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Messages - Guapo

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Football / Realistic scores for the Warriors in Germany?
« on: January 27, 2006, 03:25:23 PM »
Any thoughts out there?

Football / Re: I am interviewing Dwarika, anyone have questions?
« on: January 26, 2006, 11:01:05 AM »
On his day Arnold is still one of the better players that Trini produced................I think he needed better role models football wise. Growing up and seeing Yorkie and latas get away with murder, doing what they want 2 who they want was not the best picture painted, jumping Tony Harford wall at 3 in the morning to hit Upper level while in camp was the worst that young players could have been exposed too.   We really need some successful footballers to get hold of the younger ones and provide them with a road map as to how they should be doing things.........it could really make the difference.

Anyone have any real information about La Foucade Soccer Clinic...............Is Dion La Foucade any good as a coach? Ah interested in taking ah youth team back to Trinidad to play some games................It would be interesting to see meh US youths (with work ethic and tactical discipline) would match-up with the flair and skill of the youths home. Any info would be appreciated.

Tempo, yuh points are well taken and I don't want anybody to misunderstand what ah saying. Lincoln is well qualified in his own right. However, if I wanted a good American college coach or someone who can run a local football club, then Lincoln would be an excellent candidate. For the most part, Lincoln's influence in the game has been primarily at the American Collegiate level...........from what I've been told, he's also run one or two Soccer clubs in the States - most recently in Virginia. Ah think he was also involved with the US team as a goalkeeper coach under Bora. Possibly this is the background of someone who is geared with the responsibility of implementing and developing programs that will prepare us for INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL at all levels........you tell me boss?
I looking for someone, the quality of the men that yuh find at AJAX for example, who know what it means to develop and harness talent that could make us a force in football.........of-course it takes money and so forth - but if we serious, this is the ambition that we need to demonstrate. We must capitalize on the momentum generated from qualification. Get CLICO or Carib to pay the salary of a world class football man who could do the job. 
As far as Anton goes, I knew him as a player and he was a very good footballer, plenty technique - as a coach, well I don't know. My first instinct though is to assume that Anton is a product of all that is bad about Trinidad football - make noise when a man mashup a man with a "beat" on the line. Ah not sure if he has the ability to instill and communicate that a good midfielder for instance - is one who may not have destroyed a defender on the pitch, however, he can feel good about his performance because he did all the little things necessary for his team to win today. Anton would ah never put Latas on the bench in Barain, he doh have that kind of strenght.

As far as Dwight and Latas and Stern respecting people, well I can tell you that the only man them fellas respect in Trinidad football is the man Leo, full stop! Dat brethren, is first hand knowledge from inside the camp..........respect.


We need world class people to take us to world class heights. Case in point - Leo. These are examples of men who have been there, and, know what it takes to get there. These are coaches who can watch a player, and in a relatively short space of time - have a great sense for the potential that exist in a players. The next step is to get these players together and get them working much like the US does with their u15 and u17 teams.. We need a National Academy in T&T that will identify the best players that we have very early on - it's goal should be the development of highly gifted players in core elements of the game: Strength, tactics, technique, psychology(bad mind) and education. This is some of what Lincoln and Anton and all the rest of the foreseers should be working on implementing. 

I've been around people like Lincoln, Anton and so forth, not sure they have the level of insight and experience needed to harness and develop players needed to play international football. Don't kill meh, for it's just an opinion.


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