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Messages - USgalWARRIORbf

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Football / Re: Brazil vs Australia
« on: June 18, 2006, 10:41:32 AM »
yall need to stop, the commentators are giving austrailia their proper due.   and i dont think they are the only ones in the world thinking (a) Brazil isnt playing to their potential and (b) that brazil would most definitely win this match. 

well that just put a damper on my day. 

Sancho is such a cutie pie!  o well, back to the drawing board for me.



Football / Re: Crouch pulled up over controversial goal
« on: June 16, 2006, 09:36:40 AM »

that link will take you to the "contact espn" page where u can leave your comments/concerns/complaints, as i just have.

Football / Re: Crouch pulled up over controversial goal
« on: June 16, 2006, 09:27:30 AM »
i dunno who that was that just made that comment about sancho dreads, but lord, that was one of the most uncalled for comments ive ever heard in sports commentary.  maybe because i have locs im a bit more partial but Im American, and Im very tempted to write a letter to espn for that shit.

Football / Re: ecuador v costa rica
« on: June 15, 2006, 08:53:34 AM »
Ecuador got my backing.  they playin real good and i supportin my diaspora teams.  i hope they put it on Germany

Football / Re: This is sad......racism has to stop
« on: June 08, 2006, 12:23:40 PM »
No justifying it and hopefully not something we will see at the world cup. It just sticks in the throat a bit when it's the americans trying to take the moral high ground on racism. ::)

who do you suggest take the high moral ground ?

It was just highly amusing that the narrator said that most Americans would be appalled at the racial displays in Europe seeing as the U.S has one of the worst track records when it comes to skin colour.

No.  What the narrator was saying is that TODAY in America those things would not be tolerated, while people in other countries are very complacent about whats going on.  You would never see shit like that happening during a Superbowl or NBA final and if it did, the authorities would act on it because there would be a very loud outcry about it.

edit:yeah...what kicker said... ;)

o goodness... i saw that and got so sad... my heart goes out too that goalie.  hard luck indeed.

Football / Re: Reyna Does have a Legitimate Point !!!!!
« on: May 26, 2006, 07:24:58 PM »
its just no pleasin some of yall...

yall debate and debate about how usa rank so high, how fifa ranking must be flawed, and then reyna come and say "fifa ranking is flawed" and some of yall wanna curse him out.

o well.

Football / Re: usa vs venezuela
« on: May 25, 2006, 11:22:09 PM »
i sure hope we look better than we did against morocco.  i just heard on tv that defender cory gibbs is injured and out of the world cup.  things not lookin too good, but I am ever faithful.


YAY! where we watchin the game?

If ( by some miracle of God) Trinidad advances and faces the US I will be supporting the country I was born in, USA.  Im from Atlanta GA.  My ex is a Trini. 

And NYTrini Im choosing to ignore that Italy comment.


who cares if a flag is on a bus or not.  to me it is a non issue, all i care about it how we look on the pitch. f**k a bus.  the fact is when we come out on the field there will be enough US flags waving cheering our country on to VICTORY!!!!!

Football / Re: usa vs jam
« on: April 11, 2006, 10:22:20 PM »
goodness, i say "usa look shitty" and im a spin doctor now. 
i cant win for tryin.  well that was my best attempt at being objective.

Football / Re: usa vs jam
« on: April 11, 2006, 08:08:37 PM »

i dunno what to say about this game. Jamaica playin like the tactic was, okay lets score a goal and then sit back and defend,  and then for kicks lets see how many US players we can seriously damage.  I was tryin to figure out why the US was really slow to counter attack but they just getting a pile of nasty tackle, jam, and slide tackle.  Id be reluctant to run into that shit too.  Why US schedule a game against Jamaica, i dont understand that.

US look shitty.  They not lookin like the national team of 02, IMHO.  Even if they tryin to figure out what team they going with, it doesnt matter.  if you start men that riding pine they whole career, if they on the us national team they better muster up better than a effin draw with Jamaica.  

good job trini madness cause u coulda never tell me we wouldve drawn that game.

Football / Re: Politics in US Soccer
« on: April 08, 2006, 12:13:56 PM »
Well as an African American that watches/played soccer who knows plentry other African Americans that do the same, the idea isnt that Soccer is a "poor mans game". I never seen a soccer game unti my parents bussed me to a school that was all white when I was 12.  The perception is that its white mans game, much like golf or hockey .  In the inner cities, or SW Atlanta, where I am from, you just are exposed to it unless you are friends with Africans or Latino kids who play it wherever they can.  The programs that teach children soccer in the US dont come to the Inner cities.  I believe that Caucasians feel that once minorities are exposed to soccer in the same manner that they expose their kids, the camps and the little leagues etc, their children may not have a chance to recieve those scholarships or win those cups anymore.  It happened with basketball and football (US). 

We arent turning our nose up at the game.  We are ignorant to the game for the most part because we arent exposed to it.  when that changes, and it will, i believe the face of US soccer will toatally change.

Football / Re: Politics in US Soccer
« on: April 07, 2006, 08:28:09 PM »
"It's ironic that most black kids in this country tend to think of soccer as a white or a foreign sport, not realizing that everywhere else in the world it's the sport of the poor. In other words, kids just like themselves. It's sad that so many Latino kids, who grow up with the game, feel or are made to feel as outsiders. "

This was a great article that articulates how I feel about our program and describes some of the situations I found myself in playing soccer in highschool.  The MLS and our national team will improve greately once soccer comes into urban communities and low income communities in the united states. It will happen soon enough I hope.

I think we woulda get licks if we played d german yesterday. I realise that there is blind patriotism on dis site. We all know that anything can happen but more likely than not I dont think Trinidad could have won because of the speed of the game. When last has Trinidad played a game of that intensity and that physical aggression. Lawrence and Dog who sometimes make careless mistakes would have been punished as the Americans were for their defensive blunders. They made keller look like a goat although to me Keller is one of the best in the world. Iceland was an ok team and played like a shit team on that day so i dont think bcuz we beat them we cud say that we cud take on Germany. I personally think if we play Germany now we getting at least 4.

Football / Re: usa crying
« on: March 22, 2006, 07:14:31 PM »
If you want to act like one of the best at least be able to back up your talks with actions. Just imagine how the commentators and the Public like you would have been gloating if the U.S. had won today, and now tink about why we glad dey geh licks.

That is the damn reason self i so glad they lost..and not only lost, but got totally hammered by a german side that is not considered strong at all. And with that group US has for world cup i really believe that trinidad has a much better chance to go thru theirs than the US does...they have lix to get this world cup
Last one they had a decent run..make quarters and rating up themselves...quick to forget they placed dead last the WC before! Until they consistently making it far in WC they cannot say much..but yet they like to!

SEAN!!!!  i expected better fom you man... you are still my favorite white boy tho.

but how u gonna talk about us "consistently making it far in a WC" and yall just reach.  

Its a good thing u not at Howard no more cause you know id come looking for you.  

Football / Re: usa crying
« on: March 22, 2006, 06:47:32 PM »

M'girl, meen care bout you, yuh know. Like you want to be the official U.S. PR on dis site. Nothing you could say could change my opinion about not liking the US football team. Just like how ah can't stand Australia's cricket team cos dey too arrogant. But at least dem have something tuh back up dey talks; dey actually good!  :devil:

This may be news to you eh, but the CONCACAF is arguably the weakest zone in World football so it eh no big surprise that U.S. does at least make it to the world cup. But if allyuh prove allyuh mettle and qualify from that group allyuh in dey, then I'll give jack he jacket.

okay toppa.  Im gonna give this one last try cause no matter how much the boys/men on this site would like, im not gonna indulge in a socawarrior girlfight.  you dont have to LIKE the US, i could care less.  but if u gonna talk, talk objectively and be as kind as to throw some fact in there atleast.  you saying concacaf is a weak zone isnt saying much, cause yall barely came out if concacaf.  So you tying to talk shit about my national team and u are being more successful at puttin your own team down.  Im guessing u are Trinidadian so.. i dunno i just dont think your post was a good look is all.

Football / Re: usa crying
« on: March 22, 2006, 06:30:33 PM »
And we're not the ones ranked fifth in the world and proving to the critics that we don't deserve that ranking. People are talking about the U.S. didn't have their starters, but even if you were fielding a B side, wouldn't that still have been better than a team that's ranked 22nd?

So then say whats really getting under your skin.  That we ranked 5th and yall not.  Theres another post for people with those gripes. 

We don't expect to be ranked fifth in the World. Fact is, U.S. is a shit side and dey geh de arse wash.


girl please.  PLEASE!!!!!  I wish they had a "block " button on this damn message board cause u clearly dont know what you are talking about.  i dont even know why I am responding to what u just said.  How can a shit side reach as far as we did last world cup.  Toppa tell me if you had the pleasure of watching your country play in the world cup in 02.  matter of fact, dont tell me anything cause talkin to u about this sport is a waste of time.

Football / Re: usa crying
« on: March 22, 2006, 06:23:49 PM »
girl you come on the TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO die hard football site, and you don't expect to hear shit talk about dis loss(especially after that 1989 grudge most die hards have over the US)

gyul get out of here!...some of this might not be rational talk or might be biased....but yuh know what....WE DON'T CARE!

1989 was how many damn years ago!!!! LOL!!! tell me how a 2006 friendly that trinidad not even playin in got anything to do with what happened in 1989.  Why yall still holdin that grudge?  wooosaaaaa.  inhale exhale, damn.   ;)

 if you can tell me that what u sayin isnt biased or rational then... thanks for admitting that.  You've proved every point i been trying to make.  

and sweetie (desowa) you dont know how old i am and u dont know anything about me.  Ive never disrespected this site.  I check this site almost everyday because I actually like the socawarriors, and I just came back from carnival and i like trinidad too.  you really need to check yourself because i havent cursed you, and i havent taken any money our your pocket, I just made a post.  and if u have anything further to say to me or with my name in it then you can PM me. thank you.

Football / Re: usa crying
« on: March 22, 2006, 06:14:35 PM »
Goodness.  Yall have PLENTY animosity for the US and I dont understand it.    You will never hear a US fan say " Good for Trinidad, they lost" and if you thought about it youd understand why.  USA Crying? not quite.  I was mad at todays game, only because of how they broke down and got shook after one goal.  But thats to be expected when the maj on the team is young.  We didnt have Beasley, McBride, Lewis, Reyna, Bocanegra, Onyewu, Pope, Donovan... So i will laugh at all of you foolish enough to rejoice in this lost because the only games that matter are against Ghana, Czech, and Italy.  I can take shit talk, I just hope all of yall can take it cause there will be enough comin from my mouth after yall first round games. 
Hush your mouth with this pack of assesness you talking.

Your people like nothing more than to thumb up your noses at us.

Take licks in yuh pweffen!!!!!!

"your people"... Im not thumbing my nose at anyone!  Yall are up and down this post talking about " good for the usa losing, usa this usa that? but Im the one thumbing my nose at yall.  LOL.  if you are going to say that what i said is a "pack of assesness" (assesness??) then atleast be more specifi and quote one of my few posts and say how.  

Get the chip off your shoulders, please. Its football, not politics.

Football / Re: usa crying
« on: March 22, 2006, 06:02:46 PM »
And we're not the ones ranked fifth in the world and proving to the critics that we don't deserve that ranking. People are talking about the U.S. didn't have their starters, but even if you were fielding a B side, wouldn't that still have been better than a team that's ranked 22nd?

So then say whats really getting under your skin.  That we ranked 5th and yall not.  Theres another post for people with those gripes. 

Football / Re: usa crying
« on: March 22, 2006, 06:00:35 PM »
Goodness.  Yall have PLENTY animosity for the US and I dont understand it.    You will never hear a US fan say " Good for Trinidad, they lost" and if you thought about it youd understand why.  USA Crying? not quite.  I was mad at todays game, only because of how they broke down and got shook after one goal.  But thats to be expected when the maj on the team is young.  We didnt have Beasley, McBride, Lewis, Reyna, Bocanegra, Onyewu, Pope, Donovan... So i will laugh at all of you foolish enough to rejoice in this lost because the only games that matter are against Ghana, Czech, and Italy.  I can take shit talk, I just hope all of yall can take it cause there will be enough comin from my mouth after yall first round games. 
we have a better chance of advancin than de yanks.


Football / Re: usa crying
« on: March 22, 2006, 05:48:07 PM »
Goodness.  Yall have PLENTY animosity for the US and I dont understand it.    You will never hear a US fan say " Good for Trinidad, they lost" and if you thought about it youd understand why.  USA Crying? not quite.  I was mad at todays game, only because of how they broke down and got shook after one goal.  But thats to be expected when the maj on the team is young.  We didnt have Beasley, McBride, Lewis, Reyna, Bocanegra, Onyewu, Pope, Donovan... So i will laugh at all of you foolish enough to rejoice in this lost because the only games that matter are against Ghana, Czech, and Italy.  I can take shit talk, I just hope all of yall can take it cause there will be enough comin from my mouth after yall first round games. 

Football / Re: usa vs norway live on espn 2
« on: January 29, 2006, 02:46:14 PM »

Football / Re: U.S. is No. 7 in FIFA rankings
« on: January 19, 2006, 02:33:39 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

cant wait until the world cup.

Football / Re: Blackpool's Murphy hopes for T&T try out
« on: December 14, 2005, 06:06:38 PM »
people are coming outta the woodwork to play for trinidad.  Your starting team will look dramatically different that first world cup game.

Football / Re: take a look at this jersey
« on: December 13, 2005, 09:45:04 PM »
thats nice.

Ill take a ladies size medium, thanks.


Football / Re: Warriors play Wales, Hungary, Norway & Czechs
« on: December 13, 2005, 09:44:22 PM »
Warriors play Wales, Hungary, Norway & Czechs
By Ian Prescott (Trinidad Express)

Warner admitted crying on realising that the Brazil game was off.

yes indeed...

Football / Re: T&T vs England
« on: December 12, 2005, 08:36:29 PM »

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