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Messages - choko

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What about Track & Field / Re: 2017 Outdoor Results for T&T Athletes
« on: August 13, 2017, 07:07:15 PM »
This crap has to stop he should be banned .  He had no grounds.  The man is the worst of all our runners. Why does management allow him to always get away with this crap. Is this one athlete who is the slowest have so much clout.  Naaa management  Country  over individuals.  This guy had proven over and over again it is all about him and not about our country it is time we ban him

You're entitled to your opinion. You must run in his shoes sometime. And in the shoes of other athletes as well. And be responsible for team selection and management.

On a phone typing slow. We win and you're still asking why. I'm not banning anyone! He did not burn the flag! Management has to manage. He did his best once he was on the track.

What about Track & Field / Re: 2017 Outdoor Results for T&T Athletes
« on: August 13, 2017, 06:44:21 PM »
Question for management.  Why did Solomon run the first leg.  Is Quow injured or something.  Cause that decision could of cost Gold.  A similar instance happened in World relays when we replaced Lendore for Solomon and went downhill.

no one was injured ;) just a temper tantrum by someone who placed 4th at trials who thought they deserved to run the finals over Quow and he showed how much he DID NOT deserve it with a 46.1 split !

Let's celebrate the win and keep the good vibrations going. The high road is always the best road!

Generally I agree with you. However, there are fairly decent incentives for corporate sponsorships based on tax relief. A major problem is when a government entity is part of the sponsorship that entity wants pride of place. So it crowds out the value for the private sponsors.

Unless there is a personal connection any approach to the private sector usually results in a derisory offer. The situation is not helped by the fact that the entertainment sector outside of sports is seen as better value as well as many Marketing and Public Relations departments being headed by women (I love ❤️ them) who do not understand the value of sports particularly to men and boys. The same situation obtains in schools which are now dominated by female teachers and principals/administrators.

Finally, many organizations tend to view sponsorship as an unnecessary expense which they are quick to cut and consistently see sports as the least of the apostles in terms of importance in the Corporate Social Responsibility scorecard.

What about Track & Field / Re: TTSSTFA, NAAA forge partnership
« on: April 06, 2017, 10:23:33 AM »

Grace is putting out nearly TT$5 million annually on this meet. But we continue to miss the work that goes into the lead up. There are at least 6 other qualifying competitions which are consistently reported on in the Jamaican press.

Digicel has now seen an opportunity to sidestep the Grace exclusive master sponsorship and have created their own competition series just like Machel created Machel Monday and Munro et al  created Soca Monarch. But the basis of all of this is properly run meets with appropriate attention to serving the needs of the press and public for timely information in proper context.

What about Track & Field / Re: TTSSTFA, NAAA forge partnership
« on: February 17, 2017, 12:59:34 PM »
Relays took place yesterday and no results online yet! I was unable to attend. Did anyone and what was the experience?

What about Track & Field / Re: TTSSTFA, NAAA forge partnership
« on: January 29, 2017, 10:42:22 AM »
At least one Zonal Championship has taken place with no results released.

What about Track & Field / Re: TTSSTFA, NAAA forge partnership
« on: January 16, 2017, 07:48:20 PM »
That helped but I think the SSTFA realized that without the NAAA they could not meet the terms of their sponsorship agreement. The NAAA understood that to take TnT to the next level a wider base is required.

Thanks for the good wishes. They are needed.

What about Track & Field / Re: TTSSTFA, NAAA forge partnership
« on: January 15, 2017, 12:24:52 PM »

This is just the start! There is a great deal of work to be done on both sides to overcome the history of misunderstanding and distrust.

I see this agreement bearing fruit over the next 3 or 4 years with the benefit of the deeper pool of athletes to explore. An issue for the STFA is how to leverage the availability of greater technical experience in the meet officiating and administrative areas to produce a better marketing and publicity outcome for their stakeholders, i.e. the public, students, sponsors.

We are now on the cusp of something good. Kudos to Serrette for achieving something earlier NAAA presidents could not and Allard for having the foresight to reach an agreement earlier presidents would not!

What about Track & Field / Re: If T&T win a medal I'll change my name to
« on: August 21, 2016, 12:15:02 PM »
but winning just one medal is a good measuring stick for success? If we win one medal in the relays, still has been a disapointing Olympics. So much has to be done at the grassroots level in T&T when it comes to Sports and I am not sure if the men running the Sports are willing to make it happen.

Doh come with no sense talk now. This thread is all about Sunil.

I know I'm late to the conversation but this post is the BEST!!!😄

What about Track & Field / Re: 2016 Outdoor Results for T&T Athletes
« on: June 23, 2016, 04:11:08 PM »
Welcome choko!!!

Thanks Avi! I come here sometimes - until very recently mostly to read.

What about Track & Field / Re: 2016 Outdoor Results for T&T Athletes
« on: June 14, 2016, 04:30:45 PM »

Nice article on Cedenio's race. Nice reference to Wendell Mottley too.

What about Track & Field / Re: Trinidad & Tobago Schools Athletics
« on: April 24, 2016, 03:08:23 PM »
Thanks for the responses!

A confession first of all. I am Roland Bynoe. Choko has been my nickname for the last 44 years and there are people up the islands who know me by that name only. I will respond to either. I am stating this so that there is no misunderstanding as to my actions here.

If there is any link to the Andre Baptiste comments referred to by Asylum Seeker I would be grateful for it.

My major concern is the improvement in the performance of the country in athletics on the international scene. The main thrust of my letter was intended to be a call for the TTSSTFA and NAAA to work together. I know the NAAA officers personally having been a PRO in the 1990s. I do not know the current SSTFA officers but I have met and tried to work with some of their predecessors.

My take has been that they have allowed themselves to be captured by their environment. In other words, they are not able to step outside of Ministry of Education regulations in their approach. I think that they either do not understand what is required to deliver the quality product SportMax will need or have seriously overestimated their capacity to deliver without technical assistance of the kind the NAAA can provide.

I have recently (since my letter) been made aware that the NAAA has for some years been providing technical assistance to the primary schools association and has been providing a link to those results on their website. The joint planning starts from September/October so that the resources are available when needed. I believe the NAAA can therefore speak to the quality and integrity of the results. That is my opinion. When I inquire I am simply told that there is no relationship with the SSTFA. At the same time the NAAA does lend equipment when requested.

I am certain that the SSTFA has their version of this history but no one is asking the questions and seeking clarification on the answers. We are told that the relationship with the NAAA is a "work in progress". My information is that nothing has changed. We need movement in this relationship if TnT is to realize it's true athletics potential.

My problem is with the inability of the parties to sit down and agree a joint way forward. Unfortunately many talented athletes have been lost to other sports which by virtue of being better run and reported have become more attractive. Hopefully the Ministry of Sport and the Ministry of Education can jointly bring about a resolution of this impasse.

What about Track & Field / Trinidad & Tobago Schools Athletics
« on: April 23, 2016, 10:25:23 AM »

Any thoughts on this topic? Unfortunately I was not able to attend the Secondary Schools Champs but would be glad to hear from anyone who did.

Is there a website where I can view the full results? From what I can see through the online press the performances were not great.

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