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Messages - ZURITRESS

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Football / Re: Joevin Jones set for Italy trial with Udinese
« on: December 16, 2013, 05:35:57 PM »
I think the saying failure to prepare will prepare you to fail, from the clips he looked out of place , like he did not belong. That shows he was not mentally prepared to face whatever was there to be encountered. Talented will get you in doors but your work ethic and desire to succeed is what keeps you there.
Professionalism is a lifestyle , how you think , eat, tackle situations , carry yourself. The first thing clubs need to do back hope is change the culture of its organization, because you are setting up these your men to fail by just sending them out there on just talent alone. Talent is abundant , heart is the 2% that make it.
Another thing is football is a brotherhood, these players have enough men back home to enquire of the culture they about to enter into. It can't be that hard to pick the phone and make a call to a Sancho. a Hyland and get some advice. Today's generation is a different breed but like generations before, those who commit to succeed invite guidance while others grasp at the rope after they begin to fall.

   Breds i totally agree with what you are saying here but why local Coaches don't get descent wages?why they have to wait three to four months or in one case a year to get paid?is a good thing these guys don't depend on this for a living may be if they did they would have improved themselves,i know guys since in my time who went England as a matter of fact our whole team went to England and did the FA badge,the highest qualification at that time and T&T never used us

Getting a badge is the first step, they now have to put in the time and learn they craft , even if it start as an apprenticeship, but getting your badge and staying in trini is spinning top in mud. they have the wrong mindset and that is why Jack Warner was able to control shit

I don't think is just about foreigners getting to coach our Men's national  team,it's about any national team.

Again it's a little bit more than we think and the most important thing is the money a foreigner gets to what a local gets,the appreciation,the respect,the guys home just sees the money and not the work that goes along with it,the qualifications along with years of experience.If i was a TT coach i would vex too,i want the money and all the perks that goes along with it,travel etc etc   
You get paid what you are qualified for , the coaches brought in are not from an unknown country with no pedigree, they have a proven track record at the highest level. You want to make the same money and get the same perks as a man that his CV is from an ivy league school to your GED, make sense nah man. If they get off their asses and attain proper qualifications like the ( current coach) then they have a case. Until then they and no other local owned any 40 acre's and certainly no mule. EARN SHIT

Football / Re: Beenhakker says T&T football on the move.
« on: July 23, 2013, 03:50:32 PM »
What style of play Trinidad and Tobago have ? , NONE what we had was very talented players who made things happen and certain coaches put enough structure around it for it to work. We do not have that same talent anymore , so it is more important than ever to have the disciple that is being pushed now. People need to really get over themselves and be realistic about where we are and allow a foundation to be built and stop fighting down every little aspect of what is trying to be done.
 Because all things that last is built with hard work and takes time. Pretty bricks fall down with light winds when on a poor foundation as the Jack Warner era has shown. Let everyone involved with this new process do their work and atleast get things going before we start buying furniture and big screen TV. Remember people learn from who have the knowledge, grow with who is on the way up and respect the opportunities afforded.

Football / Re: Brilliant First Game For Coach Stephen Hart
« on: July 08, 2013, 09:05:26 PM »
I think the most important fact you made was that you could watch the team and understand  the plan they had to get forward, something that was lacking in the previous teams. I think the fact they managed to do it for good stretches of the game with such little preparations is a good sign.
 Theobald is not a bad player but he has no impact on the games whatsoever , not defensively , offensively or in taking charge of the rhythm of the game ( like when KJ faked an injury to slow the pace and give the team a breather as the midfield was really blowing.
 I think if the structure and people being put in place for the new look TTFA are kept and become a consistent practice the future will be bright. Oh and though I singled out Theobald he does have a role to play just not on the field , I think he is the perfect bridge between the local and the foreign base because he has been there and seams to carry himself in a very professional manner , which the local base really need . I look forward to being proud again of my National team.

Football / Re: The mindset is wrong by all
« on: June 05, 2013, 05:05:33 PM »
you give a man with no direction a gun and he might rob a bank, you give that same man direction and purpose he might just provide security for that bank. It comes down to options provided , the powers that be think only of what the power can do for them and not what they can do for their country and the shit trickles down into the mindset of the coaches which flows to the players. They are dressing up a pig with games against teams they have no BUSINESS being on the same field with to distract the natives from the real issues and they are eating it up (look who playing and where) when the program should be to build a core 26 into a unified team with a set timetable of goals for both coaches and players to archive cohesion and confidence.
 They spending money to travel across the globe to have tryouts, when you could stay home and get your house in order. Use that money and put it into a academy pool for senior team to the u14 teams , bring in  someone who knows how to put a program together to direct it, have your coaches be required to be at a certification level to be considered and support the players development mentally , physically, emotionally give them direction and purpose. Stop playing monopoly and buy real property (the players ) and as fans we are not Spain , we have no Messi and until we can honestly complete with Jamaica again keep your fantasy to the UCL 

Football / Re: The mindset is wrong by all
« on: June 05, 2013, 01:51:23 PM »
You have either missed my point or with all due respect not gotten the concept of speed of game in correlation to speed of thought, a small goal environment does not benefit in anyway the execution of fast fluent play. Small goal is more of an reaction environment where your natural skill depending on your skill level is magnified, you do less running and less constructing of a gameplan than on a international size field moving 10 parts around at a certain pace to create advantages to exploit. That must be thought as to small goal where improvising is the key to success.
 Like i said exposure to a certain environment of that lives and breathes professional success is a willingness to open ones mind to the possibility of better and youth structure sounds great but you still need good leaders to leader. The plan starts with an idea but the implementation starts with purposeful driven visionaries. Good men are respected but great men inspire to archive a vision. Who in Trinidad and Tobago connected with football is humble enough to gain the knowledge to inspire. When the cancer's than are slowly sucking the life out T&T football are eradicated, only then can change happen. Answer me this name one coach that came out of Corneal's coaching school with any success as a coach , yet he influences alot of what goes on in T&T football and that is just one name. Unfortunately T&T football has cancer but instead of dying it just suffers along in pain and everybody says " it is what it is "

Football / The mindset is wrong by all
« on: June 05, 2013, 11:36:03 AM »
As with all forums there is always alot of knee jerk reaction to what is present of mind but taking a step back , everyone knows in their heart the core problems to our beloved national football teams and since prevention is better than cure, you can't use the same mindset in place, the perscription being written might only get you through the night and i do stress MIGHT. Shabzz or whatever he calls himself should not have any position  of authority as a Representative of T&T period , not with TREASON on your CV, i have alot of respect for Hutson as a person and as a very good and intelligent player i think his coaching career is still too young and lacks the proper exposure to be too critical at this stage.
 Talent is such a missused word by trini's, MJ had talent but without application he would be another Carmelo Anthony, coaches in trini do not teach the proper application of individuals skills in a team setup as it pertains to international football hence the speed of the game is so much above anything the locals experience and why they look so bad or as if they don't care or are trying. My brother always said football was 90% mental and 10% physical and people wondered why he always made teams and coaches wanted him, as i learned you make the game simple by being able to think faster than your opponent. When local coaches learn to coach towards a higher expectancy rate of mental execution then players will have to up there basic skills of pass move trap move pass move and not slow look at me looking nashy on the ball going nowhere football.
 Without the foundation of real life professional conditions within the TTFA  and all the way down we will be fooling ourselves forever and as for this foreign vs local, all great achievers say i surround myself with people who have achieved more and are smarter than me because they inspire me or tech me how to archive what they have. Only a fool refuses help and a bigger one who gets it but is too busy fighting it to benefit from it. Trinidad has always been blessed with talent , what it has always lacked was leadership

Football / Re: Teen charged with assault for attack on the soccer field.
« on: October 17, 2012, 04:55:59 PM »
I want to be surprised by some of the comments on this page but can't , there is no other words to discribe that video but an assult, and no words or previous kick justifies it. It is exactly what is seen on the video one person attacking another and only stoping when restrained. Black, white , green , yellow whatever race you should be charged. The problem with society is everybody has excuses for why it was ok to do wrong and we wonder why kids act like they do today. The more we move forward the more uncivillized we become.

Football / Re: TTFF employees face breadline.
« on: February 13, 2012, 07:24:36 PM »
Coops you are an complete and utter asshole, your friends may lose their work and you sad and disappointed that justice is being served when these same sons of bitches was bleeding every last bit of hope and prosperity of a nations footballers and its money. Evil is f**king evil and every dog has his day, so why don't you just keep your hypocritical ass quiet with that shit. I know you, you don't know me , but you is one of them that enjoy the fruits of Jack's and this administrations ill gotten gains, so i putting aside my found Christianity just for this post, Shut to f**k up

Football / Re: Jones is going nowhere, insists City boss Pulis
« on: January 25, 2012, 10:26:03 AM »
The problem with KJ is that he is so f  king lazy, everytime you see him, he is walking. The play could be five yards away and he walking and then something happens and he decides to react and so it looks like he is not reading the play. That is why he is disrespected, until that aspect of his game changes he will always struggle to be appreciated for the raw ability that he has. IMO he can be top draw consistently, as they say in the US he has all the tools, Crouch could make my small goal team and any team in England because he was born there. KJ needs the right coach to drive him, not so much players because it is his personality on the pitch that needs the most work. When that changes he will be consistant and his talent will not be disrespected as much. Oh and in the BPL outside the top 4-6 teams forwards are paid to score goals not look pretty.

Football / Re: These priceless things
« on: November 30, 2011, 08:48:12 AM »
Good article, the Latas moment you speak of was against a Hungarian team i believe and after the game the coach said who is the little number 10, he could play for any team in the world, he is special.

Football / Re: Jones delighted to be back ... and on target already
« on: October 27, 2011, 10:23:21 AM »
With all that said he is the top goal scorer for them in all competitions.

Football / Re: Yorke scores big job.
« on: October 26, 2011, 09:35:19 PM »
Yoke and latas might of been great players, but they were in bed with Jack. Since they were young kids they have always been taken cared of by Jack, especially yoke who is like a son to Jack. Unfortunately both sold there souls a long time ago.

Football / Re: Chelsea v Racing Genk Thread (19-Oct-2011).
« on: October 19, 2011, 02:49:10 PM »
I from old school and playing at one pace is not old school, the kid has talent but it is suprising that his coaches have not addressed his speed of game. The first thing i noticed when playing abroad is the speed of the game and had to address it and it starts in training. I have not seen the kid play much but he looks like he has good touches and composure but even Socates, falco, platini etc and i am not comparing ability  just style, they had change of pace. I guarantee if he adds that he will be at a better level of play than Belgium.

Football / Re: Chelsea v Racing Genk Thread (19-Oct-2011).
« on: October 19, 2011, 01:35:23 PM »
Hyland playing at one pace, cant make it at this level when playing at one pace and not when the one pace is slow motion.

Football / Benefits of evil is still wrong(Jack Warner
« on: October 12, 2011, 02:02:18 PM »
There are people on here saying how Jack do alot of good with his bad. Jack Warner never did anything that he did not benefit from. Usually that meant financially, it was and always will be about money for him. People who have anything good to say about jack needs to understand even the devil does advertise and it always looks good but is or will it last.

You as a government minister can not in anyway be absolved from inquiry or investigation if there is a (fact) bribe that took place, Fifa has stated so by banning BH. Jack is held to an higher standard in every form possible, and when you are implicated in facilitating a crime how can there not be consequences, and yes there was a crime, non declaration of funds brought into the country and facilitating in the distribution of these funds for what has been deemed as a bribe. Book sense doh make common sense, a sitting government minister must prove innocence and show he had no had in wrong doing. Government ministers should not be involved in international scandals that does not pertain to government business, if so he should be stepping down or pushed out.

Football / Re: Will Peter Crouch outscore Kenwyne Jones at Stoke City?
« on: September 10, 2011, 10:33:15 AM »
The way they play KJ today tells of his versatility and value to a team that does not have alot of stars and Crouch is not a star. Kj will score more goals than Crounch mark it down.

Football / Re: Will Peter Crouch outscore Kenwyne Jones at Stoke City?
« on: September 09, 2011, 10:07:21 PM »
Alot of people on this board don't give KJ credit for the player he is becoming, he plays for a team that does not play attractive football and short on talent but has grown tremendously since joining them. 1 He knows his role and has gotten quite effective at it, 2 his touch has improved by leaps and bounds from when he first got there, he will never be silky smooth because he is 6ft something and not a small fellow, 3 he is still young and learning his trade, he is not instinctive and hence forth reacts late alot of times, 4 his coach works the mental aspect of motivation and i think knows what buttons to push eg competition for his spot now. He does not want Crouch to take his spot but just remind him he can lose his spot. Because seriously Crouch may be a more refined player right now, there is no where on the face of this blessed earth Peter Crouch is in the same league as Kj when he is playing to his full potential.

Football / Re: FIFA terminates 2014 World Cup TV deal linked to Jack Warner
« on: September 09, 2011, 09:46:59 PM »
Do you all realise Jack has to now repay about 18 million out of his pocket. That is not small change and when you already count and put away money it easy to fork it back out. That means he out stalking for another victim. T&T tax paying citizens.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Barbados Game (06-Sept-11)
« on: September 08, 2011, 08:42:40 PM »
OK when i say it's not a trini running the show, i mean this coach is not being dictated to he is the one laying down his plan and how it will be executed. The government has made the funds available and all TTFF have to do after they take their cut is pay for what he say he want and stay out of his way. That is why them old locals in uproar because they never had or would ever have that kind of power. I can tell you it is night and day between what locals call professional and what the rest of the world does. The last local that was given that power was Gally and he lived the professional life and implemented it and his results is there in black and white. Why he failed because when it mattered most he was not calling the shots on Nov 19Th. Professionalism is not about talent, it is an attitude.

Football / Re: Playing players out of position.
« on: September 08, 2011, 08:50:05 AM »
Experience, there is no better teacher in life. If you have a brand new team with alot of question marks that you have not been given time to address, what do you do?. You put your most experienced players in positions that are of concern because they are better equipped to handle it and that makes your goal of giving structure and direction a better chance of succeeding. The simple minded wakes up and sees $5.00 in his pocket and thinks i will go hungry today. A man of vision uses what he has to put $10.00 in his pocket and not go hungry. I grew up hearing from our wonderful T&T government that yes we stole the money, he, she ,all of we stole the money and yet still today a man like Jack Warner can win public office because he told you what he could do for you today, not where i will be or my children will be in 3-5 years time. And everybody knows who the man with the pitchfork is. If the goal is Brazil 2014 why are you complaining about successfully growing in 2011.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Barbados Game (06-Sept-11)
« on: September 07, 2011, 06:19:30 PM »
Men in here clueless, Barbados use the field as there leveler, that field in no way should be approved for a world cup game. Bounce unpredictable and how can you run at full speed on that kind of surface. You go in get the job done(3Pt's) and no injuries and go home. Somehow people in here feel Trinidad is some world power and is this same attitude that holds us back. Life begins with your mentality and the German philosophy is about structured results ( just get the job done) and as you grow, the chemistry will build and the beauty in the cohesiveness will show out. So all the armchair pundits that feel they could go out there and do it better than a man who has spent his life working on his trade to the point where your ass have to spend your money to watch him play. Life is full of people who hate on others because they cant achieve the same and instead of respecting the drive and commitment needed to reach where they are they talk BS. KJ, Stern, have earned respect as footballers, i don't know them personally so i am only commenting on their football skills and this is a football site. Sometimes lightening does strike in the same place twice, this German will build a very good team with the talent afforded him, the way qualifying is set up this team will make the hex and will compete and do well. Not because they deserve it but because it is not Trinidadians running the show

"LESSONS OF LIFE LEARNED BECUASE WE SEEK TO PROSPER IN LIFE,  RESPECT AND GIUDANCE TO ALL"   and mango i have the same problem with my kids and it was dishartening, but you know what i raise my kids then i can teach my kids and in the end even though they are not trini's they will know why thier father was till the day he died a trini.

no my friend not at you, just a general statement in response to comments made and some may have come from you. i'm not hear to disrespect anyone. like everyone else commenting on a topic i have some knolleage of. your point is taken though and as for mine setve david, gally,leon carpet, buggy haynes etc , still live on in football histroy through more than one generation with little video or print, and as to stories being twisted from then to now. an average player is just that forgotten, a special player is elevated to greatness because of what he has left in your mind. unlike today the media can make you into the greatest thing since slice bread just because you look a certain way,( beckham) good but not great. if a nation remembers you as great by mostly what they have seen, i think you could take that to the bank

Football / A generation lost and disrepected because of no video tape
« on: August 21, 2006, 08:17:30 PM »
there seems to be some sort of effort by the younger generation to discredit a man(russell latapy) who anyone who is anyone over the age of 25 in this country both in and out of football will humble with great respect and admiration for an icon's legacy. george best never played in a world cup and yet is still considered one of the best to ever play the game. i know ignorance is bliss with the youth of today, but you dont need a master's to understand the respect afforded among his peers.trinidad and tobago  football has a long history of great players that i, you and many of us has not seen and surely not in their prime should we say because they never played in the epl or la liga they were just ok players. we live in a world of technolgy today we did not have back then, most of the past greats just have the memories of thier generation and if that can live on into other generations ,there had to be something special about thoses players.( VIDEO TAPE OR NOT ). TO THOSE I HAVE AND HAVE NOT SEEN  :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:   

Football / Re: The truth about Latas please...
« on: August 20, 2006, 07:44:03 PM »
yes it was bradford city and it was not football reasons he did not get the contract, also jorge casagrande the brazillian coach got trails and scholaships for quite a few guys back in those days . to tell how trinidadians taught and still think today one guy who he got a trial with stoke city said he came back because all they did was play two touch football

Football / Re: The truth about Latas please...
« on: August 19, 2006, 11:22:24 AM »
dont post much, but this is close to me. the first time i saw russel was 1980, i was ten and he was 12. on qrc grounds back when big men was playing collage lleague ttranquillywas playing qrc. the field had alot of current members of the nnationalu19  team including my brother who played for ttranquillyand the buzz around the ground was the 12 year old phenom who was on the tranquill bench, rRusselllatapy every ppossiblevviewingangle was taken. tranquill coach sSgtlamkin was going to play rRussellwas the word. with about 12 mMin'sto go he came on and proceeded to eembarrassthree respect players down by the left side corner flag with his first, second and third ttouchesof the game. his fourth touch he was almost kick out of the grounds. message sent, come back when you can defend yourself, but everybody who saw new the legend had begun. my was a top youth player in tTrinidadand he took me everywhere including to newtown coaching school where jah lillywhite a neighbour and family friend started the school and where latas fine tuned his god blessed talent. i played with rRussellfor two years in tranquill so i also saw it up close. back then because of his size he was played as a forward so that he could use his skills more in and around the box. my most mmemorablemoment he scored with his eye vs cic in an u16 semi to this day still proably the only header he ever scored. guys i could go on and on but rRussellprobelm has always been his size talent wise he has always been the best player on the field. back when Yorke who i also played with on nNat'su14 and u16 teams went to england the game was not as sophisticated as it is today it was more voom kick and run only a few teams played knock and keep it on the carpet most notably liverpool and even the skilled guys roughed it up abit so latas just did not fit in there ,it was not the only reason but it is not my place there. it is also why it took Yorke awhile to establish himself, for those who don't know yorkie could match skill with anybody out there back in the day, he and Russell lived with that ball night and day together because Dwight stay with Russell alot of times when he came over from Tobago he changed his game to adapt to the English game what the youths don't know is that strike squad run was one of the most naturally talented group of players they never got to see in their prime Russell and Dwight was just the best of the lot and not just those who played on the strike squad let me leave you with a name Sean constantine aka yellows or red ants was  almost as talented as Russell but even smaller

Football / stern ranked 3rd best in championship
« on: August 10, 2006, 03:11:26 PM »
after 2 games he is the 3rd best player according to the ranking system. it is on the coventry home page

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