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Topics - Cantona007

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General Discussion / FlightRadar
« on: October 22, 2012, 04:23:26 PM »
Not sure if this has been posted, but one of the guys in the office here in Calgary turned me on to this today:


Live tracking of planes in the air.

...For Sex...

 :puking:  :puking:

From The Daily Mail with video of their court hearing.


•Shane Walker and wife Sarah allegedly advertised for a dog for her to have sex with

•Couple were stung by police when they drove to a farm with Sarah's lover Robert Aucker

•The men were planning to watch as Sarah had sex with the Golden Shepherd cross-breed, police say

•Dog's owner was invited to join in but turned them in

By Paul Thompson

Last updated at 12:17 AM on 1st March 2012

Comments (143) Share ..A husband, his wife and her lover have been charged with conspiracy to commit bestiality after using Craigslist to find a dog for the wife to have sex with.

Shane Walker and his wife Sarah Dae, who describe themselves as swingers in an open marriage, were arrested after an undercover sting operation.

The couple, and her lover Robert Aucker, were held after they drove out to a pre-arranged location to engage in the unnatural sex.
The two men were to watch while Sarah Dae had sex with the dog.

The trio had been hoping to meet the owner of a Golden Shepherd having spent three weeks corresponding with her over the use of the dog.

But when they arrived at the location in Phoenix, Arizona,they were arrested by detectives.

The owner of the dog had tipped off police about the trio's plans and an undercover officer took her place during the meeting.

Before their arrest the three offered the 'dog owner' the opportunity to take part.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said:'People who do this for enjoyment are a different breed, that's for certain.'

Arpaio, who is known as the toughest sheriff in America over his stand against illegal immigration, said the Walkers had described themselves as 'swingers'.
According to the arrest report Aucker,30, said he had been involved with Sarah for a month and she had expressed her desire to have sex with a dog.

Walker, 38, a flight attendant and his 34 year old wife, a freelance photographer, were charged with conspiracy to commit bestiality.

Last year Sheriff Arpaio wrote to Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster after the arrest of two people for using the website to solicit dogs for sex.

Arpaio asked for closer monitoring of the site, but said after the latest arrest: 'I remain extremely disappointed in the leadership at Craigslist.com for refusing to do what they can to stop this.

'While they aren't doing anything to stop it, I will continue to enforce all animal cruelty laws.'

General Discussion / Troy Davis is Executed
« on: September 21, 2011, 09:17:49 PM »


Student basketball star suspended for pre-marital sex

A university in the US state of Utah has suspended a star basketball player for having pre-marital sex with his girlfriend in violation of the school's strict "honour code".

Brandon Davies was dropped after admitting the transgression to staff at Brigham Young University (BYU).

His team, ranked 3rd in the nation in college basketball, went on to lose against an unranked team on Wednesday.

The BYU honour code requires students to be "chaste and virtuous".

BYU officials have defended the decision after the news was first reported by the Salt Lake Tribune, saying that students are fully aware of the rigorous code, and often choose the school because of it.

"We live this. This is who we are," said Tom Holmoe, BYU athletic director.

The Utah-based university is run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as the Mormon church. All students agree to abide by the honour code, which reflects Mormon values.

The code includes prohibitions on drinking, smoking, drugs, tea, coffee, swearing and sex, as well as a commitment regularly to attend church.

Mr Davies suspension has garnered headlines across the country because it comes at the beginning of the prestigious NCAA tournament - a nationwide contest for university teams, often called "March Madness".

The BYU team, the Cougars, were set to enter as first seed.

Mr Davies has reportedly apologised to his teammates.

In America, honour codes are mostly associated with military academies, but a number of universities, including the University of Virginia and Princeton, also enforce them.

General Discussion / Northwestern University sex toy show 'disturbing'
« on: March 04, 2011, 02:09:14 PM »

Northwestern University sex toy show 'disturbing'

Northwestern University President Morton Schapiro Mr Schapiro pledged to investigate and to clarify what teaching methods were appropriate

A US university president has said he is "disturbed" that a psychology professor allowed a demonstration of a motorised sex toy in a lecture hall.

Morton Schapiro of Northwestern University called the decision to allow a naked woman to demonstrate use of the device last month "poor judgement".

About 100 students observed the proceedings following a lecture session for a class on human sexuality.

Attendance was voluntary and students had been warned what to expect.

On 21 February, psychology professor Michael Bailey held a lecture on sexual arousal, with a focus on certain aspects of female physiology, according to a statement he released on Wednesday.

Prof Bailey said another guest lecturer, Ken Melvoin-Berg, had proposed the demonstration and he could not think of a legitimate reason why the students should not have that opportunity in the name of inquiry.

"Student feedback for this event was uniformly positive," Prof Bailey said.

The demonstrator, Faith Kroll, told the Chicago Tribune she enjoyed the attention.

"I was more than happy to," she said. "We had fun with it. I'm an exhibitionist."

On Thursday, Mr Schapiro said in a statement it was in the nature of a university to teach and research controversial topics.

But he said the demonstration "represented extremely poor judgement on the part of our faculty member" and said he was "troubled and disappointed".

"I simply do not believe this was appropriate, necessary or in keeping with Northwestern University's academic mission," he said.

He promised an investigation and to clarify "what constitutes appropriate pedagogy".

Cindy McCain Slams 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' in Anti-Gay Bulling Ad Campaign

Accidental porn?


In a new video condemning anti-gay bullying, Cindy McCain, wife of former presidential candidate John McCain, spoke out against the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy - despite the fact that her husband is currently leading the charge to filibuster its repeal in the Senate.

(Watch at left.)

"Our political and religious leaders tell LGBT youth that they have no future," McCain says in the ad, made by gay rights group "NO H8," in which she is featured alongside celebrities like Denise Richards, Dave Navarro and Gene Simmons.

"They can't serve our country openly," McCain says, adding, "our government treats the LGBT community like second class citizens, why shouldn't [bullies]?"

This isn't the first time McCain has publicly sparred with her husband over gay rights: In January 2010, McCain and her daughter, Meghan, appeared in an ad campaign for the same organization, which was formed in protest to the passage of California's Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage in the state.

Meghan McCain has long been an active supporter of gay rights, and has criticized both Republicans and Democrats for their lack of action on the issue. "We get the bad rap, as Republicans, as being against gay marriage," McCain said in a September appearance on Fox News. "But [Obama] isn't doing anything for the gay community," she added.

Senator McCain's office has not responded to a request for comment on the recent ad campaign.

Football / Wayne Rooney Thread
« on: October 17, 2010, 04:59:09 PM »
Wayne Rooney declares his intention to walk out on Manchester United

Posted in the Stretford End thread as well...

Wayne Rooney declares his intention to walk out on Manchester United


Wayne Rooney has thrown Manchester United's season into a state of turmoil after informing the club he has no plans to sign another contract and intends to find new employers. Rooney's decision is based on serious differences with Sir Alex Ferguson, the Guardian understands, and will be a devastating blow to the supporters who have come to regard him as a talismanic figure in this troubled era under Malcolm Glazer's ownership.

United may have no option now but to sell the England striker, possibly in the January transfer window, rather than risk his transfer valuation dramatically lowering now that he is only 20 months away from becoming a free agent.

Rooney has always said he has no desire to play abroad and would like to remain in Manchester for the rest of his career, but his mindset has changed and his availability will inevitably attract interest from major forces such as Real Madrid and Barcelona. Manchester City may feel they have an outside chance of capitalising on what has gone wrong for him at Old Trafford, although their chances are undermined by the fact they already have a huge task ahead of them bringing down their wages to prevent Uefa banning them from European competitions under financial fair-play rules.

The full details are not yet clear but the underlying fact is that Rooney now feels that his working relationship with Ferguson has suffered potentially irreparable damage in the fall-out from tabloid allegations about the striker's private life, coinciding with a dramatic loss of form and a growing sense that the most successful manager in the business has taken a hard-line approach with his player.

Rooney has lost his place in the team, with Ferguson citing a supposed ankle injury, and the 24-year-old felt sufficiently emboldened last week to contradict his manager's version of events and make it clear he has not missed a single training session – and was, in essence, dropped for other reasons.

What has not been established is whether these events have coincided with a disagreement about the amount of money he expected to earn in a new contract. United had been willing to make him the highest earner at the club, with a weekly salary of £150,000, and the club's chief executive, David Gill, had stated several times earlier in the year that the matter would be resolved as soon as Rooney was back from the World Cup.

That now appears to have backfired on Gill, with the message already conveyed to senior figures at Old Trafford that Rooney is now counting down his days at the club. There remains a suspicion it might be a part of the negotiating process, but the Guardian has been informed that, for now at least, Rooney's mind is made up and that he and his family are already contemplating where next to take his career.

If that remains the case, it threatens to be an even more devastating blow to the club than Cristiano Ronaldo's £80m transfer to Real Madrid last year given that it was widely known the Portuguese would eventually move to the Bernabéu. Rooney has always given the opposite impression, immersing himself in the fabric of the club, and now appears to be on the brink of being one of the few players to leave against their wishes. Ferguson has moved on some great footballers, including Ruud van Nistelrooy and David Beckham, but always prides himself on players not being sold unless he says so; in this case it seems clear that the decision was made by Rooney first.

With United desperately trying to keep the matter in-house, Ferguson's views on the subject are not clear, other than he is known to be alarmed and angry about the headlines that Rooney has attracted because of his alleged relationship with a prostitute, Jennifer Thompson and mostly his faltering performances on the pitch. Some United fans will be angry that Rooney seems to have portrayed himself as the victim when it could be argued that he has brought these troubles on himself, but a rift has clearly developed between player and manager.

Rooney has been in the worst form of his professional life for the last seven months, without a goal in open play since the first leg of the Champions League quarter-final against Bayern Munich in March. Most worryingly, he is showing few signs of emerging from his current slump. Nonetheless, he remains a hero to the United support and was regarded as the player who would help to ensure continuity and success once Ferguson, plus the likes of Ryan Giggs and Paul Scholes, had retired.

General Discussion / Cannibal restaurant adverts turn German stomachs
« on: August 26, 2010, 02:05:10 PM »

Would you be prepared to sacrifice your testicles, stomach fat or ears for the sake of high-class cuisine? A soon-to-open Berlin restaurant is touting for diners willing to do just that: donate body parts that it says it will turn into gourmet meals according to the age-old cooking habits of an Amazonian tribe infamous for its cannibalism.

The promotion has been declared grossly distasteful by a growing number of protesters, who say it is in particularly bad taste following the case of a real cannibal in Germany.

In a prominent advertising campaign on the internet, in German newspapers and on television, the restaurant, Flime, is appealing for willing donors and diners to become members of what it hints at being a new dining movement.

"Members declare themselves willing to donate any part of their body," the advertisement reads, adding that any resulting hospital costs will be taken on by the restaurant. They say they are also looking to employ an "open-minded surgeon".

The location of the restaurant – if it exists – is being kept a secret, as is the identity of the owners and investors behind it. As a foretaste of its menu, Flime is suggesting traditional Brazilian dishes such as bolinho, which it describes as "fried tatar balls with a sweet-sour dip", or feijoada, a main course consisting of "various pieces of meat with black beans and rice". It does not specify what type of meat is used.

The restaurant cites as its inspiration the indigenous Brazilian Waricaca tribe, which once practised the ritual of "compassionate cannibalism", or eating parts of the corpse of a loved one to emphasise the connection between the living and the dead, which was said to help with mourning.

The advertising campaign has provoked incredulity and outrage in equal measure. Michael Braun, the vice-chairman of Berlin's Christian Democrat party, said he had received several protest emails calling for the restaurant to be banned. He had been unable to get to the bottom of who was behind what he said might be "a stunt".

"I'm working on the assumption that this is some sort of a warped joke," he told Bild. "But it's disgusting, not least because it wasn't long ago that we had the case of the Berliner who was murdered by a cannibal."

Braun was referring to the case of the computer technician Bernd Jürgen Brandes, who in 2001 volunteered himself to the self-confessed cannibal Armin Meiwes, who chopped off his penis and prepared it as a dish seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic.

Meiwes then killed Brandes and consumed his flesh over the following months. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2006.

The case drew attention to a growing underground cannibal movement. Experts believe cannibalism has about 800 followers in Germany alone, only a minimal number of whom have carried out the practice.


2010 World Cup - South Africa / Special One TV - World Cup Edition
« on: June 13, 2010, 07:10:24 AM »
It's finally here (on BBC Three):


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/p8k3wRFJ-Rw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/p8k3wRFJ-Rw</a>

General Discussion / Eight convicted over Bhopal leak
« on: June 07, 2010, 11:03:31 AM »
This is a travesty of the highest order. Light sentences for the Indian employees, and the former CEO is living at home in his mansion enjoying his retirement.

Eight convicted over Bhopal leak

A court in the Indian city of Bhopal has sentenced eight people to two years each in jail over a gas plant leak that killed thousands of people in 1984.

The convictions are the first since the disaster at the Union Carbide plant - the world's worst industrial accident.

The eight Indians, all former plant employees, were convicted of "death by negligence". One had already died - the others are expected to appeal.

Campaigners said the court verdict was "too little and too late".


Forty tonnes of a toxin called methyl isocyanate leaked from the Union Carbide pesticide factory and settled over slums in Bhopal on 3 December 1984.

Soutik Biswas, BBC News, Delhi

Twenty-five years after the world's worst industrial disaster, people have finally been held legally responsible.

But the verdict is being described as more symbolic than just by rights groups and NGOs who have been working with the maimed gas victims.

They say that two-year prison sentences for Indians found guilty over the tragedy which killed thousands is an indictment of the country's slow-moving criminal justice system and investigative agencies.

Campaigners would like to see the former Union Carbide chairman Warren Anderson, the prime accused in the case, brought to justice. A warrant for his arrest was issued by an Indian court in 2003 but never acted on.

The Indian government says some 3,500 people died within days and more than 15,000 in the years since.

Campaigners put the death toll as high as 25,000 and say the horrific effects of the gas continue to this day.

The site of the former pesticide plant is now abandoned.

It was taken over by the state government of Madhya Pradesh in 1998, but environmentalists say poison is still found there.

The eight convicted on Monday were Keshub Mahindra, the chairman of the Indian arm of the Union Carbide (UCIL); VP Gokhale, managing director; Kishore Kamdar, vice-president; J Mukund, works manager; SP Chowdhury, production manager; KV Shetty, plant superintendent; SI Qureshi, production assistant. All of them are Indians.

The seven former employees, some of whom are now in their 70s, were also ordered to pay fines of 100,000 Indian rupees (£1,467; $2,125) apiece.

Although Warren Anderson, the American then-chairman of the US-based Union Carbide parent group, was named as an accused and later declared an "absconder" by the court, he was not mentioned in Monday's verdict.


Rights groups and NGOs working with the victims of the gas leak said that the verdict was inadequate.

# Initial deaths (3-6 December): more than 3,000 - official toll
# Unofficial initial toll: 7,000-8,000
# Total deaths to date: over 15,000
# Number affected: Nearly 600,000
# Compensation: Union Carbide pays $470m in 1989 Source: Indian Supreme Court, Madhya Pradesh government, Indian Council of Medical Research

"It sets a very sad precedent. The disaster has been treated like a traffic accident. It is a judicial disaster, and it is a betrayal [of Indian people] by the government," activist Satinath Sarangi said.

Rashida Bee, president of the Bhopal Gas Women's Workers group, told the AFP news agency that "justice will be done in Bhopal only if individuals and corporations responsible are punished in an exemplary manner".

More than a dozen judges have heard the criminal case since 1987, when India's leading detective agency, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), charged 12 people with "culpable homicide not amounting to murder".

That charge could have led to up to 10 years in prison for the accused.

However, in 1996, India's Supreme Court reduced the charges to "death by negligence", carrying a maximum sentence of up to two years in prison if convicted.

Campaigners say Bhopal has an unusually high incidence of children with birth defects and growth deficiency, as well as cancers, diabetes and other chronic illnesses.

These are seen not only among survivors of the gas leak but among people born many years later, they say.

Twenty years ago Union Carbide paid $470m (£282m) in compensation to the Indian government.

Dow Chemicals, which bought the company in 1999, says this settlement resolved all existing and future claims against the company.

2010 World Cup - South Africa / Brazil vs. Tanzania
« on: June 07, 2010, 09:35:55 AM »
Brazil up, but Tanzania running rings around the Brazilian defence. Their #16 in midfield running the show. When Brazil attacks you could see the gap in quality though...

Football / Liverpool Confirm Benitez Exit
« on: June 03, 2010, 09:46:30 AM »

Liverpool have confirmed the departure of their manager Rafael Benítez. The club released a statement this afternoon saying the Spaniard is to leave the club "by mutual consent".

Kenny Dalglish is to assist the Liverpool managing director, Christian Purslow, in the search for a replacement. Roy Hodgson, Martin O'Neill and Louis van Gaal are among the bookmakers early favourites for the post.

"It is very sad for me to announce that I will no longer be manager of Liverpool FC," Benítez said. "I would like to thank all of the staff and players for their efforts.

"I'll always keep in my heart the good times I've had here, the strong and loyal support of the fans in the tough times and the love from Liverpool. I have no words to thank you enough for all these years and I am very proud to say that I was your manager."

Benítez joined the club from Valencia in 2004 and guided the side to the Champions League title in his first season in charge. The FA Cup followed in 2006, but he was unable to transform his side's cup form into Premier League success.

Despite regular top-four finishes, the closest Liverpool came to the title during his reign was in 2008-09, when they were runners-up to Manchester United. Last season Benítez's side missed out on the Champions League qualifying spots, finishing the season in seventh.

Despite those shortcomings in the league, Benítez is admired by the Internazionale president, Massimo Moratti, who is searching for a replacement for José Mourinho at San Siro.
Liverpool statement in full

Liverpool FC today confirmed that Rafael Benitez is to leave the club by mutual consent.

Mr Benitez relinquishes his position as team manager after six years and the Board of Directors would like to place on record their grateful thanks for his services and wish him all the best in his future career.

The Board has now asked Managing Director Christian Purslow, with the assistance of Club Ambassador Kenny Dalglish, to begin a formal search to identify and assess potential candidates for the managerial position.

No timescale has been placed on the process and Liverpool FC will make no further statement until a new manager is appointed.

LFC Chairman Martin Broughton said: "Rafa will forever be part of Liverpool folklore after bringing home the Champions League following the epic final in Istanbul but after a disappointing season both parties felt a fresh start would be best for all concerned.''

Rafael Benitez said: "It is very sad for me to announce that I will no longer be manager of Liverpool FC. I would like to thank all of the staff and players for their efforts.

"I'll always keep in my heart the good times I've had here, the strong and loyal support of the fans in the tough times and the love from Liverpool. I have no words to thank you enough for all these years and I am very proud to say that I was your manager.

"Thank you so much once more and always remember: You'll never walk alone."

Football / Russian referee attempts suicide
« on: November 13, 2009, 06:45:37 AM »

Russian referee attempts suicide


The referee who took charge of Juande Ramos's controversial last game as CSKA Moscow manager is recovering in a psychiatric hospital after attempting to commit suicide. The former Tottenham manager was sacked after just 46 days in charge of CSKA following a controversial 3-1 home defeat to FK Moskva on 25 October, but that was just one consequence of a match that lies at the heart of a network of reports of possible match-fixing and Chechen-based mafia corruption.

The referee, Almir Kayumov, was widely criticised after the game, having denied CSKA what seemed a clear penalty and a free-kick just outside the box, while mystifyingly booking their goalkeeper and captain Igor Akinfeev. Referees' assessors awarded him the lowest possible mark for the game, and it was considered extremely unlikely that he would retain his place on the Premier Liga list for next season. Kayumov refereed Lokomotiv's 1-0 win over Amkar Perm at the weekend, but on Monday was spotted by passers-by standing on the window-sill of his seventh-floor flat in western Moscow.

He was eventually talked down by police negotiators, and taken into custody. There, he accused his wife of having robbed him and spoke of hearing "strange voices" in the kitchen. He was later taken to Psychiatric Hospital Number 14 in the south of the city. "His condition is satisfactory right now," said the head of the Russian Football Union, Vitaly Mutko. "We don't know the exact reasons that led him to this but we're investigating." Sovetsky Sport, the main sports tabloid, cited a source who blamed "family problems", but there are much darker rumours.

Kayumov was an inconsistent but brilliant member of the Spartak side that won the league in 1987, and then became a highly respected referee, taking charge of the 2005 Russian Cup final between CSKA and Khimki. Late that year, though, he was struck from the Premier Liga list after awarding Luch-Energia Vladivostok three dubious penalties in their 3-2 victory over KamAZ, a result that helped them to promotion to the top-flight.

He returned to the Premier Liga list in 2008, but attracted controversy again in July with a series of bizarre decisions in Terek Grozny's 3-2 win over Zenit St Petersburg, a game in which he awarded nine yellow cards, and Terek scored a last-minute winner after a late Zenit fightback had wiped out their two goal lead.

The RFU had already launched an investigation after Terek's suspicious 3-2 win over Krylya Sovetov in June. Their chairman, Ramzan Kadyrov, the president of Chechnya who has been accused of a range of human rights abuses, has denied any wrongdoing, but it was only last season that Terek were fined by the RFU after the referee Aleksei Kovalev was beaten up leaving their stadium.

Football / Premier League risks 'implosion'
« on: October 06, 2009, 09:07:25 PM »

Wages must be capped to avert crisis, warns key figure at meeting of football minds

The leaders of British football will be warned today that the sport faces implosion if it fails to introduce financial controls, including salary caps and spending limits, which will prevent the powerful few destroying its competitiveness and general appeal.

The case for controls on financial outlay, which Uefa president Michel Platini wants to see enshrined by 2012, will be argued by the commissioner of Major League Soccer (MLS) Don Garber, who this morning addresses the sport's Leaders in Football conference at Stamford Bridge.

Garber will argue that the Premier League risks driving the "passion" out of the sport by allowing spending to go unchecked and states that the financial perils associated with dependence on major investors risks causing the same disasters for British sides that the North American Soccer League did in the 1980s with its move for big name players including Pele and Franz Beckenbauer. The difficulties which Portsmouth have experienced and the problems facing Notts County make Garber's comments timely – though they will not be well received by the Premier League big spenders.

Garber, who will put his case in a session entitled "Managing the Wealth Gap" chaired by the Football League's chairman Lord Mawhinney, said yesterday that the MLS offered "if not a blueprint, a guide as European football starts looking at financial fair play." He said: "That is the key to the stability that exists in our major leagues. I'm not so sure that same stability exists around the world."

Platini is intent on ensuring that by 2012 Champions League entrants will be obliged to balance their books and two months ago suggested that he counted Chelsea's proprietor Roman Abramovich among his supporters. Manchester City's owner Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al-Nahyan, whose investment of more than £200m on 11 players in 12 months Uefa has condemned as an inflationary danger for clubs across European football, argues that spending is the only way of breaking the four-club cartel at the top of the Premier League.

But Garber said the MLS's $2.3m (£1.45m) salary cap per team was more "sophisticated." He argued: "We tend to be very sophisticated about the business of sport and that sophistication has led to great success. The rest of the world tries to look at it to get a better understanding of sport, particularly as European football continues to [grapple] with the wealth gap. We still remain a niche sport and we have to make sure we are managing to be financially viable. I think it's really smart for European football to start thinking about that."

Results suggest that Garber has a point. There have been six different winners of the MLS since its inception in 1996, compared to three different Premier League champions in the same time span. "We believe to our core that every fan wants to believe that when the season starts they have the tools, the capability, the resources to compete for the championship," Garber said. "I am just astounded how quickly teams can turn their fortunes around by spending more money. I think they are playing by different rules."

Leaders in Football: Key issues at the conference

How to measure performance

Mike Forde, the performance director at Chelsea, and the former Tottenham director of football, Damien Comolli, will discuss how they measure performance as part of a greater discussion on the identification, measurement and management of player performance. Valter di Salvo, Real Madrid's head of performance, will also participate.

How to buy and manage talent

Gérard Houllier, once of Liverpool but more recently of Lyons, will be talking about buying and managing of talent. Houllier, part of part of Uefa's and Fifa's Technical Committee at the 2002 and 2006 World Cup finals, will be joined by Bernie Mullin – of the NBA's Atlanta Hawks – and Tony Copsey the departing chief executive of rugby union club Wasps.

General Discussion / Looking for an old text book
« on: January 07, 2009, 06:57:36 PM »
All; I am looking for a copy of an old Spanish text book; Seguimos Adelante. This was the book I learned Spanish from a looong time ago, and I had really liked the approach (very strong grammar-based instruction). Does anyone out there have a copy they are willing to part with, or do you have a line on where I can get one? It seems odd that I want to use this text, but this was what I was used to and I guess I also want a copy for sentimental reasons. I am willing to pay for shipping costs etc.


Football / Hicks demands Parry resignation
« on: April 10, 2008, 01:39:46 PM »
Hicks demands Parry resignation


By Paul Walker and Martyn Ziegler, PA Sport
Thursday, 10 April 2008

Liverpool's season of boardroom turmoil took another astonishing turn today when co-owner Tom Hicks asked for the resignation of chief executive Rick Parry.

It is believed that a letter arrived at Anfield today - just 48 hours after Liverpool's triumphant passage into the Champions League semi-finals - demanding Parry's departure.

Parry is currently in London at a Premier League meeting but he has been made aware of the communication and is expected to refuse to quit by return of post.

This shock move from the Dallas-based co-owner is just another twist in the embarrassing saga over control of the club, which reached a peak last month when talks between Hicks and Dubai International Capital broke down.

Hicks was in London last week and watched both the Liverpool matches against Arsenal at the Emirates.

But on Tuesday, Hicks was back in Dallas watching his Texas Rangers' baseball team while co-owner George Gillett was shown on TV world-wide sitting next to Parry in the Liverpool directors' box.

They were watching boss Rafael Benitez's team beat Arsenal 4-2 to progress into another semi-final showdown with Chelsea later this month.

And this current development does nothing for the stability of the club ahead of Benitez's attempts to reach a third European Cup final in four years.

Gillett's son Foster was also in attendance on Tuesday, as was Hicks' son Tom Jnr, both sons also being directors of the club.

And it is also believed that Liverpool fans groups have received e-mails telling them that Hicks wants Parry out.

However, with the club ownership split 50-50 between the two Americans, Hicks would not have been able to have got sanction for Parry's dismissal, hence the letter received at Anfield today.

Hicks was believed to have been enraged by Parry's interview recently on BBC Five Live in which the chief executive pleaded with both co-owners to end the war between them and come to an agreement that would allow the club to move forward.

It was Parry who was largely involved in bringing Gillett to the club 18 months ago, with the American bringing in Hicks for financial muscle to get the deal through.

At that point DIC believed they were on the brink of buying former chairman David Moores' majority holding, only for the deal to collapse at the last minute when Moores - now life vice-president and still a board member - changed his mind.

Since then DIC have patiently worked towards a deal to buy out both Americans. It is believed that Gillett has agreed to sell his stake, but refuses to sell those shares to Hicks.

However, Hicks spent time last week in London trying to raise capital to buy Gillett's shares and to re-finance loans on his own sports empire.

He will soon be expected to come up with further loans to fund the building of Liverpool's new stadium.

The relationship between Gillett and Hicks has spectacularly broken down, with Parry at times finding himself in the middle trying to run the club effectively on a day-to-day basis.

Now Hicks' camp clearly believe that Parry is siding with Gillett as the uproar rumbles on, which has prompted the request for his resignation.

Football / Sunderland want Jones to give Eriksson short shrift
« on: November 06, 2007, 02:11:00 PM »

Written before the City game... the part about the girls is funny...

Sunderland want Jones to give Eriksson short shrift
By Michael Walker
Published: 05 November 2007

Sven Goran Eriksson has revealed that when he was manager of Lazio he tried to sign Roy Keane from Manchester United. "I was on the phone to his agent," Eriksson said, "but then he signed a new contract with United." Now Manchester City's manager, Eriksson will shake hands with Keane, the manager of Sunderland, at Eastlands tonight.

Keane knows the flattering side of what it is like to be a wanted man and he is coming to understand the potential hazards of having one in his team. In this case it is Kenwyne Jones, with whom Keane raised eyebrows with his £6m purchase from Southampton in August.

But Jones has scored four times in seven Premier League games for the Wearsiders – three in his last three – and Keane said: "If he continues in the form he's in, I would expect some calls. That shows the progress he has made in a short period. There are not that many big target-men out there. So the fact that he is quick and has a good touch makes it obvious that people will identify him. As for his opponents, it's one thing identifying certain players, stopping them is another thing."

A link has already been made with Liverpool and it would have been interesting to note Jones's language last week when he described life on Wearside as "a bit slow" and "quite hard, different." Jones added: "Sometimes you might need more excitement." Southampton must have been something else.

What is undeniable is that the 23-year-old from Trinidad has established himself as a key Sunderland player in just two months and, with Keane still feeling the hardship of injuries to last season's important duo of Dean Whitehead and Carlos Edwards, Jones's maturity has been welcome.

"He's a physical presence for us," Keane said. "We have to be careful not to put too much pressure on him. He's new to the Premier League but he has taken the responsibility on like a true man and that's what pleases me the most.

"He's laid-back. He's that character. I saw him on his second day here and it felt like he had been at the club a long, long time. He was talking to the girls in the office. A lot of the lads do that, the ones from Trinidad in particular."

Perhaps of more relevance tonight are the 20 goals Sunderland have conceded so far. City lost 6-0 at Chelsea in their last league match but a win would take them third.

General Discussion / Prostitutes sew lips together in protest
« on: October 26, 2007, 01:59:30 PM »

 Prostitutes sew lips together in protest

Thu Oct 25, 9:51 AM ET

Prostitutes in the Bolivian city of El Alto sewed their lips together Wednesday as part of a hunger strike to demand that the mayor reopen brothels and bars ordered closed after violent protests by residents last week.

"We are fighting for the right to work and for our families' survival," Lily Cortez, leader of the El Alto Association of Nighttime Workers, told local television.

"Tomorrow we will bury ourselves alive if we are not immediately heard. The mayor will have his conscience to answer to if there are any grave consequences, such as the death of my comrades," she said, surrounded by about 10 prostitutes who had sewn their lips together with thread.

Some 30 other women were shown fasting inside a medical clinic nearby.

Mayor Fanor Nava told local radio he would not reopen the brothels and bars closed after city residents fed up with underage drinking and crime stormed the red-light district in El Alto, an impoverished city just north of La Paz.

Prostitution in Bolivia is legal but pimping is outlawed.

Student activists who want the bars and brothels permanently shut down were also on a hunger strike, along with the leaders of an association representing bars, restaurants and karaoke establishments.

"It's not only us owners and the sex workers who are affected, there are thousands of waiters, cooks, bartenders, taxi drivers and street vendors who will be without income," said Ramiro Orellana, spokesman for the business group.

El Alto is one of the largest urban areas in Bolivia, with nearly 1 million inhabitants, mostly Aymara and Quechua Indians.

Football / Turncoat Terry... and other bizarre goings-on at Chelsea
« on: September 22, 2007, 07:22:38 PM »

'Turncoat' Terry

Duncan Castles
Sunday September 23, 2007

Jose Mourinho's relationship with John Terry has broken down completely over the Chelsea and England captain's central role in his departure from Stamford Bridge last week.

The Champions League-winning coach was replaced on Thursday by Avram Grant, a former Israel national team coach with no experience of club management outside his own country. According to many Chelsea sources, Grant will defer on football matters to owner Roman Abramovich, who has already started to take a hands-on role with the first team.

Mourinho holds Terry responsible for charges levelled by Chelsea's board of directors that he had lost the support of his playing staff after Tuesday's Champions League draw with Rosenborg - a match that was followed by club owner Roman Abramovich lecturing a senior professional on his on-field tactics behind Mourinho's back.

Half an hour before the Group B fixture, claims a dressing-room source, Terry told one of Mourinho's assistant coaches that he had 'things on my mind'. Only the intervention of a team-mate put him in the right state of mind to take part in the pre-match warm-up, for which Terry arrived late.

Midway through the first half Rosenborg scored, after Miika Koppinen beat Terry at a set piece. When Mourinho then directly criticised the centre back's defending at half time, Terry refused to accept responsibility for the goal or even to respond to his manager.

Earlier on Tuesday, Terry had been informed that Mourinho had gone to the club's medical department to ask whether there was any physical reason for the player's sub-standard performances in matches this season. Mourinho hoped to find an explanation for a significant decline in Terry's play following an operation to remove a disc from the defender's spine in December.

Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon was made aware of the dispute and, according to the dressing-room source, presented the information to an emergency board meeting on Wednesday as evidence that the manager had lost the trust of key players. The club subsequently asked Mourinho for his resignation, which he refused to tender, but ultimately settled on dismissal by 'mutual consent'. Later on Wednesday, Mourinho sent Terry a text message sarcastically thanking him for talking to the club's hierarchy.

On Friday, several first-team regulars apparently took their captain to task during a 50-minute team meeting called by Terry in the aftermath of Mourinho's dismissal. Ashley Cole, Didier Drogba and Florent Malouda are believed to have accused him of not doing enough to keep Mourinho at the club.

Terry is England's best-paid footballer after agreeing a five-year, £131,000-a-week contract this summer. In initial negotiations he had requested a 'limitless parity' clause to ensure he was the club's biggest earner for the duration of a proposed nine-year term. According to a Chelsea insider Terry also wanted - and was refused - a contractual option for him to manage the club at the end of his playing career.

As far-fetched as that request might be, Abramovich's actions in the aftermath of the Rosenborg draw were equally bizarre. In front of the entire Chelsea team, but while Mourinho was occupied with press conference duties, the Russian billionaire decided to hand out an impromptu tactics lesson to Michael Essien.

Employing striker Andriy Shevchenko as translator, he instructed midfielder Essien, player of the year last season, to hit passes wide rather than through central areas where the Norwegians had compressed play. Abramovich is expected to take an increasingly hands-on role in the team following the appointment of Grant to replace Mourinho and, according to several sources, will effectively select the side. In a press conference on Friday, Grant insisted he would not tolerate interference but declined to respond when asked who was the most important individual at Chelsea. 'Look, the owner gives the financial support,' Grant said. 'I'm not going to make remarks.'

The 52-year-old is already the subject of significant discontent among a first-team squad predominantly still loyal to Mourinho. Grant, though, is confident he will bring not only more silverware to Chelsea but a more attractive brand of football and said on Friday that he had no problems with the playing staff. 'There's a very good relationship with the players,' he said. 'I like their attitude, how they want to win all the time, even if the last result wasn't like that, but the relationship is good.'

Grant's first match comes at Old Trafford this afternoon, but he did not work yesterday for religious reasons. He must also wait for his Israeli coaching qualifications to be cleared by Uefa before he can be formally approved as a top-flight manager. Chelsea insist the process will be trouble-free.

Though Grant claimed that he had no 'plan to be the manager' until the appointment came about, he had begun requesting clearance from Uefa a fortnight ago.

According to Kenyon, the 'first-team coach' will be involved in all key areas of transfers and team building. He said: 'We are not embarking on the arbitrary buying of players and telling the coach to play them. Avram will be absolutely involved, responsible for picking the team and responsible for the results.'

Kenyon denied that Terry - who declined to comment last night - played any part in Mourinho's departure: 'There is absolutely nothing in stories that the dressing room has been lost. In particular there is no truth in any rumours that a bust-up with one or several of our players led to him leaving the club.'
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian News and Media Limited 2007

Football / Russian billionaire snaps up Dein's stake in Arsenal
« on: August 30, 2007, 12:02:27 PM »
Russian billionaire snaps up Dein's stake in Arsenal


Usmanov rated 278th richest person in the world by Forbes magazine

David Dein today re-emerged as a central figure in Arsenal's future by becoming the chairman of a company that has pledged to buy shares in the club. The Gunners' former vice-chairman, who stepped down in May following a disagreement with the rest of the board over the merits of encouraging a wealthy American investor, sold his 14.58% stake for £75m to a company called Red and White.

Jointly owned by the Russian businessman Alisher Usmanov and Farhad Moshiri, a London-based investor, Red and White will still have Dein as its chairman. Funds have been committed to buy more Arsenal shares, although Dein insists there is no "current intention" to try to take over the entire club.

Red and White will seek a meeting with the Arsenal board and insist they are keen to keep the club's current manager, Arsène Wenger. "Today's announcement marks a significant step towards realising the vision I share with thousands of fans at home and abroad of making Arsenal the world's No1 football club," said Dein.

"I have not lost my passion for the club; indeed, it is greater than ever. My ambition remains to play an active role in Arsenal again. My immediate intention is to work with others to provide the financial resources necessary to turn the vision of Arsenal as the world's number one club into reality."

Moshiri, born in Iran, but a UK citizen, is a London-based fund manager and the chairman of Russian mining company, Metalloinvest. Usmanov, who has a box at Arsenal, is the majority shareholder of Metalloinvest and has media and telecoms holdings that include Russia's largest business newspaper and investment in a mobile phone company. He had his fortunes valued by Forbes magazine last year at $2.6bn, making him the 278th richest person in the world.

Dein left Arsenal in April because of what he saw as a lack of ambition. Thierry Henry followed him out of the door at the end of the season, with his departure to Barcelona believed to have been influenced by Dein's exit.

"I believe the board should welcome non-British involvement given the wealth of nationalities responsible for Arsenal's success on the pitch, including its manager," added Dein. "Without new investors, I feel very soon Arsenal might not be able to compete successfully at the very top level, despite the fantastic work of Arsène Wenger. I believe our professional partnership over many years was highly successful and beneficial for the club we both love. Meanwhile, I want Arsène to continue as manager and, indeed, I have encouraged him to sign a new contract."

Many Arsenal fans have expressed misgivings about the club going into foreign ownership. However, the idea of their traditionally low-spending club being backed by a Russian billionaire, as with Roman Abramovich at Chelsea, could soon change some minds.

General Discussion / US senator in lewd conduct furore
« on: August 28, 2007, 02:47:49 PM »
Republicans... defenders of "Family Values"...


US senator in lewd conduct furore
Idaho Senator Larry Craig
Sen Craig says he only pleaded guilty to speed up his case
Questions are being asked about the future of US Republican Senator Larry Craig after he admitted pleading guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct.

The Idaho senator was arrested in June by a policeman investigating complaints of lewd conduct at airport toilets. He says his actions were misconstrued.

A watchdog group has asked the Senate ethics committee to investigate whether Mr Craig has broken Senate rules.

Mr Craig has already resigned from Mitt Romney's 2008 presidential campaign.

Mr Craig, a married father-of-three, has not yet confirmed whether he will run for re-election in 2008. He is in his third term as senator for the western state of Idaho.


In a statement issued on Monday, Mr Craig confirmed he had pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct three weeks ago.

But, the 62-year-old said, he should not have done so without taking legal advice.

"At the time of this incident, I complained to the police that they were misconstruing my actions," he said.

"In hindsight, I should not have pled guilty. I was trying to handle this matter myself quickly and expeditiously."

A charge of "gross misdemeanour interference to privacy" was dropped.

The watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a complaint with the Senate ethics committee on Tuesday.

Toilet 'signal'

According to a police report seen by the Associated Press news agency, Mr Craig entered a stall next to the undercover policeman's in the men's toilets at Minneapolis-St Paul airport.

According to the policeman, he tapped one foot several times and then moved it into the neighbouring stall to brush against the officer's foot.

The police officer recognised that "as a signal often used by persons communicating a desire to engage in sexual conduct",
the official complaint said.

Mr Craig then gestured with his hand under the cubicle divider, AP quotes the document as saying, at which point the police officer identified himself.

Court papers show Mr Craig paid $575 in fines and fees and was put on unsupervised probation for a year, while a 10-day jail sentence was stayed, AP says.

The furore comes only weeks after fellow Republican David Vitter admitted he had committed a "very serious sin" after his phone number was linked to an alleged Washington prostitution ring.

Football / Heinze agrees move to Real Madrid
« on: August 22, 2007, 12:44:39 PM »
Real Madrid... the new dumping ground for disaffected United players... no confirmation yet though.


Manchester United defender Gabriel Heinze has agreed to join Real Madrid.

A statement on the Real Madrid website confirmed the two clubs had agreed a fee and Heinze will sign a four-year contract with the Spanish champions.

The Argentine had his heart set on a move to Liverpool and took his case to a Premier League tribunal after United refused to sell him to their rivals.

But after a League panel ruled against Heinze, the 29-year-old agreed to join Real for a reported £8m fee.

Football / Heinze loses bid to join Liverpool
« on: August 21, 2007, 07:41:08 AM »
Now rot in the reserves...


Gabriel Heinze has lost his bid to force Manchester United to sell him to Liverpool.

The Argentina defender had gone to a Premier League panel claiming United had written a letter allowing him to leave if another club offered a fee of £6.8million.
The panel today dismissed Heinze's case and backed United, who maintained they made it clear to the 29-year-old both orally and in writing that he would not be permitted to join one of their title rivals.
It now appears that if Heinze is intent on leaving the club he will have to move abroad.
The Premier League said in a statement: 'The hearing concluded that nature and intention of the disputed 13 June 2007 letter, especially when taken in context of verbal discussions and Manchester United FC's transfer policy, was unambiguous in that it envisages only an international transfer.

'Furthermore the hearing finds the letter constitutes an 'agreement to agree', and did not create an obligation or binding agreement for the club to transfer the player to any particular club.
'In other words the letter is evidence of an intention to negotiate, both between the parties and with potential buying clubs, and not evidence of any intention to create legal relations.'
Heinze does have the right to appeal to the Premier League appeals committee, which is made up of an independent, legally-qualified chairman, a member of the Premier League panel and a PFA appointee.
The decision has delighted United, who were represented by both manager Sir Alex Ferguson and chief executive David Gill at the hearing in London.

Football / Rossi to Villareal
« on: July 31, 2007, 01:32:35 PM »
Not sure if this should go in SM's Stretfod End thread...


 Man Utd sell Rossi to Villarreal

Manchester United have sold striker Giuseppe Rossi to Spanish side Villarreal for a reported £6.7m fee.

The six-year deal is subject to the 20-year-old American-born Italian passing a medical on Wednesday.

Rossi was loaned to Newcastle last season and then to Parma, where he scored nine goals in 19 matches.

Villarreal were looking for a new striker after allowing Diego Forlan, another ex-United player, to join Atletico Madrid for £14m.

United signed Rossi as a 16-year-old from Parma and the Italian club were keen to secure his services once again after the striker helped them stay in Serie A last season during his loan spell.


They reportedly tabled a £5.4m bid for the Italy Under-21 international, but failed to clinch a deal.

United boss Sir Alex Ferguson often spoke highly of Rossi, who scored 13 times in 19 starts for the reserve team in his first season at Old Trafford.

He signed a new contract until 2010 last summer, with Ferguson hailing him as "the future of the club".

He went to Newcastle last season in a bid to play regular Premier League football but failed to win a regular place in the first team.

His loan spell in Parma was, by contrast, a huge success and Villarreal's offer was apparently too good for United to turn down.
Story from BBC SPORT:

Published: 2007/07/31 17:37:40 GMT


General Discussion / Any experiences with the Garmin 340
« on: May 07, 2007, 02:03:35 PM »
Or any other Garmin model (or for that matter, any other simple GPS navigation devices). I am thinking of getting the 340 from e-bay based on talking to several taxi drivers and others who make use of such devices. I have also used this and similar models with car rentals The other models seem too costly and the extra features that they offer do not seem to justify the price increase. The 340 seems like a good compromise.

Football / Ryan Giggs
« on: May 07, 2007, 09:59:36 AM »
Congrats to Ryan Joseph Giggs. Nine Premiership titles, the most League medals won by any single player (yesterday's triumph surpasses Alan Hansen and Phil Neal... one more up on the Scouse  ;D ). He has also won a total of 23 trophies with his one club, the mighty Manchester United. He is also on course to beat Sir Bobby Charlton's appearance record.

Here's to a legendary winger and a consummate professional; today's over-hyped players STILL aren't fit enough to lace his boots.

Here is a tribute on Youtube that I like.


Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs running down the wing
Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs can do anything
Feared by the Blues, loved by the Reds
Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs...

Football / Thank you Newcastle!!
« on: April 22, 2007, 08:29:26 AM »
Great result. Thanks to the Magpies!

Football / Chelsea Vs Valencia
« on: April 10, 2007, 01:19:07 PM »
1-0 to Valencia!!

Football / Injury rules Henry out for season
« on: March 09, 2007, 10:37:27 AM »


Arsenal captain Thierry Henry has been ruled out for the rest of the season because of groin and stomach injuries.

The 29-year-old tore muscles in Wednesday's 1-1 draw with PSV Eindhoven, which saw the Gunners crash out of the Champions League.

Henry, who signed a new contract last summer, has struggled with a sciatic nerve problem all season.

Manager Arsene Wenger said: "We are confident that he will be ready for the start of next season."

Defeat in the Champions League left Wenger's side with only their Premiership position to fight for, having already exited both domestic cups.

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