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Topics - Behbehman

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Little "rich" children cyar live in T&T
« on: October 10, 2006, 10:10:35 AM »
TT$35,000 the cost of a dead child in Trinidad.  Kidnap victim Riaz...dead! How do you feel about this? I feel terrble and angry! I am so very embarassed for T&T. The SocaWarriors tried their utmost to give T&T a sign...a sign that we could be better but alas, where have our values gone? T&T should not be a "kidnap" state!  >:(

Football / Nickname for the new coach
« on: July 14, 2006, 09:06:36 AM »
It was "Beenieman" for Leo now what name is in store for Wims? Any suggestions? :-*

Football / Who will be the goalie for the next match?
« on: June 10, 2006, 10:40:44 PM »
Ah have a feeling that beenie like wuh he see and he go keep Shaka.

Football / Prognosis for May 10th Game
« on: May 02, 2006, 09:39:03 AM »
I am probably late with this one but can anyone of the "SocaWarriors Seermen" give a prognosis about the TT--Peru Game.  I already know that that yuh have tuh take a cocoa knife tuh chook dong the prices ah the tickets.  Imagine poor people in TT cyar geh ah chance tuh see the Soca Warriors...dat is rel advantage on scruntin Trinis.  I doh care wuh happen in Iceland...the price shoulda be reasonable not US$50 and almost US$100.  Dat is one ah the reson why crime in T&T go continue becuz I think that dem prices is a crime.

Football / The Brits are crying Obeah
« on: March 28, 2006, 06:00:46 PM »
I read today that a news paper in the UK has accused the SOCAWARRIORS of practicing obeah to destabilized them and win matches.  I want to know the views of my brethren on this website. It is quite possible that many Brits as well as Germans are still very superstitious.  Remember Hitler used necromancy and clairvoyants to fight his war. What does this irresponsible editor take us for? If we have Orisha (Shango) and Obeah as part of our societal underpinnings it's only a matter of culture. What do the Brits have? Colonial masters (plantocrats) charged an imprisoned the descendants of African slaves in Trinidad for beating their drums...relentless as they were, Trinidadians have survived the worst treatment...but lo and behold the steelpan was born and is now a shining example of resistance and resilience in the face of repression! The brits were probably astonished to see T&T in the 2006 World Cup Finals...and they are probably afraid of the SOCAWARRIORS...they are probably looking for an excuse when we dish it out...I eh have mice in mih pocket buh ah right dey brethren.  Is ah lil while now I eh knock on the site...buh ah survive the winter so far in Minot, ND. Leh mih know how we should address this first "onslaught" by the Brits. :duel:

General Discussion / If it's not PNM...Who we go put?
« on: February 22, 2006, 05:29:53 PM »
The way I see it, is simple...probably too simplistic in nature.  Forget the UNC and all the antics of four cent politics on the roadside of dreams and paranoia.  Yes, I agree, the PNM has shown some ineptitude but could you tell me what the UNC has done for the upliftment of the peoples of Trinidad and Tobago.  Forget Eric Williams and Frankie Khan have both shown their cards...no Aces.  Patrick Manning turned them over to the Integrity Commission...dat good! What more do the people want?  People are seeking a secure environment (too much crime and murder).  This happens in every developing nation but I guess T&T is too small for the level of crime and we are not accustomed to guntoting bandidos who plague the land.  The UNC does not stand a chance now with Ramesh making love tuh Panday...Dookeran geh leave out...bacchanal is dey ting...dey tek dat from the PNM.  Now, now, we must have nuff respect for the PNM, the Prime Minister and his boys...I believe with all mih heart dat PNM going right back in the house after the next election because Manning has the right campaign managers...Jack Warner, Basdeo Panday and Winston Dookeran.  Ah kinda sorry for Dooks...poor fella, he eh know wuh hit him yet.  So who we go put? Daaga? Kambon? Mottley? Rowley? Boynes? Who has clean hands? Trinidad and Tobago was blessed by the Father himself buh we have done a fine job at screwing up wuh God make good.  Leave the PNM right dey...yuh hear mih!  All who want tuh vex could vex but long gone ah the days of calling people sexist names like "Fat Arse Brigade" and the like.  The PNM is now more refined and less noisy.  Mr. manninng is right tuh tek away the grounds from dem noisy rugby players...who gives a damn about rugby anyway...certainly not a quiet PM like Manning.  The man want some quiet and peace tuh plan how tuh win the next election. I will admonish everybody in T&T tuh plant Balisier from now so dat we go have enough flowers for the next election...jump and wave the balisier.  I have prophesied and it will come to pass. :bringiton:

General Discussion / T&T No.1 in the world for murder?
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:16:28 PM »
I read somewhere dat T&T has taken the cake from Colombia as the number one country in the world for high crime and murder....dat eh sound too nice in my ears...dat is pressure for this tiny country.  Imagine more than 38 murders in January 2006...wuh happening tuh we?  Is there any way we could help solve this apparent plague that has hit us?   :( 

Football / FIFA & Football Ethics
« on: December 28, 2005, 01:06:41 PM »
It seems that there is some media hype regarding Jack Warner and ticket sales for the WC 2006.

Please take a few moments to submit your answer to the statement.

Football / Football and opportunities for rural Trinis
« on: December 28, 2005, 12:59:25 PM »
Behbehman wants tuh know if the government of T&T puttin dey money wey dey mouth is. How many youths playing football in Toco, Matelot, Lopinot, Cumana, Mayaro, Rio Claro, Erin. Cedros...etc?

Tell mih...we looking for goalies buh who training the youths? Do the students who geh ah chance tuh play in Intercol geh ah foot in the door for the national squads?

Ah doh know buh ah gettin the feeling dat enough is not being done to enhance our positiion with respect tuh football.

Gih mih some good news.

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