago [up to 23 years - ed] for this year's Olympic Games in London.

Trinidad and Tobago team fighting for promotion to the Olympics Despite appearing in the first part of the elimination of the Federation or Confederation CONCACAF soccer in North America, Central and Caribbean. Williams played in all six previous matches qualifiers. On the pitch he spent 490 minutes (of 540 possible). The defender has fought off attacks in the meetings of such teams as: Curacao, Suriname and the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Upcoming meetings of representation dreaming of playing at the London Olympic Games will be played with more demanding opponents. Trinidad and Tobago went to a group with Mexico, Panama and Honduras. The first of these battles that is already March 24th match day Sandecja Pursuit of Nowy Sacz.

Coach Pogon Szczecin after the first foreigner to Torgelower sparring as judged by the young defender. - He played correctly. He had no problem with setting up the pitch. We want to leave him.

- What is in it - adding with a smile players.

The 'something' is perhaps the ability to very quickly adapt to new conditions. Can attest to the fact that the day after arrival to the Polish and contact for the first time in my life with the snow and negative temperatures, even though he played very correctly siarczystego constantly crumbling frost and snow.

In sparring with a griffin Wejherowo Mekeil dockers as the only player he played the full 90 minutes. - Williams is a young and promising player - said after the match in Pobierowo Chase vice president in charge of transfers Grzegorz Smolny.

Trynidadczyk showed up also in the goalless sparring with Chojniczanką Chojnice. He showed solid game at left-back position of the center, a good game with both feet and the ability to play head.

Transfer young player bounced too prominent in the media of Trinidad and Tobago. A forum for fans of Soca Warriors team was formed a special thread dedicated to the transfer Mekeila Pogon Szczecin. Fans from Trinidad hope that Williams will be enhanced by playing in Europe. Not missing a positive entries relating to the transfer. - The team which passes [Williams - ed] is close to promotion to the top cash league - he writes the user by the name theworm2345. - If you play regularly is a good move for him - he says.

Mekeil Williams now resides on a training camp in Turkey.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams new team reads
Post by: theworm2345 on March 01, 2012, 06:00:26 PM
Oh I'm famous  :rotfl:  Maybe they'll fly me in for the Euros
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams new team reads
Post by: Big Magician on March 01, 2012, 06:44:23 PM
good.... POLSKA
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams new team reads
Post by: Sam on March 02, 2012, 08:16:48 AM
Glad for Williams, hope his team gets promoted so he can win a contract for 3 years.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams new team reads
Post by: Dutty on March 02, 2012, 08:20:45 AM
Oh I'm famous  :rotfl:  Maybe they'll fly me in for the Euros

...and give yuh all access press pass an ting

contact dem and milk it
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams new team reads
Post by: just cool on March 02, 2012, 02:35:24 PM
Where in the defense does he play ? hope it's full back, preferably right side, where we're lacking.
Title: Mekeil Williams not extending contract with Polish club Pogoń Szczecin
Post by: JRtheWriter on July 14, 2012, 04:14:16 PM
Sorry I haven't been on the forum much lately (Like y'all have noticed -__-) working the new 9-5 fresh out of college, and it's made me an old man.  I'm ecstatic to see 2 Trini teams in the champion's league and hope to bring home a cup for the first time in more than 25 years. 

I just had a Polish friend read this article for me and according to him, it states that the club will not renew William's contract who was on loan with them last season.  In the 9 games he played, Williams scored 1 goal and also had an assist.  The team won their last game of the season which lead them to a promotion to the premiere Polish league. 
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams not extending contract with Polish club Pogoń Szczecin
Post by: Big Magician on July 14, 2012, 04:20:07 PM

well  he can come home and play for W Conn in the CL
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams not extending contract with Polish club Pogoń Szczecin
Post by: Tallman on July 14, 2012, 04:39:57 PM
He is currently on trial with RTS Widzew Łódź, of the Ekstraklasa (Polish First Division). He will be playing tomorrow against Polonia Bytom.

Title: Re: Mekeil Williams not extending contract with Polish club Pogoń Szczecin
Post by: JRtheWriter on July 14, 2012, 04:42:12 PM
He is currently on trial with RTS Widzew Łódź, of the Ekstraklasa (Polish First Division). He will be playing tomorrow against Polonia Bytom.


Nice! Thanks Tallman!  :beermug:
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams not extending contract with Polish club Pogoń Szczecin
Post by: ZANDOLIE on July 14, 2012, 05:06:14 PM
good luck
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams not extending contract with Polish club Pogoń Szczecin
Post by: Dynamite Warrior on July 14, 2012, 05:37:17 PM
Sorry I haven't been on the forum much lately (Like y'all have noticed -__-) working the new 9-5 fresh out of college, and it's made me an old man.  I'm ecstatic to see 2 Trini teams in the champion's league and hope to bring home a cup for the first time in more than 25 years. 

I just had a Polish friend read this article for me and according to him, it states that the club will not renew William's contract who was on loan with them last season.  In the 9 games he played, Williams scored 1 goal and also had an assist.  The team won their last game of the season which lead them to a promotion to the premiere Polish league. 

Thanks JR
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams not extending contract with Polish club Pogoń Szczecin
Post by: Tallman on July 15, 2012, 09:18:23 AM
He played the entire second half of a friendly match against Polonia Bytom today. Widzew Łódź won 4-0.





Title: Re: Mekeil Williams not extending contract with Polish club Pogoń Szczecin
Post by: Dynamite Warrior on July 22, 2012, 01:18:37 PM
Hes now on trial with FC Fyn in the Danish 1st division.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams not extending contract with Polish club Pogoń Szczecin
Post by: andre samuel on July 23, 2012, 08:40:12 AM
So the man on trial and have on no shin pads?????
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams not extending contract with Polish club Pogoń Szczecin
Post by: Jack Horner on July 23, 2012, 09:39:37 AM
So the man on trial and have on no shin pads?????

Blame their agents !!!

This is a stupid move, he got get an injury that could affect his career because of this.

This could have never happened at Joe Public.

Title: Re: Mekeil Williams not extending contract with Polish club Pogoń Szczecin
Post by: truetrini on July 23, 2012, 11:15:24 AM
So the man on trial and have on no shin pads?????

Blame their agents !!!

This is a stupid move, he got get an injury that could affect his career because of this.

This could have never happened at Joe Public.

He got get nutten....
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams not extending contract with Polish club Pogoń Szczecin
Post by: Tallman on July 25, 2012, 07:33:04 PM
Hes now on trial with FC Fyn in the Danish 1st division.

Title: Mekeil Williams to FC Fyn
Post by: Dynamite Warrior on August 22, 2012, 12:49:46 PM
It looks like Mekeil Williams signed for FC Fyn in the 2nd division in Denmark. I dont see any articles about the signing but, i know that hes been over there for the last month on trial and his name is on the teams official website roster.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams to FC Fyn
Post by: Tallman on August 24, 2012, 04:45:22 AM
De club has officially announced his signing:
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams to FC Fyn
Post by: Cocorite on August 24, 2012, 06:06:21 PM
Congrats Mekeil. Make the most of your opportunity. Good stuff.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams to FC Fyn
Post by: Flex on August 26, 2012, 06:33:57 AM
I got word from an official that he is still only trying out.

Title: Re: Mekeil Williams to FC Fyn
Post by: Tallman on August 27, 2012, 05:00:17 PM
I got word from an official that he is still only trying out.

Well, he made his debut for them today against Vejle Boldklub Kolding.

Title: FC Fyn Bankrupt
Post by: Dynamite Warrior on February 10, 2013, 05:48:07 PM
It seems the club has gone out of business, does anyone know whats going on with Mekeil Williams?
I really liked this player at the U23s.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on June 30, 2015, 02:13:01 PM
Defender Mekeil Williams, has joined Guatemalan club, Antigua GFC (, on a two-year contract. Williams, who most recently was captain of W-Connection, will play with Antigua GFC in the Liga Nacional de Fútbol de Guatemala, which is the highest level of football in the country.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: dreamer on June 30, 2015, 05:17:04 PM
Very interesting. I like seeing the players getting out there. Marshall was in El Salvador. Probably raised eyebrows. Now Wiliams in Guatemala. Good that our defenders are tasting how to defend against Central Americans. Close to home in a nearby time zone. Good stuff
Good luck Williams. Proud of you.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tiresais on July 01, 2015, 04:29:50 AM
Very interesting. I like seeing the players getting out there. Marshall was in El Salvador. Probably raised eyebrows. Now Wiliams in Guatemala. Good that our defenders are tasting how to defend against Central Americans. Close to home in a nearby time zone. Good stuff
Good luck Williams. Proud of you.

There's a good quality of play and more importantly for the players good crowds - it's nice to feel appreciated and get the atmosphere. There are one or two agents in the region who are looking to bring in some foreign talent into the region and I'm glad it's leading to some movement for our players.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Trini _2026 on July 01, 2015, 04:45:34 AM
who are our players agents ?no more europe  .... central america and asia
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tiresais on July 01, 2015, 05:16:56 AM
who are our players agents ?no more europe  .... central america and asia

Europe is harder to break into and can in a lot of instances pay the same as Asia and Central America. Moreover, they tend to be only interested in teenagers; an obvious problem for our senior players. Finally, the relative lack of international friendlies has limited the opportunity for our players to show their talent off - Argentina for example played 6 friendlies plus the world cup last year, for 10 matches and Guatemala played 4 friendlies (plus one cancelled with Venezula) and 4 Central American Cup matches, whilst Trinidad played 2 friendlies and 7 Caribbean Cup matches - numerically similar, but the Iran friendly was behind closed doors, whilst I can tell you the Argentina friendly produced more interest in players than all of the Caribbean Cup.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on July 06, 2015, 01:08:16 PM
Title: Mekeil Williams eager to show his worth.
Post by: Flex on July 09, 2015, 01:55:41 AM
Williams eager to show his worth.
By Shaun Fuentes (Guardian).

Defender Mekeil Williams will head off to Guatemala to continue his club career once this country’s run at the CONCACAF Gold Cup ends later this month.

Having already played professionally in Denmark and Poland in the past, the W Connection player wants to keep adding experience to his name.

“It’s a good move for me at this time but I really want to keep pushing myself to get back into Europe. I think the stage is where a lot of players want to be on and I’ve had a chance to experience it already. Hopefully now with the time I am getting now with the senior team, it can help me move on to a higher level,” Williams said.

He wants to make his father and other family members look on proudly at his achievements.

“I’m trying to make them feel satisfied that I can reach somewhere. My dad always wanted to play the game but he didn’t get opportunities like me and now he’s living this chance through me so I have to keep setting goals and pushing myself to achieve them.”

Williams played for T&T at the 2009 FIFA U-20 World Cup in Egypt and wants to return to the World Cup stage alongside some of his longtime teammates who made the trip to the Pyramids with him like Kevin Molino, Aubrey David, Daneil Cyrus, Sheldon Bateau and others.

“Of course I have dreams to play in another World Cup. We have the qualifiers for Russia this year and I think if I can keep my level up and stay injury free then I would play a part in helping the country get to another World Cup,” Williams said.

Title: Re: Mekeil Williams eager to show his worth.
Post by: Controversial on July 09, 2015, 07:31:43 AM
I hope he is not victimized for playing well against guatamala..

I always worry about when players play against a country they are earning their living because I feel they don't play as hard... Jmo
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: asylumseeker on July 12, 2015, 06:58:50 PM
Mekeil, good shift today! :beermug:
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Flex on July 23, 2015, 01:59:11 AM
Guatemala splash.
T&T Express.

His 2015 CONCACAF Gold Cup adventure now over, Trinidad and Tobago defender Mekeil “Splash” Williams heads to Guatemala to pick up a new contract and hoping to make an impression.

Williams, who turns 25 tomorrow, is bound to get some stick when he lands in Guatemala to take up a new professional contract, Trinidad and Tobago having beaten Guatemala 3-1 at the Gold Cup tournament. It is his third overseas contract, having already played in the Polish first league (Pogon Szczecin) and Denmark’s (FC WYN) first division.

Former W Connection defender Williams is one of those who announced himself as a good Trinidad and Tobago player at the tournament. He still has much to learn and sometimes allowed opponents to get behind his back, like the opening goal against Mexico in their 4-4 group match draw.

Williams also marks from too far away at times, and on occasion puts too little pressure on opponents, allowing them to control easily, before he puts in the tackle.

But, who knew he could effectively play the left-back position, until giving an almost flawless showing in Trinidad and Tobago’s 2-0 win over Cuba. Williams has proven very capable in all positions across the backline. His W Connection coach Stuart Charles Fevrier thinks Williams definitely has what it takes to play international football.

“Over the last two years he has grown in terms of experience. He has definitely grown to be one of the best centre-backs in the country,” Fevrier said. “Mekeil was our last captain and he is a very steady player.”

W Connection owner David John Williams has been sending Williams all over the world seeking a good living at football. Now, he sends him to Guatemalan club Antigua FC. “His contract starts July 1,” John Williams said. “He signed a two-year contract but could only take it up after the Gold Cup.”

How does a Trinidad and Tobago defender end up in Guatemala. “They were looking for a centre-back and they contacted me. It was an opportunity for him to go out there and play at a higher level,” John Williams added. “Normally, players move to the MLS (Major League Soccer) easier from Guatemala than from Trinidad, so that was some of the thinking behind us sending him there. “They had been monitoring him. The last time they saw him was in the Panama game in Trinidad (in March).”

Johns Williams described Antigua as being at an ambitious club. “The top two teams in Guatemala is Communiciones and Municipal. Antigua had been looking for a centre back. They have been trying to push for a championship spot and at the same time qualify for the CONCACAF Champions League.”

Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on August 06, 2015, 06:39:59 PM
Defender Mekeil Williams has received clearance to play for Guatemalan club, Antigua GFC, and will be in contention to make his debut against Deportivo Petapa on Saturday.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tiresais on August 25, 2015, 06:46:30 AM
He's not the only Caribbean player out there - there's some other islanders whose names escape me.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dutty Love on September 30, 2015, 03:05:10 PM
Mekeil live now
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Flex on October 12, 2015, 01:58:33 AM
Williams happy with role in Warriors’ back four

TRINIDAD AND Tobago defender Mekeil Williams is keen to continue learning and growing in the role as left-back, even as he prepares for the national team’s friendly versus Nicaguara tomorrow evening and TT’s opening round World Cup qualifiers in November against Guatemala and United States.

The 25-year-old, who recently joined Guatemala first division side Antigua GFC, was known predominately as a central defender during his days at DIRECTV W Connection.

Speaking on Saturday evening at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, during the “Soca Warriors” first training session since returning from Panama, Williams articulated how he has been adjusting to the role.

“Left-back is a role I have played before and I’m accustomed playing, as a few times at club level and when I was a youngster,” said Williams.

“My team-mate Daniel Cyrus who plays right-back for the national team, despite also playing centrally at club level with me in our W Connection days, has given me some tips as to what coach wants in the role, so I am enjoying it.” National coach Stephen Hart first deployed Williams in the aforementioned position during the 2015 Gold Cup group match versus Cuba, and the versatile “two-footed” player noted he has no burning desire to play centrally for the national team.

“I’m fine continuously playing at left-back if Coach Hart requires that, I have no urgent need to play center-back. Overall, I’m just keen to continue growing and learning the role at international level, and for us a back four defence to get a better understanding of playing together.”

Since taking over as national coach in 2012, the left-back position has been the most unsettled position among the defence- with Joevin Jones, Aubrey David, Sheldon Bateau and Justin Hoyte used there at various points in Hart’s tenure.

Hart felt in four games so far, Williams has adapted well to what has been asked him.

“So far he’s been fine, we know he can play centre back but I like his two-footed ability and the more he gets accustomed to it, he will get better.” Hart continued: “In the situation, I can’t go out a buy a left-back like club football, so it’s great to have players like him that can play more than one position, because outside of goal-keepers, versatile players are going to be an asset for us heading in the qualifiers.” Hart concluded by stating he was grateful for these two friendlies to work on any kinks in the defence he observed during the Gold Cup and the Panama friendly.

“The back-line progression has gone well overall. We have not really had them as consistently as a group since the Gold Cup, for obvious reasons, so I’m very grateful for these games to work with them- to experiment and perfect tactical aspects of their play.

“We had had some problems defending out wide against Panama, but it’s best we have those problems now than later on,” concluded Hart.

Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dutty Love on October 17, 2015, 03:30:34 PM
Mekeil live now in a must win vs Guastatoya
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: kounty on October 17, 2015, 04:53:16 PM
I think this is the most yellow cards I ever see one team get.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dutty Love on October 31, 2015, 03:25:04 PM
Mekeil live vs Malacateco (Britto's former team) now:
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dutty Love on December 10, 2015, 07:43:43 PM
LIVE Mekeil Williams and Antigua GFC​ vs Comunicaciones in the Apertura 2015 first leg semifinal:
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dutty Love on December 13, 2015, 11:05:38 AM
Second leg live in 25 mins. Will Antigua make a historic final after 15 years?
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Trini _2026 on December 13, 2015, 12:22:14 PM
Second leg live in 25 mins. Will Antigua make a historic final after 15 years?

that league  has good crowd support
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dutty Love on December 13, 2015, 01:37:11 PM
It's Latin America, of course it does
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dutty Love on December 13, 2015, 03:49:54 PM
They are through. Antigua in the final for the first time since 2001.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: dreamer on December 14, 2015, 02:12:53 PM
Well done Mekeil. No doubt your solid defense work contributed to this landmark achievement
Keep soakin' in all these experiences so that you become an expert at defending against Central American teams.
Happy for you. Stay healthy and see you in pipin' hot form against Haiti on Jan 8, 2016 ... having accomplished another milestone .... having been paid by the new TTFA.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: gawd on pitch on December 14, 2015, 02:49:17 PM
Williams has the potential to be a boss player. His intimidating height will have any forward thinking twice about going in on 50/50 challenges.

Its a matter of time before he moves on to greener pastures. MLS?
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dutty Love on December 14, 2015, 09:34:30 PM
Good interest in MLS for Mekeil
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Majestic on December 15, 2015, 07:16:12 AM
Dutty Love, thanks for yuh consistent coverage of these men.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on December 20, 2015, 02:58:32 PM
Defender Mekeil Williams has won the 2015 Guatemalan Apertura Championship with Antigua GFC. This is Antigua’s first championship in its history, and now they have qualified for next year’s CONCACAF Champions League. Though Mekeil was suspended for the return leg of the final, his contribution throughout the season as been immense.

Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: fari on December 20, 2015, 04:28:21 PM
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: 100% Barataria on December 20, 2015, 05:02:03 PM
Enjoy your football baller :beermug:
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: dreamer on December 20, 2015, 06:22:14 PM
Well done Mekeil!
Tasting gold like this in a foreign country is a damn good habit.
Good for your CV. Your value is going up and yuh pipin' hot for Haiti on jan 8th if these kakaholes in TTFA get their act together
and doh sabotage our football.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: asylumseeker on December 21, 2015, 06:18:52 AM
Congrats to the player.  :beermug: He is thought highly of in Guatemala.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dutty Love on January 16, 2016, 08:01:28 PM
Live now vs Xelaju
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dutty Love on January 24, 2016, 10:39:38 AM
mekeil williams vs municipal in 45 mins kick off
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on January 27, 2016, 11:38:46 AM
Defender Mekeil Williams on the verge of signing for MLS club, Colorado Rapids (
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Mad Scorpion a/k/a Big Bo$$ on January 27, 2016, 12:35:00 PM
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: soccerman on January 27, 2016, 12:56:20 PM
Great news, all the best Mekeil!
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dynamite Warrior on January 27, 2016, 01:51:47 PM
Playing in central america seems to have benefitted our players. I noticed that Williams, Plaza, Marshall & David have the same agent. Hopefully some of our other players with Pan American Calcio take advantage of the Central American avenue instead of having their mind set on Europe.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on February 01, 2016, 11:41:26 AM
OFFICIAL: Defender Mekeil Williams has transferred to Colorado Rapids from Antigua GFC (
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Quags on February 01, 2016, 11:51:31 AM
Wow ppl seem really upset that he's gone , in the comments section .
btw do you think we should post this info in the rapids fan site , because I don't think that they know .
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dutty Love on February 01, 2016, 01:23:49 PM

Not sure where they get that he wasn't a starter in Antigua...

Also I am afraid they confuse the Guatemala league with the National team. Two different things. Antigua with Mekeil was better than the Rapids last season in terms of quality
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Mose on February 01, 2016, 01:30:29 PM
Wow ppl seem really upset that he's gone , in the comments section .
btw do you think we should post this info in the rapids fan site , because I don't think that they know .

Nah. Leh dem find out fuh deyself.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: fari on February 02, 2016, 09:05:07 PM
I ent see nutten about it on any rapids site or on their ig feed. i really hope he is here though as it is another incentive for me to go their games, haven't made it to one yet
Title: Colorado Rapids sign Trinidad and Tobago international defender Mekeil Williams
Post by: Tallman on February 04, 2016, 01:18:17 PM
Colorado Rapids sign Trinidad and Tobago international defender Mekeil Williams
Colorado Rapids Media Relation

Colorado Rapids announced today that the club has signed 25-year-old defender Mekeil Williams from Guatemalan side Antigua GFC. Williams will be added to the roster pending his medical and upon receipt of his International Transfer Certificate (ITC) and his P1 Visa.

“Mekeil is a player we have been tracking since Trinidad and Tobago’s successful run in the Gold Cup last year,” said Paul Bravo, Technical Director and VP of Soccer Operations. “So, when there was an opportunity, we decided to execute a permanent transfer with his club.

“Mekeil is starting to establish himself at international level. He will bring a versatility, athleticism and strong mentality to our backline. We are delighted to welcome him to our club."

Born in Port of Spain, Williams has appeared in 20 matches across all competitions for Antigua GFC, adding one goal in 1,524 minutes.

Williams began his professional career with Ma Pau SC of the TT Pro League in 2009 prior to signing with W Connection FC in 2011. Williams then joined Polish club Pogoń Szczecin on a five-month loan, appearing in nine matches and registering one goal. In 2012, he signed with FC Fyn of Denmark, seeing action in eight matches for the club. Williams returned to W Connection in 2013 and played in the Trinidad first division until his move to Antigua GFC last summer.

At the international level, Williams has represented Trinidad and Tobago 11 times and scored his only goal in his senior debut in a 3-2 loss against Finland on January 22, 2012. Williams appeared in three matches for the Soca Warriors in last year’s CONCACAF Gold Cup, including the quarterfinal loss against Panama.

The Rapids season starts on Sunday, March 6 at 1 p.m. MT on the road against San Jose Earthquakes, with the Home Opener at Dick's Sporting Goods Park against LA Galaxy on Saturday, March 12 at 5 p.m. MT. For more information or to purchase season tickets, click HERE or call 303-825-GOAL.

Transaction: Colorado Rapids (MLS) - Rapids sign defender Mekeil Williams as a Discovery Signing from Antigua GFC

Full Name: Mekeil Williams
Height: 6' 1”
Birth Date: July 24, 1990
Birthplace: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Previous Club: Antigua GFC
Twitter: @MekeilWilliams
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: palos on February 04, 2016, 01:22:20 PM
Great news!  Congrats to Mekeil and Colorado Rapids!
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Flex on February 04, 2016, 08:33:34 PM
Williams began his professional career with Ma Pau SC of the TT Pro League in 2009 prior to signing with W Connection FC in 2011.
Mekeil began his career with Jabloteh.


Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on February 05, 2016, 10:33:24 AM
WATCH: Mekeil Williams’ first interview after joining the Colorado Rapids (
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: fari on February 05, 2016, 11:10:51 AM
well is now self i rolling to the rapids games with a big Caribbean posse...welcome to the Mile High Mekeil!! :wavetowel:
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Peong on February 05, 2016, 03:11:56 PM
Title: Mekeil 'Splash' Williams hoping to make waves with the Colorado Rapids in MLS
Post by: Tallman on March 10, 2016, 12:31:09 PM
Mekeil 'Splash' Williams hoping to make waves with the Colorado Rapids in MLS
By Richard Clarke (

Trinidad and Tobago international defender, Mekeil Williams, is looking forward to his first taste of MLS, having played soccer in Poland and Guatemala. Richard Clarke sat down with the offseason signing, and discovered that soccer was a passion from a very young age.

Tell us why you’re called Mekeil “Splash” Williams.

Splash was the nickname of my father. Some of the older guys that knew him started calling me 'Young Splash', and after a while, the name just stuck with me. I have no idea why they called him Splash but they still call me by that name.

Tell us about your football career so far.

For me, it has been awesome. It’s all been a learning experience and I think it helped to shape the player that I am today. Starting off in Trinidad, you had to learn how to be a professional and what it takes to be a professional. Moving on to Poland, I was taking it to a higher level. I’m going to continue and go from strength to strength. It’s all just been amazing.

What was it like growing up in Trinidad as a footballer?

For me, I’ve been playing soccer since I was a young kid. I would wake up in the morning and start playing in the yard by myself and the neighbors would come play and start making so much noise. One day my father took me to play in a youth league in the Savannah [Park], and I just continued from there. For me, I was told that it came naturally to me. I always loved it, I enjoyed it. I just continued going from strength to strength to the school’s league and then professionally. For me, it just came naturally.

When you were younger playing with your friends who did you pretend to be? Which player?

I liked Ronaldinho a lot. I don’t know why really. For me, he was just different class. He would stand out among his peers so easily. He was just amazing and I always liked him.

How much pride do you have in playing for your country’s national team?

For a long while, I’ve been looking forward to getting into the team and to try and establish myself and become a starter. As a young kid growing up, that was one of the goals that I had set for myself; to be a national player and to continue to do that.

What was your first reaction when you heard the Rapids were interested in you?

To be honest, I was really excited because I’ve been looking forward to coming to MLS. It happened so suddenly and caught me off guard, but all in all, I was excited. I’m looking forward to it.

How has preseason been for you?

Preseason has been great. The team has been doing well. We’ve been working on pressing when we lose the ball to recover the ball. We’ll clean up when we have the ball and are playing and being confident. The intensity and everything has been great.

How does your size help your ability to play as a fullback?

Most wingers are small and crafty so sometimes I have the edge on them when it comes to strength and height or winning the ball out of the air over them. It’s an advantage for me sometimes.

Do you see yourself as an offensive left back or a defensive left back?

I would see myself as a more defensive left back, but at times I do get forward. I get forward sometimes in attack.

Have you got targets for this season?

Definitely. I think each player needs to set targets for themselves. Being a newcomer to the league, I would like to see myself as a starter getting a couple of games in, and just try to establish myself as a good player.

How much did you know about MLS before you came?

I watched the league. I have a couple of friends who have been playing in the league before so I’ve been following the league. I see a lot of top players coming to the league right now. So I’ve been interested in the league and I’ve been following it.

Are you good friends with (Seattle's) Joevin Jones?

Yeah, definitely.

What did he and your other friends in the league say when you told them you were coming to MLS?

They were excited for me. They’ve been telling me to come over. We knew it was going to be fun to play against each other again. I’ve played with Joevin at W Connection and the national team. I’ve played against (San Jose's) Cordell Cato, so it’s just really fun for us and he was excited also and looking forward to it. I’ve played with [Kevin] Molino (Orlando City SC). The first contract I signed in a league, we signed together with Ma Pau. So we started off together playing as young kids and just continued to grow in the game and ourselves. For me and for them, it was exciting for me to get over here.

Have you had a chance to settle in Denver yet?

I’ve been to Denver for like two or three days. I haven’t really settled in and seen much, but I’m looking forward to settling in as soon as possible.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: fari on March 10, 2016, 06:19:25 PM
Splash oui lol...i like that nickname...i really need to buy some tix to see the rapids this season, the team have a buzz around them this year jed
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: fari on March 13, 2016, 09:33:34 PM
Rapids beat Galaxy yesterday by a last minute goal scored by #10 Pappa...Splash play on the right (much to my surprise) and he was solid but you could see he is a left footer...he did split two men late in the game, the crowd bawl oui lol
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dutty Love on March 14, 2016, 06:42:09 AM
Mekeil is naturally right footed. Watch when he takes penalties :)
Title: Mekeil Williams named to MLS Team of the Week
Post by: Tallman on March 15, 2016, 09:08:51 AM
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Mad Scorpion a/k/a Big Bo$$ on March 15, 2016, 10:46:57 AM
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Mose on March 15, 2016, 11:46:15 AM
Wow! Wasn't expecting that!  :applause:
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: soccerman on March 15, 2016, 11:52:14 AM
Well done Mekeil! Off to a terrific start.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: asylumseeker on March 15, 2016, 03:02:28 PM
Well done Mekeil! Off to a terrific start.

Ditto. Ent. :applause:
Title: Rapids defender Mekeil Williams stuck in Trinidad and Tobago with visa issue
Post by: Tallman on April 07, 2016, 11:51:37 AM
Rapids defender Mekeil Williams stuck in Trinidad and Tobago with visa issue
By Daniel Boniface (The Denver Post)

The Colorado Rapids are without defender Mekeil Williams who remained in Trinidad and Tobago after last week's World Cup qualifying match due to a visa issue.

"We're still trying to figure out his visa issues," Rapids coach Pablo Mastroeni said Thursday.

The Rapids said there was a small administrative delay in getting Williams' P1 visa.

Williams was called up to Trinidad and Tobago's national team during the March 21-29 FIFA window. Williams played 90 minutes as a midfielder in a 6-0 win over St. Vincent and the Grenadines on March 29 in Port of Spain, Trinidad.

The 6-foot-1, 180-pound defender missed the Rapids April 2 game against Toronto FC.

If Williams is unavailable Saturday against Real Salt Lake, Colorado would only have four healthy defenders in uniform — Axel Sjoberg, Bobby Burling, Eric Miller and Marc Burch. Jared Watts (hamstring), Marlon Hairston (hamstring) and Sean St. Ledger (knee) are not expected to be available.

Williams was named on the MLS team of the week in Week 2 after a strong defensive performance in his Rapids debut against Los Angeles Galaxy.

Williams has appeared in two games for Colorado, playing the full 90 minutes in each. It was not clear when he would rejoin the club.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Mose on April 07, 2016, 11:53:01 AM
Ah was wondering how come he didn't make the team sheet for the Toronto game.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: asylumseeker on April 07, 2016, 12:41:53 PM
This happens too frequently not to be critical of the personnel that handle these procedures.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: frico on April 07, 2016, 01:45:20 PM
MLS bosses are finding out who the best footballers are in the Caribbean,very soon more than half of our squad will be out deh,long may it continue,some will eventually come to Europe.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Sando on April 08, 2016, 05:03:48 AM
Rapids defender Mekeil Williams waiting for P1 visa to arrive in mail in Trinidad.
By Daniel Boniface (The Denver Post).

Colorado Rapids defender experiences delay getting P1 visa

COMMERCE CITY — The Colorado Rapids are without defender Mekeil Williams, who remained in Trinidad and Tobago after last week's World Cup qualifying match because of a small administrative delay with his work visa.

"We're still trying to figure out his visa issues," Rapids coach Pablo Mastroeni said Thursday.

Inshan "Flex" Mohammed, who runs Trinidad soccer website, told the Denver Post on Thursday that Williams' P1 visa was approved, but he was waiting for it to arrive by mail. The Rapids confirmed Mohammed's report. Mohammed said mail service in Trinidad is slower than in the U.S.

Williams was called up to Trinidad and Tobago's national team during the March 21-29 FIFA window. Williams played 90 minutes in a 6-0 win over St. Vincent and the Grenadines on March 29 in Port of Spain, Trinidad.

The 6-foot-1, 180-pound defender missed the Rapids' game last Saturday against Toronto FC.

If Williams is unavailable Saturday against Real Salt Lake, Colorado would only have four healthy defenders in uniform — Axel Sjoberg, Bobby Burling, Eric Miller and Marc Burch. Jared Watts (hamstring), Marlon Hairston (hamstring) and Sean St. Ledger (knee) are not expected to be available.

Williams was named to the MLS team of the week in Week 2 after a strong defensive performance in his Rapids debut against the Los Angeles Galaxy.

Williams has appeared in two games for Colorado, playing the full 90 minutes in each.

Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: royal on April 08, 2016, 05:37:21 AM
Flex yuh laaarge  ;D
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: 100% Barataria on April 08, 2016, 06:11:12 AM
and in charge  :beermug:
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: soccerman on April 08, 2016, 07:44:03 AM
Flex that was your opportunity to say "Mekeil should receive his visa soon and will be back with the Rapids in the fullness of time" :D
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Flex on April 08, 2016, 08:28:36 AM
Flex that was your opportunity to say "Mekeil should receive his visa soon and will be back with the Rapids in the fullness of time" :D


Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Rastaman on April 09, 2016, 11:01:32 AM
Nice to know that the problem was not caused by any football administrative problems. SWO needs now to take over TTPost  ;D
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: soccerman on April 15, 2016, 08:49:18 AM
Anyone knows if he got his vizay yet?
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Mose on April 15, 2016, 10:07:16 AM
Anyone knows if he got his vizay yet?
I believe he was on the bench for Wednesday's game.

Edit: Just checked. He started the game on the bench and subbed on in the 69th minute.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: soccerman on April 15, 2016, 10:22:35 AM
Anyone knows if he got his vizay yet?
I believe he was on the bench for Wednesday's game.

Edit: Just checked. He started the game on the bench and subbed on in the 69th minute.
Ok good. I didn't even know they played on Wednesday but glad it's resolved.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: weary1969 on April 15, 2016, 10:31:58 AM
Nice to know that the problem was not caused by any football administrative problems. SWO needs now to take over TTPost  ;D

Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: fari on April 16, 2016, 08:11:36 PM
Where in the defense does he play ? hope it's full back, preferably right side, where we're lacking.

for us he plays lb for the rapids he plays rb...he just provided an assist for jermaine jones btw
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Mad Scorpion a/k/a Big Bo$$ on April 18, 2016, 12:18:15 PM
Where in the defense does he play ? hope it's full back, preferably right side, where we're lacking.

for us he plays lb for the rapids he plays rb...he just provided an assist for jermaine jones btw

 :rotfl: Yuh on drugs ah wha fari?  Yuh quoting and answering a post that over 4 years old like it fresh?  Furthermore when last yuh see just cool on here?
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: lefty on April 18, 2016, 12:28:36 PM
Does dis qualify as ah DavyJenny moment.... We doh get too much ah dem no more

talking bout , Davy doh brave dese parts no more see he since d important news announcement..... it have man growing cobweb waiting for dat.

Sent from my BLU ADVANCE 4.0 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Mad Scorpion a/k/a Big Bo$$ on April 18, 2016, 12:56:13 PM
Does dis qualify as ah DavyJenny moment.... We doh get too much ah dem no more

talking bout , Davy doh brave dese parts no more see he since d important news announcement..... it have man growing cobweb waiting for dat.

Sent from my BLU ADVANCE 4.0 using Tapatalk

Daiz ah sure DavyJenny nomination fuh fari lol
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: maxg on April 18, 2016, 02:18:32 PM
Does dis qualify as ah DavyJenny moment.... We doh get too much ah dem no more

talking bout , Davy doh brave dese parts no more see he since d important news announcement..... it have man growing cobweb waiting for dat.

Sent from my BLU ADVANCE 4.0 using Tapatalk

Daiz ah sure DavyJenny nomination fuh fari lol
2nd dat
Title: Mekeil Williams, Rapids defense hold strong in difficult conditions
Post by: Tallman on April 18, 2016, 02:58:51 PM
Mekeil Williams, Rapids defense hold strong in difficult conditions
By Brian Jennings (

On a tough night for both sides, Rapids defender Mekeil Williams went 96 minutes against the New York Red Bulls after finally arriving back in Colorado due to Visa issues at home in Trinidad & Tobago. Slotting in at right back, Williams admitted that play was difficult for both teams with the blanketing snow, swirling wind, and an increasingly icy pitch. Adaptation was the key.

“To be honest, in these kinds of conditions, I don’t think anybody has an advantage,” Williams explained to Current of Colorado for attacking or defending. “You just got to be really focused and really positive in what you do. You’ve got to focus more on your position. As a defender, you’ve got to always be covering in these kind of conditions because there’s always going to be flick-ons and somebody might miss, so you gotta focus on cover. It’s communication. One guy’s going up, and he’s not going to see what’s going on behind him. The guy closest to him has to communicate and let him know what is going on around him.”

That communication and cover was evident all night as Colorado defenders Marc Burch, Bobby Burling, Eric Miller, and Williams were extremely solid and careful not to let much behind them. “Tonight the team had a great game. The guys came out and gave a great effort, everybody was willing to work and do the job the team needed,” Williams said. Fulfilling attacking duties near the right corner flag, Williams provided the service for Jermaine Jones’ first Rapids goal.

Marco Pappa started the sequence with a nifty bit of skill. The Guatemalan raced into the crowded corner to receive a throw-in from Williams, draw two defenders with the ball, and release the T&T defender within the clump of four Red Bulls in the corner. Williams drilled a neat ball low in the penalty area where Jones struck it inside the left post.

“I think in the first half there was a lot of great combination play down the right side,” said head coach Pablo Mastroeni. “As a coach, sometimes you kind of wince when Marco [Pappa] slows the ball down and does his magic. I think that first goal came from his ability to hold the ball up and play Mekeil in.”

Things cooled down in the second half, a bit too literally according to Williams. This is when Colorado’s defense stuck together, but still the Red Bulls hit the equalizer off of a second ball coming from a refried corner kick.

Williams and his backline mates stayed calm, though, and were able to clear away anything too threatening from the visitors. “The second half it was a little bit icy. You need to take a few steps off because it’s going to be dangerous with balls in behind,” Williams said. “So we just stepped back a bit and let them play in front of us.”
Title: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: FireBrand on May 16, 2016, 03:41:21 PM
Mekeil has been named on the MLS team of the week for the second time this season. (
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: gawd on pitch on May 16, 2016, 05:58:02 PM
I'm not surprised. He will continue to get better and better. Definitely one of the top defenders in the MLS.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Peong on May 16, 2016, 06:39:28 PM
Nice!  :applause:
He was mixing it up with Drogba a couple weeks back without a problem.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: fari on May 19, 2016, 07:28:44 PM
Yeah he balling. Rapids playing with real heart this year too
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Mose on June 10, 2016, 10:41:49 AM
Mekeil and the Rapids defense getting some support despite the all-star snub.
All-Star XI: Not Enough Love For Colorado Rapids Defense
On to the back four... I still haven't quite gotten over the fact that I couldn't vote to send Bobby Burling or Mekeil Williams to San Jose. My eyes tell me Williams has suffered a dip in form over the past two games, most often just falling asleep on defense at the wrong times (see the stoppage time goal against Philadelphia Union.) However, he has been consistently potent going forward, as evidenced by his two assists, and he has been very solid defensively over the course of the season. He is first in the league among fullbacks with 1.5 blocked passes per game, in addition to leading the league in blocked shots, with 1.7 per game. He is number one again in tackles per game with 3.7, and is one of only two full backs in MLS with more than one assist this season. He has been a massive contributor in a demanding role on the best defense and winningest team in the league, and he should be a lock for the All-Star game starting XI, let alone a nominee fans may vote for.

From what I've seen so far, the comments on this article are in agreement.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: palos on July 09, 2016, 08:15:23 PM
Watching Mekeil Williams against the Whitecaps now.  Will see how he does
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: palos on July 09, 2016, 08:18:35 PM
And he promptly gets beaten last post for Vancouver to score.

Poor defending
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: palos on July 09, 2016, 08:38:36 PM
2 nice crosses from Williams result in 2 good chances for the Rapids. Good job going forward
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: palos on July 09, 2016, 10:19:35 PM
Game ends up 2-2 with Rapids scoring in the last minute of extra time down a man to equalize.

Sold game overall for Williams not withstanding the poor positioning for vancouver's opening goal
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: asylumseeker on December 21, 2016, 08:18:42 PM
Well, Coaches Saintfiet, Latas and Shabazz light de match so ah might as well fling in de kerosene:

The following excerpt is hot off the press (pun intended)

Mekeil Williams - 5 (6.27): Williams was a disappointment for me this season. He came in with high expectations and showed some good things, but as the season went along he became more lackadaisical. The Trinidad & Tobago defender will need to refocus this off-season to try and get some playing time in 2017.

Could there be a reasonable conclusion other than Saintfiet is an arsonist?

That's the burning question.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Controversial on December 21, 2016, 09:27:52 PM
Well, Coaches Saintfiet, Latas and Shabazz light de match so ah might as well fling in de kerosene:

The following excerpt is hot off the press (pun intended)

Mekeil Williams - 5 (6.27): Williams was a disappointment for me this season. He came in with high expectations and showed some good things, but as the season went along he became more lackadaisical. The Trinidad & Tobago defender will need to refocus this off-season to try and get some playing time in 2017.

Could there be a reasonable conclusion other than Saintfiet is an arsonist?

That's the burning question.

Dante maybe? Or he loves to select squads based on others opinions...
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: pull stones on December 22, 2016, 08:59:40 AM
Well, Coaches Saintfiet, Latas and Shabazz light de match so ah might as well fling in de kerosene:

The following excerpt is hot off the press (pun intended)

Mekeil Williams - 5 (6.27): Williams was a disappointment for me this season. He came in with high expectations and showed some good things, but as the season went along he became more lackadaisical. The Trinidad & Tobago defender will need to refocus this off-season to try and get some playing time in 2017.

Could there be a reasonable conclusion other than Saintfiet is an arsonist?

That's the burning question.
what else can you expect when you are distracted with the bashment life style and boat rides. these Trinidad players seem to get complaisant when they are shown the littlest of attention, for instance kenwin jones.

This feller came into the premier league pipping hot and was given all sorts of generous accolades by the media and was being compared to drogba and so forth, but what happened the next season saw Roy Keene livid with his top scorers lack of enthusiasm.

Jones was basically disinterested after the first season and could often be seen walking around the pitch cordial like he's won every thing there is to be won and was bored stiff as a legendary player at the tail end of an illustrious career. the same could be said for guerra and peltier, their names were mentioned a few times in the media as being players to look out for in the future but soon found themselves under performing as though they already made the big bucks and were financially secured.

I don't know where these guys got this unproductive mentality from but it's hurting Trinidad football in a serious way. mikeil should be bussing his buns working on his craft but instead took the season off after a few good performances. what a waste.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Mad Scorpion a/k/a Big Bo$$ on December 22, 2016, 09:08:10 AM
Well, Coaches Saintfiet, Latas and Shabazz light de match so ah might as well fling in de kerosene:

The following excerpt is hot off the press (pun intended)

Mekeil Williams - 5 (6.27): Williams was a disappointment for me this season. He came in with high expectations and showed some good things, but as the season went along he became more lackadaisical. The Trinidad & Tobago defender will need to refocus this off-season to try and get some playing time in 2017.

Could there be a reasonable conclusion other than Saintfiet is an arsonist?

That's the burning question.
what else can you expect when you are distracted with the bashment life style and boat rides. these Trinidad players seem to get complaisant when they are shown the littlest of attention, for instance kenwin jones.

This feller came into the premier league pipping hot and was given all sorts of generous accolades by the media and was being compared to drogba and so forth, but what happened the next season saw Roy Keene livid with his top scorers lack of enthusiasm.

Jones was basically disinterested after the first season and could often be seen walking around the pitch cordial like he's won every thing there is to be won and was bored stiff as a legendary player at the tail end of an illustrious career. the same could be said for guerra and peltier, their names were mentioned a few times in the media as being players to look out for in the future but soon found themselves under performing as though they already made the big bucks and were financially secured.

I don't know where these guys got this unproductive mentality from but it's hurting Trinidad football in a serious way. mikeil should be bussing his buns working on his craft but instead took the season off after a few good performances. what a waste.

Dan you from Trinbago?  Daiz ah rell serious question eh because to be from T&T and doh know where that mentality come from yuh either ha to be blind or retarded.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Dinner Mints on December 22, 2016, 10:12:33 AM
... for instance kenwin jones.

This feller came into the premier league pipping hot and was given all sorts of generous accolades by the media and was being compared to drogba and so forth, but what happened the next season saw Roy Keene livid with his top scorers lack of enthusiasm.

Jones was basically disinterested after the first season and could often be seen walking around the pitch cordial like he's won every thing there is to be won and was bored stiff as a legendary player at the tail end of an illustrious career.

I'd say Kenwyne 'walking around' came after he mash up his knee and had to change his game.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: asylumseeker on January 01, 2017, 10:49:41 PM
Could the non-selection of this baller have stepped on some toes?
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: asylumseeker on June 02, 2017, 12:11:30 PM
WATCH Mekeil Williams discusses the WCQ versus the US and his wager with Tim Howard.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Jefferz on October 04, 2017, 09:39:56 PM

Mikeil put in a lovely cross for an assistant in his last game and he was part of some incisive build up leading to the winning goal. Good stuff from our boy. Molino obviously did well in his game and Joevin set up a sit for one of his strikers in his match. He look a little lethargic defending as a winger though.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on November 27, 2017, 09:51:32 PM
Defender Mekeil Williams released by Colorado Rapids. (
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on January 23, 2018, 02:06:05 PM
Defender Mekeil Williams joins Houston Dynamo for pre-season training with the aim of earning a permanent contract (
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Deeks on January 23, 2018, 04:01:46 PM
Good luck
Title: Richmond Kickers sign Mekeil Williams
Post by: Tallman on February 16, 2018, 02:26:16 PM
Richmond Kickers sign Mekeil Williams
By Patrick Wood (

The Richmond Kickers are pleased to announce that Trinidad & Tobago International and former Colorado Rapids defender Mekeil Williams has signed for the 2018 season, pending USL and USSF approval.
Williams joined the Colorado Rapids of Major League Soccer in 2016 and made 38 appearances and logged 2,865 minutes over two seasons.  Earning 17 caps for Trinidad & Tobago, he most recently appeared in two 2018 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers against Panama and Mexico.  Previously, he appeared in three games for the Soca Warriors in the 2015 CONCACAF Gold Cup, including the quarterfinal loss to Panama.
Born in Port of Spain, Williams appeared in 20 matches over two seasons with Guatemalan side Antigua GFC, adding one goal in 1,524 minutes.  He began his professional career with Ma Pau SC of the TT Pro League in 2009 prior to signing with W Connection FC in 2011. Williams then joined Polish club Pogoń Szczecin on a five-month loan, appearing in nine matches and registering one goal. In 2012, he signed with FC Fyn of Denmark, seeing action in eight matches for the club. Williams returned to W Connection in 2013 and played in the Trinidad first division until his move to Antigua GFC in 2015.
Williams joins 18 players currently under contract including Sam Bacon, Matt Bolduc, Heviel Cordovés, Kent Dickey, Giuseppe Gentile, Raul Gonzalez, Yudai Imura, Alex Lee, Luiz Fernando, Fred Owusu Sekyere, Mallan Roberts, Conor Shanosky, Brian Shriver, Braeden Troyer, Oscar Umar, Finnlay Wyatt, Austin Yearwood and William Yomby.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: asylumseeker on April 28, 2018, 12:37:19 PM

In action Wednesday, April 25, 2018 versus Toronto II (Richmond Times-Dispatch).
Title: Training Day: Mekeil Williams
Post by: Tallman on May 25, 2018, 04:19:52 PM
Training Day: Mekeil Williams
By Cory Van Dyke and Holden Andrews (

Using a calm demeanor off the field but a fiery mentality on the field, Mekeil Williams has become a staple for the Richmond Kickers defense in 2018.

The Trinidadian center back began his professional career with Ma Pau SC of the TT Pro League in 2009. Williams spent the past two years with the Colorado Rapids of the MLS before joining the Kickers this season.

In an interview below, Williams talks about his time in Colorado, how he's enjoying Richmond, and how he's finding joy in professional soccer.

"Playing in Colorado was great. The first year we did really well. We made it to the Western Conference finals. We had a pretty good season and beat some of the top teams. It was a good experience for me that I enjoyed a lot."

"It’s been good in Richmond so far. I like the fans and the city is good. It’s kind of quiet. The team is gelling. Everyone is starting to come together. We’re starting to put together some good performances and getting some wins, so it’s been good."

"We have pretty good chemistry. Everyone has a good friendship. We get together well in the locker room. It’s good and it’s starting to show on the field."

"We mostly just work on what the coach wants us to work on going into the game on the weekend. Looking at what the other team likes to do, how we can close them down, and how we should break them down. We mostly just work on the opponents and how we can defeat them."

"It’s everything I thought it would be and more. Football is the only thing that gives me joy really. That’s what I love doing and that’s my passion. Just being able to come in and do that everyday as a job, that’s an actual joy for me."
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on January 08, 2019, 12:51:09 PM
Energy FC sign Trinidad and Tobago International, MLS veteran Mekeil Williams
By Tyler Vaughn (

Energy FC have signed defender Mekeil Williams, Head Coach Steve Cooke announced today. Williams joins the club after spending 2018 with the Richmond Kickers, where he made 27 appearances, 111 clearances and had a 66.7% tackle success rate.

Williams and Cooke know each other well from their time at Colorado Rapids from 2016-2017, where Williams made 38 appearances for the MLS club.

In addition to playing in the top flight in the United States, Williams has featured for the Trinidad and Tobago national team on 20 occasions, scoring one goal for his home country and helping the Soca Warriors advance to the quarterfinals of the 2015 CONCACAF Gold Cup. Williams also earned caps against the United States men’s national team in World Cup qualifiers from 2015-18.

“He’s a player who is very versatile”, said Cooke. “He can play center back; he can play right back, he plays left back. I think having players of that experience and that quality who can also play in a couple of different positions really helps in USL in terms of building your roster. He’s another player who is very hard-working. Sometimes, that is not always seen because he’s got a fairly laid back personality. But his work ethic is terrific and I think he’s somebody who will certainly add to the group. Not only as a quality player but I think he’s going to be a fun guy to be around for everybody.”

Energy FC begin the 2019 season on the road against expansion club El Paso Locomotive FC Saturday, March 9. The first home match will be against Las Vegas Lights FC Saturday, March 16 at Taft Stadium.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on August 17, 2019, 08:27:51 AM
WATCH: Mekeil Williams scores his first goal for Oklahoma City Energy FC in their 4-2 come-from-behind win against Portland Timbers 2.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on January 07, 2020, 07:35:38 PM
Defender Mekeil Williams joins Guatemala powerhouse club, CSD Municipal. This is Mekeil's second stint in Guatemala, having played with and won the Apertura Championship with Antigua GFC in 2015/16.


Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: asylumseeker on January 08, 2020, 09:58:48 AM
I like the move.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on March 10, 2020, 03:37:25 PM
WATCH: Mekeil Williams talks about his childhood in Trinidad and Tobago, playing in Denmark and Poland, how he signed for Antigua GFC and C.S.D. Municipal, playing in the MLS and USL, racism in football, what he still wants to accomplish in the sport, and much more.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on November 19, 2020, 05:49:48 PM
WATCH: Defender Mekeil Williams joins National Senior team training
Title: Defender Mekeil Williams focusing on reclaiming his place in new set-up
Post by: Tallman on November 21, 2020, 08:06:21 AM
Defender Mekeil Williams focusing on reclaiming his place in new set-up
By Ian Prescott (T&T Express)

Back in training with the Trinidad and Tobago senior men’s national team, Mekeil Williams feels the time is ripe to re-focus, both for himself and for football in T&T as a whole.

Williams’ comment came on November 19, the day when FIFA lifted its brief suspension of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA), giving the senior men’s team the opportunity to compete in important qualifying tournaments next year.

With Trinidad and Tobago not having played since a 4-0 CONCACAF Nations League defeat to Honduras a year ago, and no local football taking place since quarantine restrictions were imposed in March, to battle the Covid-19 outbreak, Williams knows the difficulty of the upcoming task in 2021, when the “Soca Warriors” enter qualification for the 2021 CONCACAF Gold Cup and the Qatar 2022 World Cup.

“It will be a challenge definitely. I think we just have to focus and put our best foot forward because its not going to be easy,” declared Williams. “Everybody has to focus, come together, focus on the task at hand, and just get things going.”

Since leaving W Connection in 2012, Williams, 30, has played in Denmark, with two Guatemalan clubs, and in both the top flight Major League Soccer (MLS) and the second tier United Soccer League (USL) in the United States.

Known as “Splash”, Williams filled a regular spot at left-back in the senior national team and was part of coach Stephen Hart’s exciting 2015 CONCACAF Gold Cup outfit which reached the quarter-final stage and featured in a thrilling 4-4 draw with Mexico, before going out to Panama on penalty kicks.

However, in recent times, Williams has had less of a permanent grip on the left-back position, with the likes of Neveal Hackshaw, the versatile Aubrey David, Tristan Hodge and Keston Julien, all vying for the spot.

Williams has just returned from the USA, after leaving his Guatemalan club Municipal when the Covid-19 pandemic hit in March. “When the pandemic first struck I was in Guatemala. At the time, with the uncertainty and not knowing what was going to take place, I had to make the decision,” Williams said.

“So I took the opportunity to go to the USA, because I know it would have been easier to come home from there, and just ride it out until I got the opportunity to get home.”

For Williams, 2021 is a big year for football and one in which he hopes to cement a spot in national coach Terry Fenwick’s squad for the two upcoming tournaments. He know that he has to put in the work.

“Right now, at the moment, I am definitely unfit. So, I know I have some work to do to get back up to fitness,” Williams said. “I think with a lil’ time, I’ll get there.”
Title: Pittsburgh Riverhounds SC sign Mekeil Williams
Post by: Tallman on March 10, 2021, 03:32:19 PM
Pittsburgh Riverhounds SC sign Mekeil Williams
By Riverhounds Staff

Pittsburgh Riverhounds SC has added another veteran to its defensive group, signing Mekeil Williams to a one-year contract with a club option for 2022, pending USL and USSF approval.

Williams, 30, is a Trinidad and Tobago international whose club career has included stops in MLS with the Colorado Rapids and the USL with both the Richmond Kickers and Oklahoma City Energy. "Mekeil is a quality defender who can play anywhere across the back line," Riverhounds head coach Bob Lilley said. "He is comfortable on the ball and is a seasoned pro who will add composure and leadership to our roster. We are excited to have Mekeil joining the Pittsburgh Riverhounds for the 2021 USL Championship season."

A 6-foot-1 defender, Williams most recently played for top Guatemalan side Municipal. He signed with the club in December 2019 and made 12 appearances in what ended up being a Covid-shortened season. Williams' experience in the U.S. includes spending 2016-17 with the Rapids, for whom he made a total of 38 league appearances. Williams then moved to USL with the Kickers in 2018, twice suiting up against the Riverhounds that season, and with the Energy in 2019, making a total of 55 USL appearances.

Before coming to the U.S., Williams' career included a stint in Guatemala, stops with clubs in Poland and Denmark, and time at home in Trinidad and Tobago's Pro League, where he made his professional debut in 2009 and helped his side, W Connection, win the title in 2014.

Williams has made 36 appearances for Trinidad & Tobago, appearing in both the 2015 and 2019 Gold Cup and FIFA World Cup qualifiers for the Soca Warriors. He also scored on his international debut in 2012 in a friendly against Finland.

The Riverhounds now have 16 players under contract for the 2021 USL Championship season, with players slated to arrive to start preseason at the end of March and the regular season scheduled to kick off in early May.

Players currently under contract:

Forwards - Russell Cicerone, Albert Dikwa, Alex Dixon, Josh Gatt

Midfielders - Danny Griffin, Kenardo Forbes, Louis Perez, Anthony Velarde, Todd Wharton

Defenders - Ezra Armstrong, Jordan Dover, Preston Kilwien, Dani Rovira, Mekeil Williams

Goalkeepers - Chris Morrish, Danny Vitiello
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Peong on March 11, 2021, 08:15:16 AM
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on July 31, 2021, 08:49:41 PM
WATCH: Mekeil Williams provides the pinpoint cross to setup Pittsburgh Riverhounds' first goal in their 3-1 come-from-behind win against Hartford Athletic.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on August 20, 2022, 09:27:22 PM
WATCH: Mekeil Williams' first USL Championship goal since 2019 earns Pittsburgh Riverhounds a 2-2 draw with New York Red Bulls II.
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on March 02, 2023, 01:23:43 PM
Chattanooga Red Wolves sign defender Mekeil Williams
By Bill Powell (

The Chattanooga Red Wolves are pleased to announce the signing of veteran defender Mekeil Williams for the 2023 USL League One season. Transaction pending league and federation approval.

Williams brings a wealth of experience to the Chattanooga Red Wolves roster having appeared 38 times for the Colorado Rapids in the MLS. In addition to playing in the top flight in the United States, Williams has appeared for the Trinidad and Tobago national team on 36 occasions, including two Gold Cups. Williams also was featured in two matchups against the United States men’s national team in World Cup qualifiers from 2015-2018.

Williams’ professional career has included stops in the USL Championship with the Richmond Kickers, Oklahoma City Energy and Pittsburgh Riverhounds, Guatemalan powerhouse CSD Municipal and Ma Pau in Trinidad and Tobago.

“Mekeil brings us a level of experience that we’ve been looking for this season,” said Chattanooga Red Wolves GM & President Sean McDaniel. “His time in the MLS & USL Championship combined with his international experience gives us a veteran leader important to the success of the team this year.”

For Chattanooga Red Wolves Head Coach Ziggy Korytoski, Williams will be an important piece for the 2023 roster. “I have known Mekeil from his time down in Guatemala,” said Korytoski. “He has had a really solid career with a lot of success. He is another defender that gives us a ton of experience in the locker room and on the field. He’s versatile and can play on the left, right or centrally. We are very fortunate he is joining our squad and I am looking forward to working with him this year.”

Williams hopes to make a big impact with the club. “I want to win the League One championship, and be a great leader and influence the team positively on and off the field,” said Williams. “I’m happy to be a part of the team, excited to get started and we will need all the fans’ support as we try to win this championship.”
Title: Re: Mekeil Williams Thread
Post by: Tallman on September 06, 2023, 06:23:07 AM
Defender Mekeil Williams first goal of the season is the game-winner for Chattanooga Red Wolves SC in their 3-1 come-from-behind win against Forward Madison FC
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