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Topics - Socaman

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Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Trying to find a song.
« on: August 03, 2014, 02:24:00 PM »
I am looking for a song that I hope someone in here will be able to assist with. The song was originally done by Jane Birkin et Serge Gainsbourg


There is another version of the song which is a little more recent (maybe 80's /90's ) with a house / disco type of beat...NOT the Donna Summers version.

If anyone know what I'm talking about and can provide the name / artist I will appreciate it...


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/iZwsU9INiSU" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/iZwsU9INiSU</a>     :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


Bunji, Fay Ann Pull out

Soca Monarch shocker

 By Wayne Bowman

Story Created: Jan 17, 2013 at 9:55 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 17, 2013 at 9:57 PM ECT )

Bunji Garlin and Fay Ann Lyons-Alvarez have both bowed out of the International Groovy and Power Soca Monarch competitions, respectively.
The couple announced this last night, saying they decided to withdraw because they believe that fundamental clauses in the competitors' contracts were objectionable and demanded too much of the winners.
They were therefore advised by their management and legal representatives that it was best they pull out of the competition before the semi-final round on Sunday at the Arima Velodrome. Bunji had pulled position number 15 and Lyons-Alvarez number 20.
Among the elements in the contract with which Bunji and Lyons-Alvarez took exception to was the rule that winners must give back to the Caribbean Prestige Foundation (CPF) five per cent of the winnings.
Also, the winners must defend the respective titles the following year, or they will have to pay back 90 per cent of the prize money.
Another clause the artistes are objecting to in the contract is that the winners must attend the prize distribution ceremony wherever it may be, here at home or abroad.
Chairman of CPF William Munro, said last night he was saddened and very hurt over Lyons-Alvarez and Bunji pulling out only two days before the semi-finals, and he was hoping they would reconsider.
"There was never any discussion. They could have even sent a letter, and I would have sat down with them to see how we could work things out. Last year, I had two meetings with many of the artistes at my home, and we presented the rules and they were agreed on."
"Fay Ann topped the Power in the preliminaries and Bunji topped in the Groovy. I am wondering how the public is going to take this news because everybody was so happy when they returned.
"I hope they will reconsider or at least meet with me. I have no malice and still love them. I will bend over backwards for them, but I can't change the rules to please only two people," Munro said.
Lyons-Alvarez and Bunji did not compete in the Soca Monarch competition last year and at that time announced they were considering not returning because they wanted to focus on taking their music directly to an international audience.
When Bunji ended up with a major hit with the release of the song "Differentology" in November last year, people began to call for his return to the competition. This was the same with Lyons-Alvarez when she released, among other songs, "D Stage Open".
After several weeks of saying they will consider returning to the Soca Monarch if that was what the people wanted, the couple's management registered them to compete, with Bunji in the Groovy and Lyons-Alvarez in the Power Soca Monarch.
Adding to the excitement of their return was the fact that Lyons' father, five-time Soca Monarch champion SuperBlue, had also made a comeback after an over-decade-long hiatus.
All soca music fans and the public at large were anticipating a grand showdown at the Hasely Crawford National Stadium on Carnival Friday between Lyons-Alvarez, SuperBlue, Iwer George and defending Power Soca champion Machel Montano, as well as the clash between Bunji and Montano in the Groovy category.


Availability:over a year left to play
Duration: 25 minutes
First broadcast:Thursday 22 November 2012Nina Robinson investigates for Assignment whether the government of Trinidad and Tobago is on the right track by using engagement in sport as a way of tackling an escalating crime rate.

Murders have increased on the islands five-fold over the last decade as more and more young people are being sucked into drugs gangs and robbery. Over three hundred million US dollars is being spent on sport over the next two years, on refurbishing sports centres and also on a street basketball league called ‘Hoop of Life’.

The league offers an attractive million dollar prize money for the winning team and it is hoped that more young people will be tempted into sport as a result.

It is the brainchild of Jack Warner – Trinidad and Tobago’s new national security minister who comes with a high profile but controversial background in sport. He resigned last year as Vice President of FIFA amid allegations of bribery and corruption.

Is he the best person to be leading Trinidad’s fight against crime and will his use of sport as a crime-fighting tool really work?


Differentology is the new, much talked about release by Bunji Garlin (Ian Alvarez) and Nigel Rojas, and astronomy is being credited for this unique single. Both gifted artistes have claimed that the alignment of the stars is responsible for their coming together and success with the song.
“That song is something cosmic, with the stars aligning perfectly.” said Garlin. “It happened because Fay (Fay Ann Lyons-Alvarez) was in class doing her law studies at Kay Beckles and Associates and, having nothing to do, I was liming in the studio with Sheriff (Keiron Thompson). He pulled up an electric guitar and the song happened just like that.
“When we did the song I was trying to figure how to improve the chorus, as I thought it needed a rock feel. Fay suggested Nigel. He just walked in the studio, heard the song, and surprised me by bringing his acoustic guitar. What you hear on the completed track is just one take by Nigel.”
Garlin said that Differentology was produced by Sheriff at Black Ice Studios, on Woodford Street, in Newtown. He added: “They are the guys who did the Wonder Woman rhythm, with Patrice (Roberts), Nadia (Batson), Megan (Waldrond) and others, as well as the Sneaky Guys rhythm with Erphaan (Alves), Jungle, Razor and Mr Renzo and some other guys.”
It’s difficult to define the rhythm and melody of Differentology, a most apt title for a song if ever there was one. Commenting on his work with Garlin and Rojas, Sheriff said: “There is no name for the rhythm...it’s just music, pure and simple.
This music has no genre. The song belongs to Bunji, with no planned remixes and further collaborations. All things are possible, and there might be a remix down the road, perhaps with an artiste from the States. People have suggested it.”
Born in the mid-70s, soca music evolved from calypso, East Indian rhythms and American pop. However, Differentology cannot be defined as any of them. In fact, it’s rhythm is something new and different. Explains Rojas: “Differentology has same DNA as soca, but it is different to the norm. It is a hybrid and it is an evolution, with a sophisticated production.
“This collaboration is certainly different, in every respect. First to begin, I have always been a fan of Bunji. I rate him as a lyrical genius, in the same class with some of the best in the world, like Busta Rhymes and Beenie Man. “It was an incredible honour to work with Bunji. I know we have mutual respect for each other, and this was just the right time for us to get together. The stars lined up perfectly now. From the time I heard the song I knew it would be something special and different.”
Garlin is of the strong view that Trinidadians and Tobagonians need to change their appreciation of soca and calypso. He said: “Our music should never be seasonal. We have confined ourselves to this practice and,  it’s been so long, we’ve gotten into this bad habit and can’t break it. We are the only people on the planet who treats its music this way.”
Asked what fans can expect for the 2013 Carnival “season” Garlin said: “2013 is pure fun. I intend doing some other collaborations, and a CD is already in the works. Six songs have already been released, and we have a few more in the chamber.”
The leader of rock band Orange Sky, Rojas said: “Orange Sky has just returned from ten weeks in England, recording our new album. This one’s gonna be called Horns and Halos. It’s about that perpetual battle between good and bad, a sort of ying and yang, light and darkness. Internationally it be would released in February, and I am also about to release a solo guitar album locally, called Sunset Siesta.”
Eagerly looking forward to C2K13, Rojas said: “I absolutely intend doing more collaborations for C2K13. You will definitely be hearing a lot more of Nigel Rojas in next year’s Carnival.”

« on: July 15, 2012, 03:26:13 PM »

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Chris Tambu Herbert
« on: April 07, 2011, 08:48:04 PM »
Talks about his life from having everything to hitting rock bottom

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/PcZprID7sLU" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/PcZprID7sLU</a>

Jokes / Facebook Date
« on: March 16, 2011, 10:34:12 AM »

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Sailor Mas History
« on: March 12, 2011, 09:54:49 AM »
Does anyone know the real meaning behind the throwing of the white powder in a sailor band ???

Sailor Mas History

Breaking the stereotype
Kes the Band...
By Mark Pouchet

Story Created: Jan 15, 2011 at 10:47 PM ECT

(Story Updated: Jan 15, 2011 at 10:47 PM ECT )

Kees Dieffenthaller, lead singer and frontman of the self-titled band Kes The Band, is all against stereotypes in life and in the music industry.

When the Palmiste native plays for audiences in the US, they expect him to don a flower shirt and play notes on a steelpan. Here at home, he is the Trini red man, at the helm of the "white boy" rock/soca band.

For Kees and his family-filled band that includes brothers Hans (drums) and Jon (guitar) and step-brother Riad Boochoon (bass guitar), Kes The Band are underdogs who can't be described that easily.

"We used to be like who are we? Well, we are who we are. At the end of day, we said 'Let's just do a whole album'. I think we are the first band deeply involved in Carnival that is releasing two albums and one that is outside of the season.

"We dare to do that because we don't really care, because we "wotless" like that," he said. Wotless is the name of the 2011 Carnival album, while the ironically-named Stereotype is their pop album for post-Carnival.

The "Wotless" song, produced by Kerwyn Dubois in Toronto last October, has come to personify how the band members feel about their development to this point after their break from Imij and Co (they were part of that band from 2000-2005) and the public's spirit at Carnival.

"This one, 'Wotless', really exploded on the Carnival scene in a different way, in a new way," said Kees.

"Wotless is really about a lot of people, we really wanted to get back to Trinidadian roots in Carnival and what better way to do that than through music and through the vibe of the music."

"Wotless" is a very Trinidadian phrase for the Kes The Band, it is a twist from its more negative dialectical meaning.

"It really emphasises not being wotless but being you and you don't really care. So wotless is really for everybody. It is more about expressing yourself. It encompasses how people feel during Carnival time where they say 'I come to party. I working whole year. This is my time.'

"And it is also for the band as well. We doing us right now, I think the people felt that within the music and we have to give props to Kerwyn Dubois," he said.

Kees collaborated with Dubois for ten days in Toronto on the song. He had also worked with Dubois after Caribana on a collaboration entitled "Ah Ting".

Kees said he and Dubois were talking about what they liked about calypso and soca as well as their favourite performers such as artistes like Charlie's Roots and David Rudder when they played the guitar riff that started the birth of the hit song that is "bubbling" on the airwaves and in the parties.

"It was a kind of a Baptist mixed with folk and we said let's do this and 'Wotless' came out. Kerwyn had a line first, 'I feel like I just win a million dollars' and, funny enough, that is the line that everybody gravitates to and the crowd sings," he said.

But Kees, the son of George, a Carnival ole mas stalwart, and Deanna, the classical singing mother, said soca is just part of the band's repertoire and talent.

"We very much see ourselves as the bridge in music because we have refused to be seasonal," he said, "We have spent a lot of time and energy in breaking the seasonal barrier...trying to be relevant 365 days a year.

"It wasn't easy pulling the two worlds together. It was really hard because a few people enjoy putting us in a box as in—are you a soca band or are you a rock band? We are neither. We are us. We are Kes The Band."

He said local artistes should do other music because once it is made in Trinidad, it is Trinidadian. "Made in Trinidad music is us," he said.

The band decided to follow its own advice, making the 2011 Stereotype pop album that includes tracks like "Let me Know" (played on American Airlines in-flight radio and Six Flags radio as well as being available on iTunes), "Loving you", a collaboration with Jamaican songstress Tessanne Chin, and Red Light.

"T&T has seen me grow up. Even in Maroon 5 (concert), I told the crowd, you have seen me grow up, seen me go through my growing pains, my experimentations. Seen me grow from boy to man. Life forces you into that.

"I feel more in control now of my art and where I see the band and music going...so I am growing into a man but I still have a lot to learn, of course," he said.

Kees's eclectic taste in music, which he says includes R&B, reggae and dancehall, started from his teen years.

He got his first taste of on-stage performance as part of the Presentation College, San Fernando, choir directed by the husband-and-wife pair of Cynthia and Anthony Mack.

He formed a group called KLAS with former Miss Universe/T&T Faye Alibocas, Michael Zefferin and Mark Alexander.

He also combined with his brother to perform at backyard concerts and at weddings and tea parties to assist his family during a tough financial patch when he was 14 years old.

"That money actually paid for a lot of things for me, including school books, in those days. So I have been treating music as a profession since then with my brothers," he said, adding that it was his wish to take some of the burden off his parents's from a young age.

In 1998, Kees and his brothers formed a rock band, Limestone, and went on to win the Benson and Hedges Pop Rock competition, singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" at Anchorage. A year later, they transformed into Rydimorai after they decided to do the music full-time and ended up living off doubles and Smalta.

"I was going to be a vet," Kees said, describing himself as a nerd who got seven 1s, one 2 and an A at CXC while he earned two As in Biology and Chemistry and a B in Mathematics at A-Levels.

Kes The Band has travelled to Los Angeles, worked with producers like Derek Bramble who did David Bowie's hit album Tonight and songwriters Dianne Warren, who's written for Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake, and Desmond Child, who's written "Living on a Prayer" for Bon Jovi and "La Vida Loca" for Ricky Martin.

Expecting a successful year, personally and for his band, Kees advises that local musicians should think about more innovation and do more work outside the box for the success of the T&T music brand worldwide.

And he wants the Government to generate more links for artistes worldwide and to help them attend the yearly ASCAP Music Conference.

"We (local musicians) are ready for the world but we have to believe in ourselves and have the backing.

"I am going to do it with or without, I'm telling you that. But we could do more in opening the right links to new markets," he said.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / 'Screws' fined $750 for ganja
« on: February 18, 2010, 10:16:16 AM »
  "police in de session dey lookin to arrest man doh lock me up" :rotfl:
CHARGED: Entertainer Tishard "Screws" Barrington leaves the Port of Spain Magistrate's Court yesterday after pleading guilty to possession of marijuana. -Photo: ROBERTO CODALLO

TISHARD ’SCREWS’ BARRINGTON, who along with radio personality Shal Marshall were successful in securing third place at this year’s Power Soca Monarch with their hit song ’Police in d Session’, appeared before a Port of Spain magistrate yesterday, charged with possession of marijuana.

Barrington, 29, was arrested on Carnival Monday morning during a roadblock exercise around the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, and appeared before Senior Magistrate Lucina Cardenas-Ragoonanan in the Fourth (A) Court.

He was unrepresented and pleaded guilty to the charge of being in possession of two grammes of the drug.

Barrington, who lives in Diego Martin, admitted to Cardenas-Ragoonanan that he used marijuana and that the quantity he was found with was given to him by a friend.

’Somebody give me it and tell me to try this, it real hard,’ he said, adding that he then accepted it and placed it in his pocket.

He was fined $750 and given two days to pay. In default, he would have to serve three months hard labour.

The charge was laid by constable Ray Wallace of the Belmont Police Station.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Nigel Lewis goes to jail
« on: February 17, 2010, 04:45:35 AM »


While JW and Blaze are running away with the 2010 Road March title with Palance, a former Road March winner is languishing in a Florida prison, awaiting trial on two sex-related charges. Although Nigel Hayden Lewis, 43, was granted bail in the sum of US$150,000 to cover both charges, he is still detained at the Paul Rein Detention Facility in Pompano Beach, Florida.

Although the details of the case are sketchy, the Broward County Sheriff’s Office in Florida confirmed that the alleged offences occurred before the February 1 arrest of the calypsonian in Miramar, where he lives. They accused Lewis of “lewd or lascivious (feeling or revealing an overt or offensive sexual desire) behaviour.” The sheriff’s office contend that the two victims in the case were between 12 and 16 years old, while the “offender” was more than 18 years old. No date has been set for Lewis’ next appearance before a Broward County magistrate.

Lewis has been living in Florida for some time, but sheriff officials could not say if the former Road March champion was staying legally in the US. Lewis and his brother Marvin took T&T by storm in 1996 with their bumper song Movin’, otherwise known as Moving to the Left. Nigel Lewis became a household name from his Road March success. He went further with a follow-up tune—Follow the Leader.

His musical journey begins in Tobago. His parents, a dancer and jazz musician, respectively, definitely influenced his career path. Lewis developed into a remarkable singer/songwriter/musician in many ways. He taught himself to play six instruments without formal classroom training, and his clairvoyant lyrics have confronted universal issues, such as poverty, world peace and voting rights.


The Paul Rein detention facility was opened in February 2004 at a cost US$36.6 million. It was named after a deputy sheriff who was shot and killed in the line of duty on November 7, 2007. The facility is designed to handle 1,020 inmates in two four-storey towers. More than 200 deputies supervise the inmates, with support from nearly three dozen non-sworn administrative employees. Lewis is the only T&T national detained there, officials confirmed.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Bare down there
« on: February 03, 2010, 05:21:38 AM »
Bare down there

Crysande Höchst

Saturday, January 23rd 2010

The Carnival costumes just keep getting smaller and smaller. This year’s ’bikini’ is just a tiny triangle in many cases.

God did not make us hair-free in these areas, so it will involve some human intervention, specifically the Brazilian wax.

What is Brazilian waxing?

Brazilian waxing removes every trace of a woman’s pubic hair from the bikini area-on the pubic area and around the anus. Men also do the procedure (known as a ’Manzilian’), but it includes hair removal from the scrotum, penis, anus and pubis. Trini men are slowly coming around to the benefits of facials and pedicures-so the leap to male waxing down there may take another 50 years!

The removal of pubic hair is gaining many fans, not only due to the fact that our Carnival costumes are becoming increasingly Brazilian-style in design, but because many women say they feel cleaner without the hair.

The Brazilian wax is also known as the Sphynx-named after the rare breed of cat known for its lack of fur.

Other names include the Hollywood, the Full Monty, the Playboy and the European.

The American bikini wax

This removes hair at the top of the thighs and under the navel-anything that is seen when wearing a regular bikini bottom.

The French

bikini wax

This is named for a style of thong and leaves a long narrow patch of hair on your pubic region, which is sometimes referred to as a ’landing strip’.

Is the Brazilian for you?

The main deterrent to having this done is the discomfort involved in the hair removal and invasion of privacy.

If you want to try it, you don’t have to start off with the full Brazilian. You can do an American-style bikini wax to ease your way into it.

The benefits of waxing over

other methods of hair removal

1. Results last longer: the hair takes two to three weeks to grow back with waxing since the hair is being pulled out by the root; versus two to three days with shaving or using depilatories, which melt surface hair.

2. Less ingrown hair: there is a reduction in the occurrence of ingrown hairs since the hair is pulled out by the root.

3. Smoother results: the wax also pulls off a very thin top layer of skin so that the results are smoother.

Waxing words of wisdom

Here are some tips on how to have a more positive experience:


1. Avoid waxing if you are on medications that sensitise the skin-such as certain acne medications, as well as blood thinners. These products thin out the skin and may cause a layer of your skin to be pulled off and bleed if you wax.

2. Avoid shaving the area or using hair removal products for two weeks before your appointment.

3. Avoid direct exposure to the sun for 24 hours before waxing.

4. Avoid excessive exfoliation or scrubs in the area for 48 hours.


1. Plan to wax after your period. Your pain threshold is higher in the week after your period than before.

2. Lose your self-consciousness. Yes, a stranger is going to see you wearing, at most, a paper thong. Don’t worry about offending her or feeling embarrassed. It’s nothing she has not seen before. The less anxious you are, the less you’ll worry about pain.

3. Take an ibuprofen at least one hour before you wax.

4. Speak up: some spas have sprays or creams which numb the area before waxing. Ask if this is available.

5. Breathe. It is tempting to hold your breath, but breathing in and out helps reduce the pain. Breathe in when the wax is applied then breathe out when the hair is removed. Do deep belly breaths where your tummy rises when you inhale and flattens when you exhale.

6. Know which parts are most sensitive and be prepared. You wouldn’t expect it, but having hair pulled from the lower abdominal region is more painful than around the vaginal opening.

Last, but not least-a happy and prosperous 2010 to you! This year, make the best of you and don’t be afraid to live a little and try new things. ::) ;D

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Caution required on beaches
« on: February 03, 2010, 05:05:17 AM »
Caution required on beaches


Thursday, January 28th 2010
SERENE: 'Caution must be exercised on beautiful beaches such as Pigeon Point and others'.

You often read in the press of incidents happening in places where you think you would be free of such. You go with your family and friends to a beach promoted to be the most beautiful and enjoy the ambience it offers. The thought that predators actually lurk there is furthest from your mind.

That freedom that I grew up with, that I expressed to others, that I felt was part of the blessings of my land ceased to exist when on December 31, 2009, Old Year’s Day, I was assaulted with intent to rape along the Pigeon Point stretch known as The Swallows.

I had left my family and camera crew at the hotel and gone down to the beach to shoot additional footage for an upcoming eco-tourism/conservation series on television.

They were all accustomed over the years to me disappearing with my camera during the early morning when everyone was still asleep. You do get the best nature shots during the early morning and late afternoon.

That morning, I sat in my vehicle, windows up and doors locked, watching as joggers passed, security personnel passed, and two or three other vehicles passed. At 6.30 a.m. as I picked up my camera from the front seat and opened the door to alight, this man jumped inside my door and stuck the most menacing blade I had ever seen to my throat. The sheer length and thickness of that blade made me go weak at once. I think that my heart stopped beating for a few seconds.

He said, ’Don’t move, don’t move,’ in a threatening tone as I came out of my initial shock. He then ordered me out of the vehicle, ’Come out, come out!’

I started to beg him not to kill me, to just take anything, everything. My camera, phone, purse were all within sight and reach but he only concentrated on me.

He further pressed the knife against my throat and ordered me out, ’Ah say come out now!’ in that unmistakable Tobagonian twang. My whole life flashed before me as I slowly got out of the vehicle. My children did not even know where I was and how would they take this if the man killed me and my body turned up days later. This could not be happening to me. No, not in this beautiful sunlit place where so many people had just passed by. But it was happening.

The man then stuck the blade into my back and ordered me to walk away from the vehicle and down the road. He gripped my left arm with his left hand while he kept the knife in the small of my back with his right. I managed to look back at my vehicle expecting to maybe see other men ransacking it, but there was no one else. I had a good look at the man then as he walked with me. The sight of his bare face and that blade is now emblazoned on my memory forever.

He forced me to walk a couple hundred feet down the road. I tried to keep to the middle of the road for fear that he would force me into the sea on my right or into the bushes on my left. My fear was not unfounded.

On reaching a track that led through the bushes, he attempted to pull me in there. It was then that I managed to break free of his grasp and ran and screamed with all that was in me up the road and away from him. When I looked back, he was almost catching up with me and that blade in his hand flashed menacingly.

God was with me that morning as always, when two people came into view some distance up the road. When I looked back again, my pursuer was jumping into the bushes at the side of the road. Still in the grasp of terror, I continued to run and scream for all my 54 years until I reached the two people.

These two ladies called the police and with the help of a third who was driving past, I cautiously returned to my vehicle which I found had remained undisturbed.

One thing I must add is that the Crown Point Police officers really went beyond their line of duty to assist me in regaining some sort of composure which under the circumstances seemed to elude me. Special thanks to officers Graham, Denoon, Guy and others for helping me cope with the situation and for ensuring that we got an early flight back home.

Tobago is a very beautiful place, perhaps the most beautiful of all the islands. I have promoted eco-tourism on the island for years and will continue to do so. However, visitors must take every precaution necessary now as it is no longer free of criminal-minded people.

The island’s beauty has not changed, the people have not changed, but there are misguided ones in our midst who must be identified and helped back to being the people that they are supposed to be. Now, as in every other country in the world, we as fun loving people must enjoy our islands to the max but with that certain degree of caution necessary for personal safety.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Thieves go on rampage at Maracas Beach
« on: February 02, 2010, 06:26:48 AM »
While visitors basked on the Maracas Beach on Sunday, thieves were breaking into cars and stealing their valuables.

Locals and Carnival tourists lost more than $8,000, 15 cellular phones, gold jewelry, watches, cameras, clothes and identification cards.

A bus driver, who took 23 people to the beach, said the lock on the front door was broken and the thieves ransacked the vehicle. He lost his day’s earnings and his pants. Another man was robbed of his underwear.

Other passengers lost cell phones, cash, watches, cameras and clothing.

Three other families were robbed.

One visitor from Couva said she lost cash, a camera, cell phones and gold jewelry valued at $8,000, and her relatives were robbed of identification documents and money. Two of the vehicles that were broken into were parked on the roadside, but the owners of the burgled bus and a pick-up van said they paid the required $10 to park in the parking lot manned by uniformed security guards.

A security guard reportedly told victims: ’We cannot do anything about theft or interference of anybody’s vehicles. We are not responsible for your vehicles. You have to report it to the police.’

Maracas police said the thefts ’are a regular occurrence, especially on weekends and holidays’.

One officer, who said they were swamped with complaints of theft and break-ins on Sunday, said: ’We do not have the manpower to do regular patrols, especially during the busy hours. With Maracas being one of the biggest tourist sites, we need a bigger staff.’

One foreign visitor swore never to return to Maracas Beach, described by the Tourism Development Company as the ’jewel in the crown of Trinidad’s beaches’.

She said, ’I always wanted to visit Maracas, because I hear it’s the flagship of beaches in Trinidad, but now all I want to do is get out of this country.’

Victim Deonarine Singh said, ’Government is spending $178 million to redesign and restore the Maracas beach, but I wonder if they think of people’s safety? How can they have guards collecting money for car park and not patrolling the car parks? They care for money more than people’s lives?’

The telephones at the communications department at the Ministry of Tourism went unanswered yesterday. Attempts to contact officials at the security firm operating the car park at Maracas were met with ’we will get back to you’.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Singing against Gaza and Gully
« on: January 26, 2010, 10:09:22 PM »

Cori Baynes
Published: 26 Jan 2010
Reigning South Calypso Monarch Brian London.
Photo: Tony Howell
Cori Baynes
“Yuh see de Gaza, look dey think it’s life over dey.
And so with guns and knives they come to play.
So wey yuh from, the Gully or de Gaza,
It doh matter you have to dress passa passa,
Tell me which one ah dem boys pants tighter
or which gyal dressing swankier
So who yuh like, Mavado or Kartel,
Boy, down here we doh rate Machel
Trinidad turn to little Jamaica
All they want is bling bling and paper.”

Those are the words contained in the chorus of one of reigning South Calypso Monarch Brian London’s Carnival 2010 calypsoes, as he pleads with the nation’s young people to stay away from everything associated with violence and to become more self-conscious and responsible. When London performed the song for the first time publicly, during the Regional Carnival Committee’s Distribution of Subvention ceremony held on January 12, at City Hall, it was clear that it would be a favourite among listeners, as almost all the heads in the audience nodded in agreement with his lyrics.

According to London, the song seeks to rekindle a sense of self-awareness and reality in today’s copycat society, where the youths seem more interested in an illusion than in real life. Taking a stand against the “Gully or Gaza syndrome”, made famous by lyrical feuds between Jamaican dancehall singers Mavado and Vybz Kartel, London said that their local counterparts should use that same musical influence to keep the youths on track. He commended former Soca Monarch winner Bunji Garlin for singing out against the Gully/Gaza mentality in two of his C2K10 offerings, but said that more attention should be paid to the hook line of the song. “Music is the only universal language there is. For any artiste to make a song about Gully or Gaza or anything that propagates violence, they have to understand the power in that song.”

“A lot of youths don’t have guidance and all they will hear is the hook line of the song. “Unless the words are clear and precise and (at) a particular pace, they are not going to hear that. “They are going to get caught up with the euphoria and go with it and that will just lead to more violence.” So passionate is London about his calypso, that he intends to make a video depicting life on the actual Gaza Strip. “I plan to take money out of my own pocket if necessary to do the video because I feel it is important,” London continued. “I hope that when they see people with one eye, piece of foot and piece of hand, they might get a sense of what really goes on in the Gaza.”

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Soca Monarch Semi's
« on: January 24, 2010, 03:48:30 PM »
Soca Monarch Semi Finals coming live from Arima on www.ctntworld.com @ 5:30pm

General Discussion / GUNS HERE TO STAY
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:33:46 AM »

By Kim Boodram

Sunday, January 3rd 2010
 Eastern Port of Spain has been labelled as ’among the most dangerous places on the planet’ by an international research body that tracks the growth of small arms and crime.

In its report dated December 31, 2009, the Small Arms Survey of Switzerland explored the rise of criminal gangs and gangster-styled killings in Trinidad and Tobago and concluded the country’s gun problems were not going to go away.

The 53-page report is entitled ’’No Other Life-Gangs, Guns and Governance in Trinidad and Tobago.’

It opens with the tale of known gangster and sometimes political golden boy Sean ’Bill’ Francis who was gunned down last year, his body riddled with 50 bullets. This section of the report, says the author, Dorn Townsend, is meant to ’set the scene’.

Townsend paints a grim picture of a wealthy but corrupt, segregated and generally ’out-of-its-league’ island nation that appears to be falling before even reaching grace.

Stating in the paper’s executive summary that gun-related homicides have increased 1,000-fold in the last decade, Townsend goes on in the next chapter to recall at the start of the 21st century, T&T was pegged to be the jewel of the Caribbean, a haven of relative stability.

’That is no longer the case,’ he said. The report is based on information garnered from various local sources, including the media, police, university professors and non-governmental organisations.

’This scene is not so much a ’war zone’ as a ’Wild West’, and it is no exaggeration to say that poor urban areas of Trinidad, in particular, have become magnets for lawlessness as rival gangs vie for control of territory where drugs are sold,’ the report said.

Townsend said the explosion of this type of crime occurred during a period of unparalleled economic development and that up to the 2008/2009 economic downturn, T&T enjoyed one of the steadiest economic growth rates in the world.

’Overwhelmingly,’ Townsend stated, ’the violence is occurring among the country’s poor, urban, African rather that its Indian or Caucasian residents. Primarily, city blacks are the victims.’

The report refers to or focuses, in several instances, on places known locally as hot spots, such as Laventille and Gonzales, and mentions efforts by legitimate community and church leaders to bring peace to these areas.

Yet, Townsend stated:

’T&T’s society though small in size is significantly complex, such that as a variety of forces stand arrayed against efforts at improvement.’

Exploring the alleged and known relationships between political leaders and gang leaders, Townsend stated:

’Also arrayed, or covertly arrayed, against such pressures for stability are the leaders of political parties who cultivate goodwill with gangs.’

And concluded:

’The above progressive and retrogressive forces are only suggestive of what is unfolding with regard to gangs and guns in T&T. Other markers of the problems may be brought to the fore. In turn, concerned stakeholders may develop a viable strategy for peace while controlling elements of the violent status quo.

’In any event, the national’s problems of guns is not going to go away. Steps by the government to bolster law enforcement and curb smuggling are hobbled by a worsening of civic attitudes, ie citizens are downright cynical about the ability of the State to reverse the mayhem caused by guns and gangs.’

The Small Arms Survey is an independent research project located at the Graduate Institute of International and Developmental Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.

It was established in 1999 and is supported by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairsn while being sustained by contributions from the governments of Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK.

The project’s objective is, among others, to serve as the principal source of public information on all aspects of small arms and armed violence, as a resource centre for governments, policy-makers, researchers and activists, to monitor national and international initiatives (governmental and non) on small arms.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / DESPERS FLEES THE HILL
« on: December 29, 2009, 05:17:50 AM »

CRIME has forced the Witco Desperadoes to flee their Laventille Hill home after more than 60 years and seek refuge in Belmont, officials of the panside said yesterday.

The ’pride of Laventille’ will now be based in Belmont as they prepare for next year’s Panorama competition, the band’s assistant manager, Kelvin ’Warlord’ Holder, said yesterday.

Despers will conduct Panorama rehearsals at the National Insurance Board’s (NIB) car park located at the corner of Cadiz Road and Queen’s Park East for the second time for next year’s Panorama. The panside made the bold move because of dwindling support and player safety, Holder told the Express at the NIB car park yesterday.

Officials of the steelband were at the car park to officially start their Carnival preparations for next year. It was a move that proved successful during this year’s Panorama, Holder said.

’Because of the crime situation, you know, our supporters and panmen are reluctant to come out on the hill, so we decided to come down and meet them. By leaving there and coming down here the people feel more secure,’ Holder said.

’We started on the hills but our support started to dry up because of crime, so we decided to come down here and everything just build back up and that is one of the main reasons why we have to come off the hill. Ah tell yuh people are concerned. As soon as you reach in the panyard you are safe but to come in and get out that is where the problem is,’ Holder said.

But not everyone agrees with the move.

’The people from the hill, the people who live on the hill itself, they don’t like the idea of coming off the hill because Despers is a proud band, the people of Laventille are a proud people but we have no other choice. For the betterment of the band we had to do this,’ Holder said.

Holder said the entire executive of the band wished that the move was not necessary.

’We hope the crime situation will ease up. That everything will come back to normalcy because you know we are not happy leaving Laventille, that is our base, that is our home, but we have no choice. It is very painful, it is very hard to leave Laventille but we really have no other choice,’ Holder said.

The last time the Witco Desperadoes won Panorama was in 2000 and team captain Bertram Glasgow believes this strategic move will assist in the band winning its elusive 11th title.

When the Express visited the NIB car park yesterday the Desperadoes pan stands had already been transported to the site.

A sign welcoming visitors to the ’panyard’ was also placed on an abandoned guard booth at the car park’s entrance.

The car park will be shared by both the Desperadoes faithful and customers of the nearby Tamnak Thai restaurant.

The Desperadoes pan theatre overlooking Port of Spain was locked when the Express visited yesterday.

When called for comment yesterday, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Gilbert Reyes, said he could not respond until he verified the band’s reason for departure from the Laventille area.

He gave an assurance, however, that the Police Service was doing all in its ability to arrest this country’s spiralling crime.

A friend of mine who's a cop sent this to me today...He said it's an NYPD site where some officers vent......

http://theerant.yuku.com/topic/23838/t/I-sent-this-west-Indian-Day-parade-Video-to-my-Dad.html >:(

Celebrity disc jockey Adam Goldstein, known as DJ AM, was found dead Friday evening in his New York City apartment, and media reports say drug paraphernalia was found nearby.

Goldstein, 36, was a DJ for hire who performed at Hollywood's most exclusive parties. He became a celebrity in his own right with a glamorous lifestyle and high-profile romances, including with Nicole Richie and Mandy Moore.

Paramedics had to break down the door to his Manhattan apartment before they found his body at about 5:20 p.m., a law enforcement official told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. There was no evidence of foul play, the official said.

Goldstein had talked openly about past addictions to crack cocaine, Ecstasy and other drugs, but he claimed he had been drug-free for years.

He died nearly a year after surviving a South Carolina plane crash that killed four people and seriously injured rock musician Travis Barker.

"This comes as a complete shock. I will miss him forever. He was a great friend to me," DJ AM's friend, actor Simon Rex, who was at his welcome home party after the tragic plane crash, told FOXNews.com.

A close friend told FOXNews.com asserted that Goldstien lived a sober life.

"Adam never did drugs before this, and he didn't even drink," the friend told FOXNews.com. "He didn't like forming an attachment to substances. He never wanted to be out of control and he took his work too seriously to party. ... Friends are absolutely shocked. If its true this was totally not in his nature. One friend just saw him this week and said he seemed pretty normal."

The friend continued: "He was a complete professional and great guy. He was always ready to help his friends. He was the leader of the DJ community. Everyone turned to him for advice. Adam was a happy guy. He was always smiling and never ever had a mean or nasty moment."

In September of 2008, Goldstein and punk rocker Travis Barker survived a plane crash in South Carolina. Four people died in the crash — which was caused by an aborted takeoff which forced the plane off the runway. Goldstein and Barker were the only survivors.

Goldstein and Barker were seriously burned escaping the plane. The pair had planned to perform together for the first time since the crash at an event in Los Angeles on New Year's Eve.

"The plane crash did change him and shake him up, but no one ever worried about him considering taking his own life, if that's what happened," the close friend told FOXNews.com.

But another friend of DJ AM told FOXNews.com that Goldstien "has been spiraling out of control since the plane crash. He was taking so many painkillers for his injuries, he slowly got hooked on them.

"About 7 years ago he went through major drug addictions, and he worked so hard, and successfully kicked the habit. He was terrified to take any of the meds the doctors prescribed him after the crash, but the pain was so bad," the friend said. "Adam took them, and the need for the drugs grew, and now here we are. It's terrible that no one was able to stop him soon enough, but it just happened so fast."

General Discussion / Police: Mike Tyson's daughter on life support
« on: May 25, 2009, 08:38:20 PM »
Police: Mike Tyson's daughter on life support
By AMANDA LEE MYERS – 9 minutes ago

PHOENIX (AP) — Boxer Mike Tyson's 4-year-old daughter is on life support after she was found with her neck on a treadmill cable Monday, police said.

The girl's 7-year-old brother found her on a treadmill with her neck on a cable attached to the exercise machine at their Phoenix home, police Sgt. Andy Hill said, calling it a "tragic accident."

The boy told the girl's mother, who was in another room. She took the girl off the cable, called 911 and tried to revive her.

Responding officers and firefighters performed CPR on the girl as they rushed her to a nearby hospital, where she was in "extremely critical condition" and on life support, Hill said.

"Somehow she was playing on this treadmill, and there's a cord that hangs under the console — it's kind of a loop," Hill said. "Either she slipped or put her head in the loop, but it acted like a noose, and she was obviously unable to get herself off of it."

Hill said former heavyweight champion Tyson had been in Las Vegas but flew to Phoenix immediately after learning of the accident. Police didn't release the girl's name.

Tyson could not immediately be reached for comment. Calls to three of his representatives were either not returned or not answered.

Brief footage from local TV station KTVK showed Tyson arriving at the hospital in a white button-up and black pants, and looking around with a frown before going inside.

Hill said everything in the investigation pointed to an accident. "There's nothing in the investigation that revealed anything suspicious," he said.

He added that responding to calls involving children is an officer's most difficult duty.

"Those are the things that stay with you in your career," he said. "We always hope for a miracle — not to have the worst happen to a child."

Warning: the analysis of this song deals with very disturbing subject matters.
What is Rihanna’s Umbrella song about? First times I’ve heard this song, I was confused. Is it about a woman’s unconditional friendship for her man? Is it a “sexy song”? At face value, it seems so. However, if you listen closely to Rihanna and Jay-Z’s words, you might notice that the lyrics do not make any sense. The vocabulary used in this song is not about a relationship between two lovers. The fact is, Umbrella is about a subject matter that is sinister, dark and disturbing: becoming possessed by evil.

What does “under my umbrella” mean?
In a nutshell, the song talks about a storm that’s about to take place and Rihanna offers her loved one protection under her umbrella. In this song, “You can stand under my umbrella” can have a sexual connotation but it mostly means “You can be under my protection”. When you are under something’s protection, this something has more power than you regarding your own security. You depend on it. It has control over you. IT possesses you. The song is not about love between woman and man, it’s about being protected. It is not an equal relationship. The one that protects basically owns the person that is protected.
Analyzing the song
The first thing that you need to know about the song’s lyrics is that Rihanna sings the whole song but she actually takes on two roles. During the first half of the song, she plays the role of an evil entity that is trying to seduce and possess Rihanna. For the purpose of this analysis we’ll call this entity the Devil. The second role she plays is herself. So the song is basically a dialog between the Devil and Rihanna. The video of the song makes this very clear and we’ll explain how later.

What is possession?
Possession, in relationship to non-human entities deals with the phenomena wherein a non-human entity controls the human being through various methods. In possession, the human being cannot think for themselves. Instead, their thoughts are given to them by their possessor. We’ll see how the Devil tries and succeeds at possessing Rihanna in this song. There is a reason why the album is called “Good Girl Gone Bad”.
Jay-Z’s prophetic verse
So the song starts off with a verse of rapper Jay-Z. He plays the role of someone that has already been possessed and already “under the umbrella” of the Devil. Here’s his verse:

No clouds in my stones
Let it rain, I hydroplane in the bank
Coming down with the Dow Jones
When the clouds come we gone, we Rocafella
We fly higher than weather
And G5’s are better, You know me,
an anticipation, for precipitation. Stacked chips for the rainy day
Jay, Rain Man is back with little Ms. Sunshine
Rihanna where you at?


“No clouds in my stones
Let it rain, I hydroplane in the bank
Coming down with the Dow Jones”
So the “storm” is in fact related to the economy and the financial world. “Coming down with the Dow Jones” reflects this situation. The Dow Jones is the main indicator of the health of the stock market. If it plummets, we can talk about a market crash. This reference is pretty eerie as it effectively predicts the crash of the stock markets that is taking place now, which is two years after the release of the song. We all know that, since September of this year (2008), the Dow Jones has experienced its biggest drops since the great depression. Here’s a random quote from today’s news (December 11th):

Stocks on Wall Street fell sharply on Thursday afternoon, with the Dow Jones industrials sliding 200 points, as investors weighed a lower sales outlook and a widening trade gap that could spell trouble for American businesses.

The fact that this song was made in 2006, two full years before even having signs of recession is strange. You’ll notice that the whole song has a pessimistic outlook concerning the future.  Jay-Z is saying “Let it rain”, he doesn’t care about the financial crisis,  he “hydroplanes in the bank”.  In other words, while the bank is being flooded by this storm and people are drowning in it, he’s above the water and  surviving the crisis.
When the clouds come we gone, we Rocafella
In other words, when the financial crisis will occur, we won’t be here to suffer through it. “Rocafella” is the name of Jay-Z’s record label. It also refers to John D. Rockefeller and his family, the biggest industrialists in American History and huge actors in the formation of the social-economic world we’re currently living in. Many historians claim the Rockerfellers have engineered the crash of 1929 to be able to obtain a stronghold on America’s banking system. Congressman Charles A. Lindberg Sr. accurately proclaimed in 1930:

“From now on depressions will be scientifically created.”

We fly higher than weather
And G5’s are better, You know me,
“We fly higher than the weather” means that Jay-Z cannot be affected by the financial crisis because he is above the problem. He enjoys a protection that makes him unvulnerable to the storm. The fact that he says “WE fly higher than the weather” implies that a select few can have the same kind of privileges he has. G5 is a kind of private jet so he will live in luxury even when the crisis strikes the rest of the world.
an anticipation, for precipitation. Stacked chips for the rainy day
Jay-Z says here that he was expecting this major crisis (the precipitation) and so he has prepared financially to face it. Seems like he had prior knowledge of the events that would occur in the future. Is he talking about the recession that is happening now?

Jay, Rain Man is back with little Ms. Sunshine
Rihanna where you at?
Jay aka “Rain Man”. He has been possessed by the Devil, contrarily to Rihanna, who he calls “little Ms. Sunshine”. Rihanna is the good girl. Jay-Z is already bad and he is asking Rihanna to join him.
So Jay-Z lyrics have NOTHING to do with love, friendship or any type of relationship. His lyrics talk about an imminent economic disaster and the fact that he is prepared to face it.

Rihanna’s lyrics

You have my heart
And we’ll never be worlds apart
May be in magazines
But you’ll still be my star
Baby cause in the dark
You can’t see shiny cars
And that’s when you need me there
With you I’ll always share

Rihanna sings this part, but it is actually the Devil talking to Rihanna. He is “sweet-talking” her so she can accept the idea of the Devil entering her body. Here’s how we can translate the lyrics.
I love you
Even if I’m not from your world, I’ll never be far from you
You may be famous and in magazines
But you’ll always be MY star, nobody else’s
Because when you won’t be successful anymore
When you won’t be able to buy shiny cars and material things
That’s when you’ll need my protection
With you I’ll always share my riches
So the Devil is offering Rihanna a lifetime of riches and luxury, even when she’ll lose her popularity and stop generating money from her singing carreer. Tempting isn’t it?

When the sun shines, we’ll shine together
Told you I’ll be here forever
Said I’ll always be your friend
Took an oath I’ma stick it out till the end
Now it’s raining more than ever
But we’ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)

When you shine from your success, we both profit from it
I will always be part of you
I will always be on your side
I promised you I would protect you and I will do it as long as necessary
Now the financial crisis is afflicting the world
But I’m still here with you
You can be under my protection
You can be under my protection
What’s up with the Ella Ella eh’s? It sounds catchy doesn’t it? The repetitive and hypnotic rhythm of this chant makes it very reminiscent of magical spells, conjurations or summons. It invokes the god “El”, short for “Elohim”, also known as Ba’el (the Master) an important figure in occult mythology. According to famous occultist Francis Barrett, Ba’el has the power to make those who invoke him invisible and he can make people wise. Does “Ella” backwards sound a little like Ba’el?
2nd Verse

These fancy things, will never come in between
You’re part of my entity, here for Infinity
When the war has took it’s part
When the world has dealt it’s cards
If the hand is hard, together we’ll mend your heart

All of your material possessions will never separate me and you
You’re part of my entity, I own you, until the end of times
When the crisis has ravaged the world
When we’ll know the final outcome of the world
If you’re in trouble, me and you will stop the pain

“You’re part of my entity” is very relevant here because “entity” is not a word in the vocabulary used between loved ones. Nobody will say to his/her lover “You’re part of my entity”. An entity is not human.

An entity is something that has a distinct, separate existence, though it need not be a material existence.

“Here for Infinity” also gives a non-human feel to the lyrics, as if this power doesn’t live or die, it is immortal.
“When the war has took it’s part/ When the world has dealt it’s cards” is a particularly gloomy passage. It basically predicts a terrible event that will strike severly the entire world and that will rearrange the way it will fonction afterwards. Once again, we refere to a huge crisis that is about to occur and the Devil is trying to convince Rihanna to let her protect her.

You can run into my arms
It’s okay don’t be alarmed
Come into me
There’s no distance in between our love
So go on and let the rain pour
I’ll be all you need and more

This part is actually a dialogue between the Devil and Rihanna. It is difficult to notice because there’s not difference in the tone of voice. The video however gives a visual clue of the dialogue by reversing the image when Rihanna answers the Devil.
So, the Devil is telling Rihanna
“You can run into my arms
It’s okay don’t be alarmed”

“You can come and seek my protection
Don’t be scared of the crisis”

Rihanna answers
“Come into me” as in “come inside of my body and possess me”

Both Rihanna and Devil say
“There’s no distance between our love” . The Devil is effectively now INSIDE of her, there’s no more distance between them.
And the Devil finishes by saying:
“So go on and let the rain pour
I’ll be all you need and more”

Let the world get what it deserves, I’ll take care of you.
So now that you probably gained another perspective on the song’s lyrics, we can proceed to analyze the video, which carry HEAVY symbolism and  confirms the theory of the Devil trying to possess Rihanna. The video also adds a layer of interpretation by depicting the process of possession as a rape.
Analyzing the video

At the beginning we see Jay-Z with six black-clad women. As previously stated, Jay-Z is already possessed in the song. The six women represent Jay-Z’s thoughts being controlled.

The we see Rihanna dressed in black and wearing a top-hat, a visual clue to represent the evil entity, which is masculine. The long, claw-like fingernails give a sense of a demonic, ungodly creature. When Rihanna starts singing, she moves in sexually seductive way to reflect the Devil’s attempt to seduce Rihanna. He wants to possess her not only mentally but physically also.

The picture above is the explosion we see in the video right after the first verse. This explosion of chrome-colored liquid represents something truly disturbing: the rape of Rihanna by the Devil.

The picture above represents the rape of Rihanna. Dressed in white and thus embodying “the good girl with values”, Rihanna dances while performing defensive gestures. She is trying to protect herself from the chrome liquid, which represents the seminal fluid of the Devil. The liquid hits her a total of 6 times.

We then see Rihanna naked, covered in chrome-colored liquid. Rihanna has been raped by the Devil and covered with his semen. She seems in pain and not herself. On the picture above we see her inside a triangle. This is VERY symbolic. For occultists, an upwards triangle represents the phallus, the penis, male energy. Rihanna is inside the triangle. She is completely “owned” and under the spell of the Devil’s sexuality.
Look closely at the frame above. It appears very briefly at around 2:46 in the video. It is Rihanna on her knees, her head on the floor. It’s also something else: the FACE OF THE DEVIL! It has been made to look like “Baphomet” (see image), who is an intricate part of occult mysteries. You see the two eyes, snout and the long horns. This frame has been digitally manipulated to look like this because it is anatomically incorrect. No human can assume this position in real life. This image has been placed on purpose and only for a fraction of second. Classic subliminal message.
So Rihanna has been raped and we saw the face of the Devil, so what’s next?

Rihanna has now become the “Bad Girl” dressed in black. She is surrounded by 6 black clad men (like Jay-Z at the beginning), to represent her state of possession. She dances suggestively with a closed umbrella, which represents a phallus. The Devil has won, he has taken over Rihanna. And she is asking for more. At the end of the song, Rihanna asks her rapists to come into her again. Sick.

It’s raining
Ooh baby it’s raining
Baby come into me
Come into me
It’s raining
Oh baby it’s raining

The “ooh baby” makes it clear that we’re not talking about raindrops falling from the sky. It means she is wet and ready to welcome the Devil again inside her.
The analysis of Rihanna’s Umbrella was to prove the fact that the general public is blind to the hidden messages omnipresent in mass media. Kids from all over the world sing and dance to this song while registering unconsciously the hidden layers of symbolism.
Here’s the follow-up single of the “Good Girl Gone Bad” album. The second video picks up where Umbrella left. I’ll let you interpret it yourself.

Bum-bum bi-dum bum-bum-bi dum dum is a repetitive, hypnotic magic spell cast on you!
Bum = A bum, a hoboe
Bidum = Be dumb
Bum bum, be dumb, bum bum be dumb dumb. — Be stupid, stop thinking and let yourself become possessed.
To finish off this great report on Rihanna’s masterpiece of deceit, here’s her performance at the MTV Europe awards. Once again, HEAVY occult symbolism here (and she sucks at signing too).



NEW YORK – Bernard Madoff's new Manhattan home is the size of a walk-in closet, with cinderblock walls, linoleum floors and a bunk bed. Breakfast will be served before sunrise, and the disgraced financier can stretch his legs outside, but only every other day — in a cage.

The Metropolitan Correctional Center, which has housed accused terrorists and reputed mobsters, welcomed the 70-year-old Madoff on Thursday after he pleaded guilty in one of Wall Street's biggest investment swindles and a judge revoked his bail.

The federal jail in lower Manhattan stands between a courthouse and a church and holds inmates awaiting trial or serving short sentences. Currently, about 750 men and women are behind bars there.

Since his arrest in December, Madoff has been confined to his $7 million penthouse apartment.

When inmates first arrive at the jail, they are given physical and psychological exams and instructed on the rules. If cleared to enter the general population, they are issued a baggy brown uniform and assigned to cells measuring 7 1/2-by-8 feet, each fitted with a sink and toilet.

Many inmates must share their cells with another prisoner, but it was not immediately clear Thursday whether Madoff would have a cellmate.

There's a strict schedule: Lights on at 6 a.m., breakfast at 6:30 a.m., lunch at 11 a.m., dinner at 5 p.m., lights out at 11 p.m. During the day, inmates can watch television, play ping pong, work on their cases in a legal library or volunteer for janitorial duty.

On alternate days, they are allowed up on the caged roof, where from courthouse windows they can be seen playing basketball. For court dates, they are shackled and escorted by deputy marshals through an underground tunnel.

The facility alots three hours a week for visits by family or lawyers. Inmates can also spend up to 300 minutes per month making phone calls, which can be monitored.

Those who misbehave or present a risk of violence are thrown into a separate unit where they spend nearly all day locked in their cells and must endure strip searches and constant monitoring by cameras.

Authorities tightened security in the unit after a guard was seriously injured in 2000 by a terrorist convicted in the 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.

Notable inmates have included blind sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, who was sentenced to life in prison for plotting to blow up five New York landmarks and assassinate Egypt's president, and John "Junior" Gotti, the Gambino crime family scion now jailed in Brooklyn on murder charges.

Current inmates include former Florida hedge fund manager Arthur Nadel, who is accused of bilking investors out of up to $350 million.


Entertainment & Culture Discussion / No brass in the mas
« on: March 08, 2009, 06:08:21 AM »
No brass in the mas

Gary Cardinez

Sunday, March 8th 2009
 The blaring sound of live horns coming from a music truck on Carnival Monday and Tuesday is fast disappearing.

Outside of Karma, 3 Vini and Surface, where were the brass bands?.

One vexed bandleader told the Sunday Express:

"Ask the mas band leaders! They tell revelers the cost of costumes is high because they have to pay the music bands. What music bands? There are no music bands playing on the road, yet the price of costumes keep raising."

One executive member of another mas band feels it is not worth the money to hire music bands because "they only play for part of the route and at the judging points, it is a waste of money".

"You get more from the DJs, they play a variety of songs and the masqueraders enjoy themselves more," he added.

In addition to the cost, another thing contributing to the demise of the brass bands may be that there are very few songs in Carnival with brass lines. This is a pity, according to one mas band leader who believes that "without brass the music sounds empty and the masqueraders don't enjoy it as much" .

"The masqueraders also miss the entertainers who gave them the impetus to jump on the road. Remember Ronnie McIntosh and Massive Chandelier, Iwer George, David Rudder. They are no longer in the game on the road," he pointed out.

"But honestly, when you come down to it, the cost is prohibitive. Music bands charge as much as $125,000 to play on the road. A DJ charges up to $80,000."

One year in particular, Poison had about 30 music trucks, so the DJs got their go ahead from these big bands.

Now a band like Tribe could easily have up to 15 trucks-where are the music bands to fill this demand?

There are "hardware costs" for the Carnival road comprising rental for generators, sound systems, trucks and labour.

The first three-generators, sound systems and trucks-come in the vicinity of $60,000 which does not leave much for the DJ and his crew.

A musician playing on the road for two days could get $3,000. "That is hard labour," said one of them.

It used to be so different. There even used to be a Brass-o-Rama competition at the Queen's Park Savannah before it moved to PSA Grounds, on Long Circular Road.

At this competition, people used to get a feel for the Road March-not as obtains now when a Road March is picked long before Carnival Monday and Tuesday and played by every Radio DJ on various stations.

So is live music- brass and steelband-on the way out from the Carnival? Well, steelbands are now attempting a comeback by joining forces and coming out in the same band- all brought out by the steelbands themselves. And maybe, just maybe, the brass bands will formulate a plan to come out "blowing".

General Discussion / Schools scanty despite minister's plea
« on: February 26, 2009, 12:57:43 AM »
Schools scanty despite minister's plea
Camille Bethel cbethel@trinidadexpress.com

Thursday, February 26th 2009
 Less than 25 per cent of pupils across Trinidad showed up at schools yesterday, according to president of the Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers Association (TTUTA), Roustan Job.

The low attendance came despite several calls by Minister of Education, Esther Le Gendre, and other stakeholders for parents to send their children to school on Ash Wednesday. The calls had been made by Le Gendre in an advertisement campaign in the build-up to the Carnival celebrations, as she urged parents to break the tradition and send their children out to school after the Carnival festivities.

Job said, however, the majority of schools in the San Fernando, Port of Spain, the East/ West Corridor, Caroni and St Patrick districts had poor pupil turnout.

"Teachers showed up, but when one looks at it, the majority of schools had a 15 to 20 per cent pupil attendance. A few schools like St Augustine Girls' and Holy Cross College in the East and Bishops in Port of Spain had a 50 per cent attendance," he told the Express in a telephone interview.

"The worrying thing is that the trend over the years has been low turnout not just on Ash Wednesday, but on Thursday and Friday as well, so you have a whole week of low attendance."

He added, however, that the eight schools in Tobago that TTUTA contacted said they had a 70 per cent attendance, so although they did not get the results they had hoped, they still need to continue the campaign to break the culture of staying away from school after Carnival.

Zena Ramatali, president of the National Parent Teachers Association (NPTA), meanwhile said her checks revealed a much better turnout at primary schools in the St George East district than previous years.

"A few school principals that I spoke to in the St George area-Arima Girls' Government and La Horquetta South-said their turnout was more than it usually is on Ash Wednesday," she said. "I would like to look at the fact that teachers and some parents heeded the call to send their children to school as a small success and a start to changing the culture of staying away from school on Ash Wednesday."

Eight-time Road March King Austin "SuperBlue" Lyons brought members of the audience to tears as he performed alongside his daughter, reigning Road March Queen Fay-Ann Lyons, during the annual Army Fete, held Friday night at the Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain.

SuperBlue and veteran promoter, Cliff Harris were both honoured by the regiment, and applauded by the massive audience gathered at the savannah for the event. The two cultural ambassadors were presented with commemorative plaques while appearing separately onstage around 3.30 a.m., during a fantastic performance by reigning Soca Monarch Bunji Garlin, Road March Queen Fay-Ann Lyons and The Asylum Band.

Harris has always preferred to work behind the scenes, and had to be introduced to the audience, but the enormous crowd began chanting the first half of SuperBlue's name long before it was even announced that he would appear onstage.

"Super" performed "Get Something and Wave" and "Meet SuperBlue" alongside his daughter and son-in-law, and together they commanded the assembly, who all responded unanimously and with unbridled enthusiasm. Many patrons expressed the hope that this powerful collaboration of father and daughter will be repeated at the upcoming finals for this year's Soca Monarch competition, and will result in Fay-Ann's victory.

Roy Cape All Stars followed The Asylum's set to round off a thoroughly entertaining evening, which featured a host of performers from Trinidad and Tobago and around the region.

"SuperBlue" is a five-time soca monarch who is renowned for his mesmerising performances, and a series of last-minute upsets in the Soca Monarch and Road March competitions. Harris has been promoting soca music for more than 25 years, and is responsible for establishing revolutionary events like Soca Village and the Caribbean Brass Festival.

Long touted as "the safest fete in Carnival", the annual Army Fete remained incident-free and finished in the wee hours of yesterday morning.

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