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Messages - kicker

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Football / Re: UEFA Champions League 2012/2013
« on: September 28, 2012, 07:41:41 AM »
Last year Real draw Lyon, Ajax and Zagreb. No disrespect but Ajax are not what they were for years now and Lyon & Zagreb were easy pickings.

Real only have to worry about City. Ajax would be easy pickings and Dortmund could be tricky, but should not be any trouble, they finished last in the Arsenal group last year.
Dortmund topping that group

Only if you turn the papers upside down ;D

I wouldn't sleep on Dortmund.  They didn't have a good showing in Europe last year, but they are a tough opponent -especially on their home turf... They destroyed Bayern going and coming last season in Germany... They can def take points off people . 

Olympic Discussion / Re: Brazil vs Mexico, 2012 Olympic finals.
« on: August 13, 2012, 11:55:05 AM »

Olympic Discussion / Re: Brazil vs Mexico, 2012 Olympic finals.
« on: August 11, 2012, 10:52:16 PM »
Actually thought this was Brazil's best match of the tournament.  First match that that Juan Jesus didn't look completely incompetent, and the keeper didn't have much to do other than pick the two ball outta the net... I don't agree with all the plaudits for Mexico - don't think they played THAT well - but they were very organized and clinical, and sometimes that's all you need....they were gifted a goal early on by shoddy defending and didn't have a shot on goal after that until about the 70th minute.  Brazil was clearly shaken up by the early goal and took about 15 mins to settle but controlled the match after that and created more opportunities on goal - just couldn't find the net...In the last 20 of the game it opened up alot and it was back and forth, as legs were a bit weary...It was case of Brazil finding an equalizer or Mexico killing it off...whichever came first...Mexico killed it off and that was the match... Even down in the dregs it wasn't over though and Oscar had sitter of a header from inside the six which he managed to scoop over...woulda been 2-2 and a totally different game...

Commentary (pro media and other wise) is generally  very harsh on Brazil because there's always so much expectation - if they don't totally dominate and entertain with tricks flicks and plenty goals, all of sudden the opponent is Brilliant and Brazil is crap and every one just laps it up.... It was Mexico's day today - they worked very very hard on both sides of the ball especially defensively - men real throw dey frame for the cause....in recent years Mexico has always proven a tough opponent for Brazil, but this game coulda gone either way, and for long periods it looked like Brazil was gonna play their way back into it without too much fuss, but it just wasn't meant to be - so it go sometimes....

Football / Re: This Is The Most Loved Team In Our History?
« on: July 16, 2012, 07:40:38 PM »
Think ah make out spanner George in the vid too...

Football / Re: Is there a better coach than Del Bosque?
« on: July 05, 2012, 11:24:06 AM »
Really difficult to measure and pick apart a manager's quality by merely watching the end product on TV.

Football / Re: Goal Line Technology
« on: July 05, 2012, 11:14:55 AM »
If the technology is properly designed that kind of scenario should not happen. 

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 29, 2012, 04:17:47 PM »
Ah eh guh lie, keeper fuh keeper, still not sure who better as of late between him and casillas,


Football / Re: Mario Balotelli
« on: June 29, 2012, 09:57:54 AM »
Funny eh, watch de vibe after he score in dis game and vs ireland as well, looks like (just based on de images), like he and cassano have a special bond, almost like de bond between two less loved step children, terrors alike.  nice to see man, happy fuh de yute, keep answerin wid yuh boots

Yeah they are both lunatics.  Cassano been ballin' though - I eh know if yuh realize but he hitting some form. 

The Oasis brothers like Balo alot too - again lunatics.

He's also good buddies with David Santon from what I hear... 

Balo had an atypical experience growing up which has clearly affected him - If he could manage to stay focused on football and have a solid successful career, I think he will be fondly remembered for a very long time...but he will need his footballing exploits to exceed everything else.

Football / Re: Mario Balotelli
« on: June 29, 2012, 09:51:36 AM »
What are the odds of Mario Balotelli changing his name, much like Cassius Clay did years ago, sometime during his career?

I wouldn't be surprised if it happened.

Well Balotelli isn't his birth name...so you could say he did that already....

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 28, 2012, 03:55:16 PM »
Well done Balo... two nice goals... woulda been nice to see a hattrick.  Is he injured for the final?

Pirlo jed!! damn!

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 19, 2012, 08:54:16 PM »
England was always winning that game today.  Hate them of love them they are a bigger team than Ukraine and they more accustomed to winning.... Ukraine had chances and they had alot of territorial advantage but somehow they never looked like winning.  I called it after the Sweden game that England would beat Ukraine in a heart breaker.  To be honest England also looked like they had more gears in reserve so I wouldn't really judge them on this game.  I've seen many a game where the lesser team runs the more established team around and gives them a few scares and still ends up on the losing end...sometimes by a few goals well - For me, this game was set up to be that kind of game from the start. 

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 16, 2012, 08:43:28 PM »
I don't follow you about the insecurity complex... what is there to be insecure about?  I watch and enjoy all good football and I personally try to be objective and appreciate it wherever it originates, with a little bias based on personal preference like everybody else, so I don't follow you.  I support a team, not a league.  I'm not one of them men who blindly backing a team from a particular league...

As for the England - France game, I wasn't calling for England to play any one way or the other - they played for a result and got it.  Who eh like how they do it (even if that includes me), that's not England problem - them men there to do a job...

I was just giving my interpretation of what Elan was implying by responding to tenorsaw.  England played an exciting game against Sweden and the plaudits of EPL's excitement factor came showering down... Elan reasonably (to me) asked "where was all that excitement the France game?"  I doh see what the fuss is all about. 

I similarly doh see what the fuss is about Tenorsaw's comment either... he said you have to like the EPL brand of football, it's not always pretty, but it's exciting.  Elan countered by mentioning the France game. My point is that England didn't play a typical "EPL game" versus France, but more a boring defensive, cautious game, hoping for the counter, ala Stoke City.  So since this particular style isn't typical of the EPL game, you cannot use the France game to counter Tenor's point about the excitement of the EPL brand.

As for the "insecurity" comment... seems that every time a comment is made referencing the EPL as the best, most exciting etc.  you are one of the first men to comment about bias towards the English game and it eh all dat and Spain better... I eh quoting yuh verbatim so leh we eh argue about what yuh actually say on those occasions.  For me, fuh ah man to be doing that year after year says he still feels insecure about his preferred league... if you confident in your heart that La Liga is better then you wouldn't have to be defending it at every slight, real or imagined.  Not saying this is what yuh doing, but just how I see it.  Tenor want tuh praise he EPL woman... rock so with yuh bo-bo foot La Liga gyul and 'low de man nah  ;D

Nah not me...Madrid is my side but if yuh check back I doh blindly fly no spanish league flag - that league have real issues with the way they handle TV rights that f-ing it up bad...look at the immense gap the Madrid and Barca open up over the pack in the last 5 or so seasons...it bordering on being a joke.  Madrid is my side, and I admire alot about the style of many teams in Spain, but I doh put my head on a block for that league...They not doing a good job of keeping league competitive in my opinion...I does even get jones off the amateur production quality of the broadcasts..yuh can't get no vibes off plenty la liga games....But what does annoy me is the nonsensical statements I hear men make about the EPL (not tenorsaw's statement) that in my opinion are a reflection of an inferiority complex...Either way, I does siddong and watch my EPL (and la liga) every weekend because I just like football. 

I think Elan's post was tongue in cheek...

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 16, 2012, 09:47:42 AM »

You singing this same blasted song fuh de past 5 years... change yuh tune arready nah?  Dat sound like ah real insecurity complex.  We get it, allyuh like 101 5 yard passes with man stopping fuh siesta in de middle of the match.  Nice. 

The France match couldn't be played this way because Roy decided to play things more cautiously a) because the French midfield and attack deadly, b) because it was the opening match.  Silly to be comparing the two matches when England decidedly did not play an EPL type of game, unless you believe Stoke football is representative of EPL football.

I don't follow you about the insecurity complex... what is there to be insecure about?  I watch and enjoy all good football and I personally try to be objective and appreciate it wherever it originates, with a little bias based on personal preference like everybody else, so I don't follow you.  I support a team, not a league.  I'm not one of them men who blindly backing a team from a particular league...

As for the England - France game, I wasn't calling for England to play any one way or the other - they played for a result and got it.  Who eh like how they do it (even if that includes me), that's not England problem - them men there to do a job...

I was just giving my interpretation of what Elan was implying by responding to tenorsaw.  England played an exciting game against Sweden and the plaudits of EPL's excitement factor came showering down... Elan reasonably (to me) asked "where was all that excitement the France game?"  I doh see what the fuss is all about. 

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 15, 2012, 11:00:25 PM »
best game so far

Men does hate on the EPL, but yuh gotta admit, it damn exciting.  Forget bout technical quality; the frantic pace is real exciting.  Not really an England selection fan, but good to see Steveie G play two in a row and come through unscathed, as well as to see Carroll score.  Quandry for Hodgson: Carroll or Welbeck to partner Rooney?  Or, does Rooney come off the bench for a 35-40 min run?

Where was the EPL when they met Ligue 1   :devil:

Dan, they finish 1-1, right?

His point was that it wasn't that exciting against France....as you say it is. 

I doh hate on EPL eh but it annoying to hear ppl who talk like that's the only football it have going on in the world...And there are alot of those people. 

btw Nice goal by Wellbeck jed! England deserved the win today - not a great performance but probably very close to as good as you'll get from this England line-up and a last minute manager installment.... and def the better side on the night.  I expect them to beat Ukraine too.... in a heart-breaker as the home side will leave everything on the pitch...

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 15, 2012, 07:45:19 AM »
For any of you wishing you were in Guyana's place right now, trust me, its worse being there and being totally outclassed than it is not being there.
Tough luck dey worm.  yuhs guys was up against the best team in football, so it's not so bad being out classed by the worlds champs.

as for the guyana comments, i am of the opinion that we could have gotten out the group with relative ease, "only if" we had a good program, a knowledgeable capable coach and staff, and time to gel as a team with the proper preparation. costa rica right now is not the costa rica of old, and el salvador is and has always been our bitch.

guyana on the other hand don't have much quality, you could give them pep gaurdiola and rijkard as his assistant and they would still bum, they just don't have the quality. now remember, a team with a plan is better than a team of talented players and no system. yes guyana beat us on that day, but the question is, could they do it on a consistent basis, and do they have more quality than us ? and i still maintain that the obvious answer to that is ah big fat no.

JC you living in the past.  Just like you saying CR isn't the team of old - the same goes for us.  It's always a softer blow to the ego to blame the administration and prep but the fact is we don't have the quality either.  Our prep was never good- our administration was never good...there was a time we had talent to pull us out - we don't anymore.  But lewwe doh hijack this thread with that talk....

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 14, 2012, 04:28:29 PM »
Tomorrow is England so it will be real hype - even though England is tata, hype does just follow them for some reason... Yuh will get your dose of excitement.

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 14, 2012, 04:22:32 PM »
Ah just wasnt getting no vibes from the commentary ah was reading. And normally people woulda post and say "Ay this match is rel pace!"

Both games were good. 

Italy real ball in the 1st 45 then pop down in the 2nd half/Croatia figured them out - the football itself i the 2nd half wasn't very pleasing on the eye but it was a close contest.

Spain game was a clinic - not exciting from a competitive standpoint because of the gulf in class, but very very high level of quality from Spain - was nice to watch...and plenty goals too so not boring. 

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 14, 2012, 04:05:23 PM »
Was it just me or were the matches today kind of boring compared to the others?

Albeit, I did not watch either of them, but still...

How do you figure they were boring then?

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 14, 2012, 02:26:04 PM »
Mango look Fabregas now execute at the far post from an angle...

More instruction video for Balotelli... ;)

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 13, 2012, 04:46:00 PM »
Well he said:

"All Balo had to do was blast the ball high or low last post and he was getting the same result."

That sound to me like he was assuming Balo woulda score...


Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 13, 2012, 04:25:42 PM »
Mango - Gomez angle was different...

  Nice try, Kicker, but, "eehhhp! Wrong answer!"  With how much ever of a difference in angle you found with your protractor, it changes nothing of what I said: All Balo had to do was blast the ball high or low last post and he was getting the same result. 

The opportunities on goal were not the same... they simply were not.  The angles were different, the way Gomez ran onto the ball was different, the way the ball was played into him was different -it was just a different opportunity on goal... so I dunno how you know what the result woudla been?  All a bunch of coulda woulda shoulda....Look I not saying Balo sholud not have gone for the far post...If you could see that from your TV, then we all know that's the right conclusion  ;D..... but to assume that he would have had success based on Gomez's goal is very speculative. 

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 13, 2012, 03:34:45 PM »
Mango - Gomez angle was different...

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 13, 2012, 02:45:40 PM »
After the Netherlands scored, you'd think they'd make a strong run for it but it never happened...They looked really poor.  The Germans put on a real professional display, particularly after they conceded. 

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 12, 2012, 04:17:41 PM »
They need to put up Ballack resume every time they show him on-screen?


Aside from that, saying that ESPN looking for "wild and exciteable" analysts is as nonsensical as calling Barkley and Kenny Smith "wild and exciteable".  Barkley is in the TNT studio because he's funny and to an extent unpredictable.  He's a great quote machine and has always been throughout his career.  He's no different from Ray Hudson in that regard so to draw up some dichotomy of approach between supposedly "American tastes" and "our" footballing tastes on that point is simply dishonest.

ESPN appears to go after former US players who are "accomplished" and who have personality.  In that regard Lalas fits the bill in his own limited way, perhaps moreso than any other US player current or retired.  The problem with the ESPN approach is that they seem to be treating him (or allowing him to see himself) as some kinda expert, which he isn't.  His resume pales in comparison to most of the other guests they employ (except he lacks the humility to recognize this... or otherwise thinks it insignificant), yet he opines in such a manner as to suggest that he is their equal or better.

All that said, I didn't think the exchange was as significant as men was making it out to be.


All this talk, and the respective scorelines aside... we are seeing some real quality football at this tournament.  Selassie was good in the first game for the Czech Republic... but he was brilliant tonight.  Same for Jiracek or whatever the first goal scorer name is.  For Greece, Samaras leave everything on the pitch tonight.

Lalas persona as a player was very light-hearted... almost hippyish even his appearance, with his long hair, beard, guitar playing and singing etc..

Ever since he crossed over to a front office position in the MLS, and now in front the camera in a serious capacity, I find his vibe to be difficult to stomach.  He's not a pleasant on-screen personality at all.  There are ways to disagree with your co-host and still be cool...The guy coming off as someone who takes himself too seriously...which is a complete 180 to his image as a player to my recollection. 

But I agree with you - not significant. I found it abit awkward though - they brought more attention to themselves than I imagine was intended by the producers of the post-game show... Anyways.....

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 12, 2012, 03:56:27 PM »
Ah rel like how Poland eh backing down, is ah rel battle on the field.  :duel:

  Czech Republic in trouble.....they eh sure to advance.

Czechs real weak dis rongs - if they get through they do real good... Especially as yuh see they lose Rosicky half way through this last game, and they kinda fall apart after that... Wouldn't be surprised if Poland deal with them good and proper. 

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 12, 2012, 10:23:58 AM »
lol @ the Dalai lama gif...

Allyuh fellas real f-ing funny jed. 

Football / Re: Bad choice by balotelli.
« on: June 11, 2012, 02:55:44 PM »
Yeah Andre for real - I made that point about Torres in another thread - way too much lingering on Balotelli - time to move on. 

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 11, 2012, 02:07:08 PM »
Sheva for president.

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 11, 2012, 02:05:05 PM »
Ibra not on Sheva level...

Ibra good but Sheva in his prime was on a different tier. 

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: June 11, 2012, 02:00:23 PM »
Ballack has that direct and dry German delivery - plus his English (while good) is clearly not fluent so he not mincing his words...and Lalas just too forceful and bull-headed with his opinion - Not to mention, Ballack has a more cultured perspective on football as he is more exposed and has more experience...so the two personalities don't mix well... or maybe they mix very well if you like conflict and awkward on air moments.

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