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Messages - iceman

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Football / Re: Naparima College vs Presentation College Report
« on: October 17, 2006, 01:02:29 PM »
Naps brand of ball is the best by far. I watched their first game and to be that sharp at the beginning of the season is unbelievable.

Good luck to the squad! Hope they go all the way and win the National Title game.

GO NAPS!! Keep making us proud!

This is from an old football team skipper

« on: September 12, 2006, 05:07:43 AM »
Sometimes I wonder how old the folks on this site are. This news is great for the Caribbean.
Trinis (and other nationalities) have no-one else to blame for not having their own channel, but themselves.

Many comments here espouse the "crab in barrel" syndrome. As a proud trini (and proud Caribbean) native, we seem to not be the most supportive or creative people AND we tend to be highly critical of MOST things. Destructive criticism is the easistt thing for anyone to do. I dare folks here on socawarriors.net to come up with positive comments, or at worst, constructive criticism when they respond to the different threads.

Maybe one day, we'll use our energies to forge new horizons ito excel in different disciplines and businesses, but for now: DON'T HATE, PARTICIPATE!

Hopefully, next world cup will see more than one caribbean country their representing all of our wonderful cultures!

Football / Re: naps vs morouga
« on: September 12, 2006, 04:53:34 AM »
As a former Naps player and captain, I was extremely proud watching the team's performance in the season opener (2-1 win vs Vessigny). They play a very enterprising brand of ball which uses the width of the field, and should lead to success. My only issues were lack of finishing touch in front of goal; no real setplay inventiveness, and they seemed to fade down the stretch allowing the other team to stay in contention.

Hopefully, each of these are correctable and they will continue to grow as the season progresses.

I also saw the Pres-Benedicts game and saw a Pres team with nippy strikers and wingers, a seemingly good defence, but no real midfield creativity.

It really appears as though there is a big gap in the teams and their standard of play.


Football / Re: The Soca Warriors logo
« on: December 19, 2005, 08:46:05 AM »
I well say they would have had a logo competition for the best creation or something, or commission a design firm to create something relevant to the culture.  Ah steel pan-shield with maybe ah hibiscus or humming bird kind of design on it.

It too cold and raw looking

Your thoughts are too logical for the people running things in T&T my friend. In case, you're not sure. Guess work, cronyism and kickbacks run the day when it comes to business like this..

Someone suggested steelpan, I was thinking scarlet ibis or hummingbird myself.

Bottom line is it's not good enough..



Thanks for all that have supported the effort and bought their wristbands so far.

QUICK UPDATE: Both Ato Boldon and Maximus Dan have now said they will wear the wristbands in solidarity with the team!

Take time to let your peeps know about the wristbands and how we can all make an impact in supporting the Soca Warriors on the road to Germany 2k6.


Football / Re: Soca Warriors Stuff
« on: December 19, 2005, 08:32:30 AM »

Every little bit helps..check this out

December 9, 2005

The Journey Now Start: Let's Support Our Caribbean Soca Warriors
Press Release
If you’re thinking about ways you can make an impact in assisting the T&T National Football team as it gets ready to represent the Caribbean on the World Cup stage in Germany, then The Entertainment Group and I.C.E. Entertainment, have come up with a fashionable way to support the Soca Warriors.  They've produced resplendent red, white and black "Support the Team" wristbands from which part proceeds from sales will go to the team's efforts to succeed in Germany.  The colorful, one of a kind, silicone wristbands will be engraved with "Go T&T Soca Warriors" and "World Cup 2006" on each side.
Barry Hillocks of The Entertainment Group commented, "We're heeding the plea from Jack Warner and others for more financial support as the team gets ready for Germany. The average person might not have a lot of money to donate, but paying five dollars for a wristband will go a long way toward helping the team reach its financial and World Cup preparation goals.  The good thing is these wristbands are not only fashionable but durable and will be a collector's item years beyond this campaign."
ICE of I.C.E. Entertainment remarked, "When a small country like Trinidad & Tobago succeeds like this on an international stage, many people from different countries, small and large, also want to support and share in the dream.  I really hope that we have come up with a way for unifying and uniting that support while delivering a small token of appreciation too.  When you think about it, it just happens to be a real nice stocking stuffer too now that Christmas is almost here."
The introductory wristband price is five (US$5) dollars plus shipping and handling. Supplies are very limited, consequently, interested parties may order no more than five (5) wristbands at any one time  Persons interested in securing a wristband may get more information online at www.gosocawarriors.com or www.socawarriors.net.  To contact Barry Hillocks by phone, call 443-540-5668 or by email, write to AHillocks@aol.com..  Businesses interested in supporting the effort can become an exclusive area outlet, and should contact ICE by phone at 301-257-0102 or by email at icemadness@aol.com.

Click here to order your wristbands today: http://www.gosocawarriors.com

Football / Re: Point Fortin
« on: September 13, 2005, 12:31:23 PM »
Jordan in DC here..shouting out the Point crew

Football / Re: Point Fortin
« on: September 03, 2005, 08:23:04 PM »
Point man here!

Football / Re: Soca Warriors Exclusive Interview with Avery John.
« on: August 16, 2005, 04:36:02 AM »
Avery is a boss player, daz what u expect from a Pres Sando man  ;D.
As expected, Berti was not very accessible.

He is really from Point Fortin. Big up Avery! Good luck buddy!

Big fan and friend in DC

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