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Messages - kicker

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Brown Sugar - Not too long ago Rotts had the same reputation as Pits. 

General Discussion / Re: 6 Year Old Girl Arrested in GA
« on: April 23, 2012, 01:27:45 PM »
How are handcuffs excessive but "licks" appropriate?

Football / Re: 2011/12 Premier League Thread.
« on: April 23, 2012, 01:04:49 PM »
I now watching footage of the press conference after the wolves- man city game.
I feeling it for Terry Connor. Relegation real hurting him. He was always in a bad position though.
Wolves play a better brand now than with Mick McCarthy, but without the results.

I have this feeling the board fired Mick to ensure there was no miracle finish, but since his start with the club, they were working on a skeleton budget. Them doh want a coach, they want a magician.

I feel it for TC... he was put into a situation in which he would never succeed, but at least he gets to say that he had a bit of managerial experience in the Prem.

Side note:

Say what you want about the English broadcasters... nobody in my mind is better at what they do.  Today's game was played under overcast skies before the heaven's opened up in the second half.  After City's second goal (sealing Wolve's relegation) the commentator said:

"Clouds are forming over Molineux... meteorologically and metaphorically."  Brilliant.

Meanwhile his analyst could go 2-3 minutes without saying anything... you almost forget that he's there, until you need some moment of insight, which he timely offers.  So much better than the constant, breakneck chatter of the Americans AND latino announcers.

I eh think people fault the brit commentary for lack of creativity, eloquence/articulateness - Brit commentators generally present very well.... I think however that they are sometimes viewed as a bit narrow-minded in their views of the game, more specifically very pro Brit and everything associated with it (strong proponents of the british style of play for e.g., or overly anxious to label a player like Lampard or Bale or Rooney as the best in the world etc...).  That said, I think there might just be a few that spoiled it for the larger lot...Martin Tyler for e.g. I find always had a very global appreciation for the game, not to mention his commentary is very easy on the ear - arguably the best of our generation. 

Football / Re: Mario Balotelli
« on: April 23, 2012, 09:36:27 AM »
If iz one man could relate to Mario is Noel Gallagher because when it come to being a freakin' head case, Noel (and he brother) take the cake and ice cream....

Football / Re: 2012 Champions League Thread (Chelsea v Barcelona).
« on: April 21, 2012, 06:46:03 PM »

To be honest,the word "if" have a big say in any theory about which is more advantageous but the advantages does really start to play out when the first team score.  "If" Barca woulda score any or all of them (easy) chances they had, nobody would be talkin' 'bout them having any kinda advantage now nuh.     

Yeah first goal very crucial.

Football / Re: FC Barcelona v Real Madrid • 21 April 2012
« on: April 21, 2012, 06:35:20 PM »
Toppa that Bayern match will be a serious alley fight but I feel we have that game so long as Mourinho doh overthink it and f*ck it up.  All we hadda do is figure out a way to neutralize their wing play - Robben, Ribery and Lahm killed us in the final 20 of that first match...

Barca will beat Chelsea but I think they will need a clean sheet and that part I not sure about.  I seeing a 2-1 Barca and Chelsea through or a 3-1 and Chelsea looking for the scappy 2nd away goal down in the dregs and any card could play - either way unless Barca find that zing that's been kinda missing it will be a very uncomfortable match for both sets of fans.

Football / Re: FC Barcelona v Real Madrid • 21 April 2012
« on: April 21, 2012, 03:15:32 PM »
Congratulations to Real Madrid and their supporters on an excellent victory at the Nou Camp. A special commendation goes out to Cristiano Ronaldo on a fine performance.
Ozil was my man of the match.

Football / Re: FC Barcelona v Real Madrid • 21 April 2012
« on: April 21, 2012, 02:24:48 PM »
Barataria - the number for today is 7.

In all seriousness been saying it, Barca looking a lil fatigued and wounded by their standards.  Xavi is clearly not 100% fit, Iniesta not on top form, Villa hurt, Abidal out, Pedro is not the Pedro of last season etc... On their day they can still kill anyone of course, but the rest of the top tier football world have a better shot of beating them on any given day.

Bayern Munich next!!

Football / Re: 2012 Champions League Thread (Chelsea v Barcelona).
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:02:55 PM »
Ah bitter!!

We rock dey post, miss from point blank range and as usual had the lion's share of possession.


A mountain to climb next Tue.

In theory, if yuh truly better than them, yuh should be able to beat them at home by more than they beat you at home....

But this is where the psychology of the home and away system comes into effect.  Up to recently I woulda say that I always preferred to have the home game last -but recently I startin' to figure that the advantage is held by the team that plays at home first...I think it's easier to win at home when yuh don't HAVE to win at home -that added pressure, plus the away team's driver seat position established in the first leg makes it really difficult for real. 

plus if barca (the home team) leading 1-0 after 90 mins... chelsea (the away team) will then have 30 more mins than barca had to get an away goal...

... if that making sense


Football / Re: 2012 Champions League Thread (Chelsea v Barcelona).
« on: April 19, 2012, 03:25:20 PM »
Ah bitter!!

We rock dey post, miss from point blank range and as usual had the lion's share of possession.


A mountain to climb next Tue.

In theory, if yuh truly better than them, yuh should be able to beat them at home by more than they beat you at home....

But this is where the psychology of the home and away system comes into effect.  Up to recently I woulda say that I always preferred to have the home game last -but recently I startin' to figure that the advantage is held by the team that plays at home first...I think it's easier to win at home when yuh don't HAVE to win at home -that added pressure, plus the away team's driver seat position established in the first leg makes it really difficult for real. 

Congrats Mumba.  Well done. 

General Discussion / Re: aslylumseeker how dis meat does taste?
« on: April 19, 2012, 10:20:49 AM »
  You're right, it wasn't supposed to be that serious.....but it was serious enough to invoke the "Socratic Method" though, right?  (not to mention, it get you to admit feelings of guilt for feeing more sympathy for one group of animals than for another).  But seriously, Mr. Moderator-in-hiding, What was the purpose of the question on your buddy's part, not to supposedly invoke discussion and challenge "conventional" thinking?  All for what, just to say you getting people to agree or learn that torturing of all animals is bad?  Yuh know I really didn't know dat until allyuh enlighten meh? ssssteuwps! kicker, allyuh good oui! The only reason yuh find anything I say to be "inappropriate" (as ususl) is because yuh disagree.

I did NOT disagree with your response. I actually said that before.  I explained why I thought your response was inappropriate - you think it was appropriate - ok cool.

Tell meh ah bein' inappropriate when ah cuss women and decent people  and as for ribbit's "endorsement"....nice try, but I know you know damned well enough by now that I doh post on this site for the sake of being popular or to express a view because it's "safe". Dem kinda glee club behaviour is fuh dem convuhnt girls and fellas like you who need numbers and social allegiances to feel validated or allegedly intillectually superior

Really? All that? ok lol

Notice I comment on what you wrote - not about you- stay in yuh crease.

The part about Ribbit was a joke - so how about this: take a  f-ing joke - full stop

I care just as much about who and how many people agree with me (or "endorse" my comments, to use your word) as I do about what you had for breakfast 44 years ago today.....or if yuh even eat at all that day.     

One setta antagonistic antics you carryin' on with but yuh doh care lol. 

I have no issue wid you hoss, I done.

best football game sI seen in a while. Top class quality.

Laverkusen hadda be real good to be winning the Bundesliga ahead of Bayern.
I rememebr at one point last year, Bayern went almost 10 game without Neuer conceeding a goal.

Would love to see them in the final..

Dortmund not Leverkusen. 

Football / Re: 2012 Champions League Thread (Chelsea v Barcelona).
« on: April 18, 2012, 06:53:30 PM »
Don't usually applaud the kinda football Chelsea played today but when the plan works it hard to vex wid dem...

That last sequence Barca had when it hit the post then Busquets throw way summed up the game.  It was just Chelsea's night tonight. 

Both semi final return legs will be insane. 

General Discussion / Re: aslylumseeker how dis meat does taste?
« on: April 18, 2012, 08:09:30 AM »
Yeah boy - seeker drop a bomb there lol...

yeah 2-1 is a good losing score....3-2 or 4-3 even better but those are low percentage scorelines...so yeah I'll take 2-1 but it still gives us plenty work to do...

I wanted at least a 2-2 draw. steups

There's no way Madrid team designed to score an early goal and defend a 1-0 lead at home.

Second leg will be...interesting.

I hate it when Mourinho tries his 'tactics'. Gah.

I was happy ok at 1-1 and at that point we weres starting to control the match...I was sure we were gonna keep going for it and eventually sneak a winner in... then I see dem men drop deep and just start giving Bayern the ball...I shake my head 'cause I knew what was coming. 

General Discussion / Re: aslylumseeker how dis meat does taste?
« on: April 17, 2012, 03:30:14 PM »
Somebody also ask meh if yuh does hadda eat dog sideways  ...

oh boy....

yeah 2-1 is a good losing score....3-2 or 4-3 even better but those are low percentage scorelines...so yeah I'll take 2-1 but it still gives us plenty work to do...

arsehole Mourinho and his negative tactics gone wrong...

clearly was happy with 1-1 and decided to sit back, but Madrid not built to sit back...coulda lost by more actually...oh well.

General Discussion / Re: aslylumseeker how dis meat does taste?
« on: April 17, 2012, 08:29:44 AM »

General Discussion / Re: aslylumseeker how dis meat does taste?
« on: April 17, 2012, 07:27:24 AM »
kicker, I am not trying to say anything new or enlighten anyone here.  I am simply reinforcing what is already so obvious that neither you nor your esteemed friend can't see the forest from the trees.  (by the way, he is not telling us anything we don't already know, either.)  In yuh padnah attempt to impose his intellectual will on us here, he is forgetting that people would have already had their moments of introspection at the times of their own knowledge of how the animals we do consume for our basic nutrition and existence, are treated.  The two of you really think that most, it not all of us reading this thread don't already know how animals are treated in meat and poultry slaughterhouses? Nigga please!  Do you eat meat, kicker?  Do you love cats and/or dogs?  Have you ever asked yourself the Socratic question while having your own Socratic moments?  Has it made you done anything drastic to the cause, like become a vegetarian or join PETA? I seriously doubt it has and you are one of the more higher-thinking and enlightened ones among us, so where does that leave the rest of us?  Yuh padnah arkskin' d wrong qestion to d wrong audience.  "Duh!"

Easy Mango lol... it not that serious and honestly, yuh starting to say some things that are totally beside the point and frankly not even making sense....who said anything about prompting a vegetarian lifestyle or joining PETA...or doing anything drastic for that matter?  And you say I'm missing the forest for the trees? hahaha.... Anyhow, "Duh" implies that you're stating the obvious for those who can't see it, which is clearly not the case which is why I said your response was inappropriate...that was my point (or part of it) but like you gone off on a tangent here which lacking relevance on all fronts - but at least you have ribbit's endorsement for what that's worth.


General Discussion / Re: aslylumseeker how dis meat does taste?
« on: April 16, 2012, 02:19:16 PM »
kicker, your analysis of the question is missing the shift in context. the "tortured dogs" was in an asian context while the "cattle" and "slaughterhouse" reference was clearly from a western context. mango chow has a point.

bakes, how de hell you could be a lawyer when you cyah ask a proper question?

ok  :-\

General Discussion / Re: aslylumseeker how dis meat does taste?
« on: April 16, 2012, 11:15:07 AM »
Mango yuh not saying anything that we don't already know.

Bakes' question was obviously not a purely literal question, hence the reference to the socratic method - so your initial "duh" type response was not appropriate, as it was the obvious answer and didn't shed any more light on the issue....Clearly no one is disputing the fact that we have a different relationship with certain domesticated animals -that's the whole point...the point was probably more to discuss whether or not the conventional wisdom or the commonly accepted obvious answer (as you responded) is actually sufficient to warrant the disparate treatment of different types of animals, and use that as a platform to explore other potential reasons, or possibly even criticize/critique the accepted human rationale in this context...

Football / Re: Dwight Yorke blasted on Twitter
« on: April 16, 2012, 09:29:05 AM »
Those sound like bitter Villa supporters....remember they never forgave him for leaving them and going to ManU..... same with Ashley Young, who was again influential in the out come.

Not to mention, he doesn't come off like the sharpest tool in the shed either...just to be fair.

General Discussion / Re: aslylumseeker how dis meat does taste?
« on: April 12, 2012, 12:47:13 PM »

  Obviously it's because of the closer relationship that man has developed throughout our existence with cats and dogs that people view their inhumane treatment differently, duh!!  I'm quite sure it would be a lot less difficult to watch a video of the behind-the-scenes- goings on in a chicken farm or abattoir than it would be to watch these videos as even you can't stomach watching them.

That's what I meant by sentiment. 

There are many who feel the same way about cattle and other animals, as westerners by and large feel about dogs and other domesticated pets...so holding that constant yuh realize it's the same shit. 

If in the "beggining of time" mankind didn't develop the known today relationship with dogs and cats, and big business put their bucks behind dog farming for food production, (as they do behind cattle farming for e.g.), most of us wouldn't give a damn about what's happening to those dogs....

There's also a slanted social/societal dynamic at play here where popular western customs and morals dictated primarily by the North American and European superpowers are assumed to be or accepted as more "normal" , "civilized" or "acceptable" than those of the east for e.g...  That stigma (alot of which has been aided by shameless propaganda) adds to the shock value of this kind thing. 

As bakes say - killing an animal is killing an animal.  One should not be more shocking than the other...but it is - admittedly even so for me. 

General Discussion / Re: aslylumseeker how dis meat does taste?
« on: April 12, 2012, 07:35:44 AM »
Dog is a delicacy in chinese cuisine... much the way we does eat wild meat.  No doubt in certain localities it might be more common.  People seeing these images and running with it, making it seem as though everybody in China (and expatriate storefront restaurants) does eat dog.  I didn't watch the videos, and have no plans to watch them... but how is torture of the dogs different from the inhumane treatment of cattle in the slaughterhouses of the beef industry? 

It isn't except for sentiment and more importantly backing by big business. 

General Discussion / Re: how come it so easy to lose a trini accent?
« on: April 11, 2012, 12:17:13 PM »
I've lost a lot of my trini accent but I still have the inability to properly enunciate my "th's"

Talk about Trini's loosing their accent, what about identity... A couple years ago the wife and I threw a party and one of our guest brought an Indian woman. Trini Indians are a bit different in appearance from India's Indians (no... not because our indians fail to bobble their heads when they speak) but some of the words she used in constructing her sentences were more or less trini... like "it have." Only trinis I know use this phrase, so I asked her which part of trinidad she from, she say she's from India... with faint hints of a trini accent.  :-\

Trini accent/dialect as we know it today has a very large indian influence. 

Not surprising that you hear similarities between accents from Trinidad and (certain parts of) India - I recognize the similarities very often as well. 

Football / Re: German Football
« on: April 11, 2012, 10:02:01 AM »
big match today - bayern vs. dortmund.

winner get 1st place.

Yeah huge game.

General Discussion / Re: how come it so easy to lose a trini accent?
« on: April 10, 2012, 03:14:05 PM »
how it is dey does understand "well spoken" jamaicans, dem doh change dey accent for nobody,

Yuh talkin' sh*t.  It have plenty Jamaicans twangin' dey yankee real hard... Dem does switch code like a programer...

Stay dey and get tie up. 

Football / Re: Mario Balotelli
« on: April 10, 2012, 03:10:07 PM »
Mango - Pepe mad no ras... He's a different level of insanity and I think everyone (including himself) acknowledges that. 

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