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Messages - RazorGrass

Pages: [1]
Football / Re: Sancho's Dreadlocks
« on: June 16, 2006, 04:22:31 PM »
You did not see Sancho pulling the man shirt and basically pushing him.

Sancho was the one fouling why?

Because he made no Attempt to play the ball!

Crouch Played the Ball, that is the Key!

Yes Sancho Head get raff
But all that in the game.

Put yourself on the other side

How the ass the ref could call that a foul,

That is not a foul!

These things happen in a crowed box.

What narcotic you on?

Try to jump with someone holding DOWN your head! Sancho never even got a chance to jump for the ball!

They were both facing the ball when it was crossed and then Crouch held on to Sancho's hair so tightly that he not only SPUN HIM AROUND 180 degrees and Sancho NEVER EVEN LEFT THE GROUND since Crouch was holding his hair and his head down!

Again I say - SAY NO TO DRUGS! It affects the eyesight.


Football / Re: Crouch pulled up over controversial goal
« on: June 16, 2006, 09:19:55 AM »
this forum is the friggin best...razorgrass, big up! yuh eh easy wid the zoom in pics, dat make meh day....i thought he hold sancho dreds only just before de cross come over and then let it go, but now it look like "SHITSNAKE" had ah hold of it de whole time....thanks razor

You are welcome. I did it because some ppl on another forum were insisting there was no proof of a foul and I wanted to have a pic that WE could see exactly what happened.

Now that pic is on the net for all who want to see to see and it shall be online for decades to come ... doubt me? Then just do a search for 'The Hand of God' and you will still see pics of Mardona's cheated goal from 20 years ago!

I am calling this 'The Hand of Crouch' and we won't ever forget it. The only way England beat us was by CHEATING!

Football / Re: The Hand of Crouch
« on: June 15, 2006, 08:00:13 PM »
dat pic was taken when de ball was in de net already... :-\

Wow! Clearly you have watched the Matrix 200 times too many.

I didn't THINK in a thousand years I would have to show more of the picture. But, here goes.

Football / The Hand of Crouch
« on: June 15, 2006, 07:48:20 PM »

How can anyone with eyes not see that this is a clear foul?


In 1986 Maradona fisted in the ball, that was called 'The Hand of God'.

Today we have 'The Hand of Crouch'.

The only bit of hair on the defender's head that is facing that direction is the hair in Couch's hand!

Come on! What is Crounch doing? A hairdressing course on the football field? He is tugging at the defender's hair and this goal should NOT have been allowed!

What more evidence do you need? You cannot do that to a player and not be penalised!

Don't tell me the ref did not see. He has assistant refs who spot when a ball goes over the line way on the next side of the field! This is all about the 'big guns' finding their way to the next rounds plain and simple.

I have taken the time to ZOOM in since some people clearly have 2" monitors.

In some parts of the world this is called CHEATING ... in others, professional play.

How much you want to wager that if a T&T player had done this they would have been SENT OFF IMMEDIATELY.


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