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Topics - Tucker

Pages: [1]
Football / T&T Ticket allocation
« on: February 18, 2006, 11:48:05 AM »
People ah know allyuh on de pulse...wah is de situation with de tickets Warner get which is de entire TTFF allocation?? Now that he under de gun, is Simpaul still selling tickets??? Leh mih know.

Football / World Cup Tickets
« on: February 15, 2006, 01:13:36 PM »
Anybody tried getting tickets this morning on the FIFA website???
I tried to buy tickets for 2 hours and all I kept getting was an error message. You would think FIFA would have anticipated a rush for tickets and made some modifications to their website for the expected traffic jam on their network.
so now left with no tickets as I failed to get any at the last draw. T&T Vs England is completely sold out, but the website still shows tickets available for Sweden and Paraguay.
Will keep trying....Germany or Bust!!!

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