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Messages - easy-j

Pages: [1]
2006 World Cup - Germany / Re: Stern John: T&T ready to shock England
« on: June 14, 2006, 02:29:09 AM »
I was in the Stadium and I have to say that Stern played a very good match.
He gave the team the possibility to play long passes when they felt pressure in the defence and he got his head on nearly all of these balls because he always positioned himself very smart and helped T&T to enter the swedish half of the pitch.
I know that he had no real actions in front of the Goal. But he was really hardworking and the defenders were concentrated on him. In that way he created room for his teammates.
I just want some of you to recognize that a striker should not always be judged by the number of his goals cause there are many other things he can do for a team. Against Sweden Stern did a good job in the way he played. Against a taem like Paraguay I expect him to play a different role.

Big up Stern you did well

Football / What Tickets you`ve got
« on: February 05, 2006, 05:12:15 PM »
I just want to share my happiness whith all of you.
I got Tickets for the Paraguay game ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.
When I received the mail I could not believe.
But now I feel like I can not wait until June.
I want Worlcup action right now.
Big up.

Football / Re: Who allyuh feel is currently de best header of de ball?
« on: December 20, 2005, 05:09:49 AM »
Why all of you forget the name Michael Ballack.
He´s got the most dangerous header of all midfielders (maybe of all players)  in whole europe.
He scored many goals with his head for germany and Bayern Munich (he already scored about 5 with his head in this season).

The next man i want to mention is Didier Drogba of Chelsea sometimes he is playing in different heights than his opponents.

Football / Re: Now German-based player eyes T&T pick.
« on: December 19, 2005, 03:07:11 PM »
Hey easy-j doh know how far yuh is from this team's base but if yuh could check out the fella play, yuh could save Leo from wastin time if he eh no good.

Some ah these fellas playin the ass
No I´m not close to his team .
I got these informations from several sites of his actual and former clubs.
But to me he is a joke. How can he think that he is better than all the Strikers in TT first league?
The man aint even young. I know some  guys (germans) personally  that are playing in higher leagues than he and non of them could enter the TT squad.
We discussed if Zamora should enter the team.
I would prefer 10 Zamoras instead of this guy... just forget him

Football / Re: New player
« on: December 19, 2005, 08:27:15 AM »

We cant take this man in our Squad.
Even in Schweinfurt they are not sure if they want him in their first team.
At his former Team Eschborn (third german league)  some supporters of the team dont even know his name maybe because he never played a game for them .He aint a professional he is working in some american office in germany.
Before  we use such a man we should take some talented youth or a good homebased player.

(I´ve posted this already somewhere else but it also fits in here)

Football / Re: Samuel wants striker role
« on: December 19, 2005, 08:22:54 AM »
Some years ago when samuel was playing for falkirk and after his first games for TT, I was hoping that he might be able to become our next Dwight. But up to know he made nothing out of his talent.
I m kinda dissapointed from he

Football / Re: Now German-based player eyes T&T pick.
« on: December 19, 2005, 08:14:08 AM »
We cant take this man in our Squad.
Even in Schweinfurt they are not sure if they want him in their first team.
At his former Team Eschborn (third german league)  some supporters of the team dont even know his name maybe because he never played a game for them .He aint a professional he is working in some american office in germany.
Before  we use such a man we should take some talented youth or a good homebased player.


2006 World Cup - Germany / Re: TT Tickets available right now
« on: December 11, 2005, 08:47:09 AM »
I know the Prices are very high and everybody should try to get a ticket through the lottery first. But if I don´t get a ticket from the fifa I will do anything just to see one game.

Football / Re: Do you agree with 2 or 3 water breaks in a football match?
« on: December 11, 2005, 08:43:37 AM »
In 1994 when the WC took place in the USA
they already talked about allowing this kind of breaks or even a timeout per half for each team.
The only reason why they do that is money.They just want to have more time to show commercials.
In my opinion it would be the dead of soccer. Just imagine what happens if a game is interrupted that often. The players will always need some minutes til their heads are back on the field again.
I also think that kondition is a requested skill in football and if you are able to run without getting tired this should give you an advantage.

Football / Re: Jlloyd Samuel has been handed another incentive
« on: December 11, 2005, 08:34:24 AM »
First of all i like Edwards.
But in modern Football getting benched does not say everything.
Just look at other big squads like Germany for example.
They have many players like Schweinsteiger,Huth,Deisler and more which are not constantly in the starting lineup at the club but still play an important role at the national team.
And than you have to look at the aspect that edwards is in the shape of his life and Jlloyd has a weak period. So getting benched is not everything that counts cause it already happened to some real good players.

and Rastafari... I always think before I write!!! I´m just looking on more aspects then only the present situation. Edwards still has to proof if he can keep this level for a long period.

2006 World Cup - Germany / TT Tickets available right now
« on: December 11, 2005, 08:24:29 AM »
I just want to let all of you now that there are tickets for sale on the german ebay(www.ebay.de).
Some of the sellers accept buyers from all over the world.
Up to now there are only a few tickets but i think the number will rise soon.
The only problem may be the german language but you should be able to notice the main facts without any german (Price,location which game).
I don´ know if this is usefull to anyone of you but I just whant to let you know because I´m living in Germany and i get a lot of informations about what´s up here.
C U Easy-J

Football / Re: Jlloyd Samuel has been handed another incentive
« on: December 11, 2005, 08:12:14 AM »
Samuel is definetly better than edwards.
Edwards is a rising star but Samuel has proofed his skills in the Premiership for years.
Even for the English team he would be among the top four on his position.

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