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Topics - saga pinto

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I was recently reading on the wedsite ussoccer.com of which many of you on this site are familiar with,there was an article describing the u.s. under 17s time together at the the IMG Academy or for locals at bradenton,fla the country club,also a boarding school,now I've been there at least twice and the conditions are impecable,the security tight, you can't get in unless you're invited.

I read that these younsters have been living together since early january of this year to present,my calculations almost a year living and studying together,they're not playing any secondary school football like some of us insist should be the case with our T&T players,and when we lose games everybody looking around for answers,now I watched and observed our trend to gearing up for tournaments and it's appaling to say the least even ancient in some respects,what's taking us so long to realise the system is broken was always broken and ent working and never will if we continue along this path,you can't be serious and when you have a game against the likes of jamaica under 20s then  man running practice a couple weeks in advance or training for only two months together in belief that will do the job and everybody will be geling,complete and utter madness.

I say take pattern from what working for the u.s. under 17s who just held there own against a very formidable brazilian under 17 team (2 goal tie),look it takes a lot of money to pump into such a programm as what the u.s is doing currently and I understand that,but if we want to seriously compete on any level consistently we've got to invest time and money and it's not like we don't have the money,we do.

Anything other than developing longterm training camps couple with living facilities,for our youths will always result in failure,so is time we stop dreaming and open our eyes...............Peace & Love                       

Football / Is It me or them ssfl players looking like midgets?
« on: November 19, 2006, 06:16:07 PM »
Back in the early 80's when I played college ball,I was playing against men 6ft and change,powerful,healthy looking,them boys today look like they just sit common entrance,tired looking, small,maybe is the foods we grew up on back in those days,yuh no like the yam,dasheen,dumpling,cucoo,common fowl,but in all seriousness like them boys today only eating process foods and playing to much nintendo and xbox,college ball today is a far cry from what it was 25 years ago,it has lost its luster,flair and excitement.               

I looking at the last couple matches played by the national squad and the under 20,it looks like we for some reason in both cases the game against panama was a struggle,and yesterdays under 20 game against DR was also a struggle,are we having trouble putting away teams convincingly,or is it that those teams are getting better........ 

Jokes / men's prayer vs women's prayer
« on: September 11, 2006, 09:15:12 PM »
men's prayer:
as i lay you down to f**k,
i hope your pussy could take this cock,
and if it hurts and you cannot make,
then you'll use your mouth to make me break.

women's prayer:
as i lay here to mate,
i hope your prick don't ejaculate,
and if u cum before i do,
then i hope your tongue will see me through.

Jokes / Construction Worker...
« on: September 11, 2006, 09:12:07 PM »
Construction worker on the 5th floor of a building needed a handsaw. So he spots another worker on the ground floor and yells down to him, but he can't hear him. So the worker on the 5th floor tries sign language.
He pointed to his eye meaning "I", pointed to his knee meaning "need", then moved his hand back and forth in a hand saw motion. The man on the ground floor nods his head, pulls down his pants, whips out his cock and starts masturbating.
The worker on 5th floor gets so pissed off he runs down to the ground floor and says, "What the f**k is your problem!!! I said I needed a hand saw!".
The other guy says, "I knew that! I was just trying to tell you - I'm coming!"

Jokes / Skin....
« on: September 11, 2006, 09:08:26 PM »
b]A married couple was in a terrible accident where the woman's face was severely burned.[/b]

The doctor told the husband that they couldn't graft any skin from her body because she was too skinny. So the husband offered to donate some of his own skin.

However, the only skin on his body that the doctor felt was suitable would have to come from his buttocks. The husband and wife agreed that they would tell no one about where the skin came from, and requested that the doctor also honor their secret. After all, this was a very delicate matter.

After the surgery was completed, everyone was astounded at the woman's new beauty. She looked more beautiful than she ever had before! All her friends and relatives just went on and on about her youthful beauty!

One day, she was alone with her husband, and she was overcome with emotion at his sacrifice. She said, "Dear, I just want to thank you for everything you did for me. There is no way I could ever repay you."

"My darling," he replied, "think nothing of it. I get all the thanks I need every time I see your mother kiss you on the cheek."

Jokes / Oranges.
« on: September 11, 2006, 09:04:20 PM »
Lulu was a prostitute - One day there was a raid. All the prostitutes
>were lined up outside the police station as they took them in one by one.
>As Lulu stood in line, she saw her Grandma coming down the street and
>was so ashamed.
>Grandma didn't know her occupation. Grandma stopped to say hi, and
>asked what the line was for.
>Lulu, saving face, said that the police were giving away fresh oranges
>to those waiting. Grandma said wonderful, she loved oranges and got at
>the end of the line.
>When the policeman got to the end and saw her, he was amazed. He said
>"How the heck do you do this at your age?"
>She said "I just take out my teeth, rip the skin back and suck'em dry!"
>The policeman fainted.

The 2006 world cup is behind us now and we have gained valuable experience during our run,but I have noticed that most people keep saying we will definitely qualify in 2010,you never hear anyone saying we will win it in 2010,as if that is way beyond reality or maybe I'm missing something hear,but it's echoed through the entire caribbean that the likes of trini,jamaica should be only content with qualifying,so is it that we're only good enough to qualify or at what point will we be able to contest the illustrious cup,in 10years,20years from now.

What you guys feel,it's wishful thinking or we will quicker see ah trini in the EPL win ah championship like dwight did with man u,within the next 4years.         

I remember grayie who played for gustine,his brother platto who was noted for his basketball greatness was equally a good football player,some say even better than grayie.

Football / Coed World Cup,What allyuh think?
« on: August 11, 2006, 09:06:01 PM »
I was just calmly sitting in living room,listening to some smooth jazz, and suddenly a thought popped into my head,what would it look like if football was coed, 6 men 5 women on each side,with heavy tackling and some occasional zidane like head-butts to the chest............ ;D   

Tell me do you think we could've qualified under beenie in 1989,or with the current 4th place in play during the warriors campaign is it possible that gally with the likes of the strike squad could've qualified just as well or done even better.

What's your take on this,all hyperthetical by the way, but I like to provoke the mind ah little..... 

Football / Warriors Strikers Lasting Impression...............
« on: June 22, 2006, 04:27:09 PM »
I say despite all of stern johns scoring records,he never lived up to expectations,kenwyn jones has a future but lacks the explosion upfront,CORNELL GLENN A HIDDEN GEM THE LASTING IMPRESSION I wish him all the best in the future and a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him start upfront in 2010............... 

I think I would tell my players to come out blazing,don't get overexcited or nervous,just relax and be as confident on the ball as though it was yours,I obviously want my guys to score first.......but easier said than done............

I just wondering,if you guys knew of any footballer that smoked besides latas on an international and club level.................

I was watching fox sports and they had just arrived in germany,while exiting the bus they were met by a bunch of reporters and one of the reporters ask shaka what he thought about the warriors chances,his answer was he knows that we're not going to win....

I Don't no, but do you think that was the right thing to say,maybe is just me but whether you personally feel so,It might be best to keep that to yourself,I have to wonder now if that's the concensus of the whole team,obviously with him being a senior warrior I expected him to say something like anything is possible in the game of soccer.

I know he was just trying to honest and realistic,but could that be good for the team going into the world cup,my wife heard it and said it sounded like someone who decided it was over before it actually begun............

What's your take...........Peace and Love..........

Football / Where's Cornell Glenn?
« on: June 03, 2006, 03:23:56 PM »
Anybody no what's going on with cornell glenn,I know spann left with an injury but if cornell still on the team it could only mean he has recovered enough to play.Still he's absent in most of the friendlies.

We struggled to reach where we're today with a measure of luck and faith in beenie,but is he as good as they say............   

I been looking at the game between slovenia and now czech republic and it's apparent that we cannot keep up with the pace of there game,also Sweden plays with that same pace,I'm not shocked with the way we're playing because I know these group of guys with the exception of a few are not the best T&T has to offer,but I could bet you politics largely had a part to play in some of those lackluster selections.

It's truly embarrassing when we get beaten that badly infront the international stage,again I say to my trini brothers and sisters back home and in foreign stop pounding jamaica because we not that different............   

Football / Brazil complaning about the world cup ball.............
« on: June 02, 2006, 05:45:20 AM »
Brazil not too happy with new World Cup ball
Associated Press
Posted: 11 hours ago     
 WEGGIS, Switzerland (AP) - Brazil's players are having a hard time getting used to the World Cup ball.

Team P Pts.
Brazil (BRA) 0 0
Croatia (CRO) 0 0
Australia (AUS) 0 0
Japan (JPN) 0 0
Tue., Jun. 13
FRA vs. SUI  Stuttgart 
KOR vs. TOG  Frankfurt 
Sun., Jun. 18
FRA vs. KOR  Leipzig 
Mon., Jun. 19
SUI vs. TOG  Dortmund
Fri., Jun. 23
FRA vs. TOG  Cologne 
SUI vs. KOR  Hanover 
Round of 16
Winner G vs. Runner-up H in Cologne on Mon., Jun. 26.
Runner-up G vs. Winner H in Hanover on Tue., Jun. 27. 
More World Cup
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Although sportswear giant Adidas says the "Teamgeist" (Team Spirit) balls will produce unprecedented performances, the defending champions are not enjoying it so far.

"I still haven't been able to find the best way to strike this ball," defender and free-kick specialist Roberto Carlos said Thursday. "It's very light, the way they are doing it is completely different from before. It seems like it's made of plastic."

Goalkeeper Rogerio Ceni said last week that the ball is very different from what players are used to.

"We'll have to practice a lot to adapt to this ball," Ceni said. "It gains a lot of velocity when it's raining."

Carlos, Ronaldinho and Juninho have been spending extra time during Brazil's training sessions to work on striking the ball.

"We are trying different ways to hit it," Carlos said. "I think the important thing is to hit the goal, we are seeing that the goalkeepers are not being able to hold on to it very easily - it curves a lot."

Germany goalkeeper Jens Lehmann complained about the ball last month, saying it was made for outfield players and the crowd, not goalkeepers.

With the new ball, Brazil routed Swiss club FC Lucerne 8-0 on Tuesday in a World Cup warm-up. One of the goals was scored by Juninho on a free kick.

Adidas contends that the Teamgeist ball is three times more accurate than its closest competitors, but does not provide data from tests conducted with its robotic leg at a laboratory in Germany.

Adidas has supplied all 32 World Cup teams with 40 balls for training. All 960 soccer balls for use at the World Cup will be inscribed with the date, the names of the teams playing, the venue and the match number.

Each of the 64 games at this year's tournament will have 15 balls to use. Each team and officials will get to keep one ball after the game.

Brazil will play New Zealand on Sunday in Geneva in its final match before heading to Germany to try to win a record sixth World Cup title. It will debut in Group F against Croatia on June 13.


Answer this for me nah,allyuh think if T&T were trying to qualify in ah group with slovenia,crotia,russia,and ukraine,we would make it............       

I believe the fans expectations during the friendlies are too high,and it seems as though we're expected to win or draw and not loose every friendly.

My take is we're saving something for the big dance,what it is I don't no but I'll bet we either come out playing with fluidity poise and calm or the total opposite,because of this grand event.

Also the matchups will be interesting to see who capitalises on whose weaknesses faster during the each game.........   

Football / Are Club Teams better than World Cup Teams?
« on: May 21, 2006, 06:42:40 PM »
I'm thinking if yuh put ah chelsea with it's diversity of players to play the likes of ah Brazil,I honestly feel they would emerge the better team.


Football / What are the strenghts & weaknesses of the warriors?
« on: May 11, 2006, 06:54:54 AM »
Prior to posting this I thought based on all the commentary I've heard leading up to the game with peru,that seem to set a stage for T&T winning by a barage of goals,"well" it never happened, we could only pull-out a draw.

This certainly begs the question which  of our strenghts will carry us through the second stage of the world cup or which weakness will ultimately be the achilles that maybe defines us and prevent us from advancing.

I think our expectations of the "warriors" as fans may be to high,I have noticed that the team at times tends to play a game geared towards pleasing the fans and not sticking to there plan,especially at home.

We could make the case that Iceland is a much better team than peru,well I could be wrong but that game against iceland was clearly a superior performance,worth the praises it got.

So the strenghts are: ? I need help here........

So the weaknesses are:you never no which warrior team will show up.

Football / Football is not the same after 35............
« on: May 09, 2006, 02:32:44 PM »
I've been struggling lately even though I feel fit,but when it comes to competitive football all the things I used to do so easy is like ah major task now.for instance we playing in ah over 40 league with the youngest entry allowed is 35,when we arrive at the field I does be anxious to go out they and showcase may talents,but brother after two hard run dah field does seem like its twice the size,I doh know if allyuh share the same sentiment but I have respect for those who still doing it consistently pass 40.

I now reserving myself to watching more than playing and walking with meh personal cooler full ah beers and liquor.

T&T 4 Peru 1       

I chose these three countries for obvious reasons because outside of trinidad combined they make up a population close to the one back home,now I was recently invited to a party at a friends  home here in miami which was mainly trinis and it so happens the topic was the world cup,well to my surprise myself and maybe 3 other guys was supporting the warriors and this encounter had at least 20 trinis involved,the rest was backing the u.s. or england.

There reasons followed:Here's comments from one guy: I ent living in trinidad no more and when I was there well yuh no I had no other choice but to back them,so I always wanted to live in the U.S. and now that I here is team u.s.a. all the way.

Well you guys might be wondering if I challenged this guy on his point,no I kept silent all through the bashing.

A second person happened to be a young woman:I doh no why allyuh dus waste time with anything trinidad pushing yuh no dem get there by luck and it stops in the first round,so why bother.

Look I could go on and on for hours,but it's reality that we do have people who hate for there own reasons,and it's pervasive especially in our culture,listen you could back whatever team you like it's your right,but take a page from the country you so longed to live in the united states they have people who talk about italy,france,germany,brazil,all tough sides but as one american says whether I was living in germany I'm backing my united states.

I posted this because I was saddened and troubled,This is definitely a reflection of our ongoing struggle as a nation to separate politics from patriotism.                 

Football / Allyuh ever see anybody un-score ah goal in football?
« on: April 27, 2006, 01:04:25 PM »
I remember years ago playing in the eddie hart league for tringrove and ah teammate of mind intercepted a cross that was heading into the oppositions goal,when he realise the shit he do to compound it,he say he doh like to leh them type ah goal score,yuh ever hear madness like that. 

Football / Attacking.......
« on: April 18, 2006, 06:38:26 AM »
Who will be the ace in the hole is the question,which of these men will create history,will be the unsung hero. It's a toss up for me between stern and glen simply because they both can turn it on at any moment,my only problem is which stern or which glen will show up for the world cup,because as we all know stern can go goaless sometimes for more than one game.

Glen can be off the mark at times and not capitalizing on key opportunities,but will it be the raining goals for T&T come June.     

Anybody has info on games world cup or otherwise,that were blessed with fair play,no injuries,no red or yellow cards,non-stop end to end action. 

Football / Is Cornell glenn the Answer upfront?
« on: April 13, 2006, 12:14:56 PM »
I certainly think so,look when that man was playing for metro-stars he was there fastest player,and he have some decent ball control and skill as well.He could if stays fit and is discipline enough light it up in the world cup games.


Instant replay: Let’s see that again, FIFA
By Sean Ahmed
January 28, 2005

Chicago Maroon newspaper, online edition

Video replay debate has existed since the technology was successfully implemented in other professional sports. There has been discord between those who see the technology as a threat to the game’s continuity and those who believe the modern game has increased in pace so significantly that it is now an impossible task for officials to do all that is asked of them. Recent events at Old Trafford, however, have suggested that there is no better time than now to apply the use of video technology to professional soccer.
For those that do not know, a quick recap: A tight game between Manchester United and Tottenham was fast heading toward a 0–0 draw. In injury time, Pedro Mendes tried his luck with a speculative 50-yard effort. A retreating Roy Carroll managed to get under the lofty shot, but proceeded to fumble it over the goal line. The Irishman scrambled to get the ball out of the goal, and it wasn’t in vain: The referees, presumably not having seen the incident, denied the visitors the goal and waved play on. Minutes later, the match ended goalless amidst wild protests from the Tottenham players and a distinct look of guilt on the shamed United goalkeeper’s face.
Many regard this mistake as a disgrace to the game and as a testimony to the low quality of officiating in Europe’s top leagues. However, it is nothing more than one event in a string of many that reinforces the necessity of video replay in professional soccer.
Despite the numerous instances of incompetent officiating over the last year, the referees were blameless on this occasion. Both were positioned correctly, and it was merely chance that their distance from the goal prevented them from making a judgment on such a long-range effort. Giving the defending team the benefit of the doubt was the correct decision.
Thus, the problem lies in the fact that situations of this sort are to be expected. Goal-line controversies have existed for years, and now that technology that can remedy the situation is readily available, it is absurd not to implement it.
More controversially, to what extent should soccer use video replay? Many desire a system similar to the NFL in which a team is granted a certain number of challenges over disputable calls. Others prefer that the video review take place solely when initiated by the fourth official.
Crucially, all these solutions interrupt the game as the video is reviewed. Unlike many American sports, the continuous flow of the game is paramount in soccer. Further, it would be necessary to consider which calls would be reviewable: Offsides? Penalties? Fouls? In which parts of the field?
The only seemingly feasible method is the implementation of a video replay system based on the officials’ objective decisions. In soccer, this is limited to balls crossing the goal line and offsides. Since the referee already wears an earpiece, putting a sensor in the ball and using it to judge when the ball crosses the line seems straightforward.
If this were so easy, however, why hasn’t it been done? FIFA has continually denied the implementation of goal line technology and, perhaps, rightfully so—affected games are few and far between. However, in big games it is inexcusable. More controversial is the way to remedy poor offsides calls.
Rather than increasing the number of referees, the solution is actually to have fewer on-field officials. Move the linesmen into a booth in which they have access to a touchline camera. The on-field and ball sensors would take care of such things as throw-ins, goal kicks, and balls crossing the goal line. The linesmen could instead focus entirely on correctly calling offsides. By using a camera with instant access to video replay, linesmen could make correct decisions in a matter of seconds. Though there would be a slight delay, it would be nothing like the official himself reviewing the play in a booth with only a slight delay.
It is time for soccer to make the move to video replay technology. FIFA should use the technology for obvious situations (such as the goal line), but also for offsides, where the game is plagued by human error—too many games are won or lost on the back of incorrect offsides decisions. However FIFA must also be prudent and protect the game’s fluency—the ultimate source of its popularity.

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