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Messages - ladywarrior

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True dat. I doh mind backing the Jamaicans. It just burns, not pun intended, that we have the talented but not the organization to be among the best. Jamaican track and field is a well oiled machine that cultivates the athletes from early on. I was excited to see our 4x400 team making strides in the semis but barely missed qualifying. If we are gonna be the best, we have got to get it together.

Football / Re: Kelvin Jack gets racist fan banned.
« on: April 13, 2007, 11:15:28 AM »
Way to stand up for de brethren Kelvin. If the league is going to benefit from the sweat people of color They have to enforce a ZERO tolerence mind set toward Bigotry.

Football / Re: SHAKA ON ESPN2
« on: April 13, 2007, 08:14:53 AM »
Doh Laugh, but ah jus finish watching de game on TIVO. Dallas looked good, LA rally to get one goal on we boy but say what! Shaka still holding it down, gotta love the props dey give him in the first half, bigging up his engineering degree from Howard. He had a cramp in the game but recovered. Even if Shaka plans to retire soon, his experience and guidance to the defenders shows on the field. Yes I am de biggest Shaka FAN!

Football / Re: SHAKA ON ESPN2
« on: April 12, 2007, 12:52:32 PM »
Go shaka go! It will be great to see the tallman on TV. He is a real warrior! Best of luck to him.

Thanks for posting this! I read this morning in the Ny times and thought it was a great article too. Shame on those small minded folks to stop these young men from engaging in postitive after school activities. Bravo to the female coach who refuses to let her players to be victimized in this country. Did you catch that a Trini is the police chief of the town? We are everywhere! At least this children will learn that in America, hard work will get you somewhere.The obstacles they faces are only opportunites to triumph!

« on: January 21, 2007, 01:30:39 PM »
Is the Gold Cup coming back to Miami? I am excited to see this team. I haven't watched a game since Germany.

General Discussion / Re: Boldon to parents: Make time for children.......
« on: January 21, 2007, 01:22:10 PM »
It is really easy for everyone to criticize someone in the public eye. If anyone on this forum thinks they have another point of view they would like to share with the children of Trinidad and Tobago, then contact a school before you make a trip home next time and spend a moment with the students. Oh yeah and you might have to come home early from a fete to do that.

Trinidad and Tobago is suffering with a really big crisis among young people and education, especially in the Secondary and Junior secondary schools. Churning out people every year that are not prepared for the available jobs.  With that said, Trinis are accomplished and successfull all over the world and have so much to contribute to every other country, why not at home???

Oh yeah and if you are expecting the school system to welcome your expertise... think again. People back home may know they are having a hard time but they don't necessily want to hear what the ex-pats have to say. So as I said it is easy to criticize and most people would prefer that route.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Mexico game.
« on: November 19, 2006, 09:36:55 PM »
I feel bad I didn't make it to the game cause I had to work, but on the positive side, a man called to tell me that he was impressed with the support we had at Tropical Park. So way to go warrior nation for representing!

Football / Re: Fans abandon Soca Warriors
« on: October 15, 2006, 02:28:29 PM »
i absolutely agree there could have been more support - i was truly disappointed with the lack of it.  for the boys too because it woulda kill me to go out and play to a half empty stadium after knowing what i had played to before.  it had to be disheartening.  i felt it for them.  and i doh doubt that a lot of the crowd in '05 were there for the ride - for the lime.  but that's the thing, the soca warriors was the one thing going on in the country that we could ALL rally around. so in a way we were all there for the ride.  it was a dream we could all buy into regardless of race, political orientation, sexual orientation (that was fuh...wuz he name...brick something :-)), economic status...whateva.  but to see the warriors play 2 friendlies...well, i could dig that plenty other things were considered more important than that.  because i did not see it that way, does not mean that i doh understand other peoples priorities. 
having said all that i was heartened by the number of young children that people brought to the games.  future socawarrioirs.net contributors!   ;D(quote)

Next time maybe we could organize to buy a group of tix and give to some local school teams, I would sponsor some! for the sake of de boys and girls! (Holy Name had a team when I was there) We ween't good but it was fun and I ran into some of de old teamates in Germany! What fun!

Football / Re: Fans abandon Soca Warriors
« on: October 15, 2006, 09:49:28 AM »
I am self professed wagonnist! I jumped on the bandwagon mid 2005 and have been to every game I could. Flying to Trinidad and Germany for all the games I could. If they played here in Miami I would go too. Born in the US, grew up in Trini, I have  Trini Passport and have to say I am a proud promoter of the culture. I doh like to be too hard on the people living back home because I don't know what it is like to be experiencing daily life there anymore. The seemingly apparent lack of patriotism in Trinidad has a lot to do the hassles of daily life. Substandard care at hospitals, traffic, corruption. We here hold on to those great memories growing up because we don't have fresh ones of what it's like to be constantly frustrated by a system we know should be a lot further along especially with the amount of money flowing in the country.
SO what do we do? I ask myself that everyday. Here in South Florida. I want us to start Partying with a purpose. Let's begin a type of activism that translates the great feeling we have about HOME into dollars for real prjects back home. Fixing up schools, football fields, community centers for the kids, Aids and Diabetes education. Lets not only go home for Carnival, but let's go home to spread the love of country we hold so dear to our hearts.
Not showing up for football games is a lot deeper than it appears on the surface.

Football / Re: Green Street Hooligans
« on: August 30, 2006, 11:29:30 PM »
I saw it. I would have to say that it was entertaining probably more so because I am a fan or the game and just came back from World Cup.
It helped me understand the madness behind the "hooliganism."
More to do with territorial rights that the game itself.

Football / Re: Rahim goes back to the books.
« on: August 06, 2006, 08:40:16 PM »

 Good luck to you! A degree can ensure a lifetime of security.   

Football / Re: Sky Blues secure T&T's Chris Birchall.
« on: August 05, 2006, 03:15:23 PM »
Birchall see if you could teach sSern how to Hustle! Congrats to you! You are a true Warrior and deserve to be very successful. I hope you continue to play with us for a very longtime!

Football / Re: 1000 Post and counting
« on: August 03, 2006, 10:27:50 PM »
Mr. Mc,

Congrats to you and all your efforts for the Warrior Nation. You are a true soldier! One thousand is a milestone to be truly proud off! It was great to see you in Germany.

Football / Re: Soca Warriors Video - check it out
« on: July 07, 2006, 10:04:29 AM »
Really, nice job. Gave me goosebumps. Show the hard fought fight!!!!!

Yeah!! Thanks boys for one of the best moments ever!! No one will ever forget us!

Football / Re: FIFA stars and their pets....
« on: July 07, 2006, 09:55:12 AM »
 So what does happen when the fame and paycheque stop?

Hopefully at that point, men have they life in order and settle down with a good woman!
 Also limiting the babies mamas may improve the quality of your life.. as long as you have a good education, the paycheck never stops.

Football / Re: Shaka moves to Dallas FC
« on: July 05, 2006, 05:51:37 PM »
 Yeah for Shaka! A true family man that is never afraid to make a change for the right reasons. What's more important that family and a secure gig?
I will travel to see him play and we will welcome him with big cheers!
I have been a Shaka "groupie" since St Marys and not ashamed to admit it. They didn't even make a Hislop T & T jersey for the World Cup! His wife made her own! I bet you Dallas will make me one?

Football / Re: Up and Down for the month of June 2006
« on: July 02, 2006, 08:16:02 PM »
I want to thank Socawarriors.net for making this road to Germany so amazing! I have made so many friends here (including my new beau!) it was so wonderful to meet up with my message board colleagues in Nuremburg. I deeply appreciate the initiative Trini Fans from all over the world have made to make such a positive showing at the wold cup! Feteing aside, we all were soo proud to hear our national anthem played for all the world to hear!
 To the Team, God Bless! I wish you guys soo much success and I know you will bring it back home to the country that loves you sooo very much!

Bruce Arena needs to worry about his own performance and his own JOB. The USA still has a long way to go to be a factor in the World Cup. But in typical USA arrogant fashion, they wanna act like they should be a shoo-in for dominance. Oh Well Bruce.. say what you want .. your record speaks for itself!

Football / Re: The proudest moment of my career (article by Shaka)
« on: June 11, 2006, 11:31:27 PM »
I watched from the stands here in Germany and Shaka was my man of the MATCH!

 Watching those guys do it was an all time high for me! Shaka is a class act!

Football / Re: From Near Frankfurt
« on: June 09, 2006, 01:25:34 AM »
Hello from Frankfurt.

 Some of us have already been here a day now and the Trini fans are out and about. A much quieter bunch than the English Fans who have hung banners all over this town and congregate at an Irish bar near my room window to sing all night. Note to Trinis here be cafeful! Many people here don´t have tickets and are roaming the streets looking for them. It was near impossible to get tickets in other countries. Tickets for the England game are going for 750 pounds. Headed up to the Dortmund area today to meet up with the rest of my crew. I sent Tallman my contact info.
Back home to he crew in Miami, have a great time at the watching party and represent well!

Football / South Florida World CUP Watching Party
« on: May 23, 2006, 10:33:26 AM »
South Florida Trinis! The Park Sports Bar in Hollywood has confirmed they will be showing all our world cup games.

GET THERE EARLY or book SKY Boxes. I will BE asking a Warrior Nation Re to be on Hand to VIBES it UP as well as handle any FLAGS or MUSIC.

Wally at the Park is very excited to have us there again, so drink plenty of Beers, Tip the ladies and try not to embarass meh by leaving yuh own liquor bottles around!
I can't press this enough but I want to say how much you should appreciate the Park for always being open to our community. It is not that easy. Even with my contacts in this town. The park is appreciative of our business and loves the football passion!!!

the website is theparksportsclub.com

Who coming????

Football / Re: Carden Park camp rolls off with bike rides.
« on: May 15, 2006, 12:36:04 PM »
I got goose bumps watching those pics. Such a proud time for all of us. These young men must realize they have support of so many. We want them to enjoy the moment but work hard and LOOK good!

Thanks touches! I couldn't make it so I value your insight and wonderful reporting!

Football / Re: Pic of WN Flag Debut
« on: May 11, 2006, 12:10:47 PM »
It's a beautiful thing! I'm sorry I missed it in person. I hope I see it in Germany! We will be flying the colors high!!!

Football / Re: T&T's white Warrior.
« on: April 21, 2006, 10:23:14 AM »
 I'm so proud of Birchall and the connection he has made with the players and the country. His story is one of the things that is right with T&T.

Football / Socawarriors on German TV
« on: April 13, 2006, 08:37:09 AM »
 Hello Warrior Nation,

A German colleague of mine shared this with me today and I wanted to pass it on to you! Enjoy.

    Watch DW-TV today!! In the news (every hour on the hour) and the show
called "In depth" (17 minutes past the hour) you will get everything
about Trinidad and Tobago within the World Cup.
If it sounds German be there in the next hour - then it´s English

You can watch it in the Internet on www.dw-world.de

Football / Re: First Ronaldo... now Beckham??!!
« on: April 11, 2006, 03:18:23 PM »
 I think Hollywood is calling pretty boy Beckham!  Him and Posh would fit in just fine. They love to see and been seen!

Football / Re: Shaka vs. Chelsea
« on: April 09, 2006, 03:37:19 PM »
 Those four goals were devastating no doubt but where were the defenders? The first goal deflected off a defender!
 I would have like to see Jack or Ince there! FOOTBALL is a team sport the last time I checked. Chelsea played circles around West Ham and it was hard to what my man Shaka take licks like that!

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