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Topics - Lifeisgood

Pages: [1]
Football / Next Generation: Screening for Youth players
« on: July 25, 2013, 07:38:29 AM »
I have emailed the TTFA multiple times and cannot see or get info for screening sessions for National youth teams.

We are based in Virginia and my 14yr old son is interested in playing for T&T .... we are hoping that there are screening sessions scheduled around the school calendar that will allow him to travel down and participate in the selection process.

Anybody have insight on where we could get that info?


Football / Friday sweat up North?? Where??
« on: November 05, 2009, 05:07:22 PM »
Forum Crew and crew,
In Trini for a week and must confess that I am a ball peong to the heart.  Looking for a decent "Big man" sweat up North side..staying in the Diego area so could make any sweat from Diego to the savanah.

I say big man sweat, because I cyar make with dem youths (less than 30) dat have something to prove and have no problem mashin up big men that have to go to work the next day.

Help mih out.


Football / Question(s): Pro League Level?
« on: September 02, 2009, 01:03:32 PM »
Looking at the PFL scoring leader table - it appears that Baptiste has golden boot locked down, with 30 goals!!

How is it that he is not at least one of the 1st men off the bench for the Warriors?  Is it purely because he  is scoring against weak PFL defenses?  or the strikers in front of him just that good and would have 60 goals at this point, if they were playing in the PFL??

Is Baptiste good enough to play overseas?  (eg. MLS, Championship, League One) -- How could he be rippin the PFL and not be on somebody's radar?

Interesting. :-\

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