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Topics - trini_bwoy

Pages: [1]
Football / Jack Austin Warner et. Al.
« on: June 09, 2007, 09:03:32 PM »
I believe that the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago should be properly informed about Mr. Austin Jack Warner. He is crazy and full of himself: he places himself before a nation. If you have a moment, observe Mr. Warner's response when asked if Trinidad would ever win a World Cup:


If a so-called prominent American were to say this about his nation in front the media, guess what? That might be his last job and a lawsuit perhaps. In other parts of the world, one might consider him dead. But in Trinidad, we seem to tolerate a lot of rubbish and this is an example.

When Trinidad and Tobago qualifies for any tournament, I would like to think that my countrymen and countrywomen play their hearts to win and to go all the way on top. However, Mr. Warner has positioned himself and makes a clear point of his selfish views. Mr. Warner and company (et. Al.) are only after one objective: to fill their pockets and take off when they see fit.

Mr. Warner also blasphemes. Talking about God and he himself is GREEDY and corrupt. Anything this man organizes ends up with allegations of corruption and fund mismanagement:




But he seems to elude such accusations:



Also, Blatter and Warner have a good thing going. Read this article, Warner's vote helped Blatter to be reelected FIFA's President. So, you are dealing with two dangerous (and powerful) men.


In all, he serves no good to T&T. He can fool FIFA but not we. Our football and nation as a whole can function perfectly without him and his associates. I don't want to talk about Mr. Oliver Camps right now as that is another topic in itself and my blood pressure only goes up whenever I hear about Oliver Camps. Where else in the world can someone do sh*T and still get away with it.

Of course, there are more evidence that questions Mr. Jack Austin Warner and his comrades. But for now, proceed with caution. Warner and his clan have created a huge mess.

May God help us.

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