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Topics - Newkid

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Football / Lawrence goal one of the best ever for t&t!!!
« on: June 05, 2005, 11:48:39 AM »
After Latapy goal vs Mexico, Lawrence goal was the best goal I have seen a trinidad player score. The buildup of the goal, the composure and excution to me was really a site to behold. I went home highly intoxicated with my voice horse after the match. If all you can remember any better goals let me know.

Football / Why I would start stern on june 4th
« on: May 28, 2005, 10:00:38 AM »
I have read some of the comments posted on this forum about stern john and alot of it have been justified as he is certainly lacking in confidence and form.

So why would i still start him? for a couple of reasons

I have been to all of practice matches under Mr Beenhakker and of all the strikers,on display he have been the one who have been getting into the best positions to score, although he have been missing . The fact that he has been getting into these position, means he has a chance to score and 1 goal out of many chances may be enough. The other strikers simply did not get the positioning  or chances as stern did. This was evident in the peru game when Both yorke and jones worked hard but did not get a lookin but stern against bermuda through away about 7 to score 1. You may say that Bermuda was a weaker opponent but he has shown from games gone by that he have been able to get into position, so this remains constant.

Having established that he gets the best scoring positions, The coach should be able to work on his attitude and confidence maybe the old stern may emerge, He has shown in the past that he can score big goals and can still score even when off form for these reasons I will start him

Let the comments begin.

Football / They wanted it more than us was the famous quote
« on: March 27, 2005, 02:57:35 PM »
I left work an hour before the match started full of hope. I was sure we was going to win. The fact that no TV stations nor raido was carrying the match live though annoying, could not dampen my spirits. I was going to wake up in the morning happy with news of victory, and my wife would have to pay for all that excess energy i was going to have that morning. But it was not to be.

Let me apologise for being long winded but that happens when I am depressed. And Depressed I am because the first thing I saw when I opened up the site is an Guatmelian doing the chicken dance with the score 5:1. I could not understand, It took me a while before i regain composure and started to read the article.

The main point that stood out in the article is "They wanted it more than us" If this is True, then not only BSC should be fired but every single member of that side because i cannot understand that an world cup palce is at stake and any other team wanting that more than we. Where is the players heart! their willingness to run till they drop, to die for our country and lastly the players own ambition! If they perform, won"t they be better along with their clubs? I am now of the opinion that some of the locals should be now given a chance including some of thse young promising under 20 players like Tinto and Lara. We have every thing to gain in that they will be hungry for sucess unlike those professionals who maybe feel that they are to big to work hard when representing their country.

I have tickets for wednesday game against costa rica. I cannot see a another licking or i may run amock in the stadium. I really need some encouragement to go I am hoping that you guys can lift my spirits because i want to beleive again but it hard.



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