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Topics - Corbie chile

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / ah have TWO stars!!!!!
« on: February 26, 2006, 01:43:36 PM »
ah gone up in de ranks! ;D ;D ;D ;D

allyuh...dis is cause fuh celebration! :devil:

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Nadie la Fond...
« on: February 01, 2006, 05:17:33 AM »
can anyone help with a .mp3 version of her original song, Make Love To U? pretty please? :)

Cricket Anyone / wen is de nex settah Internationals...?
« on: January 31, 2006, 05:25:07 PM »
please? :-*

FAQ & Crew Meet Up. / school monograms...
« on: January 31, 2006, 05:36:23 AM »
have you got a St Francois Girls' College one? please? :-*

but how can i put a picture into a post? ???

Football / i want to learn about football..
« on: January 31, 2006, 04:47:11 AM »
apart from InterCol *which was bout de fellas in shorts an geiin time off from school) i was only really exposed to rugby (father played for Royalians) and cricket (grandfather taught me loads about socialising)...

i am a supporter of everything Trini (think rent-a-crowd) and am hoping to be most present at the warm-up (ironic dat is in de middle ah winter :P) game but would love to learn more about the game...

so doh bouff meh, jus be gentle...ah does bruise easy ;D

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