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Football / TTFA/TTFF Players of the Year
« on: August 03, 2023, 07:11:57 AM »
Morning all!

I'm delving into a bit of history lately, and trying to make a more complete list of the TTFA/TTFF players of the year (i.e. not the league one), which I'm putting onto Wikipedia and into Football Manager (I do research for them, I mentioned it many years ago when I started). Struggling to find it, often random tidbits have info (e.g. player profile in a random website, obituary).

So far I have;

67 - Sedley Joseph
83 Latapy
85 Latapy
89 Latapy
96 Latapy
98 Dwarika
99 Dwarika?
00 Carrington?
01 Dwarika
02 Stern John
05 Yorke
07 K.Jones
08 J.Scotland
09 Not awarded
10 K.Jones
12 Hyland
13 K.Jones
21 A. David
22 L. Garcia

00 - Leslie Ann James?
01 - Leslie Ann James
02 - Tasha St. Louis
05 - Cordner
08 - Cordner
09 - Not awarded?
10 - Cordner
12 - Cordner
13 - Cordner
19 - Cordner
20 - Cordner
21 - Cordner
22 - A.James

Football / Any questions for Jason Roberts (reply today!)
« on: April 23, 2021, 02:20:23 AM »
I appreciate not many will be up at this time, but in case anyone catches this, I have the opportunity to put some questions to the CONCACAF Director of Development, Jason Roberts. I'm asking about the new CONCACAF Coaching Convention - https://twitter.com/JasonRoberts30/status/1385326591832698887?s=20, as well as the future of the Caribbean game and whether Caribbean clubs will get any more support under the new structure of the Champions League (we have 10 teams in 2 groups under that).

Highlights of the new system - they are aiming for all coaches of domestic clubs to be up to CONCACAF B badges, and NT coaches up to A, and Member Associations basically run the courses if they meet minimum standards (e.g. Jamaica might qualify to give B-grade badges, Curacao C grade, etc). The aim is to get a consistent qualification across the region that will be internationally recognized, as well as improve coaching overall.

I have to finalise my questions by 1pm GMT (only got told about it an hour ago), but they may take late entries, so let me know if you have any questions I can tag on.

Interesting news - local academy partners with Welsh team, with a view for tours and youth link ups.



From "The great British Brexit Robbery" article by the guardian;


David said: “The standard SCL/CA method is that you get a government contract from the ruling party. And this pays for the political work. So, it’s often some bullshit health project that’s just a cover for getting the minister re-elected. But in this case, our government contacts were with Trinidad’s national security council.”

The security work was to be the prize for the political work. Documents seen by the Observer show that this was a proposal to capture citizens’ browsing history en masse, recording phone conversations and applying natural language processing to the recorded voice data to construct a national police database, complete with scores for each citizen on their propensity to commit crime.

“The plan put to the minister was Minority Report. It was pre-crime. And the fact that Cambridge Analytica is now working inside the Pentagon is, I think, absolutely terrifying,” said David.

The article itself is as captivating as it is incredibly worrying - worth a read. The Trinidad link made my ears perk up!

Football / Article from 2002 on Pro League, just to cause nostalgia
« on: December 22, 2016, 12:20:53 PM »
Doing research for FM (tried to find Jerry Moe's DoB to no avail) and came across this article from 2002;



  • Densil Theobald being fresh out of SSFL and touted as the next Dwarika
  • Vibe CT 105 being the name sponsors of W Conn
  • Starworld Strikers pre-merger
  • TT Pro League company being set up

Afternoon people,

Sorry I've been absent for a while - school tends to bury me for periods of the year.

Basically I might get an opportunity to talk to scouts based at an EPL team, who would be interested in hearing my suggestion of players from the Caribbean. I'd like/need your opinions on any of the créme de la créme of the Pro League and Super Leagues (both of them). SSFL wouldn't hurt either.

Obviously I have some ideas myself as I try to keep abreast of things from afar (still keeping T&T up-to-date in Football Manager), but tbh there are a whole bunch of well-informed people on the forum who see and know a hell lot more than me, so it'd be nice to have some ideas and discussion.

Side note: this thread could double as players we expect to make an impact in the next 5/8 years.

Nostalgia: Trinidad’s 2006 World Cup debut – The Story Behind Their Journey
By The Home of Caribbean Football

As part of our World Cup reflection series, here The Home of Caribbean Football attempts to relive Trinidad & Tobago’s 2006 journey by speaking to a former national player and native journalist…

The smallest country to ever feature in the World Cup finals, Trinidad & Tobago’s memories of their debut appearance at football’s global showpiece will never fade. To try and bring those experiences and stories back to life, The Home of Caribbean Football has produced this document…

Qualifying – Beating Bahrain…In Bahrain

World Cup qualification (WCQ) is always a long haul. For Trinidad, their road to Germany began in the summer of 2004 and ended in the winter of 2005 with 20 games sandwiched in between. The crux of this region’s WCQ is at the fourth round, also known as the “Hex”, as six teams are pitted against each other with four spots up for grabs, one of which a play-off. Trinidad were looking like credible candidates for finishing in fourth and thus clinching that play-off position with one set of matches remaining. Here were the permutations: as long as the Soca Warriors overcame Mexico they would be assured of not crashing out, with Guatemala right behind them ready to pounce. Guatemala won that day against Costa Rica, however, it didn’t matter as Trinidad got the job done versus the Mexicans inside a packed Hasely Crawford Stadium in the capital, Port of Spain. Stern John levelled prior to the break following an audacious Jaime Lozano opener for the visitors, before John was there again outside the penalty box to lash home.

The passionate home crowd exploded with happiness as the final whistle blew. Trinidad had secured fourth spot and would meet Bahrain of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) in a two-legged play-off, first on home soil. In front of another crammed Hasely Crawford Stadium – the attendance just underneath 25,000 – Trinidad welcomed a Bahrain side that had also never featured in a World Cup. They were a good test, though, and Chris Birchall was the hero as his 76th minute strike salvaged a draw. Four days later in Manama, they met up again for the second leg and this was make or break. It was full of tension, nerves and fierce tackles. Backed by a noisy group of Trinidadian supporters, the visitors held their own in the first half and it was all square at the interval. But Trinidad made a brilliant start to the second and, following a Dwight Yorke corner from the left, colossus Dennis Lawrence rose highest to head home and send his country into delirium. Then-Wrexham defender Lawrence’s last goal prior to that was a month ago, against Bristol Rovers in a League Two game. Now he had just sent the Soca Warriors to their first ever World Cup. Apparently, the head of the Government, Patrick Manning, interrupted a speech in order to declare November 17 a public holiday. This is what it symbolised.

And the sweet thing was that Trinidad warranted their victory in tough conditions, as former goalkeeper Shaka Hislop tells The Home of Caribbean Football: “They didn’t expect us to be as good as we were, and they certainly didn’t expect us to score. The frustration boiled over to a violent indiscipline on their part on the pitch, which was mirrored in the stands. Then Bahrain had a goal rightly disallowed which pushed them over the edge. After that it was a matter of avoiding serious injury on the field (some of the tackles that started to fly were career-threatening), and avoiding flying projectiles for those of us on the sidelines.” Indeed, when Yorke and Russel Latapy went over to the corner flag to try and run down the clock, they were getting all sorts of things thrown at them, as you should be able to see in the video clip above. Shaka continues: “Once the final whistle went, it was just a case of timing your run to the middle of the pitch and out of range, and waiting for the madness to stop, which suited us just fine. We would have celebrated right there in the middle of the pitch all night long if they let us.”

So it was confirmed: Trinidad & Tobago were heading to Germany to compete in the World Cup finals.

Read more (and see the pictures/youtube videos)

Football / Celebrity football for cancer relief
« on: August 08, 2014, 05:57:54 AM »
Celebrity football for cancer relief
T&T Guardian

Altruistic Benefit Cup 2 is scheduled to take place at the Hasely Crawford Stadium on Sunday from 6 pm to 8 pm.

The charity football match will feature two star-studded teams—Media United and Celebritilona.

The Media United team will consist of personalities from print and electronic media including Hypa Hoppa, Shal Marshal, Sunny Bling, Sampson Nanton, James Saunders, Gyasi Merrique, Mark Bassant, Paul Montano and Jovan Ravello.

While the Celebritilona team will be made up of artistes, businessmen, politicians and national sportsmen including Brent Sancho, Fuad Abu Bakr, Kernel Roberts, Olatunji Yearwood, Orlando Octave, Cyclops, Ecliff Elie and Wayne Mystar.

The inaugural Altruistic Benefit Cup was held on December 1, 2013, World Aids Day, and copped by team Celebritilona, which was captained by cricketer Dwayne Bravo.

The match was geared towards raising fund for persons living with HIV/Aids, with the beneficiaries being the Cyril Ross Home, Mothers 2 Mothers and the Children’s Life Fund, a release said.

This year’s match will be geared towards raising funds for people living with cancer and their families, and to also assist with the eradication of illiteracy in T&T. Part proceeds from the event will be donated to the Cancer Society of T&T, the Just Because Foundation and Nalaa Circle.

Altruism or selflessness is a traditional virtue, which speaks to the principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others. It consists of sacrificing something for someone other than the self, with no expectation of any compensation or benefits.

The Celian Group said in a release that the promotion of altruism is very crucial to the social development of the nation and that volunteerism needs to be re-injected into the fabric of our nation, hence the name Altruistic Benefit Cup.

“We would like to thank all media personalities, celebrities, sponsors and interest groups who have selflessly given their time and resources to assist with this venture, “the release said.

Football / Old-school football footage
« on: July 29, 2014, 05:14:48 AM »
British Pathé have puload a whole ton of old football footage, inclusing highlights for most of the FA cups ever played. Obviously, I have to share with you Charlton's one and only triumph :p

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/nJCvLh134eA" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/nJCvLh134eA</a>

Sam Bartram is the best English goalie to have never been capped (due to the war), but then that's maybe Charlton bias - he played 579 league games for us and was playing until he was 42

Football / "The most Sunday League goal ever"
« on: July 24, 2014, 12:17:52 PM »

For those wanting an antidote to classy, skillful goals and heroic defending :p

FAQ & Crew Meet Up. / 2014 Meet-up thread - Trini-side
« on: July 17, 2014, 04:00:56 PM »
Ok lets get this started - who's based in Trinidad? Who's up for pro-league or even Super-league meet-ups, to discuss the finer points of the day over a pint or two?

If I get accepted onto my Ph.D. at UWI, I'll be flying in late August hopefully :). Then I'll need some people to prop up the bars with me :p

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Commonwealth on Film (BBC)
« on: July 16, 2014, 08:49:33 AM »
Commonwealth on Film -

From Trinidad to Australia, Kenya to Barbados, Canada, India and beyond, film-makers capture the rich diversity of the Commonwealth and the work that people do.

Just in case this interested people (and they can view it) BBC Four collected a bunch of films from the Commonwealth, from the 1940s onwards, and put them together under looose headings. The first is "Work", which is viewable here; http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0486px4/commonwealth-on-film-1-work and starts

One of the first clips is of the Begona, the last ship to arrive from the West Indies before Britain started restricting entrance to Britain for Commonwealth citizens. British Pathé also have a video of this here if you're interested; http://www.britishpathe.com/video/immigrants-beat-clock

Just bought Sensible world of Soccer 96/97 to rekindle my earliest football memories (I played as Hearts of Oak in that game, god know why a 10 year old Charlton fan wants to play as a Ghanaian team, but hey ho) and thought i'd check the Trinbagonian team. Set your phasers to "nostalgia";


Was reading economics papers related to footy and came across this paper that might make an interesting read;

Racial Discrimination Among NBA Referees
Joseph Price, Justin Wolfers

The NBA provides an intriguing place to test for taste-based discrimination: referees and players are involved in repeated interactions in a high-pressure setting with referees making the type of split-second decisions that might allow implicit racial biases to manifest themselves. Moreover, the referees receive constant monitoring and feedback on their performance. (Commissioner Stern has claimed that NBA referees "are the most ranked, rated, reviewed, statistically analyzed and mentored group of employees of any company in any place in the world.") The essentially arbitrary assignment of refereeing crews to basketball games, and the number of repeated interactions allow us to convincingly test for own-race preferences. We find -- even conditioning on player and referee fixed effects (and specific game fixed effects) -- that more personal fouls are called against players when they are officiated by an opposite-race refereeing crew than when officiated by an own-race crew. These biases are sufficiently large that we find appreciable differences in whether predominantly black teams are more likely to win or lose, based on the racial composition of the refereeing crew.

Download here: http://www.nber.org/papers/w13206

Football / The Economics of Football
« on: July 07, 2014, 03:17:03 AM »
Professionals Play Minimax (or how Game Theory and penalties combine)

Mentioned that I had read a paper on penalties before, William Easterly put it up on his twitter feed so you can read it if you're particularly mathematically-minded and enjoy the read; http://www.palacios-huerta.com/docs/professionals.pdf

Headline figures;

The strategy followed by goalkeepers coincides with that followed by kickers in about half of all penalty kicks in the data set. Most are RR (27·6%), with 19·6% being LL and 0·3% being CC. Kickers kick to the centre relatively rarely (7·5% of all kicks), whereas goalkeepers choose C even less often (1·7%). The percentage of kicks where players’ strategies do not coincide with each other are almost equally divided between LR (21·9%) and RL (21·7%). A goal is scored in 80·1% of all penalty kicks. The scoring rate is essentially 100% when the goalkeeper’s choice does not coincide with the kicker’s, and it is over 60% when it coincides. It is well known that soccer matches last two equal halves of 45 min, with a 15 min half-time interval. The scoring rate in the sample is slightly lower in the second half (78·3%) than in the first half (82·9%), and substantially lower in the last 10 min of a game (73·3%) than the overall average (80·1%). The average number of goals per match in the sample is 2·57. It is thus no surprise to observe that in most penalty kicks the score difference is 0, 1, or −1 at the time of the shot. For these score differences, the scoring rate is slightly greater in tied matches (81·9%), followed by the rate in matches where the kicker’s team is behind by one goal (80·2%), and then by the rate in matches where his team is ahead by one goal (77·8%).

Basically, penalty kicks agree with what we would expect - as an aggregate penalties are probabilistically random (i.e. a mixed strategy), with right-footed players favouring the RHS of the keeper (i.e. their left), and Left-footed players favouring the LHS of the keeper. If you've ever studied game theory, then you would expect this, but it's always nice to see that theory is confirmed by reality :). Also, there are some interesting statistics in there.

Football / TTFA disconnected: Office staff unpaid and phone lines cut
« on: July 04, 2014, 09:17:19 AM »
TTFA disconnected: Office staff unpaid and phone lines cut
Wired 868 (Lasana Liburd)

Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF) president Raymond Tim Kee’s election promise of a new dawn and an influx of funding from the private and public sector continues to sound hollow in the face of the football body’s continuing financial crisis.

Do not bother phoning the TTFA to enquire about its health either. The football body’s telephones were disconnected over a week ago due to non-payment while the office staff has not been paid for the last two months.

TTFA general secretary Sheldon Phillips admitted that the football body is still struggling but suggested that these issues will be addressed in a few days when the first tranche of a FIFA $4.8 million (US$750,000) cash injection becomes available.

“Unfortunately, until we get our FIFA funding, we just have the basic functions of operating an office,” Phillips told Wired868. “Our dues are not being paid and there are certainly some issues being addressed…

“Some of the funding we were promised from the corporate and public sector hasn’t really come.”

By Phillips’ own calculations, the TTFA is at least $28 million in debt with the 2006 World Cup players, former head coach Russell Latapy and ex-technical director Anton Corneal among its more prominent debtors.

On 16 May 2014, the aggrieved “Soca Warriors” publicly vowed to initiate bankruptcy proceedings against the TTFA within 14 days. That deadline expired over a month ago and Phillips suggested the impending cash injection does not necessarily mean good news for the former World Cup players either.

Last year, the TTFA paid the Warriors from its annual FIFA $1.6 million (US$250,000) membership grant; but Phillips warned that this will not happen this time.

“There are significant strings on that money,” said Phillips, “which is that it has to be spent on development such as youth programmes and regional associations and so on…

“Last time, we made a specific request (to FIFA) beforehand to use the money to pay players. But that (option) is not available to us this time.

“The needs of our regional associations and national teams are so great. And while we are talking to the players, we do have an association to run…”

Phillips reiterated that the financial crisis facing the present TTFA executive is one it inherited; despite the fact that Tim Kee was a TTFA vice-president for over a decade before he temporarily left the body between 2010 and 2012.

The general secretary also made an apparent about-turn on whether the TTFA will try to recoup funds transferred from the football body to bank accounts controlled by its former special advisor and disgraced FIFA vice-president Jack Warner.

A TTFA release, on May 17, claimed that the football body would not try to recoup the funds since the matter was allegedly statute barred and a legal challenge would be too expensive and resource draining.

“The TTFA would also like to address other erroneous assertions attributed to the 2006 player case,” stated the TTFA’s May release, “namely the narrative that our organization has the ability to target past leaders and advisors of the former TTFF to recoup $100 million in funds accumulated during the 2006 World Cup campaign.

“Firstly, even if the TTFA was inclined to engage in an expensive and resource- draining legal battle to recover any amount of funds from the 2006 world cup campaign, the statute of limitations to engage in such an endeavor expired some time ago…”

Phillips’ stance brought an immediate and sharp rebuke from the Warriors’ attorney, Michael Townley, who countered that the TTFA was talking “nonsense.”

“There is no statute of limitations on a claim on breach of trust which is what Warner has (allegedly) done,” Townley told Wired868. “Warner was a quasi-trustee for the TTFA and he was supposedly taking their money and putting into his own accounts…

“The statute applies to cases under contract law or tort and negligence. If you take someone’s money and don’t give it back, you cannot just laugh and walk away a free man after four years.

“The TTFF claim is breach of trust/misfeasance and breach of duty by a shadow Director. These claims are not subject to time limits.”

Today, Phillips countered his own release as he insisted that any suggestion the TTFA was not trying to recoup misappropriated funds was a media-fuelled inaccuracy. He claimed the football body hoped to recover State funds that were provided to the Warriors before the 2006 World Cup but subsequently misused.

“We are looking at State funds that were provided to the organisation during the build up to the World Cup,” said Phillips.

Football / 2014 Caribbean U-20 Tournament
« on: June 28, 2014, 06:45:49 AM »
CFU Under-20 Men's Games Start Today
CFU Website

The stage is set for the start of Group 1 and 2 of the 2014 biennial Caribbean Football Union (CFU) Men’s Under-20 tournament.

The tournament which will see twenty-one (21) teams from across the Caribbean competing starts today, June 25, in two countries (Cuba and the Dominican Republic). This tournament is the official qualifier in the Caribbean Zone for both the CONCACAF Men’s U-20 Championship and the FIFA Men’s U-20 World Cup.

Today's action will see Barbados facing Martinique at 3:00pm and Cuba meeting St Vincent and the Grenadines at 5:00pm in Group 1 on the grounds of the Pedro Marrero Stadium in Cuba.

Group 2 will be played at the Estadio Panamericano in Dominican Republic with Guadeloupe encountering Bermuda at 2:00pm and at 4:30pm same day and venue the hosts entertains Antigua & Barbuda.

Groups 3 and 4 will begin on July 18 in host countries Haiti and Aruba, while Group 5 is scheduled to start on July 30 and hosted by Curacao.

Football / Connection to host open screening ahead of new season
« on: June 20, 2014, 03:24:17 AM »
Connection to host open screening ahead of new season
W Connection Press Release

DIRECTV W Connection FC will host an open screening session for all interested persons wishing to enter the Trinidad & Tobago Professional League as a member of the most successful team in the Caribbean region.

This session is meant to draft players for the Men’s Senior and Reserve Team and will be held at the Ato Boldon Stadium Training Field, Couva on June 28th 2014.

The session will begin promptly at 8:00 am through 12 noon. All participants are required to be properly attired in black football shorts, white jerseys, football boots, socks, shin pads and/or goal keeper gloves.

For further information please contact the team administrators at 789 3519 or 299 6146, or the club offices at 679 4721.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014 03:24
TTFA Facebook page

The Trinidad and Tobago Football Association today announces the start of the formal recruitment process for the position of Technical Director.

The roles of the Technical Director will be to Lead and Manage the Technical Department of the TTFA, supervise the preparation of National Teams and also develop curriculum for Coaches and Players Development manual for national youth and women’s team programmes.

TTFA President Raymond Tim Kee said that the recruiting of the Technical Director is vital as the TTFA continues its emphasis on development.

“The Technical Director will have a host of responsibilities and will spearhead all of our development programs with special emphasis on youth development,” Tim Kee stated.

“We are committed towards meeting our goal of producing technically strong players from the youth level come up based on world’s best practice. And all our national teams operations from a technical standpoint is also a crucial area that will be focused on and then of course there are other areas such as coaching education and the implementing of other related programs.”

For More : http://ttffonline.com/home/latest-news/mens-senior-team/831-ttfa-beings-recruitment-process-for-technical-director-position.html

Football / Perseus Promotions (Caribbean football charity?)
« on: June 14, 2014, 09:56:18 AM »
Anyone heard of these guys? http://www.perseuspromotions.com/

On the "Who we are" page they have Emmerson Boyce as a DoF and claim to be setting up a "Caribbean FC v The World" match with ex pros in Barbados. Thought it might interest some here (found them while researching Guyanese football)

Football / Scout report: 4 Caribbean starlets
« on: May 29, 2014, 09:16:34 AM »
Scout Report: 4 Caribbean starlets
The Home of Caribbean Football

The Caribbean region is bursting with young, thrilling talent and it is important that these talents are projected to a wider audience. So here’s four players who have impressed over the course of the season…

Name: Rundell Winchester

Country: Trinidad and Tobago

Club: Central FC

Age: 20

Position: Striker

The name Rundell Winchester bares little significance beyond the shores of Trinidad and Tobago, in particular the Ato Bolden Stadium, Couva where Pro League team Central play their home games. But Winchester is building up an impressive reputation in his homeland.

The 20-year-old was instrumental in leading his team to one of their best seasons to boot, notching a total of 14 goals in just under 30 appearances in all competitions. Former coach Terry Fenwick, who recently departed for pastures new in Belgium, paired Winchester up with teammate Willis Plaza and the two hit it off, showing promising signs from the outset.

In terms of his style of play, Winchester is a lanky striker with an explosive turn of direction and knack of being in the right place at the right time. Last season his goals varied from tap-ins to long-range screamers but because of his height, he also acts as a useful focal point to the attack. He only has three senior caps for the Soca Warriors, his latest coming in a friendly series against Jamaica in the back-end of last year. The national coach, Stephen Hart, is excited by Winchester’s promise: “The young man has some qualities. He has to learn how to bring those qualities to the team, but he’s a player for the future.”

Winchester has already had a brief, albeit unsuccessful trial with a club in England, Walsall, but the only real way he will be able to pick up the interest of foreign clubs is by playing on the international stage. It just so happens that Trinidad are preparing for two famous friendlies in early June, against Argentina and Iran, and the forward has been selected in the squad for both. He isn’t expected to start but if he comes on and makes a difference, then who knows what might happen. Any kind of scout could be there watching…

Potential rating: 7.5/10

Name:Kemar Lawrence

Country: Jamaica

Club: Harbour View

Age: 21

Position: Left-back

Nicknamed ‘Taxi’, seemingly for his penchant for marauding up and down the left channel, Kemar Lawrence has proved valuable member of the Harbour View’s rearguard since his move in 2007.  The left-back has been one of the brightest defenders in the Jamaican Premier League for the past several seasons and his work is beginning to earn recognition from national boss, Winfried Schäfer.

Lawrence made his debut for Jamaica in November last year, ironically against Trinidad and Rundell Winchester. He has been called up as the main left-back for The Reggae Boyz’s batch of friendlies over the coming days, and provided the assist for Michael Seaton’s goal against Serbia in the first of their friendlies on Monday night. With the Caribbean Cup coming up later this year, then the Copa America, Gold Cup and 2018 World Cup qualifying, Lawrence looks set to hold down his spot for the foreseeable future. The 21-year-old is under no real competition for the position and is yet to put a foot wrong in the yellow colours of Jamaica.

A relatively short, but speedy operator, Lawrence’s stocky build helps him come out on top in challenges and cover both the forward and backward areas of the left flank. He loves attacking as much as defending, as exemplified in the Serbia friendly as he found himself high up the pitch and Jamaica’s goal derived from his composure and pinpoint cross. In the Jamaican Premier League, though, the intensity of play is a lot slower than he is used to internationally. It will be interesting to see how Lawrence copes against upcoming World Cup opponents such as Switzerland and France, teams accustomed to high tempo and sharp transitions.

For now, the man called ‘Taxi’ is deservedly picking up the plaudits.

Potential rating: 8/10

Name: Dimitrie Apai

Country: Suriname

Club: W Connection

Age: 19

Position: Striker

Brought in as a January reinforcement, little Surinamese attacker Dimitrie Apai has made an instant impact at Trinidad and Tobago champions, W Connection. The club’s scouts were sent to watch Apai – then of S.V. Transvaal in the Hoofdklasse on semi-professional terms – playing at U20 level for his country late last year and they were suitably impressed, offering him a trial and then eventually signing him on a permanent deal in the January transfer market.

The 19-year-old was welcomed by fellow countryman, Stefano Rijssel, in the midst of a strong season for the Couva-based club. Coached by St Lucian, Stuart Charles-Fevrier, Connection started the season in ruthless fashion but their form dipped leading up to the final weeks before they finally wrapped up the title in early May.

Indeed, Apai played an important role in this title triumph. In February, Charles-Fevrier’s men traveled to bitter rivals Central in which the outcome was telling in shaping the title race. Connection were trailing by two goals with less than 10 minutes left on the clock and were desperately trying to grab a goal and salvage at least a draw. Joevin Jones saw a penalty saved but he mopped up the rebound and then with moments remaining in stoppage time, that man Apai popped up and nodded home after coming off the bench for his first goal in the white shirt.

Since his arrival, Apai has been predominantly used as a late substitute because of his pace and ability to wear defenders down. The Connection coaching staff appreciate that he is still very young and has quite a lot of maturing to do physically. If Apai has a fruitful Caribbean Cup with Suriname later this year then that could work wonders for his first-team chances at club level.

There’s still lots of room for development, but this raw talent has much going for him.

Potential rating: 7.5/10

Name: César Ledesma

Country: Dominican Republic

Club: FC Münsingen

Age: 23

Position: Right-back

Now I realise this article is entitled “starlets” and at the age of 23, César Ledesma might have a few years on the other three names mentioned but he is still very much a player to keep tabs on in the Caribbean. Funnily enough, I only recently came across Ledesma.

Dominican Republic faced Indonesia U23s in Jakarta earlier this month, on a Thursday afternoon, and I managed to tune in and catch the game via a stream supplied by Indonesian TV. It finished all square at 1-1 as Indonesia snatched a late, late penalty at the death but for large parts the Dominican defence was very strong. And Ledesma was a key component.

Los Quisqueyanos set up in a 3-5-2 system with two wing-backs pushing forward. Ledesma operated wide right and had an excellent 90 minutes; marshaling his central defenders Hansley Martínez and César García while having the legs to get forward and support the right winger Kerbi Rodríguez. His positional sense was sound, he frequently made the right decisions and didn’t panic when in possession. The caliber of opposition is hardly reflective of the sort of opposition that the Dominicans will face at the Caribbean Cup but given that there was travel issues for the trip to Jakarta and the squad was jet-lagged, Ledesma performed very well indeed.

At his club in the third tier of Swiss football, Münsingen, he is one of three foreigners in the squad (along with German duo Maximilian Dreier and Marcel Koch). Ledesma is used sparingly but even playing professionally abroad is symbolic in itself for a Dominican, as the vast majority of players in a baseball-orientated country settle for the the Liga Mayor or divisions below.

I’m certainly looking forward to seeing more of Ledesma at the Caribbean Cup later this year.

Potential rating: 7/10

Thanks for reading, you can find us on Twitter @caribbeanftbl

Football / Scoreboard with Guaya UTD FC
« on: May 27, 2014, 11:55:38 AM »
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/tASfCnjQvaw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/tASfCnjQvaw</a>

Ok so before there was Trini football interest on my part there was this mixtape by the Avalanches that first introduced me to Soca and Calypso. I'm a massive fan of The Avalanches (I think "Since I left You" is the best album ever made) and they did a mixtape of Soca/Calypso Music (along with some more Western music) that's available for free here;


The Avalanches make/made their albums and EPs typically by getting cheap old 7" vinyls and taking samples from them, and combining them with some original instrumentation, vocals, and with a whole host of others.

I made a stab at listing all the sample tracks on facebook here;


(I know Kojack is David Rudder now, instead of Charlie Roots)

They sample Sparrow a couple times, Denise Belfon as well, so there's a couple you might recognise in there (Love African Style anyone :p).

Just in case anyone else could get as much enjoyment from it as me.

General Discussion / The Future of (the economy of) T&T
« on: May 08, 2014, 01:52:54 AM »
Between 1994 and 2008, the country’s output grew at an impressive average rate of 7.1%. Yet, most of this growth can be attributed to the performance of the oil and gas sectors supported by high energy prices. Over the last decade, average annual GDP growth in the petroleum sector averaged 9.7%. The non-energy sector on the other hand exhibited much slower growth rates with a decade mean of 3.6%5. T&T’s economy has historically been quite volatile and particularly vulnerable to commodity
price shocks (see Figures 1.1 and 1.2).

At current rates of resource extraction, it is estimated that by 2025-2030 gas and oil fields will be fully depleted. This brings into sharp focus the issue of diversification. While successive governments have developed growth strategies to balance economic activity and raise activity in the non-energy sector, there is little evidence of success over the last 25 years. This highlights the issue of identifying and alleviating the binding constraints to T&T’s economic diversification. How can the country achieve a sustainable and balanced growth? What is there to be learned from the experience of other resource rich and commodity exporter countries? What are the drivers and obstacles of economic diversification in T&T?

...Based on the analysis of both macro and micro data, the [Hausmann, Rodrik and Velasco (2005)] found that the most important factors limiting growth opportunities in T&T are deficiency human capital, high macroeconomic volatility, an inadequate development of infrastructure, limited access to foreign markets, rising criminality, lack of innovation, corruption and a burdensome bureaucracy.

From a World Bank Working paper published in April; Read more here

Thoughts? How can T&T move from an oil and gas based economy? Or will we end up like Saint Lucia when they lost their banana export markets due to American pressure in the WTO?

Fillip for race-baiting: T&T survives Fay-Ann and Rachel spat
Mr. Live Wire (Wired 868)

The sun rose and set today on all of Trinidad and Tobago and there were no obvious signs of the implosion of one race of people as a result of a Twitter spat between local entertainers Fay-Ann Lyons and Rachel Price. Somewhere in Diego Martin, one suspects a part-time blogger and political aspirant and full-time race baiter looked outside his window and steupsed.

Last night, the blogger’s newsletter entitled “Black community collapsing” suggested that two “black” adults, albeit famous ones, disagreeing on Twitter was another sign of the apocalypse and confirmation that “grandchildren of Africa in this island are in crisis and denial is not working.”

God knows what a Brahmin boy pushing down his mistress at Grand Bazaar means for the grandchildren of Mother India.

Still, Mr Live Wire agrees that, in the present climate, one should exercise more caution in utterances on the social media. Pulled penis and nibbled nipple may understandably pop up from time to time in political discourse.

But on no occasion should one stoop low enough to mention the name “P*****p” in an intelligent conversation.

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Football / Football Manager 2015
« on: April 17, 2014, 06:55:37 AM »
So as a lot of you know there are a couple reasons I'm here;

1) I love football

2) I've been interested in Trini football for 3/4 years now

3) I'll be moving to Trinidad in July/August (hopefully)

4) I create the "Caribbean Megapack" every year for Football manager, allowing people to manage teams across the Caribbean

The latter point started with just Trini - my edits are now up to 50,000 unique edits updating Trinidad's league system from Pro League to the 2nd divisions of the NFA, SFA, EFA and Tobagoan 3rd div. If you have a team near you, I likely have them in my database, from Patna Village to Toco Secondary to Goal City to Manzanilla. Moreover, I have the first teams of both Pro League and Super League in the database, along with the odd player here and there wherever I can find them.

So why did I start this thread?

You're the first to know outside my family - I've been hired as the Head Researcher for the Caribbean for FM 2015. Basically, I'm updating the game's database, and it's a huge job - some of the edits in Trinidad date from 2005! People like Cyd Grey are still playing, United Petrotrin still exist and Central are only in the database 'cause I asked for it last year.

So I'm going to be updating our isles first, and if you have any random information and tidbits then I'd love to hear it. Anything that helps update the league and represent Trinidad and Tobago in a more accurate light. I've got league winners from 1908 in the game so far (Royal Sussex regiment came to put down unrest in 1920 and won the league while oppressing Trinidadians...), so any other quirks or family stories related to football would be good to hear (even if not relevant)

Which is why, when I'm in the country, I'll be doing things like scouting players and assessing their skills. At the moment I religiously watch the youtube highlights of games to garner as much info as possible, and rely on your opinions and information. To that end - if any of you attend matches next season, it'd be great to catch a beer or coffee after and talk about the players we've seen, or maybe promote more discussions in relation to the games. Also, if we could find some way to get full games on youtube or promote a mass-watching of games on ACTS25 that'd be nice to build up some more interest.

Also, if you have contacts at clubs that can help me flesh out things like staff, players, history (foundation date, of which I have a couple already, competition victories, players or staff who are loved/hated by the club, rivalries especially (e.g. Maple v Malvern, intercol rivalries), attendance and goal record holders) they'd be greatly appreciated. At the moment only Jamaica gets updated, which I'm sure you think is a travesty as much as I do!

Long post, TL:DR - I want your opinions and thoughts and stories on Trinibagonian footy.

Brian Lara's 375: The inside story of a world record-breaking innings
BBC Sport

Twenty years ago this week, West Indies batsman Brian Lara broke Sir Garfield Sobers's 36-year-old world record for the highest score in a Test innings.

The legendary left-hander surpassed his compatriot's 365 not out as he scored 375 against England at Antigua's Recreation Ground in a historic match played from 16-21 April 1994.

BBC Sport spoke to those who witnessed his world record innings close up: two of Lara's West Indies team-mates - Phil Simmons and Shivnarine Chanderpaul - and five England players who suffered in the field: Angus Fraser, Jack Russell, Phil Tufnell, Graham Thorpe and Alec Stewart.

Read More

I mentioned this report in another thread, but more information is being leaked as the CIA continues to block the report;

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/n4cCIg7YKWA" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/n4cCIg7YKWA</a>

*A report by the Senate Intelligence Committee concludes that the CIA misled the government and the public about aspects of its brutal interrogation program for years — concealing details about the severity of its methods, overstating the significance of plots and prisoners, and taking credit for critical pieces of intelligence that detainees had in fact surrendered before they were subjected to harsh techniques. The report, built around detailed chronologies of dozens of CIA detainees, documents a long-standing pattern of unsubstantiated claims as agency officials sought permission to use — and later tried to defend — excruciating interrogation methods that yielded little, if any, significant intelligence, according to U.S. officials who have reviewed the document...* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Greg Miller, Adam Goldman and Ellen Nakashima at The Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/cia-misled-on-interrogation-program-senate-report-says/2014/03/31/eb75a82a-b8dd-11e3-96ae-f2c36d2b1245_story.html

General Discussion / Deaf woman's shock as she hears for first time
« on: March 28, 2014, 09:22:34 AM »
Deaf woman's shock as she hears for first time
BBC News

The moment a 39-year-old woman heard for the first time, thanks to cochlear implants, has been captured on video.

Joanne Milne burst into tears when she heard a nurse reading out the days of the week.

Ms Milne, from Gateshead, was born deaf and during her 20s she also began to lose her sight, due to the rare medical condition Usher syndrome.

She said she was delighted by the results of the "life-changing" procedure to fit implants.

'So happy'
Ms Milne said: "The switch-on was the most emotional and overwhelming experience of my life and I'm still in shock now.

Watch the Video here

Something cheery for the forum! Go team science!

Thought this was a really interesting way to consider interviewing powerful people;

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/2YqNyfeIyNc" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/2YqNyfeIyNc</a>

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